
Defines functions brownian.motion.variance

brownian.motion.variance <- function(time.lag, location.error, x, y) {
  # Creating NULL vectors to store data
  n.locs <- unique(c(length(time.lag), length(location.error), length(x), length(y)))
  if (length(n.locs) != 1) {
    stop("Not an equal number of locations in call to brownian.motion.variance")
  T.jump <- alpha <- ztz <- loc.error.1 <- loc.error.2 <- NULL
  i <- 2
  while (i < n.locs) {
    # calculate serveral variables needed in the variance function
    t <- time.lag[i - 1] + time.lag[i]
    T.jump <- c(T.jump, t)
    a <- time.lag[i - 1] / t
    alpha <- c(alpha, a)
    u <- c(x[i - 1], y[i - 1]) + a * (c(x[i + 1], y[i + 1]) - c(
      x[i - 1],
      y[i - 1]
    ztz <- c(ztz, (c(x[i], y[i]) - u) %*% (c(x[i], y[i]) - u))
    loc.error.1 <- c(loc.error.1, location.error[i - 1])
    loc.error.2 <- c(loc.error.2, location.error[i + 1])
    i <- i + 2
  # Likelihood function for Brownian Motion variance estimation
  likelihood <- function(var, T.jump, alpha, loc.error.1, loc.error.2, ztz) {
    v <- T.jump * alpha * (1 - alpha) * var + ((1 - alpha)^2) * (loc.error.1^2) +
      (alpha^2) * (loc.error.2^2)
    l <- log((1 / (2 * pi * v)) * exp(-ztz / (2 * v)))
    if (any(is.na(l))) {
      stop("An internal error occoured. Contact maintainer.")
    # sum was using na.rm=T, but i want to know why probably has to do with not
    # possible optimizations, now build in logical statement in line before
  BMvar <- optimize(likelihood,
    lower = (l <- 0), upper = (u <- 1e+15), T.jump = T.jump,
    alpha = alpha, loc.error.1 = loc.error.1, loc.error.2 = loc.error.2,
    ztz = ztz
  ) # implement checks if optimization worked
  if (any(BMvar$minimum %in% c(l, u))) {
    stop("Optimization failed! Consider changing mapunits")

  if ((length(x) %% 2) != 1) {
    warning("Not an even number of locations in variance function")

  return(list(BMvar = BMvar$minimum, cll = -BMvar$objective))
setGeneric("brownian.motion.variance.dyn", function(object, location.error, window.size, margin) {

  f = "brownian.motion.variance.dyn",
  signature = c(object = ".MoveTrackSingle", location.error = "numeric", window.size = "numeric", margin = "numeric"),
  definition = function(object, location.error, window.size, margin) {
    time.lag <- timeLag(object, units = "mins") # units need to correspont between BBMM method and here
    if (length(location.error) == 1) location.error <- rep(x = location.error, times = n.locs(object))
    if (n.locs(object) != length(location.error)) {
      stop("The location error vector has not the same length as the move object")
    if (n.locs(object) < window.size) {
      stop("window.size can't be larger than the number of locations in the move object")
    if (any(is.na(location.error))) {
      stop("The location error contains NAs")
    if (isLonLat(object)) stop("You can not use longitude latitude projection for this function. To transform your coordinates use the spTransform function. \n")
    if (any((c(margin, window.size) %% 2) != 1)) {
      stop("Margin and window size need to be odd")
    # function to calculate brownian.motion.variance for a piece of track

    breaks <- margin:(window.size - margin + 1)
    if (is.unsorted(breaks)) {
      stop("The proposed breaks are unsorted, is the window.size smaller than 2*margin?")
    uneven.breaks <- breaks[(breaks %% 2) == 1]
    breaks.found <- c()
    BMvars <- data.frame(BMvar = c(), loc = c())

    if (length(breaks) < 2) {
      stop("Margin to window ratio not appropriate")
    # What would be necessary to change?  try all possible window starts in track
    for (w in 1:(n.locs(object) - window.size + 1)) {
      # calculate all vectors for parts inside the window
      x.sub <- coordinates(object)[w:(w - 1 + window.size), 1]
      y.sub <- coordinates(object)[w:(w - 1 + window.size), 2]
      time.lag.sub <- time.lag[w:(w - 1 + window.size)]
      location.error.sub <- location.error[w:(w - 1 + window.size)]
      # calculate bmvar for whole window
      wholeWindow <- brownian.motion.variance(
        x = x.sub, y = y.sub, location.error = location.error.sub,
        time.lag = time.lag.sub
      wholeWindow$BIC <- -2 * wholeWindow$cll + log(window.size)

      breakWindow <- list(BIC = Inf)
      ## is a list use inf so all other numbers are lower try all possible breaks and
      ## find the one with minimal BIC, b represents break location
      for (b in uneven.breaks) {
        before <- brownian.motion.variance(
          x = x.sub[1:b], y = y.sub[1:b], location.error = location.error.sub[1:b],
          time.lag = time.lag.sub[1:b]
        after <- brownian.motion.variance(
          x = x.sub[b:window.size], y = y.sub[b:window.size],
          location.error = location.error.sub[b:window.size], time.lag = time.lag.sub[b:window.size]
        # minimize aic check N (window.size) here TODO
        breakBIC <- (-2 * (before$cll + after$cll) + 2 * log(window.size))
        if (breakBIC < breakWindow$BIC) {
          breakWindow <- list(
            w = w, b = b, var.before = before$BMvar, var.after = after$BMvar,
            BIC = breakBIC
      # breakWindow should now be the best possible break

      if (breakWindow$BIC < wholeWindow$BIC) {
        # check if the break is better than any other, if so use those variance values
        windowBMvar <- c(
          rep(breakWindow$var.before, sum(breaks < breakWindow$b)),
          rep(breakWindow$var.after, sum(breaks > breakWindow$b))
        ) # use > instead of >= because the sigma is going to be assosicated with the segments not the locations and there are one more locations than segments in the track
        breaks.found <- c(breaks.found, (w - 1 + breakWindow$b))
      } else {
        windowBMvar <- rep(wholeWindow$BMvar, length(breaks) - 1)
      BMvars <- rbind(BMvars, data.frame(BMvar = windowBMvar, loc = w - 1 + margin:(window.size -

    tmp <- aggregate(BMvar ~ loc, data = BMvars, function(x) {
      c(mean = mean(x), length = length(x))
    if (is.null(breaks.found)) {
      breaks.found <- numeric()
    DBMvar <- new("dBMvariance",
      margin = margin,
      window.size = window.size,
      means = c(rep(NA, min(tmp$loc) - 1), tmp$BMvar[, "mean"], rep(NA, n.locs(object) - max(tmp$loc))),
      in.windows = c(rep(NA, min(tmp$loc) - 1), tmp$BMvar[, "length"], rep(NA, n.locs(object) - max(tmp$loc))),
      interest = c(rep(FALSE, min(tmp$loc) - 1), tmp$BMvar[, "length"] == max(tmp$BMvar[, "length"]), rep(FALSE, n.locs(object) - max(tmp$loc))),
      break.list = breaks.found

setMethod(f = "brownian.motion.variance.dyn", signature = c(
  object = ".MoveTrackSingleBurst",
  location.error = "numeric", window.size = "numeric", margin = "numeric"
), definition = function(object,
                         location.error, window.size, margin) {
  res <- brownian.motion.variance.dyn(as(object, ".MoveTrackSingle"),
    location.error = location.error,
    window.size = window.size, margin = margin
  return(new("dBMvarianceBurst", as(res, "dBMvarianceTmp"), object))

  f = "brownian.motion.variance.dyn",
  signature = c(object = "MoveStack", location.error = "numeric", window.size = "numeric", margin = "numeric"),
  definition = function(object, location.error, window.size, margin) {
    moveUnstacked <- split(x = object)
    if (length(location.error) == 1) {
      location.error <- split(
        rep(location.error, sum(n.locs(object))),
        rep(levels(trackId(object)), n.locs(object))
    } else {
      if (length(location.error) != sum(n.locs(object))) {
        stop("Location error needs to be the same length as the number of locations")
      location.error <- split(
        rep(levels(trackId(object)), n.locs(object))
    # split MoveStack into individual Move objects
    dbbmmLST <- list()
    omitMove <- c()
    for (i in names(moveUnstacked)) {
      if (n.locs(moveUnstacked[[i]]) > (2 * window.size - 2 * margin)) {
        dbbmmLST[[i]] <- callGeneric(moveUnstacked[[i]], location.error = location.error[[i]], margin = margin, window.size = window.size)
      } else {
        omitMove <- c(omitMove, i)
      # store which Move Objects were not processed
    if (length(omitMove) > 0) {
      warning("Move object ", paste(omitMove, collapse = " "), " was/were omitted, because the number of coordinates is smaller than the window.size and margin you use.\n")

    objectAnimalsOmitted <- object[as.character(trackId(object)) %in% names(dbbmmLST)]
    dBMvarianceStack <- new("dBMvarianceStack",
      in.windows = unlist(lapply(dbbmmLST, slot, "in.windows")),
      interest = unlist(lapply(dbbmmLST, slot, "interest")),
      means = unlist(lapply(dbbmmLST, slot, "means")),
      margin = unique(unlist(lapply(dbbmmLST, slot, "margin"))),
      window.size = unique(unlist(lapply(dbbmmLST, slot, "window.size")))


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move documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:09 p.m.