
Defines functions get_covbeta devfun_vp get_Fstat_ddf qform compute_auxiliary get_devfun prform print.SATmodcomp SATmodcomp_internal SATmodcomp.lmerMod SATmodcomp

Documented in compute_auxiliary devfun_vp get_covbeta get_Fstat_ddf SATmodcomp SATmodcomp.lmerMod

## ##########################################################################
#' @title F-test and degrees of freedom based on Satterthwaite approximation
#' @description An approximate F-test based on the Satterthwaite approach.
#' @concept model_comparison
#' @name sat_modcomp
## ##########################################################################
#' @details
#' Notice: It cannot be guaranteed that the results agree with other
#' implementations of the Satterthwaite approach!
#' @inheritParams kr_modcomp
#' @param eps A small number.
#' @author Søren Højsgaard, \email{sorenh@@math.aau.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getKR}}, \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}}, \code{\link{vcovAdj}},
#'     \code{\link{PBmodcomp}}, \code{\link{KRmodcomp}}
#' @references Ulrich Halekoh, Søren Højsgaard (2014)., A
#'     Kenward-Roger Approximation and Parametric Bootstrap Methods
#'     for Tests in Linear Mixed Models - The R Package pbkrtest.,
#'     Journal of Statistical Software, 58(10), 1-30.,
#'     \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v59/i09/}
#' @keywords models inference
#' @examples
#' (fm0 <- lmer(Reaction ~ (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
#' (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
#' (fm2 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + I(Days^2) + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
#' ## Test for no effect of Days in fm1, i.e. test fm0 under fm1
#' SATmodcomp(fm1, "Days")
#' SATmodcomp(fm1, ~.-Days)
#' L1 <- cbind(0, 1) 
#' SATmodcomp(fm1, L1)
#' SATmodcomp(fm1, fm0)
#' anova(fm1, fm0)
#' ## Test for no effect of Days and Days-squared in fm2, i.e. test fm0 under fm2
#' SATmodcomp(fm2, "(Days+I(Days^2))")
#' SATmodcomp(fm2, ~. - Days - I(Days^2))
#' L2 <- rbind(c(0, 1, 0), c(0, 0, 1))
#' SATmodcomp(fm2, L2)
#' SATmodcomp(fm2, fm0)
#' anova(fm2, fm0)
#' ## Test for no effect of Days-squared in fm2, i.e. test fm1 under fm2
#' SATmodcomp(fm2, "I(Days^2)")
#' SATmodcomp(fm2, ~. - I(Days^2))
#' L3 <- rbind(c(0, 0, 1))
#' SATmodcomp(fm2, L3)
#' SATmodcomp(fm2, fm1)
#' anova(fm2, fm1)

#' @export
#' @rdname sat_modcomp
SATmodcomp <- function(largeModel, smallModel, betaH=0, details=0, eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){

#' @export
#' @rdname sat_modcomp
SATmodcomp.lmerMod <- function(largeModel, smallModel, betaH=0, details=0, eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
    SATmodcomp_internal(largeModel=largeModel, smallModel=smallModel, betaH=betaH, eps=eps)

SATmodcomp_internal <- function(largeModel, smallModel, betaH=0, eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){

    if (is.character(smallModel))
        smallModel <- doBy::formula_add_str(formula(largeModel), terms=smallModel, op="-")
    if (inherits(smallModel, "formula"))
        smallModel  <- update(largeModel, smallModel)

    w <- modcomp_init(largeModel, smallModel, matrixOK = TRUE)

    if (w == -1) stop('Models have equal mean stucture or are not nested...')
    if (w == 0){
        ## First given model is submodel of second; exchange the models
        tmp <- largeModel; largeModel <- smallModel; smallModel <- tmp

    ## All computations are based on 'largeModel' and the restriction matrix 'L'
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ## print(largeModel)
    ## print(smallModel)
    largeModel <- update(largeModel, REML=TRUE) ## FIXME: Almost surely
    t0    <- proc.time()    
    L     <- model2restriction_matrix(largeModel, smallModel)
    beta <- getME(largeModel, "beta")
    aux  <- compute_auxiliary(largeModel)
    vcov_Lbeta <- L %*% aux$vcov_beta %*% t(L) # Var(contrast) = Var(Lbeta)

    eig_vcov_Lbeta <- eigen(vcov_Lbeta)
    P   <- eig_vcov_Lbeta$vectors
    d   <- eig_vcov_Lbeta$values
    tol <- max(eps * d[1], 0)
    pos <- d > tol
    qq  <- sum(pos) # rank(vcov_Lbeta)
    PtL <- crossprod(P, L)[1:qq,, drop=FALSE]
    ## print(PtL)

    ## FIXME: do betaDiff <- beta - betaH

    betaDiff <- beta - betaH
    ## t2     <- drop(PtL %*% beta)^2 / d[1:qq]
    t2     <- drop(PtL %*% betaDiff)^2 / d[1:qq]
    Fvalue <- sum(t2) / qq

    grad_PLcov <- lapply(1:qq, function(m) {
               function(J) {
                   qform(PtL[m, ], J)
               }, numeric(1L)

    ## 2D_m^2 / g'Ag
    nu_m <- vapply(1:qq,
                   function(m) {
                       2*(d[m])^2 / qform(grad_PLcov[[m]], aux$vcov_varpar)
                   }, numeric(1L)

    ## Compute ddf for the F-value:
    ddf <- get_Fstat_ddf(nu_m, tol=1e-8)

    out <- list(test=data.frame(statistic=Fvalue, ndf=qq, ddf=ddf, p.value=1 - pf(Fvalue, df1=qq, df2=ddf)),
                sigma=getME(largeModel, "sigma"),
                ctime=(proc.time() - t0)[3],
    class(out) <- "SATmodcomp"

#' @export
print.SATmodcomp <- function(x, ...){
    cat("large : ")

    if (inherits(x$formula.small, "formula")) cat("small : ")
    else cat("small (restriction matrix) : \n")
    dd <- as.data.frame(x$test[c("statistic", "ndf", "ddf", "p.value")])
    printCoefmat(dd, has.Pvalue=TRUE)

prform  <- function(form){
    if (!inherits(form, c("formula", "matrix"))) stop("'form' must be formula or matrix")
    if (inherits(form, "formula"))
        prmatrix(form, collab = rep_len("", ncol(form)), rowlab = rep_len("", ncol(form)))

## Returns the deviance function for a linear mixed model.
get_devfun <- function(model){
    if (!inherits(model, "lmerMod")) stop("'model' not an 'lmerMod'")
    mc <- model@call
    args <- as.list(mc)
    args$devFunOnly <- TRUE
    Call <- as.call(c(list(quote(lme4::lmer)), args[-1]))
    devfun <- eval.parent(Call)


## #######################################################
## ####### compute_auxillary
## ####### ################################################ #'
#' Compute_auxiliary quantities needed for the Satterthwaite
#' approximation.
#' Computes variance-covariance matrix of variance parameters (theta, sigma), the Jacobian of
#' each variance parameter etc.
#' @param model A linear mixed model object
#' @param tol A tolerance
#' @author Søren Højsgaard
#' @return A list
#' @keywords internal

compute_auxiliary <- function(model, tol=1e-6){
    if (!inherits(model, "lmerMod")) stop("'model' not an 'lmerMod'")

    devfun <- get_devfun(model)
    ## tmp <- list(Call=Call, devfun=devfun) ## SH
    ## assign("tmp", tmp, envir=.GlobalEnv)
    out <- list(sigma=NULL, vcov_beta=NULL, vcov_varpar=NULL, jacobian_list=NULL)
    out$sigma <- sigma(model)
    out$vcov_beta <- as.matrix(vcov(model))                       

    ## The optimized variance parameters (theta, sigma)
    varpar_opt <- unname(c(getME(model, "theta"), getME(model, "sigma")))

    ## Compute Hessian:
    ## ----------------
    is_reml <- getME(model, "is_REML")
    h <- numDeriv::hessian(func=devfun_vp, x=varpar_opt,
                           devfun=devfun, reml=is_reml)
    ## Eigen decompose the Hessian:
    eig_h <- eigen(h, symmetric=TRUE)
    evals <- eig_h$values
    neg <- evals < -tol
    pos <- evals > tol
    zero <- evals > -tol & evals < tol
    if(sum(neg) > 0) { # negative eigenvalues
        ##eval_chr <- if(sum(neg) > 1) "eigenvalues" else "eigenvalue"
        evals_num <- paste(sprintf("%1.1e", evals[neg]), collapse = " ")
        warning(sprintf("Model failed to converge with %d negative eigenvalue(s): %s",
                        sum(neg), evals_num), call.=FALSE)
    ## Note: we warn about negative AND zero eigenvalues:
    if(sum(zero) > 0) { # some eigenvalues are zero
        ##eval_chr <- if(sum(zero) > 1) "eigenvalues" else "eigenvalue"
        evals_num <- paste(sprintf("%1.1e", evals[zero]), collapse = " ")
        warning(sprintf("Model may not have converged with %d eigenvalue(s) close to zero: %s",
                        sum(zero), evals_num))
    ## Compute vcov(varpar):
    ## ---------------------
    pos <- eig_h$values > tol
    q <- sum(pos)

    ## Moore-Penrose generalized inverse for h:
    h_inv <- with(eig_h, {
        vectors[, pos, drop=FALSE] %*% diag(1 / values[pos], nrow=q) %*%
            t(vectors[, pos, drop=FALSE]) })

    out$vcov_varpar <- 2 * h_inv # vcov(varpar)

    ## Compute Jacobian of cov(beta)
    ## -----------------------------

    ## Compute Jacobian for each varpar and save in list:
    jac <- numDeriv::jacobian(func=get_covbeta, x=varpar_opt, devfun=devfun)

    ## List of jacobian matrices
    out$jacobian_list <-
               function(i) {
                   array(jac[, i], dim=rep(length(getME(model, "beta")), 2))

qform <- function(x, A) {
  sum(x * (A %*% x)) 

## ##############################################
## ######## get_Fstat_ddf()
## ##############################################
#' Compute denominator degrees of freedom for F-test
#' From a vector of denominator degrees of freedom from independent t-statistics (\code{nu}),
#' the denominator degrees of freedom for the corresponding F-test is computed.
#' Note that if any \code{nu <= 2} then \code{2} is returned. Also, if all nu
#' are within `tol` of each other the simple average of the nu-vector is returned.
#' This is to avoid downward bias.
#' @param nu vector of denominator degrees of freedom for the
#'     t-statistics
#' @param tol tolerance on the consecutive differences between
#'     elements of nu to determine if mean(nu) should be returned
#' @author Rune Haubo B. Christensen. Adapted to pbkrtest by Søren Højsgaard.
#' @return the denominator degrees of freedom; a numerical scalar
#' @keywords internal

get_Fstat_ddf <- function(nu, tol=1e-8) {
  # Computes denominator degrees of freedom for an F-statistic that is derived from a sum of
  # squared t-statistics each with nu_m degrees of freedom.
  # nu : vector of denominator degrees of freedom for the t-statistics
  # tol: tolerance on the consequtive differences between elements of nu to
  #      determine if mean(nu) should be returned.
  # Result: a numeric scalar
  # Returns nu if length(nu) == 1. Returns mean(nu) if all(abs(diff(nu)) < tol;
  # otherwise denominator degrees of freedom appears to be downward biased.
  fun <- function(nu) {
    if(any(nu <= 2)) 2 else {
      E <- sum(nu / (nu - 2))
      2 * E / (E - (length(nu))) # q = length(nu) : number of t-statistics
    stopifnot(length(nu) >= 1,
                                        ## all(nu > 0), # returns 2 if any(nu < 2)
              all(sapply(nu, is.numeric)))
    if (length(nu) == 1L)
    if (all(abs(diff(nu)) < tol))
    if (!is.list(nu))
        vapply(nu, fun, numeric(1L))

######## devfun_vp()
#' Compute deviance of a linear mixed model as a function of variance parameters
#' This function is used for extracting the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix
#'   of the variance parameters.
#' @param varpar variance parameters; \code{varpar = c(theta, sigma)}.
#' @param devfun deviance function as a function of theta only.
#' @param reml if \code{TRUE} the REML deviance is computed;
#'   if \code{FALSE}, the ML deviance is computed.
#' @return the REML or ML deviance.
#' @author Rune Haubo B. Christensen. Adapted to pbkrtest by Søren Højsgaard.
#' @keywords internal
devfun_vp <- function(varpar, devfun, reml) {
  nvarpar <- length(varpar)
  sigma2  <- varpar[nvarpar]^2
  theta   <- varpar[-nvarpar]
  df_envir <- environment(devfun)

  ## SH: call below not stored anywhere. Is it being used?
  devfun(theta) # Evaluate deviance function at varpar

  n <- nrow(df_envir$pp$V)
  # Compute deviance for ML:
  dev <- df_envir$pp$ldL2() + (df_envir$resp$wrss() + df_envir$pp$sqrL(1)) / sigma2 +
      n * log(2 * pi * sigma2)

  if (!reml) return(dev)

  ## Adjust if REML is used:
  RX <- df_envir$pp$RX() # X'V^{-1}X ~ crossprod(RX^{-1}) = cov(beta)^{-1} / sigma^2
  dev + 2*c(determinant(RX)$modulus) - ncol(RX) * log(2 * pi * sigma2)

######## get_covbeta()
#' Compute covariance of fixed effect parameters as a function of variance parameters of a linear mixed model
#' At the optimum the covariance is available as `vcov(lmer-model)`. This function
#' computes `cov(beta)` at non (RE)ML estimates of `varpar`.
#' @inheritParams devfun_vp
#' @return The covariances matrix of the fixed effects at supplied `varpar` values.
#' @author Rune Haubo B. Christensen. Adapted to pbkrtest by Søren Højsgaard.
#' @keywords internal
get_covbeta <- function(varpar, devfun) {
  nvarpar <- length(varpar)
  sigma <- varpar[nvarpar]        # residual std.dev.
  theta <- varpar[-nvarpar]       # ranef var-par
  devfun(theta)                   # evaluate REML or ML deviance 'criterion'
  df_envir <- environment(devfun) # extract model environment
  sigma^2 * tcrossprod(df_envir$pp$RXi()) # vcov(beta)

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