
Defines functions .geno2diallelNEW .diallel2genoNEW .TRmatrNEW .haplonames .initialCalc .peelFAST likelihood_LINKAGE

Documented in likelihood_LINKAGE

################################ Extending to 3 and 4 alleles
#' @rdname likelihood
#' @export
likelihood_LINKAGE = function(x, marker, theta = NULL, afreq = NULL, logbase = NULL, TR.MATR = NULL, 
    initialCalc = NULL, singleNum.geno = NULL, loop_breakers = NULL) {
    if (is.singleton(x)) 
        stop("This function is not applicable to singleton objects")
    if (is.null(x$model)) 
        stop("No model set.")
    if (x$hasLoops) {
        if (inherits(marker, "marker")) {
            x = setMarkers(x, marker)
            marker = 1
        x = breakLoops(x, loop_breakers = loop_breakers)
    nInd = x$nInd
    ped = x$pedigree
    chrom = x$model$chrom
    SEX = ped[, "SEX"]
    if (is.null(singleNum.geno)) {
        if (length(marker) == 1) 
            marker = x$markerdata[[marker]]
        if (attr(marker, "nalleles") > 4) 
            stop("Marker has more than 4 alleles. You should use 'likelihood()' instead.")
        if (is.null(afreq)) 
            afreq = attr(marker, "afreq")
        singleNum.geno = .diallel2genoNEW(marker, n = length(afreq))
    if (is.null(TR.MATR)) 
        TR.MATR = .TRmatrNEW(theta, length(afreq), chrom)
    if (is.null(initialCalc)) 
        initialCalc = .initialCalc(x, afreq, chrom)
    init_probs = initialCalc$initial_probs
    switch(chrom, AUTOSOMAL = {
        hap_list = initialCalc$haps_init[singleNum.geno + 1]
        prob_list = lapply(seq_len(nInd), function(i) init_probs[hap_list[[i]], i])
    }, X = {
        haps_init = initialCalc$haps_init
        hap_list = lapply(seq_len(nInd), function(i) haps_init[[SEX[i]]][[singleNum.geno[i] + 
        prob_list = lapply(seq_len(nInd), function(i) init_probs[[i]][hap_list[[i]]])
    hap_list = lapply(seq_len(nInd), function(i) hap_list[[i]][prob_list[[i]] > 0])
    prob_list = lapply(prob_list, function(v) v[v > 0])
    dat = list(probs = prob_list, haps = hap_list)
    attr(dat, "impossible") = FALSE
    if (is.null(dups <- x$loop_breakers)) {
        for (sub in x$subnucs) {
            dat = .peelFAST(dat, sub, SEX = SEX, chrom = chrom, TR.MATR)
            if (sub$pivtype > 0 && attr(dat, "impossible")) 
                return(ifelse(is.numeric(logbase), -Inf, 0))
        likelihood = dat
    } else {
        origs = match(dups[, 1], x$orig.ids)
        copies = match(dups[, 2], x$orig.ids)
        loopgrid = fast.grid(lapply(seq_along(origs), function(i) {
            seq_along(hap_list[[origs[i]]])[hap_list[[origs[i]]] %in% hap_list[[copies[i]]]]
        }), as.list = TRUE)
        likelihood = 0
        for (r in loopgrid) {
            haps = dat$haps
            probs = dat$probs
            for (i in seq_along(origs)) {
                orig = origs[i]
                copy = copies[i]
                haps[[orig]] <- haps[[copy]] <- haps[[orig]][r[i]]
                probs[[orig]] = probs[[orig]][r[i]]
                if (sum(probs[[orig]]) == 0) 
                  print("Loop-loekke: Alle sannsynligheter er null. Magnus lurer paa om dette kan gi feilmelding.")
                probs[copy] = list(1)
            dat1 = list(probs = probs, haps = haps)
            attr(dat1, "impossible") = FALSE
            for (sub in x$subnucs) {
                dat1 = .peelFAST(dat1, sub, SEX = SEX, chrom = chrom, TR.MATR)
                if (sub$pivtype > 0 && attr(dat1, "impossible")) 
                  }  #if impossible data - break out of ES-algorithm and go to next r in loopgrid.
                if (sub$pivtype == 0) 
                  likelihood = likelihood + dat1
    if (is.numeric(logbase)) 
        log(likelihood, logbase) else likelihood

.peelFAST <- function(dat, sub, SEX, chrom, TR.MATR) {
    probs = dat[["probs"]]
    haps = dat[["haps"]]
    father = sub[["father"]]
    mother = sub[["mother"]]
    fa_haps = haps[[father]]
    mo_haps = haps[[mother]]
    fa_len = length(fa_haps)
    mo_len = length(mo_haps)
    famo_prod = fa_len * mo_len
    likel = probs[[father]] %*% t.default(probs[[mother]])
    piv = sub[["pivot"]]
    pivtype = sub[["pivtype"]]
    offs = sub[["offspring"]]
    nonpiv.offs = offs[offs != piv]
    switch(chrom, AUTOSOMAL = {
        for (b in nonpiv.offs) {
            b_haps = haps[[b]]
            b_probs = probs[[b]]
            mm = TR.MATR[fa_haps, mo_haps, b_haps, drop = F]
            if (prod(b_probs) < 1) mm = mm * rep(b_probs, each = famo_prod)
            likel = likel * .rowSums(mm, famo_prod, length(b_haps))
        if (pivtype == 0) return(sum(likel))
        piv_haps = haps[[piv]]
        res = switch(pivtype, .rowSums(likel, fa_len, mo_len), .colSums(likel, fa_len, mo_len), 
                T = TR.MATR[fa_haps, mo_haps, piv_haps, drop = F]
                arr = as.numeric(T) * as.numeric(likel)
                .colSums(arr, famo_prod, length(piv_haps)) * probs[[piv]]
        dat$haps[[piv]] = piv_haps[res != 0]
        dat$probs[[piv]] = res[res != 0]
        if (sum(res) == 0) attr(dat, "impossible") = TRUE
    }, X = {
        offlik = rep.int(1, length(mo_haps))
        for (moff in nonpiv.offs[SEX[nonpiv.offs] == 1]) {
            mm = t.default(TR.MATR[[1]][mo_haps, haps[[moff]], drop = F]) * probs[[moff]]
            offlik = offlik * .colSums(mm, length(haps[[moff]]), mo_len)
        likel = t.default(t.default(likel) * offlik)
        for (foff in nonpiv.offs[SEX[nonpiv.offs] == 2]) {
            foff_haps = haps[[foff]]
            foff_probs = probs[[foff]]
            mm = TR.MATR[[2]][fa_haps, mo_haps, foff_haps, drop = F]
            if (prod(foff_probs) < 1) mm = mm * rep(foff_probs, each = famo_prod)
            likel = likel * .rowSums(mm, famo_prod, length(foff_haps))
            # mm = aperm.default(TR.MATR[[2]][fa_haps, mo_haps, haps[[foff]], drop = F], c(3, 1, 2),
            # TRUE) * probs[[foff]] likel = likel * .colSums(mm, length(haps[[foff]]), fa_len * mo_len)
        if (pivtype == 0) return(sum(likel))
        piv_haps = haps[[piv]]
        res = switch(pivtype, .rowSums(likel, fa_len, mo_len), .colSums(likel, fa_len, mo_len), 
                switch(SEX[piv], {
                  T = TR.MATR[[1]][mo_haps, piv_haps, drop = F]
                  .colSums(T * .colSums(likel, fa_len, mo_len), mo_len, length(piv_haps)) * 
                }, {
                  T = TR.MATR[[2]][fa_haps, mo_haps, piv_haps, drop = F]
                  arr = as.numeric(T) * as.numeric(likel)
                  .colSums(arr, famo_prod, length(piv_haps)) * probs[[piv]]
        dat$haps[[piv]] = piv_haps[res > 0]
        dat$probs[[piv]] = res[res > 0]
        if (sum(res) == 0) attr(dat, "impossible") = TRUE

.initialCalc = function(x, afreq, chrom) {
    d = x$model$dfreq
    N = length(afreq)
    G = N * (N + 1)/2  # number of marker genotypes
    Ghet = N * (N - 1)/2  # number of heterozygous genotypes
    gtMatr = allGenotypes(N)  # matrix with 2 columns and G rows
    gtnames = paste(letters[gtMatr[, 1]], letters[gtMatr[, 2]], sep = "")
    haplonames = paste(rep(gtnames[1:N], each = 3), c("DD", "DN", "NN"), sep = "")
    if (N > 1) 
        haplonames = c(haplonames, paste(rep(gtnames[-(1:N)], each = 4), c("DD", "DN", "ND", 
            "NN"), sep = ""))
    haps_init <- list(`??` = seq_along(haplonames))
    for (gt in gtnames) haps_init[[gt]] = grep(gt, haplonames)
    for (a in letters[1:N]) haps_init[[paste(a, "?", sep = "")]] = grep(a, haplonames)
    penets = x$model$penetrances
    if (chrom == "X") 
        penets = penets$female
    p = penets[c(rep.int(3:1, N), rep.int(c(3, 2, 2, 1), Ghet))]  # P(aff | geno). Note that P(non-aff | geno) = 1-p
    penmatr = cbind(1, 1 - p, p)  #rownames = list(c('AADD','AADN','AANN','BB',... 'AB', ... 'AC',...
    disFreq = c(rep(c(d^2, 2 * d * (1 - d), (1 - d)^2), N), rep(c(d^2, d * (1 - d), d * (1 - 
        d), (1 - d)^2), Ghet))
    gtFreq = afreq[gtMatr[, 1]] * afreq[gtMatr[, 2]] * rep.int(1:2, c(N, Ghet))
    gtFreqExtended = rep(gtFreq, rep.int(3:4, c(N, Ghet)))
    aff = x$pedigree[, "AFF"]
    switch(chrom, AUTOSOMAL = {
        initial_probs = penmatr[, aff + 1]
        initial_probs[, x$founders] = initial_probs[, x$founders] * disFreq * gtFreqExtended
        # dimnames(initial_probs) = list(haplonames, x$orig.ids) # kan sloyfes
    }, X = {
        haps_init_male = list(`?` = seq_len(2 * N))
        haps_init_male[seq_len(N) + 1] = lapply(seq_len(N) * 2, function(i) c(i - 1, i))
        haps_init = list(male = haps_init_male, female = haps_init)
        pM = x$model$penetrances$male[rep.int(2:1, N)]  #P(aff | geno) for males
        penmatrM = cbind(1, 1 - pM, pM)  # dimnames = list(c('AD','AN','BD','BN', ...), 1:3))
        penmatrX = list(male = penmatrM, female = penmatr)
        disFreqX = list(male = rep(c(d, 1 - d), N), female = disFreq)
        gtFreqX = list(male = rep(afreq, each = 2), female = gtFreqExtended)
        sex = x$pedigree[, "SEX"]
        initial_probs = lapply(1:x$nInd, function(i) penmatrX[[sex[i]]][, aff[i] + 1])
        for (i in x$founders) initial_probs[[i]] = initial_probs[[i]] * disFreqX[[sex[i]]] * 
    list(initial_probs = initial_probs, haps_init = haps_init)

.haplonames = function(n) {
    # TODO Unngaa paste.....tar mye tid i lod().
    gtMatr = allGenotypes(n)
    gt = paste0(letters[gtMatr[, 1]], letters[gtMatr[, 2]])
    dishom = c("DD", "DN", "NN")
    dishet = c("DD", "DN", "ND", "NN")
    res = paste0(rep(gt[1:n], each = 3), dishom)
    if (n > 1) 
        res = c(res, paste0(rep(gt[-(1:n)], each = 4), dishet))

.TRmatrNEW = function(theta, n, chrom = c("AUTOSOMAL", "X")) {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(theta), length(theta) == 1, theta >= 0, is.numeric(n), length(n) == 
        1, n > 0)
    # n = #marker alleles
    k = n * (2 * n + 1)  # = number of haplotype pairs with marker and disease locus.
    haplo.single = paste0(rep(letters[1:n], each = 2), c("D", "N"))
    haplo.allpairs = .haplonames(n)
    # n=3 --> c('AADD','AADN','AANN','BBDD','BBDN','BBNN', 'CCDD','CCDN','CCNN',
    homD = c(1, 0.5, 0)
    homN = c(0, 0.5, 1)
    hom0 = c(0, 0, 0)
    het1D = c(0.5, 0.5 * (1 - theta), 0.5 * theta, 0)  # e.g. ABDD, ABDN, ABND, ABNN -> AD 
    het2D = c(0.5, 0.5 * theta, 0.5 * (1 - theta), 0)  # e.g. ABDD, ABDN, ABND, ABNN -> BD 
    het1N = c(0, 0.5 * theta, 0.5 * (1 - theta), 0.5)  # e.g. ABDD, ABDN, ABND, ABNN -> AN
    het2N = c(0, 0.5 * (1 - theta), 0.5 * theta, 0.5)  # e.g. ABDD, ABDN, ABND, ABNN -> BN 
    het0 = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
    ### computing the k * 2n matrix h, containing haplotype transmission probabilities from 1
    ### parent.
    if (n == 1) 
        h = cbind(aD = c(homD), aN = c(homN)) else if (n == 2) 
        h = cbind(aD = c(homD, hom0, het1D), aN = c(homN, hom0, het1N), bD = c(hom0, homD, 
            het2D), bN = c(hom0, homN, het2N)) else if (n == 3) 
        h = cbind(aD = c(homD, hom0, hom0, het1D, het1D, het0), aN = c(homN, hom0, hom0, het1N, 
            het1N, het0), bD = c(hom0, homD, hom0, het2D, het0, het1D), bN = c(hom0, homN, 
            hom0, het2N, het0, het1N), cD = c(hom0, hom0, homD, het0, het2D, het2D), cN = c(hom0, 
            hom0, homN, het0, het2N, het2N)) else if (n == 4) 
        h = cbind(aD = c(homD, hom0, hom0, hom0, het1D, het1D, het1D, het0, het0, het0), aN = c(homN, 
            hom0, hom0, hom0, het1N, het1N, het1N, het0, het0, het0), bD = c(hom0, homD, hom0, 
            hom0, het2D, het0, het0, het1D, het1D, het0), bN = c(hom0, homN, hom0, hom0, het2N, 
            het0, het0, het1N, het1N, het0), cD = c(hom0, hom0, homD, hom0, het0, het2D, het0, 
            het2D, het0, het1D), cN = c(hom0, hom0, homN, hom0, het0, het2N, het0, het2N, het0, 
            het1N), dD = c(hom0, hom0, hom0, homD, het0, het0, het2D, het0, het2D, het2D), 
            dN = c(hom0, hom0, hom0, homN, het0, het0, het2N, het0, het2N, het2N)) else stop("More than 4 alleles not implemented yet.")
    chrom = match.arg(chrom)
    switch(chrom, AUTOSOMAL = {
        T <- numeric(k^3)
        dim(T) <- rep(k, 3)
        dimnames(T) <- list(haplo.allpairs, haplo.allpairs, haplo.allpairs)
        T[, , "aaDD"] <- h[, "aD"] %*% t.default(h[, "aD"])
        T[, , "aaDN"] <- h[, "aD"] %*% t.default(h[, "aN"]) + h[, "aN"] %*% t.default(h[, "aD"])
        T[, , "aaNN"] <- h[, "aN"] %*% t.default(h[, "aN"])
        if (n >= 2) {
            T[, , "bbDD"] <- h[, "bD"] %*% t.default(h[, "bD"])
            T[, , "bbDN"] <- h[, "bD"] %*% t.default(h[, "bN"]) + h[, "bN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "bbNN"] <- h[, "bN"] %*% t.default(h[, "bN"])
            T[, , "abDD"] <- h[, "aD"] %*% t.default(h[, "bD"]) + h[, "bD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "abDN"] <- h[, "aD"] %*% t.default(h[, "bN"]) + h[, "bN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "abND"] <- h[, "aN"] %*% t.default(h[, "bD"]) + h[, "bD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "abNN"] <- h[, "aN"] %*% t.default(h[, "bN"]) + h[, "bN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
        if (n >= 3) {
            T[, , "ccDD"] <- h[, "cD"] %*% t.default(h[, "cD"])
            T[, , "ccDN"] <- h[, "cD"] %*% t.default(h[, "cN"]) + h[, "cN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "ccNN"] <- h[, "cN"] %*% t.default(h[, "cN"])
            T[, , "acDD"] <- h[, "aD"] %*% t.default(h[, "cD"]) + h[, "cD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "acDN"] <- h[, "aD"] %*% t.default(h[, "cN"]) + h[, "cN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "acND"] <- h[, "aN"] %*% t.default(h[, "cD"]) + h[, "cD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "acNN"] <- h[, "aN"] %*% t.default(h[, "cN"]) + h[, "cN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "bcDD"] <- h[, "bD"] %*% t.default(h[, "cD"]) + h[, "cD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "bcDN"] <- h[, "bD"] %*% t.default(h[, "cN"]) + h[, "cN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "bcND"] <- h[, "bN"] %*% t.default(h[, "cD"]) + h[, "cD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "bcNN"] <- h[, "bN"] %*% t.default(h[, "cN"]) + h[, "cN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
        if (n >= 4) {
            T[, , "ddDD"] <- h[, "dD"] %*% t.default(h[, "dD"])
            T[, , "ddDN"] <- h[, "dD"] %*% t.default(h[, "dN"]) + h[, "dN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "ddNN"] <- h[, "dN"] %*% t.default(h[, "dN"])
            T[, , "adDD"] <- h[, "aD"] %*% t.default(h[, "dD"]) + h[, "dD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "adDN"] <- h[, "aD"] %*% t.default(h[, "dN"]) + h[, "dN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "adND"] <- h[, "aN"] %*% t.default(h[, "dD"]) + h[, "dD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "adNN"] <- h[, "aN"] %*% t.default(h[, "dN"]) + h[, "dN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "bdDD"] <- h[, "bD"] %*% t.default(h[, "dD"]) + h[, "dD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "bdDN"] <- h[, "bD"] %*% t.default(h[, "dN"]) + h[, "dN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "bdND"] <- h[, "bN"] %*% t.default(h[, "dD"]) + h[, "dD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "bdNN"] <- h[, "bN"] %*% t.default(h[, "dN"]) + h[, "dN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "cdDD"] <- h[, "cD"] %*% t.default(h[, "dD"]) + h[, "dD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "cdDN"] <- h[, "cD"] %*% t.default(h[, "dN"]) + h[, "dN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "cdND"] <- h[, "cN"] %*% t.default(h[, "dD"]) + h[, "dD"] %*% t.default(h[, 
            T[, , "cdNN"] <- h[, "cN"] %*% t.default(h[, "dN"]) + h[, "dN"] %*% t.default(h[, 
    }, X = {
        TR_f <- numeric(2 * n * k^2)
        dim(TR_f) <- c(2 * n, k, k)
        dimnames(TR_f) <- list(haplo.single, haplo.allpairs, haplo.allpairs)
        if (n == 1) {
            TR_f["aD", , c("aaDD", "aaDN")] <- h
            TR_f["aN", , c("aaDN", "aaNN")] <- h
        } else if (n == 2) {
            TR_f["aD", , c("aaDD", "aaDN", "abDD", "abDN")] <- h
            TR_f["aN", , c("aaDN", "aaNN", "abND", "abNN")] <- h
            TR_f["bD", , c("abDD", "abND", "bbDD", "bbDN")] <- h
            TR_f["bN", , c("abDN", "abNN", "bbDN", "bbNN")] <- h
        } else if (n == 3) {
            TR_f["aD", , c("aaDD", "aaDN", "abDD", "abDN", "acDD", "acDN")] <- h
            TR_f["aN", , c("aaDN", "aaNN", "abND", "abNN", "acND", "acNN")] <- h
            TR_f["bD", , c("abDD", "abND", "bbDD", "bbDN", "bcDD", "bcDN")] <- h
            TR_f["bN", , c("abDN", "abNN", "bbDN", "bbNN", "bcND", "bcNN")] <- h
            TR_f["cD", , c("acDD", "acND", "bcDD", "bcND", "ccDD", "ccDN")] <- h
            TR_f["cN", , c("acDN", "acNN", "bcDN", "bcNN", "ccDN", "ccNN")] <- h
        } else if (n == 4) {
            TR_f["aD", , c("aaDD", "aaDN", "abDD", "abDN", "acDD", "acDN", "adDD", "adDN")] <- h
            TR_f["aN", , c("aaDN", "aaNN", "abND", "abNN", "acND", "acNN", "adND", "adNN")] <- h
            TR_f["bD", , c("abDD", "abND", "bbDD", "bbDN", "bcDD", "bcDN", "bdDD", "bdDN")] <- h
            TR_f["bN", , c("abDN", "abNN", "bbDN", "bbNN", "bcND", "bcNN", "bdND", "bdNN")] <- h
            TR_f["cD", , c("acDD", "acND", "bcDD", "bcND", "ccDD", "ccDN", "cdDD", "cdDN")] <- h
            TR_f["cN", , c("acDN", "acNN", "bcDN", "bcNN", "ccDN", "ccNN", "cdND", "cdNN")] <- h
            TR_f["dD", , c("adDD", "adND", "bdDD", "bdND", "cdDD", "cdND", "ddDD", "ddDN")] <- h
            TR_f["dN", , c("adDN", "adNN", "bdDN", "bdNN", "cdDN", "cdNN", "ddDN", "ddNN")] <- h
        return(list(male = h, female = TR_f))

.diallel2genoNEW <- function(marker, n) {
    # marker: a numerical nInd * 2 matrix Coding genotypes as single integer by interpreting
    # the allele pair as an integer written in base n+1.
    if (n == 1) {
        # Target code 00=0, 11=1, 01/10=2 Base 2: 00=0, 01=1, 10=2, 11=3
        perm = c(0, 2, 2, 1)
    } else if (n == 2) {
        # Target code 00=0, 11=1, 22=2, 12/21=3, 01/10=4, 02/20=5 Base 3: 00=0, 01=1, 02=2, 10=3,
        # 11=4, 12=5, 20=6, 21=7, 22=8
        perm = c(0, 4, 5, 4, 1, 3, 5, 3, 2)
    } else if (n == 3) {
        # Target: 00=0, 11=1, 22=2, 33=3, 12/21=4, 13/31=5, 23/32=6, 01/10=7, 02/20=8, 03/30=9 Base
        # 4: 00=0, 01=1, 02=2, 03=3, 10=4, 11=5, 12=6, 13=7, 20=8, 21=9, 22=10, 23=11, 30=12,
        # 31=13, 32=14, 33=15
        perm = c(0, 7, 8, 9, 7, 1, 4, 5, 8, 4, 2, 6, 9, 5, 6, 3)
    } else if (n == 4) {
        # Target: 00=0, 11=1, 22=2, 33=3, 44=4, 12/21=5, 13/31=6, 14/41=7, 23/32=8, 24/42=9,
        # 34/43=10, 01/10=11, 02/20=12, 03/30=13, 04/40=14 Base 5: 00=0, 01=1, 02=2, 03=3, 04=4,
        # 10=5, 11=6, 12=7, 13=8, 14=9, 20=10, 21=11, 22=12, 23=13, 24=14, 30=15, 31=16, 32=17,
        # 33=18, 34=19, 40=20, 41=21, 42=22, 43=23, 44=24
        perm = c(0, 11, 12, 13, 14, 11, 1, 5, 6, 7, 12, 5, 2, 8, 9, 13, 6, 8, 3, 10, 14, 7, 
            9, 10, 4)
    perm[marker[, 1] * (n + 1) + marker[, 2] + 1]

.geno2diallelNEW <- function(codedgenos, n) {
    # input: matrix of single-numerical genotypes.
    codedgenos = as.matrix(codedgenos)
    ncols = ncol(codedgenos)
    # Ouput: Matrix with twice the number of columns, decoded as 1 -> 1 1, 2 -> 1 2, 3 -> 2 2,
    # 4 -> 1 0, 5 -> 2 0
    if (n == 1) 
        gt = matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0), nrow = 2) else if (n == 2) 
        gt = matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0), nrow = 2) else if (n == 3) 
        gt = matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0), nrow = 2) else if (n == 4) 
        gt = matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 4, 1, 
            0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0), nrow = 2)
    res = matrix(numeric(), nrow = nrow(codedgenos), ncol = 2 * ncols)
    even = 2 * seq_len(ncols)
    alleles = as.vector(gt[, codedgenos + 1])
    res[, even - 1] = alleles[seq(1, length(alleles), by = 2)]
    res[, even] = alleles[seq(2, length(alleles), by = 2)]

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