#' Print a web page to PDF or capture a screenshot using the headless Chrome
#' Print an HTML page to PDF or capture a PNG/JPEG screenshot through the Chrome
#' DevTools Protocol. Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (or Chromium on Linux)
#' must be installed prior to using this function.
#' @param input A URL or local file path to an HTML page, or a path to a local
#' file that can be rendered to HTML via \code{rmarkdown::\link[rmarkdown]{render}()}
#' (e.g., an R Markdown document or an R script). If the \code{input} is to be
#' rendered via \code{rmarkdown::render()} and you need to pass any arguments
#' to it, you can pass the whole \code{render()} call to
#' \code{chrome_print()}, e.g., if you need to use the \code{params} argument:
#' \code{pagedown::chrome_print(rmarkdown::render('input.Rmd', params =
#' list(foo = 1:10)))}. This is because \code{render()} returns the HTML file,
#' which can be passed to \code{chrome_print()}.
#' @param output The output filename. For a local web page \file{foo/bar.html},
#' the default PDF output is \file{foo/bar.pdf}; for a remote URL
#' \file{}, the default output will be
#' \file{bar.pdf} under the current working directory. The same rules apply
#' for screenshots.
#' @param wait The number of seconds to wait for the page to load before
#' printing (in certain cases, the page may not be immediately ready for
#' printing, especially there are JavaScript applications on the page, so you
#' may need to wait for a longer time).
#' @param browser Path to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Chromium. This
#' function will try to find it automatically via \code{\link{find_chrome}()}
#' if the path is not explicitly provided and the environment variable
#' \code{PAGEDOWN_CHROME} is not set.
#' @param format The output format.
#' @param options A list of page options. See
#' \code{}
#' for the full list of options for PDF output, and
#' \code{}
#' for options for screenshots. Note that for PDF output, we have changed the
#' defaults of \code{printBackground} (\code{TRUE}),
#' \code{preferCSSPageSize} (\code{TRUE}) and when available
#' \code{transferMode} (\code{ReturnAsStream}) in this function.
#' @param selector A CSS selector used when capturing a screenshot.
#' @param box_model The CSS box model used when capturing a screenshot.
#' @param scale The scale factor used for screenshot.
#' @param work_dir Name of headless Chrome working directory. If the default
#' temporary directory doesn't work, you may try to use a subdirectory of your
#' home directory.
#' @param timeout The number of seconds before canceling the document
#' generation. Use a larger value if the document takes longer to build.
#' @param extra_args Extra command-line arguments to be passed to Chrome.
#' @param verbose Level of verbosity: \code{0} means no messages; \code{1} means
#' to print out some auxiliary messages (e.g., parameters for capturing
#' screenshots); \code{2} (or \code{TRUE}) means all messages, including those
#' from the Chrome processes and WebSocket connections.
#' @param async Execute \code{chrome_print()} asynchronously? If \code{TRUE},
#' \code{chrome_print()} returns a \code{\link[promises]{promise}} value (the
#' \pkg{promises} package has to be installed in this case).
#' @param outline If not \code{FALSE}, \code{chrome_print()} will add the
#' bookmarks to the generated \code{pdf} file, based on the table of contents
#' informations. This feature is only available for output formats based on
#' \code{\link{html_paged}}. It is enabled by default, as long as the
#' Ghostscript executable can be detected by \code{\link[tools]{find_gs_cmd}}.
#' @param encoding Not used. This argument is required by RStudio IDE.
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @return Path of the output file (invisibly). If \code{async} is \code{TRUE},
#' this is a \code{\link[promises]{promise}} value.
#' @export
chrome_print = function(
input, output = xfun::with_ext(input, format), wait = 2, browser = 'google-chrome',
format = c('pdf', 'png', 'jpeg'), options = list(), selector = 'body',
box_model = c('border', 'content', 'margin', 'padding'), scale = 1, work_dir = tempfile(),
timeout = 30, extra_args = c('--disable-gpu'), verbose = 0, async = FALSE,
outline = gs_available(), encoding
) {
is_rstudio_knit =
!interactive() && !'RSTUDIO', NA)) &&
!missing(encoding) && length( == 3
if (is_rstudio_knit) verbose = 1
format = match.arg(format)
if (missing(browser) && <- Sys.getenv('PAGEDOWN_CHROME', NA))) {
browser = find_chrome()
} else {
if (!file.exists(browser)) browser = Sys.which(browser)
if (!utils::file_test('-x', browser)) stop('The browser is not executable: ', browser)
if (isTRUE(verbose)) verbose = 2
if (verbose >= 1) message('Using the browser "', browser, '"')
# check that work_dir does not exist because it will be deleted at the end
if (dir.exists(work_dir)) stop('The directory ', work_dir, ' already exists.')
work_dir = normalizePath(work_dir, mustWork = FALSE)
# for windows, use the --no-sandbox option
extra_args = unique(c(
extra_args, proxy_args(), if (xfun::is_windows()) '--no-sandbox',
'--headless', '--no-first-run', '--no-default-browser-check', '--hide-scrollbars'
debug_port = servr::random_port(NULL)
log_file = if (getOption('', FALSE)) {
sprintf('chrome-stderr-%s.log', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"))
ps = processx::process$new(browser, c(
paste0('--remote-debugging-port=', debug_port),
paste0('--user-data-dir=', work_dir), extra_args
), stderr = log_file)
kill_chrome = function(...) {
if (verbose >= 1) message('Closing browser')
if (ps$is_alive()) ps$kill()
if (verbose >= 1) message('Cleaning browser working directory')
unlink(work_dir, recursive = TRUE)
on.exit(kill_chrome(), add = TRUE)
remote_protocol_ok = is_remote_protocol_ok(debug_port, verbose = verbose)
stream_pdf_available = isTRUE(xfun::attr(remote_protocol_ok, 'stream_pdf_available'))
if (!remote_protocol_ok)
stop('A more recent version of Chrome is required. ')
if (format == 'pdf' && stream_pdf_available)
options = merge_list(list(transferMode = 'ReturnAsStream'), as.list(options))
# If !async, use a private event loop to drive the websocket. This is
# necessary to separate later callbacks relevant to chrome_print, from any
# other callbacks that have been scheduled before entering chrome_print; the
# latter must not be invoked while inside of any synchronous function,
# including chrome_print(async=FALSE).
# It's also critical that none of the code inside with_temp_loop waits on a
# promise that originates from outside the with_temp_loop, as it will cause
# the code inside to hang. And finally, no promise from inside with_temp_loop
# should escape to the outside either, as with_temp_loop uses a truly "temp"
# loop--it will be destroyed when with_temp_loop completes.
# Therefore, if async, it's important NOT to use a private event loop.
with_temp_loop_maybe <- if (async) identity else later::with_temp_loop
ws = websocket::WebSocket$new(get_entrypoint(debug_port, verbose), autoConnect = FALSE)
close_ws = function() {
if (verbose >= 1) message('Closing websocket connection')
svr = NULL # init svr variable
if (file.exists(input)) {
is_html = function(x) grepl('[.]html?$', x)
with_msg_maybe = if (is_rstudio_knit) suppressMessages else identity
url = if (is_html(input)) input else with_msg_maybe(rmarkdown::render(
input, envir = parent.frame(), encoding = 'UTF-8'
if (!is_html(url)) stop(
"The file '", url, "' should have the '.html' or '.htm' extension."
svr = servr::httd(
dirname(url), daemon = TRUE, browser = FALSE, verbose = verbose >= 1,
port = servr::random_port(NULL), initpath = httpuv::encodeURIComponent(basename(url))
stop_server = function(...) {
if (verbose >= 1) message('Closing local webserver')
on.exit(stop_server(), add = TRUE)
url = svr$url
} else url = input # the input is not a local file; assume it is just a URL
# remove hash/query parameters in url
if (missing(output) && !file.exists(input))
output = xfun::with_ext(basename(gsub('[#?].*', '', url)), format)
output2 = normalizePath(output, mustWork = FALSE)
# try to remove the file and throw a clear error if it still exists as it may be locked
if (!suppressWarnings(file.remove(output2)) && xfun::file_exists(output2)) {
"The file '", output, "' cannot be overwritten",
if (format == "pdf") " (may be locked by a PDF reader?)", "."
if (!dir.exists(d <- dirname(output2)) && !dir.create(d, recursive = TRUE)) stop(
'Cannot create the directory for the output file: ', d
if ((format == 'pdf') && !all(c(missing(selector), missing(box_model), missing(scale))))
warning('For "pdf" format, arguments `selector`, `box_model` and `scale` are ignored.', call. = FALSE)
box_model = match.arg(box_model)
pr = NULL
res_fun = function(value) {} # default: do nothing
rej_fun = function(reason) {} # default: do nothing
if (async) {
pr_print = promises::promise(function(resolve, reject) {
res_fun <<- resolve
rej_fun <<- function(reason) reject(paste('Failed to generate output. Reason:', reason))
pr_timeout = promises::promise(function(resolve, reject) {
~reject(paste('Failed to generate output in', timeout, 'seconds (timeout).')),
pr = promises::promise_race(pr_print, pr_timeout)
promises::finally(pr, close_ws)
t0 = Sys.time(); token = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
if (!is.null(svr)) stop_server()
print_page(ws, url, output2, wait, verbose, token, format, options, selector, box_model, scale, outline, res_fun, rej_fun)
if (async) {
while (!isTRUE(token$done)) {
if (!is.null(e <- token$error)) stop('Failed to generate output. Reason: ', e)
if (as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), t0, units = 'secs')) > timeout) stop(
'Failed to generate output in ', timeout, ' seconds (timeout).'
later::run_now(); if (!is.null(svr)) run_servr()
if (is_rstudio_knit) message('\nOutput created: ', basename(output))
gen_toc_gs = function(toc) {
to_gs = function(x) {
stopifnot(setequal(names(x), c('title', 'page', 'children')))
template = "[/Count %d /Title <%s> /Page %d /OUT pdfmark"
title = x$title
page = x$page
count = length(x$children)
out = sprintf(template, count, title, page)
if (any(count > 0L)) {
children = lapply(x$children, to_gs)
out = c(out, unlist(children, use.names = FALSE))
unlist(lapply(toc, to_gs), use.names = FALSE)
find_gs = function() {
gs = tools::find_gs_cmd()
# according to the doc of tools::find_gs_cmd, gs should always be a string
gs_available = function() {
add_outline = function(input, toc_infos, verbose) {
gs_content = gen_toc_gs(toc_infos)
# when TOC doesn't exist, gs_content will be null
if (is.null(gs_content)) return(invisible(input))
gs_file = tempfile(); on.exit(unlink(gs_file), add = TRUE)
writeLines(gs_content, con = gs_file)
if (!gs_available()) stop(
'Cannot find GhostScript executable automatically. ',
"Please pass the full path of the GhostScript executable ",
"to the environment variable 'R_GSCMD'. ",
"See ?tools::find_gs_cmd for more details."
output = tempfile(fileext = '.pdf'); on.exit(unlink(output), add = TRUE)
input2 = input
if (!xfun::is_ascii(input2)) {
# this is needed when input contain non-ASCII characters
input2 = tempfile(fileext = '.pdf'); on.exit(unlink(input2), add = TRUE)
file.copy(input, input2)
args = c('-o', output, '-sDEVICE=pdfwrite', '-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress', input2, gs_file)
if (verbose < 2) args = c('-q', args)
gs_out = system2(find_gs(), shQuote(args))
if (gs_out == 0) {
file.copy(output, input, overwrite = TRUE)
} else {
warning('GhostScript fails to add the outlines', call. = FALSE)
#' Find Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Chromium in the system
#' On Windows, this function tries to find Chrome or Edge from the registry. On
#' macOS, it returns a hard-coded path of Chrome under \file{/Applications}. On
#' Linux, it searches for \command{chromium-browser} and \command{google-chrome}
#' from the system's \var{PATH} variable.
#' @return A character string.
#' @export
find_chrome = function() {
windows = {
res = unlist(lapply(c('ChromeHTML', 'MSEdgeHTM'), function(x) {
res = tryCatch({
unlist(utils::readRegistry(sprintf('%s\\shell\\open\\command', x), 'HCR'))
}, error = function(e) '')
res = unlist(strsplit(res, '"'))
res = head(res[file.exists(res)], 1)
if (length(res) < 1) stop(
'Cannot find Google Chrome or Edge automatically from the Windows Registry Hive. ',
"Please pass the full path of chrome.exe or msedge.exe to the 'browser' argument ",
"or to the environment variable 'PAGEDOWN_CHROME'."
unix = if (xfun::is_macos()) {
'/Applications/Google Chrome'
} else {
for (i in c('google-chrome', 'chromium-browser', 'chromium', 'google-chrome-stable')) {
if ((res <- Sys.which(i)) != '') break
if (res == '') stop('Cannot find Chromium or Google Chrome')
stop('Your platform is not supported')
proxy_args = function() {
# the order of the variables is important because the first non-empty variable is kept
val = Sys.getenv(c('https_proxy', 'HTTPS_PROXY', 'http_proxy', 'HTTP_PROXY'))
val = val[val != '']
if (length(val) == 0) return()
paste0('--proxy-server=', val[1]),
paste0('--proxy-bypass-list=', paste(no_proxy_urls(), collapse = ';'))
no_proxy_urls = function() {
x =, strsplit(Sys.getenv(c('no_proxy', 'NO_PROXY')), '[,;]'))
x = c('localhost', '', x)
is_remote_protocol_ok = function(debug_port,
verbose = 0) {
url = sprintf('', debug_port)
# can be specify with option, for ex. for CI specificity. see #117
max_attempts = getOption("pagedown.remote.maxattempts", 20L)
sleep_time = getOption("pagedown.remote.sleeptime", 0.5)
if (verbose >= 1) message('Trying to find headless Chrome in ', max_attempts, ' attempts')
for (i in seq_len(max_attempts)) {
remote_protocol = tryCatch(suppressWarnings(jsonlite::read_json(url)), error = function(e) NULL)
if (!is.null(remote_protocol)) {
if (verbose >= 1) message('Headless Chrome found at attempt ', i)
if (i == max_attempts) stop('Cannot find headless Chrome after ', max_attempts, ' attempts')
required_commands = list(
DOM = c('enable', 'getBoxModel', 'getDocument', 'querySelector'),
Network = c('enable'),
Page = c('addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument',
Runtime = c('enable', 'addBinding', 'evaluate'),
Target = c('attachToTarget', 'createTarget')
remote_domains = sapply(remote_protocol$domains, `[[`, 'domain')
if (!all(names(required_commands) %in% remote_domains))
required_events = list(
Inspector = c('targetCrashed'),
Network = c('responseReceived'),
Page = c('loadEventFired'),
Runtime = c('bindingCalled', 'exceptionThrown')
remote_commands = sapply(names(required_commands), function(domain) {
remote_protocol$domains[remote_domains %in% domain][[1]]$commands,
`[[`, 'name'
remote_events = sapply(names(required_events), function(domain) {
remote_protocol$domains[remote_domains %in% domain][[1]]$events,
`[[`, 'name'
if (!all(mapply(function(x, table) all(x %in% table), required_commands, remote_commands),
mapply(function(x, table) all(x %in% table), required_events, remote_events)
stream_pdf_available = 'transferMode' %in% sapply(
remote_protocol[['domains']][remote_domains == 'Page'][[1]][['commands']][remote_commands[['Page']] == 'printToPDF'][[1]][['parameters']],
`[[`, 'name'
res = TRUE
attr(res, 'stream_pdf_available') = stream_pdf_available
get_entrypoint = function(debug_port, verbose) {
version_infos = jsonlite::read_json(
sprintf('', debug_port), simplifyVector = TRUE
browser = version_infos$webSocketDebuggerUrl
if (length(browser) == 0) stop("Cannot find 'Browser' websocket URL. Please retry.")
if (verbose >= 1)
message('Browser version: ', version_infos$Browser)
print_page = function(
ws, url, output, wait, verbose, token, format,
options = list(), selector, box_model, scale, outline, resolve, reject
) {
# init values
session_id = NULL
coords = NULL
toc_infos = NULL
stream_handle = NULL
con = NULL
ws$onOpen(function(event) {
# Create a new Target (tab)
id = 1, method = 'Target.createTarget',
params = list(url = 'about:blank')
ws$onMessage(function(event) {
if (!is.null(token$error)) {
if (verbose >= 2) message('Message received from headless Chrome: ', event$data)
msg = jsonlite::fromJSON(event$data)
id = msg$id
method = msg$method
if (!is.null(token$error <- msg$error$message)) {
if (!is.null(id)) switch(
# Command #1 received -> callback: command #2 Target.attachToTarget in flat mode
id = 2, method = 'Target.attachToTarget',
params = list(targetId = msg$result$targetId, flatten = TRUE)
# Command #2 received -> store the sessionId; callback: command #3 Runtime.enable
session_id <<- msg$result$sessionId
id = 3, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Runtime.enable'
# Command #3 received -> callback: command #4 Page.enable
id = 4, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Page.enable'
# Command #4 received -> callback: command #5 Runtime.addBinding
id = 5, sessionId = session_id, method = "Runtime.addBinding",
params = list(name = "pagedownListener")
# Command #5 received -> callback: command #6 Network.Enable
id = 6, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Network.enable'
# Command #6 received -> callback: command #7 Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument
id = 7, sessionId = session_id, method = "Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument",
params = list(source = paste0(readLines(pkg_resource('js', 'chrome_print.js')), collapse = ""))
# Command #7 received -> callback: command #8 Page.Navigate
id = 8, sessionId = session_id, method= 'Page.navigate',
params = list(url = url)
# Command #8 received - check if there is an error when navigating to url
if(!is.null(token$error <- msg$result$errorText)) {
# Command #9 received - Test if the html document uses the paged.js polyfill
# if not, call the binding when HTMLWidgets, MathJax and fonts are ready
# (see inst/resources/js/chrome_print.js)
if (!isTRUE(msg$result$result$value)) {
id = 10, sessionId = session_id, method = "Runtime.evaluate",
params = list(expression = "pagedownReady.then(() => {pagedownListener('{\"pagedjs\":false}');})")
# Command #10 received - No callback
# Command #11 received -> callback: command #12 DOM.getDocument
ws$send(to_json(list(id = 12, sessionId = session_id, method = "DOM.getDocument"))),
# Command #12 received -> callback: command #13 DOM.querySelector
id = 13, sessionId = session_id, method = "DOM.querySelector",
params = list(nodeId = msg$result$root$nodeId, selector = selector)
# Command 13 received -> callback: command #14 DOM.getBoxModel
if (msg$result$nodeId == 0) {
token$error <- 'No element in the HTML page corresponds to the `selector` value.'
} else {
id = 14, sessionId = session_id, method = "DOM.getBoxModel",
params = list(nodeId = msg$result$nodeId)
# Command 14 received -> callback: command #15 Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride
coords <<- msg$result$model[[box_model]]
device_metrics = list(
width = ceiling(coords[5]),
height = ceiling(coords[6]),
deviceScaleFactor = 1,
mobile = FALSE
id = 15, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride',
params = device_metrics
# Command #15 received -> callback: command #16 Page.captureScreenshot
opts = as.list(options)
origin = as.list(coords[1:2])
names(origin) = c('x', 'y')
dims = as.list(coords[5:6] - coords[1:2])
names(dims) = c('width', 'height')
clip = c(origin, dims, list(scale = scale))
opts = merge_list(list(clip = clip), opts)
if (verbose >= 1) message(
'Screenshot captured with the following value for the `options` parameter:\n',
paste0(deparse(opts), collapse = '\n ')
opts$format = format
id = 16, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Page.captureScreenshot',
params = opts
# Command #16 received (printToPDF or captureScreenshot)
# if data are received -> callback: save to file & close Chrome
# if a stream handle is received -> callback: command #17
if (is.null(stream_handle <<- msg$result$stream)) {
writeBin(jsonlite::base64_dec(msg$result$data), output)
if (!isFALSE(outline) && length(toc_infos)) add_outline(output, toc_infos, verbose)
token$done = TRUE
} else {
if (verbose >= 1) message('Receiving PDF from a stream')
# open a connection
con <<- file(output, 'wb')
# read the first chunk of the stream
id = 17, sessionId = session_id, method = '',
params = list(handle = stream_handle)
# Command #17 received
# if there is another chunk to read -> callback:
# if EOF -> callback: command #18 IO.close
if (verbose >= 1) message(' stream chunk received')
if (isTRUE(msg$result$base64Encoded)) {
writeBin(jsonlite::base64_dec(msg$result$data), con)
} else {
writeBin(msg$result$data, con)
if (isTRUE(msg$result$eof)) {
if (verbose >= 1) message(
'No more stream chunk to read\n closing stream'
id = 18, sessionId = session_id, method = 'IO.close',
params = list(handle = stream_handle)
} else {
# read another chunk
id = 17, sessionId = session_id, method = '',
params = list(handle = stream_handle)
# Command #18 received -> callback: add outline & close Chrome
if (!isFALSE(outline) && length(toc_infos)) add_outline(output, toc_infos, verbose)
token$done = TRUE
if (!is.null(method)) {
if (method == "Network.responseReceived") {
status = as.numeric(msg$params$response$status)
if (status >= 400) {
token$error = sprintf(
'Failed to open %s (HTTP status code: %s)', msg$params$response$url, status
if (method == 'Inspector.targetCrashed') {
token$error = paste(
'Chrome crashed.',
'This may be caused by insufficient resources.',
'Please, try to add "--disable-dev-shm-usage" to the `extra_args` argument.'
if (method == 'Runtime.exceptionThrown') {
'A runtime exception has occured while executing JavaScript\n',
' Runtime exception message:\n ',
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE
if (method == "Page.loadEventFired") {
id = 9, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Runtime.evaluate',
params = list(expression = "!!window.PagedPolyfill")
if (method == "Runtime.bindingCalled") {
opts = as.list(options)
payload = jsonlite::fromJSON(msg$params$payload, simplifyVector = FALSE)
toc_infos <<- payload$tocInfos
if (verbose >= 1 && payload$pagedjs) {
message("Rendered ", payload$pages, " pages in ", payload$elapsedtime, " milliseconds.")
if (format == 'pdf') {
opts = merge_list(list(printBackground = TRUE, preferCSSPageSize = TRUE), opts)
id = 16, sessionId = session_id, params = opts, method = 'Page.printToPDF'
} else {
ws$send(to_json(list(id = 11, sessionId = session_id, method = "DOM.enable")))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.