
Defines functions mlogit w2nDM w2wn w2n

Documented in w2n

#' Scaling function: working to natural parameters
#' Scales each parameter from the set of real numbers, back to its natural interval.
#' Used during the optimization of the log-likelihood.
#' @param wpar Vector of working parameters.
#' @param bounds Named list of 2-column matrices specifying bounds on the natural (i.e, real) scale of the probability 
#' distribution parameters for each data stream.
#' @param parSize Named list indicating the number of natural parameters of the data stream probability distributions
#' @param nbStates The number of states of the HMM.
#' @param nbCovs The number of beta covariates.
#' @param estAngleMean Named list indicating whether or not to estimate the angle mean for data streams with angular 
#' distributions ('vm' and 'wrpcauchy').
#' @param circularAngleMean Named list indicating whether to use circular-linear or circular-circular
#' regression on the mean of circular distributions ('vm' and 'wrpcauchy') for turning angles. See \code{\link{fitHMM}}.  
#' @param consensus Named list indicating whether to use the circular-circular regression consensus model
#' @param stationary \code{FALSE} if there are time-varying covariates in \code{formula} or any covariates in \code{formulaDelta}. If \code{TRUE}, the initial distribution is considered
#' equal to the stationary distribution. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param fullDM Named list containing the full (i.e. not shorthand) design matrix for each data stream.
#' @param DMind Named list indicating whether \code{fullDM} includes individual- and/or temporal-covariates for each data stream
#' specifies (-1,1) bounds for the concentration parameters instead of the default [0,1) bounds.
#' @param nbObs Number of observations in the data.
#' @param dist Named list indicating the probability distributions of the data streams. 
#' @param Bndind Named list indicating whether \code{DM} is NULL with default parameter bounds for each data stream.
#' @param nc indicator for zeros in fullDM
#' @param meanind index for circular-circular regression mean angles with at least one non-zero entry in fullDM
#' @param covsDelta data frame containing the delta model covariates
#' @param workBounds named list of 2-column matrices specifying bounds on the working scale of the probability distribution, transition probability, and initial distribution parameters
#' @param covsPi data frame containing the pi model covariates
#' @return A list of:
#' \item{...}{Matrices containing the natural parameters for each data stream (e.g., 'step', 'angle', etc.)}
#' \item{beta}{Matrix of regression coefficients of the transition probabilities}
#' \item{delta}{Initial distribution}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' m<-example$m
#' nbStates <- 2
#' nbCovs <- 2
#' parSize <- list(step=2,angle=2)
#' par <- list(step=c(t(m$mle$step)),angle=c(t(m$mle$angle)))
#' bounds <- m$conditions$bounds
#' beta <- matrix(rnorm(6),ncol=2,nrow=3)
#' delta <- c(0.6,0.4)
#' #working parameters
#' wpar <- momentuHMM:::n2w(par,bounds,list(beta=beta),log(delta[-1]/delta[1]),nbStates,
#' m$conditions$estAngleMean,NULL,m$conditions$Bndind,
#' m$conditions$dist)
#' #natural parameter
#' p <-   momentuHMM:::w2n(wpar,bounds,parSize,nbStates,nbCovs,m$conditions$estAngleMean,
#' m$conditions$circularAngleMean,lapply(m$conditions$dist,function(x) x=="vmConsensus"),
#' m$conditions$stationary,m$conditions$fullDM,
#' m$conditions$DMind,1,m$conditions$dist,m$conditions$Bndind,
#' matrix(1,nrow=length(unique(m$data$ID)),ncol=1),covsDelta=m$covsDelta,
#' workBounds=m$conditions$workBounds)
#' }
#' @importFrom Brobdingnag as.brob sum

w2n <- function(wpar,bounds,parSize,nbStates,nbCovs,estAngleMean,circularAngleMean,consensus,stationary,fullDM,DMind,nbObs,dist,Bndind,nc,meanind,covsDelta,workBounds,covsPi)
  # identify recharge parameters
  if(nbStates>1 & !is.null(workBounds$theta)) {
    foo <- length(wpar)-nrow(workBounds$theta) + 1
    theta <- w2wn(wpar[foo:length(wpar)],workBounds$theta)
    wpar <- wpar[-(foo:length(wpar))]
  else theta <- NULL
  if(nbStates>1 & !is.null(workBounds$g0)) {
    foo <- length(wpar)-nrow(workBounds$g0) + 1
    g0 <- w2wn(wpar[foo:length(wpar)],workBounds$g0)
    wpar <- wpar[-(foo:length(wpar))]
  else g0 <- NULL
  mixtures <- nrow(workBounds$beta)/((nbCovs+1)*nbStates*(nbStates-1))
  nbAnimals <- nrow(covsDelta)
  # identify initial distribution parameters
  if(!stationary & nbStates>1){
    nbCovsDelta <- ncol(covsDelta)-1 # substract intercept column
    foo <- length(wpar)-(nbCovsDelta+1)*(nbStates-1)*mixtures+1
    tmpwpar <- matrix(w2wn(wpar[foo:length(wpar)],workBounds$delta),(nbCovsDelta+1)*mixtures,nbStates-1)
    delta <- tryCatch(mlogit(tmpwpar,covsDelta,nbCovsDelta,nbAnimals,nbStates,mixtures),error=function(e) e)
    if(inherits(delta,"error")) stop("\nFailed to calculate initial distribution parameters: ",delta,"\n     check initial values, workBounds, userBounds, nlmPar or control, etc.")
    wpar <- wpar[-(foo:length(wpar))]
  else delta <- NULL
  # identify regression coefficients for the transition probabilities
  pie <- matrix(1,nbAnimals,1)
  if(nbStates>1) {
      nbCovsPi <- ncol(covsPi)-1 # substract intercept column
      foo <- length(wpar)-(nbCovsPi+1)*(mixtures-1)+1
      tmpwpar <- matrix(w2wn(wpar[foo:length(wpar)],workBounds[["pi"]]),(nbCovsPi+1),mixtures-1)
      pie <- tryCatch(mlogit(tmpwpar,covsPi,nbCovsPi,nbAnimals,mixtures),error=function(e) e)
      if(inherits(pie,"error")) stop("\nFailed to calculate mixture probability parameters: ",pie,"\n     check initial values, workBounds, userBounds, nlmPar or control, etc.")
      wpar <- wpar[-(foo:length(wpar))]
    foo <- length(wpar)-(nbCovs+1)*nbStates*(nbStates-1)*mixtures+1
    tmpwpar <- w2wn(wpar[foo:length(wpar)],workBounds$beta)
    beta <- tmpwpar
    beta <- matrix(beta,nrow=(nbCovs+1)*mixtures)
    wpar <- wpar[-(foo:length(wpar))]
  } else beta <- NULL
  distnames <- names(dist)
  parCount<- lapply(fullDM,ncol)
  for(i in distnames[!unlist(lapply(circularAngleMean,isFALSE))]){
    parCount[[i]] <- length(unique(gsub("cos","",gsub("sin","",colnames(fullDM[[i]])))))
  parindex <- c(0,cumsum(unlist(parCount))[-length(fullDM)])
  names(parindex) <- names(fullDM)
  for(i in distnames){
    if(estAngleMean[[i]] & Bndind[[i]]){ 
      bounds[[i]][,1] <- -Inf
      bounds[[i]][which(bounds[[i]][,2]!=1),2] <- Inf
      foo <- length(tmpwpar) - nbStates + 1
      x <- tmpwpar[(foo - nbStates):(foo - 1)]
      y <- tmpwpar[foo:length(tmpwpar)]
      angleMean <- Arg(x + (0+1i) * y)
      kappa <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
      tmpwpar[(foo - nbStates):(foo - 1)] <- angleMean
      tmpwpar[foo:length(tmpwpar)] <- kappa
    parlist[[i]] <- tryCatch(w2nDM(tmpwpar,bounds[[i]],fullDM[[i]],DMind[[i]],nbObs,circularAngleMean[[i]],consensus[[i]],nbStates,0,nc[[i]],meanind[[i]],workBounds[[i]],dist[[i]]),error=function(e) e)
    if(inherits(parlist[[i]],"error")) stop("\nFailed to calculate '",i,"' natural scale parameters: ",parlist[[i]],"\n     check initial values, workBounds, userBounds, nlmPar or control, etc.")
    if((dist[[i]] %in% angledists) & !estAngleMean[[i]]){
      parlist[[i]] <- tmp

#' @importFrom stats plogis
w2wn <- function(wpar,workBounds,k=0){
  ind1<-which(is.finite(workBounds[,1]) & is.infinite(workBounds[,2]))
  ind2<-which(is.finite(workBounds[,1]) & is.finite(workBounds[,2]))
  ind3<-which(is.infinite(workBounds[,1]) & is.finite(workBounds[,2]))
  wpar[ind1] <- exp(wpar[ind1])+workBounds[ind1,1]
  wpar[ind2] <- (workBounds[ind2,2]-workBounds[ind2,1]) * stats::plogis(wpar[ind2])+workBounds[ind2,1]
  wpar[ind3] <- -(exp(-wpar[ind3]) - workBounds[ind3,2])
  if(k) wpar <- wpar[k]

#' @importFrom stats plogis
  wpar <- w2wn(wpar,workBounds)
  zeroInflation <- any(grepl("zeromass",rownames(bounds)))
  oneInflation <- any(grepl("onemass",rownames(bounds)))
  piInd<-(abs(a- -pi)<1.e-6 & abs(b - pi)<1.e-6)
  zoInd <- as.logical((grepl("zeromass",rownames(bounds)) | grepl("onemass",rownames(bounds)))*(zeroInflation*oneInflation))
  ind3<-which(!piInd & !zoInd)
    XB <- p <- getXB(DM,nbObs,wpar,DMind,circularAngleMean,consensus,nbStates,nc,meanind)
    l_t <- matrix(1,nrow(XB),ncol(XB))
  } else {
    tmpXB <- getXB(DM,nbObs,wpar,DMind,circularAngleMean,consensus,nbStates,nc,meanind)
    XB <- p <- tmpXB$XB
    l_t <- matrix(tmpXB$l_t,nrow(XB),ncol(XB))
    p <- matrix(0,nrow(XB)+nbStates,nbObs)
    ind3 <- 1:(nrow(XB)+nbStates)
    for(j in 1:nbStates){
      catInd <- seq(j,nrow(XB),nbStates)
      probPar <- rbind(XB[catInd,,drop=FALSE],rep(0,ncol(XB)))
      expPar <- exp(probPar)
      prob <- expPar/rep(colSums(expPar),each=length(catInd)+1)
      for(i in which(!is.finite(colSums(prob)))){
        tmp <- exp(Brobdingnag::as.brob(probPar[,i]))
        prob[,i] <- as.numeric(tmp/Brobdingnag::sum(tmp))
      p[seq(j,nrow(XB)+nbStates,nbStates),] <- prob
      a[seq(j,nrow(XB)+nbStates,nbStates)[1:(nrow(XB)/nbStates)]] <- bounds[seq(j,nrow(XB),nbStates),1]
      b[seq(j,nrow(XB)+nbStates,nbStates)[1:(nrow(XB)/nbStates)]] <- bounds[seq(j,nrow(XB),nbStates),2]
  } else {
    if(length(ind1) & isFALSE(circularAngleMean))
      p[ind1,] <- (2*atan(XB[ind1,]))
      for(j in 1:nbStates){
        zoParInd <- which(grepl(paste0("zeromass_",j),rownames(bounds)) | grepl(paste0("onemass_",j),rownames(bounds)))
        zoPar <- rbind(XB[zoParInd,,drop=FALSE],rep(0,ncol(XB)))
        expzo <- exp(zoPar)
        zo <- expzo/rep(colSums(expzo),each=3)
        for(i in which(!is.finite(colSums(zo)))){
          tmp <- exp(Brobdingnag::as.brob(zoPar[,i]))
          zo[,i] <- as.numeric(tmp/Brobdingnag::sum(tmp))
        p[zoParInd,] <- zo[-3,]
    ind31<-ind3[which(is.finite(a[ind3]) & is.infinite(b[ind3]))]
    ind32<-ind3[which(is.finite(a[ind3]) & is.finite(b[ind3]))]
    ind33<-ind3[which(is.infinite(a[ind3]) & is.finite(b[ind3]))]
    p[ind31,] <- (l_t[ind31,,drop=FALSE] * exp(XB[ind31,,drop=FALSE])+a[ind31])
    p[ind32,] <- ((b[ind32]-a[ind32])*(l_t[ind32,,drop=FALSE] * stats::plogis(XB[ind32,,drop=FALSE]))+a[ind32])
    p[ind33,] <- -(exp(-XB[ind33,,drop=FALSE]) - b[ind33])
    # adjust for means for langevin diffusion
      for(i in 1:nbStates){
        for(j in as.integer(gsub("langevin","",comment(DM)))){
          DMx <- DM[paste0("mean.x_",i),j][[1]]
          DMy <- DM[paste0("mean.y_",i),j][[1]]
            DMz <- DM[paste0("mean.z_",i),j][[1]]
            DM[paste0("mean.x_",i),j][[1]] <- DMx * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.x_",i)),]/2 + DMy * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.xy_",i)),]/2 + DMz * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.xz_",i)),]/2
            DM[paste0("mean.y_",i),j][[1]] <- DMy * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.y_",i)),]/2 + DMx * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.xy_",i)),]/2 + DMz * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.yz_",i)),]/2
            DM[paste0("mean.z_",i),j][[1]] <- DMz * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.z_",i)),]/2 + DMx * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.xz_",i)),]/2 + DMy * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.yz_",i)),]/2
          } else {
            DM[paste0("mean.x_",i),j][[1]] <- DMx * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.x_",i)),]/2 + DMy * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.xy_",i)),]/2
            DM[paste0("mean.y_",i),j][[1]] <- DMy * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.y_",i)),]/2 + DMx * p[which(rownames(bounds)==paste0("sigma.xy_",i)),]/2
      mInd <- which(grepl("mean",rownames(DM)))
      XB[mInd,] <- p[mInd,] <- getXB(DM[mInd,],nbObs,wpar,DMind,circularAngleMean,consensus,nbStates,nc[mInd,],meanind)
    if(any(p<a | p>b)){
      stop("Scaling error. Check initial values and bounds.")
  if(k) {
    p <- p[k]
  } else if(DMind) {
    p <- matrix(p,length(ind1)+length(ind2)+length(ind3),nbObs)

mlogit <- function(wpar,covs,nbCovs,nbAnimals,nbStates,mixtures=1){
  par <- matrix(0,nbAnimals*mixtures,nbStates)
  for(mix in 1:mixtures){
    tmppar <- c(rep(0,nbCovs+1),wpar[(mix-1)*(nbCovs+1)+1:(nbCovs+1),])
    parXB <- covs%*%matrix(tmppar,nrow=nbCovs+1)
    exppar <- exp(parXB)
    tmppar <- exppar/rowSums(exppar)
    for(i in which(!is.finite(rowSums(tmppar)))){
      tmp <- exp(Brobdingnag::as.brob(parXB[i,]))
      tmppar[i,] <- as.numeric(tmp/Brobdingnag::sum(tmp))
    par[(mix-1)*nbAnimals+1:nbAnimals,] <- tmppar

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