
Defines functions get_gene_sets_list get_mgsigdb_gsets get_reactome_gsets get_kegg_gsets gset_list_from_gmt get_pin_file get_biogrid_pin process_pin

Documented in get_biogrid_pin get_gene_sets_list get_kegg_gsets get_mgsigdb_gsets get_pin_file get_reactome_gsets gset_list_from_gmt process_pin

#' Process Data frame of Protein-protein Interactions
#' @param pin_df data frame of protein-protein interactions with 2 columns:
#' 'Interactor_A' and 'Interactor_B'
#' @return processed PIN data frame (removes self-interactions and
#' duplicated interactions)
process_pin <- function(pin_df) {
    # remove self-interactions
    pin_df <- pin_df[pin_df$Interactor_A != pin_df$Interactor_B, ]

    # remove duplicated inteactions (including symmetric ones)
    pin_df <- unique(t(apply(pin_df, 1, sort)))

    pin_df <- as.data.frame(pin_df)
    colnames(pin_df) <- c("Interactor_A", "Interactor_B")

#' Retrieve the Requested Release of Organism-specific BioGRID PIN
#' @param org organism name. BioGRID naming requires underscores for spaces so
#' 'Homo sapiens' becomes 'Homo_sapiens', 'Mus musculus' becomes 'Mus_musculus'
#' etc. See \url{https://wiki.thebiogrid.org/doku.php/statistics} for a full
#' list of available organisms (default = 'Homo_sapiens')
#' @param path2pin the path of the file to save the PIN data. By default, the
#' PIN data is saved in a temporary file
#' @param release the requested BioGRID release (default = '4.4.224')
#' @return the path of the file in which the PIN data was saved. If
#' \code{path2pin} was not supplied by the user, the PIN data is saved in a
#' temporary file
get_biogrid_pin <- function(org = "Homo_sapiens", path2pin, release = "4.4.224") {
    # check organism name
    all_org_names <- c("Anopheles_gambiae_PEST", "Apis_mellifera", "Arabidopsis_thaliana_Columbia",
        "Bacillus_subtilis_168", "Bos_taurus", "Caenorhabditis_elegans", "Candida_albicans_SC5314",
        "Canis_familiaris", "Cavia_porcellus", "Chlamydomonas_reinhardtii", "Chlorocebus_sabaeus",
        "Cricetulus_griseus", "Danio_rerio", "Dictyostelium_discoideum_AX4", "Drosophila_melanogaster",
        "Emericella_nidulans_FGSC_A4", "Equus_caballus", "Escherichia_coli_K12_MC4100_BW2952",
        "Escherichia_coli_K12_MG1655", "Escherichia_coli_K12_W3110", "Escherichia_coli_K12",
        "Gallus_gallus", "Glycine_max", "Hepatitus_C_Virus", "Homo_sapiens", "Human_Herpesvirus_1",
        "Human_Herpesvirus_2", "Human_Herpesvirus_3", "Human_Herpesvirus_4", "Human_Herpesvirus_5",
        "Human_Herpesvirus_6A", "Human_Herpesvirus_6B", "Human_Herpesvirus_7", "Human_Herpesvirus_8",
        "Human_Immunodeficiency_Virus_1", "Human_Immunodeficiency_Virus_2", "Human_papillomavirus_10",
        "Human_papillomavirus_16", "Human_papillomavirus_6b", "Leishmania_major_Friedlin",
        "Macaca_mulatta", "Meleagris_gallopavo", "Mus_musculus", "Mycobacterium_tuberculosis_H37Rv",
        "Neurospora_crassa_OR74A", "Nicotiana_tomentosiformis", "Oryctolagus_cuniculus",
        "Oryza_sativa_Japonica", "Ovis_aries", "Pan_troglodytes", "Pediculus_humanus",
        "Plasmodium_falciparum_3D7", "Rattus_norvegicus", "Ricinus_communis", "Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_S288c",
        "Schizosaccharomyces_pombe_972h", "Selaginella_moellendorffii", "Simian_Immunodeficiency_Virus",
        "Simian_Virus_40", "Solanum_lycopersicum", "Solanum_tuberosum", "Streptococcus_pneumoniae_ATCCBAA255",
        "Strongylocentrotus_purpuratus", "Sus_scrofa", "Tobacco_Mosaic_Virus", "Ustilago_maydis_521",
        "Vaccinia_Virus", "Vitis_vinifera", "Xenopus_laevis", "Zea_mays")
    if (!org %in% all_org_names) {
        stop(paste(org, "is not a valid Biogrid organism.", "Available organisms are listed on: https://wiki.thebiogrid.org/doku.php/statistics"))

    # release directory for download
    rel_dir <- paste0("BIOGRID-", release)

    # choose tab2 vs. tab3
    tab_v <- ifelse(utils::compareVersion(release, "3.5.183") == -1, ".tab2", ".tab3")

    # download tab2 format organism files
    tmp <- tempfile()
    fname <- paste0("BIOGRID-ORGANISM-", release, tab_v)
    biogrid_url <- paste0("https://downloads.thebiogrid.org/Download/BioGRID/Release-Archive/",
        rel_dir, "/", fname, ".zip")
    utils::download.file(biogrid_url, tmp, method = getOption("download.file.method"),
        quiet = TRUE)

    # parse organism names
    all_org_files <- utils::unzip(tmp, list = TRUE)
    all_org_files$Organism <- sub("\\.tab\\d\\.txt", "", all_org_files$Name)
    all_org_files$Organism <- sub("BIOGRID-ORGANISM-", "", all_org_files$Organism)
    all_org_files$Organism <- sub("-.*\\d+$", "", all_org_files$Organism)

    org_file <- all_org_files$Name[all_org_files$Organism == org]

    # process and save organism PIN file
    biogrid_df <- utils::read.delim(unz(tmp, org_file), check.names = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
    biogrid_pin <- data.frame(Interactor_A = biogrid_df[, "Official Symbol Interactor A"],
        Interactor_B = biogrid_df[, "Official Symbol Interactor B"])
    biogrid_pin <- process_pin(biogrid_pin)

    final_pin <- data.frame(intA = biogrid_pin$Interactor_A, pp = "pp", intB = biogrid_pin$Interactor_B)

    if (missing(path2pin)) {
        path2pin <- tempfile()
    utils::write.table(final_pin, path2pin, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
        quote = FALSE)

#' Retrieve Organism-specific PIN data
#' @param source As of this version, this function is implemented to get data
#' from 'BioGRID' only. This argument (and this wrapper function) was implemented
#' for future utility
#' @inheritParams get_biogrid_pin
#' @param ... additional arguments for \code{\link{get_biogrid_pin}}
#' @return the path of the file in which the PIN data was saved. If
#' \code{path2pin} was not supplied by the user, the PIN data is saved in a
#' temporary file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pin_path <- get_pin_file()
#' }
get_pin_file <- function(source = "BioGRID", org = "Homo_sapiens", path2pin, ...) {
    ## TODO
    if (source != "BioGRID") {
        stop("As of this version, this function is implemented to get data from BioGRID only")

    path2pin <- get_biogrid_pin(org = org, path2pin = path2pin, ...)

#' Retrieve Gene Sets from GMT-format File
#' @param path2gmt path to the gmt file
#' @param descriptions_idx index for descriptions (default = 2)
#' @return list containing 2 elements: \itemize{
#' \item{gene_sets}{A list containing the genes involved in each gene set}
#' \item{descriptions}{A named vector containing the descriptions for each gene set}
#' }
gset_list_from_gmt <- function(path2gmt, descriptions_idx = 2) {
    gset_names_idx <- ifelse(descriptions_idx == 2, 1, 2)
    gmt_lines <- readLines(path2gmt)

    ## Genes list
    genes_list <- lapply(gmt_lines, function(x) {
        x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\t"))
        x <- unique(x[3:length(x)])
        x <- x[x != ""]

    names(genes_list) <- vapply(gmt_lines, function(x) {
        x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\t"))
    }, "a")

    ## Descriptions vector
    descriptions_vec <- vapply(gmt_lines, function(x) {
        x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\t"))
    }, "a")

    names(descriptions_vec) <- names(genes_list)

    # remove empty gene sets (if any)
    genes_list <- genes_list[vapply(genes_list, length, 1) != 0]
    descriptions_vec <- descriptions_vec[names(genes_list)]

    return(list(gene_sets = genes_list, descriptions = descriptions_vec))

#' Retrieve Organism-specific KEGG Pathway Gene Sets
#' @param org_code KEGG organism code for the selected organism. For a full list
#' of all available organisms, see \url{https://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html}
#' @return list containing 2 elements: \itemize{
#' \item{gene_sets}{A list containing the genes involved in each KEGG pathway}
#' \item{descriptions}{A named vector containing the descriptions for each KEGG pathway}
#' }
get_kegg_gsets <- function(org_code = "hsa") {
    # created named list, eg: path:map00010: 'Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis'
    pathways_list <- KEGGREST::keggList("pathway", org_code)

    # make them into KEGG-style pathway identifiers
    pathway_codes <- sub("path:", "", names(pathways_list))

    # parse pathway genes
    genes_by_pathway <- lapply(pathway_codes, function(pwid) {
        pw <- KEGGREST::keggGet(pwid)

        ## get gene symbols
        all_entries <- pw[[1]]$GENE
        if (is.null(all_entries)) {
        tmp <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
        if (grepl(";", all_entries[2])) {
            tmp <- c(FALSE, TRUE)
        pw <- all_entries[tmp]

        pw <- sub(";.+", "", pw)  ## discard any description
        pw <- pw[grep("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+(\\@)?$", pw)]  ## remove mistaken lines
        pw <- unique(pw)  ## keep unique genes

    names(genes_by_pathway) <- pathway_codes

    # remove empty gene sets (metabolic pathways)
    kegg_genes <- genes_by_pathway[vapply(genes_by_pathway, length, 1) != 0]

    kegg_descriptions <- pathways_list
    names(kegg_descriptions) <- sub("path:", "", names(kegg_descriptions))
    kegg_descriptions <- sub(" & .*$", "", sub("-([^-]*)$", "&\\1", kegg_descriptions))
    kegg_descriptions <- kegg_descriptions[names(kegg_descriptions) %in% names(kegg_genes)]

    result <- list(gene_sets = kegg_genes, descriptions = kegg_descriptions)

#' Retrieve Reactome Pathway Gene Sets
#' @return Gets the latest Reactome pathways gene sets in gmt format. Parses the
#' gmt file and returns a list containing 2 elements: \itemize{
#' \item{gene_sets}{A list containing the genes involved in each Reactome pathway}
#' \item{descriptions}{A named vector containing the descriptions for each Reactome pathway}
#' }
get_reactome_gsets <- function() {
    tmp <- tempfile()
    reactome_url <- "https://reactome.org/download/current/ReactomePathways.gmt.zip"
    utils::download.file(reactome_url, tmp, method = getOption("download.file.method"))

    reactome_gmt <- unz(tmp, "ReactomePathways.gmt")
    result <- gset_list_from_gmt(reactome_gmt, descriptions_idx = 1)

    # fix illegal char(s)
    result$descriptions <- gsub("[^ -~]", "", result$descriptions)

#' Retrieve Organism-specific MSigDB Gene Sets
#' @param species species name, such as Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, etc.
#' See \code{\link[msigdbr]{msigdbr_show_species}} for all the species available in
#' the msigdbr package
#' @param collection collection. i.e., H, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7.
#' @param subcollection sub-collection, such as CGP, BP, etc. (default = NULL,
#' i.e. list all gene sets in collection)
#' @return Retrieves the MSigDB gene sets and returns a list containing 2 elements: \itemize{
#' \item{gene_sets}{A list containing the genes involved in each of the selected MSigDB gene sets}
#' \item{descriptions}{A named vector containing the descriptions for each selected MSigDB gene set}
#' }
#' @details this function utilizes the function \code{\link[msigdbr]{msigdbr}}
#' from the \code{msigdbr} package to retrieve the 'Molecular Signatures Database'
#' (MSigDB) gene sets (Subramanian et al. 2005 <doi:10.1073/pnas.0506580102>,
#' Liberzon et al. 2015 <doi:10.1016/j.cels.2015.12.004>).
#' Available collections are: H: hallmark gene sets, C1: positional gene sets,
#' C2: curated gene sets, C3: motif gene sets, C4: computational gene sets,
#' C5: GO gene sets, C6: oncogenic signatures and C7: immunologic signatures
get_mgsigdb_gsets <- function(species = "Homo sapiens", collection, subcollection = NULL) {
    # arg check
    all_collections <- c("H", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7")
    if (!collection %in% all_collections) {
        stop("`collection` should be one of ", paste(dQuote(all_collections), collapse = ", "))

    # retrieve msigdbr df
    msig_df <- msigdbr::msigdbr(species = species, category = collection, subcategory = subcollection)

    ### create gene sets list
    all_gs_ids <- unique(msig_df$gs_id)
    msig_gsets_list <- list()
    for (id in all_gs_ids) {
        sub_df <- msig_df[msig_df$gs_id == id, ]
        msig_gsets_list[[id]] <- sub_df$gene_symbol
    ### create gene sets descriptions
    msig_gsets_descriptions <- msig_df[, c("gs_name", "gs_id")]
    msig_gsets_descriptions <- unique(msig_gsets_descriptions)
    tmp <- msig_gsets_descriptions$gs_id
    msig_gsets_descriptions <- msig_gsets_descriptions$gs_name
    names(msig_gsets_descriptions) <- tmp

    result <- list(gene_sets = msig_gsets_list, descriptions = msig_gsets_descriptions)

#' Retrieve Organism-specific Gene Sets List
#' @param source As of this version, either 'KEGG', 'Reactome' or 'MSigDB' (default = 'KEGG')
#' @param org_code (Used for 'KEGG' only) KEGG organism code for the selected organism. For a full list
#' of all available organisms, see \url{https://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html}
#' @param species (Used for 'MSigDB' only) species name, such as Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, etc.
#' See \code{\link[msigdbr]{msigdbr_show_species}} for all the species available in
#' the msigdbr package (default = 'Homo sapiens')
#' @param collection (Used for 'MSigDB' only) collection. i.e., H, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7.
#' @param subcollection (Used for 'MSigDB' only)  sub-collection, such as CGP, MIR, BP, etc. (default = NULL,
#' i.e. list all gene sets in collection)
#' @return A list containing 2 elements: \itemize{
#' \item{gene_sets}{A list containing the genes involved in each gene set}
#' \item{descriptions}{A named vector containing the descriptions for each gene set}
#' }. For 'KEGG' and 'MSigDB', it is possible to choose a specific organism. For a full list
#' of all available KEGG organisms, see \url{https://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html}.
#' See \code{\link[msigdbr]{msigdbr_show_species}} for all the species available in
#' the msigdbr package used for obtaining 'MSigDB' gene sets.
#' For Reactome, there is only one collection of pathway gene sets.
#' @export
get_gene_sets_list <- function(source = "KEGG", org_code = "hsa", species = "Homo sapiens",
    collection, subcollection = NULL) {
    if (source == "KEGG") {
    } else if (source == "Reactome") {
        message("For Reactome, there is only one collection of pathway gene sets.")
    } else if (source == "MSigDB") {
        return(get_mgsigdb_gsets(species = species, collection = collection, subcollection = subcollection))
    } else {
        stop("As of this version, this function is implemented to get data from KEGG, Reactome and MSigDB only")

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