
Defines functions f1.ld.f1

Documented in f1.ld.f1

# R code for F1_LD_F1 macro
# Input:
#		y: a vector of variable of interest
#		group: a vector of group variable (factor level)
#		time : a vector of time variable
#		subject : a vector of independent subjects
# Optional Input:
#		w.pat: pattern matrix of order group level x time level
#		w.t : vector of order time level, pattern for interaction
#		w.g : vector of order group level, group pattern
#		time.name: name of the time vector. "Time" is set as default.
#		group.name: name of the time vector. "Group" is set as default.
#               description: description of the output. Default is set to TRUE (show description)
#		time.order: a vector of time levels specifying the order.
#		group.order: a vector of group levels specifying the order.
# Output:
#               list of relative treatment effects, test results, pattern result
f1.ld.f1 <- function(y, time, group, subject, w.pat=NULL, w.t=NULL, w.g=NULL, time.name="Time", group.name="Group", 
description=TRUE, time.order=NULL, group.order=NULL,plot.RTE=TRUE,show.covariance=FALSE, order.warning=TRUE)
#        For model description see Brunner et al. (2002)
#        Author: Mahbub Latif (mlatif@gwdg.de)
#                     Department of Medical Statistics, Goettingen, Germany
#         Version:  01-01
#         Date: February 18, 2003
#        Editied by: Kimihiro Noguchi
#         Version:  01-02
#         Date: August 18, 2009
#        Editied by: Kimihiro Noguchi
#         Version:  01-03
#         Date: December 24, 2009
#    Key Variables:
#                time: time factor
#                t: number of levels of time
#                a: number of levels of group
#                N: total number of observations
#                ind: indicator of whether there exists a missing observation (0=Yes,1=No)
#                N.na: total number of missing observations
#                subject: total number of subject
#                rscore: ranks of the variable of interest
#                rankmean: mean rank for each level of time
#                Nobs: total number of observations for each level of time
#                RTE: relative treatment effects

#    check whether the input variables are entered correctly

		stop("At least one of the input parameters (y, time, group, or subject) is not found.")


		stop("At least one of the input parameters (y, time, group, or subject) has a different length.")

# The following are the helper functions for the main function
# List of functions:
# rte: outputs the relative treatment effect
# case2x2: outputs statistics for 2 x 2 design
# wald.test: outputs Wald-type test statistics
# ANOVA.test: outputs ANOVA-type test statistics
# Simple.time.test: outputs test statistics for time effect
# pair.comp.test: outputs test statistics for paired comparison test statistics
# pattern.group: outputs test statistics for patterned alternatives for group effects
# df.p: calculates degrees of freedom for patterned alternatives
# one: changes matrix to a vector
# I: creates an identity matrix
# J: creates a unit matrix
# count.subj: counts the number of subjects in each level of group
# vi: calculates the variance equation (8.18)
# V: calculates the block diagonal covariance matrix
# mean.factor: calculates the mean of each factor
# df: calculates the degrees of freedom
# tr: calculates the trace of the matrix

	# rte function for relative treatment effects
	rte <- function(group, time, indx, rscore)
		a <- nlevels(group);
		t <- nlevels(time);
		tab <- t(matrix(mean.factor(rscore, group:time, indx), t, a))
       		rankmean.g <- as.vector(apply(tab, 1, mean));
        	rankmean.y <- as.vector(apply(tab, 2, mean));
		rankmean.gy <- mean.factor(rscore,group:time, indx)
		RankMean <- c(rankmean.g, rankmean.y, rankmean.gy);

		# no of observations per factors
		Nobs <- c(tapply(indx, group, sum), tapply(indx, time, sum), tapply(indx, group:time, sum))

		# rte
		RTE <- (1/sum(indx))*(RankMean - 0.5)

		# output

		out <- data.frame(RankMeans=RankMean, Nobs=Nobs, RTE=RTE)
        	levels(group) <- paste(group.name,glevel,sep="")
       		levels(time) <- paste(time.name,tlevel,sep="")
		row.names(out)<-c(levels(group), levels(time), levels(group:time))

	## Case 2 x 2 as described in 8.1.2.
	case2x2 <- function(group, time, subj, rscore, ind)
       		rscore <- rscore*ind
       		rscore.s <- split(rscore, group)
       		subj.s <- split(subj, group)
       		ind.s <- split(ind, group)
       		sigma2 <- rep(0,2)
       		Un <- 0
       		Un.const <- 0
       		v.den <- 0
       		UnT <- 0
       		UnT.c <- 0
       		vT <- 0
       		UnAT <- 0

       		for(i in 1:2)
          		junk <- t(sapply(split(as.vector(rscore.s[[i]]), as.vector(subj.s[[i]])), matrix))
          		junk.i <- t(sapply(split(as.vector(ind.s[[i]]), as.vector(subj.s[[i]])), matrix))
          		junk.m <- apply(junk,2,sum)/apply(junk.i,2,sum)
          		junk.s <- apply(junk,1,sum)

          		# Group effect
          		Un <- Un + sum(junk.m)*(-1)^(i+1)
          		sigma2[i] <- sum((junk.s - sum(junk.m))^2)/(nrow(junk)-1)
          		Un.const <- Un.const + sigma2[i]/nrow(junk)
          		v.den <- v.den+(sigma2[i]/nrow(junk))^2/(nrow(junk)-1)

          		# Time
          		junk.d <- apply(junk,1,diff)
          		tau2 <- sum((junk.d - diff(junk.m))^2)/(nrow(junk)-1)
          		UnT <- UnT - diff(junk.m)
          		UnT.c <- UnT.c + tau2/nrow(junk)
          		vT <- vT + (tau2/nrow(junk))^2/(nrow(junk)-1)

          		# Interaction
          		UnAT <- UnAT + diff(junk.m)*(-1)^i

       		# Group effect
       		Un <- Un/sqrt(Un.const)
       		v <- Un.const^2/v.den
		if(!is.na(Un)&&(v > 0))
			pGN <- (pnorm(abs(Un),lower.tail=FALSE))*2
       			pGT <- (pt(abs(Un), v,lower.tail=FALSE))*2
			pGN <- NA
			pGT <- NA
       		out <- data.frame(Statistics=Un, NN=pGN, DF=v, tt=pGT)

       		# Time effect
       		UnT <- UnT/sqrt(UnT.c)
       		vT <- UnT.c^2/vT
		if(!is.na(UnT)&&(vT > 0))
       			pTN <- (pnorm(abs(UnT),lower.tail=FALSE))*2
       			pTT <- (pt(abs(UnT),vT,lower.tail=FALSE))*2
			pTN <- NA
			pTT <- NA
       		out <- rbind(out, c(UnT,pTN,vT,pTT))

       		# Interaction
       		UnAT <- UnAT/sqrt(UnT.c)
		if(!is.na(UnAT)&&(vT > 0))
       			pATN <- (pnorm(abs(UnAT),lower.tail=FALSE))*2
       			pATT <- (pt(abs(UnAT),vT,lower.tail=FALSE))*2
			pATN <- NA
			pATT <- NA
       		out<- rbind(out, c(UnAT,pATN,vT,pATT))
       		names(out) <- c("Statistic","p-value(N)","df","p-value(T)")
       		row.names(out) <- c(group.name, time.name, paste(group.name,":",time.name,sep=""))

	# Wald test to test average group effect, average time effect, and global interaction effect
	wald.test <- function(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, ni)
		n <- sum(ni);
		N <- sum(ind)
		a <- nlevels(group)
		t <- nlevels(time)
		V <- V(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, t, ni)$V
		R <- V(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, t, ni)$R

		# unconditional time mean
		tab <- t(matrix(mean.factor(rscore, group:time, ind), t, a))
        	t.mean <- as.vector(apply(tab, 2, mean));

		# Average group effect
		p <- (R - 0.5)/N; # RTE group x time
        	Pa <- I(a) - (1/a) * J(a)
		Pt <- I(t) - (1/t) * J(t)
		Pat <- kronecker(Pa, Pt)

		# second last equation of page 134
		cpg <- sqrt(n) * Pa %*% kronecker(I(a), (1/t)*t(one(t))) %*% p;

		# last equation of page 134
		Sigma <- kronecker(Pa,  (1/t)*t(one(t))) %*% V %*%  kronecker(Pa, (1/t)*one(t));

		# equation (8.10)
        	cvc <- Pa %*% Sigma %*% Pa
		Q.a <- t(cpg) %*% ginv(cvc) %*% cpg;

	        df.a <- tr(cvc%*%ginv(cvc))
		if(!is.na(Q.a) && (Q.a > 0)) pval.a <- round(pchisq(Q.a, df.a,lower.tail=FALSE),Inf)
		else pval.a <- NA;
		A <- c(W=Q.a, df=df.a, pval=pval.a);

		# Average time effect, eqn (8.9)
		S <- kronecker((1/a)*t(one(a)), I(t)) %*% V %*% kronecker((1/a)*one(a), I(t))

		cpt <- Pt %*% t.mean;

		# equation (8.20)
        	cvc <- Pt %*% S %*% Pt
		Q.t <- (n/N^2)*t(cpt) %*% ginv(cvc) %*% cpt;
        	df.t <- tr(cvc%*%ginv(cvc))
		if(!is.na(Q.t) && (Q.t > 0)) pval.t <- round(pchisq(Q.t, df.t,lower.tail=FALSE),Inf)
		else pval.t <- NA;
		T <- c(Q.t, df.t, pval.t);

		# Global interaction effect
        	Cat <- kronecker(Pa, Pt); # book notation of page 141

		# equation (8.26)
        	cvc <- Cat %*% V %*% t(Cat)
        	Q.at <- (n/N^2)*t(Cat %*% R) %*% ginv(cvc) %*% Cat %*% R;
        	df.at <- tr(cvc%*%ginv(cvc))
		if(!is.na(Q.at) && (Q.at > 0)) pval.at <- round(pchisq(Q.at, df.at,lower.tail=FALSE), Inf)
		else pval.at <- NA;
		AT <- c(Q.at, df.at, pval.at);

		# results
		out.w <- rbind(A, T, AT);
	        colnames(out.w) <- c("Statistic", "df", "p-value")
                rownames(out.w) <- c(group.name,time.name,paste(group.name,":",time.name,sep=""))
		out <- list(Wald.test=out.w);

	# To test average group effect, average time effect, and global interaction effect
	anova.test <- function(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, ni)
		group <- as.factor(group)
		time <- as.factor(time)
		t <- nlevels(time)

		t.mean <- apply(t(matrix(mean.factor(rscore, group:time, ind), t, a)),2,mean)

		n <- sum(ni);
		N <- sum(ind)

		V <- V(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, t, ni)$V
		R <- V(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, t, ni)$R

	     	 # Average group effect
 	     	p <- (R - 0.5)/N; # RTE corresponding group x time
 	   	Pa <- I(a) - (1/a) * J(a); # centering matrix
 	        Pt <- I(t) - (1/t) * J(t); # centering matrix
 	        Pat <- kronecker(Pa, Pt);

  	        # second last equation of page 134
 	        cpg <- sqrt(n) * Pa %*% kronecker(I(a), (1/t)*t(one(t))) %*% p;
		Sigma <- kronecker(Pa,  (1/t)*t(one(t))) %*% V %*%  kronecker(Pa, (1/t)*one(t));

		# average group effect
		# equation (8.11)
		F.a <- t(cpg) %*% cpg/sum(diag(Pa %*% Sigma));
		# equation (5.7)
		df1.a <- sum(diag(Pa %*% Sigma))^2/sum(diag((Pa %*% Sigma) %*% (Pa %*% Sigma)));
		if((!is.na(F.a))&&(!is.na(df1.a))&&(F.a > 0)&&(df1.a > 0)) pval.a<-pchisq(F.a*df1.a,df1.a,lower.tail=FALSE)
		else pval.a<-NA;
		A <- round(c(B=F.a, df=df1.a, pval=pval.a), Inf);

		# average time effect
  	      	# equation (8.9)
 	       S <- kronecker((1/a)*t(one(a)), I(t)) %*% V %*% kronecker((1/a)*one(a), I(t))

               cpt <- Pt %*% t.mean;

		# equation (8.21)
		F.t <- (n/N^2) * (t(cpt) %*% cpt)/sum(diag(Pt %*% S));
		df1.t <- sum(diag(Pt %*% S))^2/sum(diag(Pt %*% S %*% Pt %*% S));
		if((!is.na(F.t))&&(!is.na(df1.t))&&(F.t > 0)&&(df1.t > 0)) pval.t<-pchisq(F.t*df1.t,df1.t,lower.tail=FALSE)
		else pval.t<-NA;
		T <- round(c(F.t, df1.t, pval.t),Inf);

		# Global interaction effect
		F.at <- n * t(p) %*% Pat %*% p/sum(diag(Pat %*% V));
		df1.at <- sum(diag(Pat %*% V))^2/sum(diag(Pat %*% V %*% Pat %*% V));
		if((!is.na(F.at))&&(!is.na(df1.at))&&(F.at > 0)&&(df1.at > 0)) pval.at<-pchisq(F.at*df1.at,df1.at,lower.tail=FALSE)
		else pval.at<-NA;
		AT <- round(c(F.at, df1.at, pval.at), Inf);
		out.box <- rbind(A, T, AT);
	        colnames(out.box) <- c("Statistic", "df", "p-value")
                rownames(out.box) <- c(group.name,time.name,paste(group.name,":",time.name,sep=""))
		# modified Box-approximation
		df1 <- df(V, a, t, ni, ind)$df1
		df2 <- df(V, a, t, ni, ind)$df2
		if((!is.na(F.a)) && (!is.na(df1)) && (!is.na(df2)) && (F.a > 0) && (df1 > 0) && (df2 > 0)) pval.mb <- pf(F.a, df1, df2,lower.tail=FALSE)
		else pval.mb <- NA
		A <- rbind(round(c(B=F.a, df1=df1, df2=df2, pval=pval.mb), Inf));
	        colnames(A) <- c("Statistic", "df1", "df2","p-value")
                rownames(A) <- c(group.name)
		out <- list(ANOVA.test=out.box, ANOVA.test.mod.Box=A);


	# Simple time test to test time effect
	simple.time.test <- function(name.group, a , t, ni, N, pat.dat, V1, R1)
		# simple time effect
		Pt <- I(t) - (1/t) * J(t);
		wald <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, a, 3));
		anova <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, a, 3));
		normal <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, a, 4));
		names(wald) <- c("Statistic", "df", "p-value");
		names(anova) <- c("Statistic", "df", "p-value");
		names(normal) <- c("Statistic", "p-value(N)", "df", "p-value(T)");
		n <- sum(ni); k <-1;

		for(i in 1:a)
			V <- V1[k:(i*t), k:(i*t)];
			R <- R1[k:(i*t),1];
			k <- i*t + 1;
			cp <- Pt %*% R;
			Q.s <- round((n/N^2) * t(cp) %*% ginv(Pt %*% V %*% Pt) %*% cp, Inf);
			F.s <- round((n/N^2) * t(cp) %*% cp/sum(diag(Pt %*% V)), Inf);
                	df <- tr((Pt %*% V %*% Pt)%*%ginv(Pt %*% V %*% Pt))
			df1 <- round(sum(diag(Pt %*% V))^2/sum(diag(Pt %*% V %*% Pt %*% V)), Inf);
			if((!is.na(Q.s)) && (!is.na(df)) && (Q.s > 0) && (df > 0)) pval <- round(pchisq(Q.s, df,lower.tail=FALSE), Inf)
			else pval <- NA;
			if((!is.na(F.s)) && (!is.na(df1)) && (F.s > 0) && (df1 > 0)) pval1<-round(pchisq(F.s*df1,df1,lower.tail=FALSE), Inf)
			else pval1 <- NA
			out <- c(Q.s, df, pval);
			out1 <- c(F.s, df1, pval1);
			wald[i,] <- out;
			anova[i,] <- out1;

			# pattern effect
				pi <- (R - 0.05)/N;
	     	     	        s2 <- (ni[i]/n) * as.numeric(pat.dat[i,]) %*% Pt %*% V %*% Pt %*% as.numeric(pat.dat[i,]);
        		        L <- round(sqrt(ni[i]/s2) * as.numeric(pat.dat[i,]) %*% Pt %*% pi, Inf);
				p.nor <- round((pnorm(L,lower.tail=FALSE)), Inf);
				df1 <- ni[i] -1;
				pval <- round((pt(L, df1,lower.tail=FALSE)), Inf);
				normal[i,] <- c(L, p.nor, df1, pval);

		sim.time.effect <- list(Wald.test.time=wald, ANOVA.test.time=anova);
		if(!is.null(pat.dat)) pat.time.effect <- list(pattern.time=normal)
		else pat.time.effect <- list(pattern.time=NULL)

		return(c(sim.time.effect, pat.time.effect));

	# pairwise comparison test statistics
	pair.comp.test <- function(data, ni, w, lev.grp)
		a <- nlevels(factor(data[,1]));
		t <- nlevels(factor(data[,2]));
		n <- sum(ni)
		N <- sum(data[,5])

		Pt <- I(t) - (1/t)*J(t)
		V11 <- V(data[,1], data[,2], data[,3], data[,4], data[,5], a, t, ni)$V;

		# arranging output
		out <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, 3*choose(a,2), 3));
		out.pat <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, choose(a,2), 4));
		names(out) <- c("Statistic", "df", "p-value");
		names(out.pat) <- c("Statistic", "p-value(N)", "df", "p-value(T)")
		Test <- rep(c(group.name,time.name,paste(group.name,":",time.name,sep="")), choose(a,2));
		Pairs <- rep(0, 3*choose(a ,2));

		k <- 1;
		ll <-1
		for(i in 1:(a-1))
			for(j in (i+1):a)
				data.p <- data[data[,1]==i | data[,1]==j,]
				ni.p <- matrix(c(ni[i],ni[j]), 2,1);

				nn <- sum(ni.p)
				NN <- sum(data.p[,5]);

				gr <- data.p[,1]
				tm <- data.p[,2]
				subj <- data.p[,3]
				rs <- data.p[,4]
				ind <- data.p[,5]

				V <- V(as.numeric(gr), tm, subj, rs, ind, 2, t, ni.p)$V
				R <- V(as.numeric(gr), tm, subj, rs, ind, 2, t, ni.p)$R

				out[k:(k+2),] <- anova.test(gr, tm, subj, rs, ind, 2, ni.p)$ANOVA.test
				Pairs[k:(k+2)] <- paste(group.name,lev.grp[i], ":",group.name,lev.grp[j],sep="")
				k <- k + 3;

				# pattern interactions
					w <- matrix(w, t,1)
					sign <- t(w)%*%Pt%*%(V[1:t,1:t]+V[(t+1):(2*t),(t+1):(2*t)])%*%Pt%*%w
					out.pat[ll,1] <- sqrt(nn/sign)*t(w-mean(w))%*%(R[1:t,] - R[(t+1):(2*t),])/NN
					out.pat[ll,2] <- pnorm(out.pat[ll,1],lower.tail=FALSE)
					posA <- matrix(0, a, 1);
					posA[i,]<- 1; posA[j,] <- 1;
					CC <- t(w)%*%Pt
					M <- kronecker(diag(c(posA)),CC)
					S <- M%*%V11%*%t(M)
					lambda <- solve(diag(c(ni))-I(a))
					out.pat[ll,3] <- tr(S)^2/tr(S*S*lambda)
					out.pat[ll,4] <- pt(out.pat[ll,1],out.pat[ll,3],lower.tail=FALSE)
					row.names(out.pat)[ll] <- paste(group.name,lev.grp[i],":",group.name,lev.grp[j],sep="");
					ll <- ll + 1

		out <- cbind(Pairs, Test, out);
		if(!is.null(w)) pair.comp<- list(pair.comparison=out, pattern.pair.comparison=round(out.pat,Inf))
		else pair.comp <- list(pair.comparison=out, pattern.pair.comparison=NULL)

	# patterned alternatives for group effects
	pattern.group <- function(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, t, ni, g.mean, w.g)
		n <- sum(ni)
		N <- sum(ind)
		Pa <- I(a) - (1/a)*J(a)
		V <- V(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, t, ni)$V
		S <- kronecker(Pa, (1/t)*t(one(t)))%*%V%*%kronecker(Pa, (1/t)*one(t))
		w.g <- matrix(w.g, a, 1)
		lambda <- solve(diag(c(ni))-I(a))
		c <- Pa%*%w.g

		g <- (g.mean-.5)/N
		Kn <- sqrt(n)*t(w.g)%*%Pa%*%g
		sign <- t(c)%*%S%*%c

		df<- df.p(V, a, t, ni, ind, w.g)

		Ln <- Kn/sqrt(sign)
		pval.t <- pt(Ln, df,lower.tail=FALSE)
		pval.n <- pnorm(Ln,lower.tail=FALSE)
		out<-rbind(round(c(Ln=Ln, pval.N=pval.n, df=df, pval.t=pval.t),Inf))
	        colnames(out) <- c("Statistic", "p-value(N)", "df", "p-value(T)")
                rownames(out) <- c(group.name)

	# degrees of freedom calculatin for patterned alternative
	df.p <- function(V, a, t, ni, ind, w)
		Pa <- I(a) - (1/a)*J(a)
		lambda <- solve(diag(c(ni)) - I(a))
		c <- (diag(c(t(w)%*%Pa)))^2
		m <- kronecker(I(a), (1/t)*t(one(t)))
		s <- m%*%V%*%t(m)
		x <- c*s
		df <- (tr(x))^2/tr((x%*%x)*lambda)

	# one vector
	one <- function(d) return(matrix(1, d, 1));

	# Identity matrix
	I <- function(d)
		junk <- rep(1, length=d);
		junk <- diag(junk);

	# Unit matrix
	J <- function(d1, d2=d1) return(matrix(1,d1,d2));

	# count the number of subjects in each level of group
	count.subj <- function(group, subject)
		group <- as.factor(group)
		table <- table(group, subject);
		n <- matrix(0,nlevels(group), 1);
		for(i in 1:nlevels(group)) n[i] <- length(colnames(table)[table[i,] > 0]);

	# variance Vi equation (8.18)
	Vi <- function(data)
		time <- factor(data$time)
		subj <- factor(data$subj)
		srank <- data$rscore
		indx <- data$indx

		t <- nlevels(time)
		n0 <- nlevels(subj)

		# matrix of order subject x time, R_ik - R_i
		srank.m <- matrix(tapply(srank, subj:time, sum), t, n0)
		ind.m <- matrix(tapply(indx, subj:time, sum), t, n0)

		junk <- srank.m*ind.m;
		t.junk <- t(ind.m);

		R <- apply(junk,1,sum)/apply(ind.m, 1,sum);
		junk1 <- t(junk -R)

		V <- matrix(0, t, t);

		for(i in 1:t)
			for(j in 1:t)
				ls <- sum(t.junk[,i]);
				if(i==j) V[i,i] <- sum(t.junk[,i]*junk1[,i]^2)/(ls*(ls-1))
					lss <- sum(t.junk[,i]*t.junk[,j]);
					kss <- (ls-1)*(sum(t.junk[,j])-1) + lss - 1;
					V[i,j] <- sum(t.junk[,i]*t.junk[,j]*junk1[,i]*junk1[,j])/kss;

		out <- list(R=R,V=V);

	# block diagonal covariance matrix
	V <- function(group, time, subj, rscore, indx, a, t, ni)
		group <- as.factor(group)
		subj <- as.factor(subj)
		time <- as.factor(time)
		data <- data.frame(group, time, subj, rscore, indx)

		n <- sum(ni);
		N <- sum(indx);

		# split rscore by group
		split.d <- split(data, data$group)

	        # calculating covariance matrix for average group, time and global interaction effect
        	V <- matrix(0, a*t, a*t);
        	R <- matrix(0, a*t, 1);
        	i <- 1; k <- 1;
        	while(i <= a)
                	V[k:(i*t), k:(i*t)] <-  Vi(split.d[[i]])$V;
                	R[k:(i*t), 1] <- Vi(split.d[[i]])$R;
                	k <- i*t + 1;
                	i <- i+1;
		V <- V*n/N^2;
		out <- list(V=V, R=R);

	# mean of each factor
	mean.factor <- function(y, fact, indx)
		tab <- tapply(y, fact, sum)
		ind <- tapply(indx, fact, sum)

	# degrees of freedom calculation
	df <- function(V, a, t, ni, ind)
		Pa <- I(a) - (1/a)*J(a)
		Pt <- I(t) - (1/t)*J(t)
		c <- kronecker(Pa, (1/t)*t(one(t)))
		tt <- t(c)%*%ginv(c%*%t(c))%*%c
		tem1 <- tt%*%V;
		df1 <- (tr(tem1))^2/tr(tem1%*%tem1)
		dpr <- Pa*I(a)
		mat <- kronecker(I(a), (1/t)*t(one(t)))
		va <- mat%*%V%*%t(mat)
		lambda <- solve(diag(c(ni)) - I(a))
		tem1 <- (tr(dpr%*%va))^2
		tem2 <- tr(dpr%*%dpr%*%va%*%va%*%lambda)
		df2 <- tem1/tem2
		return(list(df1=df1, df2=df2))

	# trace calculation
	tr <- function(x) return(sum(diag(x)))

# end of helper functions

# main function

	glevel <- unique(group)
	tlevel <- unique(time)
	slevel <- unique(subject)
	t <- length(tlevel)
	s <- length(slevel)
	a <- length(glevel)

	stop("Number of levels of subject (",s, ") times number of levels of time (",t,")
	is not equal to the total number of observations (",length(var),").",sep="")

#    time order vector

		tlevel <- time.order
		tlevel2 <- unique(time)

		if(length(tlevel)!=length(tlevel2))	# if the levels of the order is different from the one in the data
		stop("Length of the time.order vector (",length(tlevel), ")
		is not equal to the levels of time vector (",length(tlevel2),").",sep="")

		if(mean(sort(tlevel)==sort(tlevel2))!=1)     # if the elements in the time.order is different from the time levels
		stop("Elements in the time.order vector is different from the levels specified in the time vector.",sep="")

#    group order vector

		glevel <- group.order
		glevel2 <- unique(group)

		if(length(glevel)!=length(glevel2))	# if the levels of the order is different from the one in the data
		stop("Length of the group.order vector (",length(glevel), ")
		is not equal to the levels of group vector (",length(glevel2),").",sep="")

		if(mean(sort(glevel)==sort(glevel2))!=1)     # if the elements in the group.order is different from the group levels
		stop("Elements in the group.order vector is different from the levels specified in the group vector.",sep="")

#    sort data


	for(i in 1:length(var))


#    sort again by group, and assign new subject numbers to subjects



#    organize data


        score <- var
	N.na <- sum(is.na(score))
	ind <- 1 - is.na(score)
	N <- sum(ind)
	rscore <- rank(score)*ind

	data <- cbind(group, time, subject, rscore, ind) # changed on 16 August, 2004
	ni <- count.subj(group, subject)
	n <- sum(ni); # number of subjects in the experiment
	   model.name<-"F1 LD F1 Model"

           	cat(" Total number of observations: ",sum(ind),"\n")
           	cat(" Total number of subjects:  " , n,"\n")
          	cat(" Total number of missing observations: ",N.na,"\n")
           	cat("\n Class level information ")
           	cat("\n ----------------------- \n")
	   	cat(" Levels of", time.name, "(sub-plot factor time) : ", t,"\n")
	   	cat(" Levels of", group.name, "(whole-plot factor group) : ", a,"\n")
           	cat("\n Abbreviations ")
           	cat("\n ----------------------- \n")
           	cat(" RankMeans = Rank means\n")
           	cat(" Nobs = Number of observations\n")
           	cat(" RTE = Relative treatment effect\n")
           	cat(" case2x2 = tests for 2-by-2 design\n")
           	cat(" Wald.test = Wald-type test statistic\n")
           	cat(" ANOVA.test = ANOVA-type test statistic with Box approximation\n")
           	cat(" ANOVA.test.mod.Box = modified ANOVA-type test statistic with Box approximation\n")
           	cat(" Wald.test.time = Wald-type test statistic for simple time effect\n")
           	cat(" ANOVA.test.time = ANOVA-type test statistic for simple time effect\n")
           	cat(" N = Standard Normal Distribution N(0,1)\n")
           	cat(" T = Student's T distribution with respective degrees of freedom\n")
           		pattern.string<-"no pattern specified"
            		pattern.string.t<-"no pattern specified"
            		pattern.string.g<-"no pattern specified"

           	cat(" pattern.time (time effects) = Test against patterned alternatives in time using normal distribution (",pattern.string,")","\n")
          	cat(" pair.comparison = Tests for pairwise comparisions (without specifying a pattern)","\n")
          	cat(" pattern.pair.comparison = Test for pairwise comparisons with patterned alternatives in time (",pattern.string.t,")","\n")
           	cat(" pattern.group (group effects) = Test against patterned alternatives in group (",pattern.string.g,")","\n")
           	cat(" covariance = Covariance matrix","\n")
           	cat(" Note: The description output above will disappear by setting description=FALSE in the input. See the help file for details.","\n\n")
           	cat(" F1 LD F1 Model ")
           	cat("\n ----------------------- \n")
           	cat(" Check that the order of the time and group levels are correct.\n")
           	cat(" Time level:  " , paste(tlevel),"\n")
           	cat(" Group level:  " , paste(glevel),"\n")
           	cat(" If the order is not correct, specify the correct order in time.order or group.order.\n\n")

	# unconditional group and time means
	tab <- t(matrix(mean.factor(rscore, group:time, ind), t, a))
        g.mean <- as.vector(apply(tab, 1, mean));
        t.mean <- as.vector(apply(tab, 2, mean));

	# covariance matrix
	V2 <- V(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, t, ni)$V;
	R <- V(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, t, ni)$R;

	if(qr(V2)$rank < (t*a)) SING.COV <- TRUE
		cat("\n Warning(s):\n")
		cat(" The covariance matrix is singular. \n")

        sdat <- NULL
	rte <- list(RTE=rte(group, time, ind, rscore))
	#rte <- data.frame(rte(group, time, ind, rscore))
	### case2x2 is available only when there is no missing observation in the 2-by-2 design.
	### otherwise, it returns NULL.
        if(a==2 && t==2 && N.na==0)
		out2 <- case2x2(group, time, subject, rscore, ind)
		out2 <- list(case2x2=NULL)
	   wald.test.t <- wald.test(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, ni);
	   anova.test.t <- anova.test(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, ni);
	   out2 <- c(out2, wald.test.t, anova.test.t)
	   simple.time.test.t <- simple.time.test(glevel, a, t, ni, N, w.pat, V2, R);
           pair.comp.t <- pair.comp.test(data, ni, w.t, glevel)
           out2 <- c(out2, simple.time.test.t,pair.comp.t)

        if(!is.null(w.g)) pattern.g <- pattern.group(group, time, subject, rscore, ind, a, t, ni, g.mean, w.g)
        else pattern.g <- NULL
            if (show.covariance == FALSE) {
        V2 <- NULL}
        out <- c(sdat, rte, out2, pattern.g, list(covariance=V2), model.name=model.name)
     if (plot.RTE == TRUE) {
        ptg <- expression(p[i][j])
        rte.plot <- data.frame(rte)[, 3][(a + t + 1):(a + t + 
            a * t)]
        kk.time <- 1:t
        plot(kk.time, rte.plot[kk.time], pch = 10, type = "b", 
            lwd = 3, ylim = c(0, 1.1), xaxt = "n", xlab = time.name, 
            ylab = ptg, cex.lab = 1.5)
        axis(1, at = kk.time, labels = namen.plot[kk.time])
        group.id.help <- sort(c(rep(1:a, t)))
        for (ss in 2:a) {
            points(kk.time, rte.plot[group.id.help == ss], pch = 10, 
                type = "b", lwd = 3, ylim = c(0, 1.1), xaxt = "n", 
                xlab = "", ylab = ptg, cex.lab = 1.5, col = ss)
        legend("top", col = c(1:a), namen.plot.g, pch = c(rep(10, 
            a)), lwd = c(rep(3, a)))
        title(main = paste("Relative Effects"))


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