
Defines functions write_d12_texture save_d12_obj d12_xyz d12_rot_to_top d12_rot_from_top d12TopGrob

# https://mathworld.wolfram.com/RegularDodecahedron.html
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_dodecahedron
# http://www.dicecollector.com/JM/D12.HTM
# If a = edge length
# inradius ~ 1.113516364 * a
# dihedral angle = arccos(-sqrt(5) / 5)

d12TopGrob <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg=pp_cfg(),
                      x=unit(0.5, "npc"), y=unit(0.5, "npc"), z=unit(0, "npc"),
                      angle=0, type="normal",
                      width=NA, height=NA, depth=NA,
                      op_scale=0, op_angle=45) {
    cfg <- as_pp_cfg(cfg)

    x <- convertX(x, "in", valueOnly = TRUE)
    y <- convertY(y, "in", valueOnly = TRUE)
    z <- convertX(z, "in", valueOnly = TRUE)
    width <- convertX(width, "in", valueOnly = TRUE)
    height <- convertY(height, "in", valueOnly = TRUE)
    depth <- convertX(depth, "in", valueOnly = TRUE)

    #### allow limited 3D rotation #281
    axis_x <- 0
    axis_y <- 0

    xyz <- d12_xyz(suit, rank, cfg, x, y, z, angle, axis_x, axis_y, width, height, depth)
    l_xyz <- list()
    dfc <- data.frame(x = numeric(0), y = numeric(0), z = numeric(0))
    for (i in 1:12) {
        idx <- seq.int(5 * i - 4, length.out = 5)
        dfc <- rbind(dfc, as.data.frame(xyz[idx]$c))

    op_ref <- Point2D$new(as.data.frame(xyz$c))$translate_polar(op_angle + 180, 10 * xyz$width)
    xy_dists <- purrr::pmap_dbl(dfc, function(x, y, z) Point2D$new(x, y)$distance_to(op_ref))
    dfc$rank <- 1:12
    dfc$xy_dists <- xy_dists
    dfc <- dfc[order(round(dfc$z, 2), -xy_dists), ]

    gl <- gList()
    for (i in 1:nrow(dfc)) {
        edge_rank <- dfc$rank[i]
        edge <- paste("d12_", edge_rank)
        opt <- cfg$get_piece_opt("die_face", suit, edge_rank)
        gp <- gpar(col = opt$border_color, lex = opt$border_lex, fill = opt$background_color)
        idx <- seq.int(5 * edge_rank - 4, length.out = 5)
        xyz_polygon <- xyz[idx]
        xy_polygon <- xyz_polygon$project_op(op_angle, op_scale)
        xy_vp <- xy_vp_convex(xyz_polygon, op_scale, op_angle)
        gl[[i]] <- at_ps_grob("die_face", suit, edge_rank, cfg, xy_vp, xy_polygon, name = edge)

    # pre-compute grobCoords
    coords_xyl <- as.list(as.data.frame(xyz$project_op(op_angle, op_scale)$convex_hull))

    gTree(scale = 1,
          coords_xyl = coords_xyl,
          children=gl, cl=c("projected_rpg_die", "coords_xyl"))

# if `rank` on top figure out rotation so one on top instead
d12_rot_from_top <- function(rank) {
    a <- 180 - to_degrees(arccos(-sqrt(5)/5)) # 180 - dihedral angle
    stopifnot(rank <= 12)
           diag(3), # 01
           d12_rot_from_top(3) %*% R_x(180), # 02
           R_z(72) %*% R_x(-a) %*% R_z(-36), # 03
           d12_rot_from_top(5) %*% R_x(180), # 04
           R_z(72) %*% R_x(-a) %*% R_z(-108), # 05
           d12_rot_from_top(7) %*% R_x(180), # 06
           R_z(72) %*% R_x(-a) %*% R_z(180), # 07
           d12_rot_from_top(9) %*% R_x(180), # 08
           R_z(72) %*% R_x(-a) %*% R_z(108), # 09
           d12_rot_from_top(11) %*% R_x(180), # 10
           R_z(72) %*% R_x(-a) %*% R_z(36), # 11
           R_x(180)) # 12

# if one on top figure out rotation so `rank` on top instead
d12_rot_to_top <- function(rank) {
    a <- 180 - to_degrees(arccos(-sqrt(5)/5)) # 180 - dihedral angle
    stopifnot(rank <= 12)
           diag(3), # 01
           R_x(180) %*% d12_rot_to_top(3), # 02
           R_z(36) %*% R_x(a) %*% R_z(-72), # 03
           R_x(180) %*% d12_rot_to_top(5), # 04
           R_z(108) %*% R_x(a) %*% R_z(-72), # 05
           R_x(180) %*% d12_rot_to_top(7), # 06
           R_z(180) %*% R_x(a) %*% R_z(-72), # 07
           R_x(180) %*% d12_rot_to_top(9), # 08
           R_z(-108) %*% R_x(a) %*% R_z(-72), # 09
           R_x(180) %*% d12_rot_to_top(11), # 10
           R_z(-36) %*% R_x(a) %*% R_z(-72), # 11
           R_x(180)) # 12

d12_xyz <- function(suit, rank, cfg,
                    x, y, z,
                    angle, axis_x, axis_y,
                    width, height, depth) {
    pc <- Point3D$new(x, y, z)
    R_rank <- d12_rot_to_top(rank)
    xs <- numeric(0)
    ys <- numeric(0)
    zs <- numeric(0)
    xyz_t <- Point3D$new(convex_xy(5, 90), z = 0.0)$translate(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5)$dilate(width, height, depth)
    for (i in 1:12) {
        R_i <- d12_rot_from_top(i)
        xyz_i <- xyz_t$clone()$rotate(R_i %*% R_rank)
        xs <- append(xs, xyz_i$x)
        ys <- append(ys, xyz_i$y)
        zs <- append(zs, xyz_i$z)

    R <- AA_to_R(angle, axis_x, axis_y)
    Point3D$new(xs, ys, zs)$rotate(R)$translate(pc)

save_d12_obj <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg,
                        x, y, z, angle, axis_x, axis_y,
                        width, height, depth,
                        filename, scale, res) {
    cfg <- as_pp_cfg(cfg)
    opt <- cfg$get_piece_opt(piece_side, suit, rank)

    xyz <- d12_xyz(suit, rank, cfg,
                   x, y, z,
                   angle, axis_x, axis_y,
                   width, height, depth)

    cxy <- convex_xy(5, 90)
    xy_vt <- list(x = rep(cxy$x / 4, 12) + rep(rep(0:3/4, each = 5), 3),
                  y = rep(cxy$y / 3, 12) + rep(rep(2:0/3, each = 5), each = 4))

    # textured face elements
    f <- list()
    for (i in 1:12) {
        idx <- seq.int(5 * i - 4, length.out = 5)
        f[[i]] <- list(v = idx, vt = idx)

    ext <- tools::file_ext(filename)
    mtl_filename <- gsub(paste0("\\.", ext, "$"), ".mtl", filename)
    png_filename <- gsub(paste0("\\.", ext, "$"), ".png", filename)

    write_obj(filename, v = xyz, vt = xy_vt, f = f)
    write_d12_texture("die_face", suit, rank, cfg, filename = png_filename, res = res)

    invisible(list(obj = filename, mtl = mtl_filename, png = png_filename))

write_d12_texture <- function(piece_side = "die_face", suit = 1, rank = 1, cfg = pp_cfg(),
                              ..., filename = tempfile(fileext = ".png"), res = 72) {

    current_dev <- grDevices::dev.cur()
    if (current_dev > 1) on.exit(grDevices::dev.set(current_dev))
    width <- cfg$get_width("die_face", suit, rank)

    args <- list(filename = filename, height = 3 * width, width = 4 * width,
                 units = "in", res = res, bg = "transparent")
    if (capabilities("cairo"))
        args$type <- "cairo"
    do.call(grDevices::png, args)

    xs <- rep(1:4 / 4 - 1/8, 3)
    ys <- rep(3:1 / 3 - 1/6, each = 4)
    for (i in 1:12) {
        pushViewport(viewport(x = xs[i], width = 1/4, y = ys[i], height = 1/3))
        draw_piece_and_bleed("die_face", suit, i, cfg)


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piecepackr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:09 p.m.