#' Compute profiled-likelihood (or posterior) confidence intervals
#' Computes profiled-likelihood based confidence intervals. Supports the inclusion of
#' equality constraints. Object returns the confidence intervals
#' and whether the respective interval could be found.
#' @aliases PLCI.mirt
#' @param mod a converged mirt model
#' @param alpha two-tailed alpha critical level
#' @param parnum a numeric vector indicating which parameters to estimate.
#' Use \code{\link{mod2values}} to determine parameter numbers. If \code{NULL}, all possible
#' parameters are used
#' @param inf2val a numeric used to change parameter bounds which are infinity to a finite number.
#' Decreasing this too much may not allow a suitable bound to be located. Default is 30
#' @param search_bound logical; use a fixed grid of values around the ML estimate to
#' determine more suitable optimization bounds? Using this has much better behaviour
#' than setting fixed upper/lower bound values and searching from more extreme ends
#' @param step magnitude of steps used when \code{search_bound} is \code{TRUE}.
#' Smaller values create more points to search a suitable bound for (up to the
#' lower bound value visible with \code{\link{mod2values}}). When upper/lower bounds are detected
#' this value will be adjusted accordingly
#' @param lower logical; search for the lower CI?
#' @param upper logical; search for the upper CI?
#' @param NealeMiller logical; use the Neale and Miller 1997 approximation? Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param verbose logical; include additional information in the console?
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to the estimation functions
#' @author Phil Chalmers \email{}
#' @keywords profiled likelihood
#' @export PLCI.mirt
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{boot.mirt}}
#' @references
#' Chalmers, R., P. (2012). mirt: A Multidimensional Item Response Theory
#' Package for the R Environment. \emph{Journal of Statistical Software, 48}(6), 1-29.
#' \doi{10.18637/jss.v048.i06}
#' Chalmers, R. P., Pek, J., & Liu, Y. (2017). Profile-likelihood Confidence
#' Intervals in Item Response Theory Models. \emph{Multivariate Behavioral Research, 52}, 533-550.
#' \doi{10.1080/00273171.2017.1329082}
#' Neale, M. C. & Miller, M. B. (1997). The use of likelihood-based confidence intervals in genetic
#' models. \emph{Behavior Genetics, 27}, 113-120.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()) mirtCluster() #use all available cores to estimate CI's in parallel
#' dat <- expand.table(LSAT7)
#' mod <- mirt(dat, 1)
#' result <- PLCI.mirt(mod)
#' result
#' # model with constraints
#' mod <- mirt(dat, 'F = 1-5
#' CONSTRAIN = (1-5, a1)')
#' result <- PLCI.mirt(mod)
#' result
#' mod2 <- mirt(Science, 1)
#' result2 <- PLCI.mirt(mod2)
#' result2
#' # only estimate CI's slopes
#' sv <- mod2values(mod2)
#' parnum <- sv$parnum[sv$name == 'a1']
#' result3 <- PLCI.mirt(mod2, parnum)
#' result3
#' }
PLCI.mirt <- function(mod, parnum = NULL, alpha = .05,
search_bound = TRUE, step = .5,
lower = TRUE, upper = TRUE, inf2val = 30,
NealeMiller = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...){
#silently accepts print_debug = TRUE for printing the minimization criteria
compute.LL <- function(dat, model, sv, large, parprior, PrepList, itemtype, constrain,
technical, ...){
technical <- list(message=FALSE, warn=FALSE, parallel=FALSE, PLCI=TRUE)
else {
technical$message <- technical$warn <- technical$parallel <- FALSE
technical$PLCI <- TRUE
technical$omp <- FALSE
tmpmod <- mirt::mirt(dat, model, itemtype=itemtype, pars = sv, verbose = FALSE,
parprior=parprior, PrepList=PrepList, large=large, calcNull=FALSE,
technical=technical, constrain=constrain, ...)
# coef(tmpmod, simplify=TRUE)
ret <- list(LL=tmpmod@Fit$logLik + tmpmod@Fit$logPrior, vals=mod2values(tmpmod))
f.min <- function(value, dat, model, which, sv, get.LL, large, parprior, asigns,
PrepList, itemtype, constrain, print_debug = FALSE, ...){
sv$est[which] <- FALSE
sv$value[which] <- value
drop_contraint <- logical(length(constrain))
for(i in length(constrain):1L){
if(which %in% constrain[[i]]){
sv$est[constrain[[i]]] <- FALSE
sv$value[constrain[[i]]] <- value
constrain[[i]] <- NULL
if(sv$class[which] == 'graded'){
if(!(sv$name[which] %in% paste0('a', 1L:30L))){
itemname <- sv$item[which]
itemnum <- sv$parnum[which]
itemsv <- sv[sv$item == itemname & !(sv$name %in% paste0('a', 1L:30L)), ]
ds <- dsnew <- itemsv$value
srtds <- sort(ds, decreasing = TRUE)
if(!all(ds == srtds)){
est <- itemsv$est
if(est[1]) dsnew[1L] <- max(ds) + 1
if(est[length(est)]) dsnew[length(est)] <- min(ds) - 1
seqd <- seq(from=dsnew[1L], to=dsnew[length(est)], length.out = length(ds))
ds[est] <- seqd[est]
sv$value[itemsv$parnum] <- ds
got.LL <- try(compute.LL(dat=dat, model=model, itemtype=itemtype,
sv=sv, large=large, parprior=parprior,
PrepList=PrepList, constrain=constrain, ...), silent=TRUE)
sv2 <- got.LL$vals
got.LL <- got.LL$LL
as <- matrix(sv2$value[sv2$name %in% paste0('a', 1L:30L)], ncol(dat))
if(sum(asigns * sign(as)) < 0L) return(-1e10)
ret <- (got.LL - get.LL)
if(print_debug) cat('parnum = ', which, '; value = ', round(value, 3),
'; min = ', round(ret, 3), '\n')
attr(ret, 'value') <- value
f.min2 <- function(value, upperBound, ...){
if(upperBound) value <- -value
f.min(value=value, ...)^2 + value
LLpar <- function(X, parnums, dat, model, large, constrain, direction,
sv, get.LL, parprior, asigns, PrepList, inf2val, itemtype,
maxLL, estlower, estupper, search_bound, step, NealeMiller, ...){
parnum <- parnums[X]
TOL <- .001
lower <- ifelse(sv$lbound[parnum] == -Inf, -inf2val, sv$lbound[parnum])
upper <- ifelse(sv$ubound[parnum] == Inf, inf2val, sv$ubound[parnum])
mid <- sv$value[parnum]
if(closeEnough(lower, -1e-2, 1e-2) && closeEnough(upper, 1 + -1e-2, 1 + 1e-2))
step <- step/10
if(closeEnough(lower, -1e-2, 1e-2) && upper > 10L) step <- step/3
conv <- TRUE
if(direction[X] == 'lower'){
possible_bound <- TRUE
grid <- mid - cumsum(rep(step, floor(abs(upper/step))))
for(g in grid){
Xval <- f.min(g, dat=dat, model=model, constrain=constrain,
large=large, which=parnum, sv=sv, get.LL=get.LL,
parprior=parprior, asigns=asigns,
PrepList=PrepList, itemtype=itemtype, ...)
if(abs(Xval) > abs(get.LL - maxLL)){
lower <- g
if(Xval == -1e10){
possible_bound <- FALSE
if(g == grid[length(grid)] && abs(Xval) < abs(get.LL - maxLL))
possible_bound <- FALSE
opt <- try(optimize(f.min2, c(lower, mid), upperBound=FALSE, dat=dat, model=model,
large=large, which=parnum, sv=sv, get.LL=get.LL,
parprior=parprior, asigns=asigns,
PrepList=PrepList, itemtype=itemtype, constrain=constrain,
..., f.upper=maxLL-get.LL, tol = TOL),
silent = TRUE)
if(!is(opt, 'try-error'))
opt <- list(root=opt$minimum, f.root=TOL/10)
} else {
opt <- try(uniroot(f.min, c(lower, mid), dat=dat, model=model,
large=large, which=parnum, sv=sv, get.LL=get.LL,
parprior=parprior, asigns=asigns,
PrepList=PrepList, itemtype=itemtype, constrain=constrain,
..., f.upper=maxLL-get.LL, tol = TOL/10),
silent = TRUE)
} else opt <- try(uniroot(), TRUE)
if(is(opt, 'try-error')) opt <- list(root = lower, f.root=1e10)
} else if(direction[X] == 'upper'){
possible_bound <- TRUE
grid <- mid + cumsum(rep(step, floor(abs(upper/step))))
for(g in grid){
Xval <- f.min(g, dat=dat, model=model, constrain=constrain,
large=large, which=parnum, sv=sv, get.LL=get.LL,
parprior=parprior, asigns=asigns,
PrepList=PrepList, itemtype=itemtype, ...)
if(abs(Xval) > abs(get.LL - maxLL)){
upper <- g
if(Xval == -1e10){
possible_bound <- FALSE
if(g == grid[length(grid)] && abs(Xval) < abs(get.LL - maxLL))
possible_bound <- FALSE
opt <- try(optimize(f.min2, c(mid, upper), upperBound=TRUE, dat=dat, model=model,
large=large, which=parnum, sv=sv, get.LL=get.LL,
parprior=parprior, asigns=asigns,
PrepList=PrepList, itemtype=itemtype, constrain=constrain,
..., f.upper=maxLL-get.LL, tol = TOL),
silent = TRUE)
if(!is(opt, 'try-error'))
opt <- list(root=opt$minimum, f.root=TOL/10)
} else {
opt <- try(uniroot(f.min, c(mid, upper), dat=dat, model=model,
large=large, which=parnum, sv=sv, get.LL=get.LL,
parprior=parprior, asigns=asigns,
PrepList=PrepList, itemtype=itemtype, constrain=constrain,
..., f.lower=maxLL-get.LL, tol = TOL/10),
silent = TRUE)
} else opt <- try(uniroot(), TRUE)
if(is(opt, 'try-error')) opt <- list(root = upper, f.root=1e10)
} else opt <- list(root = upper, f.root=1e10)
if(abs(opt$f.root) > TOL) conv <- FALSE
c(CI=opt$root, conv=conv)
stopifnot(extract.mirt(mod, 'converged'))
if(.hasSlot(mod@Model$lrPars, 'beta'))
stop('Latent regression models not yet supported')
stopifnot(lower | upper)
dat <- mod@Data$data
model <- mod@Model$model
parprior <- mod@Model$parprior
stop('Confidence intervals cannot be computed for models that include priors')
if(length(parprior) == 0L) parprior <- NULL
sv <- mod2values(mod)
itemtype <- extract.mirt(mod, 'itemtype')
PrepList <- mirt(mod@Data$data, mod@Model$model, itemtype=itemtype,
Return_PrepList=TRUE, ...)
large <- mirt(mod@Data$data, mod@Model$model, large = 'return')
as <- matrix(sv$value[sv$name %in% paste0('a', 1L:30L)], ncol(dat))
asigns <- sign(as)
tmp <- sv$parnum %in% parnum
parnums <- sv$parnum[tmp]
} else {
parnums <- sv$parnum[sv$est]
LL <- mod@Fit$logLik
get.LL <- LL - qchisq(1-alpha, 1)/2
constraints <- extract.mirt(mod, 'constrain')
for(i in seq_len(length(constraints))){
match <- which(parnums %in% constraints[[i]])
if(length(match) > 1L){
match <- match[-1L]
parnums <- parnums[-match]
direction <- rep(c('lower', 'upper'), length.out = length(parnums)*2)
if(!lower) direction <- direction[-seq(1L, length(direction), by=2)]
if(!upper) direction <- direction[-seq(2L, length(direction), by=2)]
parnumsold <- parnums
if(lower && upper)
parnums <- rep(parnums, each = 2)
X <- 1L:length(parnums)
result <- mySapply(X=X, FUN=LLpar, progress=verbose,
parnums=parnums, asigns=asigns,
dat=dat, constrain=constraints, itemtype=itemtype,
model=model, large=large, sv=sv, get.LL=get.LL, parprior=parprior,
PrepList=PrepList, inf2val=inf2val, maxLL=LL,
direction=direction, search_bound=search_bound,
step=step, NealeMiller=NealeMiller, ...)
lowerCIs <- lowerconv <- upperCIs <- upperconv <- NA
lowerCIs <- result[direction == 'lower', 'CI']
lowerconv <- as.logical(result[direction == 'lower', 'conv'])
upperCIs <- result[direction == 'upper', 'CI']
upperconv <- as.logical(result[direction == 'upper', 'conv'])
result <- data.frame(lower=lowerCIs, upper=upperCIs, lower_conv=lowerconv,
colnames(result) <- c(paste0('lower_', alpha/2*100), paste0('upper_', (1-alpha/2)*100),
'lower_conv', 'upper_conv')
ret <- data.frame(Item=sv$item[parnumsold], class=sv$class[parnumsold], parnam=sv$name[parnumsold],
parnum=parnumsold, value=sv$value[parnumsold], result, row.names=NULL)
if(!lower) ret <- ret[,!grepl('lower', colnames(ret)), drop=FALSE]
if(!upper) ret <- ret[,!grepl('upper', colnames(ret)), drop=FALSE]
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