
Defines functions code object_dir cfile_dir modlib_list modlib

Documented in code modlib

# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2021  Metrum Research Group
# This file is part of mrgsolve.
# mrgsolve is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mrgsolve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with mrgsolve.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

##' Internal model library
##' @param model \code{character} name of a model in the library
##' @param ... passed to \code{\link{mread_cache}}
##' @param list list available models
##' @export
##' @details
##' See \code{\link{modlib_details}}, \code{\link{modlib_pk}}, 
##' \code{\link{modlib_pkpd}}, 
##' \code{\link{modlib_tmdd}}, \code{\link{modlib_viral}} for details.
##' Call \code{modlib("<modelname>")} to compile and load a mode from the 
##' library.
##' Call \code{modlib(list=TRUE)} to list available models.  Once the model 
##' is loaded (see examples below), call \code{as.list(mod)$code} to see
##' model code and equations.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' mod <- mread("pk1cmt", modlib())
##' mod <- mread("pk2cmt", modlib()) 
##' mod <- mread("pk3cmt", modlib()) 
##' mod <- mread("pk1",    modlib())
##' mod <- mread("pk2",    modlib())
##' mod <- mread("popex",  modlib())
##' mod <- mread("irm1",   modlib()) 
##' mod <- mread("irm2",   modlib()) 
##' mod <- mread("irm3",   modlib()) 
##' mod <- mread("irm4",   modlib())
##' mod <- mread("emax",   modlib())
##' mod <- mread("effect", modlib())
##' mod <- mread("tmdd",   modlib())
##' mod <- mread("viral1", modlib())
##' mod <- mread("viral2", modlib())
##' mod <- mread("pred1",  modlib())
##' mod <- mread("pbpk",   modlib())
##' mod <- mread("1005",   modlib())      # embedded NONMEM result
##' mod <- mread("nm-like", modlib()) # model with nonmem-like syntax
##' mrgsolve:::code(mod)
##' }
modlib <- function(model = NULL,...,list=FALSE)  {
  if(list) {
  if(is.character(model)) {
    return(mread_cache(model, project = modlib(), ...))

#nocov start
modlib_models <- c(
  "pk1cmt", "pk2cmt", "pk3cmt", "pk", "pk1", "pk2", "popex",
  "irm1", "irm2", "irm3", "pred1", "emax", "tmdd", "viral1", 
  "viral2", "effect", "1005", "nm-like"
#nocov end

modlib_list <- function() {
  message("mrgsolve internal library:")
  models <- readLines(pfile("mrgsolve", "models", "MODLIST"))
  message(paste0("  ",models),sep="\n")

##' modlib: PK/PD Model parameters, compartments, and output variables
##' @name modlib_details
##' @section Compartments:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{\code{EV1}, \code{EV2}}: extravascular dosing compartments
##' \item{\code{CENT}}: central PK compartment
##' \item{\code{PERIPH}}: peripheral PK compartment
##' \item{\code{PERIPH2}}: peripheral PK compartment 2
##' \item{\code{RESP}}: response PD compartment (irm models)
##' }
##' @section Output variables:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{\code{CP}}: concentration in the central compartment (\code{CENT/VC})
##' \item{\code{RESP}}: response (emax model)
##' }
##' @section PK parameters:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{\code{KA1}, \code{KA2}}:  first order absorption rate constants 
##' from first and second extravascular compartment (1/time)
##' \item{\code{CL}}: clearance (volume/time)
##' \item{\code{VC}}: volume of distribution, central compartment (volume)
##' \item{\code{VP}}:  volume of distribution, peripheral compartment 
##' (volume)
##' \item{\code{VP2}}: volume of distribution, peripheral compartment 2 
##' (volume)
##' \item{\code{Q}}: intercompartmental clearance (volume/time)
##' \item{\code{Q2}}: intercompartmental clearance 2 (volume/time)
##' \item{\code{VMAX}}:  maximum rate, nonlinear process (mass/time)
##' \item{\code{KM}}: Michaelis constant (mass/volume)
##' \item{\code{K10}}: elimination rate constant (1/time); \code{CL/VC}
##' \item{\code{K12}}: rate constant for transfer to peripheral compartment 
##' from central (1/time); \code{Q/VC}
##' \item{\code{K21}}: rate constant for transfer to central compartment from
##'  peripheral (1/time); \code{Q/VP}
##' }
##' @section PD parameters:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{\code{E0}}: baseline effect (emax model)
##' \item{\code{EMAX}, \code{IMAX}}: maximum effect (response)
##' \item{\code{EC50}, \code{IC50}}: concentration producing 50 percent of 
##' effect (mass/volume)
##' \item{\code{KIN}}: zero-order response production rate (irm models) 
##' (response/time)
##' \item{\code{KOUT}}: first-order response elimination rate (irm models)
##'  (1/time)
##' \item{\code{n}}: sigmoidicity factor
##' \item{\code{KEO}}: rate constant for transfer to effect compartment 
##' (1/time)
##' }

#nocov start
cfile_dir <- function() {
  file.path(path.package("mrgsolve"), "models")

object_dir <- function() {
  file.path(path.package("mrgsolve"), "models")
#nocov end

##' modlib: Pharmacokinetic models
##' @name modlib_pk
##' @param ... passed to update
##' @section Model description:
##' All pk models have two extravascular dosing compartments and potential 
##' for linear and nonlinear clearance.
##' \itemize{
##'  \item{\code{pk1cmt}}: one compartment pk model using ODEs
##'  \item{\code{pk2cmt}}: two compartment pk  model using ODEs
##'  \item{\code{pk3cmt}}: three compartment pk model using ODEs
##'  \item{\code{pk1}}: one compartment pk model in closed-form
##'  \item{\code{pk2}}: two compartment pk model in closed-form
##'  \item{\code{popex}}: a simple population pk model
##' }
##' @details
##' See \code{\link{modlib_details}} for more detailed descriptions of 
##' parameters and compartments.
##' The \code{pk1cmt} model is parameterized in terms of \code{CL}, \code{VC}, 
##' \code{KA1} and \code{KA2} and uses compartments \code{EV1},
##' \code{EV2}, and \code{CENT}.  The \code{pk2cmt} model adds a \code{PERIPH} 
##' compartment and parameters \code{Q} and \code{VP} to that of the
##' one-compartment model.  Likewise, the three-compartment model (\code{pk3cmt}) 
##' adds \code{PERIPH2} and parameters \code{Q2} and \code{VP2} to
##' that of the two-compartment models.  All pk models also have parameters 
##' \code{VMAX} (defaulting to zero, no non-linear clearance) and \code{KM}.
##' @return an object of class \code{packmod}

##' modlib: Pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic models
##' @name modlib_pkpd
##' @details
##' See \code{\link{modlib_details}} for more detailed descriptions of 
##' parameters and compartments.
##' All PK/PD models include 2-compartment PK model with absorption from 
##' 2 extravascular compartments and linear + nonlinear clearance.  The 
##' PK models are parameterized with \code{CL}, \code{VC}, \code{Q}, 
##' \code{VMAX}, \code{KM}, \code{KA1} and \code{KA2} and implement 
##' compartments \code{EV1}, \code{EV2}, \code{CENT}, \code{PERIPH} .  
##' The indirect response models have compartment \code{RESP} and the emax 
##' model has output variable \code{RESP}.  PD parameters include \code{KIN}, 
##' \code{KOUT}, \code{IC50}, \code{EC50}, \code{IMAX}, \code{EMAX}, \code{E0}, 
##' and \code{n}.
##' Also, once the model is loaded, use \code{\link{see}} method for 
##' \code{mrgmod} to view the model code.
##' @section Model description:
##' \itemize{
##'  \item{\code{irm1}} inhibition of response production
##'  \item{\code{irm2}} inhibition of response loss
##'  \item{\code{irm3}} stimulation of response production
##'  \item{\code{irm4}} stimulation of response loss
##'  \item{\code{pd_effect}} effect compartment model
##'  \item{\code{emax}} sigmoid emax model
##' }

##' modlib: Target mediated disposition model
##' @name modlib_tmdd
##' @param ... passed to update
##' @section Parameters:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{\code{KEL}}: elimination rate constant
##' \item{\code{KTP}}: tissue to plasma rate constant
##' \item{\code{KPT}}: plasma to tissue rate constant
##' \item{\code{VC}}: volume of distribution
##' \item{\code{KA1}, \code{KA2}}: absorption rate constants
##' \item{\code{KINT}}: internalization rate constant
##' \item{\code{KON}}: association rate constant
##' \item{\code{KOFF}}: dissociation rate constant
##' \item{\code{KSYN}}: target synthesis rate
##' \item{\code{KDEG}}: target degredation rate constant
##' }
##' @section Compartments:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{\code{CENT}}: unbound drug in central compartment
##' \item{\code{TISS}}: unbound drug in tissue compartment
##' \item{\code{REC}}: concentration of target
##' \item{\code{RC}}: concentration of drug-target complex
##' \item{\code{EV1}, \code{EV2}}: extravascular dosing compartments
##' }
##' @section Output variables:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{\code{CP}}: unbound drug in the central compartment
##' \item{\code{TOTAL}}: total concentration of target (complexed and uncomplexed)
##' }

##' modlib: HCV viral dynamics models
##' @name modlib_viral
##' @section Models:
##' \itemize{
##'  \item{\code{viral1}}: viral dynamics model with single HCV species
##'  \item{\code{viral2}}: viral dynamics model with wild-type and mutant 
##'  HCV species
##' }
##' @section Parameters:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{\code{s}}: new hepatocyte synthesis rate (cells/ml/day)
##' \item{\code{d}}: hepatocyte death rate constant (1/day)
##' \item{\code{p}}: viral production rate constant (copies/cell/day)
##' \item{\code{beta}}: new infection rate constant (ml/copy/day)
##' \item{\code{delta}}: infected cell death rate constant (1/day)
##' \item{\code{c}}: viral clearance rate constant (1/day)
##' \item{\code{fit}}: mutant virus fitness
##' \item{\code{N}}: non-target hepatocytes
##' \item{\code{mu}}: forward mutation rate
##' \item{\code{Tmax}}: maximum number of target hepatocytes (cells/ml)
##' \item{\code{rho}}: maximum hepatocyte regeneration rate (1/day)
##' }
##' @section Compartments:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{\code{T}}: uninfected target hepatocytes (cells/ml)
##' \item{\code{I}}: productively infected hepatocytes (cells/ml)
##' \item{\code{V}}: hepatitis C virus (copies/ml)
##' \item{\code{IM}}: mutant infected hepatocytes (cells/ml)
##' \item{\code{VM}}: mutant hepatitis C virus (copies/ml)
##' \item{\code{expos}}: exposure metric to drive pharmacodynamic model
##' }

##' Extract the code from a model
##' This function is currently not exported, so be sure to call it with 
##' `mrgsolve:::code(...)`.
##' @param x an mrgsolve model object
##' @examples
##' mod <- mrgsolve::house()
##' mrgsolve:::code(mod)
##' @return 
##' A character vector of model code.
##' @md
code <- function(x) {
  what <- try(x@code, silent=TRUE)
  if(inherits("try-error",what)) {
    message("Could not find model code.")

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mrgsolve documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:37 a.m.