
#' @include internal.R waiver.R pproto.R Collection-proto.R

#' @export
if (!methods::isClass("ProjectProblem")) methods::setOldClass("ProjectProblem")

#' Project problem class
#' @section Description:
#' This class is used to represent project prioritization problems. A
#' project prioritization problem has actions, projects,
#' and features. Features are the biological entities that need to
#' be conserved (e.g. species, populations, ecosystems). Actions are
#' real-world management actions that can be implemented for conservation
#' purposes (e.g. habitat restoration, monitoring, pest eradication). Each
#' action should have a known cost, and this usually means that each
#' action should have a defined spatial extent and time period (though this
#' is not necessary). Conservation projects are groups of management actions
#' (they can also comprise a singular action too), and each project is
#' associated with a probability of success if all of its associated actions
#' are funded. To determine which projects should be funded, each project is
#' associated with an probability of persistence for the
#' features that they benefit. These values should indicate the
#' probability that each feature will persist if only that project funded
#' and not the additional benefit relative to the baseline project. Missing
#' (`NA`) values should be used to indicate which projects do not
#' enhance the probability of certain features.
#' Given these data, a project prioritization problem involves making a
#' decision about which actions should be funded or not---and in turn, which
#' projects should be funded or not---to maximize or minimize a specific
#' objective whilst meeting specific constraints. The objective for a project
#' prioritization problem will *always* pertain to the probability that
#' features are expected to persist. For example, an objective for a project
#' prioritization problem could be to maximize the maximize the total amount of
#' species that are expected to persist, or minimize the total cost of the
#' funded actions subject to constraints which ensure that each feature meets a
#' target level of persistence. The constraints in a project prioritization
#' problem can be used to specify additional requirements (e.g. certain
#' actions must be funded). Finally, a project prioritization problem---unlike
#' an optimization problem---also requires a method to solve the problem.
#' **This class represents a planning problem, to actually build and then
#' solve a planning problem, use the [problem()] function. Only
#' experts should use this class directly.**
#' @section Fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{$data}{`list` object containing data.}
#' \item{$objective}{[Objective-class] object used to represent how
#'   the targets relate to the solution.}
#' \item{$decisions}{[Decision-class] object used to represent the
#'   type of decision made on planning units.}
#' \item{$targets}{[Target-class] object used to represent
#'   representation targets for features.}
#' \item{$weights}{[Weight-class] object used to represent
#'   feature weights.}
#' \item{$constraints}{[Collection-class] object used to represent
#'   additional [constraints] that the problem is subject to.}
#' \item{$solver}{[Solver-class] object used to solve the problem.}
#' }
#' @section Usage:
#' `x$print()`
#' `x$show()`
#' `x$repr()`
#' `x$get_data(name)`
#' `x$set_data(name, value)`
#' `number_of_actions()`
#' `number_of_projects()`
#' `number_of_features()`
#' `action_names()`
#' `project_names()`
#' `feature_names()`
#' `feature_weights()`
#' `feature_phylogeny()`
#' `action_costs()`
#' `project_costs()`
#' `project_success_probabilities()`
#' `pf_matrix()`
#' `epf_matrix()`
#' `pa_matrix()`
#' `x$add_objective(obj)`
#' `x$add_decisions(dec)`
#' `x$add_constraint(con)`
#' `x$add_solver(sol)`
#' `x$add_targets(targ)`
#' `x$add_weights(wt)`
#' `x$get_constraint_parameter(id)`
#' `x$set_constraint_parameter(id, value)`
#' `x$render_constraint_parameter(id)`
#' `x$render_all_constraint_parameters()`
#' `x$get_objective_parameter(id)`
#' `x$set_objective_parameter(id, value)`
#' `x$render_objective_parameter(id)`
#' `x$render_all_objective_parameters()`
#' `x$get_solver_parameter(id)`
#' `x$set_solver_parameter(id, value)`
#' `x$render_solver_parameter(id)`
#' `x$render_all_solver_parameters()`
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#' \item{name}{`character` name for object.}
#' \item{value}{an object.}
#' \item{obj}{[Objective-class] object.}
#' \item{wt}{[Weight-class] object.}
#' \item{dec}{[Decision-class] object.}
#' \item{con}{[Constraint-class] object.}
#' \item{sol}{[Solver-class] object.}
#' \item{targ}{[Target-class] object.}
#' \item{wt}{[Weight-class] object.}
#' \item{id}{`Id` object that refers to a specific parameter.}
#' \item{value}{object that the parameter value should become.}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' \describe{
#' \item{print}{print the object.}
#' \item{show}{show the object.}
#' \item{repr}{return `character` representation of the object.}
#' \item{get_data}{return an object stored in the `data` field with
#'   the corresponding `name`. If the object is not present in the
#'   `data` field, a `waiver` object is returned.}
#' \item{set_data}{store an object stored in the `data` field with
#'   the corresponding name. If an object with that name already
#'   exists then the object is overwritten.}
#' \item{number_of_actions}{`integer` number of actions.}
#' \item{number_of_projects}{`integer` number of projects.}
#' \item{number_of_features}{`integer` number of features.}
#' \item{action_names}{`character` names of actions in the problem.}
#' \item{project_names}{`character` names of projects in the problem.}
#' \item{feature_names}{`character` names of features in the problem.}
#' \item{feature_weights}{`character` feature weights.}
#' \item{feature_phylogeny}{[ape::phylo()] phylogenetic tree object.}
#' \item{action_costs}{`numeric` costs for each action.}
#' \item{project_costs}{`numeric` costs for each project.}
#' \item{project_success_probabilities}{`numeric` probability that
#'   each project will succeed.}
#' \item{pf_matrix}{
#'   [Matrix::dgCMatrix-class] object denoting the enhanced
#'   probability that features will persist if different projects are funded.}
#' \item{epf_matrix}{
#'   [Matrix::dgCMatrix-class] object denoting the enhanced
#'   probability that features is expected to persist if different projects are
#'  funded. This is calculated as the `pf_matrix` multiplied by the
#'  project success probabilities.}
#' \item{pa_matrix}{
#'   [Matrix::dgCMatrix-class] object indicating which actions are
#'   associated with which projects.}
#' \item{feature_targets}{[tibble::tibble()] with feature targets.}
#' \item{add_objective}{return a new  [ProjectProblem-class]
#'   with the objective added to it.}
#' \item{add_decisions}{return a new [ProjectProblem-class]
#'   object with the decision added to it.}
#' \item{add_solver}{return a new [ProjectProblem-class] object
#'   with the solver added to it.}
#' \item{add_constraint}{return a new [ProjectProblem-class]
#'   object with the constraint added to it.}
#' \item{add_targets}{return a copy with the targets added to the problem.}
#' \item{get_constraint_parameter}{get the value of a parameter (specified by
#'   argument `id`) used in one of the constraints in the object.}
#' \item{set_constraint_parameter}{set the value of a parameter (specified by
#'   argument `id`) used in one of the constraints in the object to
#'   `value`.}
#' \item{render_constraint_parameter}{generate a *shiny* widget to modify
#'  the value of a parameter (specified by argument `id`).}
#' \item{render_all_constraint_parameters}{generate a *shiny* `div`
#'   containing all the parameters' widgets.}
#' \item{get_objective_parameter}{get the value of a parameter (specified by
#'   argument `id`) used in the object's objective.}
#' \item{set_objective_parameter}{set the value of a parameter (specified by
#'   argument `id`) used in the object's objective to `value`.}
#' \item{render_objective_parameter}{generate a *shiny* widget to modify
#'   the value of a parameter (specified by argument `id`).}
#' \item{render_all_objective_parameters}{generate a *shiny* `div`
#'   containing all the parameters' widgets.}
#' \item{get_weight_parameter}{get the value of a parameter (specified by
#'   argument `id`) used in the object's weights.}
#' \item{set_weight_parameter}{set the value of a parameter (specified by
#'   argument `id`) used in the object's weights to `value`.}
#' \item{render_weight_parameter}{generate a *shiny* widget to modify
#'   the value of a parameter (specified by argument `id`).}
#' \item{render_all_weight_parameters}{generate a *shiny* `div`
#'   containing all the parameters' widgets.}
#' \item{get_solver_parameter}{get the value of a parameter (specified by
#'   argument `id`) used in the object's solver.}
#' \item{set_solver_parameter}{set the value of a parameter (specified by
#'   argument `id`) used in the object's solver to `value`.}
#' \item{render_solver_parameter}{generate a *shiny* widget to modify
#'   the value of a parameter (specified by argument `id`).}
#' \item{render_all_solver_parameters}{generate a *shiny* `div`
#'   containing all the parameters' widgets.}
#' }
#' @name ProjectProblem-class
#' @aliases ProjectProblem

#' @export
ProjectProblem <- pproto(
  data = list(),
  objective = new_waiver(),
  weights = new_waiver(),
  decisions = new_waiver(),
  targets = new_waiver(),
  constraints = pproto(NULL, Collection),
  solver = new_waiver(),
  print = function(self) {
    r <- vapply(list(self$objective, self$targets), function(x) {
      if (is.Waiver(x))
    }, character(1))
    d <- vapply(list(self$decisions, self$solver), function(x) {
      if (is.Waiver(x))
    }, character(1))
    if (is.Waiver(self$weights)) {
      w <- "default"
    } else {
      w <- round(self$feature_weights(), 5)
      w <- paste0("min: ", min(w), ", max: ", max(w))
    pr <- round(range(self$project_success_probabilities(), na.rm = TRUE), 5)
    cs <- round(range(self$action_costs(), na.rm = TRUE), 5)
    message(paste0("Project Prioritization Problem",
    "\n  actions          ", repr_atomic(self$action_names(), "actions"),
    "\n  projects         ", repr_atomic(self$project_names(), "projects"),
    "\n  features         ", repr_atomic(self$feature_names(), "features"),
    "\n  action costs:    min: ", cs[1], ", max: ", cs[2],
    "\n  project success: min: ", pr[1], ", max: ", pr[2],
    "\n  objective:       ", r[1],
    "\n  targets:         ", r[2],
    "\n  weights:         ", w,
    "\n  decisions        ", d[1],
    "\n  constraints:     ", align_text(self$constraints$repr(), 20),
    "\n  solver:          ", d[2]))
  show = function(self) {
  repr = function(self) {
    "ProjectProblem object"
  get_data = function(self, x) {
    if (!x %in% names(self$data))
  set_data = function(self, x, value) {
    self$data[[x]] <- value
  number_of_actions = function(self) {
  number_of_projects = function(self) {
  number_of_features = function(self) {
  action_names = function(self) {
  project_names = function(self) {
  feature_names = function(self) {
  feature_weights = function(self) {
    if (is.Waiver(self$weights))
  feature_phylogeny = function(self) {
    if (is.Waiver(self$objective))
      stop("problem is missing objective")
  action_costs = function(self) {
  project_costs = function(self) {
    pa <- as.matrix(self$pa_matrix())
    ac <- matrix(self$action_costs(), ncol = ncol(pa), nrow = nrow(pa),
                 byrow = TRUE)
    rowSums(pa * ac)
  project_success_probabilities = function(self) {
  pf_matrix = function(self) {
    m <- as_Matrix(as.matrix(
      self$data$projects[, self$data$features[[self$data$feature_name_column]],
                         drop = FALSE]), "dgCMatrix")
    m@x[is.na(m@x)] <- 0
    rownames(m) <- self$project_names()
    colnames(m) <- self$feature_names()
  epf_matrix = function(self) {
    # extract persistence probabilities, but not accounting for baseline
    m <- as_Matrix(
    self$pf_matrix() *
             ncol = self$number_of_features(),
             nrow = self$number_of_projects()),
    m <- as_Matrix(m, "dgCMatrix")
    m <- Matrix::drop0(m)
    # if include baseline probabilities, then account for probabilities of
    # each project persisting and the baseline project not failing
    if (self$data$adjust_for_baseline) {
      ## extract project costs
      pc <- self$project_costs()
      ## extract baseline probability data
      bp <- which(pc == 0)
      bpp <- m[bp, ]
      ## update probabilities
      m2 <- m + ((1 - m) * m[rep(bp, nrow(m)), ])
      m <- m2 * (m > 0)
      ## overwrite baseline data
      m[bp, ] <- bpp
      ## coerce data type
      m <- as_Matrix(m, "dgCMatrix")
      m <- Matrix::drop0(m)
    rownames(m) <- self$project_names()
    colnames(m) <- self$feature_names()
  pa_matrix = function(self) {
    m <- as_Matrix(as.matrix(
      self$data$projects[, self$data$actions[[self$data$action_name_column]],
                         drop = FALSE]), "dgCMatrix")
    rownames(m) <- self$data$projects[[self$data$project_name_column]]
  feature_targets = function(self) {
    if (is.Waiver(self$targets))
      stop("problem is missing targets")
  add_solver = function(self, x) {
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "Solver"))
    if (!is.Waiver(self$solver))
      warning("overwriting previously defined solver")
    pproto(NULL, self, solver = x)
  add_targets = function(self, x) {
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "Target"))
    if (!is.Waiver(self$targets))
      warning("overwriting previously defined targets")
    pproto(NULL, self, targets = x)
  add_weights = function(self, x) {
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "Weight"))
    if (!is.Waiver(self$weights))
      warning("overwriting previously defined weights")
    pproto(NULL, self, weights = x)
  add_objective = function(self, x) {
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "Objective"))
    if (!is.Waiver(self$objective))
      warning("overwriting previously defined objective")
    pproto(NULL, self, objective = x)
  add_decisions = function(self, x) {
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "Decision"))
    if (!is.Waiver(self$decisions))
      warning("overwriting previously defined decision")
    pproto(NULL, self, decisions = x)
  add_constraint = function(self, x) {
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "Constraint"))
    p <- pproto(NULL, self)
  get_constraint_parameter = function(self, id) {
  set_constraint_parameter = function(self, id, value) {
    self$constraints$set_parameter(id, value)
  render_constraint_parameter = function(self, id) {
  render_all_constraint_parameters = function(self) {
  get_objective_parameter = function(self, id) {
  set_objective_parameter = function(self, id, value) {
    self$objective$set_parameter(id, value)
  render_objective_parameter = function(self, id) {
  render_all_objective_parameters = function(self) {
  get_solver_parameter = function(self, id) {
  set_solver_parameter = function(self, id, value) {
    self$solver$set_parameter(id, value)
  render_solver_parameter = function(self, id) {
  render_all_solver_parameters = function(self) {

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