
Defines functions linkageSim

Documented in linkageSim

#' Simulate markers linked to a disease locus.
#' Simulates markers (with up to 4 alleles) conditional on the pedigree
#' structure, affection statuses and disease model.
#' All markers are simulated under the condition that the recombination fraction
#' between the marker and the disease locus is 0.  This is an implementation of
#' the algorithm used in SLINK of the LINKAGE/FASTLINK suite.
#' @param x a \code{\link{linkdat}} object
#' @param N a positive integer: the number of markers to be simulated
#' @param partialmarker Either NULL (indicating no given marker data), or a
#'   \code{marker} object.
#' @param available a vector containing IDs of the available individuals, i.e.
#'   those whose genotypes should be simulated.
#' @param afreq a vector of length < 5 containing the population frequencies for
#'   the marker alleles.
#' @param loop_breakers a numeric containing IDs of individuals to be used as
#'   loop breakers. Relevant only if the pedigree has loops. See
#'   \code{\link{breakLoops}}.
#' @param unique a logical indicating if duplicates among the simulated markers
#'   should be removed.
#' @param seed NULL, or a numeric seed for the random number generator.
#' @param verbose a logical.
#' @return a \code{linkdat} object equal to \code{x} except its
#'   \code{markerdata} entry, which consists of the \code{N} simulated markers.
#' @seealso \code{\link{linkage.power}}
#' @references G. M. Lathrop, J.-M. Lalouel, C. Julier, and J. Ott (1984).
#'   \emph{Strategies for Multilocus Analysis in Humans}, PNAS 81, pp.
#'   3443-3446.
#' @examples
#' x = linkdat(toyped, model=1)
#' y = linkageSim(x, N=10, afreq=c(0.5, 0.5))
#' stopifnot(length(mendelianCheck(y))==0)
#' z = addOffspring(cousinPed(1), father=7, mother=8, noffs=1, aff=2)
#' z = setModel(z, 2)
#' linkageSim(z, N=1, afreq = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.7))
#' @export
linkageSim <- function(x, N = 1, available = x$available, afreq = NULL, partialmarker = NULL,
    loop_breakers = NULL, unique = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
    if (is.null(x$model))
        stop("No model set. Use setModel().")
    if (!is.null(partialmarker)) {
        stop("Not implemented yet")
        assert_that(inherits(partialmarker, "marker"))
        if (nrow(partialmarker) != x$nInd)
            stop("Partial marker does not fit the pedigree.")
        if (!is.null(afreq))
            stop("When 'partialmarker' is non-NULL, 'afreq' must be NULL.")
        if (length(mendelianCheck(setMarkers(x, partialmarker), verbose = F)) > 0)
            stop("Mendelian error in the given partial marker.")
    } else {
        if (is.null(afreq))
            stop("Please specify marker allele frequencies.")
        partialmarker = marker(x, alleles = seq_along(afreq), afreq = afreq)
    if (!is.null(seed))
    starttime = proc.time()

    likel_counter = 0
    m = partialmarker
    afreq = attr(m, "afreq")
    chrom = x$model$chrom
    nall = length(afreq)
    if (length(available) == 0)
        available = x$orig.ids
    sim_origs = available

    if (nall > 4)
        stop("Sorry - simulation of markers with more than 4 alleles is not implemented yet.")

    if (verbose && any(m != 0)) {
        # not implemented
        cat("Simulating markers conditional on existing genotypes:\n")
        print(data.frame(ID = x$orig.ids, GENO = .prettyMarkers(m, missing = "-", singleCol = TRUE,
            sex = x$pedigree[, "SEX"])), row.names = FALSE)

    if (loops <- x$hasLoops) {
        x = breakLoops(setMarkers(x, m), loop_breakers = loop_breakers, verbose = verbose)
        m = x$markerdata[[1]]
        sim_origs = unique.default(c(sim_origs, loop_breakers))

    initialCalc = .initialCalc(x, afreq, chrom)

    # simulation order: founders first, and those with many possible haplotypes (suggested by
    # quick tests...)
    sim_indivs = .internalID(x, sim_origs)
    loop_int = .internalID(x, x$loop_breakers[, 1])

    sim_indivs = sim_indivs[order(!sim_indivs %in% loop_int, sim_indivs %in% x$nonfounders)]  #, initz)]

    if (length(sim_indivs) == 0)
        stop("Something is wrong: No individuals available for simulation.")
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Target individuals:", .prettycat(available, "and"), "\n")
        if (length(rest <- setdiff(sim_origs, available)) > 0)
            cat("Additional individuals simulated internally (increasing speed):", .prettycat(rest,
                "and"), "\n")

    .TRzero = .TRmatrNEW(0, nall, chrom)

    gt_L = nall * (nall + 1)/2  # Number of genotype codes (= # unordered genotypes)
    gt_values = seq_len(gt_L)

    # Create initial marker matrix: one column per marker (single-numerically coded)
    zgeno = .diallel2genoNEW(m, nall)
    markers = matrix(rep(zgeno, N), ncol = N)

    # Pre-calculate probabilities for the first 'init' individuals (big time saver!)
    switch(chrom, AUTOSOMAL = {
        calls = gt_L^seq_along(sim_indivs) + gt_L * N * (length(sim_indivs) - seq_along(sim_indivs))
        init = which.min(calls)  #optimal 'init' minimizes the number of likelihood() calls
        if (init == 0) stop("init = 0")
        init_int = sim_indivs[1:init]
        cost_int = sim_indivs[-(1:init)]
        initgrid = fast.grid(rep(list(gt_values), init))
    }, X = {
        SEX = x$pedigree[, "SEX"]
        males_int = sim_indivs[SEX[sim_indivs] == 1]
        females_int = sim_indivs[SEX[sim_indivs] == 2]
        n_males = length(males_int)
        n_females = length(females_int)
        loop_m = sum(SEX[loop_int] == 1)
        loop_f = sum(SEX[loop_int] == 2)

        # Find optimal 'init' values for males/females: fewest likelihood calls
        gtM = nall
        gt_values_m = 1:nall
        gtF = gt_L
        calls = outer(loop_m:n_males, loop_f:n_females, function(ma, fe) gtM^ma * gtF^fe +
            gtM * (n_males - ma) * N + gtF * (n_females - fe) * N)

        calls.min = arrayInd(which.min(calls), dim(calls))
        init_m = calls.min[1] - 1 + loop_m
        init_f = calls.min[2] - 1 + loop_f
        init_int = c(males_int[seq_len(init_m)], females_int[seq_len(init_f)])
        cost_int = setdiff(sim_indivs, init_int)
        initgrid = fast.grid(list(gt_values_m, gt_values)[rep(1:2, c(init_m, init_f))])

    if (verbose)
        cat("\nSimulation order:\n   Precomputing joint probabilities:", .prettycat(x$orig.ids[init_int],
            "and"), "\n   Brute force:", .prettycat(x$orig.ids[cost_int], "and"), "\n")

    # Pre-fill the rows of the 'init' individuals (i.e. sim_indivs[1:init])
    initp = apply(initgrid, 1, function(g) {
        zgeno[init_int] = g
        likelihood_LINKAGE(x, afreq = afreq, singleNum.geno = zgeno, initialCalc = initialCalc,
            TR.MATR = .TRzero)
    likel_counter = likel_counter + length(initp)
    if (identical(sum(initp), 0))
        stop("All genotype probabilities zero. Wrong model?")

    markers[init_int, ] = t.default(initgrid[suppressWarnings(sample.int(nrow(initgrid), size = N,
        replace = TRUE, prob = initp)), ])
    if (verbose)
        cat("\nPrecomputing finished. Time used:", (proc.time() - starttime)[3], "seconds.\n")

    genoprobs <- function(x, partial, id, values) {
        # values are 1:gt_L for autosomal models, and either 1:nall (males) or 1:gt_L (females) for
        # X-linked models outputs vector of length |values| with genotype probs for indiv id given
        # pedigree og partial genotype information
        probs = unlist(lapply(values, function(g) {
            part = partial  # to avoid NOTE in R CMD check
            part[id] = g
            likelihood_LINKAGE(x, afreq = afreq, singleNum.geno = part, initialCalc = initialCalc,
                TR.MATR = .TRzero)
        if (sum(probs) == 0)
            stop("\nIndividual ", x$orig.ids[id], ": All genotype probabilities zero. Mendelian error?")

    # do the rest of the individuals (only those present in sim_indivs)
    switch(chrom, AUTOSOMAL = {
        for (i in cost_int) {
            markers[i, ] = apply(markers, 2, function(partgeno) sample.int(gt_L, size = 1,
                prob = genoprobs(x, partial = partgeno, id = i, values = gt_values)))
            likel_counter = likel_counter + length(gt_values) * N
    }, X = {
        for (i in setdiff(males_int, males_int[seq_len(init_m)])) {
            markers[i, ] = apply(markers, 2, function(partgeno) sample.int(gtM, size = 1, prob = genoprobs(x,
                partial = partgeno, id = i, values = gt_values_m)))
            likel_counter = likel_counter + length(gt_values_m) * N
        for (i in setdiff(females_int, females_int[seq_len(init_f)])) {
            markers[i, ] = apply(markers, 2, function(partgeno) sample.int(gtF, size = 1, prob = genoprobs(x,
                partial = partgeno, id = i, values = gt_values)))
            likel_counter = likel_counter + length(gt_values) * N

    if (loops) {
        # quicker to tie loops before adding the markers
        markers = markers[-match(x$loop_breakers[, 2], x$orig.ids), , drop = F]
        x = tieLoops(x)

    markers[!x$orig.ids %in% available, ] = 0
    if (unique)
        markers = unique(markers, MARGIN = 2)
    markers2 = .geno2diallelNEW(markers, nall)
    attrib = attributes(partialmarker)
    if (chrom == "X")
        attrib$chrom = 23
    markerdata_list = lapply(2 * seq_len(ncol(markers)), function(k) {
        mk = markers2[, c(k - 1, k)]
        attributes(mk) = attrib
    class(markerdata_list) = "markerdata"
    x = setMarkers(x, markerdata_list)

    if (verbose)
        cat("\n", if (unique)
            x$nMark, if (unique)
            " unique markers simulated. ", likel_counter, " likelihood() calls.\nTotal time used: ",
            (proc.time() - starttime)[["elapsed"]], " seconds.\n", sep = "")

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