#' Cross validation for aepSVM (aepSVM) using SAM to select significant differential expressed genes
#' Implementation of the Aeverage Expression of Pathway( aepSVM) algorithm.
#' @param x: a p x n matrix of expression measurements with p samples and n genes.
#' @param y: a factor of length p comprising the class labels.
#' @param DEBUG: show debugging information in screen or not.
#' @param scale: a character vector defining if the data should be centered and/or scaled.
#' Possible values: are \emph{center} and/or \emph{scale}. Defaults to \code{c('center', 'scale')}.
#' @param Cs: soft-margin tuning parameter of the SVM. Defaults to \code{10^c(-3:3)}.
#' @param Gsub: an adjacency matrix that represents the underlying biological network.
#' @seed seed: for random sampling.
#' @return a list with the results of the cross-validation. \item{feat}{the selected features} \item{fit}{the fitted SVM model} \item{auc}{the prediction auc of the fitted SVM model} \item{lables}{the test labels}
#' @references Guo Z, et al.: Towards precise classification of cancers based on robust gene functional expression profiles. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics} 2005, 6:58.
#' @export
#' @note The optimal number of features is found by using the span estimate. See Chapelle, O., Vapnik, V., Bousquet, O., and Mukherjee, S. (2002). Choosing multiple parameters for support vector machines. \emph{Machine Learning}, 46(1), 131-159.
#' @author Yupeng Cun \email{}
#' @examples
#' library(netClass)
#' data(expr)
#' data(ad.matrix)
#' x <- expr$genes
#' y <- expr$y
#' library(KEGG.db)
#' r.aep <- cv.aep(x, y, folds=5, repeats=3, parallel=FALSE,cores=2,Gsub=ad.matrix,Cs=10^(-3:3),seed=1234,DEBUG=TRUE)
cv.aep <- function(x, y, folds=10, repeats=5, parallel = FALSE, cores = 2, DEBUG=TRUE, Gsub=matrix(1,100,100), Cs=10^(-3:3), seed=1234)
multicore <- ("package:parallel" %in% search())
if(multicore == TRUE && parallel == TRUE)
cores <- 2
parallel <- TRUE
if(parallel == TRUE) #
cat('You nedd Package \'parallel\'\n')
cat('Computation will performed sequential crossvalidation.\n', sep='')
parallel <- FALSE
if(!is.factor(y)) stop("y must be factor!\n")
if(length(levels(y)) != 2) stop('y must be factor with 2 classes.\n')
if(length(y) != nrow(x)) stop('y must have same length to nrow(x).\n')
int= intersect(colnames(x),colnames(Gsub))
n <- length(y)
folds <- trunc(folds)
if (folds < 2) stop("folds should be >= 2.\n")
if (folds > n) stop("folds should be =< the number of sample size.\n")
cuts <- cv.repeats <- list()
for(r in 1:repeats)
perm <- sample(1:n) #Sampling a random integer between 1:n
repeat.models <- NULL
for(k in 1:folds) #randomly divide the training set in to 10 folds
tst <- perm[seq(k, n, by=folds)] #
trn <- setdiff(1:n, tst)
cuts[[k]] <- list(trn=trn, tst=tst)
#pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = folds, style = 3) #txtProgressBar id funtion in packages "utils", Text progress bar in the R console
if(DEBUG) cat('Starting classification of repeat:',r,'\n')
if(parallel) repeat.models <- mclapply(1:folds, classify.aep , cuts=cuts, x=x, y=y, cv.repeat=r, int=int, DEBUG=DEBUG,Cs=Cs)
else repeat.models <- lapply(1:folds, classify.aep , cuts=cuts, x=x, y=y, cv.repeat=r, int=int, DEBUG=DEBUG,Cs=Cs)
if(length(repeat.models) != folds)
stop("One or more processes did not return. May be due to lack of memory.\n")
if(DEBUG) cat('All models of repeat:',r,'have been trained.\n')
cv.repeats[[r]] <- repeat.models
auc <- sapply(cv.repeats, function(cv.repeat) sapply(cv.repeat, function(model) model$auc))
colnames(auc) <- paste("Repeat",1:repeats,sep="")
rownames(auc) <- paste("Fold",1:folds,sep="")
fits <- lapply(cv.repeats,function(cv.repeat) lapply(cv.repeat, function(model) model$model))
names(fits) <- paste("Repeat",1:repeats,sep="")
fits <- lapply(fits, function(x) {names(x) = paste("Fold", 1:folds, sep = ""); x })
genes <- lapply(cv.repeats,function(cv.repeat) lapply(cv.repeat, function(model) model$genes))
names(genes) <- paste("Repeat",1:repeats,sep="")
genes <- lapply(genes, function(x) {names(x) = paste("Fold", 1:folds, sep = ""); x })
res <- list(auc=auc, fits=fits, feat= genes, labels=y)
class(res) <- 'pathClassRes'
#return ( cv.repeats)
# Training and predicting using aepSVM (aepSVM) classification methods
# x: a p x n matrix of expression measurements with p samples and n genes.
# y: a factor of length p comprising the class labels.
# DEBUG: show debugging information in screen or not.
# scale: a character vector defining if the data should be centered and/or scaled.
# Possible values: are \emph{center} and/or \emph{scale}. Defaults to \code{c('center', 'scale')}.
# Cs: soft-margin tuning parameter of the SVM. Defaults to \code{10^c(-3:3)}.
# Gsub: an adjacency matrix that represents the underlying biological network.
# Return a list with the results of the training model and predcit AUC
classify.aep <- function(fold, cuts, Cs, x=x, y=y, cv.repeat, int=int, DEBUG=DEBUG, Gsub=Gsub)
if(DEBUG) cat('starting Fold:',fold,'\n')
trn <- cuts[[fold]]$trn
tst <- cuts[[fold]]$tst
train <- train.aep(x=x[trn,], y=y[trn], DEBUG=DEBUG, int=int, Gsub=Gsub, Cs=Cs)
test <- predictAep(train= train, x=x[tst,], y=y[tst], DEBUG=DEBUG, Gsub=Gsub)
auc = test$auc
cv = test$cv
genes = train$sig.genes
{ cat(" Test AUC =", auc, "\n")
cat('Finished fold:',fold,'\n\n')
list(fold=fold, model=train, auc=auc, cv=cv,genes=train$sig.genes)
train.aep <- function(x=x, y=y, DEBUG=FALSE, int=int, Gsub=Gsub, Cs=10^(-3:3))
#if(is.null(int)) int= intersect(colnames(x), colnames(Gsub))
# select significant differential expressed genes
sigGens= selecteGenes(x=x, y=y, DEBUG=DEBUG)
if(DEBUG) cat("There are " ,length(sigGens), " DE genes selected\n")
# mean expression gene matrix of pathways
trainPath <- probeset2pathway(x=x[,sigGens], int=int, sigGens=sigGens)
sigGens <- int
trainPath <- probeset2pathway(x=x[,sigGens], int=int,sigGens=sigGens)
# train the matrix of pathways in L2-SVM
trained <- fit.aep( x=trainPath, y=y, DEBUG=DEBUG, scale="center", Cs=Cs)
# calculate the AUC
#trained$graph = graph.adjacency(Gsub[sigGens,sigGens], mode="undirected")
predictAep <- function(train= train, x, y, DEBUG=FALSE, Gsub=Gsub)
label <- sign(as.numeric(y) - 1.5) # because y is a factor
cv <- double(length=length(y))
sigGens = train$sig.genes
int = train$int
# mean expression gene matrix of pathway
testPath <- probeset2pathway(x=x[,sigGens], int=int,sigGens=sigGens)
#predict the test matrix of pathways
test <- svm.predict(fit=train$trained$fit, newdata=testPath,type="response")#response
#cat("\n lable: ", label, "\n test: ", test,"\n")
auc <- calc.auc(test, label)
if(DEBUG) cat(" Test AUC =", auc, "\n")
res=list(auc=auc, pred=test)
return (res)
# Training trained fold using aepSVM methods
# x: a p x n matrix of expression measurements with p samples and n genes.
# y: a factor of length p comprising the class labels.
# DEBUG: show debugging information in screen or not.
# scale: a character vector defining if the data should be centered and/or scaled.
# Possible values: are \emph{center} and/or \emph{scale}. Defaults to \code{c('center', 'scale')}.
# Cs: soft-margin tuning parameter of the SVM. Defaults to \code{10^c(-3:3)}.
# Gsub: an adjacency matrix that represents the underlying biological network.
# Return a list with the results of the training model for predciting
fit.aep <- function(x, y, DEBUG=FALSE, scale=c('center', 'scale'),Cs=10^c(-3:3))
best.bound = Inf
feat = colnames(x)
fit =, y=y, Cs=Cs, scale="center", DEBUG=DEBUG)
cat('Best Model is: Spanbound=',fit$error.bound,', C=',fit$C,',', length(fit$features),'features.\n')
result <- list(features=feat, error.bound = fit$best.bound, fit=fit)
#class(result) <- 'sg'
### selected significant gene using SAM
selecteGenes <- function(x=x, y=y, DEBUG=DEBUG)
best.bound = Inf
#change y labels form factor {-1,1} to numeric {1, 2}
yy <- sign(as.numeric(y)-1.5)
for(i in 1:length(yy))
# select significant genes here
samr <- samr(d, resp.type="Two class unpaired", nperms=200)
del<- delta.table[delta.table[,5] < 0.05, 1][1]
del = max(delta.table[delta.table[,4] > 0, 1])
#cat("\n del:",del,"\n")
siggenes.table<- samr.compute.siggenes.table(samr, del, d, delta.table)
genes.up = siggenes.table$genes.up[, 2]
genes.down = siggenes.table$genes.lo[, 2]
genes.sig = unique(c(genes.up, genes.down))
cat("\n 1 st genes.sig:\t",length(genes.sig), "\t", "del:",del,"\n\n")
del<- delta.table[delta.table[,5] < 0.5, 1][1]
del = max(delta.table[delta.table[,4] > 0, 1])
#cat("\n del:",del,"\n")
siggenes.table<- samr.compute.siggenes.table(samr, del, d, delta.table)
genes.up = siggenes.table$genes.up[, 2]
genes.down = siggenes.table$genes.lo[, 2]
genes.sig = unique(c(genes.up, genes.down))
cat("\n 2ed genes.sig:\t",length(genes.sig), "\t", "del:",del,"\n\n")
cat("\n pvSGids:\t",length(pvSGids), "\t", "del:",del,"\n\n")
#if(length(pvSGids)!=0)pvSGids= siggenes.table$genes.up[1,2]
feat = pvSGids
# generae a mean gene expression of genes of each pathway matrix
# ------------
# x: gene expression data
# int: common genes between pathway genes and genes in gene expression profile
# sigGens: significant gene expression using SAM methods
# ------------
probeset2pathway <-function(x=x, int=int,sigGens=sigGens)
# for (reactome.db)
#KEGGids = mget(int,reactomeKEGGEXTID2PATHID,ifnotfound=NA)
# for require(KEGG.db) ,AnnotationDbi::
KEGGids = mget(int,KEGGEXTID2PATHID,ifnotfound=NA)
KEGGids = KEGGids[which(KEGGids!="NA")]
kidList <- unlist(KEGGids)
kidList <- kidList[which(kidList!="NA")]
ukidList <-unique(kidList)
## form probset belond to KeegID,
nCol = length(ukidList)
nRow = nrow(x)
nColx = ncol(x)
kse <- matrix(0, ncol=nCol, nrow=nRow)
for(k in ukidList)
index = intersect(names(kidList[which(kidList==k)]), sigGens)
#cat("\nindex", index,"\n")
for(j in 1:nRow)
kse[j,i] = mean(x[j, index])
colnames(kse) = ukidList
rownames(kse) <- rownames(x)
return (kse)
} = function(x, y, Cs, scale, DEBUG=FALSE){
if(missing(x)) stop('No epxression matrix provided.')
if(missing(y)) stop('No class-lables provided.')
if(missing(Cs)) stop('No tuning parameter \'C\' provided.')
if(missing(scale)) stop('Parameter \'scale\' must be in \'scale\', \'center\' or NULL.')
if(length(levels(factor(y))) != 2) warning('y must have 2 levels.')
scale.mean <- scale.std <- NULL
scale <- tolower(scale)
if("center" %in% scale){
x = scale(x,center=T)
## save centering coefficient
scale.mean = attr(x,"scaled:center")
names(scale.mean) = colnames(x)
if("scale" %in% scale){
x = scale(x,center=F,scale=T)
## save scaling coefficient
scale.std = attr(x,"scaled:scale")
names(scale.std) = colnames(x)
## this happens sometimes whenn all
## probe sets have exactely the same value
## and after centering everything is zero then.
## Due to this the scaling fails and produces
## NaNs:
## setting NaN columns to 0
nan.cols <- apply(x,2,function(y) all(is.nan(y)))
x[,nan.cols] <- 0
K <- kernelMatrix(vanilladot(), x)
best.bound <- Inf
for(C in Cs){
if(DEBUG) cat('Trying C=',C,'\n')
K2 = as.kernelMatrix(K + 1/C*diag(NROW(x)))
fit.tmp = ksvm(K2, y, C=Inf, type="C-svc", shrinking=FALSE, tol=0.01,scaled=F)
bound = spanbound(fit.tmp, K2, sign(as.numeric(y) - 1.5))
if(bound < best.bound){
model = fit.tmp
best.bound = bound
Cbest = C
if(DEBUG) cat('Best C=',Cbest,'\n')
## alphaindex: The index of the resulting support vectors in the data matrix
svs <- unlist(alphaindex(model))
## coef: The corresponding coefficients times the training labels.
w <- abs(t(unlist(coef(model))) %*% x[svs,])
fit <- list(fit.svm=model, w=w, K=K, C=Cbest, xsvs=x[svs,,drop=FALSE], error.bound=best.bound, scale.mean=scale.mean, scale.std=scale.std, features=colnames(x), R=NULL)
svm.predict = function(fit, newdata, type="response"){
## do the prediction only with those genes
## that were use for training
newdata <- newdata[,fit$features]
newdata <- scale(newdata, center=fit$scale.mean[fit$features], scale=FALSE)
newdata <- scale(newdata, center=FALSE, scale=fit$scale.std[fit$features])
Ktst <- kernelMatrix(vanilladot(), newdata, fit$xsvs[,fit$features])
Ktst2 <- kernelMatrix(rbfdot(sigma=0.001), newdata, fit$xsvs[,fit$features])
ident <- which(Ktst2 == 1)
Ktst[ident] <- Ktst[ident] + 1/fit$C
alpha <- as.matrix(unlist(coef(fit$fit.svm)))
yhat <- Ktst%*%alpha - b(fit$fit.svm)
if(type == "class") yhat <- sign(yhat)
spanbound <- function(fit, xtrn, ytrn){
svindex = unlist(alphaindex(fit))
alpha = unlist(coef(fit))
pos = which(alpha > 0)
neg = which(alpha < 0)
alpha = abs(alpha)
if(class(xtrn) != "kernelMatrix"){
yhat = predict(fit, xtrn, type="decision")
if(param(fit)$C != Inf)
error("span bound is only for L2-SVM!")
K = kernelMatrix(kernelf(fit), xtrn)
K = xtrn
yhat = K[,svindex]%*%as.matrix(unlist(coef(fit))) - b(fit)
output = ytrn*yhat
Cpos = Inf
Cneg = Inf
eps = 1e-5
boundpos = (alpha[pos] >= Cpos*(1-eps))
boundneg = (alpha[neg] >= Cneg*(1-eps))
sv1pos = svindex[pos[!boundpos]]
sv2pos = svindex[pos[boundpos]]
sv1neg = svindex[neg[!boundneg]]
sv2neg = svindex[neg[boundneg]]
sv1 = sort(c(sv1pos, sv1neg))
sv2 = sort(c(sv2pos, sv2neg))
n = ncol(K)
span = double(n)
alpha1 = double(n)
alpha1[svindex] = alpha
if(length(sv1) > 0){ # in-bound SVs
ell = length(sv1)
invK = chol2inv(chol(K[sv1,sv1,drop=FALSE]))
T = -1/sum(invK)
T2 = invK%*%as.matrix(rep(1,ell))*T
T3 = t(as.matrix(rep(1,ell)))%*%invK
invKSV = rbind(cbind(invK + T2%*%T3, -T2), cbind(-T*T3, T))
tmp = diag(as.matrix(invKSV)) + 1e-10
span[sv1] = 1./tmp[1:ell]
warning("No in-bound SVs!")
if(length(sv2) > 0){ # bound SVs
span[sv2] = diag(as.matrix(K[sv2,sv2,drop=FALSE]))
if(length(sv1) > 0){
V = rbind(K[sv1,sv2,drop=FALSE], rep(1,length(sv2)))
span[sv2] = span[sv2] - diag(t(V)%*%invKSV%*%V)
loo = mean((output - alpha1*span <= 0)*1)
## cat("Span bound =", loo,"\n\n")
calc.auc <- function(prob,labels)
## this corrects a bug in ROCR:
## if all labels are from one group and there
## is no missclassification, ROCR is not able
## to calculate the auc
## patch => add a artificial prediction with prob = 0
if(length(unique(labels)) == 1)
if(sign(labels[1]) == -1)
labels <- c(labels,1)
labels <- c(labels,-1)
prob <- c(prob,0)
pred <- prediction(prob, labels)
unlist(performance(pred, "auc")@y.values)
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