
Defines functions locf_tibble nocb bakfor forbak locf sanitize_capture na2zero tparse object_exists where_is file_readable file_writeable file_exists .colnames has_ID has_name bare_numeric single.number charthere charcount s_pick nonull.list nonull.default nonull grepn get_tokens as_character_args mcRNG build_path simargs s_ cvec tovec tolist expand_event_object expand.evd expand.ev expand.idata my_str_split collapsen as.cvec cvec_c_tr cvec_cs mytrimr mytriml mytrim cropstr mrgsolve_file pfile mvgauss update_list combine_list merge.list is.mt bind_col pathfun dllfile

Documented in cvec expand.ev expand.evd expand.idata mcRNG merge.list mvgauss s_ simargs

# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2023  Metrum Research Group
# This file is part of mrgsolve.
# mrgsolve is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mrgsolve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

dllfile <- function(x) paste0(dllname(x),.Platform$dynlib.ext)
pathfun <- function(...) path.expand(...) #,mustWork=FALSE,winslash=.Platform$file.sep

# Used in mrgsim
bind_col <- function(x,y,z) {
  cbind(x,matrix(z,ncol=1, nrow=nrow(x), byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(NULL, y)))

is.mt <- function(x) {return(is.null(x) | length(x)==0)}

##' Merge two lists
##' @param x the original list
##' @param y the new list for merging
##' @param open logical indicating whether or not new items should 
##' be allowed in the list upon merging
##' @param wild wild-card name; see details
##' @param warn issue warning if nothing found to update
##' @param context description of usage context
##' @param ... not used
##' @rdname merge
##' @details
##' Wild-card names (\code{wild}) are always retained in \code{x} and
##' are brought along from \code{y} only when \code{open}.
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
merge.list <- function(x,y,...,open=FALSE,
                       warn=TRUE,context="object",wild="...") {
  y <- as.list(y)
  if(!open) {
    y <- y[names(y)!=wild | is.null(names(y))]
  ## Merge two lists
  common <- intersect(names(x), names(y))
  common <- common[common != wild]
  x[common] <- y[common]
  if(open)  {
    nw <- !is.element(names(y),names(x)) | names(y) == wild
    x <- c(x,y[nw])
  } else {
    if(length(common)==0 & warn) {
      warning(paste0("found nothing to update: ", context), call.=FALSE)

combine_list <- function(left, right) {
  if(!all(is.list(left),is.list(right))) {
    stop("input are not lists")
  left[names(right)] <-  right

update_list <- function(left, right, context = NULL) {
  if(!all(is.list(left),is.list(right))) {
    msg <- "input are not lists"
    context <- paste0("[", context, "]")
    msg <- paste(context, msg)
  common <- intersect(names(left), names(right))
  if(is.character(context) && length(common)==0) {
    msg <- "no matching items to update."
    context <- paste0("[", context, "]")
    msg <- paste(context, msg)
  left[common] <-  right[common]

##' Simulate from a multivariate normal distribution with mean zero
##' @param mat a positive-definite matrix
##' @param n number of variates to simulate
##' @param seed if not null, passed to set.seed
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
mvgauss <- function(mat, n=10, seed=NULL) {
  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  .Call(`_mrgsolve_MVGAUSS`, mat, n)

# nocov start
pfile <- function(package,dir,file,ext=NULL) {
  ans <- file.path(system.file(package=package),dir,file)
  if(is.character(ext)) {
    ans <- paste0(ans, ".", ext)

mrgsolve_file <- function(..., package="mrgsolve") {
  system.file(..., package = package)
# nocov end

cropstr <- function(string, prefix, suffix, bump= "...") {
  nc <- nchar(string)
  total <- prefix+suffix
  if(all(nc <= total)) return(string)
  paste0(substr(string,1,prefix) , bump, substr(string,(nc-suffix+nchar(bump)+1),nc))

mytrim <- function(x) {
  gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "",x,perl=TRUE) 

mytriml <- function(x) {
  gsub("^\\s+", "",x,perl=TRUE) 

mytrimr <- function(x) {
  gsub("\\s$", "",x,perl=TRUE) 

## Create character vector 
## Split on comma or space 
cvec_cs <- function(x) {
  if(is.null(x) | length(x)==0) return(character(0))
  x <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(x),",",fixed=TRUE),use.names=FALSE)
  x <- unlist(strsplit(x," ",fixed=TRUE),use.names=FALSE)
  x <- x[x!=""]
  if(length(x)==0) {
  } else {

## Create a character vector
## Split on comma and trim
cvec_c_tr <- function(x) {
  if(is.null(x) | length(x)==0) return(character(0))
  x <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(x),",",fixed=TRUE),use.names=FALSE)
  x <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "",x, perl=TRUE)
  x <- x[x!=""]
  if(length(x)==0) {
  } else {

## Create a character vector 
## Split on comma and rm whitespace
# cvec_c_nws <- function(x) {
#   if(is.null(x) | length(x)==0) return(character(0))
#   x <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(x),",",fixed=TRUE),use.names=FALSE)
#   x <- gsub(" ", "",x, fixed=TRUE)
#   x <- x[x!=""]
#   if(length(x)==0) {
#     return(character(0))
#   } else {
#     return(x) 
#   }
# }

## Old
as.cvec <- function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(character(0))
  x <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x, perl=TRUE)

# collapse a character vector back to length n (undo strsplit)
collapsen <- function(string,collapse,n=3) {
  if(length(string) <= n) return(string)
  if(n==1) return(paste0(string, collapse = collapse))
  ans <- string[seq(1,(n-1))]
  if(n >= 2) {
    remainder <- paste0(string[seq(n,length(string))],collapse=collapse)
    ans <- c(ans, remainder)  

# replica str_split; to be replace if / when we take up stringr
my_str_split <- function(string,pattern,n=3,fixed=FALSE,collapse=pattern) {
  m <- strsplit(string, pattern, fixed = fixed)

#' Create template data sets for simulation
#' These functions expand all combinations of arguments using 
#' [expand.grid()]. The result always has only one row for one individual.
#' Use [expand.evd()] or [evd_expand()] to convert nmtran names (e.g. AMT
#' or CMT) to upper case (see [uctran()]).
#' @param ... passed to [expand.grid()]
#' @details
#' An ID column is added as `seq(nrow(ans))` if not supplied by the user. For 
#' `expand.ev`, defaults also added include `cmt = 1`, `time = 0`, `evid = 1`.  
#' If `total` is included, then `addl` is derived as `total` - 1. If `tinf` is 
#' included, then an infusion rate is derived for row where `tinf` is greater 
#' than zero.
#' @examples
#' idata <- expand.idata(CL = c(1,2,3), VC = c(10,20,30))
#' doses <- expand.ev(amt = c(300,100), ii = c(12,24), cmt = 1)
#' infusion <- expand.ev(amt = 100, tinf = 2)
#' @md
#' @export
expand.idata <- function(...) {
  ans <- expand.grid(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)
  ans$ID <- seq(nrow(ans))
  ans[, unique(c("ID", names(ans))), drop = FALSE]

#' @export
#' @rdname expand.idata
expand.ev <- function(...) {
  ans <- expand.grid(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ans[["ID"]] <- seq(nrow(ans))
  if(!has_name("evid", ans)) ans[["evid"]] <- 1
  if(!has_name("cmt", ans)) ans[["cmt"]] <- 1
  if(!has_name("time", ans)) ans[["time"]] <- 0
  if(!has_name("amt", ans)) ans[["amt"]] <- 0

#' @rdname expand.idata
#' @export
expand.evd <- function(...) {

#' @rdname expand.idata
#' @export
ev_expand <- expand.ev

#' @export
#' @rdname expand.idata
evd_expand <- expand.evd

#' Expand an event data frame across multiple ID
#' @noRd
expand_event_object <- function(event, ID) {
  event <- as.data.frame(event)
  out_names <- unique(c("ID", names(event)))
  ind <- rep(seq(nrow(event)), times = length(ID))
  big <- event[ind, , drop = FALSE]
  big[["ID"]] <- rep(ID, each = nrow(event))
  big[, out_names, drop = FALSE]

tolist <- function(x,concat=TRUE,envir=list()) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(list())
  x <- gsub("(,|\\s)+$", "",x,perl=TRUE)
  x <- x[!(grepl("^\\s*$",x,perl=TRUE))]
  x <- x[x!=""]  ## waste?
  if(length(x)>1) x <- paste(x, collapse=',')
  return(eval(parse(text=paste0("list(", x, ")")),envir=envir))

tovec <- function(x,concat=TRUE) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(numeric(0))
  x <- gsub("(,|\\s)+$", "", x)
  if(concat) {
    x <- x[!(grepl("^\\s*$",x,perl=TRUE))]
    x <- x[x!=""] # waste?
    if(length(x)>1) x <- paste(x, collapse=',')
  x <- type.convert(unlist(strsplit(x,split="\\,|\n|\\s+",perl=TRUE)), as.is=TRUE)

##' Create create character vectors
##' @param x comma-separated quoted string (for \code{cvec})
##' @param ... unquoted strings (for \code{ch})
##' @examples
##' cvec("A,B,C")
##' s_(A,B,C)
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
cvec <- function(x) UseMethod("cvec")

##' @export
##' @rdname cvec
##' @keywords internal
cvec.character <- as.cvec

##' @export
##' @rdname cvec
##' @keywords internal
s_ <- function(...) as.character(match.call(expand.dots=TRUE))[-1] #nocov

##' Access or clear arguments for calls to mrgsim
##' As a model object navigates a pipeline prior to simulation, arguments are
##' collected to eventually be passed to [mrgsim()]. `simargs` lets you 
##' intercept and possibly clear those arguments.
##' @param x model object
##' @param clear logical indicating whether or not to clear `args` from 
##' the model object
##' @param which character with length 1 naming a single arg to get
##' @param ... passed along
##' @return If `clear` is `TRUE`, the argument list is 
##' cleared and the model object is returned.  Otherwise, the argument 
##' list is returned.
##' @examples
##' mod <- mrgsolve::house()
##' mod %>% Req(CP, RESP) %>% carry_out(evid, WT, FLAG) %>% simargs()
##' @md
##' @export
simargs <- function(x, which = NULL, clear = FALSE,...) {
  if(clear) {
    x@args <- list()
  if(!is.character(which)) {

## https://github.com/RcppCore/Rcpp/commit/59d3bf2e22dafb853c32d82b5e42899152f85c20
build_path <- function(x) {
  if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") return(x)
  x <- normalizePath(x)
  if (grepl(' ', x, fixed=TRUE)) x <- utils::shortPathName(x)
  x <- gsub("\\\\", "/", x)

##' Set RNG to use L'Ecuyer-CMRG
##' @export
mcRNG <- function() base::RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG")

as_character_args <- function(x) {
  x <- deparse(x,width.cutoff=500)
  x <- gsub("^.*\\(|\\)$", "", x)

get_tokens <- function(x,unlist=FALSE) {
  if(!is.character(x)) return(character(0))
  if(unlist) return(.Call(`_mrgsolve_get_tokens`, x)[["tokens"]])
  .Call(`_mrgsolve_get_tokens`, x)

grepn <- function(x,pat,warn=FALSE) {
  if(is.null(names(x))) {
    if(warn) {
      warning("grepn: pattern was specified, but names are NULL.", 
  if(pat=="*") return(x)

nonull <- function(x,...) UseMethod("nonull")
##' @export
nonull.default <- function(x,...) x[!is.null(x)]
##' @export
nonull.list <- function(x,...) x[!sapply(x,is.null)]

s_pick <- function(x,name) {

# ll_pick <- function(x,name) {
#   stopifnot(is.list(x))
#   lapply(x,"[[",name)
# }
# l_pick <- function(x,name) {
#   stopifnot(is.list(x))
#   lapply(x,"[",name)
# }

filename <-  function (dir, run = NULL, ext = NULL,short=FALSE) {
  if(short) dir <- build_path(dir)
  file.path(dir, paste0(run, ext))

charcount <- function(x,w,fx=TRUE) {
  nchar(x) - nchar(gsub(w,"",x,fixed=fx)) 

charthere <- function(x,w,fx=TRUE) {

null_list <- setNames(list(), character(0))

single.number <- function(x) length(x)==1 & is.numeric(x)
bare_numeric <- function(x) is.numeric(x) && !is.object(x)

has_name <- function(name, object) {
  name[1] %in% names(object)

has_ID <- function(object) {
  "ID" %in% names(object)

.colnames <- function(x) {
  if(is.matrix(x)) {
  if(is.data.frame(x)) {

file_exists <- function(x) {

file_writeable <- function(x) {

file_readable <- function(x) {

where_is <- function(what,x) {

object_exists <- function(name,envir,mode="any",inherits=FALSE) {
  if(!exists(name,envir=envir,mode=mode,inherits=inherits)) {
    wstop("couldn't find object ", name) 

tparse <- function(x,...) parse(text=x,...)

na2zero <- function(x) {
  x[is.na(x)] <- 0

sanitize_capture <- function(x, sep = "_") {
  x <- gsub("\\[|\\(", sep, x, perl = TRUE)
  x <- gsub("\\]|\\)", "",  x, perl = TRUE)

# from metrumrg package
locf <- function(x){
  good <- !is.na(x)
  positions <- seq(length(x))
  good.positions <- good * positions
  last.good.position <- cummax(good.positions)
  last.good.position[last.good.position==0] <- NA
forbak <- function(x)nocb(locf(x))
bakfor <- function(x)locf(nocb(x))
nocb <- function(x)rev(locf(rev(x)))

locf_tibble <- function(x) {
  mutate_all(x, .funs = ~ locf(.))

locf_ev <- function(x) {
  if(!is.ev(x)) {
    wstop("x is not an event object") 
  x@data <- mutate_all(x@data, .funs = ~locf(.))

# TODO: refactor these; probably not needed anymore
arrange__ <- function(df, .dots) {
  arrange(df, `!!!`(syms(.dots)))

select__ <- function(df, .dots) {
  select(df, `!!!`(syms(.dots)))

group_by__ <- function(df,.dots) {
  group_by(df, `!!!`(syms(.dots)))

distinct__ <- function(df, .dots, .keep_all = FALSE) {
  dplyr::distinct(df, `!!!`(syms(.dots)), .keep_all = .keep_all)  

divider_msg <- function(msg = "", width = 60) {
  if(nchar(msg) > 0) {
    msg <- paste0("---:: ", msg, " ::")    
  rem <- width - nchar(msg)
  msg <- paste0(
    paste0(rep("-", rem),collapse="")

reg_exec_match <- function(text, pattern, ...) {
  regmatches(text, regexec(pattern, text, ...))

# TODO: gregexec is now in base R as of 4.1.0
gregexecdf <- function(pattern, text, fixed = FALSE) {
  x <- regmatches(text, gregexpr(pattern, text, fixed = fixed))
  x <- x[lengths(x) > 0]
  x <- lapply(x, reg_exec_match, pattern = pattern, fixed = fixed)
  x <- lapply(x, do.call, what = rbind)
  x <- do.call(rbind, x)
  as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

collect_opts <- function(x) {
  un <- unique(names(x))
  ans <- lapply(un, function(y) {
  names(ans) <- un

make_matrix_labels <- function(mat,lab,diag=TRUE) {
  n <- nrow(mat)
  cmat <- matrix(NA_character_, n, n)
  for(i in seq(n)) {
    for(j in seq(n)) {
      if(i > j) next
      if(i==j) {
        val <- lab[i] 
      } else {
        val <- paste0(c(lab[i],lab[j]),collapse='-')
      cmat[i,j] <- val
  ans <- mat[upper.tri(mat,diag=diag)]
  lab <- cmat[upper.tri(cmat,diag = diag)]
  names(ans) <- lab

# nocov start
# TODO: give up on this
is.numeric.data.frame <- function(x) vapply(x,is.numeric,TRUE)

mapvalues <- function (x, from, to, warn_missing = FALSE) { 
  if (length(from) != length(to)) {
    stop("`from` and `to` vectors are not the same length.")
  if (!is.atomic(x)) {
    stop("`x` must be an atomic vector.")
  if (is.factor(x)) {
    levels(x) <- mapvalues(levels(x), from, to, warn_missing)
  mapidx <- match(x, from)
  mapidxNA <- is.na(mapidx)
  from_found <- sort(unique(mapidx))
  if (warn_missing && length(from_found) != length(from)) {
    message("The following `from` values were not present in `x`: ",
            paste(from[!(1:length(from) %in% from_found)], collapse = ", "))
  x[!mapidxNA] <- to[mapidx[!mapidxNA]]
} # nocov end

system4 <- function(cmd, args=character(0), pattern, path) {
  files <- file.path(path, paste0("system4__",c("stdout","stderr"),"__", pattern))
  x <- list(status=system2(cmd, args, stdout = files[1], stderr = files[2]))
  x[["stdout"]] <- readLines(files[1])
  if(length(x[["stdout"]])==0) {
    x[["stdout"]] <- "stdout could not be recovered after system4 call"  
  x[["stderr"]] <- readLines(files[2])
  if(length(x[["stderr"]])==0) {
    x[["stderr"]] <- "stderr could not be recovered after system4 call"  

wstop <- function(..., width = getOption("width", 60), call.=FALSE) {
  x <- unlist(list(...))
  x <- paste0(x,collapse="")
  x <- sub(" *\n *", " ", x)
  x <- strwrap(x, exdent = 7)
  x <- paste0(x,collapse="\n")
  stop(x, call.=call.)

mod_first <- function(cl) {
  fun <- deparse(match.call(sys.function(-1),sys.call(-1))[1])
  fun <- substr(fun,1,(nchar(fun)-2L))
  msg <- sprintf("the first argument to %s must be a model object",fun)

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mrgsolve documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:37 a.m.