Man pages for paws.application.integration
'Amazon Web Services' Application Integration Services

eventbridgeAmazon EventBridge
eventbridge_activate_event_sourceActivates a partner event source that has been deactivated
eventbridge_cancel_replayCancels the specified replay
eventbridge_create_api_destinationCreates an API destination, which is an HTTP invocation...
eventbridge_create_archiveCreates an archive of events with the specified settings
eventbridge_create_connectionCreates a connection
eventbridge_create_endpointCreates a global endpoint
eventbridge_create_event_busCreates a new event bus within your account
eventbridge_create_partner_event_sourceCalled by an SaaS partner to create a partner event source
eventbridge_deactivate_event_sourceYou can use this operation to temporarily stop receiving...
eventbridge_deauthorize_connectionRemoves all authorization parameters from the connection
eventbridge_delete_api_destinationDeletes the specified API destination
eventbridge_delete_archiveDeletes the specified archive
eventbridge_delete_connectionDeletes a connection
eventbridge_delete_endpointDelete an existing global endpoint
eventbridge_delete_event_busDeletes the specified custom event bus or partner event bus
eventbridge_delete_partner_event_sourceThis operation is used by SaaS partners to delete a partner...
eventbridge_delete_ruleDeletes the specified rule
eventbridge_describe_api_destinationRetrieves details about an API destination
eventbridge_describe_archiveRetrieves details about an archive
eventbridge_describe_connectionRetrieves details about a connection
eventbridge_describe_endpointGet the information about an existing global endpoint
eventbridge_describe_event_busDisplays details about an event bus in your account
eventbridge_describe_event_sourceThis operation lists details about a partner event source...
eventbridge_describe_partner_event_sourceAn SaaS partner can use this operation to list details about...
eventbridge_describe_replayRetrieves details about a replay
eventbridge_describe_ruleDescribes the specified rule
eventbridge_disable_ruleDisables the specified rule
eventbridge_enable_ruleEnables the specified rule
eventbridge_list_api_destinationsRetrieves a list of API destination in the account in the...
eventbridge_list_archivesLists your archives
eventbridge_list_connectionsRetrieves a list of connections from the account
eventbridge_list_endpointsList the global endpoints associated with this account
eventbridge_list_event_busesLists all the event buses in your account, including the...
eventbridge_list_event_sourcesYou can use this to see all the partner event sources that...
eventbridge_list_partner_event_source_accountsAn SaaS partner can use this operation to display the Amazon...
eventbridge_list_partner_event_sourcesAn SaaS partner can use this operation to list all the...
eventbridge_list_replaysLists your replays
eventbridge_list_rule_names_by_targetLists the rules for the specified target
eventbridge_list_rulesLists your Amazon EventBridge rules
eventbridge_list_tags_for_resourceDisplays the tags associated with an EventBridge resource
eventbridge_list_targets_by_ruleLists the targets assigned to the specified rule
eventbridgepipesAmazon EventBridge Pipes
eventbridgepipes_create_pipeCreate a pipe
eventbridgepipes_delete_pipeDelete an existing pipe
eventbridgepipes_describe_pipeGet the information about an existing pipe
eventbridgepipes_list_pipesGet the pipes associated with this account
eventbridgepipes_list_tags_for_resourceDisplays the tags associated with a pipe
eventbridgepipes_start_pipeStart an existing pipe
eventbridgepipes_stop_pipeStop an existing pipe
eventbridgepipes_tag_resourceAssigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified...
eventbridgepipes_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from the specified pipes
eventbridgepipes_update_pipeUpdate an existing pipe
eventbridge_put_eventsSends custom events to Amazon EventBridge so that they can be...
eventbridge_put_partner_eventsThis is used by SaaS partners to write events to a customer's...
eventbridge_put_permissionRunning PutPermission permits the specified Amazon Web...
eventbridge_put_ruleCreates or updates the specified rule
eventbridge_put_targetsAdds the specified targets to the specified rule, or updates...
eventbridge_remove_permissionRevokes the permission of another Amazon Web Services account...
eventbridge_remove_targetsRemoves the specified targets from the specified rule
eventbridgeschedulerAmazon EventBridge Scheduler
eventbridgescheduler_create_scheduleCreates the specified schedule
eventbridgescheduler_create_schedule_groupCreates the specified schedule group
eventbridgescheduler_delete_scheduleDeletes the specified schedule
eventbridgescheduler_delete_schedule_groupDeletes the specified schedule group
eventbridgescheduler_get_scheduleRetrieves the specified schedule
eventbridgescheduler_get_schedule_groupRetrieves the specified schedule group
eventbridgescheduler_list_schedule_groupsReturns a paginated list of your schedule groups
eventbridgescheduler_list_schedulesReturns a paginated list of your EventBridge Scheduler...
eventbridgescheduler_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags associated with the Scheduler resource
eventbridgescheduler_tag_resourceAssigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified...
eventbridgescheduler_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from the specified EventBridge...
eventbridgescheduler_update_scheduleUpdates the specified schedule
eventbridge_start_replayStarts the specified replay
eventbridge_tag_resourceAssigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified...
eventbridge_test_event_patternTests whether the specified event pattern matches the...
eventbridge_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from the specified EventBridge...
eventbridge_update_api_destinationUpdates an API destination
eventbridge_update_archiveUpdates the specified archive
eventbridge_update_connectionUpdates settings for a connection
eventbridge_update_endpointUpdate an existing endpoint
eventbridge_update_event_busUpdates the specified event bus
locationserviceAmazon Location Service
locationservice_associate_tracker_consumerCreates an association between a geofence collection and a...
locationservice_batch_delete_device_position_historyDeletes the position history of one or more devices from a...
locationservice_batch_delete_geofenceDeletes a batch of geofences from a geofence collection
locationservice_batch_evaluate_geofencesEvaluates device positions against the geofence geometries...
locationservice_batch_get_device_positionLists the latest device positions for requested devices
locationservice_batch_put_geofenceA batch request for storing geofence geometries into a given...
locationservice_batch_update_device_positionUploads position update data for one or more devices to a...
locationservice_calculate_routeCalculates a route given the following required parameters:...
locationservice_calculate_route_matrixCalculates a route matrix given the following required...
locationservice_create_geofence_collectionCreates a geofence collection, which manages and stores...
locationservice_create_keyCreates an API key resource in your Amazon Web Services...
locationservice_create_mapCreates a map resource in your Amazon Web Services account,...
locationservice_create_place_indexCreates a place index resource in your Amazon Web Services...
locationservice_create_route_calculatorCreates a route calculator resource in your Amazon Web...
locationservice_create_trackerCreates a tracker resource in your Amazon Web Services...
locationservice_delete_geofence_collectionDeletes a geofence collection from your Amazon Web Services...
locationservice_delete_keyDeletes the specified API key
locationservice_delete_mapDeletes a map resource from your Amazon Web Services account
locationservice_delete_place_indexDeletes a place index resource from your Amazon Web Services...
locationservice_delete_route_calculatorDeletes a route calculator resource from your Amazon Web...
locationservice_delete_trackerDeletes a tracker resource from your Amazon Web Services...
locationservice_describe_geofence_collectionRetrieves the geofence collection details
locationservice_describe_keyRetrieves the API key resource details
locationservice_describe_mapRetrieves the map resource details
locationservice_describe_place_indexRetrieves the place index resource details
locationservice_describe_route_calculatorRetrieves the route calculator resource details
locationservice_describe_trackerRetrieves the tracker resource details
locationservice_disassociate_tracker_consumerRemoves the association between a tracker resource and a...
locationservice_forecast_geofence_eventsEvaluates device positions against geofence geometries from a...
locationservice_get_device_positionRetrieves a device's most recent position according to its...
locationservice_get_device_position_historyRetrieves the device position history from a tracker resource...
locationservice_get_geofenceRetrieves the geofence details from a geofence collection
locationservice_get_map_glyphsRetrieves glyphs used to display labels on a map
locationservice_get_map_spritesRetrieves the sprite sheet corresponding to a map resource
locationservice_get_map_style_descriptorRetrieves the map style descriptor from a map resource
locationservice_get_map_tileRetrieves a vector data tile from the map resource
locationservice_get_placeFinds a place by its unique ID
locationservice_list_device_positionsA batch request to retrieve all device positions
locationservice_list_geofence_collectionsLists geofence collections in your Amazon Web Services...
locationservice_list_geofencesLists geofences stored in a given geofence collection
locationservice_list_keysLists API key resources in your Amazon Web Services account
locationservice_list_mapsLists map resources in your Amazon Web Services account
locationservice_list_place_indexesLists place index resources in your Amazon Web Services...
locationservice_list_route_calculatorsLists route calculator resources in your Amazon Web Services...
locationservice_list_tags_for_resourceReturns a list of tags that are applied to the specified...
locationservice_list_tracker_consumersLists geofence collections currently associated to the given...
locationservice_list_trackersLists tracker resources in your Amazon Web Services account
locationservice_put_geofenceStores a geofence geometry in a given geofence collection, or...
locationservice_search_place_index_for_positionReverse geocodes a given coordinate and returns a legible...
locationservice_search_place_index_for_suggestionsGenerates suggestions for addresses and points of interest...
locationservice_search_place_index_for_textGeocodes free-form text, such as an address, name, city, or...
locationservice_tag_resourceAssigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified...
locationservice_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from the specified Amazon Location...
locationservice_update_geofence_collectionUpdates the specified properties of a given geofence...
locationservice_update_keyUpdates the specified properties of a given API key resource
locationservice_update_mapUpdates the specified properties of a given map resource
locationservice_update_place_indexUpdates the specified properties of a given place index...
locationservice_update_route_calculatorUpdates the specified properties for a given route calculator...
locationservice_update_trackerUpdates the specified properties of a given tracker resource
locationservice_verify_device_positionVerifies the integrity of the device's position by...
mq_create_brokerCreates a broker
mq_create_configurationCreates a new configuration for the specified configuration...
mq_create_tagsAdd a tag to a resource
mq_create_userCreates an ActiveMQ user
mq_delete_brokerDeletes a broker
mq_delete_tagsRemoves a tag from a resource
mq_delete_userDeletes an ActiveMQ user
mq_describe_brokerReturns information about the specified broker
mq_describe_broker_engine_typesDescribe available engine types and versions
mq_describe_broker_instance_optionsDescribe available broker instance options
mq_describe_configurationReturns information about the specified configuration
mq_describe_configuration_revisionReturns the specified configuration revision for the...
mq_describe_userReturns information about an ActiveMQ user
mq_list_brokersReturns a list of all brokers
mq_list_configuration_revisionsReturns a list of all revisions for the specified...
mq_list_configurationsReturns a list of all configurations
mq_list_tagsLists tags for a resource
mq_list_usersReturns a list of all ActiveMQ users
mq_promotePromotes a data replication replica broker to the primary...
mq_reboot_brokerReboots a broker
mq_update_brokerAdds a pending configuration change to a broker
mq_update_configurationUpdates the specified configuration
mq_update_userUpdates the information for an ActiveMQ user
mwaa_create_cli_tokenCreates a CLI token for the Airflow CLI
mwaa_create_environmentCreates an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA)...
mwaa_create_web_login_tokenCreates a web login token for the Airflow Web UI
mwaa_delete_environmentDeletes an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA)...
mwaa_get_environmentDescribes an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow...
mwaa_list_environmentsLists the Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA)...
mwaa_list_tags_for_resourceLists the key-value tag pairs associated to the Amazon...
mwaa_publish_metricsInternal only
mwaa_tag_resourceAssociates key-value tag pairs to your Amazon Managed...
mwaa_untag_resourceRemoves key-value tag pairs associated to your Amazon Managed...
mwaa_update_environmentUpdates an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA)...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
resourceexplorerAWS Resource Explorer
resourceexplorer_associate_default_viewSets the specified view as the default for the Amazon Web...
resourceexplorer_batch_get_viewRetrieves details about a list of views
resourceexplorer_create_indexTurns on Amazon Web Services Resource Explorer in the Amazon...
resourceexplorer_create_viewCreates a view that users can query by using the Search...
resourceexplorer_delete_indexDeletes the specified index and turns off Amazon Web Services...
resourceexplorer_delete_viewDeletes the specified view
resourceexplorer_disassociate_default_viewAfter you call this operation, the affected Amazon Web...
resourceexplorer_get_account_level_service_configurationRetrieves the status of your account's Amazon Web Services...
resourceexplorer_get_default_viewRetrieves the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the view that is...
resourceexplorer_get_indexRetrieves details about the Amazon Web Services Resource...
resourceexplorer_get_viewRetrieves details of the specified view
resourceexplorer_list_indexesRetrieves a list of all of the indexes in Amazon Web Services...
resourceexplorer_list_indexes_for_membersRetrieves a list of a member's indexes in all Amazon Web...
resourceexplorer_list_supported_resource_typesRetrieves a list of all resource types currently supported by...
resourceexplorer_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags that are attached to the specified resource
resourceexplorer_list_viewsLists the Amazon resource names (ARNs) of the views available...
resourceexplorer_searchSearches for resources and displays details about all...
resourceexplorer_tag_resourceAdds one or more tag key and value pairs to an Amazon Web...
resourceexplorer_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tag key and value pairs from an Amazon...
resourceexplorer_update_index_typeChanges the type of the index from one of the following types...
resourceexplorer_update_viewModifies some of the details of a view
schemas_create_discovererCreates a discoverer
schemas_create_registryCreates a registry
schemas_create_schemaCreates a schema definition
schemas_delete_discovererDeletes a discoverer
schemas_delete_registryDeletes a Registry
schemas_delete_resource_policyDelete the resource-based policy attached to the specified...
schemas_delete_schemaDelete a schema definition
schemas_delete_schema_versionDelete the schema version definition
schemas_describe_code_bindingDescribe the code binding URI
schemas_describe_discovererDescribes the discoverer
schemas_describe_registryDescribes the registry
schemas_describe_schemaRetrieve the schema definition
schemas_export_schemaExport schema
schemas_get_code_binding_sourceGet the code binding source URI
schemas_get_discovered_schemaGet the discovered schema that was generated based on sampled...
schemas_get_resource_policyRetrieves the resource-based policy attached to a given...
schemas_list_discoverersList the discoverers
schemas_list_registriesList the registries
schemas_list_schemasList the schemas
schemas_list_schema_versionsProvides a list of the schema versions and related...
schemas_list_tags_for_resourceGet tags for resource
schemas_put_code_bindingPut code binding URI
schemas_put_resource_policyThe name of the policy
schemas_search_schemasSearch the schemas
schemas_start_discovererStarts the discoverer
schemas_stop_discovererStops the discoverer
schemas_tag_resourceAdd tags to a resource
schemas_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a resource
schemas_update_discovererUpdates the discoverer
schemas_update_registryUpdates a registry
schemas_update_schemaUpdates the schema definition
sfnAWS Step Functions
sfn_create_activityCreates an activity
sfn_create_state_machineCreates a state machine
sfn_create_state_machine_aliasCreates an alias for a state machine that points to one or...
sfn_delete_activityDeletes an activity
sfn_delete_state_machineDeletes a state machine
sfn_delete_state_machine_aliasDeletes a state machine alias
sfn_delete_state_machine_versionDeletes a state machine version
sfn_describe_activityDescribes an activity
sfn_describe_executionProvides information about a state machine execution, such as...
sfn_describe_map_runProvides information about a Map Run's configuration,...
sfn_describe_state_machineProvides information about a state machine's definition, its...
sfn_describe_state_machine_aliasReturns details about a state machine alias
sfn_describe_state_machine_for_executionProvides information about a state machine's definition, its...
sfn_get_activity_taskUsed by workers to retrieve a task (with the specified...
sfn_get_execution_historyReturns the history of the specified execution as a list of...
sfn_list_activitiesLists the existing activities
sfn_list_executionsLists all executions of a state machine or a Map Run
sfn_list_map_runsLists all Map Runs that were started by a given state machine...
sfn_list_state_machine_aliasesLists aliases for a specified state machine ARN
sfn_list_state_machinesLists the existing state machines
sfn_list_state_machine_versionsLists versions for the specified state machine Amazon...
sfn_list_tags_for_resourceList tags for a given resource
sfn_publish_state_machine_versionCreates a version from the current revision of a state...
sfn_redrive_executionRestarts unsuccessful executions of Standard workflows that...
sfn_send_task_failureUsed by activity workers, Task states using the callback...
sfn_send_task_heartbeatUsed by activity workers and Task states using the callback...
sfn_send_task_successUsed by activity workers, Task states using the callback...
sfn_start_executionStarts a state machine execution
sfn_start_sync_executionStarts a Synchronous Express state machine execution
sfn_stop_executionStops an execution
sfn_tag_resourceAdd a tag to a Step Functions resource
sfn_test_stateAccepts the definition of a single state and executes it
sfn_untag_resourceRemove a tag from a Step Functions resource
sfn_update_map_runUpdates an in-progress Map Run's configuration to include...
sfn_update_state_machineUpdates an existing state machine by modifying its...
sfn_update_state_machine_aliasUpdates the configuration of an existing state machine alias...
sfn_validate_state_machine_definitionValidates the syntax of a state machine definition
snsAmazon Simple Notification Service
sns_add_permissionAdds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting...
sns_check_if_phone_number_is_opted_outAccepts a phone number and indicates whether the phone holder...
sns_confirm_subscriptionVerifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by...
sns_create_platform_applicationCreates a platform application object for one of the...
sns_create_platform_endpointCreates an endpoint for a device and mobile app on one of the...
sns_create_sms_sandbox_phone_numberAdds a destination phone number to an Amazon Web Services...
sns_create_topicCreates a topic to which notifications can be published
sns_delete_endpointDeletes the endpoint for a device and mobile app from Amazon...
sns_delete_platform_applicationDeletes a platform application object for one of the...
sns_delete_sms_sandbox_phone_numberDeletes an Amazon Web Services account's verified or pending...
sns_delete_topicDeletes a topic and all its subscriptions
sns_get_data_protection_policyRetrieves the specified inline DataProtectionPolicy document...
sns_get_endpoint_attributesRetrieves the endpoint attributes for a device on one of the...
sns_get_platform_application_attributesRetrieves the attributes of the platform application object...
sns_get_sms_attributesReturns the settings for sending SMS messages from your...
sns_get_sms_sandbox_account_statusRetrieves the SMS sandbox status for the calling Amazon Web...
sns_get_subscription_attributesReturns all of the properties of a subscription
sns_get_topic_attributesReturns all of the properties of a topic
sns_list_endpoints_by_platform_applicationLists the endpoints and endpoint attributes for devices in a...
sns_list_origination_numbersLists the calling Amazon Web Services account's dedicated...
sns_list_phone_numbers_opted_outReturns a list of phone numbers that are opted out, meaning...
sns_list_platform_applicationsLists the platform application objects for the supported push...
sns_list_sms_sandbox_phone_numbersLists the calling Amazon Web Services account's current...
sns_list_subscriptionsReturns a list of the requester's subscriptions
sns_list_subscriptions_by_topicReturns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic
sns_list_tags_for_resourceList all tags added to the specified Amazon SNS topic
sns_list_topicsReturns a list of the requester's topics
sns_opt_in_phone_numberUse this request to opt in a phone number that is opted out,...
sns_publishSends a message to an Amazon SNS topic, a text message (SMS...
sns_publish_batchPublishes up to ten messages to the specified topic
sns_put_data_protection_policyAdds or updates an inline policy document that is stored in...
sns_remove_permissionRemoves a statement from a topic's access control policy
sns_set_endpoint_attributesSets the attributes for an endpoint for a device on one of...
sns_set_platform_application_attributesSets the attributes of the platform application object for...
sns_set_sms_attributesUse this request to set the default settings for sending SMS...
sns_set_subscription_attributesAllows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the...
sns_set_topic_attributesAllows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a...
sns_subscribeSubscribes an endpoint to an Amazon SNS topic
sns_tag_resourceAdd tags to the specified Amazon SNS topic
sns_unsubscribeDeletes a subscription
sns_untag_resourceRemove tags from the specified Amazon SNS topic
sns_verify_sms_sandbox_phone_numberVerifies a destination phone number with a one-time password...
sqsAmazon Simple Queue Service
sqs_add_permissionAdds a permission to a queue for a specific principal
sqs_cancel_message_move_taskCancels a specified message movement task
sqs_change_message_visibilityChanges the visibility timeout of a specified message in a...
sqs_change_message_visibility_batchChanges the visibility timeout of multiple messages
sqs_create_queueCreates a new standard or FIFO queue
sqs_delete_messageDeletes the specified message from the specified queue
sqs_delete_message_batchDeletes up to ten messages from the specified queue
sqs_delete_queueDeletes the queue specified by the QueueUrl, regardless of...
sqs_get_queue_attributesGets attributes for the specified queue
sqs_get_queue_urlReturns the URL of an existing Amazon SQS queue
sqs_list_dead_letter_source_queuesReturns a list of your queues that have the RedrivePolicy...
sqs_list_message_move_tasksGets the most recent message movement tasks (up to 10) under...
sqs_list_queuesReturns a list of your queues in the current region
sqs_list_queue_tagsList all cost allocation tags added to the specified Amazon...
sqs_purge_queueDeletes available messages in a queue (including in-flight...
sqs_receive_messageRetrieves one or more messages (up to 10), from the specified...
sqs_remove_permissionRevokes any permissions in the queue policy that matches the...
sqs_send_messageDelivers a message to the specified queue
sqs_send_message_batchYou can use SendMessageBatch to send up to 10 messages to the...
sqs_set_queue_attributesSets the value of one or more queue attributes, like a policy
sqs_start_message_move_taskStarts an asynchronous task to move messages from a specified...
sqs_tag_queueAdd cost allocation tags to the specified Amazon SQS queue
sqs_untag_queueRemove cost allocation tags from the specified Amazon SQS...
swfAmazon Simple Workflow Service
swf_count_closed_workflow_executionsReturns the number of closed workflow executions within the...
swf_count_open_workflow_executionsReturns the number of open workflow executions within the...
swf_count_pending_activity_tasksReturns the estimated number of activity tasks in the...
swf_count_pending_decision_tasksReturns the estimated number of decision tasks in the...
swf_delete_activity_typeDeletes the specified activity type
swf_delete_workflow_typeDeletes the specified workflow type
swf_deprecate_activity_typeDeprecates the specified activity type
swf_deprecate_domainDeprecates the specified domain
swf_deprecate_workflow_typeDeprecates the specified workflow type
swf_describe_activity_typeReturns information about the specified activity type
swf_describe_domainReturns information about the specified domain, including...
swf_describe_workflow_executionReturns information about the specified workflow execution...
swf_describe_workflow_typeReturns information about the specified workflow type
swf_get_workflow_execution_historyReturns the history of the specified workflow execution
swf_list_activity_typesReturns information about all activities registered in the...
swf_list_closed_workflow_executionsReturns a list of closed workflow executions in the specified...
swf_list_domainsReturns the list of domains registered in the account
swf_list_open_workflow_executionsReturns a list of open workflow executions in the specified...
swf_list_tags_for_resourceList tags for a given domain
swf_list_workflow_typesReturns information about workflow types in the specified...
swf_poll_for_activity_taskUsed by workers to get an ActivityTask from the specified...
swf_poll_for_decision_taskUsed by deciders to get a DecisionTask from the specified...
swf_record_activity_task_heartbeatUsed by activity workers to report to the service that the...
swf_register_activity_typeRegisters a new activity type along with its configuration...
swf_register_domainRegisters a new domain
swf_register_workflow_typeRegisters a new workflow type and its configuration settings...
swf_request_cancel_workflow_executionRecords a WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested event in the...
swf_respond_activity_task_canceledUsed by workers to tell the service that the ActivityTask...
swf_respond_activity_task_completedUsed by workers to tell the service that the ActivityTask...
swf_respond_activity_task_failedUsed by workers to tell the service that the ActivityTask...
swf_respond_decision_task_completedUsed by deciders to tell the service that the DecisionTask...
swf_signal_workflow_executionRecords a WorkflowExecutionSignaled event in the workflow...
swf_start_workflow_executionStarts an execution of the workflow type in the specified...
swf_tag_resourceAdd a tag to a Amazon SWF domain
swf_terminate_workflow_executionRecords a WorkflowExecutionTerminated event and forces...
swf_undeprecate_activity_typeUndeprecates a previously deprecated activity type
swf_undeprecate_domainUndeprecates a previously deprecated domain
swf_undeprecate_workflow_typeUndeprecates a previously deprecated workflow type
swf_untag_resourceRemove a tag from a Amazon SWF domain
paws.application.integration documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:11 a.m.