
Defines functions by.loci cbind.loci rbind.loci print.summary.loci summary.loci print.loci is.snp.loci is.snp unphase is.phased getGenotypes getAlleles getPloidy .checkPloidy

Documented in by.loci cbind.loci getAlleles getGenotypes getPloidy is.phased is.snp is.snp.loci print.loci print.summary.loci rbind.loci summary.loci unphase

## summary.loci.R (2019-10-03)

##   Print and Summaries of Loci Objects

## Copyright 2009-2019 Emmanuel Paradis

## This file is part of the R-package `pegas'.
## See the file ../DESCRIPTION for licensing issues.

## utility to check that all individuals have the same ploidy level for each locus:
## outputs a vector with ploidy level if all individuals have the same, 0 otherwise
.checkPloidy <- function(x)
    PLOIDY <- getPloidy(x)
    ploidy <- integer(ncol(PLOIDY))
    for (j in seq_along(ploidy)) {
        tmp <- unique(PLOIDY[, j])
        if (length(tmp) == 1) ploidy[j] <- tmp

getPloidy <- function(x)
    foo <- function(x, n) {
        class(x) <- NULL
        res <- integer(n)
        ploidyGENO <- nchar(gsub("[^|/]", "", levels(x))) + 1L
        uniquePloidy <- unique(ploidyGENO)
        if (length(uniquePloidy) == 1L) {
            res[] <- uniquePloidy
        for (i in uniquePloidy) {
            k <- which(ploidyGENO == i)
            res[x %in% k] <- i
    n <- nrow(x)
    LOCI <- attr(x, "locicol")
    p <- length(LOCI)
    ans <- matrix(NA_integer_, n, p)
    colnames(ans) <- names(x)[LOCI]
    rownames(ans) <- row.names(x)
    class(x) <- NULL
    for (j in 1:p) ans[, j] <- foo(x[[LOCI[j]]], n)

getAlleles <- function(x)
    lapply(x[, attr(x, "locicol"), drop = FALSE],
           function(x) unique(unlist(strsplit(levels(x), "[/|]"))))

getGenotypes <- function(x)
    lapply(x[, attr(x, "locicol"), drop = FALSE], levels)

is.phased <- function(x)
    foo <- function(x) {
        phased <- grep("/", levels(x), invert = TRUE)
        if (length(phased) == 0) return(logical(length(x)))
        as.integer(x) %in% phased
    sapply(x[, attr(x, "locicol")], foo)

unphase <- function(x)
    locale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
    if (!identical(locale, "C")) {
        Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")
        on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", locale))
    foo <- function(x) {
        f <- function(y) sort(strsplit(y, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
        geno <- levels(x)
        bar <- grep("|", geno, fixed = TRUE)
        if (!length(bar)) return(x)
        for (i in bar)
            geno[i] <- paste(f(geno[i]), collapse = "/")
        x <- geno[x]
    for (i in attr(x, "locicol")) x[, i] <- foo(x[, i, drop = TRUE])

is.snp <- function(x) UseMethod("is.snp")

is.snp.loci <- function(x) sapply(lapply(getAlleles(x), nchar), sum) == 2

print.loci <- function(x, details = FALSE, ...)
    if (details) print.data.frame(x) else {
        n <- dim(x)
        nloci <- length(attr(x, "locicol"))
        cat("Allelic data frame:", n[1])
        cat(" individual")
        if (n[1] > 1) cat("s")
        cat("\n                   ", nloci)
        if (nloci == 1) cat(" locus\n") else cat(" loci\n")
        nav <- n[2] - nloci
        if (nav) {
            cat("                   ", nav, "additional variable")
            if (nav > 1) cat("s")

summary.loci <- function(object, ...)
    LOCI <- attr(object, "locicol")
    res <- .Call("summary_loci_pegas", object, LOCI)
    names(res) <- names(object)[LOCI]
    class(res) <- "summary.loci"

print.summary.loci <- function(x, ...)
    nms <- names(x)
    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        cat("Locus ", nms[i], ":\n", sep = "")
        cat("-- Genotype frequencies:\n")
        cat("-- Allele frequencies:\n")

"[.loci" <- function (x, i, j, drop = FALSE)
    ## From base-R [.data.frame
    Narg  <- nargs()  # number of arg from x,i,j that were specified
    oc    <- oldClass(x)
    colnms.old <- names(x)
    names(x) <- colnms.new <- as.character(seq_len(ncol(x)))
    loci.nms <- names(x)[attr(x, "locicol")]
    if (Narg > 2) { # More than two arguments indicates that they used matrix-like subset
       x <- NextMethod("[", drop = drop)
    } else { # Two or fewer arguments: list-like subsetting
       x <- NextMethod("[")
    ## restore the class and the "locicol" attribute only if there
    ## is at least 1 col *and* at least one loci returned:
    if (inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
        locicol <- match(loci.nms, names(x))
        locicol <- locicol[!is.na(locicol)]
        if (length(locicol)) {
            attr(x, "locicol") <- locicol
            class(x) <- oc
        names(x) <- colnms.old[as.numeric(names(x))]

rbind.loci <- function(...) NextMethod("rbind")
## No need to drop the class cause it calls rbind.data.frame.
## The successive bindings eventually reorders the columns to
## agree with the 1st data frame, AND its "locicol" attribute
## is kept, so no need to change anything.

cbind.loci <- function(...)
    x <- list(...)
    n <- length(x)
    if (n == 1) return(x[[1]])
    NC <- unlist(lapply(x, ncol))
    LOCICOL <- lapply(x, attr, "locicol")
    offset.col <- cumsum(NC)
    for (i in 2:n) LOCICOL[[i]] <- LOCICOL[[i]] + offset.col[i - 1]
    for (i in 2:n) x[[1]] <- cbind.data.frame(x[[1]], x[[i]])
    x <- x[[1]]
    ## need to restore the class, so can't use NextMethod()
    class(x) <- c("loci", "data.frame")
    attr(x, "locicol") <- unlist(LOCICOL)

by.loci <- function(data, INDICES = data$population, FUN = NULL, ...,
                    simplify = TRUE)
    if (is.null(INDICES))
        stop("no 'population' column in ", sQuote(deparse(substitute(data))))
    LOCI <- attr(data, "locicol")
    p <- length(LOCI)
    if (is.null(FUN))
        FUN <- function(x) lapply(summary(x), "[[", 2)
    INDICES <- factor(INDICES)
    lv <- levels(INDICES)
    nlv <- length(lv)
    gr <- as.integer(INDICES)
    tmp <- vector("list", nlv)
    for (i in 1:nlv) tmp[[i]] <- FUN(data[gr == i, ])
    names(tmp) <- lv
    res <- vector("list", p)
    for (i in 1:p)
        res[[i]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(tmp, "[[", i))
    names(res) <- names(data)[LOCI]

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