
Defines functions predictHVT

Documented in predictHVT

#' @name predictHVT
#' @title Predict which cell and what level each point in the test dataset belongs to
#' @param data List. A dataframe containing test dataset. The dataframe should have atleast one variable used while training. The variables from
#' this dataset can also be used to overlay as heatmap
#' @param hvt.results.model A list of hvt.results.model obtained from HVT function while performing hierarchical vector quantization on train data
#' @param child.level A number indicating the level for which the heat map is to be plotted.(Only used if hmap.cols is not NULL)
#' @param mad.threshold A numeric values indicating the permissible Mean Absolute Deviation
#' @param line.width Vector. A line width vector
#' @param color.vec Vector. A color vector
#' @param normalize Logical. A logical value indicating if the columns in your
#' dataset should be normalized. Default value is TRUE.
#' @param distance_metric character. The distance metric can be 'Euclidean" or "Manhattan". Euclidean is selected by default.
#' @param error_metric character. The error metric can be "mean" or "max". mean is selected by default
#' @param yVar character. Name of the dependent variable(s)
#' @param ...  color.vec and line.width can be passed from here
#' @author Shubhra Prakash <shubhra.prakash@@mu-sigma.com>, Sangeet Moy Das <sangeet.das@@mu-sigma.com>
#' @seealso \code{\link{HVT}} \cr \code{\link{hvtHmap}}
#' @keywords predict
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' data(USArrests)
#' #Split in train and test
#' train <- USArrests[1:40,]
#' test <- USArrests[41:50,]
#' hvt.results <- list()
#' hvt.results <- HVT(train, n_cells = 15, depth = 1, quant.err = 0.2, 
#'                    distance_metric = "L1_Norm", error_metric = "mean",
#'                    projection.scale = 10, normalize = TRUE,
#'                    quant_method="kmeans",diagnose=TRUE)
#' predictions <- predictHVT(test,hvt.results, child.level=2,mad.threshold = 0.2)
#' print(predictions$scoredPredictedData)
#' @export predictHVT

predictHVT <- function(data, 
                       child.level = 1, 
                       mad.threshold = 0.2,
                       line.width = c(0.6, 0.4, 0.2),
                       color.vec = c("#141B41", "#6369D1", "#D8D2E1"),
                       normalize = T, 
                       yVar= NULL,
  # browser()
  # require("plotly")
  # requireNamespace("rjson")
  # browser()
  if(!('Cell.ID' %in% colnames(hvt.results.model[[3]]$summary))){
    hvt.results.model[[3]]$summary <- get_cell_id(hvt.results=hvt.results.model)
  hvt.results.model[[3]]$summary = cbind(hvt.results.model[[3]]$summary,centroidRadius=unlist( hvt.results.model[[3]]$max_QE))
  options(warn = -1)
  # distance_metric <-
  #   ifelse(distance_metric == "L1_Norm", "manhattan", "euclidean")
  summary_list <- hvt.results.model[[3]]
  # n_cells <- n_cells.hmap
  train_colnames <- names(summary_list[["nodes.clust"]][[1]][[1]])
  if (!all(train_colnames %in% colnames(data))) {
    stop('Not all training columns are part of test dataset')
  if (!all(is.na(summary_list$scale_summary)) && normalize == T) {
    scaled_test_data <- scale(
      data[, train_colnames],
      center = summary_list$scale_summary$mean_data[train_colnames],
      scale = summary_list$scale_summary$std_data[train_colnames])
  } else {
    scaled_test_data <- data[, train_colnames]
  colnames(scaled_test_data) <- train_colnames
  # level <- length(summary_list$nodes.clust)
  level <- child.level
  # keep_col <- names(summary_list$summary) 
  # subsetting df based on multiple dep variables
    yVardf <- data[,yVar]
    if(length(yVar) != 1){
      colnames(yVardf) <- paste0("Scored.", yVar)
  # dfWithMapping <- summary_list$summary
  find_path <- function(data_vec, centroid_data) {
    # centroidDist <- which.min(sqrt(colSums((centroid_data - data_vec) ^ 2)))
    if (distance_metric == "L1_Norm") {
      centroidDist <- which.min(colSums(abs(centroid_data - data_vec), na.rm = TRUE))
      Quant.Error <- (colSums(abs(centroid_data - data_vec), na.rm = TRUE))[centroidDist]
    } else {
      centroidDist <- which.min(sqrt(colSums((centroid_data - data_vec) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)))
      Quant.Error <- sqrt(colSums((centroid_data - data_vec) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE))[centroidDist]
    return(data.frame("Index" = centroidDist, "Quant.Error" = Quant.Error / length(train_colnames)))
  ## Get a df with Segment level, parent, child info joined with max QE value
  # centroidRadius <- unlist(summary_list$max_QE) 
  newdfMapping <- summary_list$summary
  innermostCells2 <- newdfMapping %>% 
    dplyr::filter((n > 0 & Segment.Level == level) | (Segment.Level < level & (Quant.Error < mad.threshold | n <= 3)))
  transposedCells <- innermostCells2 %>% 
    select(all_of(train_colnames)) %>% t()
  cent_dist_df2 <- apply(data.frame(scaled_test_data), 1, find_path, transposedCells) %>% 
  groupCols2 <- c(paste0("Segment.", c("Level", "Parent", "Child")), yVar)
  if ("Cell.ID" %in% names(innermostCells2)) groupCols2 <- c(groupCols2, "Cell.ID", "centroidRadius")
  predict_test_data2 <-
    cbind(data.frame(scaled_test_data, "n" = 1), cent_dist_df2) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(innermostCells2 %>%
                       select(all_of(groupCols2)) %>%
                       cbind(Index = as.integer(row.names(.))),
                     by = "Index") %>%    select(-Index) %>%
  # Considering margin of error
  predict_test_data3 <- predict_test_data2 %>% mutate(diff = centroidRadius- Quant.Error) 
  predict_test_data3 <- predict_test_data3 %>% mutate(anomalyFlag = ifelse(Quant.Error < (mad.threshold), 0, 1))
  # Renaming fitted yVar with prefix Fitted
    if(length(yVar) == 3){
      for(i in 1:length(yVar)){
        indexScored <- which(colnames(predict_test_data2) == yVar[i])
        colnames(predict_test_data2)[indexScored] <- paste0("Fitted.", yVar[i])
    } else {
      indexScored <- which(colnames(predict_test_data2) == yVar)
      colnames(predict_test_data2)[indexScored] <- paste0("Fitted.", yVar)
  # Adding dep Variables back to scored data
    predict_test_data2 <- merge(predict_test_data2, yVardf, by = 0) %>% select(-"Row.names")
    if(length(yVar) == 1){
      indexFitted <- which(colnames(predict_test_data2) == "y") 
      colnames(predict_test_data2)[indexFitted] <- paste0("Scored.", yVar)
  groupCols2 <- c(paste0("Segment.", c("Level", "Parent", "Child")), "anomalyFlag")
  # Calculating mean for scored data for each centroid
  groupCols3 <- c(paste0("Segment.", c("Level", "Parent", "Child")))
  # filter anomalous values for test dataset
  if(error_metric == "mean") {
    predictQE2 <- predict_test_data3 %>%
      group_by_at(groupCols2) %>%
        n = sum(n),
        Quant.Error = mean(Quant.Error))
    predictQE3 <- predict_test_data3 %>%
      group_by_at(groupCols3) %>%
        n = sum(n),
        Quant.Error = mean(Quant.Error))
  } else {
    predictQE2 <- predict_test_data3 %>% # with anamoly flags
      group_by_at(groupCols2) %>%
        n = sum(n),
        Quant.Error = max(Quant.Error))
    predictQE3 <- predict_test_data3 %>% # wo anamoly flags
      group_by_at(groupCols3) %>%
        n = sum(n),
        Quant.Error = max(Quant.Error))
  # Calculating mean for scored data for each centroid
  groupCols2 <- c(paste0("Segment.", c("Level", "Parent", "Child")))
  newdfMapping <- newdfMapping %>% mutate(sumOriginal = Quant.Error*n)
  df_temp <-  inner_join(predictQE2, 
                         newdfMapping %>% select(c(groupCols2, Quant.Error, sumOriginal,n)), 
                         by = groupCols2) 
  df_temp2 <-  inner_join(predictQE3, 
                          newdfMapping %>% select(c(groupCols2, Quant.Error, sumOriginal,n)), 
                          by = groupCols2) 
  if(error_metric == "mean"){
    df_temp <- df_temp %>% mutate(Scored.Quant.Error = (sumOriginal+(Quant.Error.x * n.x))/(n.x+n.y)) # sum original is wrong
    df_temp2 <- df_temp2 %>% mutate(Scored.Quant.Error = (sumOriginal+(Quant.Error.x * n.x))/(n.x+n.y))
  } else {
    df_temp <- df_temp %>% mutate(Scored.Quant.Error = max(Quant.Error.x, Quant.Error.y))
    df_temp2 <- df_temp2 %>% mutate(Scored.Quant.Error = (sumOriginal+(Quant.Error.x * n.x))/(n.x+n.y)) # should be maxScored
  QECompareDf2 <- df_temp %>% mutate(
    Quant.Error.Diff = abs(Scored.Quant.Error - Quant.Error.y),
    `Quant.Error.Diff (%)` = abs(Scored.Quant.Error - Quant.Error.y) / Quant.Error.y * 100) %>%
    dplyr::rename(Fitted.Quant.Error = Quant.Error.y, n = n.x) %>% 
    select(-c("Quant.Error.x", "sumOriginal" ,"n.y"))
  plotList <- hvt.results.model[[2]] %>% 
    unlist(., recursive = F) %>% unlist(., recursive = F) 
  boundaryCoords2 <-
    lapply(plotList, function(x) {
        "Segment.Level" = x[["Segment.Level"]],
        "Segment.Parent" = x[["Segment.Parent"]],
        "Segment.Child" = x[["Segment.Child"]],
        "x" = x$pt["x"], 
        "y" = x$pt["y"],
        "bp.x" = I(x$x),
        "bp.y" = I(x$y))
    }) %>% 
    bind_rows(.) %>% 
               QECompareDf2 %>% dplyr::filter(anomalyFlag == 1), 
               by = paste0("Segment.", c("Level", "Parent", "Child")))
  predictPlot <- plotHVT(
    line.width = line.width,
    color.vec = color.vec,
    centroid.size = 1.5,
    title = paste0(
      "Hierarchical Voronoi Tessellation With Depth = ",
    maxDepth = child.level
  ) + ggtitle(paste(
    "Hierarchical Voronoi Tessellation for Level",
  )) +
      plot.title = element_text(
        size = 18,
        hjust = 0.5,
        margin = margin(0, 0, 20, 0)
      # legend.title = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
      panel.background = element_blank(),
      axis.text.x = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
      axis.title.x = element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
      axis.title.y = element_blank(),
      legend.position = "bottom"
    ) +
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
    scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) 
  colour_scheme <- c("#6E40AA", "#6B44B2", "#6849BA", "#644FC1", "#6054C8", "#5C5ACE" ,"#5761D3" ,"#5268D8", "#4C6EDB", "#4776DE", "#417DE0", "#3C84E1" ,"#368CE1",
                     "#3194E0", "#2C9CDF", "#27A3DC", "#23ABD8","#20B2D4", "#1DBACE", "#1BC1C9", "#1AC7C2" ,"#19CEBB", "#1AD4B3" ,"#1BD9AB", "#1DDFA3", "#21E39B",
                     "#25E892", "#2AEB8A" ,"#30EF82", "#38F17B" ,"#40F373", "#49F56D", "#52F667", "#5DF662", "#67F75E", "#73F65A", "#7FF658", "#8BF457", "#97F357", "#A3F258")
  if (nrow(boundaryCoords2) != 0) {
    hoverText <- paste(
      " Cell ID:",
      "Number of observations:",
  } else { hoverText <- NULL}
  # browser()
  predictPlot <- predictPlot + geom_polygon(
    data = boundaryCoords2,
      x = bp.x,
      y = bp.y,
      group = interaction(Segment.Level, Segment.Parent, Segment.Child),
      fill = n,
      text = hoverText
    color = "red",
    size = 1
  ) +
    geom_point(data = boundaryCoords2 %>% distinct(x, y), aes(x = x, y = y), size = 1.5) +
    scale_fill_gradientn(colours = colour_scheme)+
    guides(colour = "none")
  plotlyPredict <- plotly::ggplotly(predictPlot, tooltip = "text")
  hoverText <- lapply(plotlyPredict$x$data, function(x) {
    if (!is.null(x$text)) 
  }) %>% unlist()
  checkCell <- substr(hoverText, 1, 5) %in% " Cell"
  trace_vec <- seq_along(checkCell)[!checkCell]
  plotlyPredict <- plotlyPredict %>%
    plotly::layout(hoverlabel = list(bgcolor = 'rgba(255,255,0,0.2)'),
                   legend = list(
                     title = list(text = "Level"),
                     itemdoubleclick = F,
                     itemclick = "toggleothers",
                     traceorder = "reversed"
    ) %>% 
    plotly::style(plotlyPredict, hoverinfo = "none", traces = trace_vec) %>%
    plotly::config(displayModeBar = F)
  predict_test_data3 <- predict_test_data3 %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, digits = 4) # Rounding decimal columns using dplyr function
  predict_test_dataRaw <- predict_test_data3
  predict_test_dataRaw[, train_colnames] <- data[, train_colnames]
  prediction_list = list(
    scoredPredictedData = predict_test_data3,
    QECompareDf = QECompareDf2,
    predictPlot = plotlyPredict,
    predictInput = c("depth"= child.level, "quant.err"=mad.threshold),
    model_info = list(type="hvt_prediction")
  # browser()
    mtrain=hvt.results.model[[4]]$mad_plot_train+ggtitle("Mean Absolute Deviation Plot: Calibration on Train Data")
    mtest=hvt.results.model[[5]][["mad_plot"]]+ggtitle("Mean Absolute Deviation Plot:Validation")
  if(!all(is.na(hvt.results.model[[4]])) &!all(is.na(hvt.results.model[[5]]) )) {  model_mad_plots=list(mtrain=mtrain,mtest=mtest)}

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muHVT documentation built on March 7, 2023, 6:38 p.m.