
#' Storage R6 Object
#' @description
#' Provides a simple indexing interface for list elements based on R6.
#' Basically, it allows to store items in a list and to regain them based on
#' identifiers defined by the user.
#' @section Setting identifiers:
#' An identifier is a \code{character}, typically a binary property. Identifiers
#' can be negated by placing an exclamation mark (\code{"!"}) in front of them.
#' Identifiers that have been assigned to other elements previously do not need
#' to be specified again for new elements; instead, a default value can be used.
#' This default value can be defined either globally for all cases (via the
#' \code{$missing_identifier} field) or separately for each specific case (via
#' the method argument).
#' @section User confirmation:
#' If desired, the user can be asked for confirmation when adding, extracting,
#' or removing elements using identifiers. This behavior can be set globally
#' through the \code{$confirm} field or customized separately for each specific
#' case via the method argument.
#' @param identifier \[`character()`\]\cr
#' Pne or more identifiers (the identifier \code{"all"} is reserved to select
#' all elements).
#' @param ids \[`integer()`\]\cr
#' One or more ids.
#' @param logical \[`character(1)`\]\cr
#' In the case that multiple identifiers are selected, how should they be
#' combined? Options are:
#' - \code{"and"} (the default): the identifiers are combined with logical and
#'   (all identifiers must be `TRUE`)
#' - \code{"or"}: the identifiers are combined with logical or (at least one
#'   identifier must be `TRUE`)
#' @param confirm \[`logical(1)`\]\cr
#' Prompted for confirmation?
#' @param missing_identifier \[`logical(1)` | NA\]\cr
#' The value for not specified identifiers.
#' @return
#' The output depends on the method:
#' - \code{$new()} returns a \code{Storage} object.
#' - \code{$add()}, \code{$remove()}, and \code{$print()} invisibly return the
#'   \code{Storage} object (to allow for method chaining)
#' - \code{$get()} returns the requested element(s)
#' - \code{$number()} returns an \code{integer}
#' - \code{$indices()} return an \code{integer} \code{vector}
#' @keywords indexing
#' @family package helpers
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ### 1. Create a `Storage` object:
#' my_storage <- Storage$new()
#' # 2. Add elements along with identifiers:
#' my_storage$
#'   add(42, c("number", "rational"))$
#'   add(pi, c("number", "!rational"))$
#'   add("fear of black cats", c("text", "!rational"))$
#'   add("wearing a seat belt", c("text", "rational"))$
#'   add(mean, "function")
#' # 3. What elements are stored?
#' print(my_storage)
#' # 4. Extract elements based on identifiers:
#' my_storage$get("rational")
#' my_storage$get("!rational")
#' my_storage$get(c("text", "!rational"))
#' my_storage$get("all") # get all elements
#' my_storage$get(c("text", "!text"))
#' my_storage$get(c("text", "!text"), logical = "or")
#' # 5. Extract elements based on ids:
#' my_storage$get(ids = 4:5)
#' my_storage$get(ids = 4:5, id_names = TRUE) # add the ids as names

Storage <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "Storage",
  lock_class = TRUE,
  cloneable = FALSE,
  public = list(

    #' @description
    #' Initializing a \code{Storage} object.
    initialize = function() {
      ### elements are saved in a list
      private$elements <- list()

      ### ids are saved in a data.frame with identifiers in columns
      private$ids <- data.frame()

    #' @description
    #' Adding an element.
    #' @param x \[`any()`\]\cr
    #' An object to be saved.
    add = function(x, identifier, confirm = interactive() & self$confirm,
                   missing_identifier = self$missing_identifier) {
      ### input checks
      if (missing(x)) {
        stop("please specify the object 'x' to be added", call. = FALSE)
      if (missing(identifier)) {
        stop("please specify at least one entry for 'identifier'", call. = FALSE)
        identifier = identifier, confirm = confirm,
        missing_identifier = missing_identifier
      if (any(c("all", "!all") %in% identifier)) {
        stop("the identifier \"all\" is reserved", call. = FALSE)

      ### inform user about action and request confirmation
      if (confirm) {
          action = paste0("add a <", class(x), ">"),
          identifier = identifier, missing_identifier = missing_identifier,
          complete = TRUE

      ### add element
      private$add_element(x, identifier, missing_identifier)

    #' @description
    #' Getting elements.
    #' @param id_names \[`logical(1)`\]\cr
    #' Name the elements according to their ids?
    get = function(
      identifier = character(), ids = integer(), logical = "and",
      confirm = interactive() & self$confirm,
      missing_identifier = self$missing_identifier,
      id_names = FALSE
    ) {
      ### input checks
        identifier = identifier, confirm = confirm, ids = ids,
        missing_identifier = missing_identifier, logical = logical
      if (length(identifier) == 0 && length(ids) == 0) {
        if (!self$hide_warnings) {
            "please specify either 'identifier' or 'ids'",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = FALSE

      ### inform user about action and request confirmation
      if (confirm) {
          action = "extract", identifier = identifier, ids = ids,
          missing_identifier = missing_identifier, complete = FALSE,
          logical = logical

      ### get elements
        identifier = identifier, ids = ids, id_names = id_names,
        logical = logical

    #' @description
    #' removing elements
    #' @param shift_ids \[`logical(1)`\]\cr
    #' Shift ids when in-between elements are removed?
    remove = function(
      identifier = character(), ids = integer(), logical = "and",
      confirm = interactive() & self$confirm,
      missing_identifier = self$missing_identifier, shift_ids = TRUE
    ) {
      ### input checks
        identifier = identifier, confirm = confirm, ids = ids,
        missing_identifier = missing_identifier, logical = logical
      if (length(identifier) == 0 && length(ids) == 0) {
        if (!self$hide_warnings) {
            "please specify either 'identifier' or 'ids'",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = FALSE

      ### inform user about action and request confirmation
      if (confirm) {
          action = "remove", identifier = identifier, ids = ids,
          missing_identifier = missing_identifier, complete = FALSE,
          logical = logical

      ### remove elements
      if (length(identifier) > 0 && length(ids) > 0) {
        ids <- private$merge_ids(
          private$get_ids(identifier = identifier, logical = logical),
          logical = logical
      } else if (length(identifier) > 0) {
        ids <- private$get_ids(identifier = identifier, logical = logical)
      if (shift_ids) {
        private$elements[ids] <- NULL
        private$ids <- private$ids[-ids, ]
      } else {
        private$elements[ids] <- list(NULL)
        private$ids[ids, ] <- NA

    #' @description
    #' Computing the number of identified elements.
    number = function(
      identifier = "all", missing_identifier = self$missing_identifier,
      logical = "and", confirm = FALSE
    ) {
      ### input checks
        identifier = identifier, missing_identifier = missing_identifier,
        confirm = confirm, logical = logical

      ### inform user about action and request confirmation
      if (confirm) {
          action = "count", identifier = identifier,
          missing_identifier = missing_identifier, complete = FALSE,
          logical = logical

      ### perform action
      length(self$indices(identifier, confirm = confirm, logical = logical))

    #' @description
    #' Returning indices based on defined identifiers.
    indices = function(
      identifier = "all", logical = "and",
      confirm = interactive() & self$confirm)
      ### input checks
        identifier = identifier, logical = logical, confirm = confirm

      ### inform user about action and request confirmation
      if (confirm) {
          action = "get indices of",
          identifier = identifier, missing_identifier = missing_identifier,
          complete = FALSE, logical = logical

      ### perform action
      private$get_ids(identifier = identifier, logical = logical)

    #' @description
    #' Printing details of the saved elements.
    #' @param ...
    #' Currently not used.
    print = function(...) {
      nelements <- length(private$elements)
      if (nelements > 0) {
        cat("number of elements:", self$number(), "\n")
        cat("identifiers used:", self$identifier, "\n")
      } else {
        cat("no elements saved yet")
  active = list(

    #' @field identifier \[`character()`\]\cr
    #' The identifiers used.
    identifier = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("read only")

    #' @field confirm \[`logical(1)`\]\cr
    #' The default value for confirmations.
    confirm = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        private$confirm_default <- value

    #' @field missing_identifier \[`logical(1)`\]\cr
    #' The default value for not specified identifiers.
    missing_identifier = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        checkmate::assert_flag(value, na.ok = TRUE)
        private$missing_default <- value

    #' @field hide_warnings \[`logical(1)`\]\cr
    #' Hide warnings (for example if unknown identifiers are selected)?
    hide_warnings = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        checkmate::assert_flag(value, na.ok = TRUE)
        private$.hide_warnings <- value
  private = list(
    elements = NULL,
    ids = NULL,
    confirm_default = FALSE,
    missing_default = NA,
    .hide_warnings = FALSE,
    check_input = function(identifier = NULL, confirm = NULL, ids = NULL, missing_identifier = NULL,
                           logical = NULL) {
      ### check 'identifier' input
      if (!is.null(identifier)) {
        checkmate::assert_character(identifier, any.missing = FALSE)

      ### check 'confirm' input

      ### check 'ids' input
      if (!is.null(ids)) {
        checkmate::assert_integerish(ids, lower = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
      } else if (length(identifier) == 0) {
        stop("need at least one identifier", call. = FALSE)

      ### check 'logical' input
      if (!is.null(logical)) {
        checkmate::assert_choice(logical, choices = c("and", "or"))

      ### check 'missing_identifier' input
      if (!is.null(missing_identifier)) {
        checkmate::assert_flag(missing_identifier, na.ok = TRUE)
    check_identifier_known = function(identifier, logical) {
      checkmate::assert_character(identifier, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
      checkmate::assert_choice(logical, c("and", "or"))
      identifier_translated <- names(private$translate_identifier(identifier))
      unknown <- which(!identifier_translated %in% c("all", self$identifier))
      if (length(unknown) > 0) {
        if (!self$hide_warnings) {
              "I do not know the identifier(s) '",
              paste(identifier[unknown], collapse = "', '"), "'."
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = FALSE
        if (logical == "and") {
          if (!self$hide_warnings) {
              "Because 'logical = \"and\", no element is selected.",
              call. = FALSE, immediate. = FALSE
        } else if (logical == "or") {
          if (!self$hide_warnings) {
              "Because 'logical = \"or\", I will ignore them.",
              call. = FALSE, immediate. = FALSE
          identifier <- identifier[-unknown]
        } else {
    user_confirm = function(action = character(), identifier = character(), ids = integer(),
                            missing_identifier = self$missing_identifier, complete = TRUE,
                            logical = "and") {
      cat("You are about to", action)
      if (any(identifier == "all")) {
        cat(" all elements.\n")
      } else {
        cat(" element(s)")
        if (length(ids) > 0) {
          if (length(ids) == 1) {
            cat(" with id\n")
          } else {
            cat(" with ids\n")
          if (length(identifier) > 0) {
            cat("and ")
        } else {
          cat(" ")
        if (length(identifier) > 0) {
          if (length(identifier) == 1) {
            cat("with identifier:\n")
          } else {
            if (logical == "and") {
              cat("with all these identifiers:\n")
            } else if (logical == "or") {
              cat("with at least one of these identifiers:\n")
            } else {
          identifier_bool <- private$translate_identifier(identifier)
          if (complete) {
            identifier_bool <- private$complete_identifier_bool(
              identifier_bool = identifier_bool,
              missing_identifier = missing_identifier
      confirmation <- user_confirm("Is that alright?", default = TRUE)
      if (!confirmation) {
        stop("Okay, then no.", call. = FALSE)
    add_identifier = function(identifier, missing_identifier) {
      checkmate::assert_character(identifier, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
      stopifnot(length(intersect(identifier, self$identifier)) == 0)
      if (nrow(private$ids) == 0) {
        private$ids[1, ] <- NA
        private$ids[, identifier] <- NA
        private$ids <- private$ids[0, ]
      } else {
        private$ids[, identifier] <- missing_identifier
    add_element = function(x, identifier, missing_identifier) {
      identifier_bool <- private$translate_identifier(identifier)
      new_identifier <- setdiff(names(identifier_bool), self$identifier)
      if (length(new_identifier) > 0) {
        private$add_identifier(new_identifier, missing_identifier)
      id <- private$next_id()
      private$elements[[id]] <- x
      private$ids[id, ] <- self$missing_identifier
      private$ids[id, names(identifier_bool)] <- identifier_bool
    next_id = function() {
      length(private$elements) + 1
    get_element = function(identifier, ids, id_names, logical) {
      if (length(identifier) > 0 && length(ids) > 0) {
        ids <- private$merge_ids(
          private$get_ids(identifier = identifier, logical = logical),
          logical = logical
      } else if (length(identifier) > 0) {
        ids <- private$get_ids(identifier = identifier, logical = logical)
        names = if (id_names) ids
    translate_identifier = function(identifier) {
      identifier_translated <- logical(0)
      for (value in identifier) {
        if (startsWith(value, "!")) {
          identifier_translated[substring(value, first = 2)] <- FALSE
        } else {
          identifier_translated[value] <- TRUE
    complete_identifier_bool = function(identifier_bool, missing_identifier) {
      identifier_bool[setdiff(self$identifier, names(identifier_bool))] <-
    get_ids = function(identifier, logical) {
      ### check for unknown identifier
      identifier <- private$check_identifier_known(
        identifier = identifier, logical = logical

      ### check for identifier and inverse identifier
      for (i in identifier) {
        i_inverse <- ifelse(startsWith(i, "!"), substring(i, first = 2), paste0("!", i))
        if (i %in% identifier && i_inverse %in% identifier) {
          if (logical == "and") {
            identifier <- integer()
          } else {
            identifier <- identifier[-which(identifier %in% c(i, i_inverse))]
            if (length(identifier) == 0) {
              identifier <- "all"

      ### no identifiers selected
      if (length(identifier) == 0) {

      ### all identifiers selected
      if ("all" %in% identifier) {
        if (length(identifier) == 1 || logical == "or") {
        } else {
          identifier <- identifier[-which(identifier == "all")]

      ### extract ids
      identifier_bool <- private$translate_identifier(identifier)
      comparison <- if (logical == "and") {
      } else {
        function(x, y) any(x == y)
      ids <- apply(
    merge_ids = function(..., logical) {
      ids <- list(...)
      if (logical == "and") {
        ids <- Reduce(intersect, ids)
      } else if (logical == "or") {
        ids <- unique(unlist(ids))
      } else {
      checkmate::assert_integerish(ids, lower = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
      if (length(ids) == 0) {
      } else {

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