
Defines functions write.pegas.amova getPhi print.amova amova

Documented in amova getPhi print.amova write.pegas.amova

## amova.R (2023-02-13)

##   Analysis of Molecular Variance

## Copyright 2010-2023 Emmanuel Paradis, 2018 Zhian N. Kamvar, 2018 Brian Knaus

## This file is part of the R-package `pegas'.
## See the file ../DESCRIPTION for licensing issues.

amova <- function(formula, data = NULL, nperm = 1000, is.squared = FALSE)
    y.nms <- as.character(as.expression(formula[[2]]))
    rhs <- formula[[3]]
    gr.nms <- as.character(as.expression(rhs))
    ## keep the highest level first:
    if (length(rhs) > 1) gr.nms <- unlist(strsplit(gr.nms, "/"))

    data.env <- if (is.null(data)) environment(formula)
                else as.environment(data)

    if (any(sapply(gr.nms, function(x) ! is.factor(get(x, envir = data.env)))))
        warning("elements in the rhs of the formula are not all factors")

    ## fix by Zhian Kamvar (2015-04-30)
    gr <- as.data.frame(sapply(gr.nms, get, envir = data.env), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    y <- get(y.nms, envir = environment(formula))
    if (any(is.na(y)))
        warning("at least one missing value in the distance object.")
    if (!is.squared) y <- y^2 # square the distances
    if (inherits(y, "dist")) y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (!is.matrix(y))
        stop("the lhs of the formula must be either a matrix or an object of class 'dist'.")
    n <- dim(y)[1] # number of individuals
    Nlv <- length(gr) # number of levels
    ## reorder the observations so that they are arranged in hierarchical
    ## blocks for the permutations (2018-05-14)
    if (nperm) {
        o <- do.call("order", gr)
        gr <- gr[o, , drop = FALSE] # drop=FALSE in case there is a single level
        if (Nlv > 1) {
            f <- function(x) {
                lp <- as.character(unique(x))
                factor(match(as.character(x), lp))
            for (i in 2:Nlv) gr[, i] <- f(gr[, i])
        y <- y[o, o]

### 5 local functions
    ## a simplified version of tapply(X, INDEX, FUN = sum):
    foo <- function(x, index) unlist(lapply(split(x, index), sum))

    getSSD <- function(y, gr, Nlv, N, n) {
        SSD <- numeric(Nlv + 2)
        SSD[Nlv + 2] <- sum(y/(2 * n)) # total SSD
        ## calculate SSD *within* each level:
        for (i in 1:Nlv) {
            p <- gr[, i] # extract the grouping at this level
            SSD[i + 1] <- sum((y/(2 * N[[i]])[p])[outer(p, p, "==")])
        ## now differentiate to get the SSDs:
        if (Nlv > 1)
            for (i in 2:Nlv) SSD[i] <- SSD[i] - SSD[i + 1]
###          for (i in Nlv:2) SSD[i] <- SSD[i] - SSD[i + 1] # old line replaced by the previous one on 2015-12-22
        SSD[1] <- SSD[Nlv + 2] - sum(SSD[-(Nlv + 2)])

    getDF <- function(gr, Nlv, N, n) {
        df <- numeric(Nlv + 2)
        df[1:Nlv] <- unlist(lapply(N, length)) # number of groups
        ## get the df from the lowest level to the highest one:
        df[Nlv + 1] <- n
        for (i in (Nlv + 1):2) df[i] <-  df[i] - df[i - 1]
        df[1] <- df[1] - 1
        df[Nlv + 2] <- n - 1 # total df

    getNcoefficient <- function(gr, Nlv, N, n) {
        Nig <- N[[Nlv]] # numbers from the lowest level (ie, pop)
        Nig2 <- Nig^2
        npop <- length(Nig)
        if (Nlv == 1) # do classic variance components estimation
            ncoef <- (n - sum(Nig2)/n)/(npop - 1)
        else {
            if (Nlv == 2) { # use eq.9a-c in Excoffier et al. 1992
                ncoef <- numeric(3) # n, n', and n'', respectively
                G <- nlevels(gr[, 1]) # the number of groups
                ## use the fact that match() returns the 1st match of the
                ## 1st argument into the 2nd one, so this returns a factor
                ## indicating to which group each pop belongs to
                g <- gr[, 1][match(1:npop, as.integer(gr[, 2]))]
                npopBYgr <- tabulate(g) # number of pops in each group
                A <- sum(foo(Nig2, g)/foo(Nig, g))
                ncoef[1] <- (n - A)/sum(npopBYgr - 1) # corrects eq.9a in Excoffier et al. 1992
                ncoef[2] <- (A - sum(Nig2)/n)/(G - 1)
                ncoef[3] <- (n - sum(foo(Nig, g)^2/n))/(G - 1)
            } else { # use approximate formulae
                ncoef <- numeric(Nlv + 1)
                ## the coefficients are indexed from the highest to the lowest
                ## level to ease computation of the variance components
                ncoef[Nlv] <- (n - sum(Nig2)/n)/(npop - 1) # same than above
                ncoef[Nlv + 1] <- 1 # for the within pop level
                for (i in 1:(Nlv - 1)) {
                    group <- gr[, i]
                    g <- group[match(1:npop, as.integer(gr[, i + 1]))]
                    A <- sum(foo(Nig, g)^2)/sum(foo(Nig, g))
                    ncoef[i] <- (n - A)/(nlevels(group) - 1)
        names(ncoef) <- letters[1:length(ncoef)] # suggestion by Rodney Dyer

    getVarComp <- function(MSD, Nlv, ncoef) {
        ## get the variance components bottom-up
        if (Nlv == 1)
            sigma2 <- c((MSD[1] - MSD[2])/ncoef, MSD[2]) # 'n' changed to 'ncoef' (fix by Qixin He, 2010-07-15)
        else {
            sigma2 <- numeric(Nlv + 1)
            if (Nlv == 2) {
                sigma2[3] <- MSD[3]
                sigma2[2] <- (MSD[2] - sigma2[3])/ncoef[1]
                sigma2[1] <- (MSD[1] - MSD[3] - ncoef[2]*sigma2[2])/ncoef[3]
            } else {
                sigma2[Nlv + 1] <- MSD[Nlv + 1]
                for (i in Nlv:1) {
                    sel <- i:(Nlv + 1)
                    sigma2[i] <- (MSD[i] - sum(ncoef[sel]*sigma2[sel]))/ncoef[i]
        names(sigma2) <- c(names(gr), "Error")

    ## fit the AMOVA model to the data:
    N <- lapply(gr, tabulate) # number of individuals in each group
    SSD <- getSSD(y, gr, Nlv, N, n)
    df <- getDF(gr, Nlv, N, n)
    MSD <- SSD/df
    ncoef <- getNcoefficient(gr, Nlv, N, n)
    sigma2 <- getVarComp(MSD, Nlv, ncoef)

    ## output the results:
    res <- list(tab = data.frame(SSD = SSD, MSD = MSD, df = df,
                row.names = c(names(gr), "Error", "Total")),
                varcoef = ncoef, varcomp = sigma2, call = match.call())
    class(res) <- "amova"

### Below, "pop" is used for the lowest level of the geo structure,
### and "region" for the one just above pop.
    if (nperm) {
        rSigma2 <- matrix(0, nperm, length(sigma2)) # Note that length(sigma2) == Nlv + 1
        ## First shuffle all individuals among all pops to assess the
        ## within-pop var components; if there is only one level, this
        ## is used to test both var components and no need to go further.
        j <- if (Nlv == 1) 1:2 else Nlv + 1
        for (i in 1:nperm) {
            rY <- perm.rowscols(y, n)
            ## the hierarchical structure is not changed so
            ## need to recalculate only the SSD and var comp
            rSSD <- getSSD(rY, gr, Nlv, N, n)
            rSigma2[i, j] <- getVarComp(rSSD/df, Nlv, ncoef)[j]
        if (Nlv > 1) {
            ## for the lowest level (i.e., pop), we just permute individuals within the
            ## level just above, so the hierarchical structure is unchanged
            j <- Nlv
            ## 'L' contains the indices of the individuals for each region
            L <- lapply(levels(gr[, j - 1]), function(x) which(gr[, j - 1] == x))
            for (i in 1:nperm) {
                rind <- unlist(lapply(L, sample))
                rY <- y[rind, rind]
                rSSD <- getSSD(rY, gr, Nlv, N, n)
                rSigma2[i, j] <- getVarComp(rSSD/df, Nlv, ncoef)[j]
            if (Nlv > 2) {
                ## code used from the 2nd lowest level up to the penultimate one
                for (j in (Nlv - 1):2) {
                    above <- gr[, j - 1]
                    L <- lapply(levels(above), function(x) which(above == x))
                    for (i in 1:nperm) {
                        rind <- integer(0)
                        for (k in L) rind <- c(rind, sample(k))
                        rind <- unlist(lapply(L, sample))
                        rY <- y[rind, rind]
                        rGR <- gr[rind, ]
                        rN <- lapply(rGR, tabulate)
                        rSSD <- getSSD(rY, rGR, Nlv, rN, n)
                        rDF <- getDF(rGR, Nlv, rN, n)
                        rNcoef <- getNcoefficient(rGR, Nlv, rN, n)
                        rSigma2[i, j] <- getVarComp(rSSD/rDF, Nlv, rNcoef)[j]
            ## for the highest level permute the level below
            N2 <- N[[2]]
            Higr <- gr[, 1][cumsum(N2)] # find at what highest level the 2nd-most one belongs to
            rGR <- gr # copy gr whose 1st column will be changed below
            for (i in 1:nperm) {
                ## with mapply(rep, sample....) the structure below the highest level is kept
                ## and the structures are assigned from the 2nd level within the 1st one
                rGR[, 1] <- unlist(mapply(rep, sample(Higr), each = N2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
                rN <- lapply(rGR, tabulate)
                rSSD <- getSSD(rY, rGR, Nlv, rN, n)
                rDF <- getDF(rGR, Nlv, rN, n)
                rNcoef <- getNcoefficient(rGR, Nlv, rN, n)
                rSigma2[i, 1] <- getVarComp(rSSD/rDF, Nlv, rNcoef)[1]
        P <- numeric(Nlv + 1)
        for (j in 1:(Nlv + 1))
            P[j] <- sum(rSigma2[, j] >= sigma2[j])/(nperm + 1)
        P[Nlv + 1] <- NA
        res$varcomp <- data.frame(sigma2 = res$varcomp, P.value = P)

print.amova <- function(x, ...)
    cat("\n\tAnalysis of Molecular Variance\n\nCall: ")
    cat("\nVariance components:\n")
    if (is.data.frame(x$varcomp)) {
        printCoefmat(x$varcomp, na.print = "")
        sigma2 <- x$varcomp$sigma2
    } else print(sigma2 <- x$varcomp)
    ## formulas from Excoffier et al. (1992):
    ##if (length(sigma2) == 3) {
    ##    sigTot <- sum(sigma2)
    ##    Phi <- c(sum(sigma2[-3])/sigTot,
    ##             sigma2[1]/sigTot,
    ##             sigma2[2]/sum(sigma2[-1]))
    ##    names(Phi) <- paste("Phi", c("ST", "CT", "SC"), sep = "_")
    ##    cat("\nPhi-statistics:\n")
    ##    print(Phi)
    nsig <- length(sigma2)
    Phi <- numeric(0.5 * nsig * (nsig - 1))
    nms <- character(0.5 * nsig * (nsig - 1))
    lv <- row.names(x$tab)
    k <- 1L
    for (i in 1:(nsig - 1)) {
        for (j in i:(nsig - 1)) {
            Phi[k] <- sum(sigma2[i:j]) / sum(sigma2[i:nsig])
            nms[k] <-
                if (i == 1) paste0(lv[j], ".in.GLOBAL")
                else paste0(lv[j], ".in.", lv[i - 1])
            k <- k + 1L
    names(Phi) <- nms
    if (nsig == 3)
        names(Phi) <- paste0(names(Phi), " (Phi_", c("CT", "ST", "SC"), ")")
    cat("\nVariance coefficients:\n")

## This will take a named vector of sigma^2 values and return a data frame of
## hierarchical Phi statistics.
getPhi <- function(sigma2)
    nsig <- length(sigma2)
    Phi <- numeric(0.5 * nsig * (nsig - 1))
    nms <- character(0.5 * nsig * (nsig - 1))
    lv <- if (is.null(names(sigma2))) paste("level", seq_along(sigma2)) else names(sigma2)
    k <- 1L
    mat <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nsig, ncol = nsig - 1)
    colnames(mat) <- lv[seq(nsig - 1)]
    rownames(mat) <- c("GLOBAL", lv[seq(nsig - 1)])
    for (i in 1:(nsig - 1)) {
        for (j in i:(nsig - 1)) {
            Phi[k] <- sum(sigma2[i:j])/sum(sigma2[i:nsig])
            mat[i, j] <- Phi[k]
            k <- k + 1L

write.pegas.amova <- function(x, file = "")
    if (!inherits(x, "amova"))
        stop(paste("Expecting an object of class 'amova', instead received:", class(x)))

    if (file == "")
        stop("Please specify a filename")

    ## Convert variances coefficients to a matrix with a 'Total' row.
    if (length(x[[2]]) == 1)
        x[[2]] <- c(x[[2]], '')

    x[[2]] <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(x[[2]], ncol = 1))
    rownames(x[[2]]) <- rownames(x[[3]])
    x[[2]]['Total', 1] <- c('')
    colnames(x[[2]]) <- 'Variance coefficients'
    ## Convert variance components to a matrix with a 'Total' row.
    x[[3]]['Total', 1:2] <- c('', '')
    x[[1]] <- cbind(x[[1]], x[[3]], x[[2]])
    write.csv(x[[1]], file = file)

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