
Defines functions NMixRelabel.NMixMCMC

Documented in NMixRelabel.NMixMCMC

##  PURPOSE:   Re-labeling of the MCMC output.
##             * method for objects of class NMixMCMC
##  AUTHOR:    Arnost Komarek (LaTeX: Arno\v{s}t Kom\'arek)
##             arnost.komarek[AT]mff.cuni.cz
##  CREATED:   08/02/2010
##             15/03/2017  .C call uses registered routines
##  FUNCTION:  NMixRelabel.NMixMCMC (08/02/2010) 
## ======================================================================

## *************************************************************
## NMixRelabel.NMixMCMC
## *************************************************************
NMixRelabel.NMixMCMC <- function(object, type = c("mean", "weight", "stephens"), par,
                                 prob = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), keep.comp.prob = FALSE, info, ...)
  thispackage <- "mixAK"

  LTp <- object$dim * (object$dim + 1)/2
  n <- object$Cpar$dimy["n"]

  ##### Determine re-labeling algorithm to use and additional parameters
  ##### +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  RAlg <- NMixRelabelAlgorithm(type = type, par = par, dim = object$dim)
  object$relabel <- RAlg$relabel                                     ## resulting re-labeling
  ##### Parameters of MCMC
  ##### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  if (is.null(object$K) | is.null(object$w) | is.null(object$mu) | is.null(object$Li) | is.null(object$Q) | is.null(object$Sigma)){
    stop("object does not contain sampled values")
  keepMCMC <- length(object$w) / (object$K[1] * object$nx_w)
  if (missing(info)) info <- keepMCMC
  if (info <= 0 | info > keepMCMC) info <- keepMCMC
  ##### Some input checks
  ##### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  if (object$prior$priorK != "fixed") stop("only implemented for models with a fixed number of mixture components")

  ##### Initial values of censored observations
  ##### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  zinit <- (object$state.first$y - matrix(rep(object$scale$shift, n), ncol=object$dim, byrow=TRUE)) / matrix(rep(object$scale$scale, n), ncol=object$dim, byrow=TRUE)

  ##### Needed length or Pr_y
  ##### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  lPr_y <- object$Cpar$dimy[2] * object$K[1] * keepMCMC  
  ##### Perform re-labeling
  ##### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  l_nchange <- ifelse(RAlg$Ctype <= 2, 1, RAlg$relabel$par$maxiter)
  MCMC <- .C(C_NMix_NMixRelabel,
             type         = as.integer(RAlg$Ctype),
             iparam       = as.integer(RAlg$iparam),
             y0           = as.double(t(object$Cpar$z0)),
             y1           = as.double(t(object$Cpar$z1)),
             censor       = as.integer(t(object$Cpar$censor)),
             nxw_xw       = as.integer(object$Cpar$x_w),             
             dimy         = as.integer(object$Cpar$dimy),
             keepMCMC     = as.integer(keepMCMC),
             info         = as.integer(info),
             K            = as.integer(object$K[1]),
             chw          = as.double(t(object$w)),
             chmu         = as.double(t(object$mu)),
             chQ          = as.double(t(object$Q)),
             chSigma      = as.double(t(object$Sigma)),
             chLi         = as.double(t(object$Li)),
             chorder      = integer(object$K[1] * keepMCMC),
             chrank       = integer(object$K[1] * keepMCMC),
             y            = as.double(t(zinit)),
             r            = integer(n),
             pm_w         = double(object$K[1] * object$nx_w),
             pm_mu        = double(object$dim * object$K[1]),
             pm_Q         = double(LTp * object$K[1]),
             pm_Sigma     = double(LTp * object$K[1]),
             pm_Li        = double(LTp * object$K[1]),
             sum_Ir       = integer(n * object$K[1]),
             hatPr_y      = double(n * object$K[1]),
             Pr_y         = double(lPr_y),
             iter_relabel = as.integer(0),
             nchange      = integer(l_nchange),
             err          = as.integer(0),
             PACKAGE = thispackage)
  if (MCMC$err) stop("Something went wrong.")

  ##### New chains for order and rank (corresponding to newly labeled sample)
  ##### +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  object$order <- matrix(as.numeric(MCMC$chorder + 1), ncol=object$K[1], byrow=TRUE)
  colnames(object$order) <- paste("order", 1:object$K[1], sep="")  
  MCMC$chorder <- NULL
  object$rank <- matrix(as.numeric(MCMC$chrank + 1), ncol=object$K[1], byrow=TRUE)
  colnames(object$rank) <- paste("rank", 1:object$K[1], sep="")                          
  MCMC$chrank <- NULL

  ##### Clustering based on posterior P(alloc = k | y) or on P(alloc = k | theta, y) 
  ##### +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  if (object$K[1] == 1){
    object$poster.comp.prob_u <- object$poster.comp.prob_b <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1)

    ### Using mean(I(r=k))
    MCMC$sum_Ir <- matrix(MCMC$sum_Ir, ncol = object$K[1], nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
    Denom <- apply(MCMC$sum_Ir, 1, sum)       ### this should be a vector of length n with all elements equal to the number of saved MCMC iterations 
    object$poster.comp.prob_u <- MCMC$sum_Ir / matrix(rep(Denom, object$K[1]), ncol = object$K[1], nrow = n)

    ### Using mean(P(r=k | theta, b, y))
    object$poster.comp.prob_b <- matrix(MCMC$hatPr_y, ncol = object$K[1], nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)

  ##### Individual sampled values of P(alloc = k | theta, y)
  ##### and related quantiles
  ##### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  object$comp.prob_b <- matrix(MCMC$Pr_y, ncol = object$K[1] * object$Cpar$dimy[2], nrow=keepMCMC, byrow=TRUE)
  colnames(object$comp.prob_b) <- paste("P(", rep(1:object$Cpar$dimy[2], each=object$K[1]), ",", rep(1:object$K[1], object$Cpar$dimy[2]), ")", sep="")
  if (length(prob)){
    qq <- apply(object$comp.prob_b, 2, quantile, prob=prob)
    if (length(prob) == 1){
      object$quant.comp.prob_b <- list(matrix(qq, ncol=object$K[1], byrow=TRUE))      
      object$quant.comp.prob_b <- list()
      for (i in 1:length(prob)){
        object$quant.comp.prob_b[[i]] <- matrix(qq[i,], ncol=object$K[1], byrow=TRUE)
    names(object$quant.comp.prob_b) <- paste(prob*100, "%", sep="")
  if (!keep.comp.prob) object$comp.prob_b <- NULL
  ##### Posterior means for mixture components
  ##### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  object$poster.mean.w <- as.numeric(MCMC$pm_w)
  #names(object$poster.mean.w) <- paste("w", 1:object$K[1], sep="")   ## this one is not nice if covariates on mixture weights
  names(object$poster.mean.w) <- colnames(object$w)

  object$poster.mean.mu <- matrix(MCMC$pm_mu, nrow=object$K[1], ncol=object$dim, byrow=TRUE)
  rownames(object$poster.mean.mu) <- paste("j", 1:object$K[1], sep="")
  colnames(object$poster.mean.mu) <- paste("m", 1:object$dim, sep="")

  object$poster.mean.Q <- object$poster.mean.Sigma <- object$poster.mean.Li <- list()
  for (j in 1:object$K[1]){
    tmpQ <- matrix(0, nrow=object$dim, ncol=object$dim)
    tmpQ[lower.tri(tmpQ, diag=TRUE)] <- MCMC$pm_Q[((j-1)*LTp+1):(j*LTp)]
    tmpQ[upper.tri(tmpQ, diag=FALSE)] <- t(tmpQ)[upper.tri(t(tmpQ), diag=FALSE)]
    object$poster.mean.Q[[j]] <- tmpQ
    tmpSigma <- matrix(0, nrow=object$dim, ncol=object$dim)
    tmpSigma[lower.tri(tmpSigma, diag=TRUE)] <- MCMC$pm_Sigma[((j-1)*LTp+1):(j*LTp)]
    tmpSigma[upper.tri(tmpSigma, diag=FALSE)] <- t(tmpSigma)[upper.tri(t(tmpSigma), diag=FALSE)]
    object$poster.mean.Sigma[[j]] <- tmpSigma
    tmpLi <- matrix(0, nrow=object$dim, ncol=object$dim)
    tmpLi[lower.tri(tmpLi, diag=TRUE)] <- MCMC$pm_Li[((j-1)*LTp+1):(j*LTp)]
    object$poster.mean.Li[[j]] <- tmpLi      
  names(object$poster.mean.Q) <- names(object$poster.mean.Sigma) <- names(object$poster.mean.Li) <- paste("j", 1:object$K[1], sep="")    

  ##### Numbers of changes of labelling at each re-labelling iteration (for Stephens' algorithm)
  ##### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  #if (type == "stephens"){
  #  nchange <- MCMC$nchange[1:MCMC$iter_relabel]
  #  cat("Numbers of changes of labelling at each re-labelling iteration:\n")
  #  print(nchange)

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