
Defines functions simtar convert forecasting plot.mtar summary.mtar mtar WAIC DIC

Documented in convert DIC forecasting mtar simtar WAIC

#' @importFrom grDevices dev.new
#' @importFrom graphics abline hist lines par
#' @importFrom methods missingArg
#' @importFrom stats density median model.extract model.matrix pgamma qgamma qnorm quantile rbeta rbinom rexp rgamma rnorm runif sd terms
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom Formula Formula model.part
#' @importFrom GIGrvg rgig
#' @importFrom coda mcmc
#' @title Returns of the closing prices of three financial indexes
#' @description These data correspond to the returns of closing prices of the
#' Colcap, Bovespa, and S&P 500 indexes from 2010-02-01 to 2016-03-31 (1505 time
#' points). Colcap is a leading indicator of the price dynamics of the 20 most
#' liquid shares on the Colombian Stock Market. Bovespa is the Brazilian stock
#' market index, the world's thirteenth largest and most important stock exchange,
#' and the first in Latin America. Finally, the Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P 500)
#' index is a stock index based on the 500 largest companies in the United States.
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(returns)
#' @format A data frame with 1505 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Date}{a vector indicating the dates of the measurements.}
#'   \item{COLCAP}{a numeric vector indicating the returns of COLCAP.}
#'   \item{SP500}{a numeric vector indicating the returns of SP500.}
#'   \item{BOVESPA}{a numeric vector indicating the returns of BOVESPA.}
#' }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @references Romero, L.V. and Calderon, S.A. (2021) Bayesian estimation of a multivariate TAR model when the noise
#'             process follows a Student-t distribution. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 50, 2508-2530.
#' @examples
#' data(returns)
#' dev.new()
#' plot(ts(as.matrix(returns[,-1])), main="Returns")
#' @title Rainfall and two river flows in Colombia
#' @description The data represent daily rainfall (in mm) and two river
#' flows (in \eqn{m^3}/s) in southern Colombia. A meteorological station located
#' with an altitude of 2400 meters was used to measure rainfall. In the
#' first case, the El Trebol hydrological station was used to measure the
#' flow in the Bedon river at an altitude of 1720 meters. In the second
#' case, the Villalosada hydrological station measured the flow in the
#' La Plata river at an altitude of 1300 meters. Geographically, the
#' stations are located near the equator. The last characteristic allows
#' for control over hydrological and meteorological factors that might
#' distort a dynamic relationship. January 1, 2006, to April 14, 2009,
#' is the sample period.
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(riverflows)
#' @format A data frame with 1200 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Date}{a vector indicating the dates of the measurements.}
#'   \item{Bedon}{a numeric vector indicating the Bedon river flow.}
#'   \item{LaPlata}{a numeric vector indicating the La Plata river flow.}
#'   \item{Rainfall}{a numeric vector indicating the rainfall.}
#' }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @references Calderon, S.A. and Nieto, F.H. (2017) Bayesian analysis of multivariate threshold autoregressive models
#'             with missing data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46, 296-318.
#' @examples
#' data(riverflows)
#' dev.new()
#' plot(ts(as.matrix(riverflows[,-1])), main="Rainfall and river flows")
#' @title Deviance information criterion (DIC)
#' @description This function computes the Deviance information criterion (DIC) for objects of class \code{mtar}.
#' @param ...	one or several objects of the class \emph{mtar}.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param digits an (optional) integer indicating the number of digits to print. As default, \code{digits} is set to \code{max(3, getOption("digits") - 2)}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with the values of the DIC for each \emph{mtar} object in the input.
#' @references Spiegelhalter D.J., Best N.G., Carlin B.P. and Van Der Linde A. (2002) Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit.
#'             Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Statistical Methodology), 64(4), 583–639.
#' @references Spiegelhalter D.J., Best N.G., Carlin B.P. and Van der Linde A. (2014). The deviance information criterion:
#'             12 years on. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Statistical Methodology), 76(3), 485–493.
#' @export DIC
#' @seealso \link{WAIC}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ###### Example 1: Returns of the closing prices of three financial indexes
#' data(returns)
#' fit1a <- mtar(~ COLCAP + BOVESPA | SP500, row.names=Date, dist="Gaussian",
#'               data=returns, ars=list(p=c(1,1,2)), n.burnin=100, n.sim=3000)
#' fit1b <- update(fit1a,dist="Slash")
#' fit1c <- update(fit1a,dist="Student-t")
#' DIC(fit1a,fit1b,fit1c)
#' ###### Example 2: Rainfall and two river flows in Colombia
#' data(riverflows)
#' fit2a <- mtar(~ Bedon + LaPlata | Rainfall, row.names=Date, dist="Gaussian",
#'               data=riverflows, ars=list(p=c(5,5,5)), n.burnin=100, n.sim=3000)
#' fit2b <- update(fit2a,dist="Slash")
#' fit2c <- update(fit2a,dist="Student-t")
#' DIC(fit2a,fit2b,fit2c)
#' }
DIC <- function(...,verbose=TRUE,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2)){
  mtlogLik <- function(dist,y,X,beta,Sigma,log,nu){
    resu <- y-X%*%beta
    out <- apply(t(resu)*tcrossprod(chol2inv(chol(Sigma)),resu),2,sum)
      out <- -2*log(besselK(sqrt(out)/2,(2-k)/2)) - ((2-k)/2)*log(out)	+ (k+2)*log(2)
      out <- (nu+k)*log(1 + out/nu) - 2*lgamma((nu+k)/2) + 2*lgamma(nu/2) + k*log(nu/2)
    if(dist=="Contaminated normal")
      out <- -2*log(nu[1]*exp(-out*nu[2]/2)*nu[2]^(k/2) + (1-nu[1])*exp(-out/2))
      out <- -2*lgamma((k+nu)/2) + (k+nu)*log(out/2) -2*log((nu/2)*pgamma(1,shape=(k+nu)/2,rate=out/2))
      out <- -2*log(besselK(nu*sqrt(1+out),(2-k)/2)) -((2-k)/2)*log(1+out) - k*log(nu) +2*log(besselK(nu,1))
    out <- sum(out + k*log(2*pi) + log(det(Sigma)))
    if(log) out <- out + 2*sum(y)
  another <- list(...)
  if(any(lapply(another,function(xx) class(xx)[1])!="mtar"))
    stop("Only mtar-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  call. <- match.call()
  out <- matrix(0,length(another),1)
  outnames <- vector()

  for(l in 1:(length(another))){
    n.sim <- another[[l]]$n.sim
    dist <- another[[l]]$dist
    Dbar <- vector()
    k <- ncol(another[[l]]$data[[1]]$y)
    Dbarv <- vector()
    if(another[[l]]$regim > 1) lims <- (another[[l]]$ps+1):(length(another[[l]]$threshold.series))
    for(j in 1:n.sim){
      Dbar <- 0
      if(another[[l]]$regim > 1){
        Z <- another[[l]]$threshold.series[lims-another[[l]]$chains$h[j]]
        regs <- cut(Z,breaks=c(-Inf,sort(another[[l]]$chains$thresholds[,j]),Inf),labels=FALSE)
      }else regs <- matrix(1,nrow(another[[l]]$data[[1]]$y),1)
      for(i in 1:another[[l]]$regim){
        betai <- matrix(another[[l]]$chains[[i]]$location[,((j-1)*k + 1):(j*k)],ncol(another[[l]]$data[[i]]$X),k)
        Sigmai <- matrix(another[[l]]$chains[[i]]$scale[,((j-1)*k + 1):(j*k)],k,k)
        places <- regs==i
        if(another[[l]]$dist %in% c("Student-t","Hyperbolic","Slash","Contaminated normal"))
          Dbar <- Dbar + mtlogLik(dist,another[[l]]$data[[i]]$y[places,],another[[l]]$data[[i]]$X[places,],betai,Sigmai,another[[l]]$log,another[[l]]$chains$extra[,j])
          Dbar <- Dbar + mtlogLik(dist,another[[l]]$data[[i]]$y[places,],another[[l]]$data[[i]]$X[places,],betai,Sigmai,another[[l]]$log)
      Dbarv <- c(Dbarv,Dbar)
    Dhat <- 0
    if(another[[l]]$dist %in% c("Student-t","Hyperbolic","Slash","Contaminated normal"))
      extra <- apply(matrix(another[[l]]$chains$extra,ncol=n.sim),1,mean)
    for(i in 1:another[[l]]$regim){
      location <- matrix(0,nrow(another[[l]]$chains[[i]]$location),k)
      scale <- matrix(0,k,k)
      for(j in 1:k){
        location[,j] <- apply(another[[l]]$chains[[i]]$location[,seq(j,n.sim,by=k)],1,mean)
        scale[,j] <- apply(another[[l]]$chains[[i]]$scale[,seq(j,n.sim,by=k)],1,mean)
      if(another[[l]]$regim > 1){
        h <- as.integer(round(mean(another[[l]]$chains$h)))
        thresholds <- apply(matrix(another[[l]]$chains$thresholds,ncol=n.sim),1,mean)
        Z <- another[[l]]$threshold.series[lims-h]
        regs <- cut(Z,breaks=c(-Inf,sort(thresholds),Inf),labels=FALSE)
      }else regs <- matrix(1,nrow(another[[l]]$data[[i]]$y),1)
      places <- regs==i
      if(another[[l]]$dist %in% c("Student-t","Hyperbolic","Slash","Contaminated normal"))
        Dhat <- Dhat + mtlogLik(dist,another[[l]]$data[[i]]$y[places,],another[[l]]$data[[i]]$X[places,],location,scale,another[[l]]$log,extra)
        Dhat <- Dhat + mtlogLik(dist,another[[l]]$data[[i]]$y[places,],another[[l]]$data[[i]]$X[places,],location,scale,another[[l]]$log)
    out[l] <- Dhat + 2*(mean(Dbarv) - Dhat)
    outnames[l] <- as.character(call.[l+1])
  rownames(out) <- outnames
  colnames(out) <- "DIC"
  out <- round(out,digits=digits)
  if(verbose) print(out)
#' @title Watanabe-Akaike or Widely Available Information Criterion (WAIC)
#' @description This function computes the Watanabe-Akaike or Widely Available Information criterion (WAIC) for objects of class \code{mtar}.
#' @param ...	one or several objects of the class \emph{mtar}.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param digits an (optional) integer indicating the number of digits to print. As default, \code{digits} is set to \code{max(3, getOption("digits") - 2)}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with the values of the WAIC for each \emph{mtar} object in the input.
#' @references Watanabe S. (2010). Asymptotic Equivalence of Bayes Cross Validation and Widely Applicable Information Criterion in
#'             Singular Learning Theory. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11, 3571–3594.
#' @export WAIC
#' @seealso \link{DIC}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ###### Example 1: Returns of the closing prices of three financial indexes
#' data(returns)
#' fit1a <- mtar(~ COLCAP + BOVESPA | SP500, row.names=Date, dist="Gaussian",
#'               data=returns, ars=list(p=c(1,1,2)), n.burnin=100, n.sim=3000)
#' fit1b <- update(fit1a,dist="Slash")
#' fit1c <- update(fit1a,dist="Student-t")
#' WAIC(fit1a,fit1b,fit1c)
#' ###### Example 2: Rainfall and two river flows in Colombia
#' data(riverflows)
#' fit2a <- mtar(~ Bedon + LaPlata | Rainfall, row.names=Date, dist="Gaussian",
#'               data=riverflows, ars=list(p=c(5,5,5)), n.burnin=100, n.sim=3000)
#' fit2b <- update(fit2a,dist="Slash")
#' fit2c <- update(fit2a,dist="Student-t")
#' WAIC(fit2a,fit2b,fit2c)
#' }
WAIC <- function(...,verbose=TRUE,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2)){
  Lik <- function(dist,y,X,beta,Sigma,log,nu){
    resu <- y-X%*%beta
    out <- apply(t(resu)*tcrossprod(chol2inv(chol(Sigma)),resu),2,sum)
    if(dist=="Gaussian") out <- exp(-out/2)
      out <- besselK(sqrt(out)/2,(2-k)/2)*out^((2-k)/4)/(2^((k+2)/2))
      out <- (1 + out/nu)^(-(nu+k)/2)*gamma((nu+k)/2)/((nu/2)^(k/2)*gamma(nu/2))
    if(dist=="Contaminated normal")
      out <- nu[1]*exp(-out*nu[2]/2)*nu[2]^(k/2) + (1-nu[1])*exp(-out/2)
      out <- gamma((k+nu)/2)*(nu/2)*pgamma(1,shape=(k+nu)/2,rate=out/2)/((out/2)^((k+nu)/2))
      out <- besselK(nu*sqrt(1+out),(2-k)/2)*(1+out)^((2-k)/4)*nu^(k/2)/besselK(nu,1)
    out <- out/((2*pi)^(k/2)*det(Sigma)^(1/2))
    if(log) out <- out*apply(y,1,function(x) prod(exp(-x)))
  another <- list(...)
  if(any(lapply(another,function(xx) class(xx)[1])!="mtar"))
    stop("Only mtar-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  call. <- match.call()
  out <- matrix(0,length(another),1)
  outnames <- vector()

  for(l in 1:(length(another))){
    n.sim <- another[[l]]$n.sim
    dist <- another[[l]]$dist
    Dbar <- matrix(0,nrow(another[[l]]$data[[1]]$y),1)
    Dbarlog <- matrix(0,nrow(another[[l]]$data[[1]]$y),1)
    k <- ncol(another[[l]]$data[[1]]$y)
    if(another[[l]]$regim > 1) lims <- (another[[l]]$ps+1):(length(another[[l]]$threshold.series))
    for(j in 1:n.sim){
      for(i in 1:another[[l]]$regim){
        betai <- matrix(another[[l]]$chains[[i]]$location[,((j-1)*k + 1):(j*k)],ncol(another[[l]]$data[[i]]$X),k)
        Sigmai <- matrix(another[[l]]$chains[[i]]$scale[,((j-1)*k + 1):(j*k)],k,k)
        if(another[[l]]$regim > 1){
          Z <- another[[l]]$threshold.series[lims-another[[l]]$chains$h[j]]
          regs <- cut(Z,breaks=c(-Inf,sort(another[[l]]$chains$thresholds[,j]),Inf),labels=FALSE)
        }else regs <- matrix(1,nrow(another[[l]]$data[[i]]$y),1)
        places <- regs==i
        if(another[[l]]$dist %in% c("Student-t","Hyperbolic","Slash","Contaminated normal"))
          tempi <- Lik(dist,another[[l]]$data[[i]]$y[places,],another[[l]]$data[[i]]$X[places,],betai,Sigmai,another[[l]]$log,another[[l]]$chains$extra[,j])
          tempi <- Lik(dist,another[[l]]$data[[i]]$y[places,],another[[l]]$data[[i]]$X[places,],betai,Sigmai,another[[l]]$log)
        Dbar[places] <- Dbar[places] + tempi/n.sim
        Dbarlog[places] <- Dbarlog[places] + log(tempi)/n.sim
    a <- sum(unlist(lapply(Dbar,function(x) sum(log(x)))))
    b <- sum(unlist(lapply(Dbarlog,sum)))
    out[l] <- -2*a + 4*(a-b)
    outnames[l] <- as.character(call.[l+1])
  rownames(out) <- outnames
  colnames(out) <- "WAIC"
  out <- round(out,digits=digits)
  if(verbose) print(out)
#' @title Bayesian estimation of a multivariate threshold autoregressive (TAR) model.
#' @description This function uses Gibbs sampling to generate a sample from the posterior
#'              distribution of the parameters of a multivariate TAR model when the noise
#'              process follows Gaussian, Student-\eqn{t}, Slash, Symmetric Hyperbolic,
#'              Contaminated normal, or Laplace distribution.
#' @param formula a three-part expression of type \code{Formula} describing the TAR model
#'                to be fitted to the data. In the first part, the variables in the
#'                multivariate output series are listed; in the second part, the threshold
#'                series is specified, and in the third part, the variables in the
#'                multivariate exogenous series are specified.
#' @param ars a list composed of three objects, namely: \code{p}, \code{q} and \code{d},
#'            each of which corresponds to a vector of non-negative integers with as many
#'            elements as there are regimes in the TAR model.
#' @param Intercept an (optional) logical variable. If \code{TRUE}, then the model
#'                  includes an intercept.
#' @param data an (optional) data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by
#'             \link{as.data.frame} to a data frame) containing the variables in the model.
#'             If not found in data, the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)},
#'             typically the environment from which \code{mtar} is called.
#' @param subset an (optional) vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the
#'               fitting process.
#' @param dist an (optional) character string that allows the user to specify the multivariate
#'             distribution to be used to describe the behavior of the noise process. The
#'             available options are: Gaussian ("Gaussian"), Student-\eqn{t} ("Student-t"),
#'             Slash ("Slash"), Symmetric Hyperbolic ("Hyperbolic"), Laplace ("Laplace"), and
#'             contaminated normal ("Contaminated normal"). As default, \code{dist} is set to
#'             "Gaussian".
#' @param n.sim an (optional) positive integer specifying the required number of iterations
#'              for the simulation after the burn-in period. As default, \code{n.sim} is set
#'              to 500.
#' @param n.burnin an (optional) positive integer specifying the required number of burn-in
#'                 iterations for the simulation. As default, \code{n.burnin} is set to 100.
#' @param n.thin an (optional) positive integer specifying the required thinning interval
#'               for the simulation. As default, \code{n.thin} is set to 1.
#' @param row.names an (optional) vector that allows the user to name the time point to
#'                  which each row in the data set corresponds.
#' @param prior an (optional) list that allows the user to specify the values of the
#'              hyperparameters, that is, allows to specify the values of the parameters
#'              of the prior distributions.
#' @param log an (optional) logical variable. If \code{TRUE}, then the behaviour of the output
#'            series is described using the exponentiated version of \code{dist}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return an object of class \emph{mtar} in which the main results of the model fitted to the data are stored, i.e., a
#' list with components including
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{chains}   \tab list with several arrays, which store the values of each model parameter in each iteration of the simulation,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{n.sim}    \tab number of iterations of the simulation after the burn-in period,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{n.burnin} \tab number of burn-in iterations in the simulation,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{n.thin}   \tab thinning interval in the simulation,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{regim}    \tab number of regimes, \cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{ars}      \tab list composed of three objects, namely: \code{p}, \code{q} and \code{d},
#'                      each of which corresponds to a vector of non-negative integers with as
#'                      many elements as there are regimes in the TAR model,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{dist}     \tab name of the multivariate distribution used to describe the behavior of
#'                      the noise process,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{threshold.series}  \tab vector with the values of the threshold series,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{response.series}   \tab matrix with the values of the output series,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{covariable.series} \tab matrix with the values of the exogenous series,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Intercept}    \tab If \code{TRUE}, then the model included an intercept term,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{formula}      \tab the formula,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{call}         \tab the original function call.\cr
#' }
#' @export mtar
#' @seealso \link{DIC}, \link{WAIC}
#' @references Nieto, F.H. (2005) Modeling Bivariate Threshold Autoregressive Processes in the Presence of Missing Data.
#'             Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 34, 905-930.
#' @references Romero, L.V. and Calderon, S.A. (2021) Bayesian estimation of a multivariate TAR model when the noise
#'             process follows a Student-t distribution. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 50, 2508-2530.
#' @references Calderon, S.A. and Nieto, F.H. (2017) Bayesian analysis of multivariate threshold autoregressive models
#'             with missing data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46, 296-318.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ###### Example 1: Returns of the closing prices of three financial indexes
#' data(returns)
#' fit1 <- mtar(~ COLCAP + BOVESPA | SP500, row.names=Date, dist="Slash",
#'              data=returns, ars=list(p=c(1,1,2)), n.burnin=100, n.sim=3000)
#' summary(fit1)
#' ###### Example 2: Rainfall and two river flows in Colombia
#' data(riverflows)
#' fit2 <- mtar(~ Bedon + LaPlata | Rainfall, row.names=Date, dist="Laplace",
#'              data=riverflows, ars=list(p=c(5,5,5)), n.burnin=100, n.sim=3000)
#' summary(fit2)
#' }
mtar <- function(formula, data, subset, Intercept=TRUE, ars, row.names, dist="Gaussian", prior=list(), n.sim=500, n.burnin=100, n.thin=1, log=FALSE, ...){
  if(!(tolower(dist) %in% c("gaussian","student-t","hyperbolic","laplace","slash","contaminated normal")))
    stop("Only 'Gaussian', 'Student-t', 'Hyperbolic', 'Laplace', 'Slash' and 'Contaminated normal' distributions are supported!",call.=FALSE)
  if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
  ars$p <- ceiling(abs(ars$p))
  regim <- length(ars$p)
  mmf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "row.names"), names(mmf), 0)
  mmf <- mmf[c(1,m)]
  mmf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mmf$formula <- Formula(formula)
  mmf <- eval(mmf, parent.frame())
  if(!missingArg(row.names)) row.names <- as.vector(as.character(model.extract(mmf,row.names)))

  mx <- model.part(Formula(formula), data = mmf, rhs = 1, terms = TRUE)
  D <- model.matrix(mx, data = mmf)
    Dnames <- colnames(D)
    D <- matrix(D[,-1],ncol=length(Dnames)-1)
    colnames(D) <- Dnames[-1]
    if(any(D<0)) stop(paste0("There are non-positive values in the output series, so it cannot be described using the log-",tolower(dist)," distribution."),call.=FALSE)
    D <- log(D)
  k <- ncol(D)
  if(regim > 1){
    mz <- model.part(Formula(formula), data = mmf, rhs = 2, terms = TRUE)
    Z <- model.matrix(mz, data = mmf)
      Znames <- colnames(Z)
      Z <- as.matrix(Z[,-1])
      colnames(Z) <- Znames[-1]
    ars$q <- ceiling(abs(ars$q))
    if(min(ars$q) > 0 ){
      mx2 <- model.part(Formula(formula), data = mmf, rhs = 3, terms = TRUE)
      X2 <- model.matrix(mx2, data = mmf)
        X2names <- colnames(X2)
        X2 <- as.matrix(X2[,-1])
        colnames(X2) <- X2names[-1]
      r <- ncol(X2)
  }else ars$q <- rep(0,regim)
  if(is.null(ars$d)) ars$d <- rep(0,regim) else ars$d <- ceiling(abs(ars$d))
  if(is.null(prior$theta0)) prior$theta0 <- 0
  if(is.null(prior$delta0)) prior$delta0 <- 1000000000
  if(is.null(prior$omega0)) prior$omega0 <- 1/1000000000
  Omega0 <- diag(k)*prior$omega0
  if(is.null(prior$tau0)) prior$tau0 <- k
  if(is.null(prior$hmin)) prior$hmin <- 0 else prior$hmin <- ceiling(abs(prior$hmin))
  if(is.null(prior$hmax)) prior$hmax <- 3 else prior$hmax <- ceiling(abs(prior$hmax))
  prior$hmin <- min(prior$hmin,prior$hmax)
  prior$hmax <- max(prior$hmin,prior$hmax)
  data <- list()
  chains <- list()
  n.sim <- ceiling(abs(n.sim))
  n.thin <- ceiling(abs(n.thin))
  n.burnin <- ceiling(abs(n.burnin))
  rep <- n.sim*n.thin + n.burnin
  ids <- matrix(seq(1,n.sim*n.thin*k,k))
  ids <- ids[seq(1,n.sim*n.thin,n.thin)]
  ids <- n.burnin*k + as.vector(apply(matrix(ids),1,function(x) x + c(0:(k-1))))
  Sigmanew2 <- list()
  name <- list()
  if(regim > 1) ps <- max(ars$p,ars$q,ars$d,prior$hmax) else ps <- max(ars$p,ars$q,ars$d)
  if(regim > 1){
    Zs <- Z[(ps+1-prior$hmin):(nrow(D)-prior$hmin),]
    t1 <- max(Zs);t0 <- min(Zs)
    thresholds <- quantile(Zs,probs=c(1:(regim-1))/regim)
    regs <- cut(Zs,breaks=c(-Inf,sort(thresholds),Inf),labels=FALSE)
    thresholds.chains <- matrix(thresholds,regim-1,1)
    hs.chains <- matrix(prior$hmin,1,1)
  }else regs <- matrix(1,nrow(D)-ps,1)
  for(i in 1:regim){
    y <- matrix(D[(ps+1):nrow(D),1:k],ncol=k)
    X <- matrix(1,nrow(y),1)
    for(j in 1:ars$p[i]) X <- cbind(X,D[((ps+1)-j):(nrow(D)-j),])
    name[[i]] <-  c("(Intercept)",paste0(rep(colnames(D)[1:k],ars$p[i]),sort(paste0(".lag(",rep(1:ars$p[i],k))),")"))
      X <- matrix(X[,-1],nrow(X),ncol(X)-1)
      name[[i]] <- name[[i]][-1]
      for(j in 1:ars$q[i]) X <- cbind(X,X2[((ps+1)-j):(nrow(D)-j),])
      name[[i]] <- c(name[[i]],paste0(rep(colnames(X2),ars$q[i]),sort(paste0(".lag(",rep(1:ars$q[i],r))),")"))
      for(j in 1:ars$d[i]) X <- cbind(X,Z[((ps+1)-j):(nrow(D)-j),])
      name[[i]] <- c(name[[i]],paste0(rep(colnames(Z),ars$d[i]),sort(paste0(".lag(",1:ars$d[i])),")"))
    colnames(X) <- name[[i]]
      row.names2 <- row.names[(ps+1):nrow(D)]
      rownames(X) <- rownames(y) <- row.names2
    colnames(y) <- colnames(D)
    data[[i]] <- list()
    data[[i]]$y <- y
    data[[i]]$X <- X
    places <- regs == i
    X <- matrix(X[places,],sum(places),ncol(X))
    y <- matrix(y[places,],nrow(X),ncol(y))
    b0 <- chol2inv(chol(crossprod(X)))
    betanew <- crossprod(b0,crossprod(X,y))
    Sigmanew <- crossprod(y-X%*%betanew)/nrow(X)
    Sigmanew2[[i]] <- chol2inv(chol(Sigmanew))
    chains[[i]] <- list()
    chains[[i]]$location <- betanew
    chains[[i]]$scale <- Sigmanew
  tol <- unlist(lapply(data,function(x) ncol(x$X)))*k*1.2
  us <- matrix(1,nrow(data[[1]]$X),1)
  ss <- matrix(0,nrow(data[[1]]$X),1)
    if(is.null(prior$gamma0)) prior$gamma0 <- 0.1
    if(is.null(prior$eta0)) prior$eta0 <- 4
    chains$extra <- matrix(mean(prior$gamma0,prior$eta0),1,1)
    nus <- matrix(seq(prior$gamma0,prior$eta0,length=1001),1001,1)
    num1 <- nus[2:length(nus)] - nus[1:(length(nus)-1)]
    num2 <- (nus[2:length(nus)] + nus[1:(length(nus)-1)])/2
    resto <- log(nus) - log(besselK(nus,nu=1))
    if(is.null(prior$gamma0)) prior$gamma0 <- 1
    if(is.null(prior$eta0)) prior$eta0 <- 100
    chains$extra <- matrix(mean(prior$gamma0,prior$eta0),1,1)
    nus <- matrix(seq(prior$gamma0,prior$eta0,length=1001),1001,1)
    num1 <- nus[2:length(nus)] - nus[1:(length(nus)-1)]
    num2 <- (nus[2:length(nus)] + nus[1:(length(nus)-1)])/2
    resto <- (nus/2)*log(nus/2) - lgamma(nus/2)
    chains$extra <- matrix(100,1,1)
    if(is.null(prior$gamma0)) prior$gamma0 <- 1/1000000000
    if(is.null(prior$eta0)) prior$eta0 <- 1/1000000000
  if(dist=="Contaminated normal"){
    chains$extra <- matrix(c(0.01,0.99),2,1)
    if(is.null(prior$gamma01)) prior$gamma01 <- 1/1000000000
    if(is.null(prior$eta01)) prior$eta01 <- 1/1000000000
    if(is.null(prior$gamma02)) prior$gamma02 <- 1/1000000000
    if(is.null(prior$eta02)) prior$eta02 <- 1/1000000000
  bar <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=rep, initial=0, width=min(50,rep), char="+", style=3)
  for(j in 1:rep){
    if(regim > 1){
      hs <- hs.chains[,j]
      thresholds <- thresholds.chains[,j]
      regs <- cut(Z[(ps+1-hs):(nrow(D)-hs),],breaks=c(-Inf,sort(thresholds),Inf),labels=FALSE)
    for(i in 1:regim){
      places <- regs == i
      X <- matrix(data[[i]]$X[places,],sum(places),ncol(data[[i]]$X))
      n <- nrow(X); s <- ncol(X)
      y <- matrix(data[[i]]$y[places,],n,ncol(data[[i]]$y))
      mu0s <- matrix(prior$theta0,s,k)
      Sigmarinv <- diag(s)/prior$delta0
      if(dist=="Gaussian") us[places] <- rep(1,n)
        resu <- y-X%*%chains[[i]]$location[,(1+(j-1)*k):(j*k)]
        usi <- apply(t(resu)*tcrossprod(Sigmanew2[[i]],resu),2,sum)
        us[places] <- apply(matrix(usi,length(usi),1),1,function(x) 1/rgig(n=1,lambda=(2-k)/2,chi=x,psi=1/4))
        us[places] <- apply(matrix(usi,length(usi),1),1,function(x) 1/rgig(n=1,lambda=(2-k)/2,chi=x+1,psi=chains$extra[,j]^2))
        us[places] <- rgamma(n,shape=(chains$extra[,j]+k)/2,scale=2/(chains$extra[,j]+usi))
        u0 <- pgamma(q=1,shape=(chains$extra[,j]+k)/2,scale=2/usi)
        us[places] <- qgamma(p=runif(n)*u0,shape=(chains$extra[,j]+k)/2,scale=2/usi)
        us[places] <- ifelse(us[places]<.Machine$double.xmin,.Machine$double.xmin,us[places])
      if(dist=="Contaminated normal"){
        a <- chains$extra[1,j]*chains$extra[2,j]^(k/2)*exp(-chains$extra[2,j]*usi/2)
        b <- (1-chains$extra[1,j])*exp(-usi/2)
        us[places] <- ifelse(runif(n)<=a/(a+b),chains$extra[2,j],1)
      usi <- us[places]
      Xu <- matrix(sqrt(usi),n,s)*X
      yu <- matrix(sqrt(usi),n,k)*y
      A <- chol2inv(chol(Sigmarinv + crossprod(Xu)))
      M <- crossprod(A,(crossprod(Xu,yu) + crossprod(Sigmarinv,mu0s)))
      betanew <- M + crossprod(chol(A),matrix(rnorm(s*k),s,k))%*%chol(chains[[i]]$scale[,(1+(j-1)*k):(j*k)])
      chains[[i]]$location <- cbind(chains[[i]]$location,betanew)
      Omega <- Omega0 + crossprod(betanew-mu0s,Sigmarinv)%*%(betanew-mu0s) + crossprod(yu-Xu%*%betanew)
      Omegachol <- chol(chol2inv(chol(Omega)))
      Sigmanew2[[i]] <- tcrossprod(crossprod(Omegachol,matrix(rnorm(k*(prior$tau0+s+n)),k,prior$tau0+s+n)))
      Sigmanew <- chol2inv(chol(Sigmanew2[[i]]))
      chains[[i]]$scale <- cbind(chains[[i]]$scale,Sigmanew)
      if(dist=="Contaminated normal"){
        resu <- y-X%*%betanew
        ss[places] <- apply(t(resu)*tcrossprod(Sigmanew2[[i]],resu),2,sum)
      etanew <- length(us)*(resto - (1/2)*(nus^2*mean(1/us)))
      etanew <- exp(etanew - max(etanew))
      probs <- num1*(etanew[2:length(nus)] + etanew[1:(length(nus)-1)])/2
      etanew <- sample(x=num2,size=1,prob=probs/sum(probs))
      chains$extra <- cbind(chains$extra,matrix(etanew,1,1))
      etanew <- length(us)*resto +	(nus/2)*sum(log(us)-us)
      etanew <- exp(etanew - max(etanew))
      probs <- num1*(etanew[2:length(nus)] + etanew[1:(length(nus)-1)])/2
      etanew <- sample(x=num2,size=1,prob=probs/sum(probs))
      chains$extra <- cbind(chains$extra,matrix(etanew,1,1))
      etanew <- rgamma(1,shape=prior$gamma0+length(us),scale=2/(prior$eta0-sum(log(us))))
      chains$extra <- cbind(chains$extra,matrix(etanew,1,1))
    if(dist=="Contaminated normal"){
      a <- us==chains$extra[2,j]
      etanew1 <- max(0.01,rbeta(1,shape1=prior$gamma01+sum(a),shape2=prior$eta01+length(a)-sum(a)))
      u0 <- pgamma(q=1,shape=(sum(a)*k + prior$gamma02)/2,scale=2/(prior$eta02 + sum(ss*a)))
      etanew2 <- max(0.01,qgamma(p=runif(1)*u0,shape=(sum(a)*k + prior$gamma02)/2,scale=2/(prior$eta02 + sum(ss*a))))
      chains$extra <- cbind(chains$extra,matrix(c(etanew1,etanew2),2,1))
    Loglik <- function(h,thresholds){
      regs <- cut(Z[(ps+1-h):(nrow(D)-h),],breaks=c(-Inf,sort(thresholds),Inf),labels=FALSE)
      result <- 0
      for(i in 1:regim){
        places <- regs == i
        X <- matrix(data[[i]]$X[places,],sum(places),ncol(data[[i]]$X))
        y <- matrix(data[[i]]$y[places,],nrow(X),ncol(data[[i]]$y))
        usi <- us[places]
        Xu <- matrix(sqrt(usi),nrow(X),ncol(X))*X
        yu <- matrix(sqrt(usi),nrow(X),k)*y
        resu <- yu-Xu%*%chains[[i]]$location[,(ncol(chains[[i]]$location)- k + 1):ncol(chains[[i]]$location)]
        ds <- apply(t(resu)*tcrossprod(Sigmanew2[[i]],resu),2,sum)
        result <- result -0.5*sum(ds - log(det(Sigmanew2[[i]])) - k*log(usi) + k*log(2*pi))
    if(regim > 1){
      a0 <- (thresholds.chains[,j] - t0)/(t1 - t0)
      if(length(a0) > 1) a0 <- c(a0[1],diff(a0))
      ind <- TRUE
        r0 <- rgamma(length(a0)+1,shape=c(a0,1-sum(a0)),scale=1)
        r0 <- r0[-length(a0)-1]/sum(r0)
        thresholds.new <- t0 + cumsum(r0)*(t1 - t0)
          indl <- table(cut(Z[(ps+1-hs):(nrow(D)-hs),],breaks=c(-Inf,sort(thresholds.new),Inf),labels=FALSE))
          if(length(indl) == regim) ind <- any(indl < tol)
      a <- min(1,exp(Loglik(hs,thresholds.new) - Loglik(hs,thresholds.chains[,j]) +
                       sum((r0-1)*log(a0) - lgamma(r0)) + lgamma(sum(r0)) - sum((a0-1)*log(r0) - lgamma(a0)) - lgamma(sum(a0))))
      if(runif(1) > a) thresholds.new <- thresholds.chains[,j]
      thresholds.chains <- cbind(thresholds.chains,thresholds.new)
      resul <- vector()
      for(h in prior$hmin:prior$hmax) resul <- c(resul,Loglik(h,thresholds.new))
      resul <- resul-max(resul)
      resul <- exp(resul)/sum(exp(resul))
      hs.chains <- cbind(hs.chains,sample(prior$hmin:prior$hmax,size=1,prob=resul))
  for(i in 1:regim){
    chains[[i]]$location <- chains[[i]]$location[,ids]
    rownames(chains[[i]]$location) <- name[[i]]
    chains[[i]]$scale <- matrix(chains[[i]]$scale[,ids],nrow=k,ncol=k*n.sim)
    colnames(chains[[i]]$scale) <- rep(colnames(D),n.sim)
    rownames(chains[[i]]$scale) <- colnames(D)
  if(dist %in% c("Student-t","Hyperbolic","Slash","Contaminated normal"))
    chains$extra <- matrix(chains$extra[,n.burnin + seq(1,n.sim*n.thin,n.thin)],ncol=n.sim)
  out_ <- list(data=data,chains=chains,n.sim=n.sim,regim=regim,name=name,dist=dist,ps=ps,ars=ars,formula=Formula(formula),Intercept=Intercept,call=match.call(),log=log)
  if(regim > 1){
    out_$chains$thresholds <- matrix(thresholds.chains[,n.burnin + seq(1,n.sim*n.thin,n.thin)],ncol=n.sim)
    out_$chains$h <- hs.chains[,n.burnin + seq(1,n.sim*n.thin,n.thin)]
    if(max(ars$q) > 0) out_$covariable.series=X2
  class(out_) <- "mtar"
#' @method summary mtar
#' @export
summary.mtar <- function(object, credible=0.95, digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),...){
  k <- ncol(object$data[[1]]$y)
  n.sim <- object$n.sim
  out_ <- list()
  resumen <- function(x){
    x <- matrix(x,ifelse(is.null(nrow(x)),1,nrow(x)),ifelse(is.null(ncol(x)),length(x),ncol(x)))
    y <- matrix(0,nrow(x),4)
    y[,1] <- apply(x,1,mean)
    y[,2] <- apply(x,1,function(x) min(mean(sign(median(x))*x > 0),1-1/200000))
    y[,2] <- 2*(1 - y[,2])
    ks <- seq(credible,1,length=n.sim*(1-credible))
    lis <- t(apply(x,1,quantile,probs=ks-credible))
    lss <- t(apply(x,1,quantile,probs=ks))
    dif <- apply(abs(lss-lis),1,which.min)
    y[,3] <- lis[cbind(1:nrow(x),dif)]
    y[,4] <- lss[cbind(1:nrow(x),dif)]
    colnames(y) <- c("   Mean"," 2(1-PD) ","HDI_Low","HDI_high")
  if(object$regim > 1){
    thresholds <- matrix(round(resumen(matrix(object$chains$thresholds,nrow=object$regim-1)),digits=digits)[,c(1,3,4)],ncol=3)
    h <- as.integer(round(mean(object$chains$h)))
    thresholds1 <- paste0(c("(-Inf",paste0("(",round(thresholds[,1],digits=digits))),",",c(paste0(round(thresholds[,1],digits=digits),"]"),"Inf)"))
    thresholds2 <- paste0(c("(-Inf",paste0("(",round(thresholds[,2],digits=digits))),",",c(paste0(round(thresholds[,2],digits=digits),"]"),"Inf)"))
    thresholds3 <- paste0(c("(-Inf",paste0("(",round(thresholds[,3],digits=digits))),",",c(paste0(round(thresholds[,3],digits=digits),"]"),"Inf)"))
    d <- data.frame(cbind(thresholds1,thresholds2,thresholds3))
    rownames(d) <- paste("Regime",1:nrow(d))
    colnames(d) <- rep(" ",3)
  cat("\nResponse          :",ifelse(length(colnames(object$data[[1]]$y))==1,colnames(object$data[[1]]$y),paste(colnames(object$data[[1]]$y),collapse="    |    ")))
  if(object$regim > 1) cat("\nThreshold series  :",object$ts,"(Mean)")
  cat("\nError distribution:",object$dist)
  if(object$regim > 1){
    cat("\nThresholds (Mean, HDI_low, HDI_high)\n")
    out_$thresholds <- d
    out_$location <- list()
    out_$scale <- list()
  for(i in 1:object$regim){
    out <- outs <- vector()
    for(j in 1:k){
      temp <- object$chains[[i]]$location[,seq(j,n.sim*k,k)]
      temps <- matrix(matrix(object$chains[[i]]$scale,k,n.sim*k)[,seq(j,n.sim*k,k)],nrow=k)
      if(j > 1){
        out <- cbind(out,matrix(0,nrow(out),1),round(resumen(temp),digits=digits))
        outs <- cbind(outs,round(resumen(temps)[,c(1,3,4)],digits=digits+1))
        out <- round(resumen(temp),digits=digits)
        outs <- round(resumen(temps)[,c(1,3,4)],digits=digits+1)
    outs <- matrix(outs,k,3*k)
    rownames(out) <- object$name[[i]]
    outs <- matrix(cbind(outs,0),k,3*k+1)
    outs <- outs[,c(seq(1,3*k,3),3*k+1,seq(2,3*k,3),3*k+1,seq(3,3*k,3))]
    outs <- matrix(outs,k,length(outs)/k)
    rownames(outs) <- colnames(object$data[[1]]$y)
    colnames(outs) <- c(rownames(outs),"",rownames(outs),"",rownames(outs))
    cat("\nAutoregressive coefficients\n")
    print(format(out, justify = "right", format = "+/-", zero.print="   |   "), quote=FALSE)
    cat("\nScale parameter (Mean, HDI_low, HDI_high)\n")
    print(format(outs, justify = "right", format = "+/-", zero.print="   ."), quote=FALSE)
    out_$location[[i]] <- out
    out_$scale[[i]] <- outs
  if(object$dist %in% c("Slash","Contaminated normal","Student-t","Hyperbolic")){
    out <- round(resumen(object$chains$extra),digits=digits+1)
    out[,2] <- 0
    if(object$dist %in% c("Slash","Student-t","Hyperbolic")) rownames(out)[nrow(out)] <- paste0("nu",paste0(rep("",max(nchar(object$name[[1]]))-1),collapse=" "))
    else rownames(out)[nrow(out):(nrow(out)-1)] <- paste0(c("nu2","nu1"),paste0(rep("",max(nchar(object$name[[1]]))-2),collapse=" "))
    cat("\n\nExtra parameter","\n")
    print(format(out, justify = "right", flag="+", zero.print="   .   "), quote=FALSE)
    out_$extra <- out
#' @method plot mtar
#' @export
plot.mtar <- function(x, ...,identify){
  n.sim <- x$n.sim
  dist <- x$dist
  k <- ncol(x$data[[1]]$y)
  out <- vector()
  out_2 <- matrix(NA,1,2*k)
  if(x$regim > 1) lims <- (x$ps+1):(length(x$threshold.series))
  if(x$dist %in% c("Student-t","Hyperbolic","Slash","Contaminated normal"))
    extra <- apply(matrix(x$chains$extra,ncol=n.sim),1,mean)
  for(i in 1:x$regim){
    location <- matrix(0,nrow(x$chains[[i]]$location),k)
    scale <- matrix(0,k,k)
    for(j in 1:k){
      location[,j] <- apply(x$chains[[i]]$location[,seq(j,n.sim,by=k)],1,mean)
      scale[,j] <- apply(x$chains[[i]]$scale[,seq(j,n.sim,by=k)],1,mean)
    if(x$regim > 1){
      h <- as.integer(round(mean(x$chains$h)))
      thresholds <- apply(matrix(x$chains$thresholds,ncol=n.sim),1,mean)
      Z <- x$threshold.series[lims-h]
      regs <- cut(Z,breaks=c(-Inf,sort(thresholds),Inf),labels=FALSE)
    }else regs <- matrix(1,nrow(x$data[[i]]$y),1)
    places <- regs==i
    y <- x$data[[i]]$y[places,]
    X <- x$data[[i]]$X[places,]
    resu <- y-X%*%location
    resu <- apply(t(resu)*tcrossprod(chol2inv(chol(scale)),resu),2,sum)
    out <- c(out,resu)
    out_2 <- rbind(out_2,cbind(y,X%*%location))
  out <- matrix(out,length(out),1)
  TT <- 15000
  sim <- matrix(rnorm(TT*k),TT,k)
  if(dist=="Gaussian") u <- 1
  if(dist=="Student-t") u <- 1/rgamma(TT,shape=extra/2,rate=extra/2)
  if(dist=="Slash") u <- 1/rbeta(TT,shape1=extra/2,shape2=1)
  if(dist=="Contaminated normal") u <- 1/(1 - (1-extra[2])*rbinom(TT,1,extra[1]))
  if(dist=="Hyperbolic") u <- rgig(n=TT,lambda=1,chi=1,psi=extra^2)
  if(dist=="Laplace") u <- rexp(TT,rate=1/8)
  u <- matrix(u,TT,k)
  sim <- sort(apply(sim^2*u,1,sum))
  out2 <- apply(out,1,function(x) mean(x<=sim))
  out3 <- ifelse(out2>=0.5,1-out2,out2)
  out3 <- qnorm(ifelse(.Machine$double.xmin>=out3,.Machine$double.xmin,out3))*ifelse(out2>0.5,-1,1)
  out3 <- matrix(out3,length(out3),1)
  row.names(out3) <- row.names(x$data[[1]]$y)
  nano_ <- list(...)
  nano_$y <- out3
  nano_$type <- "p"
  if(is.null(nano_$pch)) nano_$pch <- 20
  outm <- do.call("qqnorm",nano_)
  if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(outm$x,outm$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=row.names(out3))

#' @title Forecasting of a multivariate TAR model.
#' @description This function computes forecasting from a fitted multivariate TAR model.
#' @param object an object of the class \emph{mtar}.
#' @param data an (optional) data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by
#'             \link{as.data.frame} to a data frame) containing the future values of the threshold
#'             series as well as the exogenous series in the model.
#'             If not found in data, the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)},
#'             typically the environment from which \code{mtar} is called.
#' @param credible an (optional) value for the level of the credible intervals. As default, \code{credible} is set to 0.95.
#' @param row.names an (optional) vector that allows the user to name the time point to
#'                  which each row in the data set \code{data} corresponds.
#' @return a list with the following component
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{ypred}   \tab a matrix with the results of the forecasting,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{summary} \tab a matrix with the mean, standard deviation, and the HDP credible intervals of the forecasting,\cr
#' }
#' @export forecasting
#' @references Nieto, F.H. (2005) Modeling Bivariate Threshold Autoregressive Processes in the Presence of Missing Data.
#'             Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 34, 905-930.
#' @references Romero, L.V. and Calderon, S.A. (2021) Bayesian estimation of a multivariate TAR model when the noise
#'             process follows a Student-t distribution. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 50, 2508-2530.
#' @references Calderon, S.A. and Nieto, F.H. (2017) Bayesian analysis of multivariate threshold autoregressive models
#'             with missing data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46, 296-318.
#' @references Karlsson, S. (2013) Chapter 15-Forecasting with Bayesian Vector Autoregression. In Elliott, G. and
#'             Timmermann, A. Handbook of Economic Forecasting, Volume 2, 791–89, Elsevier.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ###### Example 1: Returns of the closing prices of three financial indexes
#' data(returns)
#' fit1 <- mtar(~ COLCAP + BOVESPA | SP500, row.names=Date, dist="Slash",
#'              data=subset(returns,Date < "2016-03-20"), ars=list(p=c(1,1,2)),
#'              n.burnin=100, n.sim=3000)
#' out1 <- forecasting(fit1,data=subset(returns,Date >= "2016-03-20"),row.names=Date)
#' out1$summary
#' ###### Example 2: Rainfall and two river flows in Colombia
#' data(riverflows)
#' fit2 <- mtar(~ Bedon + LaPlata | Rainfall, row.names=Date, dist="Laplace",
#'              data=subset(riverflows,Date < "2009-04-09"), ars=list(p=c(5,5,5)),
#'              n.burnin=100, n.sim=3000)
#' out2 <- forecasting(fit2,data=subset(riverflows,Date >= "2009-04-09"),row.names=Date)
#' out2$summary
#' }
forecasting <- function(object,data,credible=0.95,row.names){
    stop("Only mtar-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  regim <- object$regim
  gendist <- function(dist,Sigma,extra){
    nor <- matrix(rnorm(ncol(Sigma)),1,ncol(Sigma))%*%chol(Sigma)
    if(dist=="Gaussian") u <- 1
    if(dist=="Student-t") u <- 1/rgamma(1,shape=extra/2,rate=extra/2)
    if(dist=="Slash") u <- 1/rbeta(1,shape1=extra/2,shape2=1)
    if(dist=="Contaminated normal") u <- 1/(1 - (1-extra[2])*rbinom(1,1,extra[1]))
    if(dist=="Hyperbolic") u <- rgig(n=1,lambda=1,chi=1,psi=extra^2)
    if(dist=="Laplace") u <- rexp(1,rate=1/8)
  mmf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("data", "row.names"), names(mmf), 0)
  mmf <- mmf[c(1,m)]
  mmf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mmf <- eval(mmf, parent.frame())
  if(regim > 1){
    mz <- model.part(Formula(object$formula), data = mmf, rhs = 2, terms = TRUE)
    Z <- model.matrix(mz, data = mmf)
      Znames <- colnames(Z)
      Z <- as.matrix(Z[,-1])
    pasos <- nrow(Z)
    Z <- rbind(object$threshold.series,Z)
  if(max(object$ars$q) > 0){
    mx2 <- model.part(Formula(object$formula), data = mmf, rhs = 3, terms = TRUE)
    X2 <- model.matrix(mx2, data = mmf)
      X2names <- colnames(X2)
      X2 <- as.matrix(X2[,-1])
      colnames(X2) <- X2names[-1]
    X2 <- rbind(object$covariable.series,X2)
  y <- object$response.series
  k <- ncol(y)
  ysim <- rbind(matrix(y,nrow(y),k*object$n.sim),matrix(0,pasos,k*object$n.sim))
  for(i in 1:object$n.sim){
    h <- object$chains$h[i]
    thresholds <- object$chains$thresholds[,i]
    for(j in (nrow(y)+1):(nrow(y)+pasos)){
      if(regim > 1)
        regs <- cut(Z[j-h],breaks=c(-Inf,sort(thresholds),Inf),labels=FALSE)
      else regs <- 1
      X <- 1;for(l in 1:object$ars$p[regs]) X <- c(X,ysim[j-l,((i-1)*k+1):(i*k)])
      if(!object$Intercept) X <- X[-1]
      if(object$ars$q[regs] > 0) for(l in 1:object$ars$q[regs]) X <- c(X,X2[j-l,])
      if(object$ars$d[regs] > 0) for(l in 1:object$ars$d[regs]) X <- c(X,Z[j-l,])
      M <- matrix(X,1,length(X))%*%object$chains[[regs]]$location[,((i-1)*k+1):(i*k)]
      if(object$dist %in% c("Gaussian","Laplace"))
        ysim[j,((i-1)*k+1):(i*k)] <- M + gendist(object$dist,object$chains[[regs]]$scale[,((i-1)*k+1):(i*k)])
        ysim[j,((i-1)*k+1):(i*k)] <- M + gendist(object$dist,object$chains[[regs]]$scale[,((i-1)*k+1):(i*k)],object$chains$extra[,i])
  ysim <- matrix(ysim[-c(1:nrow(y)),],pasos,k*object$n.sim)
  colnames(ysim) <- rep(colnames(y),object$n.sim)
  if(object$log) ysim <- exp(ysim)
  out_ <- vector()
  predi <- function(x){
    x <- matrix(x,1,length(x))
    ks <- seq(credible,1,length=object$n.sim*(1-credible))
    lis <- t(apply(x,1,quantile,probs=ks-credible))
    lss <- t(apply(x,1,quantile,probs=ks))
    dif <- apply(abs(lss-lis),1,which.min)
    out_ <- c(mean(x),lis[dif],lss[dif])
    names(out_) <- c("Mean","HDI_Low","HDI_high")
  for(i in 1:k) out_ <- cbind(out_,t(apply(matrix(ysim[,seq(i,k*object$n.sim,k)],pasos,object$n.sim),1,predi)))
    row.names <- as.vector(as.character(model.extract(mmf,row.names)))
    rownames(out_) <- row.names
    rownames(ysim) <- row.names
#' @title Converts chains from the Bayesian estimation of a multivariate TAR model to a mcmc object.
#' @description This function converts the chains obtained from the Bayesian estimation of a multivariate TAR model to a \code{mcmc} object to be analyzed with the \pkg{coda} package.
#' @param object an object of the class \emph{mtar}.
#' @param type an (optional) character string that allows the user to specify the parameter that corresponds to the
#'             chains to convert. The available options are: "location", "scale" and "extra". As default, \code{type} is set to "location".
#' @param regime an (optional) integer value that allows the user to specify the regime that corresponds to the chains to plot.
#'               As default, \code{regime} is set to 1.
#' @return a \code{mcmc}-type object.
#' @export convert
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ###### Example 1: Returns of the closing prices of three financial indexes
#' data(returns)
#' fit1 <- mtar(~ COLCAP + BOVESPA | SP500, row.names=Date, dist="Slash",
#'              data=returns, ars=list(p=c(1,1,2)), n.burnin=100, n.sim=3000)
#' location.chains.1 <- convert(fit1,type="location",regime=2)
#' summary(location.chains.1)
#' plot(location.chains.1)
#' ###### Example 2: Rainfall and two river flows in Colombia
#' data(riverflows)
#' fit2 <- mtar(~ Bedon + LaPlata | Rainfall, row.names=Date, dist="Laplace",
#'              data=riverflows, ars=list(p=c(5,5,5)), n.burnin=100, n.sim=3000)
#' location.chains.2 <- convert(fit2,type="location",regime=3)
#' summary(location.chains.2)
#' plot(location.chains.2)
#' }
convert <- function(object, type=c("location","scale","extra"), regime=1){
    stop("Only mtar-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  k <- ncol(object$data[[1]]$y)
  yn <- colnames(object$data[[1]]$y)
  n.sim <- object$n.sim
  if(is.null(object$chains$extra) & type=="extra") stop("There is not an extra parameter!!",call.=FALSE)
    datos <-  matrix(object$chains[[regime]]$scale,nrow=k,ncol=n.sim*k)
    out_ <- vector()
    for(i in 1:k){
       for(j in i:k){
          temp <- t(matrix(datos[i,seq(j,n.sim*k,k)],nrow=1,ncol=n.sim))
          colnames(temp) <- paste0(yn[i],".",yn[j])
          out_ <- cbind(out_,temp)
    datos <-  matrix(object$chains[[regime]]$location,nrow=nrow(object$chains[[regime]]$location),ncol=n.sim*k)
    out_ <- vector()
    for(i in 1:k){
       temp <- t(matrix(datos[,seq(i,n.sim*k,k)],nrow=nrow(datos),ncol=n.sim))
       colnames(temp) <- paste0(yn[i],":",rownames(object$chains[[regime]]$location))
       out_ <- cbind(out_,temp)
    datos <-  matrix(object$chains$extra,nrow=length(object$chains$extra)/n.sim,ncol=n.sim)
    out_ <- t(matrix(datos[,seq(1,n.sim)],nrow=nrow(datos),ncol=n.sim))
    if(nrow(datos)==1) colnames(out_) <- "nu" else colnames(out_) <- c("nu1","nu2")
#' @title Simulation of multivariate time series according to a TAR model
#' @description This function simulates multivariate time series according to a user-specified TAR model.
#' @param n a positive integer value indicating the length of the desired output series.
#' @param k a positive integer value indicating the dimension of the desired output series.
#' @param ars a list composed of three objects, namely: \code{p}, \code{q} and \code{d},
#'            each of which corresponds to a vector of \eqn{l} non-negative integers, where \eqn{l} represents the number of regimes in the TAR model.
#' @param Intercept an (optional) logical variable. If \code{TRUE}, then the model includes an intercept.
#' @param delay an (optional) non-negative integer value indicating the delay in the threshold series.
#' @param thresholds a vector with \eqn{l-1} real values sorted ascendingly.
#' @param parms a list with as many sublists as regimes in the user-specified TAR model. Each sublist is composed of two matrices. The first corresponds
#'              to location parameters, while the second corresponds to scale parameters.
#' @param t.series a matrix with the values of the threshold series.
#' @param ex.series a matrix with the values of the multivariate exogenous series.
#' @param dist an (optional) character string which allows the user to specify the multivariate
#'             distribution to be used to describe the behavior of the noise process. The
#'             available options are: Gaussian ("Gaussian"), Student-\eqn{t} ("Student-t"),
#'             Slash ("Slash"), Symmetric Hyperbolic ("Hyperbolic"), Laplace ("Laplace"), and
#'             contaminated normal ("Contaminated normal"). As default, \code{dist} is set to
#'             "Gaussian".
#' @param extra a value indicating the value of the extra parameter of the noise process distribution, if any.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} containing the output series, threshold series (if any), and multivariate exogenous series (if any).
#' @export simtar
#' @examples
#' ###### Simulation of a trivariate TAR model with two regimes
#' n <- 2000
#' k <- 3
#' ars <- list(p=c(1,2))
#' Z <- as.matrix(arima.sim(n=n+max(ars$p),list(ar=c(0.5))))
#' Intercept <- TRUE
#' parms <- list()
#' for(i in 1:length(ars$p)){
#'    np <- Intercept + ars$p[i]*k
#'    parms[[i]] <- list()
#'    parms[[i]]$location <- c(ifelse(runif(np*k)<=0.5,1,-1)*rbeta(np*k,shape1=4,shape2=16))
#'    parms[[i]]$location <- matrix(parms[[i]]$location,np,k)
#'    parms[[i]]$scale <- rgamma(k,shape=1,scale=1)*diag(k)
#' }
#' thresholds <- quantile(Z,probs=seq(1,length(ars$p)-1)/length(ars$p))
#' out1 <- simtar(n=n,k=k,ars=ars,Intercept=Intercept,parms=parms,
#'                thresholds=thresholds,t.series=Z,dist="Student-t",extra=6)
#' str(out1)
#' ###### Simulation of a trivariate VAR model
#' n <- 2000
#' k <- 3
#' ars <- list(p=2)
#' Intercept <- TRUE
#' parms <- list()
#' for(i in 1:length(ars$p)){
#'    np <- Intercept + ars$p[i]*k
#'    parms[[i]] <- list()
#'    parms[[i]]$location <- c(ifelse(runif(np*k)<=0.5,1,-1)*rbeta(np*k,shape1=4,shape2=16))
#'    parms[[i]]$location <- matrix(parms[[i]]$location,np,k)
#'    parms[[i]]$scale <- rgamma(k,shape=1,scale=1)*diag(k)
#' }
#' out2 <- simtar(n=n,k=k,ars=ars,Intercept=Intercept,parms=parms,
#'                dist="Slash",extra=2)
#' str(out2)
simtar <- function(n,k=2,ars=list(p=1),Intercept=TRUE,parms,delay=0,thresholds=0,t.series,ex.series,dist="gaussian",extra){
  n <- ceiling(abs(n))
  k <- ceiling(abs(k))
  if(k<=0 | k!=floor(k)) stop("The argument 'k' must be a positive integer!",call.=FALSE)
  if(is.null(ars$p)) stop("The argument 'ars=list(p=)' must be a positive integer!",call.=FALSE)
  regim <- length(ars$p)
  if(is.null(ars$d) | regim==1) ars$d <- rep(0,length(ars$p))
  if(is.null(ars$q) | missingArg(ex.series)) ars$q <- rep(0,length(ars$p))
  if(regim > 1){
    if(delay<0 | delay!=floor(delay)) stop("The argument 'delay' must be a non-negative integer!",call.=FALSE)
    if(missingArg(t.series)) stop("The argument 't.series' is required!",call.=FALSE)
    if(missingArg(thresholds)) stop("The argument 'thresholds' is required!",call.=FALSE) else thresholds <- sort(thresholds)
    if(length(thresholds) != regim-1)
      stop(paste0("The length of argument 'thresholds' must be ",regim-1,", and the length of the argument supplied by the user is ",length(thresholds)),call.=FALSE)
    delay <- 0
    ars$d <- rep(0,length(ars$p))
    ars$q <- rep(0,length(ars$p))
  ps <- max(ars$p,ars$q,ars$d,delay)
  if(regim > 1){
      stop(paste0("The number of rows of the argument 't.series' must be ",n+ps,", and the number of rows of the argument supplied by the user is ",nrow(t.series)),call.=FALSE)
    if(missingArg(ex.series)) stop("An exogenous series is required!",call.=FALSE)
      stop(paste0("The number of rows of the argument 'ex.series' must be ",n+ps,", and the number of rows of the argument supplied by the user is ",nrow(ex.series)),call.=FALSE)
    r <- ncol(ex.series)
  }else r <- 0
  dist <- tolower(dist)
  if(!(dist %in% c("gaussian","student-t","hyperbolic","laplace","slash","contaminated normal")))
    stop("Only 'Gaussian', 'Student-t', 'Hyperbolic', 'Laplace', 'Slash' and 'Contaminated normal' distributions are supported!",call.=FALSE)
  if(dist %in% c("student-t","hyperbolic","slash","contaminated normal")){
      stop("For 'Student-t', 'Hyperbolic', 'Slash' and 'Contaminated normal' distributions an extra parameter value must be specified!",call.=FALSE)
    if((dist=="student-t" & extra<=0) | (tolower(dist)=="hyperbolic" & extra<=0) | (tolower(dist)=="slash" & extra<=0))
      stop("For 'Student-t', 'Hyperbolic' and 'Slash' distributions the extra parameter value must be positive!",call.=FALSE)
    if(dist=="contaminated normal" & (any(extra<=0) | any(extra>=1)))
      stop("For 'Contaminated normal' distribution the extra parameter must be a bidimensional vector with values in the interval (0,1)!",call.=FALSE)
  if(regim > 1) regimen <- cut(t.series[(ps+1-delay):(length(t.series)-delay)],breaks=c(-Inf,thresholds,Inf),labels=1:regim)
  regimen <- matrix(1,n,1)
  myseries <- matrix(rnorm((n+ps)*k),n+ps,k)
  for(i in 1:regim){
    if(ncol(parms[[i]]$location)!=k | nrow(parms[[i]]$location)!=(Intercept+ars$p[i]*k+ars$q[i]*r+ars$d[i]))
      stop(paste0("Dimension of location matrix in regime ",i," must be ",(Intercept+ars$p[i]*k+ars$q[i]*r+ars$d[i]),"X",k,"!"),call.=FALSE)
    parms[[i]]$scale2  <- try(chol(parms[[i]]$scale),silent=TRUE)
    if(!is.matrix(parms[[i]]$scale2)) stop(paste0("Scale matrix in regime ",i," is not positive definite!"),call.=FALSE)
  for(i in 1:n){
    current <- ps + i
    regimeni <- regimen[i]
    if(Intercept) X <- 1 else X <-  vector()
    for(j in 1:ars$p[regimeni]) X <- c(X,myseries[current-j,])
    if(ars$q[regimeni] > 0) for(j in 1:ars$q[regimeni]) X <- c(X,ex.series[current-j,])
    if(ars$d[regimeni] > 0) for(j in 1:ars$d[regimeni]) X <- c(X,t.series[current-j,])
    Theta <- parms[[regimeni]]$location
    mu <- apply(matrix(X,nrow(Theta),ncol(Theta))*Theta,2,sum)
    u <- 1
    if(dist=="student-t")  u <- 1/rgamma(1,shape=extra/2,rate=extra/2)
    if(dist=="slash")  u <- 1/rbeta(1,shape1=extra/2,shape2=1)
    if(dist=="contaminated normal")  if(runif(1)<=extra[1]) u <- 1/extra[2]
    if(dist=="laplace")  u <- rexp(1,rate=1/8)
    if(dist=="hyperbolic") u <- rgig(n=1,lambda=1,chi=1,psi=extra^2)
    myseries[current,] <- crossprod(parms[[regimeni]]$scale2,matrix(rnorm(k,mean=0,sd=sqrt(u)),k,1) + matrix(mu,k,1))
  for(i in 1:regim) parms[[i]]$scale2 <- NULL
  datos <- data.frame(myseries)
  colnames(datos) <- paste("Y",1:k,sep="")
  if(regim > 1) datos <- data.frame(datos,t.series) else datos <- data.frame(datos)
    colnames(ex.series) <- paste("X",1:r,sep="")
    datos <- data.frame(datos,ex.series)

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