#' Plots for Factorial Designs that Conform to APA Guidelines
#' Create one or more plots by sequentially calling functions from the \pkg{graphics} package.
#' `apa_factorial_plot()` is the workhorse function that is called by
#' [apa_barplot()], [apa_beeplot()], and [apa_lineplot()].
#' @param data A `data.frame` that contains the data, or an object of class `afex_aov`.
#' @param id Character. Variable name that identifies subjects.
#' @param factors Character. A vector of up to four variable names that is used to stratify the data.
#' @param dv Character. The name of the dependent variable.
#' @param tendency Closure. A function that will be used as measure of central tendency.
#' @param dispersion Closure. A function that will be used to construct error bars (i.e., whiskers). Defaults to
#' [conf_int()] for 95% between-subjects confidence intervals. See details for more options, especially for within-subjects confidence intervals.
#' @param level Numeric. Defines the width of the interval if confidence intervals are plotted. Defaults to `0.95`.
#' for 95% confidence intervals. Ignored if `dispersion` is not a confidence-interval function. See details.
#' @param fun_aggregate Closure. The function that will be used to aggregate observations within subjects and factors
#' before calculating descriptive statistics for each cell of the design. Defaults to `mean`.
#' @param na.rm Logical. Specifies if missing values are removed. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param use Character. Specifies a method to exclude cases if there are missing values *after* aggregating.
#' Possible options are `"all.obs"` or `"complete.obs"`.
#' @param reference Numeric. A reference point that determines the *y* coordinate of the *x* axis. Useful if there exists a 'nil' value; defaults to `0`.
#' @param intercept Numeric. Adds a horizontal line at height `intercept` to the plot. Can be either a single value or a matrix. For the matrix
#' case, multiple lines are drawn, where the dimensions of the matrix determine the number of lines to be drawn.
#' @param plot Character. A vector specifying which elements of the plot should be plotted. Available options are
#' `c("points", "error_bars", "bars", "swarms", "violins", "lines")`.
#' @param jit Numeric. Determines the amount of horizontal displacement. Defaults to `0.3`, defaults to `0.4` if `plot = "bars"`.
#' @param args_x_axis An optional `list` that contains further arguments that may be passed to [axis()] for customizing the *x* axis.
#' @param args_y_axis An optional `list` that contains further arguments that may be passed to [axis()] for customizing the *y* axis.
#' @param args_title An optional `list` that contains further arguments that may be passed to [title()].
#' @param args_rect An optional `list` that contains further arguments that may be passed to [rect()].
#' @param args_points An optional `list` that contains further arguments that may be passed to [points()].
#' @param args_lines An optional `list` that contains further arguments that may be passed to [lines()].
#' @param args_swarm An optional `list` that contains further arguments to customize the [points()] of the beeswarm.
#' @param args_violins An optional `list` that contains further arguments to customize the [[polygon()]] used for violins.
#' @param args_density An optional `list` that contains further arguments to customize the [[density()]] plotted as violins.
#' @param args_error_bars An optional `list` that contains further arguments that may be passed to [arrows()].
#' @param args_legend An optional `list` that contains further arguments that may be passed to [legend()]
#' @param xlab Character or expression. Label for *x* axis.
#' @param ylab Character or expression. Label for *y* axis.
#' @param main Character or expression. For up to two factors, simply specify the main title. If you stratify the data by more than two factors,
#' either specify a single value that will be added to automatically generated main title, *or* specify an array of multiple titles, one for each plot area.
#' @param set_par Logical. Determines whether `par(mfrow = .)` should be set for multi-panel plots.
#' @return A named (nested) list of plot options including raw and derived data. *Note that the structure of the return value is about to change in a forthcoming release of papaja.*
#' @inheritDotParams graphics::plot.window
#' @details
#' The measure of dispersion can be either [conf_int()] for between-subjects confidence intervals, [se()] for standard errors,
#' or any other standard function. For within-subjects confidence intervals, specify [wsci()] or [within_subjects_conf_int()].
#' If between- or within-subjects confidence intervals are requested, you can also specify the area of the cumulative
#' distribution function that will be covered. For instance, if you want a 98% confidence interval, specify
#' `level = 0.98`. The default is `level = 0.95` for 95% confidence intervals.
#' ## Customization of plot elements
#' [apa_factorial_plot()] and its descendants [apa_barplot()], [apa_lineplot()],
#' [apa_beeplot()], and [apa_violinplot()] are wrapper functions that sequentially call:
#' - [],
#' - [plot.window()],
#' - [axis()] (once for *x* axis, once for *y* axis),
#' - [title()] for axis labels and titles,
#' - [rect()] for bars in bar plots,
#' - [points()] for bee swarms,
#' - [density()] and [polygon()] for violins,
#' - [lines()] for lines connecting central tendency points,
#' - [arrows()] for error bars,
#' - [points()] for tendency points,
#' - [legend()] for a legend, and
#' - [lines()] for intercepts.
#' These calls can be customized by setting the respective parameters `args_*** = list(...)`.
#' @family plots for factorial designs
#' @examples
#' apa_factorial_plot(
#' data = npk
#' , id = "block"
#' , dv = "yield"
#' , factors = c("N", "P", "K")
#' , las = 1
#' , plot = c("error_bars", "points", "swarms")
#' , ylim = c(0, 100)
#' )
#' @export
apa_factorial_plot <-function(data, ...){
UseMethod("apa_factorial_plot", data)
#' @rdname apa_factorial_plot
#' @export
apa_factorial_plot.default <- function(
, id
, factors = NULL
, dv
, tendency = mean
, dispersion = conf_int
, level = 0.95
, fun_aggregate = mean
, na.rm = TRUE
, use = "all.obs"
, reference = 0
, intercept = NULL
, args_x_axis = NULL
, args_y_axis = NULL
, args_title = NULL
, args_rect = NULL
, args_points = NULL
, args_lines = NULL
, args_swarm = NULL
, args_violins = NULL
, args_density = NULL
, args_error_bars = NULL
, args_legend = NULL
, plot = NULL
, jit = .3
, xlab = NULL
, ylab = NULL
, main = NULL
, set_par = TRUE
, ...
# Data validation:
validate(data, check_class = "data.frame", check_NA = FALSE)
validate(id, check_class="character", check_length = 1)
validate(factors, check_class = "character")
validate(length(factors), check_range = c(1,4))
validate(tendency, check_class = "function", check_length = 1, check_NA =FALSE)
validate(dispersion, check_class = "function", check_length = 1, check_NA = FALSE)
validate(level, check_class = "numeric", check_range = c(0,1))
validate(fun_aggregate, check_class = "function", check_length = 1, check_NA = FALSE)
validate(na.rm, check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)
validate(use, check_class = "character", check_length = 1)
if(!use%in%c("all.obs", "complete.obs")) {
stop('Parameter `use` must be either "all.obs" or "complete.obs".')
validate(data, check_class = "data.frame", check_cols = c(id, dv, factors), check_NA = FALSE)
if(!is.null(intercept)) validate(intercept, check_mode = "numeric", check_NA = FALSE)
if(!is.null(args_x_axis)) validate(args_x_axis, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(args_y_axis)) validate(args_y_axis, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(args_title)) validate(args_title, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(args_rect)) validate(args_rect, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(args_points)) validate(args_points, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(args_lines)) validate(args_lines, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(args_swarm)) validate(args_swarm, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(args_violins)) validate(args_violins, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(args_density)) validate(args_density, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(args_error_bars)) validate(args_error_bars, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(args_legend)) validate(args_legend, check_class = "list")
if(!is.null(plot)) validate(plot, check_class = "character")
if(!is.null(jit)) validate(jit, check_class = "numeric")
if(!is.null(xlab)) if(!is.expression(xlab)) validate(xlab, check_class = "character")
if(!is.null(ylab)) if(!is.expression(ylab)) validate(ylab, check_class = "character")
if(!is.null(main)) if(!is.expression(main)) if(!is.matrix(main)) validate(main, check_class = "character")
set_par <- isTRUE(set_par)
# remove extraneous columns from dataset
data <- data[, c(id, factors, dv)]
# Add missing variable labels
data <- default_label(data)
# original_labels <- variable_label(data)
factors <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", factors)
id <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", id)
dv <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", dv)
colnames(data) <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", colnames(data))
original_labels <- variable_label(data)
# Handling of factors:
# a) convert to factor
for (i in c(id, factors)){
data[[i]] <- as.factor(data[[i]])
# b) drop factor levels
data <- droplevels(data)
# Handling of dependent variable:
data[[dv]] <- as.numeric(data[[dv]])
# Check if specified factors contain more than one level after applying `droplevels`
for (i in c(factors)) {
nl <- nlevels(data[[i]])
if(nl < 2) {
warning(paste0("Factor \"", i, "\" contains only ", nl, " level" , ifelse(nl==1, "", "s"), " and is thus ignored."))
factors <- setdiff(factors, i)
variable_label(data) <- original_labels
ellipsis <- list(...)
output <- list()
# If no factors were specified, use an arbitrary one -------------------------
factors <- "arbitraryFactorName"
data[[factors]] <- 1
data[[factors]] <- as.factor(data[[factors]])
args_x_axis<- defaults(args_x_axis, set = list(tick = FALSE, labels = ""))
# Create an empty label so that xlab won't be plotted automatically
variable_label(data[[factors]]) <- ""
# Set defaults
ellipsis <- defaults(
, set = list(
id = id
, dv = dv
, factors = factors
, intercept = intercept
, set.if.null = list(
args_x_axis = args_x_axis
, args_y_axis = args_y_axis
, args_rect = args_rect
, args_points = args_points
, args_swarm = args_swarm
, args_violins = args_violins
, args_density = args_density
, args_lines = args_lines
, args_error_bars = args_error_bars
, args_legend = args_legend
, jit = jit
, xlab = if(!is.null(xlab)){xlab}else{combine_plotmath(list(variable_label(data[[factors[1]]]), ""))}
, ylab = if(!is.null(ylab)){ylab}else{combine_plotmath(list(variable_label(data[[dv]]), ""))}
, frame.plot = FALSE
, reference = reference
, main = main
, plot = plot
# Only use a legend title if more than one factor is specified, allow suppressing the legend title
if(length(ellipsis$args_legend$title) == 0) {
ellipsis$args_legend$title <- variable_label(data[[factors[2]]])
} else if(!is.expression(ellipsis$args_legend$title) && ellipsis$args_legend$title == "") {
ellipsis$args_legend$title <- NULL # Save space
# warning if "beside = FALSE" is specified
if(is.null(ellipsis$beside) || !(ellipsis$beside)) {
if(!is.null(ellipsis$beside) && !(ellipsis$beside)) {
warning("Stacked barplots are not supported. Ignoring parameter 'beside = FALSE'.")
ellipsis$beside <- TRUE
# Backward compatibility: args_arrows
ellipsis$args_error_bars <- ellipsis$args_arrows
ellipsis$args_arrows <- NULL
# Backward compatibility: fun.aggregate (Note that this one is NOT written to ellipsis)
if(!is.null(ellipsis$fun.aggregate)) {
fun_aggregate <- ellipsis$fun.aggregate
ellipsis$fun.aggregate <- NULL
# Backward compatibility: args_axis
if(!is.null(ellipsis$args_axis) && is.null(ellipsis$args_x_axis)) {
ellipsis$args_x_axis <- ellipsis$args_axis
ellipsis$args_axis <- NULL
# Bar colors
if(is.null(ellipsis$col)) {
if(length(factors) < 2){
ellipsis$col <- "white"
} else {
nc <- nlevels(data[[factors[2]]])
colors <- (nc:1/(nc)) ^ 0.6
ellipsis$col <- grey(colors)
ellipsis$intercept <- intercept
# is dplyr available?
use_dplyr <- package_available("dplyr")
# Aggregate subject data -----------------------------------------------------
# Check if aggregation is necessary
# this is a sub-optimal solution: if we had information about which factors are
# within, this would be faster; for this purpose, we could use the code-bit
# from `papaja::wsci`
# `base::table` is a bit faster than `stats::xtabs`
if(any(table(data[, c(id, factors)]) > 1)){
if(use_dplyr) {
aggregated <- fast_aggregate(data = data, dv = dv, factors = c(id, factors), fun = fun_aggregate)
} else {
aggregated <- stats::aggregate(x = data[, dv, drop = FALSE], by = data[, c(id, factors), drop = FALSE], FUN = fun_aggregate)
} else {
aggregated <- data
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check if there are incomplete observations and eventually remove them
if(use=="complete.obs") {
# excluded_id <- sort(unique(aggregated[[id]][[[dv]])]))
# data <- data[!data[[id]]%in%excluded_id, ]
# aggregated <- aggregated[!aggregated[[id]]%in%excluded_id, ]
tmp <- determine_within_between(data = aggregated, id = id, factors = factors)
aggregated <- complete_observations(data = aggregated, id = id, within = tmp$within, dv = dv)
removed_cases <- unlist(attributes(aggregated)[c("removed_cases_implicit_NA", "removed_cases_explicit_NA")])
if(!is.null(removed_cases)) {
excluded_id <- sort(unique(removed_cases))
data <- data[!data[[id]] %in% excluded_id, ]
## Calculate central tendencies ----------------------------------------------
if(use_dplyr) {
yy <- fast_aggregate(data = aggregated, factors = factors, dv = dv, fun = tendency)
} else {
yy <- stats::aggregate(
x = aggregated[, dv, drop = FALSE]
, by = aggregated[, factors, drop = FALSE]
, FUN = tendency
## Calculate dispersions -----------------------------------------------------
fun_dispersion <- deparse(substitute(dispersion))
if(fun_dispersion == "within_subjects_conf_int" || fun_dispersion == "wsci") {
ee <- wsci(data = aggregated, id = id, factors = factors, level = level, method = "Morey", dv = dv)
} else {
if(fun_dispersion == "conf_int") {
ee <- stats::aggregate(
x = aggregated[, dv, drop = FALSE]
, by = aggregated[, factors, drop = FALSE]
, FUN = dispersion
, level = level
} else {
if(use_dplyr) {
ee <- fast_aggregate(data = aggregated, factors = factors, dv = dv, fun = dispersion)
} else {
ee <- stats::aggregate(
x = aggregated[, dv, drop = FALSE]
, by = aggregated[, factors, drop = FALSE]
, FUN = dispersion
colnames(yy)[which(colnames(yy)==dv)] <- "tendency"
colnames(ee)[which(colnames(ee)==dv)] <- "dispersion"
y.values <- merge(yy, ee, by = factors)
y.values$lower_limit <- apply(X = y.values[, c("tendency", "dispersion")], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x){sum(x[1], -x[2], na.rm = TRUE)})
y.values$upper_limit <- apply(X = y.values[, c("tendency", "dispersion")], MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE)
output$y <- y.values
output$data <- aggregated
output$args <- list()
# Default for ylim: Cover all (potentially) plotted shapes ---
default_ylim <- range(
, y.values[["lower_limit"]]
, y.values[["upper_limit"]]
, aggregated[[dv]]
, na.rm = TRUE
# allow to partially define via, e.g. `ylim = c(20, NA)`
if(is.null(ellipsis$ylim)) {
ellipsis$ylim <- default_ylim
} else if (anyNA(ellipsis$ylim)){
ellipsis$ylim[$ylim)] <- default_ylim[$ylim)]
## zero to two factors
if(length(factors) < 3){
ellipsis <- defaults(
, set = list(
y.values = y.values
, aggregated = aggregated
, set.if.null = list(
output$args <-"apa_factorial_plot_single", ellipsis)
if(length(factors) > 2L && set_par) {
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
## Three factors
if(length(factors) == 3) {
if(set_par) par(mfrow = c(1, nlevels(data[[factors[3]]])))
tmp_main <- ellipsis$main
# by default, only plot legend in topright plot:
tmp_plot <- seq_len(nlevels(data[[factors[3]]]))==nlevels(data[[factors[3]]])
names(tmp_plot) <- levels(data[[factors[3]]])
ellipsis$args_legend <- defaults(
, set = list(
# nothing
, set.if.null = list(
plot = tmp_plot
if(is.null(ellipsis$args_legend$plot)) {
ellipsis$args_legend$plot <- seq_len(nlevels(data[[factors[3]]]))==nlevels(data[[factors[3]]])
if(length(ellipsis$args_legend$plot)!=nlevels(data[[factors[3]]])) {
rec <- length(ellipsis$args_legend$plot) / nlevels(data[[factors[3]]])
ellipsis$args_legend$plot <- rep(ellipsis$args_legend$plot, round(rec+1))
names(ellipsis$args_legend$plot) <- levels(data[[factors[3]]])
for (i in levels(y.values[[factors[3]]])) {
ellipsis.i <- defaults(ellipsis, set = list(
y.values = y.values[y.values[[factors[3]]]==i, ]
, aggregated = aggregated[aggregated[[factors[3]]]==i, ]
, main = combine_plotmath(list(tmp_main, variable_label(data[[factors[3]]]), ": ", i))
), set.if.null = list(
names(ellipsis$main) <- levels(y.values[[factors[3]]])
ellipsis.i$main <- ellipsis$main[i]
# by default, only draw legend in very right plot
ellipsis.i$args_legend <- defaults(ellipsis.i$args_legend, set = list(plot = ellipsis$args_legend$plot[i]))
# suppresses ylab
ellipsis.i$ylab <- ""
output$args[[paste0("plot", i)]] <-"apa_factorial_plot_single", ellipsis.i)
## Four factors
if(set_par) par(mfrow=c(nlevels(data[[factors[3]]]),nlevels(data[[factors[4]]])))
tmp_main <- ellipsis$main
legend.plot <- array(FALSE, dim=c(nlevels(data[[factors[3]]]), nlevels(data[[factors[4]]])))
legend.plot[1,nlevels(data[[factors[4]]])] <- TRUE
ellipsis$args_legend <- defaults(ellipsis$args_legend
, set = list(
, set.if.null = list(
plot = legend.plot
rownames(ellipsis$args_legend$plot) <- levels(data[[factors[3]]])
colnames(ellipsis$args_legend$plot) <- levels(data[[factors[4]]])
for (i in levels(y.values[[factors[3]]])){
for (j in levels(y.values[[factors[4]]])) {
ellipsis.i <- defaults(ellipsis, set = list(
y.values = y.values[y.values[[factors[3]]]==i&y.values[[factors[4]]]==j, ]
, aggregated = aggregated[aggregated[[factors[3]]]==i&aggregated[[factors[4]]]==j, ]
, main = combine_plotmath(list(tmp_main, variable_label(data[[factors[3]]]), ": ", i, " & ", variable_label(data[[factors[4]]]), ": ", j))
), set.if.null = list(
rownames(ellipsis$main) <- levels(y.values[[factors[3]]])
colnames(ellipsis$main) <- levels(y.values[[factors[4]]])
ellipsis.i$main <- ellipsis$main[i, j]
# by default, only draw legend in topright plot
ellipsis.i$args_legend <- defaults(ellipsis.i$args_legend, set = list(plot = ellipsis$args_legend$plot[i, j]))
# suppresses ylab
ellipsis.i$ylab <- ""
output$args[[paste0("plot", i, j)]] <-"apa_factorial_plot_single", ellipsis.i)
#' Plots for factorial designs that conform to APA guidelines, two-factors internal function
#' Internal function that is called (possibly multiple times) by [apa_factorial_plot()].
#' @param aggregated A `data.frame`, the *aggregated* data.
#' @param y.values A `data.frame` containing the measures of central tendency and of dispersion per cell of the design.
#' @param id Character. Variable name that identifies subjects.
#' @param dv Character. The name of the dependent variable.
#' @param factors Character. A vector of up to four variable names that is used to stratify the data.
#' @param intercept Numeric. See details in [apa_factorial_plot()]
#' @keywords internal
apa_factorial_plot_single <- function(aggregated, y.values, id, dv, factors, intercept = NULL, ...) {
ellipsis <- list(...)
# jittering of x coordinates
ellipsis$jit <- .3
if("bars" %in% ellipsis$plot){
ellipsis$jit <- .4
if(length(factors) > 1){
l2 <- levels(y.values[[factors[2]]])
onedim <- FALSE
} else {
l2 <- 1
factors[2] <- "f2"
y.values[["f2"]] <- as.factor(1)
aggregated$f2 <- as.factor(1)
onedim <- TRUE
space <- (1 - ellipsis$jit)
y.values$x <- as.integer(y.values[[factors[1]]]) - .5
aggregated$x <- as.integer(aggregated[[factors[1]]]) - .5
y.values$x <- y.values$x - .5 + space/2 + (1-space)/(nlevels(y.values[[factors[[2]]]])-1) * (as.integer(y.values[[factors[2]]])-1)
aggregated$x <- aggregated$x - .5 + space/2 + (1-space)/(nlevels(aggregated[[factors[[2]]]])-1) * (as.integer(aggregated[[factors[2]]])-1)
# save parameters for multiple plot functions
args_legend <- ellipsis$args_legend
args_points <- ellipsis$args_points
args_swarm <- ellipsis$args_swarm
args_violins <- ellipsis$args_violins
args_density <- ellipsis$args_density
args_lines <- ellipsis$args_lines
args_x_axis <- ellipsis$args_x_axis
args_y_axis <- ellipsis$args_y_axis
args_error_bars <- ellipsis$args_error_bars
args_title <- ellipsis$args_title
# move all arguments that are white-listed
args_plot_window <- list()
whitelist <- c("xlim", "ylim", "log", "asp", "xaxs", "yaxs", "len")
for(i in whitelist)
args_plot_window[[i]] <- ellipsis[[i]]
## default colors for tendency points (which are inherited by swarm points)
bg.colors <- grey(
seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = nlevels(aggregated[[factors[2]]])) ^ 0.6
# new plot area
# plot.window
args_plot_window <- defaults(
, set.if.null = list(
xlim = c(0, max(as.integer(y.values[[factors[1]]])))
, ylim = ellipsis$ylim
, set = list(
)"plot.window", args_plot_window)
# prepare defaults for x-axis
args_x_axis <- defaults(
, set = list(
side = 1
, set.if.null = list(
at = seq_len(nlevels(y.values[[factors[1]]])) - .5
, labels = levels(y.values[[factors[1]]])
, tick = TRUE # ifelse(ellipsis$ylim[1]==0, FALSE, TRUE)
# Some modifications are in order if a barplot starts at reference point
# However, save `lwd`
tmp_lwd <- ifelse(is.null(args_x_axis$lwd), 1, args_x_axis$lwd)
if("bars" %in% ellipsis$plot && ellipsis$ylim[1]==ellipsis$reference){
args_x_axis <- defaults(
, set = list(
lwd = 0
, set.if.null = list(
lwd.tick = 1
, pos = ellipsis$ylim[1]
# prepare defaults for y-axis
args_y_axis <- defaults(
, set = list(
side = 2
, set.if.null = list(
labels = TRUE
, las = ellipsis$las
)"axis", args_y_axis)
args_rect <- ellipsis$args_rect
if("bars" %in% ellipsis$plot){
space <- .2
x0 <- as.integer(y.values[[factors[1]]]) - 1 + space/2 + (1-space)/nlevels(y.values[[factors[[2]]]]) * (as.integer(y.values[[factors[2]]])-1)
x1 <- as.integer(y.values[[factors[1]]]) - 1 + space/2 + (1-space)/nlevels(y.values[[factors[[2]]]]) * (as.integer(y.values[[factors[2]]]))
y.values$x <- (x0 + x1)/2
l2 <- levels(y.values[[factors[2]]])
y.values[["col"]] <- ellipsis$col[as.integer(y.values[[factors[2]]])]
assigned_colors <- y.values[["col"]]
names(assigned_colors) <- as.character(y.values[[factors[2]]])
args_rect <- defaults(
, set.if.null = list(
xleft = x0
, xright = x1
, ytop = y.values[["tendency"]]
, ybottom = ifelse(
ellipsis$ylim[1] < ellipsis$ylim[2] # Is ylab increasing?
, ifelse(ellipsis$ylim[1] >= ellipsis$reference, ellipsis$ylim[1], ellipsis$reference) # for increasing ylab
, ifelse(ellipsis$ylim[1] <= ellipsis$reference, ellipsis$ylim[1], ellipsis$reference) # for decreasing ylab
, col = assigned_colors
, set = list(
xpd = FALSE
)"rect", args_rect)
abline(h = ellipsis$reference, lwd = tmp_lwd)
# only draw axis if axis type is not specified or not specified as "n"
if(is.null(args_x_axis$xaxt)||args_x_axis$xaxt!="n") {"axis", args_x_axis)
# prepare defaults for title and labels
args_title <- defaults(
, set = list(
, set.if.null = list(
main = ellipsis$main
, xlab = ellipsis$xlab
, ylab = ellipsis$ylab
)"title", args_title)
if("swarms" %in% ellipsis$plot) {
if(!package_available("beeswarm")) stop("Please install the package 'beeswarm' to plot beeswarms.")
args_swarm <- defaults(
, set.if.null = list(
cex = .5
, alpha = .3
, priority = c("ascending", "descending", "density", "random", "none")
for (i in levels(aggregated[[factors[1]]])) {
for (j in levels(aggregated[[factors[2]]])) {
coord <- beeswarm::swarmx(x = aggregated[["x"]][aggregated[[factors[1]]]==i&aggregated[[factors[2]]]==j]
, y = aggregated[[dv]][aggregated[[factors[1]]]==i&aggregated[[factors[2]]]==j]
, cex = args_swarm$cex
, priority = args_swarm$priority
aggregated[["swarmx"]][aggregated[[factors[1]]]==i&aggregated[[factors[2]]]==j] <- coord[["x"]]
aggregated[["swarmy"]][aggregated[[factors[1]]]==i&aggregated[[factors[2]]]==j] <- coord[["y"]]
args_swarm$priority <- NULL
# prepare x axis
args_x_axis <- defaults(
, set = list(
side = 1
, set.if.null = list(
at = seq_len(nlevels(y.values[[factors[1]]])) - .5
, labels = levels(y.values[[factors[1]]])
# convert to matrices
x <- tapply(y.values[, "x"],list(y.values[[factors[1]]], y.values[[factors[2]]]), as.numeric)
y <- tapply(y.values[, "tendency"],list(y.values[[factors[1]]], y.values[[factors[2]]]), as.numeric)
e <- tapply(y.values[, "dispersion"],list(y.values[[factors[1]]], y.values[[factors[2]]]), as.numeric)
if("swarms" %in% ellipsis$plot){
agg.x <- tapply(aggregated[["swarmx"]], list(aggregated[[factors[1]]], aggregated[[factors[2]]]), as.numeric)
agg.y <- tapply(aggregated[["swarmy"]], list(aggregated[[factors[1]]], aggregated[[factors[2]]]), as.numeric)
# prepare (tendency) points
args_points <- defaults(
, set = list(
x = x
, y = y
, set.if.null = list(
pch = c(21:25, 1:20)
, col = rep("black", length(l2))
, bg = bg.colors
, cex = rep(1.0, length(l2))
if("violins" %in% ellipsis$plot) {
args_violins <- defaults(
, set.if.null = list(
border = args_points$col
, col = brighten(args_points$bg, factor = .9)
args_violins$border <- rep(args_violins$border, each = nlevels(aggregated[[factors[1L]]]))
args_violins$col <- rep(args_violins$col, each = nlevels(aggregated[[factors[1L]]]))
merged <- merge(x = aggregated, y.values[, c(factors, "x"), drop = FALSE], sort = FALSE)
x1 <- split(
x = merged[[dv]]
, f = merged[, factors, drop = FALSE]
if(is.null(ellipsis$args_density)) ellipsis$args_density <- list()
x2 <- lapply(x1, function(x) {
args_density <- defaults(ellipsis$args_density, set = list(x = x)) = "density", args_density)
x_offset <- lapply(
x = merged[["x"]]
, f = merged[, factors, drop = FALSE]
, FUN = mean
max_density <- max(sapply(X = x2, FUN = function(x) {max(x$y)}))
for (i in seq_along(x2)) {
x = x_offset[[i]] + c(x2[[i]]$y, rev(-x2[[i]]$y)) / max_density * ellipsis$jit / (if(onedim) 1 else nlevels(aggregated[[factors[2L]]])-1)
, y = c(x2[[i]]$x, rev(x2[[i]]$x))
, col = args_violins$col[i]
, border = args_violins$border[i]
if("swarms" %in% ellipsis$plot){
args_swarm <- defaults(
, set = list(
# nothing yet
, set.if.null = list(
x = agg.x
, y = agg.y
, col = brighten(args_points$col, factor = .9)
, bg = brighten(args_points$bg, factor = .9)
, pch = args_points$pch
args_swarm$alpha <- NULL"points.matrix", args_swarm)
# prepare and draw (central tendency) lines
if("lines" %in% ellipsis$plot){
args_lines <- defaults(
, set = list(
x = x
, y = y
, set.if.null = list(
lty = 1:6
, col = rep("black", length(l2))
)"lines", args_lines)
# prepare and draw error bars
if("error_bars" %in% ellipsis$plot){
args_error_bars <- defaults(
, set = list(
x0 = t(x)
, x1 = t(x)
, y0 = t(y-e)
, y1 = t(y+e)
, set.if.null = list(
angle = 90
, code = 3
, length = .06
)"arrows", args_error_bars)
if("points" %in% ellipsis$plot){
# draw points (central tendency)"points.matrix", args_points)
# prepare and draw legend
if(onedim==FALSE) { # only draw legend if a second factor is present
args_legend <- defaults(
, set.if.null = list(
x = "topright"
, legend = levels(y.values[[factors[2]]])
, pch = args_points$pch[seq_len(nlevels(y.values[[factors[2]]]))]
, lty = args_lines$lty
, bty = "n"
, = args_points$bg
, col = args_points$col
, pt.cex = args_points$cex
if("bars" %in% ellipsis$plot){
args_legend <- defaults(
, set = list(
pch = NULL
, lty = NULL
, set.if.null = list(
fill = ellipsis$col
}"legend", args_legend)
# Draw intercept
if(is.matrix(intercept)) {
diff <- (args_plot_window$xlim[2] - args_plot_window$xlim[1])/(ncol(intercept)-1)
x.vector <- seq(args_plot_window$xlim[1], args_plot_window$xlim[2], diff)
for(i in seq_len(nrow(intercept))) {
for (j in seq_len(ncol(intercept))) {
lines(x = c(x.vector[j]-(diff/2), x.vector[j]+(diff/2)), y = rep(intercept[i, j], 2))
} else {
n_lines <- length(intercept)
x_coordinates <- seq(args_plot_window$xlim[1], args_plot_window$xlim[2], diff(args_plot_window$xlim)/n_lines)
for (i in seq_len(n_lines)){
y_coordinates <- rep(intercept[i], 2)
lines(x = x_coordinates[(0:1) + i], y = y_coordinates)
# Invisibly return arguments that were used for plotting
args_x_axis = args_x_axis
, args_y_axis = args_y_axis
, args_title = args_title
, args_rect = args_rect
, args_points = args_points
, args_swarm = args_swarm
, args_violins = args_violins
, args_density = args_density
, args_lines = args_lines
, args_error_bars = args_error_bars
, args_legend = args_legend
, args_plot_window =args_plot_window
#' @rdname apa_factorial_plot
#' @export
apa_factorial_plot.afex_aov <- function(
, tendency = mean
, dispersion = conf_int
, fun_aggregate = mean
, ...
ellipsis <- list(...)
args <- attributes(data)
# Change in upcoming afex release (
between <- if(!is.null(names(args$between))) names(args$between) else args$between
within <- if(!is.null(names(args$within))) names(args$within) else args$within
afex_factors <- c(unlist(between), unlist(within))
# Allow changing plot axes ----
if(is.null(ellipsis$factors)) {
factors <- afex_factors
} else {
if(setequal(ellipsis$factors, afex_factors)) {
factors <- ellipsis$factors
} else {
stop("The set of factors contained in the `afex_aov` object does not match argument `factors`.")
# ----
ellipsis <- defaults(
, set = list(
"data" = data$data$long
, "id" = args$id
, "dv" = args$dv
, "factors" = factors
, "tendency" = substitute(tendency)
, "dispersion" = substitute(dispersion)
, "fun_aggregate" = substitute(fun_aggregate)
)"apa_factorial_plot.default", ellipsis)
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