
Defines functions getIndividualParameters getPkData setModelToAverageRat plotAverageRat plotMMCurve plotMMKinetics getMMRateFaster getMMRateFast getMMCurve get2ComptModelCurve pkOdeModel2Compartments getExampleParameters getCoefVariationHB getExpectationHB getPkModelArticle oneCompartmentOralModel

Documented in get2ComptModelCurve getExampleParameters getIndividualParameters getMMCurve getPkData getPkModelArticle oneCompartmentOralModel pkOdeModel2Compartments plotAverageRat plotMMCurve plotMMKinetics setModelToAverageRat

### Project: microsamplingDesign                                           ###
###                                                                        ###
### Description: model functions (input is parameters and time points,     ###
###                       output is prediction at each time point)         ###
###                                                                        ###
###                                                                        ###
###                                                                        ###
###                                                                        ###
### Author: ablommaert                                                     ### 
###         <adriaan.blommaert@openanalytics.eu>                           ###
###                                                                        ###
###                                                                        ###
### Maintainer:ablommaert                                                  ###
###       <adriaan.blommaert@openanalytics.eu>                             ###
###                                                                        ###  
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### version 0.1                                                            ###
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### changes:                                                               ###
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if( 0 == 1 ) {

# example  
pkModel                  <-  getPkModelArticle()  
parametersFrame          <-  getParameters( pkModel )
parameters               <-  parametersFrame$value
names(parameters)        <-  parametersFrame$parameter
dosingModel              <-  getDosingInfo( pkModel )
times                    <-  seq( 0, 12 , 0.5 ) 
plasmaConcentration      <-  oneCompartmentOralModel( parameters , time = times , dosingInfo = dosingModel )
plot( x = times , y =  plasmaConcentration , type = "line" ,  lwd = 3 , xlab = 'Conc.' , ylab = "Time (hrs)")

# test error messages dosing
  multipleDoses  <-  data.frame( time = c( 0 , 2 ) , dose = c(1,2) )
  testErrorMultipleDoses      <-  oneCompartmentOralModel( parameters , time = times , dosingInfo = multipleDoses )

# test data generation in function getPkData
  parameters               <-  indParamList[[1]] 
  time                     <-  timePoints
  dosingInfo               <-  getDosingInfo( pkModel )
# check not change in data generation ( individual parameter )
  test_orig                 <-  microsamplingDesign::getPkData( microsamplingDesign::getExamplePkModel() , 1:5 , 3 , 7 )  
  test_new                  <-  getPkData( getExamplePkModel() , 1:5 , 3 , 7 )  # error 
  identical( str(test_orig) , str(test_new)  )
  identical( test_orig@.Data , test_new@.Data  ) # identicla data is ok 
  identical( test_orig@.Data , test_new@.Data  )
  # test whether other model is working
  test_new                  <-  getPkData( getPkModelArticle() , 1:5 , 3 , 7 )  # error 
  identical( test_orig , test_new ) # works but no correlation matrix 
  # TODO test on example with correlaiton matrix specifid 

#' solution of one compartmental oral administration model
#' only use one set of parameters, times can input can be an numeric array
#' @param parameters a numeric verctor of parameters as input to the model with names
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item Ka: constant absorption rate
#'     \item Ke: constant elimination rate
#'     \item dose: initial dose
#'     \item volume: volume to which the dose is administered
#' }
#' @param time a numeric vector containing timePoints at which the concentration should be predicted
#' timepoint zero is defined as the moment the dose is administered
#' @param dosingInfo see \code{link{PkModel-class}} but opnly one dose at time zero allowed
#' @return vector of concentrations corresponding to the input timePoints 
#' @export 
oneCompartmentOralModel        <-  function( parameters , time , dosingInfo  ) {
  ## dosing info ( only one dose at time zero is allowed )
 errorMessageDose              <-   "For the 'oneCompartmentOralModel' only one dose at time zero is allowed" 
 boolNDosesOk                  <-  nrow( dosingInfo ) == 1
 boolDosingTimeOk              <-  dosingInfo$time  == 0
 boolDosingInfoOk              <-  (  boolNDosesOk && boolDosingTimeOk )
 if( ! boolDosingInfoOk ) {
   stop( errorMessageDose )
 dose                     <-  dosingInfo$dose
  ## extract parameters
  Ke                       <-  unlist( parameters[ "Ke" ]     )
  Ka                       <-  unlist( parameters[ "Ka" ]     )
  volume                   <-  unlist( parameters[ "volume" ] )
  ## calculations
  C                        <-  ( dose / volume )
  AEt                      <-  exp( - Ke * time ) - exp( - Ka * time )  
  Cnst                     <-  ( Ka / ( Ka - Ke ) )
  concentration            <-  Cnst * C * AEt
  return( concentration )

### example Pkmodel object

if( 0 == 1 ) {
  pkHBModel        <-  getPkModelArticle()
  summary( pkHBModel )
  # get example data
  getPkData( pkHBModel , c(0 ,1 , 2 , 4  ) ,  nSubjectsPerScheme = 2  , nSamples = 3 )
  plotAverageRat( pkHBModel , doseZero = 5 ,  timePoints = seq( 0, 10 , 0.5 ) )
  plotObject( pkHBModel , seq( 0, 10 , 0.5 ) , ncurves = 10 , nSamplesIntegration = 10  )

#' reproduce the example of the article of Helen Barnet et al. 
#' @note this models serves only to reproduce results of the article, 
#' and allows only 1 dose administered at time 0. 
#' @examples
#'   model       <-  getPkModelArticle()
#'   summary( model )
#'   testData    <-    getPkData( model , 1:12 , nSubjectsPerScheme = 3 , nSamples = 7 )
#'   plotObject( model , times = 0:12  )
#'    plotAverageRat( model , doseZero = 100 , timePoints = seq(0,12,0.5) )
#' @export
getPkModelArticle       <- function() {
  ## parameters is in article
  parametrizationHB           <-  data.frame(
      parameter                   =  c( "volume"              , "Ka"                       , "Ke" ) ,
      description                 =  c( "volumeplasma"  , "absorption coefficient"   , "excretion coefficient" ) ,
      value                       =  c( 15  , 2 ,  0.25 ) ,
      varianceRandomEffects       =  c( 0.1 , 1 , 0.25  ) ,
      stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  doseArticle                 <-  100
  parameterNames              <-  parametrizationHB$parameter
  betaVector                  <-  parametrizationHB$value
  sHat2Vector                 <-  parametrizationHB$varianceRandomEffects
  ## parameters is in this package 
  parametrizationPackage      <-  data.frame(
      parameter                  =  parameterNames ,
      value                      =  getExpectationHB( beta = betaVector , sHat2 = sHat2Vector ) ,
      coeffVariation             =  getCoefVariationHB( beta = betaVector , sHat2 = sHat2Vector ), 
      stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  dosingInfoModel             <-  data.frame( time = 0 , dose = doseArticle , stringsAsFactors = TRUE )
  ## correlation between parameters 
  nParam                  <-  nrow( parametrizationPackage )
  correlationMatrix       <-  diag( rep( 1 , nParam )  )
  colnames( correlationMatrix )  <-  parameterNames
  rownames( correlationMatrix )  <-  parameterNames
  ## construct model
  pkModel                     <- new( "PkModel" ,
      modelFunction       =  oneCompartmentOralModel , 
      parameters          =  parametrizationPackage ,
      dosingInfo          =  dosingInfoModel,
      coeffVariationError = 0.5 ,
      correlationMatrix   =  correlationMatrix )
  return( pkModel )

#some helper functions 

getExpectationHB               <-  function( beta , sHat2 ) {
  beta * exp( sHat2 /2  )

getCoefVariationHB             <-  function( beta , sHat2 ) {
  top                          <- sqrt( ( exp( sHat2 ) - 1 ) * exp( sHat2)  )
  bottom                       <- exp( sHat2 /2  )
  return( top / bottom ) 

#' get example parameters to use in \code{\link{pkOdeModel2Compartments}} example
getExampleParameters                  <- function() {
  list(F = 1 ,   volumePlasma = 10 , Cld = 1.5*10 , volumeTissue = 15 , 
      VmaxAbsorption = NULL , kappaMMAbsorption = NULL , KaConstant = 5 ,
      VmaxClearance = NULL , kappaMMClearance = NULL   , ClConstant = 2*10

#' Set of differential equations representing two compartmental pk model with possible Michaelis-Menten kinetics at absorption and clearance
#' used as interal function
#' @param t numeric representing time in the system
#' @param y list of state variables ( dose in gut , concentration in plasma , concentration in tissue )
#' @keywords internal
pkOdeModel2Compartments             <-  function( t , y , parameters ) {
  # extract parameters
  with( parameters , {

        # MM kinetic
#        MMAbsorption                <-  getMMCurve( x = y[ "gutDose" ] , VmaxAbsorption , kappaMMAbsorption ,  KaConstant   ) 
#        AbsorptionRate              <-  MMAbsorption[ , "rate" ]                             # full rate: (ka * C)
#        MMClearance                 <-  getMMCurve( x = y[ "plasmaConcentration" ] , VmaxClearance , kappaMMClearance , ClConstant     )                             
#        clearanceRate               <-  MMClearance[ , "rate" ]
       # faster MM kinetics 
         AbsorptionRate              <-  getMMRateFast( x = y[ "gutDose" ] , VmaxAbsorption , kappaMMAbsorption ,  KaConstant   )                           # full rate: (ka * C)
         clearanceRate               <-  getMMRateFast( x = y[ "plasmaConcentration" ] , VmaxClearance , kappaMMClearance , ClConstant  )
        #differential equations (correct order!)
        dGut                        <-  - AbsorptionRate 
        dC                          <-  (
              F * AbsorptionRate + 
              -clearanceRate +
              -Cld * y[ "plasmaConcentration" ] +
              Cld * y[ "tissueConcentration" ]  
              )   / volumePlasma 
        dCt                         <-  ( 
              Cld * y[ "plasmaConcentration" ] + 
              -Cld * y[ "tissueConcentration" ] 
              )   / volumeTissue
        outputVector                <-  c( gutDose = dGut , plasmaConcentration = dC , tissueConcentration = dCt )
        names( outputVector )       <-  c( "gutDose" , "plasmaConcentration" ,  "tissueConcentration" )
        list( outputVector )

if( 0 == 1 ) {
  # debugging with example individual parameters
  testParam      <-  allIndividualParameters[ 1, ] # from function getPkData
  parameters     <-  testParam
  time           <-  seq(0,5,0.1)
  dosingInfo     <-  data.frame( time = c(0,1) , dose = c( 5, 2.5 ) )
  internalODEs   <-  pkOdeModel2Compartments 
  returnAll      <-  TRUE 


#' provides solution of two compartmental pharmacodynamic model at specified time points
#' @param parameters a list with correclty named input parameters
#' @param time a numeric vector of times
#' @param dosingInfo a data.frame with 2 colunmns
#' \itemize{
#'  \item time at which a dose is administered
#'  \item dose the amount administred to the gut
#' } 
#' @param internalODEs the model function used defaults to \code{pkOdeModel2Compartments}
#' @param returnAll logical indicator if \code{TRUE} the solutions of all response variables is returned as a \code{data.frame}
#' if \code{FALSE} only the plasma concentration is returned as a vector, defaults to \code{FALSE} 
#' @return \code{data.frame} or numeric vector of solutions, depending on the value of \code{returnAll}
#' @importFrom deSolve ode
#' @examples 
#'   pkModel               <-  getExamplePkModel()
#'   parameters            <-  getParameters( pkModel )
#'   testParameters        <-  parameters[ , "value"] 
#'   names(testParameters)  <-  parameters[ , "parameter"]
#'   time                  <-  seq( 0 , 3 , 0.1 )
#'   dosingInfo            <-  data.frame( time = c( 0 , 1 , 2) , 
#'        dose = c( 5 , 2 , 1.5 ) )
#'   get2ComptModelCurve( parameters = testParameters , time , dosingInfo )
#'   get2ComptModelCurve( parameters = testParameters, time ,
#'     dosingInfo , returnAll = TRUE )  
#' @export
get2ComptModelCurve                  <-  function( parameters , time , dosingInfo , internalODEs = pkOdeModel2Compartments ,
    returnAll = FALSE) {
  ##  format dosing information
  dosingEvents                <-  data.frame( var = "gutDose" , time = dosingInfo[ , "time" ] , 
      value =  dosingInfo[ , "dose" ], method = "add", stringsAsFactors = TRUE )
  ## initial conditions -- all zero dosing info completely in "dosingInfo"
  yInit                               <-  c( gutDose = 0 , plasmaConcentration = 0 , tissueConcentration = 0   )
  ##  solve equations 
  solution                            <-  ode( yInit , time , func =  internalODEs , 
      parms = as.list( parameters )  , events = list( data = dosingEvents  ) )
  ##   output processing
  if(returnAll == TRUE) {
    return( solution )
  } else {
    return( solution[ , "plasmaConcentration" ] )

#' calculate Michealis-Menten relation between x and velocity and rate  
#' @param x numeric vector,  independent variable in Michaelis-Menten function representing a concentration or dose
#' @param Vmax is the maximum rate ( x * Vmax / (kappaMM + x ) ) with increasing x
#' @param kappaMM scalar representing Michaelis-Menten constant wich is the x at the rate reaches half of Vmax
#' @param constantValue mumeric constant if not \code{NULL} , the rate equals
#'   x*constantValue with  Vmax and kappaMM are ignored,  defaults to \code{NA}
#' @return data.frame given te relation between concentration and velocity and rate with columns
#' \itemize{
#'   \item x
#'   \item velocity wich is rate/concentration
#'   \item rate rate  ( x * Vmax / (kappaMM + x ) 
#'   \item Vmax input value
#'   \item kappaMM input value
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   getMMCurve( x = seq( 0 , 1 , 0.01 ) , Vmax = 5 , kappaMM = 0.3 )
#'   getMMCurve( x = seq( 0 , 3 , 0.01 ) , Vmax = 5 , kappaMM = 0.3 )
#'   getMMCurve( x = seq( 0 , 1 , 0.01 ) , Vmax = 5 , kappaMM = 0.3 , constantValue = 3 ) 
getMMCurve              <-  function( x , Vmax  , kappaMM , constantValue = NA  ) {
  if( is.na(constantValue)  ) {
    velocity            <-  Vmax / ( kappaMM + x )
  } else {
    velocity            <-  constantValue
    Vmax                <-  NA
    kappaMM             <-  NA
  rate                  <-  velocity * x
  data.frame( x = x , velocity = velocity , rate = rate , Vmax = Vmax , kappaMM = kappaMM , stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
getMMRateFast      <-  function(  x , Vmax  , kappaMM , constantValue = NA  ){
  ifelse( is.na(constantValue) ,  Vmax / ( kappaMM + x ) * x , constantValue * x ) 

getMMRateFaster      <-  function(  x , Vmax  , kappaMM , constantValue = NA  ){
   Vmax / ( kappaMM + x ) * x  
} # no NA calculations 

if( 0 == 1 ) {
  pkModel                      <-  getExamplePkModel()
  times                        <-  seq( 0 ,  )
  doseRange                    <-  seq( 0 , 5 , 0.1 )
  concentrationRange           <-  seq( 0 , 2 , 0.1 )
  plotMMKinetics( pkModel = getExamplePkModel() , doseRange = seq( 0 , 5 , 0.1 ) , concentrationRange = seq( 0 , 2.5 , 0.1  ) )
  # reproduce strange result linear plot
  parameterInput            				    <-  read.csv( parameterFile$datapath , stringsAsFactors = FALSE   )
  dosingInfoInput               		    <-  read.csv( dosingFile$datapath , stringsAsFactors = FALSE  )
  pkModel                               <-  construct2CompModel( parameters = parameterInput , dosingInfo = dosingInfoInput  ) 
  plotMMKinetics( pkModel , doseRange = 1:10 , concentrationRange = 1:10)
 # adaptation: set ylimits (but not by default)

#' plot MM kinetics of both absorption and clearance 
#' @param pkModel an object of \code{\link{PkModel-class}}
#' @param doseRange numeric vector representing the range of doses for absorption plot
#' @param concentrationRange numeric vector representing the range of concentrations for the clearance plot
#' @param absorptionYRange numeric vector of size 2 specifying y-limits for the absorption plot, defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @param clearanceYRange numeric vector of size 2 specifying y-limits for the clearance plot, defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ylim
#' @examples
#'    plotMMKinetics( pkModel = getExamplePkModel() , 
#'       doseRange = seq( 0 , 5 , 0.1 ) , 
#'       concentrationRange = seq( 0 , 2.5 , 0.1  ) )
#'    plotMMKinetics( pkModel = getExamplePkModel() , 
#'        doseRange = seq( 0 , 5 , 0.1 ) , 
#'        concentrationRange = seq( 0 , 2.5 , 0.1  ) , 
#'        clearanceYRange = c( 0 , 50 ) , absorptionYRange = c( 0 , 10 )  )
#' @export 
plotMMKinetics                  <-  function( pkModel , doseRange , concentrationRange , absorptionYRange = NULL ,  clearanceYRange = NULL ) {
  ## extract model parameters
  modelParameters               <-  getParameters( pkModel )
  meanParameters                <-  as.vector( modelParameters[ , "value" ] , mode = "double" )
  names( meanParameters )       <-  modelParameters[ , "parameter" ]
  ## calculate kinetics 
  absorptionMMData              <-  getMMCurve( x = doseRange ,
    Vmax           =  as.vector( meanParameters[ "VmaxAbsorption" ] )   ,
    kappaMM        =  as.vector( meanParameters[ "kappaMMAbsorption" ]  ),
    constantValue  =  as.vector( meanParameters[ "KaConstant"]    )     
  clearanceMMData               <-  getMMCurve( x = concentrationRange ,
    Vmax           =  as.vector( meanParameters[ "VmaxClearance" ] )    ,
    kappaMM        =  as.vector( meanParameters[ "kappaMMClearance" ] ) ,
    constantValue  =  as.vector( meanParameters[ "ClConstant" ] )
  ## plot individual plots
  absorptionPlot                <-  plotMMCurve( absorptionMMData , "absorption" )
  clearancePlot                 <-  plotMMCurve( clearanceMMData  , "clearance"  )
  ## include y limits if specified 
  if( ! is.null(absorptionYRange) ) {
    absorptionPlot              <-  absorptionPlot + ylim( absorptionYRange )
  if( ! is.null(clearanceYRange) ) {
    clearancePlot               <-  clearancePlot + ylim( clearanceYRange )
  ## combine 2 plots
  twoPlots                      <-  grid.arrange( absorptionPlot , clearancePlot , nrow = 2)
  return( twoPlots )

#' plot Michealis-Menten curve for either capacity dependent absorption or clearance
#' @param dataInput output of function \code{\link{getMMCurve}}
#' @param parameter character value indicating either \code{absorption} or \code{clearance}
#' @return ggplot2-object
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export 
#' @examples 
#'   plotMMCurve( dataInput = getMMCurve( seq(0, 5 , 0.01 ) ,
#'       Vmax = 5 , kappaMM = 0.3 ) , parameter = "absorption" )
#'   plotMMCurve( dataInput = getMMCurve( seq(0, 5 , 0.01 ) ,
#'       Vmax = 5 , kappaMM = 0.3 , constantValue = 4 ) , parameter = "absorption" ) 
#'   plotMMCurve( dataInput = getMMCurve( seq(0, 1 , 0.01 ) ,
#'       Vmax = 2 , kappaMM = 0.3 ) , parameter = "clearance" )
#'   plotMMCurve( dataInput = getMMCurve( seq(0, 1 , 0.01 ) ,
#'        Vmax = 2 , kappaMM = 0.3 , constantValue = 1.5 ) , parameter = "clearance" )  
plotMMCurve             <-  function( dataInput , parameter ) {
  ## test inputs
  testNames             <-   colnames( dataInput ) == c( "x" , "velocity" , "rate" , "Vmax" , "kappaMM"   )
  if( ! all( testNames) ) { stop( "incorrect column names for Michealis-Menton plot " ) }
  parameterTypes         <- c( "absorption" , "clearance")
  testParamOk            <-  parameter %in% parameterTypes
  if( !testParamOk ) { stop("incorrect parameter, choose from:", "\n" , paste(parameterTypes , "\n") ) }
  ##  data processing 
  dataSelect            <-  dataInput[, c("x" , "rate", "Vmax")] 
  longData              <-  melt( dataSelect , id.vars = "x" )
  kappa                 <-  dataInput[ 1 ,"kappaMM" ]
  halfVmax              <-  dataInput[ 1 ,"Vmax" ] / 2
  partHorizonLine       <-  data.frame( x = c( 0 , kappa ) , variable = "halfVmax" , value = rep( halfVmax , 2  ) ,stringsAsFactors = TRUE )
  partVerticalLine      <-  data.frame( x = rep( kappa , 2 ) , variable = "kappaVertical" , value = c( 0 , halfVmax) , stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  dataForPlot           <-  rbind( longData , partHorizonLine , partVerticalLine  )
  ## parameter specific plotting settings
  if( parameter == "absorption" ) {
    xLabel              <-  "dose (D)"
    rateLabel           <-  expression( "k"[a]*~D == frac("V"[paste("a", "," , "m")] , kappa[paste("a", "," , "m")] + "D" ) * ~ "D"  )
    rateLabelSimpel     <-  expression("k"[a]*~D)
    colorSet            <-  c( "red" , "black" , "gray" , "brown" ) 
    legendLabels        <-  c( rateLabel ,
        expression("V"[paste("a", "," , "m")]) ,
        expression("V"[paste("a", "," , "m")] / 2 ) ,
        expression(  kappa[paste("a", "," , "m")] )
  if( parameter == "clearance" ) {
    xLabel              <-  "concentration (C)"
    rateLabel           <-  expression( "Cl"*~C == frac("V"[paste("e", "," , "m")] , kappa[paste("e", "," , "m")] + "C" ) * ~ "C"  )
    rateLabelSimpel     <-  expression("Cl"*~C)
    colorSet            <-  c( "yellow" , "black" , "gray" , "brown" )
    legendLabels        <-  c( rateLabel ,
        expression("V"[paste("e", "," , "m")]) ,
        expression("V"[paste("e", "," , "m")] / 2 ) ,
        expression(  kappa[paste("e", "," , "m")] )
  # if non-linearities, simplify plot
  if( is.na( kappa ) ) {
    indRateVariable      <-  longData$variable == "rate" 
    dataForPlot          <-  longData[ indRateVariable  , ]
    legendLabels         <-  rateLabelSimpel 
    colorSet             <-  colorSet[ 1 ]
  ## ggplot object and formatting ()
  with( dataForPlot , {
        ggplotObject                  <-  ggplot(dataForPlot, aes( x = x , y = value , group = variable ,  col = variable , size = variable ) ) +
            geom_path(  ) +
            labs( x = xLabel ,  y = paste0(parameter , " [dose/time]" ) ) +
            scale_color_manual( labels = legendLabels , values = colorSet ) +
            scale_size_manual( values = c(2 , 1 , 1 , 1) ) +
            theme( legend.position="right" , legend.text = element_text( size = 12 ) , legend.text.align = 0	
                , legend.title = element_blank()   ) +
            guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=3 )) , size = FALSE  ) +
            ggtitle( parameter )
        return( ggplotObject )


if( 0 == 1 ) {
  pkModel              <-  getExamplePkModel()
  summary( pkModel )
  doseZero             <-  5 
  timePoints           <-  seq( 0 , 10 , 0.01 )
  # debug on model used in the article
 testResult_orig        <-  microsamplingDesign::plotAverageRat( pkModel = getExamplePkModel() , doseZero = 10 , timePoints = 0:5 )
 testNew                <-   plotAverageRat( pkModel = getExamplePkModel() , doseZero = 10 , timePoints = 0:5 )
 identical( testResult_orig$data , testNew$data )
 # test works on 1 comp
  test   <-  plotAverageRat( getPkModelArticle() , doseZero = 100 , timePoints = seq( 0 ,  12 , 0.25 ))
  # this gives an error 
  plotAverageRat( model , doseZero = 100 , timePoints = seq(0,12,0.5) ) 
  pkModel     <-  model
  doseZero    <-  100
  timePoints  <-  seq(0,12,0.5)

#' plot plasma concentration for average individual (i.e average parameter values) in function of dose at time zero
#' @param pkModel \code{\link{PkModel-class}}
#' @param doseZero numeric value, dose given at time zero 
#' @param timePoints a numeric vector of time points to plot the plasma concentration at
#' @return ggplot object 
#' @examples
#'  plotAverageRat( getExamplePkModel() , 2 , seq( 0 , 20, 0.1 ) )
#' @note dose inside de \code{pkModel} is not used 
#' @export
plotAverageRat                                <-   function( pkModel , doseZero , timePoints ) {
  # modify model to average rat and one dose 
  pkModelAverageRat                           <-  setModelToAverageRat( pkModel )
  oneDosingInfo                               <-  data.frame( time = 0 , dose = doseZero )
  pkModelModified                             <-  pkModel
  setDosingInfo( pkModelAverageRat )          <-  oneDosingInfo
  # plot data (1 individual)
  plotObject( pkModelAverageRat , times = timePoints ,  nCurves = 1 , sampleCurvesOnly = TRUE  ) # modify plotting function  

#' get a model with all variances to zero 
#' @param pkModel \code{\link{PkModel-class}}
#' @export
setModelToAverageRat                           <-  function( pkModel ) {
  # reset pk object , no variation, 
  parametersForModel                          <-  getParameters( pkModel )
  parametersForModel["coeffVariation"]        <-  0
  pkModelModified                             <-  pkModel
  setParameters( pkModelModified )            <-  parametersForModel
  setCoeffVariationError( pkModelModified )   <-  0 # no noice on top of it

if( 0 == 1 ) {
  pkModel                 <-  getExamplePkModel() 
  timePoints              <-  c( 0 , 1 , 3 , 4 )
  nSubjectsPerScheme      <-  3
  nSamples                <-  7
  errorCorrelationMatrixIntime = diag( 1 , length( timePoints ) )  
  dirIntermediateOutput        <- "/home/ablommaert/Desktop/compare/microsamplDebug" 
  # test differences in cores on ramdom number generation 
  set.seed( 1235 )
  test1 <-  getPkData( getExamplePkModel() , 0:5 , nSubjectsPerScheme = 3 , nSamples = 4 , nCores = 1 )
  set.seed( 1235 )
  test2 <-  getPkData( getExamplePkModel() , 0:5 , nSubjectsPerScheme = 3 , nSamples = 4 , nCores = 2 )
  set.seed( 1235 )
  test3 <-  getPkData( getExamplePkModel() , 0:5 , nSubjectsPerScheme = 3 , nSamples = 4 , nCores = 3 )
 identical( getData( test1 ) , getData( test2 ) ) 
 identical( getData( test1 ) , getData( test3 ) )  # no influence number of cores on random data generation

#' simulate \code{\link{PkData-class}} from \code{\link{PkModel-class}}
#' @param pkModel an object of \code{\link{PkModel-class}}
#' @param timePoints numeric vector of time points
#' @param nSubjectsPerScheme numeric constant, number of subjects per dataset on which a sampling scheme can be applied
#' @param nSamples number of datasets to sample 
#' @param errorCorrelationMatrixIntime the correlation between additive error terms within a subject, by default no correlation
#' @param nCores number of cores used for parallel computing, defaults to 1 (remark no random numbers are generated in parallel)
#' @param dirIntermediateOutput directory to write intermediate output to for debugging, defaults to NULL, when no intermediate output is written down
#' @return \code{\link{PkData-class}} object  
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom parallel parRapply makeCluster stopCluster 
#' @examples 
#'   getPkData( getExamplePkModel() , 0:5 , nSubjectsPerScheme = 3 , nSamples = 4  )
#'   getPkData( getExamplePkModel() , 0:5 , nSubjectsPerScheme = 7 , nSamples = 1  ) 
#' @export
getPkData                      <-  function( pkModel , timePoints , nSubjectsPerScheme , nSamples , errorCorrelationMatrixIntime = diag( 1 , length( timePoints ) ) , nCores = 1 , 
  dirIntermediateOutput = NULL ) {
#  boolWriteDown                <<-  ! is.null( dirIntermediateOutput ) 
#  dirIntermediateOutput        <<- dirIntermediateOutput
     # debug write down 
#  if( boolWriteDown ){
#    saveRDS( object = .Random.seed , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "seedState0.rds")  )
#  }
  ## extract info for calculation
  nTimePoints                  <-  length( timePoints )
  modelFunction                <-  getModelFunction( pkModel )
  modelFunctionLabel           <-  as.list( args( modelFunction ) )$internalODEs  # TODO not go to internal ODEs
  parameters                   <-  getParameters( pkModel )
  parameterValues              <-  parameters[[ "value" ]] 
  parameterNames               <-  parameters[[ "parameter" ]]
  parameterVector              <-  parameterValues   
  names(  parameterVector )    <-  parameterNames
  coeffVariation               <-  parameters[[ "coeffVariation" ]]
  names( coeffVariation )      <-  parameterNames
  nTotalSubjects               <-  nSubjectsPerScheme *  nSamples              # total number of subjects , overall schemes 
  correlationMatrix            <-  getCorrelationMatrix( pkModel ) 
  if( is.null(modelFunctionLabel ) ){
    modelFunctionLabel              <-  "no set of differential equations defined"
  ##  check parameters  (specific to modelFunction)
  if( modelFunctionLabel  ==   "pkOdeModel2Compartments" ) { 
    errors                      <-  character()
    #  check bioavailability parameter 
    FValue                      <-  parameterVector[ "F" ] 
    checkFvalue                 <-  ( FValue <= 1 ) && ( FValue >= 0 ) 
    if( ! checkFvalue ){
      msg                       <-  paste0( "Bio-availability parameter (F) should be above 0 ane below 1 " , "\n" )
      errors                    <-  c( errors , msg )
    checkFCVzero                <-  coeffVariation[ "F" ] == 0 
    if( ! checkFCVzero ){
      msg                       <-  paste0( "Coefficient of variation of the bio-availability  (F) should be zero" , "\n" )
      errors                    <-  c( errors , msg )
    #  check CV input misspecified
    flagNaParameter             <-  is.na( parameterVector ) 
    coeffVariationNoNA          <-  coeffVariation[ ! flagNaParameter  ]
    checkCVbetweenZeroAndOne    <-  all( coeffVariationNoNA <= 1 ) && all( coeffVariationNoNA >= 0 )
    if( ! checkCVbetweenZeroAndOne ) {
      msg                       <-  paste0( "Coefficient of variation of all parameters should be between 0 and 1"  , "\n" )
      errors                    <-  c( errors , msg )
    #   produce error message
    if( length( errors )  >  0 ){
      stop( errors )
  ## seperate parameters to be sampled from the ones not being sampled 
  indParamNoSample             <-  is.na( parameterVector ) | coeffVariation == 0
  parameterVectorNoNA          <-  parameterVector[ !indParamNoSample ]
  coeffVariationNoNA           <-  coeffVariation[ !indParamNoSample ]
  correlationMatrixNoNA        <-  correlationMatrix[ !indParamNoSample , !indParamNoSample ]
  ##  check compatibility dosing info and times, add if necessary
  dosingInfo                   <-  getDosingInfo( pkModel )
  timesDosing                  <-  dosingInfo$time
  flagDoseTimeIncluded         <-  timesDosing %in% timePoints
  boolDosingTimesInTimePoints  <-  all( flagDoseTimeIncluded )
  if( !boolDosingTimesInTimePoints ) {
    timePointsFull             <-  sort( c( timePoints , timesDosing[ !flagDoseTimeIncluded] ) )
    indTimePointsOnlyDose      <-  timePointsFull %in% timesDosing[ !flagDoseTimeIncluded ] 
  } else {
    timePointsFull             <-  timePoints 
  nTimePointsFull              <-  length( timePointsFull )
  ## individual not sampled parameters (constants or NA )
  paramNoSample                <-  parameterVector[ indParamNoSample ]
  individualParamNoSample      <-  replicateVectorRows( paramNoSample , nTotalSubjects )
  colnames( individualParamNoSample )  <-  names( paramNoSample )
  # debug write down 
#  if( boolWriteDown ){
#    saveRDS( object = .Random.seed , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "seedState1.rds")  )
#  }
  ## simulate subject specific parameters (of nonNA parameters)
  boolNoParam                  <-  ( length( parameterVectorNoNA ) == 0 )
  if( !boolNoParam ) {
    individualParameters       <-  getIndividualParameters( meanParam = parameterVectorNoNA , 
        coeffVariation =  coeffVariationNoNA , nSubjects = nTotalSubjects , corrMatrix = correlationMatrixNoNA )
    allIndividualParameters      <-  cbind( individualParameters ,  individualParamNoSample ) # note no data.frame to aaply
  } else {
    allIndividualParameters     <-  individualParamNoSample

#  # debug write down 
#  if( boolWriteDown ){
#    saveRDS( object = allIndividualParameters , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "indivParameters.rds")  )
#    saveRDS( object = .Random.seed , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "seedState2.rds")  )
#  }

  # get individual curves 
       # replaced by parellel processing 

#  Parallelization here

 if( nCores == 1 ){
   indParamList                 <-  convertMatrixRowsToList( allIndividualParameters )
   exampleFunValue              <-  vector( mode = "double" , length = nTimePointsFull ) 
   individualPkCurvesTransp     <-  vapply( indParamList , FUN.VALUE = exampleFunValue ,  modelFunction , time = timePointsFull , dosingInfo = getDosingInfo( pkModel  ) )
   individualPkCurves           <-  t( individualPkCurvesTransp )

 } else {
   cluster                     <-  makeCluster( nCores , type = "FORK" )
   on.exit(stopCluster(cluster)) # clean up cluster 
   cat( "starting cluster (forking) with " , nCores , "cores" , "\n")
   individualPkCurvesVec       <-  parRapply( cluster , allIndividualParameters , modelFunction ,
       time = timePointsFull , dosingInfo = getDosingInfo( pkModel  ) )
   individualPkCurves           <-  matrix( individualPkCurvesVec , byrow = TRUE , nrow = nTotalSubjects)
#  # debug write down 
#   if( boolWriteDown ){
#     saveRDS( object = individualPkCurves , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "individualPkCurves.rds")  ) 
#     saveRDS( object = .Random.seed , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "seedState3.rds")  ) 
#  }

  ## subset on original time points (get out dosing times )
  if( ! boolDosingTimesInTimePoints  ) {
    individualPkCurvesTimeSelect  <- individualPkCurves[ , !indTimePointsOnlyDose ]  
  } else {
    individualPkCurvesTimeSelect  <- individualPkCurves  
  ##  output formatting
  colnames( individualPkCurvesTimeSelect )  <-  paste0( "timePoint" , 1:nTimePoints )
  ## add additive error # TODO difference here check all inputs
#  if( boolWriteDown ){
#    saveRDS( object = individualPkCurvesTimeSelect , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "individualPkCurvesTimeSelect.rds")  ) 
#    saveRDS( object = getCoeffVariationError( pkModel ) , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "coeffVarError.rds")  ) 
#    saveRDS( object = errorCorrelationMatrixIntime , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "errorCorrelationMatrixIntime.rds")  )    
#  }
  individualCurvesWithError                 <-  addAdditiveErrorToPkMatrix( individualPkCurvesTimeSelect ,
      coeffVariation  = getCoeffVariationError( pkModel ) ,
      timeCorrelation = errorCorrelationMatrixIntime      
#      # debug write down 
#      if( boolWriteDown ){
#        saveRDS( object = individualCurvesWithError , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "individualCurvesWithError.rds")  ) 
#        saveRDS( object = .Random.seed , file.path( dirIntermediateOutput , "seedState4.rds")  ) 
#      } 
  dataArray                    <-  array( individualCurvesWithError , dim = c( nSubjectsPerScheme , nSamples , nTimePoints  )  )
  dataArrayFormat              <-  aperm( dataArray , c( 1 , 3 , 2 ) )
  dimnames( dataArrayFormat )  <-  list( paste0( "subject"   , 1:nSubjectsPerScheme ) , 
      paste0( "timePoint" , 1:nTimePoints        ) ,
      paste0( "sample"    , 1:nSamples           )
  ## construct PkData object
  outputObject                 <-  new( "PkData" ,
      .Data              =  dataArrayFormat ,
      timePoints         =  timePoints ,
  return( outputObject )

# TODO is the internal function working change the dimensions to test it 

#if( 0 == 1 ) {
#  meanParam               <-  c( 1 , 0.1 , 10 , 3 )
#  names( meanParam )      <-  c( "Ka", "Ke" , "volume" , "dose" ) 
#  coeffVariation          <-  c( 0.05 , 0.05 , 0.05, 0 )
#  names(coeffVariation)   <-  names( meanParam )
#  nSubjects               <-  9
#  # example correlation matrix 
#  corrMatrix              <-  matrix(0.2 , nrow = 4 , ncol = 4) + diag( rep( 0.8 , 4 ) )
#  # assuning independence between parameters
#  getIndividualParameters( parameters , coeffVariation ,  nSubjects = 9 )
#  getIndividualParameters( parameters , coeffVariation ,  nSubjects = 9 , corrMatrix)
#  getIndividualParameters( parameters , coeffVariation ,  nSubjects = 3 , corrMatrix)
#  # assuming correlations between parameters

if( 0 == 1 ) {
  parameters              <-  c( 1 , 0.1 , 10 , NA ) # influence of NA in parameters? 
  names( parameters )     <-  c( "Ka", "Ke" , "volume" , "dose" ) 
  meanParam               <-  parameters
  coeffVariation          <-  c( 0.05 , 0.05 , 0.05, 0 )
  names(coeffVariation)   <-  names( parameters )
  nSubjects               <-  9
  getIndividualParameters( parameters , coeffVariation ,  nSubjects = 9 )
  # debugging zero variance
  meanParam           <-  c(F = 1)
  coeffVariation      <-  c(F = 0)
  nSubjects           <-  9
  # coeff variation non zero
  meanParam           <-  c( F = 1 , B = 5 )
  coeffVariation      <-  c( F = 0.2 , B = 0.2)
  nSubjects           <-  1000
  # TODO test correlation part 
  corrMatrix          <-  matrix( c( 1, 0.9 , 0.9 , 1 ) , nrow = 2 ) 
  # test non positive deff matrix
  corrMatrix          <-  matrix( c( 1, 0.5 , 0.9 , 1 ) , nrow = 2 ) 
  ### does get Individual parameters retun ok mean values? 
  testIndPar    <-   getIndividualParameters( 1 , 0.2 , 10000 )
  mean( testIndPar ) # this is very far of 1 
  testIndPar    <-   getIndividualParameters( 0.0025 , 0.1 , 100000 )
  mean( testIndPar ) # this is very far of 1 
  # debugging 
  meanParam          <-  1
  coeffVariation     <-  0.5
  nSubjects          <- 100 
  corrMatrix = NULL

#' sample subject specific parameters to input in pharmacodynamic model
#' paramaters are sample from a log-normal distribution 
#' @param meanParam numeric vector containing mean information of a set of parameters
#' @param coeffVariation coefficient of variantion to inform the variance of the subject
#' @param nSubjects  the number of subjects which should be sampled
#' @param corrMatrix optional correlation matrix when not specified parameters are assumed independent
#' @return a matrix with rows subject and columns parameters
#' @importFrom matrixcalc is.positive.definite
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @examples 
#'   parameters              <-  c( 1 , 0.1 , 10 , 3 )
#'   names( parameters )     <-  c( "Ka", "Ke" , "volume" , "dose" ) 
#'   coeffVariation          <-  c( 0.05 , 0.05 , 0.05, 0 )
#'   names(coeffVariation)   <-  names( parameters )
#'   nSubjects               <-  9
#'   # example correlation matrix 
#'   corrMatrix              <-  matrix(0.2 , nrow = 4 , ncol = 4) +
#'      diag( rep( 0.8 , 4 ) ) # correlation on the the log scale
#'   # assuming independence between parameters
#'   getIndividualParameters( parameters , coeffVariation ,  nSubjects = 9 )
#'   # assuming correlations between parameters 
#'   getIndividualParameters( parameters , coeffVariation ,  nSubjects = 9 , corrMatrix)
#'   getIndividualParameters( meanParam = parameters , coeffVariation ,  nSubjects = 3 , corrMatrix)
#' @export
getIndividualParameters    <-  function( meanParam , coeffVariation , nSubjects , corrMatrix = NULL ) {
  # work in dimensions nsubject * n parameters 
  nParameters              <-  length( meanParam )
  outputDim                <-  c( nSubjects , nParameters )
  outputDimNames           <-  list( paste0( "subject" , 1:nSubjects ) ,  # rows are subjects
                                     names( meanParam )                           # colums are parameters
  # convert CV and mean to my and sigma parameters
  sigma                    <-  sqrt( log( coeffVariation^2 + 1) )
  mu                       <-  log( meanParam ) - ( sigma^2) /2   # this was corrected 
#  variances                <-  coeffVariation * abs( meanParam )
  if( is.null( corrMatrix ) ) {
    corrMatrix        <-  diag( rep( 1 , nParameters ) )                         # default is assuming independence of parameters 
 # checking moved to individual parameters 
#  if( !is.positive.definite( corrMatrix ) ) {
#    stop("corrMatrix not positive definite" )
#  }
#  standardNormalDraws      <-   mvrnorm( n = nSubjects , mu = rep( 0 , nParameters) , Sigma = corrMatrix )
  standardNormalDraws      <-   genMVN( n = nSubjects , mu = rep( 0 , nParameters) , Sigma = corrMatrix )
   ##  fix dimensions to output dimension
  muMat                    <-  replicateVectorRows( mu , nSubjects  )
  sigmaMat                 <-  replicateVectorRows( sigma , nSubjects )
  individualParameters     <-   exp( muMat + sigmaMat * standardNormalDraws ) # lognormal distribution 
  dimnames( individualParameters )   <-  outputDimNames
  return( individualParameters )

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