#' lnLCF calculate the -log likelihood of data within a model.
#' @title Calculate the -log likelihood of data within a model.
#' @author Marc Girondot
#' @return Return the -log likelihood of data within a model.\cr
#' @param x A named vector of parameters (mu, sd, mu_season, sd_season, a, p and OTN).
#' @param data CMR database formated using TableECFOCF().
#' @param fixed.parameters Parameters that are fixed.
#' @param parallel If TRUE, parallel computing in ECFOCF_f is used.
#' @param verbose if TRUE, show the parameters.
#' @description Calculate the -log likelihood of data within a model.\cr
#' @family Model of Clutch Frequency
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(phenology)
#' # Example
#' ECFOCF_2002 <- TableECFOCF(MarineTurtles_2002)
#' lnLCF(x=c(mu=4.71768454279272,
#' sd=1.075711951667,
#' p=-1.79746277312909),
#' data=ECFOCF_2002)
#' ECFOCF_2002 <- TableECFOCF(MarineTurtles_2002, date0=as.Date("2002-01-01"))
#' fp <- rep(0, dim(ECFOCF_2002)[3])
#' names(fp) <- paste0("p.", formatC(1:(dim(ECFOCF_2002)[3]), width=2, flag="0"))
#' par <- c(mu1 = 0.6404831115214353,
#' sd1 = 0.69362774786433479,
#' mu2 = 5.6404831115214353,
#' sd2 = 5.69362774786433479,
#' mu_season = 12.6404831115214353,
#' sd_season = 1.69362774786433479,
#' OTN=1)
#' par <- c(par, fp[attributes(ECFOCF_2002)$table["begin"]:attributes(ECFOCF_2002)$table["final"]])
#' fixed.parameters <- c(p=-Inf)
#' lnLCF(x=par, data=ECFOCF_2002, fixed.parameters=fixed.parameters)
#' }
#' @export
# Log likelihood ECF OCF ####
lnLCF <- function(x, data, fixed.parameters=NULL, parallel=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) {
# x <- NULL; data <- NULL; fixed.parameters <- NULL; parallel <- TRUE; verbose <- TRUE
xx <- c(x, fixed.parameters)
if (verbose) d(xx)
# dans ml j'ai le nombre max de catégories
# La partie entière c'est la catégorie
# Donc je peux créer un mu1.1
ml <- suppressWarnings(floor(as.numeric(gsub("[a-zA-Z_]+", "", names(xx)))))
if ((length(ml) == 1) | all( | (max(c(0, ml), na.rm=TRUE)==0)) {
mln <- 1
} else {
mln <- max(ml, na.rm=TRUE)
MaxNests <- max(dim(data)[c(1, 2)])-1
mu <- xx[(substr(names(xx), 1, 2)=="mu") & (substr(names(xx), 1, 3) != "mu_")]
# if (length(mu)>1) mu <- mu[order(as.numeric(gsub("mu([0-9\\.]+)", "\\1", names(mu))))]
# Ca ne va pas avec .
# j'ai un mu. ou un mu
# mu_ref <- NULL
if (mln > 1) {
if (any(names(mu)=="mu")) {
mu_ref <- mu[names(mu)=="mu"]
mu_ec <- NULL
for (i in 1:mln) {
if (all(!grepl(paste0("mu", i), names(mu)))) {
mu_ec <- c(mu_ec, structure(unname(mu_ref), .Names=paste0("mu", i)))
} else {
mu_ec <- c(mu_ec, mu[grepl(paste0("mu", i), names(mu))])
mu <- mu_ec
if (any(grepl("mu\\.+", names(mu)))) {
mu_ref <- mu[grepl("mu\\.+", names(mu))]
mu_ec <- NULL
for (i in 1:mln) {
if (all(!grepl(paste0("mu", i), names(mu)))) {
mu_ec <- c(mu_ec, structure(unname(mu_ref), .Names=gsub("mu(\\.[0-9]+)", paste0("mu", i, "\\1"), names(mu_ref))))
} else {
mu_ec <- c(mu_ec, mu[grepl(paste0("mu", i), names(mu))])
mu <- mu_ec
} else {
names(mu) <- gsub("mu[0-9]*(\\.*[0-9]*)", "mu1\\1", names(mu))
sd <- xx[(substr(names(xx), 1, 2)=="sd") & (substr(names(xx), 1, 3) != "sd_")]
if (identical(sd, structure(numeric(0), .Names = character(0)))) sd <- c(sd=NA)
if (length(sd)>1) sd <- sd[order(as.numeric(gsub("sd([0-9]+)", "\\1", names(sd))))]
sd <- structure(c(sd, rep(sd[length(sd)], mln-length(sd))), .Names=paste0("sd", 1:mln))
mu_season <- xx[substr(names(xx), 1, 9)=="mu_season"]
if (length(mu_season)>1) mu_season <- mu_season[order(as.numeric(gsub("mu_season([0-9]+)", "\\1", names(mu_season))))]
if (!identical(mu_season, structure(numeric(0), .Names = character(0)))) {
mu_season <- c(mu_season, rep(mu_season[length(mu_season)], mln-length(mu_season)))
names(mu_season) <- paste0("mu_season", 1:mln)
} else {
mu_season <- NA
sd_season <- xx[substr(names(xx), 1, 9)=="sd_season"]
if (length(sd_season)>1) sd_season <- sd_season[order(as.numeric(gsub("sd_season([0-9]+)", "\\1", names(sd_season))))]
if (!identical(sd_season, structure(numeric(0), .Names = character(0)))) {
sd_season <- c(sd_season, rep(sd_season[length(sd_season)], mln-length(sd_season)))
names(sd_season) <- paste0("sd_season", 1:mln)
} else {
sd_season <- NA
a <- xx[substr(names(xx), 1, 1)=="a"]
if (identical(a, structure(numeric(0), .Names = character(0)))) {
a <- structure(rep(Inf, mln), .Names=paste0("a", 1:mln))
if (any(names(a) == "a")) names(a[names(a) == "a"]) <- "a1"
a_int <- structure(rep(Inf, mln), .Names=paste0("a", 1:mln))
a_int[names(a)] <- a
a <- 1/(1 + exp(-a_int))
if (mln>1) {
OTN <- abs(xx[substr(names(xx), 1, 3)=="OTN"])
if (length(OTN)>1) OTN <- OTN[order(as.numeric(gsub("OTN([0-9]+)", "\\1", names(OTN))))]
OTN <- c(OTN, 1)
OTN <- c(OTN, rep(OTN[length(OTN)], mln-length(OTN)))
names(OTN) <- paste0("OTN", 1:mln)
OTN <- OTN/sum(OTN)
} else {
OTN <- c(OTN1=1)
p <- xx[substr(names(xx), 1, 1)=="p"]
# p <- 1/(1 + exp(-p))
if (any(( | ( {
length_mean_ec <- NA
} else {
length_mean_ec <- attributes(data)$characteristics["length_season"]
OCFECF <- ECFOCF_full(mu=mu,
if (any([1, 1, ]))) {
# ss1 <<- x
} else {
# OCFECF[OCFECF >= 1-(1E-100)] <- 1-(1E-100)
# OCFECF[OCFECF <= (1E-100)] <- (1E-100)
OCF0 <- sum(OCFECF[1, 1, ])
OCFECF <- OCFECF[-1, -1, ]/(1-OCF0)
# OCFECF[OCFECF >= 1-(1E-100)] <- 1-(1E-100)
# OCFECF[OCFECF <= (1E-100)] <- (1E-100)
OCFECF <- OCFECF*data[-1, -1, ]
LnL <- -sum(OCFECF, na.rm = TRUE)
# ss2 <<- x
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