
Defines functions coef.mipfp print.mipfp summary.mipfp print.summary.mipfp error.margins error.margins.default error.margins.mipfp confint.mipfp vcov.mipfp gof.estimates gof.estimates.default gof.estimates.mipfp Estimate

Documented in coef.mipfp confint.mipfp error.margins error.margins.default error.margins.mipfp Estimate gof.estimates gof.estimates.default gof.estimates.mipfp print.mipfp print.summary.mipfp summary.mipfp vcov.mipfp

# File mipfp/R/s3_mipfp.R
# by Johan Barthelemy and Thomas Suesse
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
#  (at your option).
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file provides S3 methods for mipfp objects, including a constructor,
# print, summary, error.margins and confint.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

coef.mipfp <- function(object, prop = FALSE, ...) {
  # S3 function which extracts estimates from mipfp objects.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   object: The mipfp object whose estimates should be retrieved.
  #   prop: If set to TRUE the probabilities are retrieved, otherwise the counts
  #         will be considered (default: FALSE).
  #   ...: Not used.
  # Returns: Estimates extracted from the mipfp object object.

  # checking whether the user wants probabilities or counts
  if (prop == TRUE) {
    tab <- flat(object$p.hat, label = "Probability")
  } else {
    tab <- flat(object$x.hat, label = "Estimate")

  # creating and returning the resulting vector
  result <- as.vector(tab)
  names(result) <- rownames(tab)


print.mipfp <- function(x, prop = FALSE, ...) {
  # S3 print method for class mipfp. This method prints a brief description
  # of the input argument.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   x: The mipfp object to be printed.
  #   prop: Indicates whether the print shows counts (FALSE) or probabilities
  #         (TRUE).
  #   ...: Further arguments passed to or from other methods.

  cat("\nMethod: ", x$method,"- convergence: ", x$conv, "\n")

  if (prop == TRUE) {
    x <- x$p.hat
    lab <- "Probability"
  } else {
    x <- x$x.hat
    lab <- "Estimate"

  if (length(dim(x)) < 3 ) {
    print(x, ...)
  } else {
    print(flat(x, label = lab, ...), ...)



summary.mipfp <- function(object, cov.method = "delta", prop = FALSE,
                          target.list = NULL, l.names = 0, ...) {
  # S3 summary method for class mipfp. This method returns a summary object
  # containing various information about the estimates contained in the
  # firts argument.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   object: The mipfp object to be summarized.
  #   cov.method: Indicates which method to use to compute the covariance.
  #               Possible values are Delta ('delta', default) or Lang ('lang').
  #   prop: Indicate whether the results should return counts or probabilities.
  #   target.list: The list of the dimensions of the targets used by the
  #                estimation process
  #   ...: Further arguments passed to or from other methods
  # Returns: An object of class summary.mipfp whose elements are
  #   call: A call object in which all the specified arguments are given by
  #         their full names.
  #   conv: A boolean indicating if the specified method converged to a
  #         solution (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
  #   method: The method used to generate estimates.
  #   df: Degrees of freedom of the estimates.
  #   estimates: Estimates generated by the selected method with
  #              standard deviations and associated t- and p-values.
  #   error.margins: A list returning, for each margin, the absolute maximum
  #                  deviation between the desired and generated margin.
  #   vcov: A covariance matrix of the estimates (last index move fastest).
  #   stats.df:  Degrees of freedom for the G2, W2 and X2 statistics
  #   tab.gof: A table containing the G2, W2 and X2 statistics with their
  #            associated p-values.
  #   stats.gof: G2, W2 and X2 statistics.
  #   dim.names: original dimension names of the estimated table.

  # gathering some initial data
  results <- list("call" = object$call,
                  "conv" = object$conv,
                  "method" = object$method,
                  "dim.names" = dimnames(object$x.hat),
                  "l.names" = l.names)

  # checking whether the user wants probabilities or counts
  if (prop == TRUE) {
    tab <- flat(object$p.hat, label = "Probability", l.names = l.names, ...)
  } else {
    tab <- flat(object$x.hat, label = "Estimate", l.names = l.names, ...)

  # computing covariance matrix
  cov.results <- vcov(object, method.cov = cov.method, prop = prop, ...)
  if (prop == FALSE){
    results$vcov <- cov.results$x.hat.cov
  } else {
    results$vcov <- cov.results$p.hat.cov

  # degrees of freedom
  results$df <- cov.results$df

  # getting the estimates, their standard deviation and p-values
  if (prop == TRUE) {
    std.dev.arr <- Vector2Array(cov.results$p.hat.se, dim(object$p.hat))
  } else {
    std.dev.arr <- Vector2Array(cov.results$x.hat.se, dim(object$p.hat))
  std.dev <- flat(std.dev.arr, label = "StdDev")
  tval <- tab / std.dev
  dimnames(tval)[2] <- "t.value"
  pval <- 2 * pt(-abs(tval), df = results$df)
  dimnames(pval)[2] <- "p.value"
  tab <- cbind(tab, StdDev = std.dev, t.value = tval, p.value = pval)
  results$estimates <- tab

  # margins errors
  # ... checking if target.list is provided
  if (is.null(target.list) == TRUE) {
    if (is.null(object$target.list) == TRUE) {
      target.list <- eval(object$call$target.list, parent.frame(2))
    } else {
      target.list <- object$target.list

  # ... retrieving / generatings names
  if (is.null(names(object$error.margins)) == TRUE) {
    for (d in 1:length(target.list)) {
      if (is.null(names(target.list[[d]])) == TRUE) {
        names(object$error.margins)[d] <- paste0("V",target.list[[d]],
                                                 collapse = ".")
      } else {
        names(object$error.margins)[d] <- paste0(names(target.list[[d]]),
                                                 collapse = ".")
  # ... retrieving the errors
  results$error.margins <- object$error.margins

  # gathering the goodness of fit statistics
  gof.results <- gof.estimates(object, ...)
  df.gof <- gof.results$stats.df
  tab.gof <- rbind(G2 = c(gof.results$G2, 1 - pchisq(gof.results$G2,
                                                     df = df.gof)),
                   W2 = c(gof.results$W2, 1 - pchisq(gof.results$W2,
                                                     df = df.gof)),
                   X2 = c(gof.results$X2, 1 - pchisq(gof.results$X2,
                                                     df = df.gof)))
  dimnames(tab.gof)[[2]] <- c("Stat","p.value")
  results$stats.df <- df.gof
  results$stats.gof <- tab.gof

  # returning the results
  class(results) <- "summary.mipfp"


print.summary.mipfp <- function(x, ...) {
  # S3 print method for class mipfp. This method prints a brief description
  # of the input argument.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   x: The summary.mipfp object to be printed.
  #   ...: Further arguments passed to or from other methods.

  cat("\nMethod:", x$method," - convergence:", x$conv, "\n\n")

  printCoefmat(x$estimates, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
  cat("Degrees of freedom:", x$df,"\n")

  # printing the levels of the variables
  dn <- x$dim.names
  if (is.null(dn) == FALSE) {
    for (i in 1:length(x$error.margins)) {
      #cat("*", names(dn[i]),":", dn[[i]], "\n")
      cat("*", names(dn[i]),":")
      for (j in 1:length(dn[[i]])) {
        if (x$l.names > 0) {
          cat(" (",substr(dn[[i]][j],1, x$l.names),")", sep = "")

  # margins errors
  cat("\nMargins errors:\n")
  print(x$error.margins, ...)

  # goodness of fit statistics
  cat("\nGoodness of fit statistics:\n")
  printCoefmat(x$stats.gof, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
  cat("Degrees of freedom:", x$stats.df,"\n\n")



error.margins <- function(object, ...) {
  # Generic method to compute the margins errors its argument. The error
  # is defined as the deviation between the expected (true) and resulting
  # margins.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   x: An object to be flattened.
  #   ...: Further arguments passed to or from other methods.

  UseMethod("error.margins", object)


error.margins.default <- function(object, ...) {
  # Default method to compute the margins errors its argument. The error
  # is defined as the deviation between the expected (true) and resulting
  # margins.  A specific method has not been implemented yet and the method
  # returns the original object.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   x: An object.
  #   ...: Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
  # Returns: The original, unmodified object.

  warning('The input argument is not an object of class mipfp!')


error.margins.mipfp <- function(object, ...) {
  # S3 error.margins method for class mipfp.
  # This method returns the maximum deviation between each generated and
  # desired margins of the input argument. It corresponds to the absolute
  # maximum deviation between each target margin used to generate the estimates
  # in the mipfp object and the generated one.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   object: The summary.mipfp object to be printed.
  #   ...: Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
  # Returns: An array containing the absolute maximum deviations for each
  #          margin.

  res <- CompareMaxDev(list(object), echo = FALSE, ...)


confint.mipfp <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, prop = FALSE, ...) {
  # S3 confint method for class mipfp.
  # This methods returns the confidence intervals for the estimates in the
  # mipfp object provided that the covariance of the estimates have also been
  # estimated.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   object: The mipfp object containing the estimates
  #   level: The confidence level
  #   prop: A boolean indicating if the results should be using counts (FALSE)
  #         or proportion (TRUE). Default is FALSE.
  #   ...: Further arguments passed to or from other methods (for instance
  #        vcov.mipf).
  # Returns: The confidence intervals of the estimates in object in an array.

  # checking significance level alpha
  alpha <- 1 - level
  if (alpha < 0 || alpha > 1) {
    warning('Warning: alpha not in the range [0,1], setting to 0.05!')
    alpha <- 0.05

  # getting the estimates and their standart deviation
  x <- coef(object, prop = prop, ...)
  if (prop == FALSE) {
    x.se <- vcov(object, prop = prop, ...)$x.hat.se
  } else {
    x.se <- vcov(object, prop = prop, ...)$p.hat.se

  # selection of the estimates
  pnames <- names(x)
  if (missing(parm)) {
    parm <- pnames
  else if (is.numeric(parm)) {
    parm <- pnames[parm]

  # computing the confidence interval for the selected estimates
  l <- qnorm(1 - alpha * 0.5)
  label.up <- paste0((1 - alpha * 0.5) * 100, "%")
  label.lo <- paste0((alpha * 0.5) * 100, "%")
  ci.lo <- x[parm] - l * x.se[parm]
  ci.up <- x[parm] + l * x.se[parm]

  # returning the result
  ci <- cbind(ci.lo, ci.up)
  dimnames(ci)[[2]] <- c(label.lo, label.up)


vcov.mipfp <- function(object, method.cov = "delta", seed = NULL,
                       target.data = NULL, target.list = NULL,
                       replace.zeros = 1e-10, ...) {
  # Compute the covariance matrix of the estimators produced by Estimate.
  # This function determines the covariance matrix of the estimated proportions
  # using either
  # - the Delta given in the paper "Models for Contingency Tables With Known
  #   Margins When Target and Sampled Populations Differ" written by Little and
  #   Wu (1991). This is the default.
  # - the Lang method in "Multinomial-Poisson homogeneous models for contingency
  #   tables".
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   object: an object of class mipfp.
  #   seed: The initial multi-dimensional array updated by Estimate (optional).
  #   target.list: A list of the target margins used by the Ipfp function. Each
  #                component of the list is an array whose cells indicates
  #                which dimension the corresponding margin relates to
  #                (optional).
  #   target.data: A list containing the data of the target margins. Each
  #                component of the list is an array storing a margin.
  #                The list order must follow the one defined in target.list.
  #                Note that the cells of the arrays must be non-negative
  #                (optional).
  #   replace.zeros: If 0-cells are to be found in either the seed or the
  #                  estimate arrays, then their values are replaced with this
  #                  value.
  #   method.cov: Select the method to use for the computation of the covariance.
  #               The available methods are Delta and Lang.
  #   ...: Not used.
  # Returns: A list whose elements are
  #   x.hat.cov: A covariance matrix of the estimated probabilities (last index
  #              move fastest).
  #   p.hat.cov: A covariance matrix of the estimated probabilities (last index
  #              move fastest).
  #   x.hat.se: A covariance matrix of the estimated probabilities (last index
  #             move fastest).
  #   p.hat.se: A covariance matrix of the estimated probabilities (last index
  #             move fastest).
  #   df: The degrees of freedom of the estimates.
  #   method.cov: The method used to compute the covariance matrix.

  # checking if a seed is provided
  if (is.null(seed) == TRUE) {
    if (is.null(object$seed)) {
      seed <- eval(object$call$seed, parent.frame(2), parent.frame(2))
    } else {
      seed <- object$seed

  # checking if target.list is provided
  if (is.null(target.list) == TRUE) {
    if (is.null(object$target.list) == TRUE) {
      target.list <- eval(object$call$target.list, parent.frame(2))
    } else {
      target.list <- object$target.list

  # checking if target.data is provided
  if (is.null(target.data) == TRUE) {
    if (is.null(object$target.data) == TRUE) {
      target.data <- eval(object$call$target.data, parent.frame(2))
    } else {
      target.data <- object$target.data

  # checking if NA in target cells
  if (is.na(min(sapply(target.data, min))) == TRUE)  {
    stop('Error: NA values present for margins contained in target.data!')

  # selection the method for the covariance computation
  method.num <- switch(method.cov, delta = 1, Lang = 2, 3)
  if (method.num == 3) {
    warning("'method must be 'delta' or 'Lang'! Switching to 'delta'")
    method.cov <- "delta"

  # determining the estimation method used
  method.mipfp.num <- switch(object$method, ipfp = 1, ml = 2, chi2 = 3, lsq = 4)

  # generating some useful variables
  n <- sum(seed)
  seed.prob <- Array2Vector(seed / sum(seed))
  estimate.prob <- Array2Vector(object$p.hat)

  # checking for 0-cells values and replace them with a small value
  seed.prob <- ifelse(seed.prob == 0, replace.zeros, seed.prob)
  estimate.prob <- ifelse(estimate.prob == 0, replace.zeros, estimate.prob)

  # compute marginal matrix A such that A' * x = margins if not given
  marg.list <- ComputeA(dim.arr = dim(seed), target.data = target.data,
                        target.list = target.list)
  A <- marg.list$marginal.matrix
  margins.vector <- marg.list$margins

  # degrees of freedom of the estimates
  deg.free <- dim(A)[1] - dim(A)[2]

  # Delta method
  if (method.num == 1) {

    # ... generating inv(D1) and inv(D2)
    switch(method.mipfp.num, {
      # ipfp
      D1.inv <- diag(1 / estimate.prob)
      D2.inv <- diag(1 / seed.prob)
    }, {
      # ml
      D1.inv <- diag(1 / (estimate.prob^2 / seed.prob))
      D2.inv <- D1.inv
    }, {
      # chi2
      D1.inv <- diag(1 / (estimate.prob^4 / seed.prob^3))
      D2.inv <- D1.inv
    }, {
      # lsq
      D1.inv <- diag(1 / seed.prob)
      D2.inv <- diag(1 / (seed.prob^3 / estimate.prob^2))

    # ... obtain orthogonal complement of A using QR decomposition
    K <- qr.Q(qr(A), complete = TRUE)[, (dim(A)[2] + 1):dim(A)[1]]
    if (is.null(dim(K)) == TRUE) {
      K <- t(K)
    if (dim(K)[1] == 1) {
      K <- t(K)

    # ... computing the covariance of p.hat
    p.hat.cov <- (1 / n) * K %*% solve(t(K) %*% D1.inv %*% K) %*%
                 t(K) %*% D2.inv %*% K %*% solve(t(K) %*% D1.inv %*% K) %*% t(K)

  # Lang's method
  else {

    # ... constraint function h(pi) = A'[-1] * pi - margins[-1]
    h.fct <- function(m) {
      return(t(A)[-1, ] %*% (m / sum(m)) - margins.vector[-1])

    # ... generating H and D
    H.pi <- t(numDeriv::jacobian(h.fct, estimate.prob))
    D.pi <- diag(estimate.prob)

    # ... computing the covariance
    p.hat.cov <- 1 / n * (D.pi - estimate.prob %*% t(estimate.prob) -
                          D.pi %*% H.pi %*% solve(t(H.pi) %*% D.pi %*% H.pi)
                          %*% t(H.pi) %*% D.pi)


  # adding names
  rownames(p.hat.cov) <- names(coef(object))
  colnames(p.hat.cov) <- names(coef(object))

  # counts' covariance
  x.hat.cov <- p.hat.cov * sum(object$x.hat)^2

  # estimates' standart deviation
  p.hat.se <- sqrt(diag(p.hat.cov))
  x.hat.se <- sqrt(diag(x.hat.cov))

  # gathering and returning the results
  results <- list("p.hat.se" = p.hat.se, "p.hat.cov" = p.hat.cov,
                  "x.hat.se" = x.hat.se, "x.hat.cov" = x.hat.cov,
                  "df" = deg.free, "method.cov" = method.cov)


gof.estimates <- function(object, ...) {
  # Generic method to compute the goodness of fit of the estimates.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   object: An object containing estimates.
  #   ...: Further arguments passed to or from other methods.

  UseMethod("gof.estimates", object)


gof.estimates.default <- function(object, ...) {
  # Default method of the genereric gof.estimate function. A specific method to
  # compute the goodness of fit statistics has not been implemented yet and the
  # method returns the original object.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   object: An object.
  #   ...: Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
  # Returns: The original object.

  warning('Can not conmpute the covariance of the estimates for this object!')


gof.estimates.mipfp <- function(object, seed = NULL,
                                target.data = NULL, target.list = NULL,
                                replace.zeros = 1e-10, ...) {
  # This function computes statistics to test wheter the target constraints
  # are met for the estimates contains in an object of class mipfp.
  # Note that if the seed, target.data and target.list are not provided
  # then the function test whether this information is present in the object
  # or can be retrieved from the Estimate call used generate the object.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   object: The object of class mipfp containing the estimates.
  #   seed: The seed used to compute the estimates (optional).
  #   target.data: A list containing the data of the target margins. Each
  #                component of the list is an array storing a margin.
  #                The list order must follow the one defined in target.list.
  #                Note that the cells of the arrays must be non-negative (and
  #                can even be NA if method = ipfp) (optional).
  #   target.list A list of the target margins provided in target.data. Each
  #               component of the list is an array whose cells indicates
  #               which dimension the corresponding margin relates to
  #               (optional).
  # Returns: A list whose elements are:
  #   G2: Log-likelihood statistic.
  #   W2: Wald statistic.
  #   X2: Person chi-squared statistic.
  #   stats.df: Degrees of freedom for the G2, W2 and X2 statistics.

  # checking if a seed is provided
  if (is.null(seed) == TRUE) {
    if (is.null(object$seed)) {
      seed <- eval(object$call$seed, parent.frame(2))
    } else {
      seed <- object$seed

  # checking if target.list is provided
  if (is.null(target.list) == TRUE) {
    if (is.null(object$target.list) == TRUE) {
      target.list <- eval(object$call$target.list, parent.frame(2))
    } else {
      target.list <- object$target.list

  # checking if target.data is provided
  if (is.null(target.data) == TRUE) {
    if (is.null(object$target.data) == TRUE) {
      target.data <- eval(object$call$target.data, parent.frame(2))
    } else {
      target.data <- object$target.data

  # checking if NA in target cells
  if (is.na(min(sapply(target.data, min))) == TRUE)  {
    stop('Error: NA values present for margins contained in target.data!')

  # compute marginal matrix A such that A' * x = margins
  marg.list <- ComputeA(dim.arr = dim(seed), target.data = target.data,
                        target.list = target.list)
  A <- marg.list$marginal.matrix
  margins.vector <- marg.list$margins

  # gather some necessary variables
  n <- sum(seed)
  seed.vector <- Array2Vector(seed)
  seed.vector[seed.vector == 0] <- replace.zeros * n
  seed.prop.vector <- seed.vector / n

  # constraint function h(pi) = A'[-1, ] * pi - margins[-1]
  h.fct <- function(m) {
    return(t(A)[-1, ] %*% (m / sum(m)) - margins.vector[-1])
  H.seed <- t(numDeriv::jacobian(h.fct, seed.vector))
  h.Y <- h.fct(seed.vector)

  # compute statistics for testing if constraints are met and appending to
  # the results
  # ... log-likelihood ratio
  G2 <- 2 * sum(seed.vector * log(seed.prop.vector /
  # ... Wald test statistic
  W2 <- t(h.Y) %*% solve(t(H.seed) %*% diag(seed.vector) %*% H.seed) %*% h.Y
  # ... Pearson Chi-square
  X2 <- t(seed.vector - n * Array2Vector(object$p.hat)) %*%
        diag(1 / (n * Array2Vector(object$p.hat))) %*%
        (seed.vector - n * Array2Vector(object$p.hat))
  # ... associated degree of freedoms (dim of constraint function h)
  stats.df <- dim(t(A))[1] - 1

  # gathering the results and return
  results <- list("G2" = G2, "W2" = W2, "X2" = X2, "stats.df" = stats.df)


Estimate <- function(seed, target.list, target.data, method = "ipfp",
                     keep.input = FALSE, ...) {
  # Update an N-way table given target margins.
  # This function provides several alternative estimating methods to
  # estimate multiway table subject to known constrains/totals: Iterative
  # Proportionnal Fitting Procedure (IPFP),  Maximum Likelihood method (ML),
  # Minimum Chi-squared (CHI2) and Weighted Least squares (LSQ).
  # The covariance matrix of the estimate as well as several other statistics
  # are also computed.
  # As this function is an interface to the functions Ipfp and
  # ObtainModelEstimates, please see their respective documentation for more
  # details.
  # The outcome of the function is an object of class mipfp.
  # Author: J. Barthelemy
  # Args:
  #   seed: The initial multi-dimensional array to be updated. Each cell must
  #         be non-negative.
  #   target.list: A list of the target margins provided in target.data. Each
  #                component of the list is an array whose cells indicates
  #                which dimension the corresponding margin relates to.
  #   target.data: A list containing the data of the target margins. Each
  #                component of the list is an array storing a margin.
  #                The list order must follow the one defined in target.list.
  #                Note that the cells of the arrays must be non-negative (and
  #                can even be NA if method = ipfp).
  #   method: The method used for estimation. Possible value are
  #           - "ipfp" (default): iterative proportional fitting procedure
  #           - "ml": maximum likelihood method
  #           - "chi2": minimum chi-squared method
  #           - "lsq": least squares method.
  #   keep.input: If set to TRUE, then the function will add seed, target.data
  #               and target.list to the returned object.
  #   ...: Further arguments passed to or from other methods. See documentation
  #        of Ipfp and ObtainModelEstimate for a list of parameters to control
  #        the estimation process.
  # Returns: A mipfp object consisting of a list whose elements are
  #   call: A call object in which all the specified arguments are given by
  #         their full names.
  #   method: The selected method for estimation.
  #   pi.hat: Array of the estimated table probabilities.
  #   xi.hat: Array of the estimated table frequencies.
  #   stp.crit: The final value of the stopping criterion (if method = ipfp).
  #   evol.stp.crit: Evolution of the stopping criterion over the iterations
  #                  (if method = ipfp).
  #   solnp.res: For optimisation it uses the R package Rsolnp and solnp is the
  #              corresponding object returned by Rsolnp (if method is NOT
  #              ipfp).
  #   conv: A boolean indicating whether the algorithm converged to a solution.
  #   error.margins: A list returning, for each margin, the absolute maximum
  #                  deviation between the target and generated margin.

  # checking if a seed is provided
  if (is.null(seed) == TRUE) {
    stop('Error: no seed specified!')

  # checking if targets are provided
  if (is.null(target.data) == TRUE | is.null(target.list) == TRUE) {
    stop('Error: target.data and/or target.list not specified!')

  # switching to the desired user method
  method.num <- switch(method, ipfp = 1, ml = 2, chi2 = 3, lsq = 4, 5)
  if (method.num == 5) {
    warning("'method' must be 'ipfp', 'ml', 'chi2' or 'lsq', switching to
    method <- "ipfp"

  # calling the corresponding function to update the seed
  if (method == "ipfp") {
    result <- Ipfp(seed, target.list, target.data, ...)
  } else {
    result <- ObtainModelEstimates(seed, target.list, target.data,
                                   method = method, ...)
  result$call <- match.call()

  # saving the input if required
  if (keep.input == TRUE) {
    result$seed <- seed
    result$target.list <- target.list
    result$target.data <- target.data



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mipfp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:01 a.m.