
Defines functions add_gurobi_solver

Documented in add_gurobi_solver

#' @include Solver-proto.R

#' Add a \pkg{Gurobi} solver
#' Specify that the *Gurobi* software should be used to solve a
#' project prioritization [problem()]. This function can also be
#' used to customize the behavior of the solver. In addition to the
#' *Gurobi* software suite, it also requires the \pkg{gurobi} package to
#' be installed.
#' @param x [ProjectProblem-class] object.
#' @param gap `numeric` gap to optimality. This gap is relative
#'   and expresses the acceptable deviance from the optimal objective.
#'   For example, a value of 0.01 will result in the solver stopping when
#'   it has found a solution within 1% of optimality.
#'   Additionally, a value of 0 will result in the solver stopping
#'   when it has found an optimal solution.
#'   The default value is 0.1 (i.e. 10% from optimality).
#' @param number_solutions `integer` number of solutions desired.
#'   Defaults to 1. Note that the number of returned solutions can sometimes
#'   be less than the argument to `number_solutions` depending on the
#'   argument to `solution_pool_method`, for example if 100
#'   solutions are requested but only 10 unique solutions exist, then only 10
#'   solutions will be returned.
#' @param solution_pool_method `numeric` search method identifier that
#'   determines how multiple solutions should be generated. Available search
#'   modes for generating a portfolio of solutions include: `0`
#'   recording all solutions identified whilst trying to find
#'   a solution that is within the specified optimality gap, `1` finding
#'   one solution within the optimality gap and a number of additional
#'   solutions that are of any level of quality (such that the total number of
#'   solutions is equal to `number_solutions`), and `2` finding a
#'   specified number of solutions that are nearest to optimality. For more
#'   information, see the *Gurobi* manual (i.e. <https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.0/refman/poolsearchmode.html#parameter:PoolSearchMode>). Defaults to 2.
#' @param time_limit `numeric` time limit in seconds to run the optimizer.
#'   The solver will return the current best solution when this time limit is
#'   exceeded.
#' @param presolve `integer` number indicating how intensively the
#'   solver should try to simplify the problem before solving it. The default
#'   value of 2 indicates to that the solver should be very aggressive in
#'   trying to simplify the problem.
#' @param threads `integer` number of threads to use for the
#'   optimization algorithm. The default value of 1 will result in only
#'   one thread being used.
#' @param first_feasible `logical` should the first feasible solution be
#'   be returned? If `first_feasible` is set to `TRUE`, the solver
#'   will return the first solution it encounters that meets all the
#'   constraints, regardless of solution quality. Note that the first feasible
#'   solution is not an arbitrary solution, rather it is derived from the
#'   relaxed solution, and is therefore often reasonably close to optimality.
#'   Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param verbose `logical` should information be printed while solving
#'  optimization problems?
#' @details [*Gurobi*](https://www.gurobi.com) is a
#'   state-of-the-art commercial optimization software with an R package
#'   interface. It is by far the fastest of the solvers supported by this
#'   package, however, it is also the only solver that is not freely
#'   available. That said, licenses are available to academics at no cost. The
#'   \pkg{gurobi} package is distributed with the *Gurobi* software suite.
#'   This solver uses the \pkg{gurobi} package to solve problems.
#'   To install the \pkg{gurobi} package, the
#'   [Gurobi](https://www.gurobi.com) optimization suite will first need to
#'   be installed (see instructions for [Linux](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.1/quickstart_linux/software_installation_guid.html),
#'   [Mac OSX](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.1/quickstart_mac/software_installation_guid.html), and
#'   [Windows](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.1/quickstart_windows/software_installation_guid.html) operating systems). Although
#'   [Gurobi](https://www.gurobi.com) is a commercial software, academics
#'   can obtain a
#'   [special license for no cost](https://www.gurobi.com/downloads/end-user-license-agreement-academic/). After installing the
#'   [Gurobi](https://www.gurobi.com) optimization suite, the \pkg{gurobi}
#'   package can then be installed (see instructions for [Linux](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.1/quickstart_linux/r_installing_the_r_package.html),
#'   [Mac OSX](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.1/quickstart_mac/r_installing_the_r_package.html), and
#'   [Windows](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.1/quickstart_windows/r_installing_the_r_package.html) operating systems).
#' @return [ProjectProblem-class] object with the solver added
#'   to it.
#' @seealso [solvers].
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load data
#' data(sim_projects, sim_features, sim_actions)
#' # build problem
#' p1 <- problem(sim_projects, sim_actions, sim_features,
#'              "name", "success", "name", "cost", "name") %>%
#'      add_max_richness_objective(budget = 200) %>%
#'      add_binary_decisions()
#' # build another problem, and specify the Gurobi solver
#' p2 <- p1 %>%
#'       add_gurobi_solver()
#' # print problem
#' print(p2)
#' # solve problem
#' s2 <- solve(p2)
#' # print solution
#' print(s2)
#' # plot solution
#' plot(p2, s2)
#' # build another problem and obtain multiple solutions
#' # note that this problem doesn't have 100 unique solutions so
#' # the solver won't return 100 solutions
#' p3 <- p1 %>%
#'       add_gurobi_solver(number_solutions = 100)
#' # print problem
#' print(p3)
#' # solve problem
#' s3 <- solve(p3)
#' # print solutions
#' print(s3)
#' }
#' @name add_gurobi_solver

#' @export
#' @rdname Solver-class
methods::setClass("GurobiSolver", contains = "Solver")

#' @rdname add_gurobi_solver
#' @export
add_gurobi_solver <- function(x, gap = 0, number_solutions = 1,
                              solution_pool_method = 2,
                              time_limit = .Machine$integer.max,
                              presolve = 2, threads = 1, first_feasible = FALSE,
                              verbose = TRUE) {
  # assert that arguments are valid
  assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "ProjectProblem"),
                          assertthat::is.count(solution_pool_method + 1),
                          solution_pool_method >= 0,
                          solution_pool_method <= 2,
                          isTRUE(gap >= 0), isTRUE(all(is.finite(time_limit))),
                          assertthat::is.count(presolve), isTRUE(presolve <= 2),
                          isTRUE(threads <= parallel::detectCores(TRUE)),
                          requireNamespace("gurobi", quietly = TRUE))
  # add solver
    name = "Gurobi",
    parameters = parameters(
      numeric_parameter("gap", gap, lower_limit = 0),
      integer_parameter("number_solutions", number_solutions, lower_limit = 0L,
                        upper_limit = as.integer(.Machine$integer.max)),
      integer_parameter("solution_pool_method", solution_pool_method,
                        lower_limit = 0L, upper_limit = 2L),
      integer_parameter("time_limit", time_limit, lower_limit = -1L,
                        upper_limit = as.integer(.Machine$integer.max)),
      integer_parameter("time_limit", time_limit, lower_limit = -1L,
                        upper_limit = as.integer(.Machine$integer.max)),
      integer_parameter("presolve", presolve, lower_limit = 0L,
                        upper_limit = 2L),
      integer_parameter("threads", threads, lower_limit = 1L,
                        upper_limit = parallel::detectCores(TRUE)),
      binary_parameter("first_feasible", as.numeric(first_feasible)),
      binary_parameter("verbose", verbose)),
    solve = function(self, x, ...) {
      # create problem
      model <- list(
        modelsense = x$modelsense(),
        vtype = x$vtype(),
        obj = x$obj(),
        A = x$A(),
        rhs = x$rhs(),
        sense = x$sense(),
        lb = x$lb(),
        ub = x$ub())
      # add pwl objective if present
      if (!identical(x$pwlobj(), list()))
        model$pwlobj <- x$pwlobj()
      # create parameters
      p <- list(LogToConsole = as.numeric(self$parameters$get("verbose")),
                Presolve = self$parameters$get("presolve"),
                MIPGap = self$parameters$get("gap"),
                TimeLimit = self$parameters$get("time_limit"),
                Threads = self$parameters$get("threads"),
                LogFile = "",
                NumericFocus = 3,
                SolutionLimit = self$parameters$get("first_feasible"),
                PoolSolutions = self$parameters$get("number_solutions"),
                PoolSearchMode = self$parameters$get("solution_pool_method"))
      if (p$SolutionLimit == 0)
        p$SolutionLimit <- NULL
      # solve problem
      rt <- system.time({
          x <- withr::with_locale(
            c(LC_CTYPE = "C"),
            gurobi::gurobi(model = model, params = p))
      # round binary variables because default precision is 1e-5
      b <- model$vtype == "B"
      if (is.numeric(x$x))
        x$x[b] <- round(x$x[b])
      # extract solution
      out <- list(list(x = x$x, objective = x$objval, status = x$status,
                       runtime = rt))
      # add solutions from solution pool if required
      if (is.numeric(x$x) && isTRUE(length(x$pool) > 1) &&
          isTRUE(self$parameters$get("number_solutions") > 1)) {
        out <- append(out,
          lapply(x$pool, function(z)
            list(x = replace(z$xn, b, round(z$xn[b])), objective = z$objval,
                 status = ifelse((x$status == "OPTIMAL") &&
                                 (abs(x$objval - z$objval) < 1e-5),
                                 "OPTIMAL", "SUBOPTIMAL"),
                 runtime = x$runtime)))
      # return solution

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