prepareDataSankoff <- function(data) {
contrast <- attr(data, "contrast")
contrast[contrast == 0] <- 1.0e+06
contrast[contrast == 1] <- 0.0
attr(data, "contrast") <- contrast
fit.sankoff <- function(tree, data, cost,
returnData = c("pscore", "site", "data")) {
tree <- reorder(tree, "postorder")
returnData <- match.arg(returnData)
node <- tree$edge[, 1]
edge <- tree$edge[, 2]
weight <- attr(data, "weight")
nr <- attr(data, "nr")
contr <- attr(data, "contrast")
q <- length(tree$tip.label)
nc <- attr(data, "nc")
m <- length(edge) + 1L
dat <- vector(mode = "list", length = m)
dat[1:q] <- subset(data, tree$tip.label)
node <- as.integer(node - 1L)
edge <- as.integer(edge - 1L)
nTips <- as.integer(length(tree$tip.label))
mNodes <- as.integer(max(node) + 1)
res <- .Call('sankoff_c', dat, as.numeric(cost), as.integer(nr),
as.integer(nc), node, edge, mNodes, nTips, as.double(contr),
root <- getRoot(tree)
erg <- .Call('C_rowMin', res[[root]], as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc))
if (returnData == "site") return(erg)
pscore <- sum(weight * erg)
result <- pscore
if (returnData == "data") {
res[1:nTips] <- new2old.phyDat(data)[tree$tip.label]
result <- list(pscore = pscore, dat = res)
#' @rdname parsimony
#' @export
sankoff <- function(tree, data, cost = NULL, site = "pscore") {
if (!inherits(data, "phyDat")) stop("data must be of class phyDat")
data <- prepareDataSankoff(data)
if (is.null(cost)) {
levels <- attr(data, "levels")
l <- length(levels)
cost <- matrix(1, l, l)
cost <- cost - diag(l)
if (inherits(tree, "phylo")) return(fit.sankoff(tree, data, cost,
returnData = site))
if (inherits(tree, "multiPhylo")) {
if (is.null(tree$TipLabel)) tree <- unclass(tree)
return(sapply(tree, fit.sankoff, data, cost, site))
# traverse the tree
# for NNI or ancestral reconstruction external=FALSE is enough
# offset
pnodes2 <- function(tree, rooted=is.rooted(tree), offset=Nnode(tree),
if(!rooted) tree <- unroot(tree)
offset <- as.integer(offset)
tree <- reorder(tree, "postorder")
tree_2 <- reorder(tree)
sibs <- Siblings(tree)
anc <- Ancestors(tree, type = "parent")
root <- tree_2$edge[1,1]
nodes <- unique(tree_2$edge[,1])[-1]
# me <- max(tree$edge)
# edge2 <- matrix
e2 <- vector("list", length(nodes))
for(i in seq_along(nodes)){
ni <- nodes[i]
if(anc[ni]==root)e2[[i]] <- sibs[[ni]]
else e2[[i]] <- c(sibs[[ni]], anc[ni] + offset)
cbind(rep(nodes+offset, lengths(e2)), unlist(e2))
pnodes <- function(tree, data, cost) {
tree <- reorder(tree, "postorder")
weight <- attr(data, "weight")
nr <- attr(data, "nr")
nc <- attr(data, "nc")
contr <- attr(data, "contrast")
nTips <- as.integer(length(tree$tip.label))
m <- as.integer( Ntip(tree) + 2 * Nnode(tree) )
data <- subset(data, tree$tip.label)
edge_2 <- pnodes2(tree)
EDGE <- rbind(tree$edge, edge_2)
mNodes <- m
res <- .Call('sankoff_c', data, as.numeric(cost),
as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc), as.integer(EDGE[,1]-1L),
as.integer(EDGE[,2]-1L), m, nTips,
as.double(contr), as.integer(nrow(contr)))
res[seq_len(Ntip(tree))] <- new2old.phyDat(data)
sankoff_nni <- function(tree, data, cost, ...) {
if(isSymmetric(cost)) tree <- unroot(tree)
tree <- reorder(tree, "postorder")
isRooted <- !(isSymmetric(cost))
INDEX <- indexNNI_fitch(tree, offset=Nnode(tree))
if (!inherits(data, "phyDat")) stop("data must be of class phyDat")
data <- data[tree$tip.label]
levels <- attr(data, "levels")
l <- length(levels)
weight <- attr(data, "weight")
nr <- as.integer(attr(data, "nr"))
nc <- as.integer(attr(data, "nc"))
contr <- attr(data, "contrast")
ntip <- as.integer(Ntip(tree))
nnode <- as.integer(Nnode(tree))
p0 <- fit.sankoff(tree, data, cost, returnData = "pscore")
dat <- pnodes(tree, data, cost)
pscore <- .Call('sankoff_nni_c', dat, nr, cost, nc, as.double(weight),
INDEX[,1:4] - 1L, nrow(INDEX), ntip, as.double(contr),
INDEX <- rbind(INDEX[, c(1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6)], INDEX[, c(2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6)])
swap <- 0
pscore <- as.vector(pscore)
candidates <- which(pscore < p0)
while (length(candidates)>0) {
ind <- which.min(pscore[candidates])
tree2 <- changeEdge(tree, INDEX[candidates[ind], c(2, 3)])
test <- fit.sankoff(tree2, data, cost, returnData = "pscore")
if (test < p0) {
p0 <- test
swap <- swap + 1
tree <- tree2
indi <- which(INDEX[, 5] %in% INDEX[candidates[ind],])
candidates <- setdiff(candidates, indi)
else candidates <- candidates[-ind]
list(tree = tree, pscore = p0, swap = swap)
optim.sankoff <- function(tree, data, cost = NULL, trace = 1, ...) {
if (!inherits(tree, "phylo")) stop("tree must be of class phylo")
if (is.rooted(tree)) tree <- unroot(tree)
tree <- reorder(tree, "postorder")
if (!inherits(data, "phyDat")) stop("data must be of class phyDat")
data <- data[tree$tip.label]
addTaxa <- FALSE
mapping <- map_duplicates(data)
if (!is.null(mapping)) {
addTaxa <- TRUE
tree2 <- drop.tip(tree, mapping[, 1])
tree2 <- unroot(tree2)
tree <- reorder(tree2, "postorder")
rt <- FALSE
dat <- prepareDataSankoff(data)
l <- attr(dat, "nc")
if (is.null(cost)) {
cost <- matrix(1, l, l)
cost <- cost - diag(l)
tree$edge.length <- NULL
swap <- 0
iter <- TRUE
pscore <- fit.sankoff(tree, dat, cost, returnData = "pscore")
if (rt) tree <- acctran(tree, data)
if (addTaxa) {
if (rt) tree <-, tips = mapping[, 1], where = mapping[, 2],
edge.length = rep(0, nrow(mapping)))
else tree <-, tips = mapping[, 1], where = mapping[, 2])
attr(tree, "pscore") <- pscore
while (iter) {
res <- sankoff_nni(tree, dat, cost, ...)
tree <- res$tree
if (trace > 1) cat("optimize topology: ", pscore, "-->", res$pscore, "\n")
pscore <- res$pscore
swap <- swap + res$swap
if (res$swap == 0) iter <- FALSE
if (trace > 0) cat("Final p-score", pscore, "after ", swap,
"nni operations \n")
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