
Defines functions keep_as_tip relabel mrca2 mrca.phylo Siblings Descendants Children allDescendants allChildren Ancestors char2pos allAncestors allTrees add.tips addOneTree addOne dropNode descAll dropTip pruneTree midpoint.multiPhylo midpoint.phylo midpoint changeEdgeLength changeEdge getRoot

Documented in add.tips allDescendants allTrees Ancestors Children Descendants getRoot keep_as_tip midpoint midpoint.multiPhylo midpoint.phylo mrca.phylo pruneTree Siblings

# tree manipulation

# no checks for postorder
#' @rdname midpoint
#' @export
getRoot <- function(tree) {
  if (!is.null(attr(tree, "order")) && attr(tree, "order") ==
    "postorder") {
    return(tree$edge[nrow(tree$edge), 1])
  z <- logical(max(tree$edge))
  z[tree$edge[, 1]] <-  TRUE
  z[tree$edge[, 2]] <-  FALSE
  z <- which(z)
  if (length(z) == 1) return(z)
  else stop("There are apparently two root edges in your tree")

reroot <- function (tree, node, switch_root=TRUE) {
  root <- getRoot(tree)
  if (node == root)
    return(reorder(tree, "postorder"))
  anc <- Ancestors(tree, node, "all")
  l <- length(anc)
  ind <- match(c(node, anc[-l]), tree$edge[, 2])
  tree$edge[ind, c(1, 2)] <- tree$edge[ind, c(2, 1)]
  nb.tip <- Ntip(tree)
  neworder <- reorderRcpp(tree$edge, as.integer(nb.tip), as.integer(node), 2L)
  tree$edge <- tree$edge[neworder, ]
  if(!is.null(tree$edge.length)) tree$edge.length <- tree$edge.length[neworder]
    tree$edge[tree$edge == root] <-  0L
    tree$edge[tree$edge == node] <-  root
    tree$edge[tree$edge == 0L] <-  node
  attr(tree, "order") <- "postorder"
  if(switch_root) tree <- collapse.singles(tree)

changeEdge <- function(tree, swap, edge = NULL, edge.length = NULL) {
  attr(tree, "order") <- NULL
  child <- tree$edge[, 2]
  tmp <- integer(max(child))
  tmp[child] <- seq_along(child)
  tree$edge[tmp[swap[1]], 2] <- as.integer(swap[2])
  tree$edge[tmp[swap[2]], 2] <- as.integer(swap[1])
  if (!is.null(edge)) {
    tree$edge.length[tmp[edge]] <- edge.length
  reorder(tree, "postorder")

changeEdgeLength <- function(tree, edge, edge.length) {
  tree$edge.length[match(edge, tree$edge[, 2])] <- edge.length

## @aliases midpoint pruneTree getRoot
#' Tree manipulation
#' \code{midpoint} performs midpoint rooting of a tree.  \code{pruneTree}
#' produces a consensus tree.
#' \code{pruneTree} prunes back a tree and produces a consensus tree, for trees
#' already containing nodelabels.  It assumes that nodelabels are numerical or
#' character that allows conversion to numerical, it uses
#' as.numeric(as.character(tree$node.labels)) to convert them.
#' \code{midpoint} by default assumes that node labels contain support values.
#' This works if support values are computed from splits, but should be
#' recomputed for clades.
#' \code{keep_as_tip} takes a list of tips and/or node labels and returns a tree
#' pruned to those. If node label, then it prunes all descendants of that node
#' until that internal node becomes a tip.

#' @param tree an object of class \code{phylo}.
#' @param FUN a function evaluated on the nodelabels, result must be logical.
#' @param node.labels are node labels 'support' values (edges), 'label' or
#' should labels get 'deleted'?
#' @param \dots further arguments, passed to other methods.
#' @return \code{pruneTree} and \code{midpoint} a tree. \code{getRoot} returns
#' the root node.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{klaus.schliep@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{consensus}}, \code{\link[ape]{root}},
#' \code{\link[ape]{multi2di}}
#' @keywords cluster
#' @examples
#' tree <- rtree(10, rooted = FALSE)
#' tree$node.label <- c("", round(runif(tree$Nnode-1), digits=3))
#' tree2 <- midpoint(tree)
#' tree3 <- pruneTree(tree, .5)
#' old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(3,1))
#' plot(tree, show.node.label=TRUE)
#' plot(tree2, show.node.label=TRUE)
#' plot(tree3, show.node.label=TRUE)
#' par(old.par)
#' @rdname midpoint
#' @export midpoint
midpoint <- function(tree, node.labels = "support", ...)

#' @rdname midpoint
#' @method midpoint phylo
#' @export
midpoint.phylo <- function(tree, node.labels = "support", ...) {
  # distance from node to root
  node2root <- function(x) {
    x <- reorder(x, "postorder")
    el <- numeric(max(x$edge))
    parents <- x$edge[, 1]
    child <- x$edge[, 2]
    el[child] <- x$edge.length
    l <- length(parents)
    res <- numeric(max(x$edge))
    for (i in l:1) {
      res[child[i]] <- el[child[i]]  + res[parents[i]]
  if (is.null(tree$edge.length)) {
    warning("tree needs edge length")
  oldtree <- tree
  if(Ntip(tree)==1) return(tree)
    tree <- collapse.singles(tree)
    el <- sum(tree$edge.length)
    tree$edge.length[] <- el / 2
  tree <- unroot(tree)
  nTips <- length(tree$tip.label)
  maxD1 <- node2root(tree)[1:nTips]
  ind <- which.max(maxD1)
  tmproot <- Ancestors(tree, ind, "parent")
  nTips  <- length(tree$tip.label)
  if (tmproot > nTips) tree <- root(tree, node = tmproot)
  else  tree <- root(tree, tmproot)
  el <- numeric(max(tree$edge))
  el[tree$edge[, 2]] <- tree$edge.length
  maxdm <- el[ind]
  tree$edge.length[tree$edge[, 2] == ind] <- 0
  maxD1 <- node2root(tree)[1:nTips]
  tree$edge.length[tree$edge[, 2] == ind] <- maxdm
  ind <- c(ind, which.max(maxD1))
  maxdm <- maxdm + maxD1[ind[2]]
  rn <- max(tree$edge) + 1L
  edge <- tree$edge
  el <- tree$edge.length
  children <- tree$edge[, 2]
  left <- match(ind[1], children)
  tmp <- Ancestors(tree, ind[2], "all")
  tmp <- c(ind[2], tmp[-length(tmp)])
  right <- match(tmp, children)
  if (el[left] >= (maxdm / 2)) {
    edge <- rbind(edge, c(rn, ind[1]))
    edge[left, 2] <- rn
    el[left] <- el[left] - (maxdm / 2)
    el <- c(el, maxdm / 2)
  else {
    sel <- cumsum(el[right])
    i <- which(sel > (maxdm / 2))[1]
    edge <- rbind(edge, c(rn, tmp[i]))
    edge[right[i], 2] <- rn
    eltmp <-  sel[i] - (maxdm / 2)
    el <- c(el, el[right[i]] - eltmp)
    el[right[i]] <- eltmp
  tree$edge.length <- el
  storage.mode(edge) <- "integer"
  tree$edge <- edge
  tree$Nnode <- tree$Nnode + 1L
  attr(tree, "order") <- NULL
  tree <- reroot(tree, rn)
  if (!is.null(tree$node.label)) {
    node.label <- tree$node.label
    tmp <- node.label[1]
    node.label[1] <- node.label[rn - nTips]
    node.label[rn - nTips] <- tmp
    node.label[is.na(node.label)] <- ""
    tree$node.label <- node.label
  attr(tree, "order") <- NULL
  tree <- reorder(tree)
  if (!is.null(oldtree$node.label)) {
    type <- match.arg(node.labels, c("support", "label", "delete"))
    if (type == "support") tree <- addConfidences.phylo(tree, oldtree)
    if (type == "delete") tree$node.label <- NULL

#' @rdname midpoint
#' @method midpoint multiPhylo
#' @export
midpoint.multiPhylo <- function(tree, node.labels = "support", ...) {
  if (!is.null(attr(tree, "TipLabel"))) compress <- TRUE
  else compress <- FALSE
  tree <- lapply(tree, midpoint.phylo, node.labels = node.labels)
  class(tree) <- "multiPhylo"
  if (compress) tree <- .compressTipLabel(tree)

#' @rdname midpoint
#' @export
pruneTree <- function(tree, ..., FUN = ">=") {
  if (is.null(tree$node)) stop("no node labels")
  # if (is.rooted(tree)) tree <- unroot(tree)
  has_edge.length <- !is.null(tree$edge.length)
  tree <- reorder(tree)
    tree <- minEdge(tree)
    nh <- nodeHeight(tree)
  else tree$edge.length <- rep(1,nrow(tree$edge))
  m <- max(tree$edge)
  nTips <- length(tree$tip.label)
  bs <- rep(TRUE, m)
  bs[ (nTips + 1):m] <- sapply(as.numeric(as.character(tree$node)), FUN, ...)
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(tree$edge))){
      ei <- tree$edge[i,2]
      if(!(is.na(bs[ei])) && !bs[ei]) nh[ei] <- nh[tree$edge[i,1]]
    tree$edge.length <- nh[tree$edge[,1]] -  nh[tree$edge[,2]]
  else tree$edge.length[!bs[tree$edge[, 2]]] <- 0
  attr(tree, "order") <- NULL
  tree <- di2multi(tree)
  if(!has_edge.length) tree$edge.length <- NULL
  reorder(tree, "postorder")

# requires postorder
# for internal use in fitch.spr
# pos statt i
dropTip <- function(x, i, check.binary = FALSE, check.root = TRUE) {
  edge <- x$edge
  root <- edge[nrow(edge), 1] #getRoot(x)
  ch <- match(i, edge[,2]) #which(edge[, 2] == i)
  pa <- edge[ch, 1]
  edge <- edge[-ch, ]
  ind <- which(edge[, 1] == pa)
  if (root == pa) {
    if (length(ind) == 1) {
      edge <- edge[-ind, ]
      x$Nnode <- x$Nnode - 1L
    if (length(ind) == 2) {
      n <- dim(edge)[1]
      newroot <- edge[n - 2L, 1]
      newedge <- edge[ind, 2]
      if (newedge[1] == newroot) edge[n - 1, ] <- newedge
      else edge[n - 1, ] <- newedge[2:1]
      edge <- edge[-n, ]
      x$Nnode <- x$Nnode - 1L
      edge[edge == newroot] <- root
      pa <- newroot
    # todo handle unrooted trees
  else {
    nind <- match(pa, edge[,2]) #which(edge[, 2] == pa)
    # normal binary case
    if (length(ind) == 1) {
      edge[nind, 2] <- edge[ind, 2]
      edge <- edge[-ind, ]
      x$Nnode <- x$Nnode - 1L
  edge[edge > pa]  <- edge[edge > pa] - 1L
  x$edge <- edge

# like drop tip and returns two trees,
# to be used in fitch.spr
descAll <- function(x, node, nTips, ch) {
  m <- max(x)
  isInternal <- logical(m)
  isInternal[(nTips + 1):m] <- TRUE
  desc <- function(node, isInternal) {
    if (!isInternal[node]) return(node)
    res <- NULL
    while (length(node) > 0) {
      tmp <- unlist(ch[node])
      res <- c(res, tmp)
      node <- tmp[isInternal[tmp]]
  desc(node, isInternal)

dropNode <- function(x, i, check.binary = FALSE, check.root = TRUE,
                     all.ch = NULL) {
  edge <- x$edge
  root <- getRoot(x)
  ch <- match(i, edge[, 2]) # which(edge[, 2] == i)

  nTips <- length(x$tip.label)
  pa <- edge[ch, 1]
  if (i > nTips) {
    if (is.null(all.ch)) all.ch <- allChildren(x)
    kids <- descAll(edge, i, nTips, all.ch)
    ind <- match(kids, edge[, 2])
    edge2 <- edge[sort(ind), ]
    edge <- edge[-c(ch, ind), ]
  else edge <- edge[-ch, ]
  if (nrow(edge) < 3) return(NULL)
  ind <- which(edge[, 1] == pa)
  sibs <- edge[ind, 2L]
  if (root == pa) {
    if (length(ind) == 1) {
      edge <- edge[-ind, ]
      x$Nnode <- x$Nnode - 1L
    if (length(ind) == 2) {
      n <- dim(edge)[1]
      newroot <- edge[n - 2L, 1]
      newedge <- edge[ind, 2]
      if (newedge[1] == newroot) edge[n - 1, ] <- newedge
      else edge[n - 1, ] <- newedge[2:1]
      edge <- edge[-n, ]
      x$Nnode <- as.integer(length(unique(edge[, 1])))
      edge[edge == newroot] <- root
      pa <- newroot
    # todo handle unrooted trees
  else {
    nind <- match(pa, edge[,2]) # which(edge[, 2] == pa)
    # normal binary case
    if (length(ind) == 1) {
      edge[nind, 2] <- edge[ind, 2]
      edge <- edge[-ind, ]
      x$Nnode <- as.integer(length(unique(edge[, 1])))
  x$edge <- edge
  y <- x
  y$edge <- edge2
  y$Nnode <- as.integer(length(unique(edge2[, 1])))
  list(x, y, pa, sibs)

# nur mit edge matrix
# postorder remained tip in 1:nTips
addOne <- function(tree, tip, i) {
  edge <- tree$edge
  parent <- edge[, 1]
  l <- dim(edge)[1]
  m <- max(edge) + 1L
  p <- edge[i, 1]
  k <- edge[i, 2]
  edge[i, 2] <- m
  ind <- match(p, parent)
  if (ind == 1) edge <- rbind(matrix(c(m, m, k, tip), 2, 2), edge)
  else edge <- rbind(edge[1:(ind - 1), ], matrix(c(m, m, k, tip), 2, 2),
      edge[ind:l, ])
  tree$edge <- edge
  tree$Nnode <- tree$Nnode + 1L

# raus?
addOneTree <- function(tree, subtree, i, node) {
  edge <- tree$edge
  parent <- edge[, 1]
  l <- dim(edge)[1]
  m <- node # max(edge)+1L
  p <- edge[i, 1]
  k <- edge[i, 2]
  edge[i, 2] <- m
  edge2 <- subtree$edge
  ind <- match(p, parent)
  r2 <- edge2[nrow(edge2), 1]
  if (ind == 1) edge <- rbind(edge2, matrix(c(m, m, r2, k), 2, 2), edge)
  else edge <- rbind(edge[1:(ind - 1), ], edge2, matrix(c(m, m, r2, k), 2, 2),
      edge[ind:l, ])
  tree$edge <- edge
  tree$Nnode <- tree$Nnode + subtree$Nnode + 1L
  attr(tree, "order") <- NULL
  tips1 <- as.integer(length(tree$tip.label) + 1L)
  tmproot <- getRoot(tree)
  if (tmproot != tips1) {
    tree$edge[tree$edge == tmproot] <- 0L
    tree$edge[tree$edge == tips1] <- tmproot
    tree$edge[tree$edge == 0L] <- tips1
  tree <- reorder(tree, "postorder")
  if (tmproot != tips1) tree <- unroot(tree)

#' Add tips to a tree
#' This function binds tips to nodes of a phylogenetic trees.
#' @param tree an object of class "phylo".
#' @param tips a character vector containing the names of the tips.
#' @param where an integer or character vector of the same length as tips giving
#' the number of the node or tip of the tree where to add the new tips.
#' @param edge.length optional numeric vector with edge length
#' @return an object of class phylo
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{klaus.schliep@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{bind.tree}}
#' @keywords cluster
#' @examples
#' tree <- rcoal(10)
#' plot(tree)
#' nodelabels()
#' tiplabels()
#' tree1 <- add.tips(tree, c("A", "B", "C"), c(1,2,15))
#' plot(tree1)
#' @export
add.tips <- function(tree, tips, where, edge.length = NULL) {
  nTips <- length(tree$tip.label)
  nTips_new <- length(tips)
  if (nTips_new < 1) return(tree)
  edge <- tree$edge
  if (is.character(where)) {
    where <- match(where, c(tree$tip.label, tree$node.label))
  ind <- match(where, edge[, 2])

  n_internal <- as.integer(sum(unique(where) <= nTips))
  edge[edge > nTips] <- edge[edge > nTips] + nTips_new
  p_vec <- integer(max(edge) + n_internal)
  p_vec[edge[, 2]] <- edge[, 1]
  tip_index <- (nTips + 1):(nTips + nTips_new)
  c_vec <- c(edge[, 2], tip_index)
  # first handle internal nodes (easy)
  if (any(where > nTips)) {
    ind1 <- where > nTips
    p_vec[tip_index[ind1]] <- where[ind1]  + nTips_new
  # handle tips
  if (any(where <= nTips)) {
    m <- max(edge)
    tmp <- unique(where)
    tmp <- tmp[tmp <= nTips]
    new_internal <- as.integer( (m + 1L):(m + n_internal))
    # add new internal node
    p_vec[new_internal] <- edge[match(tmp, edge[, 2]), 1]
    p_vec[tmp] <- new_internal
    # add tip
    ind2 <- (where <= nTips)
    p_vec[tip_index[ind2]] <- p_vec[where[ind2]]
    ind <- match(tmp, edge[, 2])
    c_vec[ind] <- new_internal
    c_vec <- c(c_vec, tmp)
    if (!is.null(tree$node.label)) {
      tree$node.label <- c(tree$node.label, rep("", n_internal))
  tree$edge <- matrix(c(p_vec[c_vec], c_vec), ncol = 2)

  if (!is.null(tree$edge.length)) {
    if (is.null(edge.length)) {
      tree$edge.length <- c(tree$edge.length,
        rep(0, nTips_new + n_internal))
    else {
      if (length(edge.length) < nTips_new) edge.length <- rep(edge.length,
          length.out = nTips_new)
      tree$edge.length <- c(tree$edge.length, edge.length,
        rep(0, n_internal))
  tree$Nnode <- tree$Nnode + n_internal
  tree$tip.label <- c(tree$tip.label, tips)
  attr(tree, "order") <- NULL
  tree <- reorder(tree)
  if (!is.null(tree$edge.length)) {
    if (is.null(edge.length)) {
      nh <- nodeHeight(tree)
      nh[tip_index] <- 0
      tree$edge.length <- nh[tree$edge[, 1]] - nh[tree$edge[, 2]]

#' Compute all trees topologies.
#' \code{allTrees} computes all bifurcating tree topologies for rooted or
#' unrooted trees with up to 10 tips. The number of trees grows fast.
#' @param n Number of tips (<=10).
#' @param rooted Rooted or unrooted trees (default: rooted).
#' @param tip.label Tip labels.
#' @return an object of class \code{multiPhylo}.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{klaus.schliep@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{rtree}}, \code{\link{nni}},
#' \code{\link[ape]{howmanytrees}}, \code{\link{dfactorial}}
#' @keywords cluster
#' @examples
#' trees <- allTrees(5)
#' old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(3,5))
#' for(i in 1:15)plot(trees[[i]])
#' par(old.par)
#' @export allTrees
allTrees <- function(n, rooted = FALSE, tip.label = NULL) {
  n <- as.integer(n)
  nt <- as.integer(round(dfactorial(2 * (n + rooted) - 5)))
  Nnode <- as.integer(n - 2L + rooted)
  if ( (n + rooted) > 10) {
    stop(gettextf("That would generate %d trees, and take up more than %d MB of memory!",
      nt, as.integer(round(nt / 1000)), domain = "R-phangorn"))
  if (n < 2) {
    stop("A tree must have at least two taxa.")
  if (!rooted && n == 2) {
    stop("An unrooted tree must have at least three taxa.")

  if (rooted) {
    edge <- matrix(NA, 2 * n - 2, 2)
    edge[1:2, ] <- c(n + 1L, n + 1L, 1L, 2L)
  else {
    edge <- matrix(NA,  2 * n - 3, 2)
    edge[1:3, ] <- c(n + 1L, n + 1L, n + 1L, 1L, 2L, 3L)
  edges <- list()
  edges[[1]] <- edge

  m <- 1
  nedge <- 1
  trees <- vector("list", nt)
  if ( (n + rooted) > 3) {
    i <- 3L  + (!rooted)
    pa <- n + 2L
    nr <- 2L + (!rooted)
    while (i < (n + 1L)) {
      nedge <- nedge + 2
      m2 <- m * nedge

      newedges <- vector("list", m2)
      for (j in 1:m) {
        edge <- edges[[j]]
        l <- nr

        edgeA <- edge
        edgeB <- edge

        for (k in 1L:l) {
          edge <- edgeA
          node <- edge[k, 1]
          edge[k, 1] <- pa
          edge[l + 1, ] <- c(pa, i)
          edge[l + 2, ] <- c(node, pa)

          newedges[[(j - 1) * (l + rooted) + k]] <- edge

        if (rooted) {
          edgeB[] <- as.integer(sub(n + 1L, pa, edgeB))
          edge <- edgeB
          edge[l + 1, ] <- c(n + 1L, i)
          edge[l + 2, ] <- c(n + 1L, pa)
          newedges[[j * (l + 1)]] <- edge
      } # end for
      edges <- newedges
      m <- m2
      i <- i + 1L
      pa <- pa + 1L
      nr <- nr + 2L
    } # end for m
  } # end if
  for (x in 1:m) {
    edge <- edges[[x]]
    edge <- edge[reorderRcpp(edge, n, n + 1L, 2L), ]
    tree <- list(edge = edge)
    tree$Nnode <- Nnode
    attr(tree, "order") <- "postorder"
    class(tree) <- "phylo"
    trees[[x]] <- tree
  attr(trees, "TipLabel") <- if (is.null(tip.label))
    paste("t", 1:n, sep = "")
  else tip.label
  class(trees) <- "multiPhylo"

# some generic tree functions
allAncestors <- function(x) {
  x <- reorder(x, "postorder")
  parents <- x$edge[, 1]
  child <- x$edge[, 2]
  l <- length(parents)
  res <- vector("list", max(x$edge))
  for (i in l:1) {
    pa <- parents[i]
    res[[child[i]]] <- c(pa, res[[pa]])

char2pos <- function(x, node){
    tmp <- as.character(seq(Ntip(x)+1, Ntip(x)+Nnode(x)))
    labels <- c(x$tip.label, tmp)
  else  labels <- c(x$tip.label, x$node.label)
  x <- match(node, labels)
  if(any(is.na(x))) stop("Can't find supplied node in the labels")

## @aliases Ancestors Children Descendants Siblings mrca.phylo
#' tree utility function
#' Functions for describing relationships among phylogenetic nodes.
#' These functions are inspired by \code{treewalk} in phylobase package, but
#' work on the S3 \code{phylo} objects.  The nodes are the indices as given in
#' edge matrix of an phylo object. From taxon labels these indices can be
#' easily derived matching against the \code{tip.label} argument of an phylo
#' object, see example below.  All the functions allow \code{node} to be either
#' a scalar or vector.  \code{mrca} is a faster version of the mrca in ape, in
#' phangorn only because of dependencies.
#' If the argument node is missing the function is evaluated for all nodes.
#' @param x a tree (a phylo object).
#' @param node an integer or character vector (or scalar) corresponding to a
#' node ID
#' @param type specify whether to return just direct children / parents or all
#' @param include.self whether to include self in list of siblings
#' @param full a logical indicating whether to return the MRCAs among all tips
#' and nodes (if TRUE); the default is to return only the MRCAs among tips.
#' @return a vector or a list containing the indices of the nodes.
#' @seealso \code{treewalk}, \code{\link[ape]{as.phylo}},
#' \code{\link[ape]{nodelabels}}
#' @keywords misc
#' @examples
#' tree <- rtree(10)
#' plot(tree, show.tip.label = FALSE)
#' nodelabels()
#' tiplabels()
#' Ancestors(tree, 1:3, "all")
#' Children(tree, 11)
#' Descendants(tree, 11, "tips")
#' Siblings(tree, 3)
#' # Siblings of all nodes
#' Siblings(tree)
#' mrca.phylo(tree, 1:3)
#' mrca.phylo(tree, match(c("t1", "t2", "t3"), tree$tip))
#' mrca.phylo(tree)
#' # same as mrca(tree), but faster for large trees
#' @export
#' @rdname Ancestors
Ancestors <- function(x, node, type = c("all", "parent")) {
  if(!missing(node) && inherits(node, "character")) node <- char2pos(x, node)
  parents <- x$edge[, 1]
  child <- x$edge[, 2]
  pvector <- integer(max(x$edge)) # parents
  pvector[child] <- parents
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "parent")
  anc <- function(pvector, node) {
    res <- integer(0)
    repeat {
      anc <- pvector[node]
      if (anc == 0) break
      res <- c(res, anc)
      node <- anc
  if (!missing(node) && length(node) == 1) return(anc(pvector, node))
  else allAncestors(x)[node]

allChildren <- function(x) {
  l <- length(x$tip.label)
  if (l < 20) {
    parent <- x$edge[, 1]
    children <- x$edge[, 2]
    res <- vector("list", max(x$edge))
    for (i in seq_along(parent)) res[[parent[i]]] <- c(res[[parent[i]]],
  else {

#' @describeIn Ancestors list all the descendant nodes of each node
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
allDescendants <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(attr(x, "order")) || attr(x, "order") != "postorder")
    x <- reorder(x, "postorder")
  nTips <- as.integer(length(x$tip.label))
  allDescCPP(x$edge, nTips)

#' @rdname Ancestors
#' @export
Children <- function(x, node) {
  # return allChildren if node is missing
  if(!missing(node) && inherits(node, "character")) node <- char2pos(x, node)
  if (!missing(node) && length(node) == 1)
    return(x$edge[x$edge[, 1] == node, 2])

#' @rdname Ancestors
#' @export
Descendants <- function(x, node, type = c("tips", "children", "all")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(!missing(node) && inherits(node, "character")) node <- char2pos(x, node)
  if (type == "children") return(Children(x, node))
  if (type == "tips") return(bip(x)[node])
  # new version using Rcpp
  if (missing(node) || length(node) > 10) return(allDescendants(x)[node])
  ch <- allChildren(x) # out of the loop
  isInternal <- logical(max(x$edge))
  isInternal[ unique(x$edge[, 1]) ] <- TRUE
  desc <- function(node, isInternal) {
    if (!isInternal[node]) return(node)
    res <- NULL
    while (length(node) > 0) {
      tmp <- unlist(ch[node])
      res <- c(res, tmp)
      node <- tmp[isInternal[tmp]]
  if (length(node) > 1) return(lapply(node, desc, isInternal))
  desc(node, isInternal)

#' @rdname Ancestors
#' @export
Siblings <- function(x, node, include.self = FALSE) {
  if (missing(node)) node <- as.integer(1:max(x$edge))
  if(!missing(node) && inherits(node, "character")) node <- char2pos(x, node)
  l <- length(node)
  if (l == 1) {
    v <- Children(x, Ancestors(x, node, "parent"))
    if (!include.self)
      v <- v[v != node]
  else {
    parents <- x$edge[, 1]
    child <- x$edge[, 2]
    pvector <- integer(max(x$edge)) # parents
    pvector[child] <- parents
    root <- as.integer(parents[!match(parents, child, 0)][1])
    res <- vector("list", l)
    ch <- allChildren(x)
    if (include.self) return(ch[ pvector[node] ])
    k <- 1
    for (i in node) {
      if (i != root) {
        tmp <- ch[[ pvector[i] ]]
        res[[k]] <- tmp[tmp != i]
      k <- k + 1

#' @rdname Ancestors
#' @export
mrca.phylo <- function(x, node = NULL, full = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(node)) return(mrca2(x, full = full))
  if(!missing(node) && inherits(node, "character")) node <- char2pos(x, node)
  return(getMRCA(x, node))

# should be in ape
mrca2 <- function(phy, full = FALSE) {
  Nnode <- phy$Nnode
  Ntips <- length(phy$tip.label)
  phy <- reorder(phy)
  nodes <- unique(phy$edge[, 1])
  if (!full) {
    res <- Descendants(phy, nodes, "tips")
    M <- matrix(nodes[1], Ntips, Ntips)
    for (i in 2:Nnode) M[res[[i]], res[[i]]] <- nodes[i]
    diag(M) <- 1:Ntips
    dimnames(M) <-  list(phy$tip.label, phy$tip.label)
  else {
    res <- Descendants(phy, nodes, "all")
    M <- matrix(nodes[1], Ntips + Nnode, Ntips + Nnode)
    for (i in 2:Nnode) {
      tmp  <-  c(res[[i]], nodes[i])
      M[tmp, tmp] <- nodes[i]
    diag(M) <- 1:(Ntips + Nnode)
    dimnames(M) <-  list(1:(Ntips + Nnode), 1:(Ntips + Nnode))

relabel <- function(y, ref) {
  label <- y$tip.label
  if (identical(label, ref)) return(y)
  if (length(label) != length(ref))
    stop("one tree has a different number of tips")
  ilab <- match(label, ref)
  if (any(is.na(ilab)))
    stop("one tree has different tip labels")
  ie <- match(seq_along(ref), y$edge[, 2])
  y$edge[ie, 2] <- ilab
  y$tip.label <- ref

#' @rdname midpoint
#' @param labels tip and node labels to keep as tip labels in the tree
#' @export
keep_as_tip<- function(tree, labels){
  nodes_to_keep <- labels[!is.na(match(labels, tree$node.label))]
  tips_to_remove <-  Descendants(tree, nodes_to_keep) |> unlist() |> unique()
  tree_1 <- drop.tip(tree, tips_to_remove, subtree = TRUE)
  tree_2 <- keep.tip(tree_1, labels, collapse.singles=FALSE)

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