
parafac2 <- 
  function(X, nfac, nstart = 10, const = NULL, control = NULL,
           Gfixed = NULL, Bfixed = NULL, Cfixed = NULL, Dfixed = NULL,
           Gstart = NULL, Bstart = NULL, Cstart = NULL, Dstart = NULL,
           Gstruc = NULL, Bstruc = NULL, Cstruc = NULL, Dstruc = NULL,
           Gmodes = NULL, Bmodes = NULL, Cmodes = NULL, Dmodes = NULL,
           maxit = 500, ctol = 1e-4, parallel = FALSE, cl = NULL,
           output = c("best", "all"), verbose = TRUE, backfit = FALSE){
    # 3-way or 4-way Parallel Factor Analysis2 (Parafac2)
    # via alternating least squares (ALS) with optional constraints
    # Nathaniel E. Helwig (helwig@umn.edu)
    # last updated: May 25, 2018
    # check 'X' input
      xdim <- dim(X)
      lxdim <- length(xdim)
      if((lxdim < 3L) | (lxdim > 4L)) stop("Input 'X' must be 3-way or 4-way array")
      if(any(is.nan(X)) | any(is.infinite(X))) stop("Input 'X' cannot contain NaN or Inf values")
        mylist <- vector("list",xdim[3])
        for(kk in 1:xdim[3]){mylist[[kk]] <- X[,,kk]}
      } else {
        mylist <- vector("list",xdim[4])
        for(kk in 1:xdim[4]){mylist[[kk]] <- X[,,,kk]}
      X <- mylist
    } else if(is.list(X)){
      d1x <- dim(X[[1]])
      lxdim <- length(d1x) + 1L
      if( any(sapply(X,function(x) any(any(is.nan(x)),any(is.infinite(x))))) ){stop("Input 'X' cannot contain NaN or Inf values")}
        xdim <- rep(NA,3)
        xdim[2] <- d1x[2]
        xdim[3] <- length(X)
        if(sum((sapply(X,ncol)-xdim[2])^2)>0L){stop("Input 'X' must be list of matrices with same number of columns.")}
      } else if(lxdim==4L){
        xdim <- rep(NA,4)
        xdim[2] <- d1x[2]
        xdim[3] <- d1x[3]
        xdim[4] <- length(X)
        if(sum((sapply(X,dim)[2,]-xdim[2])^2)>0L){stop("Input 'X' must be list of arrays with same number of columns.")}
        if(sum((sapply(X,dim)[3,]-xdim[3])^2)>0L){stop("Input 'X' must be list of arrays with same number of slabs.")}
      } else{stop("Input 'X' must be list of 2-way or 3-way arrays.")}
    } else{stop("Input 'X' must be an array or list.")}
    if(any(sapply(X, function(x) any(is.na(x))))){
      missingdata <- TRUE
      naid <- lapply(X, function(x) which(is.na(x)))
    } else {
      missingdata <- FALSE
      xcx <- sumsq(X)
    # check 'nfac' and 'nstart' inputs
    nfac <- as.integer(nfac[1])
    if(nfac<1L){stop("Input 'nfac' must be positive integer")}
    nstart <- as.integer(nstart[1])
    if(nstart<1L){stop("Input 'nstart' must be positive integer")}
    # check 'maxit' and 'ctol' inputs
    maxit <- as.integer(maxit[1])
    if(maxit<1L){stop("Input 'maxit' must be positive integer")}
    ctol <- as.numeric(ctol[1])
    if(ctol<0L){stop("Input 'ctol' must be positive numeric")}
    # const types: old, new, and spline
    const.oldtypes <- c("uncons", "orthog", "nonneg", 
                        "unismo", "monsmo", "smoper", "smooth")
    const.newtypes <- c("uncons", "nonneg", "period", "pernon",
                        "smooth", "smonon", "smoper", "smpeno",
                        "orthog", "ortnon", "ortsmo", "orsmpe",
                        "moninc", "monnon", "monsmo", "mosmno",
                        "unimod", "uninon", "uniper", "unpeno", 
                        "unismo", "unsmno", "unsmpe", "unsmpn")
    const.smooth <- c("smooth", "smonon", "smoper", "smpeno",
                      "ortsmo", "orsmpe", "monsmo", "mosmno", 
                      "unismo", "unsmno", "unsmpe", "unsmpn")
    const.unimod <- c("unimod", "uninon", "uniper", "unpeno", 
                      "unismo", "unsmno", "unsmpe", "unsmpn")
    # check 'const' input
      const <- rep("uncons", lxdim)
    } else {
      if(length(const) != lxdim) stop("Input 'const' must be ",lxdim," element vector specifying constraint for each mode")
      if(is.integer(const) | is.numeric(const)){
        const <- as.integer(const)
        if(any(is.na(const))) const[is.na(const)] <- 0L
        if(any(const < 0L) | any(const > 6L)) stop("Input 'const' must contain characters (preferred) or integers between 0 and 6.")
        const <- const.oldtypes[const + 1L]
      } else {
        const <- as.character(const)
        if(any(is.na(const))) const[is.na(const)] <- "uncons"
        cid <- pmatch(const, const.newtypes, duplicates.ok = TRUE)
        if(any(is.na(cid))) stop("Input 'const' must be a character vector of length ",lxdim,"\n with each element matching one of the 24 available options.")
        const <- const.newtypes[cid]
      pf2con <- c("uncons","orthog","ortnon","ortsmo","orsmpe","smooth","smoper")
      if(!any(const[1] == pf2con)){stop("Input const[1] must be one of the following:\n 'uncons', 'orthog', 'ortnon', 'ortsmo', 'orsmpe', 'smooth', 'smoper'")}
    # check 'control' input
    convars <- list(const = const, df = control$df, degree = control$degree, intercept = control$intercept)
    control <- do.call("const.control", convars)
    xdtemp <- xdim
    xdtemp[1] <- min(sapply(X, function(x) dim(x)[1]))
    for(j in 1:length(const)){
      if(any(const[j] == const.smooth)){
        if(control$df[j] >= xdtemp[j]) {
            warning(paste0("Input control$df[",j,"] = ",control$df[j]," >= min(dim(X[[k]])[",j,"]) = ",xdtemp[j],"\nResetting control$df[",j,"] = ",xdtemp[j]-1,"."))
          } else {
            warning(paste0("Input control$df[",j,"] = ",control$df[j]," >= dim(X[[k]])[",j,"] = ",xdtemp[j],"\nResetting control$df[",j,"] = ",xdtemp[j]-1,"."))
          control$df[j] <- xdtemp[j] - 1
    # check 'Gfixed' and 'Bfixed' and 'Cfixed' inputs
      Gfixed <- as.matrix(Gfixed)
      if(nrow(Gfixed)!=nfac | ncol(Gfixed)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Gfixed' must have 'nfac' rows and 'nfac' columns")}
      Bfixed <- as.matrix(Bfixed)
      if(nrow(Bfixed)!=xdim[2]){stop("Input 'Bfixed' must have the same number of rows as dim(X)[2]")}
      if(ncol(Bfixed)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Bfixed' must have 'nfac' columns")}
      Cfixed <- as.matrix(Cfixed)
      if(nrow(Cfixed)!=xdim[3]){stop("Input 'Cfixed' must have the same number of rows as dim(X)[3]")}
      if(ncol(Cfixed)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Cfixed' must have 'nfac' columns")}
    # check 'Gstart' and 'Bstart' and 'Cstart' inputs
      Gstart <- as.matrix(Gstart)
      if(nrow(Gstart)!=nfac | ncol(Gstart)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Gstart' must have 'nfac' rows and 'nfac' columns")}
      Bstart <- as.matrix(Bstart)
      if(nrow(Bstart)!=xdim[2]){stop("Input 'Bstart' must have the same number of rows as dim(X)[2]")}
      if(ncol(Bstart)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Bstart' must have 'nfac' columns")}
      Cstart <- as.matrix(Cstart)
      if(nrow(Cstart)!=xdim[3]){stop("Input 'Cstart' must have the same number of rows as dim(X)[3]")}
      if(ncol(Cstart)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Cstart' must have 'nfac' columns")}
    # check 'Gstruc' and 'Bstruc' and 'Cstruc' inputs
      Gstruc <- as.matrix(Gstruc)
      if(nrow(Gstruc)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Gstruc' must have 'nfac' rows")}
      if(ncol(Gstruc)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Gstruc' must have 'nfac' columns")}
      if(any("logical"!=c(apply(Gstruc,1:2,class)))){stop("Input 'Gstruc' must be a matrix with logical (TRUE/FALSE) entries.")}
      Bstruc <- as.matrix(Bstruc)
      if(nrow(Bstruc)!=xdim[2]){stop("Input 'Bstruc' must have the same number of rows as dim(X)[2]")}
      if(ncol(Bstruc)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Bstruc' must have 'nfac' columns")}
      if(any("logical"!=c(apply(Bstruc,1:2,class)))){stop("Input 'Bstruc' must be a matrix with logical (TRUE/FALSE) entries.")}
      Cstruc <- as.matrix(Cstruc)
      if(nrow(Cstruc)!=xdim[3]){stop("Input 'Cstruc' must have the same number of rows as dim(X)[3]")}
      if(ncol(Cstruc)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Cstruc' must have 'nfac' columns")}
      if(any("logical"!=c(apply(Cstruc,1:2,class)))){stop("Input 'Cstruc' must be a matrix with logical (TRUE/FALSE) entries.")}
    # check 'Bmodes' and 'Cmodes' inputs
    if(any(const[2] == const.unimod) && !is.null(Bmodes)){
      Bmodes <- as.matrix(Bmodes)
      if(nrow(Bmodes) != 2L | ncol(Bmodes) != nfac) stop("Input 'Bmodes' must be a 2 x nfac matrix giving the\n minimum (row 1) and maximum (row 2) allowable mode for each factor.")
      Bmodes <- matrix(as.integer(Bmodes), nrow = 2L, ncol = nfac)
      if(any(Bmodes < 1L)) stop("First row of 'Bmodes' must contain integers greater than or equal to one.")
      if(any(Bmodes > xdim[2])) stop("Second row of 'Bmodes' must contain integers less than or equal to dim(X)[2].")
      if(any((Bmodes[2,] - Bmodes[1,]) < 0)) stop("Input 'Bmodes' must satisfy:  Bmodes[1,r] <= Bmodes[2,r]")
    if(any(const[3] == const.unimod) && !is.null(Cmodes)){
      Cmodes <- as.matrix(Cmodes)
      if(nrow(Cmodes) != 2L | ncol(Cmodes) != nfac) stop("Input 'Cmodes' must be a 2 x nfac matrix giving the\n minimum (row 1) and maximum (row 2) allowable mode for each factor.")
      Cmodes <- matrix(as.integer(Cmodes), nrow = 2L, ncol = nfac)
      if(any(Cmodes < 1L)) stop("First row of 'Cmodes' must contain integers greater than or equal to one.")
      if(any(Cmodes > xdim[3])) stop("Second row of 'Cmodes' must contain integers less than or equal to dim(X)[3].")
      if(any((Cmodes[2,] - Cmodes[1,]) < 0)) stop("Input 'Cmodes' must satisfy:  Cmodes[1,r] <= Cmodes[2,r]")
    # check 'parallel' and 'cl' inputs
    if(parallel && !any(class(cl)=="cluster")){
      stop("Input 'cl' must be cluster (created by makeCluster) when parallel=TRUE \n  See examples in documentation:  ?parafac2")
    # parafac2 fitting
        nstartlist <- vector("list",nstart)
        nstartlist[1:nstart] <- nfac
          pfaclist <- parLapply(cl = cl, X = nstartlist, fun = "parafac2_3wayna",
                                data = X, naid = naid, const = const, 
                                control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol, 
                                Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed,
                                Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart,
                                Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc,
                                Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, 
                                backfit = backfit)
        } else {
          pfaclist <- parLapply(cl = cl, X = nstartlist, fun = "parafac2_3way",
                                data = X, xcx = xcx, const = const, 
                                control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed,
                                Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart,
                                Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc,
                                Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, 
                                backfit = backfit)
        } # end if(missingdata)
      } else {
        if(verbose) pbar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nstart, style = 3)
        if(output[1] == "best"){
            pfac <- parafac2_3wayna(data = X, nfac = nfac, naid = naid, const = const,
                                    control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                    Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed,
                                    Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart,
                                    Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc,
                                    Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, 
                                    backfit = backfit)
            if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, 1)
            if(nstart > 1L){
              for(j in 2:nstart){
                pnew <- parafac2_3wayna(data = X, nfac = nfac, naid = naid, const = const,
                                        control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                        Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed,
                                        Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart,
                                        Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc,
                                        Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, 
                                        backfit = backfit)
                if(pnew$SSE < pfac$SSE) pfac <- pnew
                if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, j)
              } # end for(j in 2:nstart)
            } # end if(nstart > 1L)
          } else {
            pfac <- parafac2_3way(data = X, nfac = nfac, xcx = xcx, const = const,
                                  control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                  Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed,
                                  Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart,
                                  Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc,
                                  Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, 
                                  backfit = backfit)
            if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, 1)
            if(nstart > 1L){
              for(j in 2:nstart){
                pnew <- parafac2_3way(data = X, nfac = nfac, xcx = xcx, const = const,
                                      control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                      Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed,
                                      Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart,
                                      Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc,
                                      Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, 
                                      backfit = backfit)
                if(pnew$SSE < pfac$SSE) pfac <- pnew
                if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, j)
              } # end for(j in 2:nstart)
            } # end if(nstart > 1L)
          } # end if(missingdata)
        } else {
          pfaclist <- vector("list",nstart)
            for(j in 1:nstart){
              pfaclist[[j]] <- parafac2_3wayna(data = X, nfac = nfac, naid = naid, const = const,
                                               control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                               Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed,
                                               Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart,
                                               Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc,
                                               Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, 
                                               backfit = backfit)
              if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, j)
          } else {
            for(j in 1:nstart){
              pfaclist[[j]] <- parafac2_3way(data = X, nfac = nfac, xcx = xcx, const = const,
                                             control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                             Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed,
                                             Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart,
                                             Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc,
                                             Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, 
                                             backfit = backfit)
              if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, j)
          } # end if(missingdata)
        } # end if(output[1] == "best")
        if(verbose) close(pbar)
      } # end if(parallel)
    } else if(lxdim==4L){
      # check 'Dfixed' and 'Dstart' inputs
        Dfixed <- as.matrix(Dfixed)
        if(nrow(Dfixed)!=xdim[4]){stop("Input 'Dfixed' must have the same number of rows as dim(X)[4]")}
        if(ncol(Dfixed)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Dfixed' must have 'nfac' columns")}
        Dstart <- as.matrix(Dstart)
        if(nrow(Dstart)!=xdim[4]){stop("Input 'Dstart' must have the same number of rows as dim(X)[4]")}
        if(ncol(Dstart)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Dstart' must have 'nfac' columns")}
        Dstruc <- as.matrix(Dstruc)
        if(nrow(Dstruc)!=xdim[4]){stop("Input 'Dstruc' must have the same number of rows as dim(X)[4]")}
        if(ncol(Dstruc)!=nfac){stop("Input 'Dstruc' must have 'nfac' columns")}
        if(any("logical"!=c(apply(Dstruc,1:2,class)))){stop("Input 'Dstruc' must be a matrix with logical (TRUE/FALSE) entries.")}
      if(any(const[4] == const.unimod) && !is.null(Dmodes)){
        Dmodes <- as.matrix(Dmodes)
        if(nrow(Dmodes) != 2L | ncol(Dmodes) != nfac) stop("Input 'Dmodes' must be a 2 x nfac matrix giving the\n minimum (row 1) and maximum (row 2) allowable mode for each factor.")
        Dmodes <- matrix(as.integer(Dmodes), nrow = 2L, ncol = nfac)
        if(any(Dmodes < 1L)) stop("First row of 'Dmodes' must contain integers greater than or equal to one.")
        if(any(Dmodes > xdim[4])) stop("Second row of 'Dmodes' must contain integers less than or equal to dim(X)[4].")
        if(any((Dmodes[2,] - Dmodes[1,]) < 0)) stop("Input 'Dmodes' must satisfy:  Dmodes[1,r] <= Dmodes[2,r]")
      # fit models
        nstartlist <- vector("list",nstart)
        nstartlist[1:nstart] <- nfac
          pfaclist <- parLapply(cl = cl, X = nstartlist, fun = "parafac2_4wayna",
                                data = X, naid = naid, const = const,
                                control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed, Dfixed = Dfixed,
                                Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart, Dstart = Dstart,
                                Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc, Dstruc = Dstruc,
                                Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, Dmodes = Dmodes,
                                backfit = backfit)
        } else {
          pfaclist <- parLapply(cl = cl, X = nstartlist, fun = "parafac2_4way",
                                data = X, xcx = xcx, const = const, 
                                control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed, Dfixed = Dfixed,
                                Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart, Dstart = Dstart,
                                Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc, Dstruc = Dstruc,
                                Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, Dmodes = Dmodes,
                                backfit = backfit)
        } # end if(missingdata)
      } else {
        if(verbose) pbar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nstart, style = 3)
        if(output[1] == "best"){
            pfac <- parafac2_4wayna(data = X, nfac = nfac, naid = naid, const = const,
                                    control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                    Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed, Dfixed = Dfixed,
                                    Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart, Dstart = Dstart,
                                    Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc, Dstruc = Dstruc,
                                    Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, Dmodes = Dmodes,
                                    backfit = backfit)
            if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, 1)
            if(nstart > 1L){
              for(j in 2:nstart){
                pnew <- parafac2_4wayna(data = X, nfac = nfac, naid = naid, const = const,
                                        control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                        Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed, Dfixed = Dfixed,
                                        Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart, Dstart = Dstart,
                                        Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc, Dstruc = Dstruc,
                                        Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, Dmodes = Dmodes,
                                        backfit = backfit)
                if(pnew$SSE < pfac$SSE) pfac <- pnew
                if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, j)
              } # end for(j in 2:nstart)
            } # end if(nstart > 1L)
          } else {
            pfac <- parafac2_4way(data = X, nfac = nfac, xcx = xcx, const = const,
                                  control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                  Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed, Dfixed = Dfixed,
                                  Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart, Dstart = Dstart,
                                  Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc, Dstruc = Dstruc,
                                  Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, Dmodes = Dmodes,
                                  backfit = backfit)
            if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, 1)
            if(nstart > 1L){
              for(j in 2:nstart){
                pnew <- parafac2_4way(data = X, nfac = nfac, xcx = xcx, const = const,
                                      control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                      Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed, Dfixed = Dfixed,
                                      Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart, Dstart = Dstart,
                                      Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc, Dstruc = Dstruc,
                                      Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, Dmodes = Dmodes,
                                      backfit = backfit)
                if(pnew$SSE < pfac$SSE) pfac <- pnew
                if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, j)
              } # end for(j in 2:nstart)
            } # end if(nstart > 1L)
          } # end if(missingdata)
        } else {
          pfaclist <- vector("list",nstart)
            for(j in 1:nstart){
              pfaclist[[j]] <- parafac2_4wayna(data = X, nfac = nfac, naid = naid, const = const,
                                               control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                               Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed, Dfixed = Dfixed,
                                               Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart, Dstart = Dstart,
                                               Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc, Dstruc = Dstruc,
                                               Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, Dmodes = Dmodes,
                                               backfit = backfit)
              if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, j)
          } else {
            for(j in 1:nstart){
              pfaclist[[j]] <- parafac2_4way(data = X, nfac = nfac, xcx = xcx, const = const,
                                             control = control, maxit = maxit, ctol = ctol,
                                             Gfixed = Gfixed, Bfixed = Bfixed, Cfixed = Cfixed, Dfixed = Dfixed,
                                             Gstart = Gstart, Bstart = Bstart, Cstart = Cstart, Dstart = Dstart,
                                             Gstruc = Gstruc, Bstruc = Bstruc, Cstruc = Cstruc, Dstruc = Dstruc,
                                             Gmodes = Gmodes, Bmodes = Bmodes, Cmodes = Cmodes, Dmodes = Dmodes,
                                             backfit = backfit)
              if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, j)
          } # end if(missingdata)
        } # end if(output[1] == "best")
        if(verbose) close(pbar)
      } # end if(parallel)
    } # end if(lxdim==3L) 
    # output results
        SSE <- sapply(pfaclist,function(x) x$SSE)
        pfac <- pfaclist[[which.min(SSE)]]
      class(pfac) <- "parafac2"
    } else {
      pfaclist <- lapply(pfaclist, function(pfac) {
        class(pfac) <- "parafac2"
  } # end parafac2.R

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