
setGeneric("brownian.bridge.dyn", function(object, raster = 1, dimSize = 10, location.error, margin = 11, window.size = 31, ext = .3, bbox = NA, ...) {
# This method is to enable pointing at a collumn that contains the location error
  f = "brownian.bridge.dyn",
  signature = c(object = "ANY", raster = "RasterLayer", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "character"),
  function(object, raster, dimSize, location.error, ...) {
    location.error <- do.call("$", list(object, location.error))
    if (is.null(location.error)) {
      stop("column indicated for location error probably does not exist")
    brownian.bridge.dyn(object = object, location.error = location.error, raster = raster, margin = margin, window.size = window.size, ext = ext, ...)

### if neither a raster nor the dimSize is given, then the cell size is
### calculated by the defauled dimSize and the largest dimension
  f = "brownian.bridge.dyn",
  signature = c(object = ".MoveTrackSingle", raster = "missing", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "numeric"),
  function(object, raster, dimSize, location.error, ...) {
    return(brownian.bridge.dyn(object = object, dimSize = dimSize, location.error = location.error, margin = margin, window.size = window.size, ext = ext, ...))
) # seems to be necessary

### if no raster object but a dimSize is given, the cell size of the raster is
### calculated with the number of cells given by the dimSize NOTE: the dimSize
### is a raw estimate of number of cells of the highest range side. it is
### however not the final number of cells in that direction because when
### calculating the raster it is extended by the ext factor and there is
### rounding with ceiling also taking part.
  f = "brownian.bridge.dyn",
  signature = c(object = "SpatialPointsDataFrame", raster = "missing", dimSize = "numeric", location.error = "ANY"),
  function(object, raster, dimSize, location.error, ...) {
    if (!any(is.na(bbox))) {
      Range <- extent(bbox)
      Range <- c(Range@xmin, Range@xmax, Range@ymin, Range@ymax)
    } else {
      Range <- .extcalc(obj = object, ext = ext)
    yRange <- diff(Range[3:4])
    xRange <- diff(Range[1:2])

    # largest dimension divided by number of cells (=dimSize) gives cell.size
    # (raster='numeric')
    if (xRange > yRange) {
      raster <- xRange / dimSize
    } else {
      raster <- yRange / dimSize
      object = object, raster = raster, location.error = location.error,
      margin = margin, window.size = window.size, ext = ext, ...

# if there is no valid raster object, it should be calculated make a raster
# object and feed it (again) to the brownian.bridge.dyn function (now it will
# call the right function, because raster is now a raster object)
  f = "brownian.bridge.dyn",
  signature = c(object = "SpatialPointsDataFrame", raster = "numeric", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "ANY"),
  definition = function(object, raster, dimSize, location.error, ...) {
    if (!any(is.na(bbox))) {
      Range <- extent(bbox)
      Range <- c(Range@xmin, Range@xmax, Range@ymin, Range@ymax)
    } else {
      Range <- .extcalc(obj = object, ext = ext)
    yRange <- diff(Range[3:4])
    xRange <- diff(Range[1:2])
    # calculation of the coordinates to fit squared raster cells
    ymin <- Range[3] - (ceiling(yRange / raster) * raster - yRange) / 2
    ymax <- Range[4] + (ceiling(yRange / raster) * raster - yRange) / 2
    xmin <- Range[1] - (ceiling(xRange / raster) * raster - xRange) / 2
    xmax <- Range[2] + (ceiling(xRange / raster) * raster - xRange) / 2
    # Calculate the raster; the raster variable replaces here the cell size
    nrow <- ((ymax - ymin) / raster)
    ncol <- ((xmax - xmin) / raster)
    ex <- extent(c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax))
    rst <- raster(ncols = ncol, nrows = nrow, crs = proj4string(object), ex)
      object = object, raster = rst, location.error = location.error, margin = margin, window.size = window.size,
      ext = ext, ...

  f = "brownian.bridge.dyn",
  signature = c(object = ".MoveTrackSingle", raster = "RasterLayer", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "numeric"),
  definition = function(object, raster, location.error, ...) {
    if (length(location.error) == 1) location.error <- rep(x = location.error, times = n.locs(object))
    object <- brownian.motion.variance.dyn(object = object, location.error = location.error, margin = margin, window.size = window.size)
    brownian.bridge.dyn(object = object, raster = raster, location.error = location.error, ext = ext, ...)

  f = "brownian.bridge.dyn",
  signature = c(object = "dBMvariance", raster = "RasterLayer", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "numeric"),
  definition = function(object, raster, location.error, ext, time.step, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
    if (length(location.error) == 1) location.error <- rep(x = location.error, times = n.locs(object))
    if (n.locs(object) != length(location.error)) {
      stop("The location error vector has not the same length as the move object")
    if (any(is.na(location.error))) {
      stop("The location error contains NAs")
    if (any(location.error <= 0)) {
      stop("The location error needs to be a postive number")
    # check for aeqd projection of the coordinates
    if (isLonLat(object)) stop("You can not use longitude latitude projection for this function. To transform your coordinates use the spTransform function. \n")
    if (!equalProj(list(raster, object))) { # check equal projection of raster and Move
      stop(paste("The projection of the raster and the Move object are not equal. \n raster:", proj4string(raster), "\n object:", proj4string(object), "\n"))

    time.lag <- c(timeLag(object, units = "mins"), 0) # units need to match between here and dBBMMvar calculations

    if (missing(time.step)) {
      time.step <- (min(time.lag[-length(time.lag)]) / 15)
    if (!is.numeric(time.step)) {
      stop("time.step is not numeric")

    T.Total <- sum(time.lag[object@interest])

    compsize <- ncell(raster) * (sum(time.lag[object@interest]) / time.step)
    if (verbose) {
      message(paste("Computational size:", sprintf("%.1e", compsize)))

    # we need either next and previous location of segments
    ans <- .Call(
      "dbbmm2", coordinates(object)[, 1],
      coordinates(object)[, 2],
      c(object@means, 0),
      (as.numeric(timestamps(object)) - min(as.numeric(timestamps(object)))) / 60,
      xFromCol(raster, 1:ncol(raster)),
      yFromRow(raster, nrow(raster):1),
      time.step, 4, object@interest
    ) # last argument is how many sds away one want to calculate

    ans <- ans / sum(ans)
    raster <- setValues(raster, ans)
    # 		  # Fortran agguments n.locs gridSize timeDiff total time x track y track
    # 		  # variance estimates loc error x raster y raster interpolation time step prop
    # 		  # vector filled
    # 		  ans <- .Fortran("dBBMM", as.integer(1 + sum(object@interest)),
    # 				  as.integer(ncell(raster)),
    # 				  as.double(c(time.lag[object@interest], 0)),
    # 				  as.double(T.Total),
    # 				  as.double(coordinates(object)[interest, 1]),
    # 				  as.double(coordinates(object)[interest, 2]),
    # 				  as.double(c(object@means[object@interest],0)),
    # 				  as.double(location.error[interest]),
    # 				  as.double(coordinates(raster)[, 1]),
    # 				  as.double(coordinates(raster)[, 2]),
    # 				  as.double(time.step), as.double(rep(0, ncell(raster))))
    # 		  raster <- setValues(raster, ans[[12]])

    dBBMM <- new("DBBMM",
      DBMvar = object, method = "Dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Model",
      raster, ext = ext
    outerProbability <- outerProbability(dBBMM)

    if (is.na(outerProbability)) {
      #              stop("The used extent is too large. Choose a smaller value for ext!")
      stop("outerProbability returned an NA value consider different values for ext, this error can also occure if the raster only consist of 1 or few cells (e.g. dimSize=1 or dimSize=2)")
      # when did this occure Marco? # should we move these checks to the validity
      # function of the dbbbmm object
      # one occurence i found is with a every small raster of 1 by 2 cells
    } else {
      if (outerProbability > 0.01) {
        warning("Outer probability: ", outerProbability, " The used extent is too small. Choose an extent which includes more of the probabilities.")


  f = "brownian.bridge.dyn",
  signature = c(
    object = "dBMvarianceStack",
    raster = "RasterLayer",
    dimSize = "missing",
    location.error = "numeric"
           ...) {
    l <-
      lapply(s <-
        lapply(levels(trackId(object)), "==", trackId(object)), function(x, i) {
        x[i, ]
      }, x = object)
    l <- lapply(l, function(x) {
      o <- lapply(slotNames(x), slot, object = x)
      names(o) <- slotNames(x)
      o <-
        o[!(names(o) %in% c("trackId", "trackIdUnUsedRecords"))]
      do.call("new", c(list(Class = "dBMvariance"), o))
    stk <-
        MoreArgs = list(raster = raster),
        location.error = ifelse(
          length(location.error) == 1,
          list(lapply(s, function(x, i) {
          }, x = location.error))
    names(stk) <- levels(trackId(object))
    rasterStack <- stack(lapply(stk, as, "RasterLayer"))
    DBBMMStack <-
      new("DBBMMStack", DBMvar = object, rasterStack)

  f = "brownian.bridge.dyn",
  signature = c(
    object = "MoveStack",
    raster = "RasterLayer",
    dimSize = "missing",
    location.error = "numeric"
           ...) {
    d <-
        location.error = location.error,
        margin = margin,
        window.size = window.size
      object = d,
      raster = raster,
      location.error = location.error

# ### do brownian.bridge.dyn for all individuals within a MoveStack
# setMethod(f = "brownian.bridge.dyn",
# 	  signature = c(object = "MoveStack", raster = "RasterLayer", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "numeric"),
# 	  function(object, raster, dimSize, location.error, ...) {
# 		  moveUnstacked <- split(x = object)
# 		  if(length(location.error)==1){
# 			  location.error<-split(rep(location.error,sum(n.locs(object))),
# 						rep(levels(trackId(object)),n.locs(object)))
# 		  }else{
#         if(length(location.error)!=sum(n.locs(object)))
#           stop('Location error needs to be the same length as the number of locations')
# 			  location.error<-split(location.error,
# 						rep(levels(trackId(object)),n.locs(object)))
# 		  }
# 		  # split MoveStack into individual Move objects
# 		  dbbmmLST <- list()
# 		  omitMove <- c()
# 		  for (i in names(moveUnstacked)) {
# 			  if (n.locs(moveUnstacked[[i]]) > (2*window.size - 2*margin)) {
# 				  dbbmmLST[[i]] <- brownian.bridge.dyn(moveUnstacked[[i]], raster = raster, location.error = location.error[[i]], margin = margin, window.size = window.size, ext = ext, ...)
# 			  } else {
# 				  omitMove <- c(omitMove, i)
# 			  }
# 			  # store which Move Objects were not processed
# 		  }
# 		  if (length(omitMove) > 0)
# 			  warning("Move object ", paste(omitMove, collapse = " "), " was/were omitted, because the number of coordinates is smaller than the window.size and margin you use.\n")
# 		  rasterStack <- stack(lapply(dbbmmLST, as, "RasterLayer"))
# 		  DBMvarLST <- lapply(dbbmmLST, slot, "DBMvar")
# 		  objectAnimalsOmitted <- object[as.character(object@trackId) %in% names(DBMvarLST)]
# 		  dBMvarianceStack <- new("dBMvarianceStack",
# 					  objectAnimalsOmitted,
# 					  in.windows = unlist(lapply(DBMvarLST, slot, "in.windows")),
# 					  interest = unlist(lapply(DBMvarLST, slot, "interest")),
# 					  means = unlist(lapply(DBMvarLST, slot, "means")),
# 					  margin = unique(unlist(lapply(DBMvarLST, slot, "margin"))),
# 					  window.size = unique(unlist(lapply(DBMvarLST, slot, "window.size"))))
# 		  # The breaks should later be inherited here now there gone
# 		  DBBMMStack <- new("DBBMMStack", DBMvar = dBMvarianceStack, rasterStack)
# 		  return(DBBMMStack)
# 	  })

setMethod(f = "brownian.bridge.dyn", signature = c(
  object = "dBMvarianceBurst", raster = "RasterLayer",
  dimSize = "missing", location.error = "numeric"
), definition = function(object,
                         raster, location.error, ext, time.step, burstType, ...) {
  burstVarList <- split(object)
  if (!missing(burstType)) {
    if (!any(burstType %in% names(burstVarList))) {
      stop("none of the burstTypes is in the data")
    burstVarList <- burstVarList[names(burstVarList) %in% burstType]
  varList <- lapply(burstVarList, as, "dBMvariance")

  if (!all(sel <- unlist(lapply(lapply(lapply(lapply(varList, slot, "interest"), rev), "[", -1), any)))) {
    warning("Some burst are omitted for variance calculation since there are not segements of interest")
    varList <- varList[sel]
  if (missing(time.step)) {
    time.step <- min(unlist(lapply(varList, timeLag, units = "mins"))) / 15
  locErrSplit <- lapply(mapply("%in%", MoreArgs = list(row.names(object)), table = lapply(varList, row.names), SIMPLIFY = F), function(x, i) x[i], x = location.error)
  t <- mapply(brownian.bridge.dyn, varList,
    location.error = locErrSplit,
    MoreArgs = list(
      ext = ext,
      raster = raster,
      time.step = time.step, ...
    ), SIMPLIFY = F
  for (i in 1:length(t)) {
    names(t[[i]]) <- paste0(names(t[i]), "_", i)

  res <- stack(t)
  t <- as.difftime(unlist(lapply(varList, function(x) {
    dt <- sum(as.numeric(timeLag(x, units = "days")[head(x@interest, -1)], units = "days"))
  })), units = "days")
  res <- stack(res * (as.numeric(t, units = "days") / sum(as.numeric(t, units = "days"))))

  res <- setZ(res, t)
  res <- new("DBBMMBurstStack", DBMvar = object, (res), ext = ext)

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move documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:09 p.m.