GetMinMap <-
function(mapping,leftbias = T,verbose=F)
##First, create the 'implied' points from the mapping:
l1 <- nrow(mapping$path1)
l2 <- nrow(mapping$path2)
l1.b <- 2*l1-1 ##size of bigger cost matrix
l2.b <- 2*l2-1 ##size of bigger cost matrix
##Now, create a matrix that records the least-cost chain.
## This will incorporate just the
## link cost, which we have not minimized.
leastcostchain <- matrix(0,l1.b,l2.b)
for(i in 1:(l1.b))
for(j in 1:(l2.b))
curcost <- mapping$linkcost[i,j]
if(i==1 & j==1)
} else
if(even(i) & even(j))
leastcostchain[i,j] <- Inf
##Determine the previous nodes.
##there are up to 3, and if there are only 2, use 0,0 as the placeholder.
if(odd(i) & odd(j))
prevL <- c(i,j-1) ##left
prevD <- c(i-2,j-2) #diagonal back
prevU <- c(i-1,j) ##up
} else
if(even(i) & odd(j))
prevL <- c(i,j-2) #left
prevD <- c(0,0) #diagonal
prevU <- c(i-1,j) #up
prevL <- c(i,j-1) #left
prevD <- c(0,0) ##to the cloud!
prevU <- c(i-2,j) #up
##look at the different paths, moving backward.
##we need to determine which are legal paths.
##diff meeasures the change in the area-based minimization grid
diff <- (mapping$leastcost[i,j] - mapping$leastcost[prevL[1],prevL[2]])
##delta measures the actual cost. A path is legal if the actual cost between
##the nodes is the same as the least-cost path.
delta <- Cost(mapping$path1,mapping$path2,i,j,prevL[1],prevL[2],mapping$opposite)
##this might go wrong if you are working with
##values really small, but since diff and delta are
##often zero OR Inf, you can't just scale by the size;
pathLlegal <- abs((diff-delta))<.000001
} else {
pathLlegal <- F
diff <- (mapping$leastcost[i,j] - mapping$leastcost[prevU[1],prevU[2]])
delta <- Cost(mapping$path1,mapping$path2,i,j,prevU[1],prevU[2],mapping$opposite)
pathUlegal <- abs((diff-delta))<.000001
} else {
pathUlegal <- F
diff <- (mapping$leastcost[i,j] - mapping$leastcost[prevD[1],prevD[2]])
delta <- Cost(mapping$path1,mapping$path2,i,j,prevD[1],prevD[2],mapping$opposite)
pathDlegal <- (abs(diff-delta)<.000001)
} else {
pathDlegal <- F
##Now, we know whether either path1 or path2 are legal.
##if 'legal' this means that they are feasible paths to the minimum.
##Use only the legal ones to compute leastcost. Here, we will still
##prefer the leftmost path (where row changes before column changes),
##and we can reverse the order to see if it matters.
picks <- c(pathLlegal,pathDlegal,pathUlegal)
picks <- c(pathUlegal,pathDlegal,pathLlegal)
costL <- leastcostchain[prevL[1],prevL[2]]
costL <- Inf
costU <- leastcostchain[prevU[1],prevU[2]]
costU <- Inf
costD <- leastcostchain[prevD[1],prevD[2]]
costD <- Inf
costs <- c(costL,costD,costU)
prevs <- rbind(prevL,prevD,prevU)
costs <- c(costU,costD,costL)
prevs <- rbind(prevU,prevD,prevL)
##Let's pick which path is the smallest.
argmin <- which.min(costs)
bestprev <- prevs[argmin,]
leastcostchain[i,j] <- curcost + costs[argmin]
mapping$bestpath[i,j,] <- bestprev
mapping$leastcostchain<- leastcostchain
mapping$minmap <- TRUE
mapping$minlinkcost <- leastcostchain[nrow(leastcostchain),ncol(leastcostchain)]
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