
Defines functions pandoc.date pandoc.date.return pandoc.formula pandoc.formula.return pandoc.table pandoc.table.return pandoc.list pandoc.list.return pandoc.title pandoc.title.return pandoc.header pandoc.header.return pandoc.horizontal.rule pandoc.horizontal.rule.return pandoc.footnote pandoc.footnote.return pandoc.image pandoc.image.return pandoc.link pandoc.link.return pandoc.verbatim pandoc.verbatim.return pandoc.strikeout pandoc.strikeout.return pandoc.emphasis pandoc.emphasis.return pandoc.strong pandoc.strong.return pandoc.add.formatting pandoc.p pandoc.p.return pandoc.indent

Documented in pandoc.date pandoc.date.return pandoc.emphasis pandoc.emphasis.return pandoc.footnote pandoc.footnote.return pandoc.formula pandoc.formula.return pandoc.header pandoc.header.return pandoc.horizontal.rule pandoc.horizontal.rule.return pandoc.image pandoc.image.return pandoc.indent pandoc.link pandoc.link.return pandoc.list pandoc.list.return pandoc.p pandoc.p.return pandoc.strikeout pandoc.strikeout.return pandoc.strong pandoc.strong.return pandoc.table pandoc.table.return pandoc.title pandoc.title.return pandoc.verbatim pandoc.verbatim.return

#' Indent text
#' Indent all (optionally concatenated) lines of provided text with given level.
#' @param x character vector
#' @param level integer
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pandoc.indent('FOO', 1)
#' pandoc.indent(pandoc.table.return(table(mtcars$gear)), 2)
#' cat(pandoc.indent(pandoc.table.return(table(mtcars$gear)), 3))
pandoc.indent <- function(x, level = 0) {

    if (!is.character(x)) {
        stop('Only character strings are allowed.')
    indent <- repChar(' ', level * 4)
    res <- paste0(indent, gsub('\n', paste0('\n', indent), x))

    ## remove wasted space
    res <- gsub(' *\n', '\n', res)
    res <- sub(' *$', '', res)



#' Paragraphs
#' Pandoc's markdown paragraph.
#' @param x character vector
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.p
#' @seealso \code{\link{pandoc.emphasis}} \code{\link{pandoc.strikeout}} \code{\link{pandoc.verbatim}}
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
#' @examples
#' pandoc.p('FOO')
#' pandoc.p(c('Lorem', 'ipsum', 'lorem ipsum'))
pandoc.p.return <- function(x)
    add.blank.lines(add.blank.lines(paste(x, collapse = '\n')))

#' @export
pandoc.p <- function(...)

#' @keywords internal
pandoc.add.formatting <- function(x, f) {

    attributes(x) <- NULL
    if (!is.vector(x)) {
        stop('Sorry, vectors only!')

    ## escape chars
    f.e  <- gsub('*', '\\*', f, fixed = TRUE)

    ## remove trailing or leading spaces
    x    <- trim.spaces(x)

    ## do not stack formatting chars
    w    <- which(!grepl(sprintf('^%s.*%s$', f.e, f.e), x) & x != '')

    ## add an extra space if the string starts with a formatting char
    x[w] <- sapply(x[w],
                   function(x) ifelse(grepl(paste0('^', f.e), x), paste0('\\ ', x), x),
                   USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    ## add formatting chars
    x[w] <- paste0(f, x[w], f)



#' Strong emphasis
#' Pandoc's markdown strong emphasis format (e.g. \code{**FOO**}) is added to character string.
#' @param x character vector
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.strong
#' @seealso \code{\link{pandoc.emphasis}} \code{\link{pandoc.strikeout}} \code{\link{pandoc.verbatim}}
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
#' @examples
#' pandoc.strong('FOO')
#' pandoc.strong(c('FOO', '**FOO**'))
#' pandoc.strong.return('FOO')
pandoc.strong.return <- function(x)
    pandoc.add.formatting(x, '**')

#' @export
pandoc.strong <- function(...)

#' Emphasis
#' Pandoc's markdown emphasis format (e.g. \code{*FOO*}) is added to character string.
#' @param x character vector
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.emphasis
#' @seealso \code{\link{pandoc.strong}} \code{\link{pandoc.strikeout}} \code{\link{pandoc.verbatim}}
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
#' @examples
#' pandoc.emphasis('FOO')
#' pandoc.emphasis(c('FOO', '*FOO*'))
#' pandoc.emphasis.return('FOO')
pandoc.emphasis.return <- function(x)
    pandoc.add.formatting(x, '*')

#' @export
pandoc.emphasis <- function(...)

#' Add strikeout
#' Pandoc's markdown strikeout format (e.g. \code{~~FOO~~}) is added to character string.
#' @param x character vector
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.strikeout
#' @seealso \code{\link{pandoc.emphasis}} \code{\link{pandoc.strong}} \code{\link{pandoc.verbatim}}
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
#' @examples
#' pandoc.strikeout('FOO')
#' pandoc.strikeout(c('FOO', '~~FOO~~'))
#' pandoc.strikeout.return('FOO')
pandoc.strikeout.return <- function(x)
    pandoc.add.formatting(x, '~~') #nolint

#' @export
pandoc.strikeout <- function(...)

#' Add verbatim
#' Pandoc's markdown verbatim format (e.g. \code{`FOO`}) is added to character string.
#' @param x character vector
#' @param style show code \code{inline} or in a separate (\code{indent}ed or \code{delim}ited) block
#' @param attrs (optionally) pass ID, classes and any attribute to the \code{delimited} block
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.verbatim
#' @seealso \code{\link{pandoc.emphasis}} \code{\link{pandoc.strikeout}} \code{\link{pandoc.strong}}
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
#' @examples
#' # different styles/formats
#' pandoc.verbatim('FOO')
#' src <- c('FOO', 'indent', 'BAR' )
#' pandoc.verbatim(src)
#' pandoc.verbatim.return(src)
#' pandoc.verbatim(c('FOOO\nBAR  ', ' I do R'), 'indent')
#' pandoc.verbatim(c('FOOO\nBAR  ', ' I do R'), 'delim')
#' # add highlighting and HTML/LaTeX ID and classes (even custom attribute)
#' pandoc.verbatim(c('cat("FOO")', 'mean(bar)'), 'delim', '.R #MyCode custom_var="10"')
pandoc.verbatim.return <- function(x, style = c('inline', 'indent', 'delim'), attrs = '') {

    style <- match.arg(style)
    if (style != 'delim' & !missing(attrs)) {
        warning('Providing attrs is only meaningful with delimited blocks.')

           'inline' = paste0('`', trim.spaces(paste(x, collapse = ' ')), '`'),
           'indent' = sprintf('\n%s\n',
                              paste(paste0(repChar(' ', 4), unlist(strsplit(trim.spaces(x), '\n')), collapse = '\n'))),
           'delim'  = paste0('\n', repChar('`', 7), ifelse(attrs == '', '', sprintf('{%s}', attrs)), '\n', paste(trim.spaces(x), collapse = '\n'), '\n', repChar('`', 7), '\n') #nolint


#' @export
pandoc.verbatim <- function(...)

#' Create pandoc link
#' Pandoc's markdown format link.
#' @param url hyperlink
#' @param text link text
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.link
#' @examples
#' pandoc.link('https://www.r-project.org/')
#' pandoc.link('https://www.r-project.org/', 'R')
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
pandoc.link.return <- function(url, text = url)
    sprintf('[%s](%s)', text, url)

#' @export
pandoc.link <- function(...)

#' Create pandoc image tags
#' Creates a Pandoc's markdown format image hyperlink.
#' @param img image path
#' @param caption text
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.image
#' @seealso \code{\link{set.caption}}
#' @note The \code{caption} text is read from an internal buffer which defaults to \code{NULL}. To update that, call \code{link{set.caption}} before.
#' @examples
#' pandoc.image('foo.png')
#' pandoc.image('foo.png', 'Nice image, huh?')
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
pandoc.image.return <- function(img, caption = storage$caption) {


    if (is.null(caption)) {
        caption <- ''

    ## truncating caption buffer if needed
    if (!is.null(storage$caption)) {
        storage$caption <- NULL

    sprintf('![%s](%s)', caption, img)

#' @export
pandoc.image <- function(...)

#' Footnote
#' Creates a Pandoc's markdown format footnote.
#' @param x character vector
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.footnote
#' @examples
#' pandoc.footnote('Automatically numbered footnote, right?')
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
pandoc.footnote.return <- function(x)
    gsub('[\n][\n]*', '\n', sprintf('^[%s]', paste(x, collapse = ' ')))

#' @export
pandoc.footnote <- function(...)

#' Create horizontal rule
#' Creates a Pandoc's markdown format horizontal line with trailing and leading newlines.
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.horizontal.rule
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
pandoc.horizontal.rule.return <- function()

#' @export
pandoc.horizontal.rule <- function(...)

#' Create header
#' Creates a (Pandoc's) markdown style header with given level.
#' @param x character vector
#' @param level integer
#' @param style atx or setext type of heading
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.header
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
#' @examples
#' pandoc.header('Foo!', 4)
#' pandoc.header('Foo!', 2, 'setext')
#' pandoc.header('Foo **bar**!', 1, 'setext')
pandoc.header.return <- function(x, level = 1, style = c('atx', 'setext')) {

    if (missing(style)) {
        style <- panderOptions('header.style')
    } else {
        style <- match.arg(style)

    if (!is.numeric(level)) {
        stop('Wrong level provided!')
    if (any( (style == 'atx' & level > 6), (style == 'setext' & level > 2))) {
        stop('Too high level provided!')
    if (level < 1) {
        stop('Too low level provided!')

    res <- switch(style,
                  'atx'    = paste(repChar('#', level), x),
                  'setext' = paste(x, repChar(ifelse(level == 1, '=', '-'), nchar(x, type = 'width')), sep = '\n')



#' @export
pandoc.header <- function(...)

#' Create title block
#' Creates a Pandoc's markdown style title block with optional author, title and date fields.
#' @param author character vector or semicolon delimited list of authors without line break
#' @param title character vector of lines of title or multiline string with \code{\\n} separators
#' @param date any string fit in one line
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.title
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
#' @examples
#' pandoc.title('Tom', 'Render pandoc in R', '2012-05-16')
#' pandoc.title(c('Tom', 'Jerry'), 'Render pandoc in R', '2012-05-16')
#' pandoc.title('Tom; Jerry', 'Render pandoc in R', '2012-05-16')
#' pandoc.title('Tom; Jerry', c('Render', 'pandoc', 'in R'), '2012-05-16')
#' pandoc.title('Tom; Jerry', 'Render\n    pandoc \n    in R', '2012-05-16')
#' ## missing fields
#' pandoc.title('Tom; Jerry', 'Render pandoc in R')
#' pandoc.title('Tom; Jerry')
#' pandoc.title(title = 'Render pandoc in R', date= '2012-05-16')
pandoc.title.return <- function(author = '', title = '', date = '') {

    ## updating title tags
    if (length(author) > 1) {
        author <- paste('%', paste(author, collapse = '; '))
    if (length(title) > 1) {
        title  <- paste0(
            '% ',
            gsub('[\t ][\t ]*', '  ', gsub('\n', '\n  ', paste(title, collapse = '\n'))))

    if (author == '' && title == '' && date != '') {
        stop('You cannot create a title with only date specified!')

    ## formatting result
    if (title == '') {
        ## author
        res <- paste0('%\n', author)
    } else {
        if (date == '') {
            if (author == '') {
                ## title
                res <- title
            } else {
                ## author and title
                res <- paste(title, author, sep = '\n')
        } else {
            date <- paste0('% ', gsub('\n', ' ', date)[1])
            if (author == '') {
                ## title and date
                res <- paste(title, '%', date, sep = '\n')
            } else {
                ## author, title and date
                res <- paste(title, author, date, sep = '\n')

    sprintf('%s\n', res)


#' @export
pandoc.title <- function(...)

#' Create a list
#' Creates a Pandoc's markdown format list from provided character vector/list.
#' @param elements character vector of strings
#' @param style the required style of the list
#' @param loose adding a newline between elements
#' @param add.line.breaks adding a leading and trailing newline before/after the list
#' @param add.end.of.list adding a separator comment after the list
#' @param indent.level the level of indent
#' @param missing string to replace missing values
#' @param ... extra arguments passed by from parent call, disregarded
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.list
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
#' @examples
#' ## basic lists
#' pandoc.list(letters[1:5])
#' pandoc.list(letters[1:5])
#' pandoc.list(letters[1:5], 'ordered')
#' pandoc.list(letters[1:5], 'roman')
#' pandoc.list(letters[1:5], loose = TRUE)
#' ## nested lists
#' l <- list("First list element",
#'   rep.int('sub element', 5),
#'   "Second element",
#'   list('F', 'B', 'I', c('phone', 'pad', 'talics')))
#' pandoc.list(l)
#' pandoc.list(l, loose = TRUE)
#' pandoc.list(l, 'roman')
#' ## complex nested lists
#' pandoc.list(list('one', as.list(2)))
#' pandoc.list(list('one', list('two')))
#' pandoc.list(list('one', list(2:3)))
#' @importFrom utils as.roman
pandoc.list.return <- function(elements, style = c('bullet', 'ordered', 'roman'), loose = FALSE, add.line.breaks = TRUE, add.end.of.list = TRUE, indent.level = 0, missing = panderOptions('missing'), ...) { #nolint

    ## checks
    if (!is.logical(loose)) {
        stop('Wrong argument provided: loose')

    ## default values
    if (missing(style)) {
        style <- panderOptions('list.style')
    } else {
        style <- match.arg(style)

    ## replace missing values
    w <- which(is.na(elements))
    if (length(w) > 0) {
        elements[w] <- missing

    ## helpers
    elements.l <- length(elements)
    marker     <- switch(style,
                         'bullet'  = rep('* ', elements.l),
                         'ordered' = paste0(1:elements.l, '. '),
                         'roman'   = paste0(as.roman(1:elements.l), '. '))

    ## number of elements should be more than one
    if (elements.l == 0) {

    ## recursive call
    i.lag <- 0
    res <- ifelse(add.line.breaks, '\n', '')
    res <- paste(sapply(1:elements.l, function(i) {
        if (length(elements[[i]]) == 1 && !is.list(elements[[i]])) {
            paste0(paste(rep(' ', indent.level * 4), collapse = ''), marker[i - i.lag], elements[i])
        } else {
            i.lag <<- i.lag + 1
            pandoc.list.return(elements[[i]], style, loose, FALSE, FALSE, indent.level + 1)
        collapse = '\n', ifelse(loose, '\n', ''))

    ## closing tag
    if (add.end.of.list) {
        res <- paste0(res, ifelse(loose, '', '\n\n'), '<!-- end of list -->\n')
    if (add.line.breaks) {
        res <- add.blank.lines(res)



#' @export
pandoc.list <- function(...)

#' Create a table
#' Creates a Pandoc's markdown style table with optional caption and some other tweaks. See 'Details' below.
#' This function takes any tabular data as its first argument and will try to make it pretty like: rounding and applying \code{digits} and custom \code{decimal.mark} to numbers, auto-recognizing if row names should be included, setting alignment of cells and dropping trailing zeros by default.
#' \code{pandoc.table} also tries to split large cells with line breaks or even the whole table to separate parts on demand. Other arguments lets the use to highlight some rows/cells/cells in the table with italic or bold text style.
#' For more details please see the parameters above and passed arguments of \code{\link{panderOptions}}.
#' @param t data frame, matrix or table
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param digits passed to \code{format}. Can be a vector specifying values for each column (has to be the same length as number of columns).
#' @param decimal.mark passed to \code{format}
#' @param big.mark passed to \code{format}
#' @param round passed to \code{round}. Can be a vector specifying values for each column (has to be the same length as number of columns). Values for non-numeric columns will be disregarded.
#' @param missing string to replace missing values
#' @param justify defines alignment in cells passed to \code{format}. Can be \code{left}, \code{right} or \code{centre}, which latter can be also spelled as \code{center}. Defaults to \code{centre}. Can be abbreviated to a string consisting of the letters \code{l}, \code{c} and \code{r} (e.g. 'lcr' instead of c('left', 'centre', 'right').
#' @param style which Pandoc style to use: \code{simple}, \code{multiline}, \code{grid} or \code{rmarkdown}
#' @param split.tables where to split wide tables to separate tables. The default value (\code{80}) suggests the conventional number of characters used in a line, feel free to change (e.g. to \code{Inf} to disable this feature) if you are not using a VT100 terminal any more :)
#' @param split.cells where to split cells' text with line breaks. Default to \code{30}, to disable set to \code{Inf}. Can be also supplied as a vector, for each cell separately (if length(split.cells) == number of columns + 1, then first value in split.cells if for row names, and others are for columns). Supports relative (percentage) parameters in combination with split.tables.
#' @param keep.trailing.zeros to show or remove trailing zeros in numbers on a column basis width
#' @param keep.line.breaks (default: \code{FALSE}) if to keep or remove line breaks from cells in a table
#' @param plain.ascii (default: \code{FALSE}) if output should be in plain ascii (without markdown markup) or not
#' @param use.hyphening boolean (default: \code{FALSE}) if try to use hyphening when splitting large cells according to table.split.cells. Requires \pkg{sylly}.
#' @param row.names if \code{FALSE}, row names are suppressed. A character vector of row names can also be specified here. By default, row names are included if \code{rownames(t)} is neither
#'   \code{NULL} nor identical to \code{1:nrow(x)}
#' @param col.names a character vector of column names to be used in the table
#' @param emphasize.rownames boolean (default: \code{TRUE}) if row names should be highlighted
#' @param emphasize.rows deprecated for \code{emphasize.italics.rows} argument
#' @param emphasize.cols deprecated for \code{emphasize.italics.cols} argument
#' @param emphasize.cells deprecated for \code{emphasize.italics.cells} argument
#' @param emphasize.italics.rows a vector for a two dimensional table specifying which rows to emphasize
#' @param emphasize.italics.cols a vector for a two dimensional table specifying which cols to emphasize
#' @param emphasize.italics.cells a vector for one-dimensional tables or a matrix like structure with two columns for row and column indexes to be emphasized in two dimensional tables. See e.g. \code{which(..., arr.ind = TRUE)}
#' @param emphasize.strong.rows see \code{emphasize.italics.rows} but in bold
#' @param emphasize.strong.cols see \code{emphasize.italics.cols} but in bold
#' @param emphasize.strong.cells see \code{emphasize.italics.cells} but in bold
#' @param emphasize.verbatim.rows see \code{emphasize.italics.rows} but in verbatim
#' @param emphasize.verbatim.cols see \code{emphasize.italics.cols} but in verbatim
#' @param emphasize.verbatim.cells see \code{emphasize.italics.cells} but in verbatim
#' @param ... unsupported extra arguments directly placed into \code{/dev/null}
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call \code{pandoc.table.return} instead.
#' @export
#' @useDynLib pander
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom stats ftable
#' @aliases pandoc.table
#' @seealso \code{\link{set.caption}}, \code{\link{set.alignment}}
#' @note If \code{caption} is missing, then the value is first checked in \code{t} object's \code{caption} attribute and if not found in an internal buffer set by \code{link{set.caption}}. \code{justify} parameter works similarly, see \code{\link{set.alignment}} for details.
#' @references John MacFarlane (2012): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
#' @examples
#' pandoc.table(mtcars)
#' # caption
#' pandoc.table(mtcars, 'Motor Trend Car Road Tests')
#' # other input/output formats
#' pandoc.table(mtcars[, 1:3], decimal.mark = ',')
#' pandoc.table(mtcars[, 1:3], decimal.mark = ',', justify = 'right')
#' pandoc.table(matrix(sample(1:1000, 25), 5, 5))
#' pandoc.table(matrix(runif(25), 5, 5))
#' pandoc.table(matrix(runif(25), 5, 5), digits = 5)
#' pandoc.table(matrix(runif(25),5,5), round = 1)
#' pandoc.table(table(mtcars$am))
#' pandoc.table(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear))
#' pandoc.table(table(state.division, state.region))
#' pandoc.table(table(state.division, state.region), justify = 'centre')
#' m <- data.frame(a = c(1, -500, 10320, 23, 77),
#'   b = runif(5),
#'   c = c('a', 'bb', 'ccc', 'dddd', 'eeeee'))
#' pandoc.table(m)
#' pandoc.table(m, justify = c('right', 'left', 'centre'))
#' pandoc.table(m, justify = 'rlc') # Same as upper statement
#' ## splitting up too wide tables
#' pandoc.table(mtcars)
#' pandoc.table(mtcars, caption = 'Only once after the first part!')
#' ## tables with line breaks in cells
#' ## NOTE: line breaks are removed from table content in case keep.line.breaks is set to FALSE
#' ## and added automatically based on "split.cells" parameter!
#' t <- data.frame(a = c('hundreds\nof\nmouses', '3 cats'), b=c('FOO is nice', 'BAR\nBAR2'))
#' pandoc.table(t)
#' pandoc.table(t, split.cells = 5)
#' ## exporting tables in other Pandoc styles
#' pandoc.table(m)
#' pandoc.table(m, style = "grid")
#' pandoc.table(m, style = "simple")
#' pandoc.table(t, style = "grid")
#' pandoc.table(t, style = "grid", split.cells = 5)
#' tryCatch(pandoc.table(t, style = "simple", split.cells = 5),
#'   error = function(e) 'Yeah, no newline support in simple tables')
#' ## highlight cells
#' t <- mtcars[1:3, 1:5]
#' pandoc.table(t$mpg, emphasize.italics.cells = 1)
#' pandoc.table(t$mpg, emphasize.strong.cells = 1)
#' pandoc.table(t$mpg, emphasize.italics.cells = 1, emphasize.strong.cells = 1)
#' pandoc.table(t$mpg, emphasize.italics.cells = 1:2)
#' pandoc.table(t$mpg, emphasize.strong.cells = 1:2)
#' pandoc.table(t, emphasize.italics.cells = which(t > 20, arr.ind = TRUE))
#' pandoc.table(t, emphasize.italics.cells = which(t == 6, arr.ind = TRUE))
#' pandoc.table(t, emphasize.verbatim.cells = which(t == 6, arr.ind = TRUE))
#' pandoc.table(t, emphasize.verbatim.cells = which(t == 6, arr.ind = TRUE),
#'  emphasize.italics.rows = 1)
#' ## with helpers
#' emphasize.cols(1)
#' emphasize.rows(1)
#' pandoc.table(t)
#' emphasize.strong.cells(which(t > 20, arr.ind = TRUE))
#' pandoc.table(t)
#' ### plain.ascii
#' pandoc.table(mtcars[1:3, 1:3], plain.ascii = TRUE)
#' ### keep.line.breaks
#' x <- data.frame(a="Pandoc\nPackage")
#' pandoc.table(x)
#' pandoc.table(x, keep.line.breaks = TRUE)
#' ## split.cells
#' x <- data.frame(a = "foo bar", b = "foo bar")
#' pandoc.table(x, split.cells = 4)
#' pandoc.table(x, split.cells = 7)
#' pandoc.table(x, split.cells = c(4, 7))
#' pandoc.table(x, split.cells = c("20%", "80%"), split.tables = 30)
#' y <- c("aa aa aa", "aaa aaa", "a a a a a", "aaaaa", "bbbb bbbb bbbb", "bb bbb bbbb")
#' y <- matrix(y, ncol = 3, nrow = 2)
#' rownames(y) <- c("rowname one", "rowname two")
#' colnames(y) <- c("colname one", "colname two", "colname three")
#' pandoc.table(y, split.cells = 2)
#' pandoc.table(y, split.cells = 6)
#' pandoc.table(y, split.cells = c(2, 6, 10))
#' pandoc.table(y, split.cells = c(2, Inf, Inf))
#' ## first value used for rownames
#' pander(y, split.cells = c(5, 2, Inf, Inf))
#' pandoc.table(y, split.cells = c(5, 2, Inf, 5, 3, 10))
#' ## when not enough reverting to default values
#' pandoc.table(y, split.cells = c(5, 2))
#' ## split.cells with hyphenation
#' x <- data.frame(a = "Can be also supplied as a vector, for each cell separately",
#'        b = "Can be also supplied as a vector, for each cell separately")
#' pandoc.table(x, split.cells = 10, use.hyphening = TRUE)
pandoc.table.return <- function(t, caption, digits = panderOptions('digits'), decimal.mark = panderOptions('decimal.mark'), big.mark = panderOptions('big.mark'), round = panderOptions('round'), missing = panderOptions('missing'), justify, style = c('multiline', 'grid', 'simple', 'rmarkdown', 'jira'), split.tables = panderOptions('table.split.table'), split.cells = panderOptions('table.split.cells'), keep.trailing.zeros = panderOptions('keep.trailing.zeros'), keep.line.breaks = panderOptions('keep.line.breaks'), plain.ascii = panderOptions('plain.ascii'), use.hyphening = panderOptions('use.hyphening'), row.names, col.names, emphasize.rownames = panderOptions('table.emphasize.rownames'), emphasize.rows, emphasize.cols, emphasize.cells, emphasize.strong.rows, emphasize.strong.cols, emphasize.strong.cells, emphasize.italics.rows, emphasize.italics.cols, emphasize.italics.cells, emphasize.verbatim.rows, emphasize.verbatim.cols, emphasize.verbatim.cells, ...) { #nolint

    row.names.provided <- !missing(row.names)

    ## expands cells for output
    table.expand <- function(cells, cols.width, justify, sep.cols) {
        ## fix encoding issue in C++ on Windows
        if (l10n_info()$`UTF-8` == FALSE) {
            cells <- enc2native(cells)
        tableExpand_cpp(cells, cols.width, justify, sep.cols, style)

    ## cell conversion to plain-ascii (deletion of markup characters)
    to.plain.ascii <- function(x){
        x <- gsub('[\\\\]', '', x) # backslashes
        x <- gsub('&nbsp;', ' ', x)  # table non-breaking space
        x <- gsub('[*]+([^\\*.]*)[*]+', '\\1', x) # emphasis and strong
        x <- gsub('^[`]|[`]$', '', x) # verbatium
        x <- gsub('^[~]{2}|[~]{2}$', '', x) # strikeout
        gsub('^[_]|[_]$', '', x) # italic

    ## split single cell with line breaks based on max.width
    split.single.cell <- function(x, max.width){
        if (!is.character(x)) {
            x <- as.character(x)
        ## as.character(NA) remains NA, which causes isses with nchar since 2015-04-23
        ## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2015-April/071007.html
        if (is.na(x)) {
            x <- 'NA'
        if (!style %in% c('simple', 'rmarkdown')) {
            ## split
            if (nchar(x) == nchar(encodeString(x)) && !use.hyphening) {
                x <- paste(strwrap(x, width = max.width + 1), collapse = '\n')
            } else {
                ## dealing with CJK chars + also it does not count \n, \t, etc.
                ## this happens because width - counts only the number of columns
                ## cat will use to print the string in a monospaced font.
                if (!keep.line.breaks){
                    x <- gsub('\n', ' ', x)
                    x <- splitLine(x, max.width, use.hyphening)
                } else {
                    lines <- strsplit(x, '\\n')[[1]]
                    x <- ''
                    for (line in lines) {
                        sl <- splitLine(line, max.width, use.hyphening)
                        x <- paste0(x, sl, sep = '\n')
            x <- gsub('^\\s+|\\s+$', '', x)

    split.large.cells <- function(cells, for.rownames = FALSE) {

        ## if we have a single value, extend it to a vector to do less checks laters
        if (length(split.cells) == 1) {
            split.cells <- rep(split.cells, length(cells))
        if (for.rownames) {
            ## in case it is used for rownames, we only need the first value
            split.cells <- rep(split.cells[1], length(cells))

        res <- NULL
        rn <- rownames(cells)
        ## single value and vectors/lists
        if (length(dim(cells)) < 2) {

                ## discard first value which was for rownames
                if (!for.rownames && (length(split.cells) >= length(cells) + 1)) {
                    split.cells <- split.cells[-1]

                if (length(cells) > length(split.cells)) {
                    warning('length of split.cells vector is smaller than data. Default value will be used for other cells') #nolint
                    split.cells <- c(split.cells, rep(panderOptions('table.split.cells'), length(cells) - length(split.cells))) #nolint
                res <- sapply(seq_along(cells), function(x, i) split.single.cell(x[i], max.width = split.cells[i]), x = cells, USE.NAMES = FALSE) #nolint

        } else {
            ## matrixes and tables
            ## discard first value which was for rownames
            if (length(split.cells) >= dim(cells)[2] + 1) {
                split.cells <- split.cells[-1]

            if (dim(cells)[2] > length(split.cells)) {
                warning('length of split.cells vector is smaller than data. Default value will be used for other cells')
                split.cells <- c(split.cells, rep(panderOptions('table.split.cells'),
                                                  dim(cells)[2] - length(split.cells)))

            for (j in 1:dim(cells)[2]) {
                res <- cbind(res, sapply(cells[, j], split.single.cell, max.width = split.cells[j], USE.NAMES = FALSE))

        rownames(res) <- rn
        ## return


    align.hdr <- function(t.width, justify) {
        justify.vec <- rep(justify, length.out = length(t.width))
        dashes <- mapply(function(justify, width)
                             left = paste0(':', repChar('-', width + 1)),
                             right = paste0(repChar('-', width + 1), ':'),
                             centre = paste0(':', repChar('-', width), ':')
                         justify.vec, t.width)
        hdr <- paste0('|', paste(dashes, collapse = '|'), '|')
    is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)
        abs(x - round(x)) < tol
    check.highlight.parameters <- function(x, num, num2) {
        if (!all(is.wholenumber(x))){
            stop('Only integers (whole numbers) can be passed to highlight table cell(s), row(s) or column(s).')
        if (!all(x > 0)) {
            stop('Only positive numbers can be passed to highlight table cell(s), row(s) or column(s).')
        if (missing(num2)) {
            if (!is.vector(x)) {
                stop('Only a vector or NULL can be passed to highlight table cell(s), row(s) or column(s).')
            if (!all(x < (num + 1))) {
                stop(paste('Too high number passed that should be kept below', num + 1))
        } else {
            if (ncol(x) != 2) {
                stop('A matrix like structure should be passed to highlight cells of a table with two columns for row and column indexes - just like what is returned by `which(..., arr.ind = TRUE)`.') #nolint
            if (!all(x[, 1] < (num + 1))) {
                stop(paste('Too high number passed for row indexes that should be kept below', num + 1))
            if (!all(x[, 2] < (num2 + 1))) {
                stop(paste('Too high number passed for column indexes that should be kept below', num + 1))

    ## #########################################################################
    ## converting the table into intermediate representation
    ## #########################################################################

    ## revert dplyr to a normal data.frame
    if (inherits(t, 'tbl_df')) {
        t <- as.data.frame(t)

    ## we have a high-dimensional table to be converted to 2D
    if (length(dim(t)) > 2){
        t <- ftable(t)

    } else {

        ## we have a pseudo-table with only one or NULL dimension
        if (length(dim(t)) < 2) {

            tn <- names(t)

            ## print.summaryDefault stores NAs in a very special way
            ## see eg: pander(summary(c(Sys.Date(), NA)))
            if ( (inherits(t, 'Date') || inherits(t, 'POSIXct')) & length(attr(t, 'NAs'))) {
                tn <- c(tn, 'NAs')

            ## matrix/rbind will coerce cells to atomic (e.g. Date to numeric)
            ## so we should first convert these values to a character vector
            if (!is.numeric(t)) {
                t <- as.character(t)

            ## make a table
            t <- rbind(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = length(t)), t)

            ## restore col/row names
            colnames(t) <- tn
            rownames(t) <- NULL

            ## special conversion for emphasize.cells, emphasize.strong.cells
            if (!missing(emphasize.cells)) {
                emphasize.cells <- cbind(rep(1, length(emphasize.cells)), emphasize.cells)
            if (!missing(emphasize.verbatim.cells)) {
                emphasize.verbatim.cells <- cbind(rep(1, length(emphasize.verbatim.cells)), emphasize.verbatim.cells)
            if (!missing(emphasize.italics.cells)) {
                emphasize.italics.cells <- cbind(rep(1, length(emphasize.italics.cells)), emphasize.italics.cells)
            if (!missing(emphasize.strong.cells)) {
                emphasize.strong.cells <- cbind(rep(1, length(emphasize.strong.cells)), emphasize.strong.cells)

        } else {
            if (dim(t)[1] == 0) {
                ## check for empty objects
                if (!is.null(colnames(t)) && length(colnames(t)) > 0) {
                    t <- matrix(data = pandoc.strong.return(colnames(t)), nrow = 1)
                } else {
                    warning('Object is empty and without header. No output will be produced')

    ## #########################################################################
    ## check passed parameters and set sane defaults
    ## #########################################################################

    ## check correct split.cells param
    if (length(split.cells) == 0) {
        warning('split.cells is a vector of length 0, reverting to default value')
        split.cells <- panderOptions('table.split.cells')

    ## check for relative split.cells
    if (all(grepl('%$', split.cells))){
        d <- dim(t)[2]
        split.cells <- as.numeric(gsub('%$', '', split.cells))
        if (sum(split.cells) == 100){
            if (is.infinite(split.tables)){
                warning('Split.tables is an infinite value, so split cells can\'t be suplied as relative value. Reverting to default') #nolint
                split.cells <- panderOptions('table.split.cells')
            } else{
                d <- ifelse(length(rownames(t)) != 0, d, d + 1)
                if (length(split.cells) < d) {
                    cat('d - ', d, '\n')
                    warning('Using relative split.cells require a value for every column and rownames. Reverting to default') #nolint
                    split.cells <- panderOptions('table.split.cells')
                } else {
                    split.cells <- round(split.cells * 0.01 * split.tables)
        } else {
            warning('Supplied relative values don\'t add up to 100%. Reverting to default')
            split.cells <- panderOptions('table.split.cells')

    ## initializing
    mc  <- match.call()
    if (is.null(mc$style)) {
        style <- panderOptions('table.style')
    } else {
        style <- match.arg(style)
    if (row.names.provided) {
      if (identical(row.names, FALSE)) {
        rownames(t) <- NULL
        row.names.provided <- FALSE
      } else {
        rownames(t) <- row.names
    if (!missing(col.names)) {
      colnames(t) <- col.names
    if (is.null(mc$justify)) {
        if (is.null(attr(t, 'alignment'))) {
            if (inherits(t, 'ftable')) {
                justify <- get.alignment(format(t), remove.obious.rownames = !row.names.provided)
            } else {
                justify <- get.alignment(t, remove.obious.rownames = !row.names.provided)
        } else {
            justify <- attr(t, 'alignment')
    if (is.null(mc$caption)) {
        if (is.null(attr(t, 'caption'))) {
            caption <- get.caption()
        } else {
            caption <- attr(t, 'caption')

    ## check if emphasize parameters were passed
    emphasize.parameters <- c('emphasize.rows',
    if (all(sapply(emphasize.parameters, function(p) is.null(mc[[p]]), USE.NAMES = FALSE))) {
        ## check if emphasize parameters were set in attributes
        if (all(sapply(emphasize.parameters, function(p) is.null(attr(t, p)), USE.NAMES = FALSE))) {
            t <- get.emphasize(t)
        ## set emphasize parameters at last
        for (p in emphasize.parameters) {
            assign(p, attr(t, p))
    } else {
        ## some emphasize parameters passed, other should be set to NULL
        for (p in emphasize.parameters) {
            if (is.null(mc[[p]])) {
                assign(p, NULL)
    res <- ''

    ## store missing values
    wm <- which(is.na(t), arr.ind = TRUE)

    ## #########################################################################
    ## update numeric values
    ## #########################################################################

    ## round numbers & cut digits & apply decimal mark & optionally remove trailing zeros
    digits <- check_digits(digits, 'digits', ncol(t))

    ## Temporary conversion of matrix to data.frame,
    ## because matrix columns can't be formatted separately:
    ## as soon as first column is formatted all others are fomatted too.
    ## Formatting each column separately is needed
    ## to support digits and round params as vectors with values for each column.
    rn <- rownames(t)
    cln <- colnames(t)
    if (inherits(t, 'matrix') & !inherits(t, 'table')) {
      rownames(t) <- NULL
      temp.t <- t <- as.data.frame(t)
    } else {
      temp.t <- t
    t.n <- which(sapply(1:ncol(t), function(x) is.numeric(t[, x])))
    if (length(t.n) > 0) {
        ## make sure it's numeric (eg convert integer64 first as sapply having issues)
        ## see eg: sapply(bit64::as.integer64(1:5), format)
        for (j in t.n) {
            t[, j] <- as.numeric(t[, j])
        ## round digits as needed
        round <- check_digits(round, 'round', ncol(t))
        ## for-loop is needed to preserve row/col names and use index to get appropriate value from round vector
        for (j in 1:ncol(temp.t)) {
            if (j %in% t.n) {
                t[, j] <- round(t[, j], digits = round[j])
        if (!keep.trailing.zeros) {
            ## for-loop is needed to preserve row/col names and use index to get appropriate value from digits vector
            for (j in 1:ncol(temp.t)) {
                temp.t[, j] <- sapply(t[, j],
                                      trim         = TRUE,
                                      digits       = digits[j],
                                      decimal.mark = decimal.mark,
                                      big.mark     = big.mark,
                                      quote        = FALSE)

    ## drop unexpected classes and revert back to a common format
    if (keep.trailing.zeros) {
        ## for-loop is needed to preserve row/col names and use index to get appropriate value from digits vector
        for (j in 1:ncol(t)) {
            temp.t[, j] <- format(t[, j],
                                  trim         = TRUE,
                                  digits       = digits[j],
                                  decimal.mark = decimal.mark,
                                  big.mark     = big.mark,
                                  quote        = FALSE)
    } else {
        ## here adds unneeded zero's
        temp.t <- format(temp.t, trim = TRUE, quote = FALSE)

    ## transform to matrix with proper row/colnames
    t <- as.matrix(temp.t)
    colnames(t) <- cln
    rownames(t) <- rn

    ## force all non-numeric cells to character vectors
    wf <- which(sapply(t, is.factor))
    if (length(wf) > 0) {
        t[, wf] <- apply(t[wf], 2, as.character)

    ## replace missing values
    if (length(wm) > 0) {
        t[wm] <- missing

    ## #########################################################################
    ## adding formatting (emphasis, strong etc.)
    ## #########################################################################

    is.empty <- function(x) {
        is.null(x) || length(x) == 0

    if (is.null(emphasize.italics.rows)) {
        emphasize.italics.rows <- emphasize.rows
    if (is.null(emphasize.italics.cols)) {
        emphasize.italics.cols <- emphasize.cols
    if (is.null(emphasize.italics.cells)) {
        emphasize.italics.cells <- emphasize.cells
    if (!is.empty(emphasize.verbatim.rows) && !plain.ascii) {
        check.highlight.parameters(emphasize.verbatim.rows, nrow(t))
        t[emphasize.verbatim.rows, ] <- apply(t[emphasize.verbatim.rows, , drop = FALSE], #nolint
                                              c(1, 2),
    if (!is.empty(emphasize.verbatim.cols) && !plain.ascii) {
        check.highlight.parameters(emphasize.verbatim.cols, ncol(t))
        t[, emphasize.verbatim.cols] <- apply(t[, emphasize.verbatim.cols, drop = FALSE],
                                              c(1, 2), pandoc.verbatim.return)
    if (!is.empty(emphasize.verbatim.cells) && !plain.ascii) {
        t <- as.matrix(t)
        check.highlight.parameters(emphasize.verbatim.cells, nrow(t), ncol(t))
        t[emphasize.verbatim.cells] <- sapply(t[emphasize.verbatim.cells], pandoc.verbatim.return)
    if (!is.empty(emphasize.italics.rows) && !plain.ascii) {
        check.highlight.parameters(emphasize.italics.rows, nrow(t))
        t[emphasize.italics.rows, ] <- base::t(apply(t[emphasize.italics.rows, , drop = FALSE], #nolint
    if (!is.empty(emphasize.strong.rows) && !plain.ascii) {
        check.highlight.parameters(emphasize.strong.rows, nrow(t))
        t[emphasize.strong.rows, ] <- base::t(apply(t[emphasize.strong.rows, , drop = FALSE], #nolint
    if (!is.empty(emphasize.italics.cols) && !plain.ascii) {
        check.highlight.parameters(emphasize.italics.cols, ncol(t))
        t[, emphasize.italics.cols] <- apply(t[, emphasize.italics.cols, drop = FALSE], c(2), pandoc.emphasis.return)
    if (!is.empty(emphasize.strong.cols) && !plain.ascii) {
        check.highlight.parameters(emphasize.strong.cols, ncol(t))
        t[, emphasize.strong.cols] <- apply(t[, emphasize.strong.cols, drop = FALSE], c(2), pandoc.strong.return)
    if (!is.empty(emphasize.italics.cells) && !plain.ascii) {
        t <- as.matrix(t)
        check.highlight.parameters(emphasize.italics.cells, nrow(t), ncol(t))
        t[emphasize.italics.cells] <- pandoc.emphasis.return(t[emphasize.italics.cells])
    if (!is.empty(emphasize.strong.cells) && !plain.ascii) {
        t <- as.matrix(t)
        check.highlight.parameters(emphasize.strong.cells, nrow(t), ncol(t))
        t[emphasize.strong.cells] <- pandoc.strong.return(t[emphasize.strong.cells])

    ## #########################################################################
    ## (re)set row and column names
    ## #########################################################################

    ## get (col/row)names if any
    t.colnames <- tryCatch(colnames(t), error = function(e) NULL)
    t.rownames <- tryCatch(rownames(t), error = function(e) NULL)

    ## fixed for incorrect pipelining with rmarkdown (#186)
    if (style == 'rmarkdown') {
        t <- apply(t, c(1,2), function(x) gsub('\\|', '\\\\|', x)) #nolint
        t.rownames <- sapply(t.rownames, function(x) gsub('\\|', '\\\\|', x)) #nolint

    t <- split.large.cells(t)

    ## re-set col/rownames to be passed to split tables
    if (!is.null(t.rownames)) {
        rownames(t) <- t.rownames
    if (!is.null(t.colnames)) {
        colnames(t) <- t.colnames

    ## #########################################################################
    ## compute column width
    ## #########################################################################

    if (plain.ascii) {
        t <- apply(t, c(1, 2), to.plain.ascii)

    ## header width
    if (!is.null(t.colnames)) {
        t.colnames <- replace(t.colnames, which(t.colnames == ''), '&nbsp;')
        t.colnames <- split.large.cells(t.colnames)
        t.colnames.width <- sapply(t.colnames,
                                   function(x) max(nchar(strsplit(x, '\n')[[1]], type = 'width'), 0),
                                   USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    } else {
        t.colnames.width <- 0

    ## remove traling spaces, because they affect formatting negatively
    t <- apply(t, c(1, 2), function(x) gsub('[[:space:]]*$', '', x))

    ## also dealing with cells split by newlines
    t.width <-  as.numeric(apply(cbind(t.colnames.width, apply(t, 2, function(x) max(sapply(strsplit(x,'\n'), function(x) max(nchar(x, type = 'width'), 0))))), 1, max)) #nolint

    ## remove obvious row.names
    if ((!row.names.provided && (all(t.rownames == 1:nrow(t)) | all(t.rownames == ''))) |
        row.names.provided && length(row.names) == 1 && row.names == FALSE) {
        t.rownames <- NULL

    if (!is.null(t.rownames) && emphasize.rownames) {
        t.rownames <- pandoc.strong.return(t.rownames)

    if (length(t.rownames) != 0) {

        if ((length(split.cells) <= dim(t)[2]) && (length(split.cells) > 1)) {
            split.cells <- c(panderOptions('table.split.cells'), split.cells)
        t.rownames <- split.large.cells(t.rownames, TRUE)

        if (!is.null(t.colnames)) {
            t.colnames <- c('&nbsp;', t.colnames)
        t.width <- c(max(sapply(strsplit(t.rownames, '\n'), function(x) max(nchar(x, type = 'width'), 0))), t.width)
        t.width[1] <- t.width[1]

        ## if we have a non-breaking space in the header
        if (!is.null(t.colnames)) {
            t.width[1] <- max(t.width[1], 6)


    if (length(justify) != 1) {
        if (length(justify) != length(t.width)) {
            stop(sprintf('Wrong number of parameters (%s instead of *%s*) passed: justify',
                         length(justify), length(t.width)))
    } else {
        if (all (strsplit(justify, '')[[1]] %in% c('c', 'l', 'r') )) {
          if (nchar(justify) != length(t.width)) {
            stop(sprintf('Wrong number of parameters (%s instead of *%s*) passed: justify',
                         nchar(justify), length(t.width)))
          justify <- c(l = 'left', c = 'centre', r = 'right')[ strsplit(justify, '')[[1]] ]
        } else {
          justify <- rep(justify, length(t.width))
    justify <- sub('^center$', 'centre', justify)
    if (!all(justify %in% c('left', 'right', 'centre'))) {
        stop('Invalid values passed for `justify` that can be "left", "right" or "centre/center".')

    ## #########################################################################
    ## Jira format is simple, let's print early
    ## #########################################################################

    if (style == 'jira') {

        if (length(t.rownames) != 0) {
            t <- cbind(t.rownames, t)

        if (length(t.colnames) != 0) {
            res <- paste0('|', paste(wrap(t.colnames, '|'), collapse = ''), '|')
        } else {
            res <- ''

        for (i in seq_len(nrow(t))) {
            res <- paste0(res, '\n|')
            for (j in seq_len(ncol(t))) {
                res <- paste0(res, t[i, j], '|')

        return(paste0(res, '\n\n'))


    ## #########################################################################
    ## split too wide tables
    ## #########################################################################

    ## determine weather separator influences column's width (#164)
    extra.spaces.width <- switch(style,
                                 ## 3 because 2 spaces + 1 separator
                                 'grid' =, 'rmarkdown' = 3, #nolint
                                 'multiline' = , 'simple' = 0) #nolint

    ## add extra 2 spaces for alignment
    if (style %in% c('simple', 'multiline')) {
        t.width <- t.width + 2

    ## +1 for the middle separator
    if (sum(t.width + extra.spaces.width) + 1 > split.tables
        & length(t.width) > 1 + (length(t.rownames) != 0)) {

        t.split <- max(which(cumsum(t.width + extra.spaces.width + 1) > split.tables + 1)[1] - 1, 1)
        if (t.split == 1 & length(t.rownames) != 0) {
            t.split <- 2

        ## update caption
        if (!is.null(caption)) {
            caption <- paste(caption, panderOptions('table.continues.affix'))
        } else {
            caption <- panderOptions('table.continues')

        ## split
        if (length(t.rownames) != 0) {
            justify <- list(justify[1:t.split], justify[c(1, (t.split + 1):length(t.width))])
            t.split <- t.split - 1
        } else {
            justify <- list(justify[1 : (t.split)], justify[c( (t.split + 1):length(t.width) )])
        res <- list(t[, 1 : (t.split), drop = FALSE], t[, (t.split + 1):ncol(t), drop = FALSE])

        ## recursive call
        res <- paste(
            pandoc.table.return(res[[1]], caption = caption, digits = digits, decimal.mark = decimal.mark, round = round, missing = missing, justify = justify[[1]], style = style, split.tables = split.tables, split.cells = split.cells,  keep.trailing.zeros = keep.trailing.zeros, keep.line.breaks = keep.line.breaks, plain.ascii = plain.ascii, use.hyphening = use.hyphening, emphasize.rownames = emphasize.rownames), #nolint
            pandoc.table.return(res[[2]], caption = NULL, digits = digits, decimal.mark = decimal.mark, round = round, justify = justify[[2]], style = style, split.tables = split.tables, split.cells = split.cells,  keep.trailing.zeros = keep.trailing.zeros, keep.line.breaks = keep.line.breaks, plain.ascii = plain.ascii, use.hyphening = use.hyphening, emphasize.rownames = emphasize.rownames)) #nolint


    } else {

        ## #########################################################################
        ## define markdown dialects
        ## #########################################################################

               'grid'      = {
                   sep.row <- paste0('\n+', paste(sapply(t.width + 2, function(x) repChar('-', x)), collapse = '+'), '+') #nolint
                   sep.top <- sep.row
                   sep.btn <- sep.row
                   sep.hdr <- paste0('+', paste(sapply(t.width + 2, function(x) repChar('=', x)), collapse = '+'), '+')
                   sep.col <- c('| ', ' | ', ' |')
               'multiline' = {
                   sep.row <- '\n'
                   sep.hdr <- paste(sapply(t.width, function(x) repChar('-', x)), collapse = ' ')
                   if (length(t.colnames) != 0) {
                       sep.top <- gsub(' ', '-', sep.hdr)
                   } else {
                       sep.top <- paste(sapply(t.width, function(x) repChar('-', x)), collapse = ' ')
                   sep.btn <- sep.top
                   sep.col <- c('', ' ', '')
               'simple'   = {
                   sep.row <- ''
                   if (length(t.colnames) == 0) {
                       sep.top <- paste(sapply(t.width, function(x) repChar('-', x)), collapse = ' ')
                       sep.btn <- paste0('\n', sep.top)
                   } else {
                       sep.top <- sep.btn <- ''
                   sep.hdr <- paste(sapply(t.width, function(x) repChar('-', x)), collapse = ' ')
                   sep.col <- c('', ' ', '')
               'rmarkdown' = {
                   sep.row <- ''
                   sep.top <- ''
                   sep.btn <- ''
                   sep.hdr <- align.hdr(t.width, justify)
                   sep.col <- c('| ', ' | ', ' |')

        if (plain.ascii) {
            t.rownames <- sapply(t.rownames, to.plain.ascii)
            t.colnames <- sapply(t.colnames, to.plain.ascii)

        ## #########################################################################
        ## Actual printing starts here
        ## #########################################################################

        ## header
        if (length(t.colnames) != 0) {
            res <- paste(res, sep.top,
                         table.expand(t.colnames, t.width, justify, sep.col), sep.hdr, sep = '\n')
        } else {
            if (style == 'rmarkdown') {
                blank.hdr <- paste0('| ', paste(sapply(t.width, function(x) repChar(' ', x)), collapse = ' | '), ' |')
                res <- paste(res, blank.hdr, sep.hdr, sep = '\n')
            } else {
                res <- paste(res, sep.top, sep = '\n')

        ## body
        res <- paste0(res, '\n')

        if (length(t.rownames) != 0) {
            t <- cbind(t.rownames, t)

        res <- paste0(res, paste(apply(t, 1, function(x) paste0(table.expand(x, t.width, justify, sep.col), sep.row)), collapse = '\n')) #nolint

        ## It is possible for a multiline table to have just one row,
        ## but the row should be followed by a blank line (and then
        ## the row of dashes that ends the table), or the table may
        ## be interpreted as a simple table.
        if (style == 'multiline' & nrow(t) == 1 & length(t.colnames) == 0) {
            res <- paste0(res, '\n')

        ## footer
        if (style != 'grid') {
            res <- paste0(res, sep.btn, '\n\n')
        } else {
            res <- paste0(res, '\n\n')

        ## (optional) caption
        if (!is.null(caption) && caption != '') {
            res <- paste0(res, panderOptions('table.caption.prefix'), caption, '\n\n')



#' @export
pandoc.table <- function(...)

#' Formulas
#' Pandoc's mardown formula.
#' @param x formula
#' @param text text to be written before result in the same line. Typically used by calls from other functions in the package
#' @param max.width maximum width in characters per line
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the formula
#' @param add.line.breaks if to add 2 line breaks after formula
#' @param ... extra arguments passed by from parent call, disregarded
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.formula
#' @examples
#' pandoc.formula(y ~ x)
#' pandoc.formula(formula(paste('y ~ ', paste0('x', 1:12, collapse = ' + '))))
pandoc.formula.return <- function(x, text = NULL, max.width = 80, caption, add.line.breaks = FALSE, ...){
    mc  <- match.call()
    if (is.null(mc$caption)) {
        if (is.null(attr(t, 'caption'))) {
            caption <- get.caption()
        } else {
            caption <- attr(t, 'caption')
    res <- paste(sub('^[ ]*', '', deparse(x, width.cutoff = max.width)), collapse = '')
    if (!is.null(text)) {
        res <- paste(text, res, sep = ' ')
    if (add.line.breaks) {
        res <- paste(res, '\n\n')
    ## (optional) caption
    if (!is.null(caption) && caption != '' && check_caption(caption)) {
        res <- paste0(res, '\n\n', panderOptions('formula.caption.prefix'), caption, '\n\n')

#' @export
pandoc.formula <- function(...)

#' Dates
#' Pandoc's mardown date.
#' @param x date or vector of dates
#' @param inline if to render vector of dates as inline paragraph or not (as list)
#' @param simplified if just add date formatting to vector of dates
#' @param ... extra arguments passed by from parent call, disregarded
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
#' @aliases pandoc.date
#' @examples
#' pandoc.date(Sys.Date())
#' pandoc.date(Sys.Date() - 1:10)
#' pandoc.date(Sys.Date() - 1:10, inline = FALSE)
pandoc.date.return <- function(x, inline = TRUE, simplified = FALSE, ...){
    if (length(x) == 1 || simplified){
        format(x, format = panderOptions('date'))
    } else {
        if (inline) {
            p(as.character(format(x, format = panderOptions('date'))))
        } else {
            pandoc.list.return(as.list(format(x, format = panderOptions('date'))), add.end.of.list = FALSE)

#' @export
pandoc.date <- function(...){

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pander documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:39 p.m.