
# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

# Test whether base-level [[ can handle hydrographic computations


sal <- ctd[["salinity"]]
tem <- ctd[["temperature"]]
pre <- ctd[["pressure"]]
lon <- ctd[["longitude"]]
lat <- ctd[["latitude"]]
nlevel <- length(sal)

# Object with no longitude data (for UNESCO testing)
nu <- new("oce")
nu <- oceSetData(nu, "salinity", sal)
nu <- oceSetData(nu, "temperature", tem)
nu <- oceSetData(nu, "pressure", pre)
nu <- oceSetMetadata(nu, "latitude", lat)

# Object with location data (for GSW testing)
ng <- new("oce")
ng <- oceSetData(ng, "salinity", sal)
ng <- oceSetData(ng, "temperature", tem)
ng <- oceSetData(ng, "pressure", pre)
ng <- oceSetMetadata(ng, "longitude", lon)
ng <- oceSetMetadata(ng, "latitude", lat)

# The two theta values differ by max 4.819825e-6 degC
thetaUNESCO <- swTheta(sal, tem, pre, eos = "unesco")
thetaGSW <- swTheta(sal, tem, pre, longitude = lon, latitude = lat, eos = "gsw")

test_that("base-level [[\"?\"]] gives expected names (UNESCO)", {
    # using sort() because the order (for some reason I do not understand) is
    # different when I do it interactively, versus in the test as set up by
    # RStudio.  I guess RStudio is using a different default for sorting
    # character values.
    expect_equal(sort(nu[["?"]]$dataDerived), sort(c(
        "density", "depth", "N2",
        paste("potential", "temperature"), "Rrho", "RrhoSF",
        "sigmaTheta", paste("sound", "speed"), "SP", "spice", "theta",

test_that("base-level [[\"?\"]] works on some hydrographic things (UNESCO)", {
    options(oceEOS = "unesco")
    expect_equal(ctd[["theta"]], nu[["theta"]])
    expect_error(nu[["CT"]], "need longitude and latitude to compute")
    expect_error(nu[["SA"]], "need longitude and latitude to compute")
    expect_error(nu[["Sstar"]], "need longitude and latitude to compute")

test_that("base-level [[\"?\"]] gives expected names (GSW)", {
            paste("Absolute", "Salinity"),
            paste("Conservative", "Temperature"),
            "density", "depth", "N2", paste("potential", "temperature"),
            "Rrho", "RrhoSF", "SA",
            paste0("sigma", 0:4),
            paste0("spiciness", 0:2),
            "sigmaTheta", paste("sound", "speed"), "SP", "spice",
            "SR", "Sstar", "theta", "z"

test_that("base-level [[\"?\"]] works on some hydrographic things (GSW)", {
    options(oceEOS = "gsw")
    expect_equal(ctd[["theta"]], ng[["theta"]])
    expect_equal(ctd[["CT"]], ng[["CT"]])
    expect_equal(ctd[["SA"]], ng[["SA"]])
    expect_equal(ctd[["Sstar"]], ng[["Sstar"]])

test_that("base-level [[\"?\"]] all names work (UNESCO)", {
    options(oceEOS = "unesco")
    a <- nu[["?"]]$dataDerived
    expect_true(all(nlevel == sapply(a, function(item) length(nu[[item]]))))

test_that("base-level [[\"?\"]] all names work (GSW)", {
    options(oceEOS = "gsw")
    a <- ng[["?"]]$dataDerived
    expect_true(all(nlevel == sapply(a, function(item) length(ng[[item]]))))

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oce documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:09 p.m.