f = "itemplot.internal",
signature = signature(object = 'SingleGroupClass'),
definition = function(object, ...)
x <- itemplot.main(object, ...)
f = "itemplot.internal",
signature = signature(object = 'list'),
definition = function(object, ...)
Data <- object[[1L]]@Data
Data$groupNames <- factor(names(object))
Model <- object[[1L]]@Model
ParObjects <- object[[1L]]@ParObjects
ParObjects$pars <- object
newobject <- new('MultipleGroupClass', Data=Data, Model=Model, ParObjects=ParObjects)
x <- itemplot.internal(newobject, ...)
f = "itemplot.internal",
signature = signature(object = 'MultipleGroupClass'),
definition = function(object, item, type, degrees, CE, CEalpha, CEdraws, rot,
auto.key, main = NULL, ...)
Pinfo <- list()
gnames <- object@Data$groupNames
nfact <- object@Model$nfact
K <- object@ParObjects$pars[[1L]]@ParObjects$pars[[item]]@ncat
for(g in seq_len(length(gnames))){
object@ParObjects$pars[[g]]@vcov <- object@vcov
Pinfo[[g]] <- itemplot.main(object@ParObjects$pars[[g]], item=item, type='RETURN',
degrees=degrees, CE=FALSE, CEalpha=CEalpha,
CEdraws=CEdraws, rot=rot, ...)
Pinfo[[g]]$group <- rep(gnames[g], nrow(Pinfo[[g]]))
if(type == 'RE'){
for(g in length(gnames):1L)
Pinfo[[g]]$info <- Pinfo[[g]]$info / Pinfo[[1L]]$info
dat <- Pinfo[[1]]
mins <- extract.mirt(object, 'mins')[item]
score <- vector('list', g)
for(g in seq_len(length(gnames)))
score[[g]] <- colSums(t(Pinfo[[g]][,1L:K]) * (0L:(K-1L) + mins))
for(g in 2L:length(gnames))
dat <- rbind(dat, Pinfo[[g]])
if(K == 2){
K <- 1
dat <- dat[ , -1]
Plist <- unclass(dat[, 1:K, drop = FALSE])
P <- c()
dat2 <- dat[, (K+1):ncol(dat)]
for(i in 1:length(Plist))
P <- c(P, Plist[[i]])
if(length(Plist) > 1)
for(i in 2:length(Plist))
dat2 <- rbind(dat2, dat[, (K+1):ncol(dat)])
dat2$P <- P
dat2$cat <- rep(as.character(1:(length(Plist))), each = nrow(dat))
if(all(dat2$cat == '0')) dat2$cat <- rep('1', length(dat2$cat))
ymin_score <- extract.mirt(object, 'mins')[item]
ymax_score <- extract.mirt(object, 'K')[item] + ymin_score - 1
ybump <- (ymax_score - ymin_score)/15
if(nfact == 1){
if(type == 'info'){
main <- paste('Information for Item', item)
return(xyplot(info ~ Theta, dat, groups=dat$group, type = 'l',
auto.key = auto.key, main = main,
ylab = expression(I(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else if(type == 'trace'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Probability")
return(xyplot(P ~ Theta | cat, dat2, groups=dat2$group, type = 'l',
auto.key = auto.key, main = main, ylim = c(-0.1,1.1),
ylab = expression(P(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else if(type == 'score'){
main <- paste("Expected Score for Item", item)
dat$score <-, score)
return(xyplot(score ~ Theta, dat, groups=dat$group, type = 'l',
ylim=c(ymin_score-ybump, ymax_score+ybump),
auto.key = auto.key, main = main,
ylab = expression(S(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else if(type == 'RE'){
main <- paste('Relative Efficiency for Item', item)
return(xyplot(info ~ Theta, dat, groups=dat$group, type = 'l',
auto.key = auto.key, main = main,
ylab = expression(RE(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else {
stop('Plot type not supported for unidimensional model', call.=FALSE)
if(nfact == 2){
Names <- colnames(dat)
Names[c(length(Names) - 2,length(Names) - 1)] <- c('Theta1', 'Theta2')
Names2 <- colnames(dat2)
Names2[2:3] <- c('Theta1', 'Theta2')
colnames(dat) <- Names
colnames(dat2) <- Names2
if(type == 'info'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Information")
return(wireframe(info ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = dat, group=dat$group, main=main,
zlab=expression(I(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]),
ylab=expression(theta[2]), screen=rot,
scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
auto.key = auto.key, ...))
} else if(type == 'trace'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Probability")
return(wireframe(P ~ Theta1 + Theta2|cat, data = dat2, group = dat2$group, main = main,
ylab=expression(theta[2]), zlim = c(-0.1,1.1),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), screen=rot,
auto.key = auto.key, ...))
} else if(type == 'score'){
main <- paste("Expected Score for Item", item)
dat$score <-, score)
return(wireframe(score ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = dat, group=dat$group, main=main,
ylim=c(ymin_score-ybump, ymax_score+ybump),
zlab=expression(S(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), screen=rot,
auto.key = auto.key, ...))
} else if(type == 'RE'){
main <- paste("Relative Efficiency for Item", item)
return(wireframe(info ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = dat, group=dat$group, main=main,
zlab=expression(RE(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), screen=rot,
auto.key = auto.key, ...))
} else {
stop('Plot type not supported for 2 dimensional model', call.=FALSE)
itemplot.main <- function(x, item, type, degrees, CE, CEalpha, CEdraws, drop.zeros, rot,
theta_lim, cuts = 30, colorkey = TRUE, auto.key = TRUE, main = NULL,
add.ylab2 = TRUE, drape = TRUE, npts = 200, ...){
if(x@Options$exploratory) stop('Cannot drop zeros in exploratory models', call.=FALSE)
x@ParObjects$pars[[item]] <- extract.item(x, item, drop.zeros=TRUE)
nfact <- min(x@ParObjects$pars[[item]]@nfact, x@Model$nfact)
if(nfact > 3) stop('Can not plot high dimensional models', call.=FALSE)
theta <- seq(theta_lim[1L],theta_lim[2L], length.out=npts/(nfact^2))
prodlist <- attr(x@ParObjects$pars, 'prodlist')
if(length(prodlist) > 0){
Theta <- thetaComb(theta, x@Model$nfact)
ThetaFull <- prodterms(Theta,prodlist)
} else Theta <- ThetaFull <- thetaComb(theta, nfact)
if(length(degrees) == 1) degrees <- rep(degrees, ncol(ThetaFull))
if(is(x, 'SingleGroupClass') && x@Options$exploratory){
cfs <- coef(x, ..., verbose=FALSE, rawug=TRUE)
x@ParObjects$pars[[item]]@par <- as.numeric(cfs[[item]][1L,])
P <- ProbTrace(x=x@ParObjects$pars[[item]], Theta=ThetaFull)
if(type == 'threshold')
P <- 1 - t(apply(P, 1, cumsum))
K <- x@ParObjects$pars[[item]]@ncat
info <- numeric(nrow(ThetaFull))
if(K == 2L) auto.key <- FALSE
if(type %in% c('info', 'SE', 'infoSE', 'infotrace', 'RE', 'infocontour', 'infocat', 'RETURN')){
if(nfact == 1){
info <- iteminfo(x=x@ParObjects$pars[[item]], Theta=ThetaFull, degrees=0)
} else {
info <- iteminfo(x=x@ParObjects$pars[[item]], Theta=ThetaFull, degrees=degrees)
if(type == 'infocat'){
stopifnot(nfact == 1L && K > 2L)
type <- 'info'
infocat <- iteminfo(x=x@ParObjects$pars[[item]], Theta=ThetaFull,
degrees=0, = FALSE)
} else infocat <- NULL
CEinfoupper <- CEinfolower <- info
CEprobupper <- CEproblower <- P
if(CE && nfact != 3){
tmpitem <- x@ParObjects$pars[[item]]
if(length(tmpitem@SEpar) == 0) stop('Must calculate the information matrix first.', call.=FALSE)
splt <- strsplit(colnames(x@vcov), '\\.')
parnums <- as.numeric(, splt)[,2])
tmp <- tmpitem@parnum[tmpitem@est]
constrain <- x@Model$constrain
for(i in 1:length(constrain))
if(any(tmp %in% constrain[[i]]))
tmp[tmp %in% constrain[[i]]] <- constrain[[i]][1L]
tmp <- parnums %in% tmp
mu <- tmpitem@par[tmpitem@est]
vcov <- extract.mirt(x, 'vcov')
smallinfo <- vcov[tmp, tmp]
smallinfo <- (smallinfo + t(smallinfo))/2 #make symmetric
delta <- mirt_rmvnorm(CEdraws, mean=mu, sigma=smallinfo)
tmp <- mirt_dmvnorm(delta, mu, smallinfo)
sorttmp <- sort(tmp)
lower <- sorttmp[floor(length(tmp) * CEalpha/2)]
upper <- sorttmp[ceiling(length(tmp) * (1-CEalpha/2))]
delta <- delta[tmp < upper & tmp > lower, , drop=FALSE]
tmpitem@par[tmpitem@est] <- delta[1, ]
CEinfoupper <- CEinfolower <- iteminfo(tmpitem, ThetaFull, degrees=degrees)
CEprobupper <- CEproblower <- ProbTrace(tmpitem, ThetaFull)
CEscoreupper <- CEscorelower <- expected.item(tmpitem, ThetaFull, min = x@Data$mins[item])
for(i in 2:nrow(delta)){
tmpitem@par[tmpitem@est] <- delta[i, ]
CEinfo <- iteminfo(tmpitem, ThetaFull, degrees=degrees)
CEprob <- ProbTrace(tmpitem, ThetaFull)
CEscore <- expected.item(tmpitem, ThetaFull, min = x@Data$mins[item])
CEinfoupper <- apply(cbind(CEinfoupper, CEinfo), 1, max)
CEinfolower <- apply(cbind(CEinfolower, CEinfo), 1, min)
CEscoreupper <- apply(cbind(CEscoreupper, CEscore), 1, max)
CEscorelower <- apply(cbind(CEscorelower, CEscore), 1, min)
for(j in 1:ncol(CEprobupper)){
CEprobupper[,j] <- apply(cbind(CEprobupper[,j], CEprob[,j]), 1, max)
CEproblower[,j] <- apply(cbind(CEproblower[,j], CEprob[,j]), 1, min)
if(type == 'RETURN') return(data.frame(P=P, info=info, Theta=Theta))
score <- expected.item(x@ParObjects$pars[[item]], Theta=ThetaFull, min=x@Data$mins[item])
if(ncol(P) == 2 && type != 'threshold'){
P <- P[ ,-1, drop = FALSE]
CEprobupper <- CEprobupper[ ,-1, drop = FALSE]
CEproblower <- CEproblower[ ,-1, drop = FALSE]
ymin_score <- extract.mirt(x, 'mins')[item]
ymax_score <- extract.mirt(x, 'K')[item] + ymin_score - 1
ybump <- (ymax_score - ymin_score)/15
if(nfact == 1){
plt <- data.frame(info = info, Theta = Theta)
plt2 <- data.frame(P = P, Theta = Theta)
colnames(plt2) <- c(paste("P", 1:ncol(P), sep=''), "Theta")
plt2 <- reshape(plt2, direction='long', varying = paste("P", 1:ncol(P), sep=''), v.names = 'P',
times = paste("P", 1:ncol(P), sep=''))
colnames(plt) <- c("info", "Theta")
plt$score <- score
plt$SE <- 1/sqrt(plt$info)
plt$CEinfoupper <- CEinfoupper
plt$CEinfolower <- CEinfolower
plt$CEscoreupper <- CEscoreupper
plt$CEscorelower <- CEscorelower
plt2$upper <- as.numeric(CEprobupper)
plt2$lower <- as.numeric(CEproblower)
if(type == 'threshold'){
plt2 <- plt2[plt2$time != paste0('P', K), ]
plt2$time <- factor(plt2$time)
levels(plt2$time) <- paste0("P(x > ", (1L:(K-1L) - 1L) +
extract.mirt(x, what = 'mins')[item], ")")
if(type == 'trace'){
main <- paste('Probability Function for Item', item)
return(xyplot(P ~ Theta|time, data=plt2,
upper=plt2$upper, lower=plt2$lower,
panel = function(x, y, lower, upper, subscripts, ...){
upper <- upper[subscripts]
lower <- lower[subscripts]
panel.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(upper, rev(lower)),
col="#E6E6E6", border = FALSE, ...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type='l', lty=1,...)
main = main, ylim = c(-0.1,1.1), auto.key = auto.key,
ylab = expression(P(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(P ~ Theta, plt2, groups = time, type = 'l', auto.key = auto.key,
main = main, ylim = c(-0.1,1.1),
ylab = expression(P(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ... ))
} else if(type == 'threshold'){
main <- paste('Probability Thresholds for Item', item)
stop('Confidence envelope option not currently supported for type = \"threshold\"')
} else {
return(xyplot(P ~ Theta, plt2, groups = time, type = 'l', auto.key = auto.key,
main = main, ylim = c(-0.1,1.1),
ylab = expression(P(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ... ))
else if(type == 'info'){
main <- paste('Category and Total Information for Item', item)
plt2$infocat <- as.numeric(infocat)
return(xyplot(infocat ~ Theta, plt2,
auto.key = auto.key, main = main,
panel = function(x, y, ...){
panel.xyplot(x, y, type='l', lty=3,...)
panel.xyplot(x, plt$info, type='l', lty=1, ...)
}, info=plt2$info, group=plt2$time, ylim=c(0, max(plt$info))*1.05,
ylab = expression(I(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
main <- paste('Information for Item', item)
return(xyplot(info ~ Theta, data=plt, auto.key = auto.key,
upper=plt$CEinfoupper, lower=plt$CEinfolower,
panel = function(x, y, lower, upper, ...){
panel.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(upper, rev(lower)),
col="#E6E6E6", border = FALSE, ...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type='l', lty=1,...)
main = main, ylim=c(min(plt$CEinfolower), max(plt$CEinfoupper)),
ylab = expression(I(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(info ~ Theta, plt, type = 'l',
auto.key = auto.key, main = main,
ylab = expression(I(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else if(type == 'score'){
main <- paste('Expected Score for Item', item)
return(xyplot(score ~ Theta, data=plt, auto.key = auto.key,
ylim=c(ymin_score-ybump, ymax_score+ybump),
upper=plt$CEscoreupper, lower=plt$CEscorelower,
panel = function(x, y, lower, upper, ...){
panel.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(upper, rev(lower)),
col="#E6E6E6", border = FALSE, ...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type='l', lty=1,...)
}, main = main,
ylab = expression(S(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(score ~ Theta, plt, type = 'l',
ylim=c(ymin_score-ybump, ymax_score+ybump),
auto.key = auto.key, main = main,
ylab = expression(E(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else if(type == 'SE'){
main <- paste('Standard Error for Item', item)
plt$CESEupper <- 1/sqrt(CEinfolower)
plt$CESElower <- 1/sqrt(CEinfoupper)
return(xyplot(SE ~ Theta, data=plt, auto.key = auto.key,
upper=plt$CESEupper, lower=plt$CESElower,
panel = function(x, y, lower, upper, ...){
panel.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(upper, rev(lower)),
col="#E6E6E6", border = FALSE, ...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type='l', lty=1,...)
main = main, ylim=c(min(plt$CESElower), max(plt$CESEupper)),
ylab = expression(SE(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(SE ~ Theta, plt, type = 'l',
auto.key = auto.key, main = main,
ylab = expression(SE(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ...))
} else if(type == 'infoSE'){
main <- paste('Information and Standard Errors for Item', item)
obj1 <- xyplot(info~Theta, plt, type='l',
main = main, xlab = expression(theta), ylab=expression(I(theta)),...)
obj2 <- xyplot(SE~Theta, plt, type='l', ylab=expression(SE(theta)), ...)
if(requireNamespace("latticeExtra", quietly = TRUE)){
return(latticeExtra::doubleYScale(obj1, obj2, add.ylab2 = add.ylab2))
} else {
stop('latticeExtra package is not available. Please install.', call.=FALSE)
} else if(type == 'infotrace'){
main <- paste('Probability and Information Functions for Item', item)
obj1 <- xyplot(P ~ Theta, plt2, type = 'l', lty = c(1:K), groups=time, main = main,
ylim = c(-0.1,1.1), ylab = expression(P(theta)), xlab = expression(theta), ... )
obj2 <- xyplot(info~Theta, plt, type='l', xlab = expression(theta), ylab=expression(I(theta)))
if(requireNamespace("latticeExtra", quietly = TRUE)){
return(latticeExtra::doubleYScale(obj1, obj2, add.ylab2 = add.ylab2))
} else {
stop('latticeExtra package is not available. Please install.', call.=FALSE)
} else {
stop('Plot type not supported for unidimensional model', call.=FALSE)
} else if(nfact == 2){
plt <- data.frame(info = info, SE = 1/sqrt(info), Theta1 = Theta[,1], Theta2 = Theta[,2])
plt2 <- data.frame(P = P, Theta1 = Theta[,1], Theta2 = Theta[,2])
colnames(plt2) <- c(paste("P", 1:ncol(P), sep=''), "Theta1", "Theta2")
plt2 <- reshape(plt2, direction='long', varying = paste("P", 1:ncol(P), sep=''), v.names = 'P',
times = paste("P", 1:ncol(P), sep=''))
plt$score <- score
plt$CEinfoupper <- CEinfoupper
plt$CEinfolower <- CEinfolower
plt2$upper <- as.numeric(CEprobupper)
plt2$lower <- as.numeric(CEproblower)
if(type == 'threshold'){
plt2 <- plt2[plt2$time != paste0('P', K), ]
plt2$time <- factor(plt2$time)
levels(plt2$time) <- paste0("P(x > ", (1L:(K-1L) - 1L) +
extract.mirt(x, what = 'mins')[item], ")")
if(type == 'infocontour'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Information Contour")
return(contourplot(info ~ Theta1 * Theta2, data = plt,
main = main, xlab = expression(theta[1]),
ylab = expression(theta[2]), ...))
} else if(type == 'tracecontour'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Probabiliy Contour")
return(contourplot(P ~ Theta1 * Theta2, data = plt2,
main = main, xlab = expression(theta[1]),
ylab = expression(theta[2]), cuts=cuts, ...))
} else if(type == 'info'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Information")
return(wireframe(info + CEinfolower + CEinfoupper ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = plt,
main = main, col = c('black', 'red', 'red'),
zlab=expression(I(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales=list(arrows = FALSE), colorkey=colorkey, drape=drape, screen=rot, ...))
return(wireframe(info ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = plt, main = main,
zlab=expression(I(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), colorkey=colorkey, drape = drape, screen=rot, ...))
} else if(type == 'trace'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Probability")
return(wireframe(P + upper + lower ~ Theta1 + Theta2 | time, data = plt2,
main = main, zlim = c(-0.1,1.1),
zlab=expression(P(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]),
ylab=expression(theta[2]), col = c('black', 'red', 'red'),
scales=list(arrows = FALSE), colorkey=colorkey, drape=drape, screen=rot, ...))
return(wireframe(P ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = plt2, group = time,
main = main, zlim = c(-0.1,1.1),
zlab=expression(P(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape, screen=rot, ...))
} else if(type == 'threshold'){
main <- paste('Threshold Surfaces for Item', item)
stop('Confidence envelope option not currently supported for type = \"threshold\"')
} else return(wireframe(P ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = plt2, group = time,
main = main, zlim = c(-0.1,1.1),
zlab=expression(P(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape, screen=rot, ...))
} else if(type == 'score'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Expected Scores")
return(wireframe(score ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = plt, main = main,
zlab=expression(E(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
zlim = c(min(floor(plt$score)), max(ceiling(plt$score))),scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape, screen=rot, ...))
} else if(type == 'SE'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Standard Errors")
return(wireframe(SE ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = plt, main = main,
zlab=expression(SE(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape, screen=rot, ...))
} else {
stop('Plot type not supported for 2 dimensional model', call.=FALSE)
} else {
plt <- data.frame(info = info, SE = 1/sqrt(info), Theta1 = Theta[,1], Theta2 = Theta[,2],
Theta3 = Theta[,3])
plt2 <- data.frame(P = P, Theta1 = Theta[,1], Theta2 = Theta[,2], Theta3 = Theta[,3])
colnames(plt2) <- c(paste("P", 1:ncol(P), sep=''), "Theta1", "Theta2", "Theta3")
plt2 <- reshape(plt2, direction='long', varying = paste("P", 1:ncol(P), sep=''), v.names = 'P',
times = paste("P", 1:ncol(P), sep=''))
plt$score <- score
if(type == 'trace'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Trace")
return(wireframe(P ~ Theta1 + Theta2|Theta3, data = plt2, group = time,
main = main, zlim = c(-0.1,1.1),
zlab=expression(P(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape, screen=rot, ...))
} else if(type == 'score'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Expected Scores")
return(wireframe(score ~ Theta1 + Theta2|Theta3, data = plt, main = main,
zlab=expression(E(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
zlim = c(min(floor(plt$score)), max(ceiling(plt$score))),scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape, screen=rot, ...))
} else if(type == 'info'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Information")
return(wireframe(info ~ Theta1 + Theta2|Theta3, data = plt, main = main,
zlab=expression(I(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape, screen=rot, ...))
} else if(type == 'SE'){
main <- paste("Item", item, "Standard Errors")
return(wireframe(SE ~ Theta1 + Theta2|Theta3, data = plt, main = main,
zlab=expression(SE(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape, screen=rot, ...))
} else {
stop('Plot type not supported for 3 dimensional model', call.=FALSE)
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