
Defines functions plotPed plot.pedigree

Documented in plotPed

## Taken from the kinship package (plot.pedigree.R, pedigree.R, kinship.R), licensed under (GPL >= 2), and modified as below to 1) display more information, 2) sensible margins so you can see the output, 3) handle AffectionStatus without crashing, and just generally play nicer with our data.

## FROM pedigree.R in kinship package

## From plot.pedigree.R in kinship
                                        #  $Id: plot.pedigree.s,v 1.10 2003/10/24 14:13:34 Atkinson Exp $

plot.pedigree <- function(x, id = x$id, sex = x$sex, status = x$status,
                           affected = x$affected,
                           cex = 1, col = rep(1, length(x$id)),
                           symbolsize = 1, branch = 0.6,
                           packed = T, align = packed, width = 8,
                           density=c(-1, 50,70,90), mar=c(4.1, 1, 4.1, 1),
                           angle=c(90,70,50,0), keep.par=F,
                           extraInfo = NULL, ## Tom added

  #col <- rep("white",length(x$id))
  #col[affected==1] <- "black"
  col[is.na(affected)] <- "red" ## missing!!

  maxlev <- max(x$depth) + 1
  n <- length(x$depth)

  sex <- as.numeric(sex)
  sex[is.na(sex)] <- 3
  if(any(sex < 1 | sex > 4))
    stop("Invalid sex code")
  if(length(sex) != n)
    stop("Wrong length for sex")

    status <- rep(0, n)
  else {
    if(!all(status == 0 | status == 1 | status == 2))
    stop("Invalid status code")
    if(length(status) != n)
    stop("Wrong length for status")
  if(!is.null(id)) {
    if(length(id) != n)
    stop("Wrong length for id")

  ## Define plotting symbols for sex by affected
  ## in S, 0=square, 1= circle, 5=diamond, 2=triangle
  ## 15, 16, 18 and 17 are filled versions of them

  symbol <-  c(0, 1, 5, 2)[sex]


  points.sym <- function(x, y, symbol, status, affected, size, col, aspect,
                         angle, density, adj)

      circle <- function(cx, cy, r, code=0, col=1, angle, density, ...)

                                        #   cx, cy, coordinates for center; r is radius

          z <- (0:360 * pi)/180
          pin <- par()$pin
          usr <- par()$usr
          adj <- (pin[2]/pin[1])/((usr[4] - usr[3])/(usr[2] - usr[1]))
          x <- sin(z) * r + cx
          y <- cos(z) * r * 1/adj + cy

          if(sum(code,na.rm=T)==0) polygon(x, y, border=T,
                  density=0,col=col, ...)
          else {

            if(length(code)==1) polygon(x,y,border=T,col=col,
                       density=density[1], angle=angle[1],...)

            if(length(code)==2) {
              polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)
              z <- (0:180 * pi)/180
              x <- sin(z) * r + cx
              y <- cos(z) * r * 1/adj + cy

                      angle=angle[2], ...)
              z <- (180:360 * pi)/180
              x <- sin(z) * r + cx
              y <- cos(z) * r * 1/adj + cy

                      angle=angle[1], ...)

            if(length(code)==3) {
              polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)

              z <- (0:90 * pi)/180
              x <- c(cx,sin(z) * r + cx)
              y <- c(cy,cos(z) * r * 1/adj + cy)

              z <- (180:270 * pi)/180
              x <- c(cx,sin(z) * r + cx)
              y <- c(cy,cos(z) * r * 1/adj + cy)
                      angle=angle[1], ...)

              z <- (270:360 * pi)/180
              x <- c(cx, sin(z) * r + cx)
              y <- c(cy, cos(z) * r * 1/adj + cy)
                      angle=angle[2], ...)

            if(length(code)==4) {
              polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)

              z <- (0:90 * pi)/180
              x <- c(cx,sin(z) * r + cx)
              y <- c(cy,cos(z) * r * 1/adj + cy)
                      angle=angle[3], ...)

              z <- (90:180 * pi)/180
              x <- c(cx,sin(z) * r + cx)
              y <- c(cy,cos(z) * r * 1/adj + cy)

              z <- (180:270 * pi)/180
              x <- c(cx,sin(z) * r + cx)
              y <- c(cy,cos(z) * r * 1/adj + cy)
                      angle=angle[1], ...)

              z <- (270:360 * pi)/180
              x <- c(cx, sin(z) * r + cx)
              y <- c(cy, cos(z) * r * 1/adj + cy)
                      angle=angle[2], ...)

            if(length(code)>4) stop('Can only plot up to 4 levels of codes')

      square <- function(cx, cy, r, code=0, col=1, angle, density, ...) {

                                        #  cx, cy, coordinates for center; r is radius

        pin <- par()$pin
        usr <- par()$usr
        adj <- (pin[2]/pin[1])/((usr[4] - usr[3])/(usr[2] - usr[1]))

        x <- cx + c(-r,-r,r,r)
        y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(-r,r,r,-r)

        if(sum(code,na.rm=T)==0) polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, col=col,...)
        else {
          if(length(code)==1) polygon(x,y,border=T,col=col,
                     density=density[1], angle=angle[1], ...)

          if(length(code)==2) {
            polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)

            x <- cx + c(-r,-r,0,0)
                    angle=angle[1], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,0,r,r)
                    angle=angle[2], ...)
          if(length(code)==3) {
            polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)

            x <- cx + c(-r,-r,0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(-r,0,0,-r)
                    angle=angle[1], ...)
            x <- cx + c(-r,-r,0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,r,0)
                    angle=angle[2], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,0,r,r)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,r,0)
                    angle[3], ...)
          if(length(code)==4) {
            polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)

            x <- cx + c(-r,-r,0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(-r,0,0,-r)
                    angle=angle[1], ...)
            x <- cx + c(-r,-r,0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,r,0)
                    angle=angle[2], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,0,r,r)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,r,0)
                    angle=angle[3], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,0,r,r)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(-r,0,0,-r)
                    angle[4], ...)
          if(length(code)>4) stop('Can only plot up to 4 levels of codes')

      diamond <- function(cx, cy, r, code=0, col=1, angle, density, ...) {

                                        #  cx, cy, coordinates for center; r is radius

        pin <- par()$pin
        usr <- par()$usr
        adj <- (pin[2]/pin[1])/((usr[4] - usr[3])/(usr[2] - usr[1]))

        x <- cx + c(-r,0,r,0)
        y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,0,-r)

        if(sum(code,na.rm=T)==0) polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0,col=col, ...)
        else {
          if(length(code)==1) polygon(x,y,border=T,col=col,
                     density=density[1], angle=angle[1], ...)

          if(length(code)==2) {
            polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)

            x <- cx + c(-r,0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,-r)
                    angle=angle[1], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,0,r)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(r,-r,0)
                    angle=angle[2], ...)
          if(length(code)==3) {
            polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)

            x <- cx + c(-r,0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,0,-r)
                    angle=angle[1], ...)
            x <- cx + c(-r,0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,0)
                    angle=angle[2], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,0,r)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,0)
                    angle=angle[3], ...)
          if(length(code)==4) {
            polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)

            x <- cx + c(-r,0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,0,-r)
                    angle=angle[1], ...)
            x <- cx + c(-r,0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,0)
                    angle=angle[2], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,0,r)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,0)
                    angle=angle[3], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,0,r)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(-r,0,0)
                    angle=angle[4], ...)
          if(length(code)>4) stop('Can only plot up to 4 levels of codes')

      triangle <- function(cx, cy, r, code=0, col=1, angle, density, ...) {

                                        #  cx, cy, coordinates for center; r is radius

        pin <- par()$pin
        usr <- par()$usr
        adj <- (pin[2]/pin[1])/((usr[4] - usr[3])/(usr[2] - usr[1]))

        r <- r*1.25

        a <- 3*r/sqrt(3)
        b <- r/2

        x <- cx + c((-1/2)*a, (1/2)*a, 0)
        y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(-b, -b, r)

        if(sum(code,na.rm=T)==0) polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0,col=col, ...)
        else {
          if(length(code)==1) polygon(x,y,border=T,col=col,
                     density=density[1],angle=angle[1], ...)

          if(length(code)==2) {
            polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)

            x <- cx + c((-1/2)*a, 0, 0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(-b, -b, r)
                    angle=angle[1], ...)

            x <- cx + c(0, (1/2)*a, 0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(-b, -b, r)
                    angle=angle[2], ...)

          if(length(code)==3) {
            polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)
            midx <- (r*(.5)*a)/(b+r)

            x <- cx + c((-1/2)*a,-midx, 0, 0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(-b, 0, 0, -b)
                    angle=angle[1], ...)
            x <- cx + c(-midx, 0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,0)
                    angle=angle[2], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,0,midx)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,0)
          if(length(code)==4) {
            polygon(x,y,border=T,density=0, ...)
            midx <- (r*(.5)*a)/(b+r)

            x <- cx + c((-1/2)*a, -midx , 0, 0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(-b, 0, 0, -b)
                    angle=angle[1], ...)
            x <- cx + c(-midx, 0,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,0)
                    angle=angle[2], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,0,midx)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,r,0)
                    angle=angle[3], ...)
            x <- cx + c(0,midx,(1/2)*a,0)
            y <- cy + (1/adj)*c(0,0,-b,-b)
                    angle=angle[4], ...)
          if(length(code)>4) stop('Can only plot up to 4 levels of codes')

                                        #   in S, 0=square, 1= circle, 5=diamond, 2=triangle
                                        #   15, 16, 18 and 17 are filled versions of them

      for(i in (1:length(x))[!is.na(match(symbol,c(0,15)))]){
        square(x[i],y[i],size, code=(affected[i,,drop=F]),
               col=col[i], angle=angle, density=density)

      for(i in (1:length(x))[!is.na(match(symbol,c(1,16)))]){
        circle(x[i],y[i],size, code=(affected[i,,drop=F]),
               col=col[i],angle=angle, density=density)

      for(i in (1:length(x))[!is.na(match(symbol,c(5,18)))]){
        diamond(x[i],y[i],size, code=(affected[i,,drop=F]),
                col=col[i],angle=angle, density=density)

      for(i in (1:length(x))[!is.na(match(symbol,c(2,17)))]){
        triangle(x[i],y[i],size, code=(affected[i,,drop=F]),
                 col=col[i],angle=angle, density=density)

                                        # Draw slash if status=1
      who <- (status == 1)
      if(any(who)) {
        deltax <- size*cos(pi/4) + aspect
        deltay <- (1/adj)*(size*sin(pi/4) + aspect)
        segments(x[who] - deltax, y[who] - deltay,
                 x[who] + deltax, y[who] + deltay)

                                        # Now, get the structure of the plot, and lay out the main region

  plist <- kinship2::align.pedigree(x, packed = packed, width = width, align =
  who <- (plist$nid > 0)
  xp <- plist$pos[who]
  yp <-  - (row(plist$nid))[who]
  np <- plist$nid[who]
  oldpar <- par(mar = mar, err=-1)
  par(usr = c(range(xp) + c(-0.5, 0.5), - (maxlev + 0.5), -0.5))

  pin <- par()$pin
  usr <- par()$usr
  adj <- (pin[2]/pin[1])/((usr[4] - usr[3])/(usr[2] - usr[1]))

  symbolsize <- symbolsize * adj
  radius <- 0.08 * symbolsize

  delta <- .1
  aspect <- 0.05 * symbolsize  #used for status variable

                                        #   textoff <- - (1/adj)*(radius) - .5*cex*(par()$"1em"[2])

  textheight <- cex*par()$cin[2] #/4 ## ? div by 7 ??
  textoff <- - (1/adj)*(radius) - .5*cex*(par()$"cin"[2]/7) #- textheight*0.1

  totalTextHeight <- textheight
  #cat("totalTextHeight before:", totalTextHeight, "\n")
    totalTextHeight <- textheight * (1 + ncol(extraInfo))
  #cat("totalTextHeight after:", totalTextHeight, "\n")

  ## Tom addition to fix the margins
  #print( xp )
  #print( yp )

  xmin <- min(xp)
  xmax <- max(xp)
  ymin <- min(yp)
  ymax <- max(yp)
  xlen <- xmax - xmin
  ylen <- ymax - ymin
  fudge <- max(0.1 * c(xlen, ylen)) + totalTextHeight
  xmin <- xmin - fudge
  xmax <- xmax + fudge
  ymin <- ymin - fudge
  ymax <- ymax + fudge

  #cat("%%", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, "\n")

  plot(c(xmin,xmax), c(ymin,ymax), axes=F,type='n',xlab='',ylab='',...)

  points.sym(xp, yp, symbol[np], status[np], affected[np, ,drop=F],
             radius, col[np], aspect, angle=angle, density=density, adj=adj)


  for(p in 1:length(np)){
    textOut <- c()
      textOut <- c(textOut, paste("ID:", id[np[p]]))
      for(i in 1:ncol(extraInfo))
        textOut <- c(textOut, paste(colnames(extraInfo)[i], ": ", extraInfo[np[p],i], sep=""))
    if(length(textOut) > 0)
      text(xp[p], yp[p] + textoff, paste(textOut, collapse="\n"), cex=cex, pos=1)

  if(!is.null(id)) {

    #  text(xp, yp + textoff, paste("ID:",id[np]), cex = cex, col = col[np])
    #  text(xp, yp + textoff, paste(paste("ID:",id[np]), extraInfo[np,1:ncol(extraInfo)], collapse="\n"), cex=cex, col=col[np])

    ###text(xp, yp + textoff, id[np], cex = cex, col = col[np])
    ### Tom's additions, so we get some more information here...
    #text(xp, yp + textoff, paste("ID:",id[np]), cex = cex, col = col[np])
    ##text(xp, yp + textoff - textheight, "Bite me", cex=cex )
      ##text(xp, yp + textoff, paste(extraInfo[np,],collapse="\n"))
      #for(i in 1:ncol(extraInfo))
      #  text(xp, yp + textoff - textheight*i, paste(colnames(extraInfo)[i], ": ", extraInfo[np,i], sep=""))

                                        # Draw in the family connections
  for(i in 1:maxlev) {
                                        # between spouses
    if(any(plist$spouse[i,  ]>0)) {
      temp <- (1:ncol(plist$spouse))[plist$spouse[i,  ]>0]
      segments(plist$pos[i, temp] + radius, rep( - i, length(temp)),
               plist$pos[i, temp + 1] - radius, rep(-i, length(temp)))
                                        # to be added -- double segment for plist$spouse==2
  for(i in 2:maxlev) {

                                        # Children to parents, and across sibs
    zed <- unique(plist$fam[i,  ])
    zed <- zed[zed > 0]

    for(fam in zed) {
      xx <- plist$pos[i - 1, fam + 0:1]
      parentx <- mean(xx)
                                        # Draw uplines from each subject
        tw.left <- (plist$twins[i, ] > 0 & plist$twins[i, ] < 4) & plist$fam[i,]==fam
        mz.left <- (plist$twins[i, ] == 1) & plist$fam[i,]==fam

        un.left <- (plist$twins[i, ] == 3) & plist$fam[i,]==fam

        ## figure out twins IN FAMILY (find next person in family)
        tw.right <- rep(F,length(tw.left))
        famlst <- plist$fam[i,]
        twloc <- (1:length(tw.right))[tw.left]
        famloc <- (1:length(tw.right))[famlst==fam]
        flag <- NULL
        for(j in twloc) flag <- c(flag,min(famloc[j<famloc]))
        tw.right[flag] <- T

        mz.right <- rep(F,length(mz.left))
        mzloc <- (1:length(mz.right))[mz.left]
        flag <- NULL
        for(j in mzloc) flag <- c(flag,min(famloc[j<famloc]))
        mz.right[flag] <- T

        ## unknown zygosity of the twin (type=3)
        un.right <- rep(F,length(un.left))
        unloc <- (1:length(un.right))[un.left]
        flag <- NULL
        for(j in unloc) flag <- c(flag,min(famloc[j<famloc]))
        un.right[flag] <- T


        twn <- length(plist$fam[i,]==fam)
        tw.left <- rep(F,twn)
        tw.right <- rep(F,twn)
        mz.left <- rep(F,twn)
        mz.right <- rep(F,twn)

        un.left <- rep(F,twn)
        un.right <- rep(F,twn)

      tw <- tw.left|tw.right
      ##mz <- mz.left|mz.right  ## Codetools 02/20/2014
      ##un <- un.left|un.right  ## Codetools 02/20/2014
      who <- (plist$fam[i,  ] == fam) & !tw

      xx <- plist$pos[i, who]
      yy <- rep( - i, length = sum(who))
      ww <- plist$nid[i, who]

      xx.l <- plist$pos[i, tw.left]
      yy.l <- rep( - i, length = sum(tw.left))
      ww.l <- plist$nid[i, tw.left]

      xx.r <- plist$pos[i, tw.right]
      yy.r <- rep( - i, length = sum(tw.right))
      ww.r <- plist$nid[i, tw.right]

      segments(xx, yy + (1/adj) * radius, xx, yy + 3 * delta, col
               = col[ww])

                                        # draw diag line for twins
      ## left side of twin
      segments(xx.l, yy.l + (1/adj) * radius, .5*(xx.l+xx.r), yy.l + 3 * delta,
               col = col[ww.l])

      ## right side of twin
      segments(xx.r, yy.r + (1/adj) * radius, .5*(xx.l+xx.r), yy.r + 3 * delta,
               col = col[ww.r])

      ## draw midpoint MZ twin line

      xx.lm <- plist$pos[i, mz.left]
      yy.lm <- rep( - i, length = sum(mz.left))

      xx.rm <- plist$pos[i, mz.right]
      yy.rm <- rep( - i, length = sum(mz.right))

               .5*(yy.lm+(1/adj)*radius + yy.lm+3*delta),
               .5*(yy.rm+(1/adj)*radius + yy.lm+3*delta))

      ## add question mark for unknown zygosity

      ##xx.lu <- plist$pos[i, un.left]   ## Codetools 02/20/2014
      ##yy.lu <- rep( - i, length = sum(un.left))  ## Codetools 02/20/2014

      ##xx.ru <- plist$pos[i, un.right]  ## Codetools 02/20/2014
      ##yy.ru <- rep( - i, length = sum(un.right))  ## Codetools 02/20/2014

      ## text('?',.5*(xx.lu+.5*(xx.ru+xx.lu)),
      ##      .5*(yy.lu+(1/adj)*radius + yy.lu+3*delta), cex=adj*.3)


      who <- (plist$fam[i,  ] == fam)
      xx <- plist$pos[i, who]
      yy <- rep( - i, length = sum(who))
      ww <- plist$nid[i, who]

                                        # add connector
      xx2 <- plist$pos[i,]
      xx2 <- xx2[who]

      ## check to see if twins on either end of family
        tw.who <- tw[who]
        n <- length(tw.who)
        n2 <- sum(tw.who)
        flagL <- sum(tw.who[1:2]) == 2
        flagR <- sum(tw.who[c(n,n-1)]) == 2
        xx2.save <- xx2

        if(flagL) xx2[tw.who][1:2] <- rep(mean(xx2.save[tw.who][1:2]),2)
        if(flagR) xx2[tw.who][c(n2,n2-1)] <- rep(mean(xx2.save[tw.who][c(n2,n2-1)]),2)

      segments(min(xx2), 3 * delta - i, max(xx2), 3 * delta - i)

                                        # Draw line to parents
      x1 <- mean(range(xx))
      y1 <- 3 * delta - i

      if(branch == 0)
        segments(x1, y1, parentx,  - (i - 1))
      else {
        y2 <- 1 - i
        x2 <- parentx
        ydelta <- ((y2 - y1) * branch)/2
        segments(c(x1, x1, x2), c(y1, y1 + ydelta, y2 - ydelta),
                 c(x1, x2, x2), c(y1 + ydelta, y2 - ydelta, y2))


                                        # Connect up remote spouses
  arcconnect <- function(x, y)
                                        # draw an approx arc whose midpoint is 1/2 unit higher than its chord,
                                        #  with x[1], y[1], and x[2], y[2] as the ends of the chord
      xx <- seq(x[1], x[2], length = 15)
      yy <- seq(y[1], y[2], length = 15) + 0.5 - (seq(-7, 7))^2/98
      lines(xx, yy, lty = 2)

  xx <- table(np)
  xx <- xx[xx > 1]

                                        #those who appear multiple times
  if(length(xx) > 0) {
    multi <- as.numeric(names(xx))
    for(i in 1:length(xx)) {
      x2 <- xp[np == multi[i]]
      y2 <- yp[np == multi[i]]
      nn <- xx[i]
      for(j in 1:(nn - 1))
        arcconnect(x2[j + 0:1], y2[j + 0:1])

### print message if not plotting everyone

  ckall <- x$id[is.na(match(x$id,x$id[plist$nid]))]
  if(length(ckall>0)) cat('Did not plot the following people:',ckall,'\n')

  if(!keep.par) par(oldpar)

  ## reorder xp and yp so that they are in the same order as plist
  tmp <- plist$nid[plist$nid!=0]
  xp2 <- xp[order(tmp)]
  yp2 <- yp[order(tmp)]


## This was taken from my fbati R package...
mergePhePed <-
function (ped, phe)
  if (is.null(phe) || is.null(ped)) {
  data <- merge(ped, phe, all.x = TRUE)
  data <- data[order(data$pid, data$id), ]
alignPhePed <-
function (ped, phe) ## modified from nuclify -- no longer nuclifies...
  ped <- sort(ped)
  phe <- sort(phe)
  ndata <- mergePhePed(ped, phe)
  nped <- ndata[, 1:ncol(ped)]
  class(nped) <- c("ped", "data.frame")
  nphe <- ndata[, c(1, 2, (ncol(ped) + 1):ncol(ndata))]
  class(nphe) <- c("phe", "data.frame")
  return(list(ped = nped, phe = nphe))

## Tom's code from pbatR:

## And then this is my own function to handle plotting a 'ped' class object
## geno \in "none", "percent", "each"
plotPed <- function( ped, sink=NULL, geno="percent", phe=NULL, pheCols=NULL ) {
  ##require( kinship2 ) ## replaced from 'library' for codetools...

  ## Bloody affectionStatus + kinship = hell on your pedigree
  alev <- unique(ped$AffectionStatus)
  if(any(is.na(alev)) || max(alev,na.rm=TRUE)==1){
    ## actually, this is what we want
    ## coded 0, 1, 2...
    ped$AffectionStatus[ped$AffectionStatus == 0] <- NA
    ped$AffectionStatus <- ped$AffectionStatus - 1

  ## is it symbolic? it can't be for these routines...
#  if( is.sym(ped) )
#    ped <- as.ped( ped, clearSym=TRUE )

  ## Handle genotype completions of individuals
  extraInfo <- NULL
  if(geno == "percent") {
    extraInfo <- data.frame(G=paste(round(100 * rowSums(ped[,7:ncol(ped)]!=0) / (ncol(ped)-6), digits=2), "%", sep=""))
  if(geno == "each") {
    extraInfo <- data.frame(matrix("NA",nrow=nrow(ped),ncol=(ncol(ped)-6)/2),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    colnames(extraInfo) <- pedMarkerNames(ped)
    for(i in 1:ncol(extraInfo)){
      a0 <- ped[[6+i*2-1]]
      a1 <- ped[[6+i*2]]
      #extraInfo[[i]] <- paste(min(a0,a1), "/", max(a0,a1),sep="")
      extraInfo[[i]] <- paste(apply(ped[,6+i*2-c(0,1)],1,min), "/", apply(ped[,6+i*2-c(0,1)],1,max), sep="")

      miss <- a0==0 | a1==0
        extraInfo[[i]][miss] <- "?"

  ## New, put in some phenotype information?
  pheInfo <- NULL
    res <- alignPhePed(ped, phe)
    ped <- res$ped
    phe <- res$phe
  if(!is.null(pheCols)) {
    pheInfo <- phe[, match(pheCols, colnames(phe))]
      extraInfo <- pheInfo
      extraInfo <- cbind(extraInfo, pheInfo)

  ## move it to their format
  if( any( ped$sex==0 ) )
    ped$sex[ped$sex==0] <- 3;

  ## Seriously, this program is just an absolute !!@#$% with affection status, I don't know what the is wrong with it's code, so we hack it below instead...
  #ped$affection <- 0
  #ped$affection[ped$AffectionStatus==2] <- 1
  #affection <- matrix[ped$AffectionStatus]

  ## If sink = filename, sink each plot to a file!
  ## See if we should sink it to file
  if( !is.null(sink) ) {
    pdf( sink );

  for( pid in unique(ped$pid) ) {
    ## pull out the pedigree piece
    subPed <- ped[ ped$pid==pid, ]
    subExtraInfo <- NULL
    #  subExtraInfo <- as.data.frame(extraInfo[ ped$pid==pid, ]) ## Bloody R and it's vector matrix idiocy
      subExtraInfo <- subset(extraInfo, ped$pid==pid)
    ## fix it so it's their program happy
    pedigr <- kinship2::pedigree(id = subPed$id, dadid=subPed$idfath, momid=subPed$idmoth, sex=subPed$sex) #, affected=subPed$affection)
    pedigr$affected <- matrix(subPed$AffectionStatus) ## Workaround the bug in the pedigree routine -- hey, it works!!!
    #print( pedigr )
    #print( str(pedigr) )

    SUCCESS <- FALSE;  ## sometimes it fails...
    try( {
      plot.pedigree(pedigr, extraInfo=subExtraInfo);
      title(paste("Pedigree", pid));
      SUCCESS <- TRUE;
    } );
    if( !SUCCESS )
      print( paste( "Plotting pedigree", pid, "failed." ) );

  ## Close off the filename if necessary
  if( !is.null(sink) )

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