
Defines functions how_to_use_sbatch how_to_update_parameters how_to_use_parallel publish_book2github add_common_gitignore make_asa_web make_gitbook add_analysis make_project

Documented in add_analysis how_to_update_parameters how_to_use_parallel how_to_use_sbatch make_gitbook make_project

#' Make a R-analysis project
#' @param pro_n project name
#' @param root_dir root directory
#' @export
#' @return No return value
make_project <- function(pro_n, root_dir = "~/Documents/R/") {
  # pro_n='test'
  if (substr(root_dir, nchar(root_dir), nchar(root_dir)) == "/") {
    pro_dir <- paste0(root_dir, pro_n)
  } else {
    pro_dir <- paste0(root_dir, "/", pro_n)

  if (dir.exists(pro_dir)) stop("directory existed, try other name")
  lapply(c("data", "temp", "summary", "analysis"), FUN = \(x)dir.create(paste(pro_dir, x, sep = "/")))
  lapply(c("R_config.R", paste0(pro_n, ".Rproj")), FUN = \(x)file.create(paste(pro_dir, "analysis", x, sep = "/")))
  writeLines(paste0("This is a project for `", pro_n, "`
1. analysis: R project location, containing analysis codes and output files, use `add_analysis` to add a new analysis section.
2. summary: summary files, such as ppt, word, etc.
3. data: data files, including raw data, such as feature and metadata tables.
4. temp: temp files"),
    con = paste(pro_dir, "README", sep = "/"), sep = ""

  writeLines("Version: 1.0

RestoreWorkspace: Default
SaveWorkspace: Default
AlwaysSaveHistory: Default

EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
UseSpacesForTab: Yes
NumSpacesForTab: 2
Encoding: UTF-8

RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: XeLaTeX", con = paste(pro_dir, "analysis", paste0(pro_n, ".Rproj"), sep = "/"), sep = "")

  tmp <- ""
  if (file.exists("~/Documents/R/pcutils")) {
    tmp <- paste0(tmp, 'devtools::load_all("~/Documents/R/pcutils")')
  } else {
    tmp <- paste0(tmp, "library(pcutils)")
  tmp <- paste0(tmp, '
# Commonly used packages
Packages <- c("ggplot2","dplyr","tidyr","ggsci","ggpubr","cowplot","readr","tibble","vegan","ggrepel")
# Commonly used colors
# Commonly used theme
  writeLines(tmp, con = paste(pro_dir, "analysis", "R_config.R", sep = "/"), sep = "")

  message(paste0("Make project `", pro_n, "` sucessfully! Open project at directory: `", pro_dir, "`"))

#' Add an analysis for a project
#' @param analysis_n analysis name
#' @param title Rmd file title
#' @param pro_dir project directory, default is current directory
#' @export
#' @return No return value
add_analysis <- function(analysis_n, title = analysis_n, pro_dir = getwd()) {
  oldwd <- getwd()

  pro_n <- list.files(pattern = "*.Rproj")
  pro_n <- gsub(".Rproj", "", pro_n)
  if (length(pro_n) != 1) stop("make sure there is a *.Rproj file in your `pro_dir`")
  message(paste0("Add ", analysis_n, " for project ", pro_n))

  # rmdls=list.files(pattern = "*.Rmd")%>%gsub(".Rmd","",.)
  if (file.exists(paste0(analysis_n, ".Rmd"))) stop(paste0(analysis_n, ".Rmd already exists!"))
  file.create(paste0(analysis_n, ".Rmd"))
  if (dir.exists(analysis_n)) stop(paste0(analysis_n, " directory already exists!"))

  output_theme <- c("
    toc: true
    toc_depth: 3
    toc_float: true")

title: "', title, '"
  - ', "Asa12138", "
date: ", date(), "
link-citations: yes", output_theme, '

```{r setup, include = FALSE}
path <- "', getwd(), '"
  eval = TRUE, # run code in chunks (default = TRUE)
  echo = TRUE, # whether to include the source code in the output
  error = TRUE, # Whether to include error information in the output
  warning = FALSE, # Whether to include warnings in the output (default = TRUE)
  message = TRUE, # whether to include reference information in the output
  cache = TRUE, # whether to cache
  collapse = FALSE # output in one piece
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = path)

Install and import all dependent packages, data import:
```{r import,echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results="hide"}

# Header1
```{r test,echo=TRUE,fig.cap="Test fig"}
ggsave("', paste0(analysis_n, "/test.pdf"), '")

'), con = paste0(analysis_n, ".Rmd"), sep = "")

#' Make a Gitbook using bookdown
#' @param book_n project name
#' @param root_dir root directory
#' @param bib cite papers bib, from Zotero
#' @param csl cite papers format, default science.csl
#' @param mode "gitbook","bs4"
#' @param author author
#' @export
#' @return No return value
make_gitbook <- function(book_n, root_dir = "~/Documents/R/", mode = c("gitbook", "bs4")[1], author = "Asa12138",
                         bib = "~/Documents/R/pc_blog/content/bib/My Library.bib",
                         csl = "~/Documents/R/pc_blog/content/bib/science.csl") {
  lib_ps("bookdown", library = FALSE)
  mode <- match.arg(mode, c("gitbook", "bs4"))
  if (substr(root_dir, nchar(root_dir), nchar(root_dir)) == "/") {
    book_dir <- paste0(root_dir, book_n)
  } else {
    book_dir <- paste0(root_dir, "/", book_n)

  if (dir.exists(book_dir)) stop("directory exist, try other name")

  if (mode == "gitbook") {
    bookdown::create_gitbook(path = book_dir)
  } else {
    bookdown::create_bs4_book(path = book_dir)

  tmp <- readr::read_file(file.path(root_dir, book_n, "_output.yml"))
  tmp1 <- gsub("    toc:.*BRANCH/%s\n", "", tmp)
  writeLines(tmp1, con = file.path(root_dir, book_n, "_output.yml"), sep = "")

  cat(paste0("\nlibrary(kableExtra)"), file = file.path(root_dir, book_n, "_common.R"), append = TRUE)

    tmp <- readr::read_file(file.path(root_dir, book_n, "index.Rmd"))
    tmp1 <- gsub("A Minimal Book Example", book_n, tmp)
    tmp1 <- gsub("John Doe", author, tmp1)
    if (mode == "gitbook") {
      tmp1 <- gsub("biblio-style: apalike", "link-citations: yes\ncolorlinks: yes\ngraphics: yes", tmp1)
    } else {
      tmp1 <- gsub("link-citations: yes", "link-citations: yes\ncolorlinks: yes\ngraphics: yes", tmp1)
    tmp1 <- gsub("github-repo: rstudio/bookdown-demo\n", "", tmp1)
    if (file.exists(bib)) {
      file.copy(bib, paste(root_dir, book_n, "My_Library.bib", sep = "/"))
      tmp1 <- gsub("book\\.bib", "book.bib, My_Library.bib", tmp1)
    if (file.exists(csl)) {
      file.copy(csl, paste(root_dir, book_n, "my.csl", sep = "/"))
      if (grepl("csl:", tmp1)) {
        tmp1 <- gsub("csl: .*\\.csl", "csl: my.csl", tmp1)
      } else {
        tmp1 <- gsub("graphics: yes", "graphics: yes\ncsl: my.csl", tmp1)
    cat(tmp1, file = file.path(root_dir, book_n, "index.Rmd"))
    "Creat the book `", book_n, "` sucessfully! Open project at directory: `",
    book_dir, "`"

make_asa_web <- function() {
  # 改成了quarto构建网站
  system("quarto render ~/Documents/GitHub/Asa_web/ --quiet")
  # rmarkdown::render_site(encoding = "UTF-8", input = "~/Documents/GitHub/Asa_web/", quiet = TRUE)
  system("rsync -a ~/Documents/GitHub/Asa_web/_site/* ~/Documents/GitHub/Asa12138.github.io/")

add_common_gitignore <- function(dir = getwd(), rm_DS_Store = TRUE) {
  if (!dir.exists(dir)) stop("directory not exist")
  old_dir <- getwd()
  if (!dir.exists(".git")) stop("not a git repository")
  common_r <- "# Common R files
# R books
# pkgdown site
# RStudio Connect folder
  # 读取.gitignore文件已有内容
  if (file.exists(".gitignore")) {
    readLines(".gitignore") -> tmp
    if (any(grepl("# Common R files", tmp))) {
      message("already have common R files")
    } else {
      writeLines(paste0(common_r, paste0(tmp, collapse = "\n"), "\n"), ".gitignore")
  } else {
    writeLines(common_r, ".gitignore")

  if (rm_DS_Store) system("find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git rm -f --ignore-unmatch")

publish_book2github <- function(dir, overwrite = FALSE) {
  if (!dir.exists(dir)) stop("directory not exist")
  old_dir <- getwd()
  if (!dir.exists("_book")) stop("not a book repository")
  # rmarkdown::render_site(encoding = "UTF-8", input = "~/Documents/GitHub/Asa_web/", quiet = TRUE)
  destination <- paste0("~/Documents/GitHub/Asa12138.github.io/", basename(dir))
  if (overwrite) {
    system(paste0("rm -rf ", destination))
    system(paste0("cp -R _book ", destination))
  system(paste0("rsync -a _book/* ", destination))

# =======Some tips========

#' How to use parallel
#' @param loop the main function
#' @export
#' @return No return value
how_to_use_parallel <- function(loop = function(i) {
                                }) {
  lib_ps("clipr", library = FALSE)
  res_text <- paste0("#parallel
  #main function
  loop=", paste(deparse(loop), collapse = "\n"), '
    pcutils::lib_ps("foreach", "doSNOW", "snow", library = FALSE)
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = reps, style = 3)
      opts <- list(progress = function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n))
    else opts=NULL
    cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads)
    res <- foreach::`%dopar%`(foreach::foreach(i = seq_len(reps),.options.snow = opts),
  else {
    res <-lapply(seq_len(reps), loop)
  #simplify method

#' How to update parameters
#' @export
#' @return No return value
how_to_update_parameters <- function() {
  lib_ps("clipr", library = FALSE)
  res_text <- paste0('point_params = list(size=5,color="red")
ggplot(data.frame(x=1:5,y=5:1), aes(x = x, y = y))+
  do.call(geom_point, update_param(list(size=2,color="blue",alpha=0.5), point_params))')

#' How to use sbatch
#' @param mode 1~3
#' @export
#' @return No return value
how_to_use_sbatch <- function(mode = 1) {
  if (mode == 1) {
    lib_ps("clipr", library = FALSE)
    res_text <- paste0("#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name=fastp
#SBATCH --output=/share/home/jianglab/pengchen/work/%x_%A_%a.out
#SBATCH --error=/share/home/jianglab/pengchen/work/%x_%A_%a.err
#SBATCH --partition=cpu
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2g
#SBATCH --time=14-00:00:00
echo start: `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`
start=`date +%s`

do something

echo end: `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`
end=`date +%s`
echo TIME:`expr $end - $start`s")
  if (mode == 2) {
    lib_ps("clipr", library = FALSE)
    res_text <- paste0("#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name=fastp
#SBATCH --output=/share/home/jianglab/pengchen/work/%x_%A_%a.out
#SBATCH --error=/share/home/jianglab/pengchen/work/%x_%A_%a.err
#SBATCH --partition=cpu
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2g
#SBATCH --time=14-00:00:00
#SBATCH --array=1-39
echo start: `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`
start=`date +%s`
sample=$(head -n $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID $samplelist | tail -1)
echo handling: $sample

fastp -w 2 -i ~/work/st/data/data/${sample}'_1.clean.fq.gz' -o ~/work/st/data/fastp/${sample}_1.fq \
-I ~/work/st/data/data/${sample}'_2.clean.fq.gz' -O ~/work/st/data/fastp/${sample}_2.fq -j ~/work/st/data/fastp/${sample}.json

echo end: `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`
end=`date +%s`
echo TIME:`expr $end - $start`s")
  if (mode == 3) {
    lib_ps("clipr", library = FALSE)
    res_text <- paste0("#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name=fastp
#SBATCH --output=/share/home/jianglab/pengchen/work/%x_%A_%a.out
#SBATCH --error=/share/home/jianglab/pengchen/work/%x_%A_%a.err
#SBATCH --partition=cpu
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2g
#SBATCH --time=14-00:00:00
#SBATCH --array=1-39

echo start: `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`
start=`date +%s`

NUMLINES=4 #how many sample in one array
START=\"$(($STOP - $(($NUMLINES - 1))))\"

#set the min and max
if [ $START -lt 1 ]
if [ $STOP -gt 39 ]

echo \"START=$START\"
echo \"STOP=$STOP\"

for (( N = $START; N <= $STOP; N++ ))
  sample=$(head -n \"$N\" $samplelist | tail -n 1)
	echo $sample
	start1=`date +%s`

  bowtie2 -p 8 -x ~/db/humangenome/hg38 -1 ~/work/st/data/fastp/${sample}_1.fq -2 ~/work/st/data/fastp/${sample}_2.fq \
  -S ~/work/st/data/rm_human/${sample}.sam --un-conc ~/work/st/data/rm_human/${sample}.fq --very-sensitive

	end1=`date +%s`
  echo `expr $end1 - $start1`s
echo end: `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'`
end=`date +%s`
echo TIME:`expr $end - $start`s")

#' How to set options in a package
#' @param package package name
#' @return No return value
#' @export
how_to_set_options <- function(package = "My_package") {
  lib_ps("clipr", library = FALSE)
  res_text <- paste0('# Load the value of the option on package startup
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  if(!dir.exists(tools::R_user_dir("', package, '")))dir.create(tools::R_user_dir("', package, '"),recursive = TRUE)

# read user config first.
refresh_config <- function() {
  if(file.exists(system.file("config", package = "pcutils")))
    default_options <- readRDS(file = system.file("config", package = "', package, '"))
  else return()
  file_path=file.path(tools::R_user_dir("', package, '"),"config")
  if (file.exists(file_path)) {
    options_to_load <- readRDS(file = file_path)
  else {
  # set options
  options("', package, '_config"=options_to_load)

#\' Show config
#\' @return config
#\' @export
show_', package, '_config=function(){
  config=getOption("', package, '_config")

#\' Set config
#\' @param item item
#\' @param value value
#\' @return No value
#\' @export
set_', package, '_config <- function(item,value) {
  config=getOption("', package, '_config")
  else config=pcutils::update_param(config,setNames(list(value),item))
  saveRDS(config, file = file.path(tools::R_user_dir("', package, '"),"config"))
  options("', package, '_config"=config)
  message("Set sucessfully!")

#' How to set font for ggplot
#' @return No return value
#' @export
how_to_set_font_for_plot <- function() {
  lib_ps("clipr", library = FALSE)
  res_text <- paste0('
    lib_ps("sysfonts", "showtext", library = FALSE)

    font_file <- "/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Songti.ttc"


    # Add the font to showtext
    sysfonts::font_add("Songti", font_file)

    #Check the system font. If Songti appears, it indicates successful import

      theme(text = element_text(family = "Songti"))')


# =======Packages========

parse_NEWS_md <- function(file_path = "NEWS.md") {
  # Read the content of the NEW.md file
  content <- readLines(file_path)

  # Initialize a list to store version-wise changes
  version_changes <- list()

  # Initialize variables to track the current version and section
  current_version <- NULL
  current_section <- NULL

  # Process each line in the file
  for (line in content) {
    # Check if the line indicates a version
    if (grepl("^#\\s+.*Notes$", line)) {
      # Extract the version number
      current_version <- gsub("^#.* v", "", gsub(" Notes$", "", line))
      # Create a new entry for the current version
      version_changes[[current_version]] <- list()
    } else if (grepl("^##", line)) {
      # Extract the section name
      section_name <- gsub("^##\\s*", "", line)
      # Set the current section variable
      current_section <- section_name
      # Initialize the section content for the current version
      version_changes[[current_version]][[current_section]] <- character()
    } else if (!is.null(current_version) && !is.null(current_section) && line != "") {
      # Add the line to the corresponding section
      version_changes[[current_version]][[current_section]] <-
        c(version_changes[[current_version]][[current_section]], line)

  # Remove leading and trailing whitespaces
  version_changes <- lapply(version_changes, function(version) {
    lapply(version, function(section) trimws(section))

  # Return the parsed version-wise changes

#' Update the NEW.md for a package
#' @param package_dir default: "."
#' @param new_features new_features
#' @param bug_fixes bug_fixes
#' @param other_changes other_changes
#' @param ... additional info
#' @return No value
#' @export
update_NEWS_md <- function(package_dir = ".", new_features = character(),
                           bug_fixes = character(), other_changes = character(), ...) {
  pkg_info <- get_package_info(package_dir)
  pkg_name <- pkg_info$Package
  new_version <- pkg_info$Version

  file_path <- file.path(package_dir, "NEWS.md")
  # Parse existing NEW.md content
  if (file.exists(file_path)) {
    existing_versions <- parse_NEWS_md(file_path)
  } else {
    existing_versions <- NULL

  # If there are any new changes, insert them into the existing version
  changes_to_insert <- c(list(
    "Added" = new_features,
    "Fixed" = bug_fixes,
    "Others" = other_changes
  ), list(...))
  for (i in names(changes_to_insert)) {
    if (length(changes_to_insert[[i]]) > 0) {
      changes_to_insert[[i]] <- paste("-", changes_to_insert[[i]],
        format(Sys.Date(), "<%Y-%m-%d, %a>"),
        sep = " "

  # Check if the new version already exists
  if (new_version %in% names(existing_versions)) {
    # Insert new features, bug fixes, and other changes
    for (change_type in names(changes_to_insert)) {
      if (length(changes_to_insert[[change_type]]) > 0) {
        existing_versions[[new_version]][[change_type]] <-
          c(changes_to_insert[[change_type]], existing_versions[[new_version]][[change_type]])
  } else {
    # If the version is new, create a new entry
    new_version_content <- changes_to_insert

    # Insert the new version into the existing versions
    existing_versions <- c(setNames(list(new_version_content), new_version), existing_versions)

  # Write out the updated content to NEW.md
  write_NEWS_md(pkg_name, existing_versions, file_path)

# Function to write out the updated content to NEW.md
write_NEWS_md <- function(pkg_name, parsed_versions, file_path = "NEWS.md") {
  # Open the file for writing
  file <- file(file_path, "w")

  # Write each version and its content to the file
  for (version in names(parsed_versions)) {
    cat(paste0("# ", pkg_name, " v", version, " Notes\n\n"), file = file)

    # Write each section (New Features, Bug Fixes, Other Changes)
    for (section_name in names(parsed_versions[[version]])) {
      if (length(parsed_versions[[version]][[section_name]]) > 0) {
        cat(paste0("## ", section_name, "\n\n"), file = file)
        cat(paste(parsed_versions[[version]][[section_name]], collapse = "\n"), file = file)
        cat(paste0("\n\n"), file = file)

  # Close the file

get_package_info <- function(package_dir = ".") {
  pkg <- basename(normalizePath(package_dir))
  utils::packageDescription(pkg, lib.loc = file.path(package_dir, ".."))

solve_no_visible_binding <- function(file = "~/Downloads/00check.log.txt") {
  # 读入文件
  log_file <- readLines(file)

  # 挑出带有 'no visible binding for global variable' 的行
  error_lines <- grep("no visible binding for global variable", log_file, value = TRUE)

  # 提取错误信息
  error_messages <- gsub("(.*): no visible binding for global variable '([^']+).*", "\\1: \\2", error_lines)
  if (length(error_messages) < 1) {

  # 初始化输出变量
  output <- ""

  # 初始化临时变量
  tmp <- ""
  tmp2 <- c()

  # 循环处理错误信息
  for (msg in error_messages) {
    x <- strsplit(msg, ": ")[[1]]

    if (tmp == x[1]) {
      # tmp2 <- paste0(tmp2, " <- ", x[2])
      tmp2 <- c(tmp2, x[2])
    } else {
      if (tmp != "") {
        output <- paste(output, paste0(tmp, ": ", paste0(unique(tmp2), collapse = " <- "), " <- NULL\n"))
      tmp <- x[1]
      tmp2 <- x[2]

  # 处理最后一个
  output <- paste(output, paste0(tmp, ": ", paste0(unique(tmp2), collapse = " <- "), " <- NULL"))

  # 输出结果
  cat(output, sep = "\n")

check_Rds <- function(package_folder_path = ".") {
  man_folder_path <- file.path(package_folder_path, "man")
  # 获取man文件夹下的所有文件
  man_files <- list.files(man_folder_path, pattern = "\\.Rd$", full.names = TRUE)
  # 存储结果的列表
  no_values <- c()
  not_good_examples <- c()

  # 遍历每个文件
  for (file_path in man_files) {
    # 读取文件内容
    content <- readLines(file_path)
    content <- paste0(content, collapse = "\n")
    # 检查是否包含\usage{}
    has_usage <- grepl("\\\\usage", content)
    # 如果包含\usage{}但没有\value{}
    if (has_usage) {
      # 检查是否包含\value{}
      has_value <- grepl("\\\\value", content)
      if (!has_value) no_values <- c(no_values, basename(file_path))

    # 检查是否包含\examples{}
    has_examples <- grepl("\\\\examples", content)
    if (has_examples) {
      # 检查是否包含 #
      has_comment <- grepl("\\\\#", gsub(".*\\\\examples", "", content))
      # 检查是否包含\dontrun{}
      has_dontrun <- grepl("\\\\dontrun", content)
      if (has_comment || has_dontrun) not_good_examples <- c(not_good_examples, basename(file_path))
  pcutils::dabiao("Check \\value in .Rd files")
  if (length(no_values) > 0) {
    message("some .Rd files do not have \\value: \n", paste0(no_values, collapse = "\n"))
  } else {
    message("All is OK")
  pcutils::dabiao("Check \\examples in .Rd files")
  if (length(not_good_examples) > 0) {
    message("some .Rd files have # or \\dontrun in \\examples: \n", paste0(not_good_examples, collapse = "\n"))
  } else {
    message("All is OK")

check_TF_in_R_files <- function(package_folder_path = ".") {
  folder_path <- file.path(package_folder_path, "R")
  # 获取文件夹下的所有.R文件
  r_files <- list.files(folder_path, pattern = "\\.R$", full.names = TRUE)

  results <- TRUE

  # 遍历每个.R文件
  for (file_path in r_files) {
    # 读取文件内容
    content <- readLines(file_path)

    # 查找包含T/F的行数
    lines_with_TF <- grepl("(?<!['\",;:<>+{}\\[\\]^$@/_`])\\b[TF]\\b(?!['\",;:<>+{}\\[\\]^$@/_`])", content, perl = TRUE)

    # 如果有找到T/F,记录结果
    if (sum(lines_with_TF) > 0) {
      results <- FALSE
      # 记录文件路径和包含T/F的行数
      message("Find T/F in ", file_path, ":")
      message(paste0(paste0("line ", which(lines_with_TF)), collapse = "\n"))
  if (results) message("All is OK")

check_print_cat_in_R_files <- function(package_folder_path = ".", exclude = "print.R") {
  folder_path <- file.path(package_folder_path, "R")
  # 获取文件夹下的所有.R文件
  r_files <- list.files(folder_path, pattern = "\\.R$", full.names = TRUE)
  r_files <- r_files[!grepl(exclude, r_files)]

  results <- TRUE

  # 遍历每个.R文件
  for (file_path in r_files) {
    # 读取文件内容
    content <- readLines(file_path)

    # 查找包含 cat 或 print 的行数
    lines_with_cat_print <- grepl("\\b(cat|print)\\([\\\"|\\']", content)
    # 如果是if (verbose)那就ok
    lines_with_verbose <- grepl("if (verbose)", content)

    lines_with_cat_print <- lines_with_cat_print & (!lines_with_verbose)
    # 如果有找到,记录结果
    if (sum(lines_with_cat_print) > 0) {
      results <- FALSE
      # 记录文件路径和包含 cat 或 print 的行数
      message("Find cat or print in ", file_path, ":")
      message(paste0(paste0("line ", which(lines_with_cat_print)), collapse = "\n"))
  if (results) message("All is OK")

#' Prepare a package
#' @param pkg_dir defalut: "."
#' @param exclude vector for excluding .R files
#' @param indent_by indent_by, default: 2
#' @param ... other parameters for devtools::check
#' @param check check or not, default: TRUE
#' @return No value
#' @export
prepare_package <- function(pkg_dir = ".", exclude = "print.R", indent_by = 2, check = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!interactive()) stop("This function is only for interactive use")
  # Check the package name is available or not
  # available::available(get_package_info(pkg_dir)$Package)
  pcutils::dabiao("Styler all codes")
  styler::style_pkg(pkg = pkg_dir, strict = TRUE, indent_by = indent_by)
  if (FALSE) {
    pcutils::dabiao("Lint all codes")
    my_linters <- lintr::linters_with_defaults(
      indentation_linter = lintr::indentation_linter(indent = indent_by)
    lintr::lint_package(path = pkg_dir, linters = my_linters)
  } else {
    message("Skip linting, do `lintr::lint_package` yourself.")

  pcutils::dabiao("Write documents")
  pcutils::dabiao("Check T/F")
  pcutils::dabiao("Check cat/print")
  check_print_cat_in_R_files(pkg_dir, exclude = exclude)
  if (check) {
    devtools::check(pkg_dir, ...)

#' Re-install my packages
#' @param are_you_pc are_you_pc? default: TRUE
#' @param pkgs pkgs
#' @return No return value
#' @noRd
reinstall_my_packages <- function(pkgs = c("pcutils", "pctax", "MetaNet", "ReporterScore"), are_you_pc = TRUE) {
  if (!are_you_pc) {
    for (i in pkgs) {
      devtools::install_github(paste0("Asa12138/", i))

  for (i in pkgs) {
    if (i == "pctax") i <- "pctax/pctax"
    if (i == "MetaNet") i <- "MetaNet/MetaNet"
    if (i == "ReporterScore") i <- "GRSA/ReporterScore"
    if (i == "iCRISPR") i <- "CRISPR/iCRISPR"
    devtools::document(paste0("~/Documents/R/", i))

        system(paste0("R CMD install ~/Documents/R/", i))
      error = function(e) {
        warning(i, "failed, please check.")

#' Build CRAN version package
#' @param pkg_dir pkg_dir
#' @param additional additional
#' @param check check, default: TRUE
#' @return No value
#' @noRd
build_cran_pkg <- function(pkg_dir = "./", additional = "R/additional.R", check = TRUE) {
  pkg_dir <- normalizePath(pkg_dir)

  # 先复制一份pkg_dir到临时目录
  tmp_dir <- tempdir()
  temp_pkg_dir <- file.path(tmp_dir, basename(pkg_dir))

  # 检查是不是R包目录
  if (!file.exists(file.path(pkg_dir, "DESCRIPTION"))) {
    stop("It's not a R package directory!")

  if (dir.exists(temp_pkg_dir)) {
    unlink(temp_pkg_dir, recursive = TRUE)
  file.copy(from = pkg_dir, to = tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
  # 进入临时目录
  old_dir <- getwd()

  desc_file <- file.path(temp_pkg_dir, "DESCRIPTION")
  desc <- read.dcf(desc_file) %>% as.data.frame()
  sugg_pkgs <- strsplit(desc$Suggests, ",")[[1]] %>% trimws()

  # 获取additional文件中的## some suggested pkgs: start到## some suggested pkgs: end中间部分的包
  if (!is.null(additional)) {
    if (file.exists(additional)) {
      additional_content <- readLines(additional)
      additional_content <- additional_content[(which(grepl("## some suggested pkgs: start", additional_content)) + 1):(which(grepl("## some suggested pkgs: end", additional_content)) - 1)]
      # 然后在desc中删除这部分additional_content
      gsub("#", "", additional_content) %>%
        gsub(",$", "", .) %>%
        strsplit(",") %>%
        unlist() %>%
        trimws() -> additional_pkgs
      message("additional_pkgs: ", paste0(additional_pkgs, collapse = ", "))
      sugg_pkgs <- setdiff(sugg_pkgs, additional_pkgs)
      desc$Suggests <- paste0(sugg_pkgs, collapse = ",\n")
      write.dcf(desc, desc_file)

  # 删除additional
  if (!is.null(additional)) {
    if (file.exists(additional)) {

  file.remove(file.path(temp_pkg_dir, "NAMESPACE"))

  # 重新检查
  prepare_package(check = check)
  # 重新构建
  system(paste0("R CMD build ../", basename(pkg_dir)))
  # 复制到原目录下
  pkg <- dir(file.path(temp_pkg_dir), pattern = "*.tar.gz", full.names = TRUE)
  file.copy(pkg, old_dir)
  # 删除临时目录
  unlink(temp_pkg_dir, recursive = TRUE)
  message("The CRAN version package has been built successfully! at ", old_dir)

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pcutils documentation built on June 26, 2024, 1:06 a.m.