Man pages for misha
Toolkit for Analysis of Genomic Data

dot-mishaAn environment for storing the package global variables
gbins.quantilesCalculates quantiles of a track expression for bins
gbins.summaryCalculates summary statistics of a track expression for bins
gcis_decayCalculates distribution of contact distances
gcluster.runRuns R commands on a cluster
gcompute_strands_autocorrComputes auto-correlation between the strands for a file of...
gdb.createCreates a new Genomic Database
gdb.get_readonly_attrsReturns a list of read-only track attributes
gdb.initInitializes connection with Genomic Database
gdb.reloadReloads database from the disk
gdb.set_readonly_attrsSets read-only track attributes
gdir.cdChanges current working directory in Genomic Database
gdir.createCreates a new directory in Genomic Database
gdir.cwdReturns the current working directory in Genomic Database
gdir.rmDeletes a directory from Genomic Database
gdistCalculates distribution of track expressions
gextractReturns evaluated track expression
gintervalsCreates a set of 1D intervals
gintervals.2dCreates a set of 2D intervals
gintervals.2d.allReturns 2D intervals that cover the whole genome
gintervals.2d.band_intersectIntersects two-dimensional intervals with a band
gintervals.allReturns 1D intervals that cover the whole genome
gintervals.canonicConverts intervals to canonic form
gintervals.chrom_sizesReturns number of intervals per chromosome
gintervals.diffCalculates difference of two intervals sets
gintervals.existsTests for a named intervals set existence
gintervals.force_rangeLimits intervals to chromosomal range
gintervals.import_genesImports genes and annotations from files
gintervals.intersectCalculates an intersection of two sets of intervals for big intervals set
gintervals.liftoverConverts intervals from another assembly
gintervals.loadLoads a named intervals set
gintervals.load_chainLoads assembly conversion table from a chain file
gintervals.lsReturns a list of named intervals sets
gintervals.mapplyApplies a function to values of track expressions
gintervals.neighborsFinds neighbors between two sets of intervals
gintervals.quantilesCalculates quantiles of a track expression for intervals
gintervals.rbindCombines several sets of intervals
gintervals.rmDeletes a named intervals set
gintervals.saveCreates a named intervals set
gintervals.summaryCalculates summary statistics of track expression for...
gintervals.unionCalculates a union of two sets of intervals
gintervals.updateUpdates a named intervals set
giterator.cartesian_gridCreates a cartesian-grid iterator
giterator.intervalsReturns iterator intervals
glookupReturns values from a lookup table based on track expression
gpartitionPartitions the values of track expression
gquantilesCalculates quantiles of a track expression
gsampleReturns samples from the values of track expression
gscreenFinds intervals that match track expression
gsegmentDivides track expression into segments
gseq.extractReturns DNA sequences
gsummaryCalculates summary statistics of track expression
gtrack.2d.createCreates a 'Rectangles' track from intervals and values
gtrack.2d.importCreates a 2D track from tab-delimited file
gtrack.2d.import_contactsCreates a track from a file of inter-genomic contacts
gtrack.array.extractReturns values from 'Array' track
gtrack.array.get_colnamesReturns column names of array track
gtrack.array.importCreates an array track from array tracks or files
gtrack.array.set_colnamesSets column names of array track
gtrack.attr.exportReturns track attributes values
gtrack.attr.getReturns value of a track attribute
gtrack.attr.importImports track attributes values
gtrack.attr.setAssigns value to a track attribute
gtrack.convertConverts a track to the most current format
gtrack.createCreates a track from a track expression
gtrack.create_dirsCreate directories needed for track creation
gtrack.create_pwm_energyCreates a new track from PSSM energy function
gtrack.create_sparseCreates a 'Sparse' track from intervals and values
gtrack.existsTests for a track existence
gtrack.importCreates a track from WIG / BigWig / BedGraph / tab-delimited...
gtrack.import_mappedseqCreates a track from a file of mapped sequences
gtrack.import_setCreates one or more tracks from multiple WIG / BigWig /...
gtrack.infoReturns information about a track
gtrack.liftoverImports a track from another assembly
gtrack.lookupCreates a new track from a lookup table based on track...
gtrack.lsReturns a list of track names
gtrack.modifyModifies track contents
gtrack.rmDeletes a track
gtrack.smoothCreates a new track from smoothed values of track expression
gtrack.var.getReturns value of a track variable
gtrack.var.lsReturns a list of track variables for a track
gtrack.var.rmDeletes a track variable
gtrack.var.setAssigns value to a track variable
gvtrack.array.sliceDefines rules for a single value calculation of a virtual...
gvtrack.createCreates a new virtual track
gvtrack.infoReturns the definition of a virtual track
gvtrack.iteratorDefines modification rules for a one-dimensional iterator in...
gvtrack.iterator.2dDefines modification rules for a two-dimensional iterator in...
gvtrack.lsReturns a list of virtual track names
gvtrack.rmDeletes a virtual track
gwgetDownloads files from FTP server
gwilcoxCalculates Wilcoxon test on sliding windows over track...
misha-packageToolkit for analysis of genomic data
pipePipe operator
misha documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.