
Defines functions sargan.micsr sargan.ivreg sargan scoretest.micsr scoretest ftest.ivreg ftest.lm ftest hausman.micsr hausman.ivreg hausman

Documented in ftest ftest.ivreg ftest.lm hausman hausman.ivreg hausman.micsr sargan sargan.ivreg sargan.micsr scoretest scoretest.micsr

#' Hausman test
#' Hausman test; under the null both models are consistent but one of
#' them is more efficient, under the alternative, only one model is
#' consistent
#' @name hausman
#' @param x the first model,
#' @param y the second model
#' @param omit a character containing the effects that are removed from the test
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return an object of class `"htest"`.
#' @keywords htest
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @references
#' \insertRef{HAUS:78}{micsr}
hausman <- function(x, y, omit = FALSE, ...)

#' @rdname hausman
#' @export
hausman.ivreg <- function(x, y, omit = FALSE, ...){
    .stat <- summary(x)$diagnostics["Wu-Hausman", ]
    .parameter <- .stat[1]
    .statistic <- .stat[3]
    names(.statistic) <- "chisq"
    .pval <- .stat[4]
    .method <- "Hausman Test"
    .data.name <- paste(deparse(formula(x)))
    rval <- list(statistic = .statistic,
                 parameter = .parameter,
                 p.value = .pval,
                 method = .method,
                 data.name = .data.name)
    structure(rval, class = "htest")

#' @rdname hausman
#' @export
hausman.micsr <- function(x, y, omit = NULL, ...){
    .data.name <- paste(paste(deparse(substitute(x))), "vs",
    nms_x <- names(coef(x))
    nms_y <- names(coef(y))
    nms <- intersect(nms_x, nms_y)
    unkn <- setdiff(omit, nms)
    if (length(unkn)){
        effects_string <- ifelse(length(unkn) == 1, "effect", "effects")
        stop(cat(paste(paste(unkn, collapse = ", "), effects_string, "unknown\n"), sep = ""))
    nms <- setdiff(nms, omit)
    delta <- coef(x)[nms] - coef(y)[nms]
    V <- vcov(x)[nms, nms] - vcov(y)[nms, nms]
    stat <- as.numeric(crossprod(solve(V, delta), delta))
    pval <- pchisq(stat, df = length(delta), lower.tail = FALSE)
    res <- list(statistic    = c(chisq = stat),
                p.value      = pval,
                parameter    = c(df = length(delta)),
                method       = "Hausman Test",
                data.name    = .data.name,
 #             null.value  = null.value,
                alternative  = "the second model is inconsistent")
    class(res) <- "htest"

#' F statistic
#' Extract the F statistic that all the parameters except the
#' intercept are zero. Currently implemented only for models fitted by `lm` or `ivreg::ivreg`.
#' @name ftest
#' @param x a fitted object
#' @param covariate the covariate for which the test should be performed for the `ivreg` method
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return an object of class `"htest"`.
#' @importFrom stats pf
#' @keywords htest
#' @export
ftest <- function(x, ...){

#' @rdname ftest
#' @export
ftest.lm <- function(x, ...){
    .fstat <- summary(x)$fstatistic
    .statistic <- .fstat["value"]
    names(.statistic) <- "F"
    .parameter <- .fstat[2:3]
    .method <- "F test"
    .data.name <- paste(deparse(formula(x)))
    .pval <- pf(.statistic, .parameter[1], .parameter[2], lower.tail = FALSE)
    rval <- list(statistic = .statistic,
                 parameter = .parameter,
                 p.value = .pval,
                 method = .method,
                 data.name = .data.name)
    structure(rval, class = "htest")

#' @rdname ftest
#' @export
ftest.ivreg <- function(x, ..., covariate = NULL){
    .fstat <- summary(x)$diagnostics
    wi_rows <- grep("Weak instruments", rownames(.fstat))
    .fstat <- .fstat[wi_rows, , drop = FALSE]
    if (! is.null(covariate)) .covariate <- grep(covariate, rownames(.fstat))
    else .covariate <- 1
    if (length(.covariate) > 1) stop("several covariates")
    if (nrow(.fstat) > 1) .fstat <- .fstat[.covariate, ]
    .statistic <- .fstat["statistic"]
    .parameter <- .fstat[1:2]
    .method <- "F test"
    names(.statistic) <- "F"
    .data.name <- paste(deparse(formula(x)))
    .pval <- pf(.statistic, .parameter[1], .parameter[2], lower.tail = FALSE)
    rval <- list(statistic = .statistic,
                 parameter = .parameter,
                 p.value = .pval,
                 method = .method,
                 data.name = .data.name)
    structure(rval, class = "htest")
#' Score test
#' Score test, also knowned as Lagrange multiplier tests
#' @name scoretest
#' @param x the first model,
#' @param y the second model
#' @param vcov omit a character containing the effects that are
#'     removed from the test
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return an object of class `"htest"`.
#' @keywords htest
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @examples
#' mode_choice <- mode_choice %>%
#'    mutate(cost = cost * 8.42,
#'           gcost = (ivtime + ovtime) * 8 + cost)
#' pbt_unconst <- binomreg(mode ~ cost + ivtime + ovtime, data = mode_choice, link = "probit")
#' pbt_const <- binomreg(mode ~ gcost, data = mode_choice, link = "logit")
#' scoretest(pbt_const , . ~ . + ivtime + ovtime)

#' @export
scoretest <- function(x, y, ...){

#' @rdname scoretest
#' @export
scoretest.micsr <- function(x, y, ..., vcov = NULL){
    if (is.null(vcov)){
        if (is.null(x$info)) .vcov <- "hessian" else .vcov <- "info"
    else .vcov <- vcov
    newform <- y
    nX <- model.matrix(x, y)
    new_nms <- colnames(nX)
    old_nms <- names(coef(x))
    L <- length(new_nms) - length(old_nms)
    if(! all(old_nms %in% new_nms))
        stop("the old model is not nested in the new one")
    start <- coef(x)[new_nms]
    start[is.na(start)] <- 0
    names(start) <- new_nms
    y <- update(x, formula = y, start = start)
    .gradient <- apply(y$gradient, 2, sum)
    if (.vcov == "hessian") information <- - y$hessian
    if (.vcov == "opg") information <- crossprod(y$gradient)
    if (.vcov == "info"){
        if (is.null(y$info)) stop("no information matrix estimate available")
        else information <- y$info
    .stat <- drop(crossprod(.gradient, solve(information, .gradient)))
    structure(list(statistic = c(chisq = .stat),
                   p.value = pchisq(.stat, lower.tail = FALSE, df = L),
                   parameter = c(df = L),
                   method = "score test",
                   data.name = paste(deparse(newform)),
                   alternative = "the constrained model is rejected"),
              class = "htest")    

#' Sargan test for GMM models
#' When a IV model is over-identified, the set of all the empirical
#' moment conditions can't be exactly 0. The test of the validity of
#' the instruments is based on a quadratic form of the vector of the
#' empirical moments
#' @name sargan
#' @param object a model fitted by GMM
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return an object of class `"htest"`.
#' @keywords htest
#' @examples
#' cigmales <- cigmales %>%
#'        mutate(age2 = age ^ 2, educ2 = educ ^ 2,
#'               age3 = age ^ 3, educ3 = educ ^ 3,
#'               educage = educ * age)
#' gmm_cig <- expreg(cigarettes ~ habit + price + restaurant + income + age + age2 +
#'                  educ + educ2 + famsize + race | . - habit + age3 + educ3 +
#'                  educage + lagprice + reslgth, data = cigmales,
#'                  twosteps = FALSE)
#' sargan(gmm_cig)
#' @export
sargan <- function(object, ...){

#' @rdname sargan
#' @export
sargan.ivreg <- function(object, ...){
    .fstat <- summary(object)$diagnostics["Sargan", ]
    .statistic <- .fstat["statistic"]
    .parameter <- .fstat[1]
    .method <- "Sargan test"
    names(.statistic) <- "chisq"
    .data.name <- paste(deparse(formula(object)))
    .pval <- pchisq(.statistic, .parameter, lower.tail = FALSE)
    rval <- list(statistic = .statistic,
                 parameter = .parameter,
                 p.value = .pval,
                 method = .method,
                 data.name = .data.name)
    structure(rval, class = "htest")

#' @rdname sargan
#' @export
sargan.micsr <- function(object, ...){
    if (! object$est_method %in% c("iv", "gmm")) stop("Sargan test only relevant for GMM models")
    .stat <- nobs(object) * object$value
    .df <- object$L - object$K
    .pval <- pchisq(.stat, .df, lower.tail = FALSE)
    .data <- deparse(object$call$data)
    structure(list(statistic = c(chisq = .stat),
                   parameter = c(df = .df),
                   method = "Sargan Test",
                   p.value = .pval,
                   data.name = .data,
                   alternative = "the moment conditions are not valid"),
              class = "htest")

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