
# ' @param IsDiff If want to find extreme values, `IsDiff` should be true; If
# ' just want to find the continue negative or positive values, just set
# ' `IsDiff` as false.

#' findpeaks
#' Find peaks (maxima) in a time series. This function is modified from
#' `pracma::findpeaks`.
#' @param x Numeric vector.
#' @param nups minimum number of increasing steps before a peak is reached
#' @param ndowns minimum number of decreasing steps after the peak
#' @param zero can be `+`, `-`, or `0`; how to interprete succeeding steps
#' of the same value: increasing, decreasing, or special
#' @param peakpat define a peak as a regular pattern, such as the default
#' pattern `[+]{1,}[-]{1,}`; if a pattern is provided, the parameters
#' `nups` and `ndowns` are not taken into account
#' @param minpeakheight The minimum (absolute) height a peak has to have
#' to be recognized as such
#' @param minpeakdistance The minimum distance (in indices) peaks have to have
#' to be counted. If the distance of two maximum extreme value less than
#' `minpeakdistance`, only the real maximum value will be left.
#' @param h_min `h` is defined as the difference of peak value to the
#' adjacent left and right trough value (`h_left` and `h_right` respectively).
#' The real peaks should follow `min(h_left, h_right) >= h_min`.
#' @param h_max Similar as `h_min`, the real peaks should follow
#' `max(h_left, h_right) >= h_min`.
#' @param npeaks  the number of peaks to return. If `sortstr` = true, the
#' largest npeaks maximum values will be returned; If `sortstr` = false,
#' just the first npeaks are returned in the order of index.
#' @param sortstr Boolean, Should the peaks be returned sorted in decreasing oreder of
#' their maximum value?
#' @param include_gregexpr Boolean (default `FALSE`), whether to include the 
#' matched `gregexpr`?
#' @param IsPlot Boolean, whether to plot?
#' @note
#' In versions before v0.3.4, `findpeaks(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 1))` failed to detect
#' peaks when a flat pattern exit in the middle.
#' From version v0.3.4, the peak pattern was changed from `[+]{%d,}[-]{%d,}` to
#' `[+]{%d,}[0]{0,}[-]{%d,}`. The latter can escape the flat part successfully.
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(0, 1, len = 1024)
#' pos <- c(0.1, 0.13, 0.15, 0.23, 0.25, 0.40, 0.44, 0.65, 0.76, 0.78, 0.81)
#' hgt <- c(4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 4.2, 2.1, 4.3, 3.1, 5.1, 4.2)
#' wdt <- c(0.005, 0.005, 0.006, 0.01, 0.01, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01, 0.005, 0.008, 0.005)
#' pSignal <- numeric(length(x))
#' for (i in seq(along=pos)) {
#'     pSignal <- pSignal + hgt[i]/(1 + abs((x - pos[i])/wdt[i]))^4
#' }
#' plot(pSignal, type="l", col="navy"); grid()
#' x <- findpeaks(pSignal, npeaks=3, h_min=4, sortstr=TRUE)
#' points(val~pos, x$X, pch=20, col="maroon")
#' @export
findpeaks <- function (x, nups = 1, ndowns = nups, zero = "0", peakpat = NULL,
    minpeakheight = -Inf, minpeakdistance = 1,
    h_min = 0, h_max = 0,
    npeaks = 0, sortstr = FALSE,
    include_gregexpr = FALSE,
    IsPlot = F)
    stopifnot(is.vector(x, mode = "numeric") ||
                  is.vector(x, mode = "logical") || length(is.na(x)) == 0)

    # if (minpeakdistance < 1)
    #     warning("Handling 'minpeakdistance < 1' is logically not possible.")
    if (!zero %in% c("0", "+", "-"))
        stop("Argument 'zero' can only be '0', '+', or '-'.")

    # # extend the use of findpeaks:
    # if (IsDiff) {
    #     xc <- sign(diff(x))
    # } else {
    #     xc <- x
    # }
    xc <- sign(diff(x))
    xc <- paste(as.character(sign(xc)), collapse = "") %>%
        {gsub("1", "+", gsub("-1", "-", .))}
    xc %<>% str_replace_midzero() # in v0.3.4

    if (zero != "0") xc <- gsub("0", zero, xc)
    # if (is.null(peakpat)) peakpat <- sprintf("[+]{%d,}[-]{%d,}", nups, ndowns)
    if (is.null(peakpat)) peakpat <- sprintf("[+]{%d,}[0]{0,}[-]{%d,}", nups, ndowns)

    # Fatal bug found at 20211114
    # Because `diff` operation lead to the length of `x` reduced one
    # Hence x2 should be `rc + attr(rc, "match.length")`, without `-1`.
    rc <- gregexpr(peakpat, xc)[[1]]

    if (rc[1] < 0) return(NULL)
    x1 <- rc
    x2 <- rc + attr(rc, "match.length") # - 1

    attributes(x1) <- NULL
    attributes(x2) <- NULL
    n <- length(x1)
    xv <- xp <- numeric(n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        # for duplicated extreme values, get the median
        vals <- x[x1[i]:x2[i]]
        maxI <- which(vals == max(vals, na.rm = TRUE))
        xp[i] <- floor(median(maxI)) + x1[i] - 1
        xv[i] <- x[xp[i]]
    inds <- which(xv >= minpeakheight &
                      xv - pmin(x[x1], x[x2]) >= h_max &
                      xv - pmax(x[x1], x[x2]) >= h_min)
    X <- cbind(xv[inds], xp[inds], x1[inds], x2[inds])

    if (length(X) == 0) return(NULL)
    # remove near point where dist < minpeakdistance
    rm_near <- function(x){
        I <- which(diff(x[, 2]) < minpeakdistance)[1]
        if (is.na(I) | length(x) == 0){
            I_del <- I + as.integer(x[I, 1] > x[I+1, 1]) #remove the min
            x <- x[-I_del, , drop = F]
            if (nrow(x) <= 1) return(x);

    X <- X[order(X[, 2]), ,drop = F] # update 20180122; order according to index
    X <- rm_near(X) # sort index is necessary before `rm_near`

    if (sortstr) { # || minpeakdistance > 1
        sl <- sort.list(X[, 1], na.last = NA, decreasing = TRUE)
        X <- X[sl, , drop = FALSE]

    if (npeaks > 0 && npeaks < nrow(X)) {
        X <- X[1:npeaks, , drop = FALSE]

    X <- setNames(as.data.table(X), c("val", "pos", "left", "right"))
    if (IsPlot){
        plot(x, type = "b"); grid()
        points(val~pos, X, col = "blue")
    if (include_gregexpr) listk(X, gregexpr = rc) else listk(X)

#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
str_replace_midzero <- function(x) {
    replace = function(x, replacement = "+") {
        paste(rep(replacement, nchar(x)), collapse = "")
    str_replace_all(x, "\\++0\\++", . %>% replace("+")) %>%
        str_replace_all("-+0-+", . %>% replace("-"))

findpeaks_season <- function(
    ypred, r_max = 0, r_min = 0,
    minpeakdistance = 0, minpeakheight = 0,
    nups = 1, ndowns = nups,
    # other param
    nyear = 1)
    A = max(ypred) - min(ypred)
    h_max = r_max * A
    h_min = r_min * A
    # local minimum values
    # peak values is small for minimum values, so can't use r_min here
    peaks <- findpeaks(-ypred,
        zero = "+",
        h_max = h_max, h_min = h_min * 0,
        minpeakdistance = minpeakdistance,
        nups = 0
    pos_min <- peaks$X
    if (!is.null(pos_min)) {
        pos_min[, 1] %<>% multiply_by(-1)
        pos_min$type <- -1
    ntrough_PerYear <- npeak_PerYear <- NULL
    if (is.numeric(nyear)) ntrough_PerYear <- length(peaks$gregexpr) / nyear # max peaks

    # minpeakheight = 0.1*A + ylu[1]
    # local maximum values,
    peaks <- findpeaks(ypred,
        zero = "+",
        h_max = h_max, h_min = h_min,
        minpeakdistance = minpeakdistance,
        minpeakheight = minpeakheight,
        nups = nups, ndowns = ndowns
    ) # , ypeak_min
    pos_max <- peaks$X
    if (!is.null(pos_max)) pos_max$type <- 1

    if (is.numeric(nyear)) npeak_PerYear <- length(peaks$gregexpr) / nyear # max peaks
    listk(pos_min, pos_max, ntrough_PerYear, npeak_PerYear)

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phenofit documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 6:21 p.m.