
Defines functions cmtk.arg.name cmtk.system2 cmtk.call cmtk.version .set_path_for_cygwin cmtk.bindir cmtk.mat2dof cmtk.dof2mat

Documented in cmtk.bindir cmtk.call cmtk.dof2mat cmtk.mat2dof cmtk.system2 cmtk.version

# wrappers for some CMTK command line tools

#' Convert CMTK registration to homogeneous affine matrix with dof2mat
#' @details Transpose is true by default since this results in the orientation
#'   of cmtk output files matching the orientation in R. Do not change this
#'   unless you're sure you know what you're doing!
#' @param reg Path to input registration file or 5x3 matrix of CMTK parameters.
#' @param Transpose ouput matrix so that form on disk matches R's convention.
#' @param version Whether to return CMTK version string
#' @return 4x4 transformation matrix
#' @family cmtk-commandline
#' @family cmtk-geometry
#' @export
cmtk.dof2mat<-function(reg, Transpose=TRUE, version=FALSE){
  if(version) return(cmtk.system2(cmtk.call("dof2mat", version=TRUE, RETURN.TYPE = 'list'), stdout=TRUE))
  call=cmtk.call("dof2mat", transpose=Transpose, RETURN.TYPE = 'list')
  rval=cmtk.system2(call, moreargs = path.expand(reg), stdout=TRUE)

#' Use CMTK mat2dof to convert homogeneous affine matrix into CMTK registration
#' @details If no output file is supplied, 5x3 params matrix will be returned 
#'   directly. Otherwise a logical will be returned indicating success or 
#'   failure at writing to disk.
#' @details Transpose is true by default since this results in an R matrix with 
#'   the transpose in the fourth column being correctly interpreted by cmtk.
#' @param m Homogenous affine matrix (4x4) last row 0 0 0 1 etc
#' @param f Output file (optional)
#' @param centre Centre for rotation (optional 3-vector)
#' @param Transpose the input matrix so that it is read in as it appears on disk
#' @param version When TRUE, function returns CMTK version number of mat2dof
#'   tool
#' @return 5x3 matrix of CMTK registration parameters or logical
#' @family cmtk-commandline
#' @family cmtk-geometry
#' @export
cmtk.mat2dof<-function(m, f=NULL, centre=NULL, Transpose=TRUE, version=FALSE){
  if(version) {
    ver=cmtk.system2(cmtk.call('mat2dof', version=TRUE, RETURN.TYPE = 'list'), stdout=TRUE)
  if(!is.matrix(m) || nrow(m)!=4 || ncol(m)!=4) stop("Please give me a homogeneous affine matrix (4x4)")
  on.exit(unlink(inf), add=TRUE)
  write.table(m, file=inf, sep='\t', row.names=F, col.names=F)
  # always transpose because mat2dof appears to read the matrix with last column being 0 0 0 1
  if(!is.null(centre)) {
    if(length(centre)!=3) stop("Must supply 3-vector for centre")
  cmtkcall=cmtk.call('mat2dof', transpose=Transpose, center=centre, RETURN.TYPE = 'list')
    res=cmtk.system2(cmtkcall, stdin=inf, stdout=TRUE)
    params=read.table(text=res, sep='\t',comment.char="")[,2]
    if(length(params)!=15) stop("Trouble reading mat2dof response")
    numbers <- matrix(params, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
    rownames(numbers) <- c("xlate", "rotate", "scale", "shear", "center")
  } else {
    cmtk.system2(cmtkcall, moreargs=c('--list', path.expand(f)), stdin=inf)==0

#' Return path to directory containing CMTK binaries
#' @description The \href{https://www.nitrc.org/projects/cmtk}{Computational
#'   Morphometry Toolkit} (CMTK) is the default image registration toolkit
#'   supported by nat. An external CMTK installation is required in order to
#'   apply CMTK registrations. This function attempts to locate the full path to
#'   the CMTK executable files and can query and set an option.
#' @details Queries options('nat.cmtk.bindir') if \code{firstdir} is not
#'   specified. If that does not contain the appropriate binaries, it will look
#'   in the system PATH for the \code{cmtk} wrapper script installed by most
#'   recent cmtk installations.
#'   Failing that, it will look for the cmtk tool specified by \code{cmtktool},
#'   first in the path and then a succession of plausible places until it finds
#'   something. Setting \code{options(nat.cmtk.bindir=NA)} or passing
#'   \code{firstdir=NA} will stop the function from trying to locate CMTK,
#'   always returning NULL unless \code{check=TRUE}, in which case it will error
#'   out.
#' @param firstdir Character vector specifying path containing CMTK binaries or
#'   NA (see details). This defaults to options('nat.cmtk.bindir').
#' @param extradirs Where to look if CMTK is not in \code{firstdir} or the PATH
#' @param set Whether to set options('nat.cmtk.bindir') with the found
#'   directory. Also check/sets cygwin path on Windows (see Installation
#'   section).
#' @param check Whether to (re)check that a path that has been set appropriately
#'   in options(nat.cmtk.bindir='/some/path') or now found in the PATH or
#'   alternative directories. Will throw an error on failure.
#' @param cmtktool Name of a specific cmtk tool which will be used to identify
#'   the location of all cmtk binaries.
#' @return Character vector giving path to CMTK binary directory or NULL when
#'   this cannot be found.
#' @export
#' @aliases cmtk
#' @section Installation: It is recommended to install released CMTK versions
#'   available from the \href{https://www.nitrc.org/projects/cmtk/}{NITRC
#'   website}. A bug in composition of affine transformations from CMTK
#'   parameters in the CMTK versions <2.4 series means that CMTK>=3.0 is
#'   strongly recommended. CMTK v3 registrations are not backwards compatible
#'   with CMTK v2, but CMTKv3 can correctly interpret and convert registrations
#'   from earlier versions.
#'   On Windows, when \code{set=TRUE}, cmtk.bindir will also check that the
#'   cygwin bin directory is in the PATH. If it is not, then it is added for the
#'   current R session. This should solve issues with missing cygwin dlls.
#' @examples
#' message(ifelse(is.null(d<-cmtk.bindir()), "CMTK not found!",
#'                paste("CMTK is at:",d)))
#' \dontrun{
#' # set options('nat.cmtk.bindir') according to where cmtk was found
#' op=options(nat.cmtk.bindir=NULL)
#' cmtk.bindir(set=TRUE)
#' options(op)}
#' @seealso \code{\link{options}}
                                  'C:\\Program Files\\CMTK-3.3\\CMTK\\lib\\cmtk\\bin'),
                      set=FALSE, check=FALSE, cmtktool='gregxform'){
  # TODO check pure Windows vs cygwin
  if(isTRUE(.Platform$OS.type=="windows" && tools::file_ext(cmtktool)!="exe"))
  if(!is.null(firstdir)) {
    if(check && !file.exists(file.path(bindir,cmtktool)))
      stop("cmtk is _not_ installed at:", bindir,
           "\nPlease check value of options('nat.cmtk.bindir')")
    if(nzchar(cmtkwrapperpath<-Sys.which("cmtk"))) {
      # try looking for cmtk wrapper script
      # e.g. /usr/bin/cmtk => /usr/lib/cmtk/bin
      bindir=file.path(dirname(dirname(cmtkwrapperpath)), "lib", "cmtk","bin")
    } else if(nzchar(cmtktoolpath<-Sys.which(cmtktool))){
    } else {
      # check some plausible locations
      for(d in extradirs){
        if(file.exists(file.path(d,cmtktool))) {
    if(is.na(bindir)) bindir=NULL
    else bindir=path.expand(bindir)
  if(check && is.null(bindir))
    stop("Cannot find CMTK. Please install from ",
         "https://www.nitrc.org//projects/cmtk and make sure that it is your path!")
  if(set) {

# set windows path for cygwin to avoid missing dll errors
.set_path_for_cygwin <- function(bindir) {
  if(isTRUE(.Platform$OS.type=="windows") && grepl("cygwin", bindir, ignore.case = T)){
    cygdir=sub('(.*ygwin64).*', "\\1", bindir)
    cygbindir=file.path(cygdir, 'bin')
    if(!grepl(cygbindir, sp, fixed = T)) {
      sp=paste(sp, sep=";", cygbindir)

#' Return cmtk version or test for presence of at least a specific version
#' @param minimum If specified checks that the cmtk version
#' @details NB this function has the side effect of setting an option 
#'   nat.cmtk.version the first time that it is run in the current R session.
#' @return returns \code{numeric_version} representation of CMTK version or if 
#'   minimum is not NULL, returns a logical indicating whether the installed 
#'   version exceeds the current version. If CMTK is not installed returns NA.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cmtk.bindir}, \link{cmtk.dof2mat}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cmtk.version()
#' cmtk.version('3.2.2')
#' }
#' @export
    cmtk_version=try(cmtk.dof2mat(version=TRUE), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(cmtk_version,'try-error')) return(NA)
  if(!is.null(minimum)) cmtk_numeric_version>=numeric_version(minimum)
  else cmtk_numeric_version

#' Utility function to create and run calls to CMTK commandline tools
#' @description \code{cmtk.call} processes arguments into a form compatible with
#'   CMTK command line tools.
#' @details  \code{cmtk.call} processes arguments in ... as follows:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{argument names}{ will be converted from \code{arg.name} to 
#'   \code{--arg-name}}
#'   \item{logical vectors}{ (which must be of length 1) will be passed on as 
#'   \code{--arg-name}}
#'   \item{character vectors}{ (which must be of length 1) will be passed on as 
#'   \code{--arg-name arg} i.e. quoting is left up to callee.}
#'   \item{numeric vectors}{ will be collapsed with commas if of length greater 
#'   than 1 and then passed on unquoted e.g. \code{target.offset=c(1,2,3)} will 
#'   result in \code{--target-offset 1,2,3}}
#'   }
#' @param tool Name of the CMTK tool
#' @param PROCESSED.ARGS Character vector of arguments that have already been 
#'   processed by the callee. Placed immediately after cmtk tool.
#' @param ... Additional named arguments to be processed by (\code{cmtk.call}, 
#'   see details) or passed to \code{system2} (\code{cmtk.system2}).
#' @param FINAL.ARGS Character vector of arguments that have already been 
#'   processed by the callee. Placed at the end of the call after optional 
#'   arguments.
#' @param RETURN.TYPE Sets return type to a character string or list (the latter
#'   is suitable for use with \code{\link{system2}})
#' @return \emph{Either} a string of the form \code{"<tool> <PROCESSED.ARGS> 
#'   <...> <FINAL.ARGS>"} \emph{or} a list containing elements \itemize{
#'   \item command A character vector of length 1 indicating the full path to 
#'   the CMTK tool, shell quoted for protection.
#'   \item args A character vector of arguments of length 0 or greater.
#'   }
#' @seealso \code{\link{cmtk.bindir}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cmtk.call("reformatx",'--outfile=out.nrrd', floating='floating.nrrd',
#'   mask=TRUE, target.offset=c(1,2,3), FINAL.ARGS=c('target.nrrd','reg.list'))
#' # get help for a cmtk tool
#' system(cmtk.call('reformatx', help=TRUE))
#' }
cmtk.call<-function(tool, PROCESSED.ARGS=NULL, ..., FINAL.ARGS=NULL, RETURN.TYPE=c("string", "list")){
    cmtkargs=c(cmtkargs, PROCESSED.ARGS)
    for(n in names(xargs)){
        if(length(arg)!=1) stop("character arguments must have length 1")
        cmtkargs=c(cmtkargs, cmtkarg, arg)
      } else if(is.logical(arg)){
        if(isTRUE(arg)) cmtkargs=c(cmtkargs, cmtkarg)
      } else if(is.numeric(arg)){
        arg=paste(arg, collapse=',')
        cmtkargs=c(cmtkargs, cmtkarg, arg)
      } else if(is.null(arg)){
        # just ignore null arguemnts
      } else {
        stop("unrecognised argument type")
    cmtkargs=c(cmtkargs, FINAL.ARGS)
  if(RETURN.TYPE=="string") {
    paste(shQuote(cmd), paste(cmtkargs, collapse = " "))
  } else {
    list(command=cmd, args=cmtkargs)

#' @description \code{cmtk.system2} actually calls a cmtk tool using a call list
#'   produced by \code{cmtk.call}
#' @param cmtkcall A list containing processed arguments prepared by 
#'   \code{cmtk.call(RETURN.TYPE="list")}
#' @param moreargs Additional arguments to add to the processed call
#' @return See the help of \code{\link{system2}} for details.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cmtk.system2(cmtk.call('mat2dof', help=TRUE, RETURN.TYPE="list"))
#' # capture response into an R variable
#' helptext=cmtk.system2(cmtk.call('mat2dof', help=TRUE, RETURN.TYPE="list"),
#'   stdout=TRUE)
#' }
#' @rdname cmtk.call
cmtk.system2 <- function(cmtkcall, moreargs=NULL, ...){
    cmtkcall$args=c(cmtkcall$args, moreargs)
  fullargs=c(cmtkcall, ...)
  do.call(system2, fullargs)

# utility function to make a cmtk argument name from a valid R argument
# by converting periods to dashes
cmtk.arg.name<-function(x) paste("--",gsub("\\.",'-',x),sep='')

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