#' @name dust
#' @export dust
#' @title Dust Table Construction
#' @description Dust tables consist of four primary components that are
#' built together to create a full table. Namely, the \code{head}, the
#' \code{body}, the \code{interfoot}, and the \code{foot}. Dust tables
#' also contain a table-wide attributes \code{border_collapse} and
#' \code{longtable} as well as a \code{print_method} element.
#' @param object An object that has a \code{tidy} method in \code{broom}
#' @param tidy_df When \code{object} is an object that inherits the
#' \code{data.frame} class, the default behavior is to assume that the
#' object itself is the basis of the table. If the summarized table is
#' desired, set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param keep_rownames When \code{tidy_df} is \code{FALSE}, setting
#' \code{keep_rownames} binds the row names to the data frame as the first
#' column, allowing them to be preserved in the tabulated output. This
#' is only to data frame like objects, as the \code{broom::tidy.matrix} method
#' performs this already.
#' @param glance_foot Arrange the glance statistics for the \code{foot} of the
#' table. (Not scheduled for implementation until version 0.4.0)
#' @param glance_stats A character vector giving the names of the glance statistics
#' to put in the output. When \code{NULL}, the default, all of the available
#' statistics are retrieved. In addition to controlling which statistics are
#' printed, this also controls the order in which they are printed.
#' @param col_pairs An integer indicating the number of column-pairings for the
#' glance output. This must be less than half the total number of columns,
#' as each column-pairing includes a statistic name and value. See the full
#' documentation for the unexported function \code{\link{glance_foot}}.
#' @param byrow A logical, defaulting to \code{FALSE}, that indicates if the
#' requested statistics are placed with priority to rows or columns.
#' See the full documentation for the unexported function \code{\link{glance_foot}}.
#' @param descriptors A character vector indicating the descriptors to
#' be used in the table. Acceptable inputs are \code{"term"},
#' \code{"term_plain"}, \code{"label"}, \code{"level"}, and
#' \code{"level_detail"}. These may be used in any combination and
#' any order, with the descriptors appearing in the table from left
#' to right in the order given. The default, \code{"term"}, returns
#' only the term descriptor and is identical to the output provided
#' by \code{broom::tidy} methods. See Details for a full explanation
#' of each option and the Examples for sample output.
#' See the full documentation for the unexported function \code{\link{tidy_levels_labels}}.
#' @param numeric_level A character string that determines which descriptor
#' is used for numeric variables in the \code{"level_detail"} descriptor
#' when a numeric has an interaction with a factor. Acceptable inputs
#' are \code{"term"}, \code{"term_plain"}, and \code{"label"}.
#' See the full documentation for the unexported function \code{\link{tidy_levels_labels}}.
#' @param caption A character string giving the caption for the table.
#' @param caption_number \code{logical(1)}. Should the table caption be prefixed
#' with the table number?
#' @param float A logical used only in LaTeX output. When \code{TRUE}, the table is
#' set within a \code{table} environment. The default is \code{TRUE}, as with
#' \code{xtable}.
#' @param longtable Allows the user to print a table in multiple sections.
#' This is useful when
#' a table has more rows than will fit on a printed page. Acceptable inputs are \code{FALSE},
#' indicating that only one table is printed (default); \code{TRUE} that the table should be
#' split into multiple tables with the default number of rows per table (see "Longtable"); or a
#' positive integer indicating how many rows per table to include. All other values are
#' interpreted as \code{FALSE}. In LaTeX output, remember that after each section, a page
#' break is forced. This setting may also be set from \code{sprinkle}.
#' @param hhline Logical. When \code{FALSE}, the default, horizontal LaTeX cell borders
#' are drawn using the \code{\\cline} command. These don't necessarily
#' play well with cell backgrounds, however. Using \code{hhline = TRUE}
#' prints horizontal borders using the \code{\\hhline} command. While the
#' \code{hhline} output isn't disrupted by cell backgrounds, it may require
#' more careful coding of the desired borders. In \code{hhline}, cells with
#' adjoining borders tend to double up and look thicker than when using
#' \code{cline}.
#' @param label \code{character(1)}. An optional string for assigning labels with
#' which tables can be referenced elsewhere in the document. If \code{NULL},
#' \code{pixiedust} attempts to name the label \code{tab:[chunk-name]}, where
#' \code{[chunk-name]} is the name of the \code{knitr} chunk. If this also
#' resolves to \code{NULL} (for instance, when you aren't using \code{knitr},
#' the label \code{tab:pixie-[n]} is assigned, where \code{[n]} is the current value
#' of \code{options()$pixie_count}. Note that rendering multiple tables in a
#' chunk without specifying a label will result in label conflicts.
#' @param justify \code{character(1)}. Specifies the justification of the table on
#' the page. May be \code{"center"} (default), \code{"left"}, or \code{"right"}.
#' @param bookdown Logical. When \code{TRUE}, \code{bookdown} style labels are
#' generated. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param border_collapse \code{character(1)}. One of \code{"collapse"},
#' \code{"separate"}, \code{"initial"}, or \code{"inherit"}.
#' @param tabcolsep \code{integerish(1)}. For LaTeX output, the distance in
#' \code{pt} between columns of the table.
#' @param fixed_header \code{logical(1)}. For HTML tables, should the
#' header rows be fixed in place over a scrollable body.
#' @param html_preserve \code{logical(1)}. When \code{TRUE}, HTML output is returned
#' wrapped in \code{htmltools::htmlPreserve}. If using LaTeX style equations in
#' an HTML table, it may be necessary to set this to \code{FALSE}. Do this at
#' your own risk; this has not been thoroughly field tested.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to \code{tidy}
#' @param ungroup Used when a \code{grouped_df} object is passed to \code{dust}.
#' When \code{TRUE} (the default), the object is ungrouped and dusted
#' as a single table. When \code{FALSE}, the object is split and each element
#' is dusted separately.
#' @details The \code{head} object describes what each column of the table
#' represents. By default, the head is a single row, but multi row headers
#' may be provided. Note that multirow headers may not render in markdown
#' or console output as intended, though rendering in HTML and LaTeX is
#' fairly reliable. In longtables (tables broken over multiple pages),
#' the \code{head} appears at the top of each table portion.
#' The \code{body} object gives the main body of information. In long tables,
#' this section is broken into portions, ideally with one portion per page.
#' The \code{interfoot} object is an optional table to be placed at the
#' bottom of longtable portions with the exception of the last portion. A
#' well designed \code{interfoot} can convey to the user that the table
#' continues on the next page.
#' The \code{foot} object is the table that appears at the end of the
#' completed table. For model objects, it is recommended that the
#' \code{\link[broom]{glance}} statistics be used to display model fit
#' statistics.
#' The \code{border_collapse} object applies to an entire HTML table. It
#' indicates if the borders should form a single line or distinct lines.
#' The \code{longtable} object determines how many rows per page are printed.
#' By default, all content is printed as a single table. Using the
#' \code{longtable} argument in the \code{\link{sprinkle}} function can change this
#' setting.
#' The \code{table_width} element is specific to LaTeX tables. This is a reference
#' value for when column widths are specified in terms of the \code{\%} units. For
#' example, a column width of \code{20\%} will be defined as \code{table_width * .20}.
#' The value in \code{table_width} is assumed to be in inches and defaults to 6.
#' The \code{tabcolsep} object determines the spacing between columns in a
#' LaTeX table in pt. By default, it is set at 6.
#' The \code{print_method} object determines how the table is rendered when
#' the \code{print} method is invoked. The default is to print to the
#' console.
#' Many of these options may be set globally. See
#' \code{\link{pixiedust}} for a complete list of package options.
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{dust}
#' @section Symbols and Greek Letters:
#' When using markdown, math symbols and greek letters may be employed as
#' they would within a markdown document. For example, \code{"$\alpha$"}
#' will render as the lower case Greek alpha. Math symbols may be rendered
#' in the same manner.
#' @seealso \code{\link[broom]{tidy}} \code{\link{glance_foot}}
#' \code{\link{tidy_levels_labels}} \code{\link{pixiedust}}
#' \code{\link{get_dust_part}} for extracting parts of the \code{dust} object
#' in order to build custom headers and/or footers.
#' @author Benjamin Nutter
#' @examples
#' x <- dust(lm(mpg ~ qsec + factor(am), data = mtcars))
#' x
dust <- function(object, ...)
#' @rdname dust
#' @export
dust.default <- function(object, ...,
tidy_df = FALSE, keep_rownames = FALSE,
glance_foot = FALSE, glance_stats = NULL,
col_pairs = 2, byrow = FALSE,
descriptors = "term",
numeric_level = c("term", "term_plain", "label"),
label = NULL,
caption = NULL,
caption_number = getOption("pixied_caption_number", TRUE),
justify = getOption("pixie_justify", "center"),
float = getOption("pixie_float", TRUE),
longtable = getOption("pixie_longtable", FALSE),
hhline = getOption("pixie_hhline", FALSE),
bookdown = getOption("pixie_bookdown", FALSE),
border_collapse = getOption("pixie_border_collapse", "collapse"),
tabcolsep = getOption("pixie_tabcolsep", 6),
fixed_header = getOption("pixie_fixed_header", FALSE),
html_preserve = getOption("pixie_html_preserve", TRUE))
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
descriptors <- checkmate::matchArg(x = descriptors,
choices = c("term", "term_plain", "label",
"level", "level_detail"),
several.ok = TRUE,
add = coll)
#* By default, we assume data.frame-like objects are to be printed
#* as given. All other objects are tidied.
if (!inherits(object, "data.frame") | tidy_df)
tidy_object <-, ...))
else if (inherits(object, "data.frame"))
if (inherits(object, "data.table"))
object <-
if (keep_rownames)
tidy_object <- cbind(rownames(object),
rownames(tidy_object) <- NULL
tidy_object[, 1] <- as.character(tidy_object[, 1])
names(tidy_object)[1] <- ".rownames"
tidy_object <- object
if (!inherits(object, "data.frame") & any(!descriptors %in% "term"))
nms <- names(tidy_object)
tll <- tidy_levels_labels(object,
descriptors = descriptors,
numeric_level = numeric_level,
argcheck = coll)
tidy_object <-
by = "term",
all.x = TRUE)
if ("label" %in% names(tidy_object))
is_intercept <- grepl(pattern = "([(]|)Intercept([)]|)",
x = tidy_object[["term"]])
tidy_object[["label"]][is_intercept] <-
if ("term_plain" %in% names(tidy_object))
is_intercept <- grepl(pattern = "([(]|)Intercept([)]|)",
x = tidy_object[["term"]])
tidy_object[["label"]][is_intercept] <-
if (!"term" %in% descriptors)
nms <- nms[!nms %in% "term"]
tidy_object <- tidy_object[unique(c(descriptors, nms))]
#* Create the table head
head <-,
names(head) <- names(tidy_object)
if (glance_foot)
foot <- glance_foot(object,
col_pairs = col_pairs,
total_cols = ncol(tidy_object),
glance_stats = glance_stats,
byrow = byrow) %>%
foot <- NULL
#* Eventually, by default, glance statistics will be inserted into
#* the 'foot' object. Objects passed as data frames should not have
#* glance statistics by default. Perhaps an option for glance_df should
#* be provided here.
out <- structure(list(head = component_table(head, tidy_object),
body = component_table(tidy_object),
interfoot = NULL,
foot = foot,
border_collapse = border_collapse,
caption = caption,
caption_number = caption_number,
label = label,
justify = justify,
float = float,
longtable = longtable,
table_width = 6,
tabcolsep = tabcolsep,
hhline = hhline,
bookdown = bookdown,
fixed_header = fixed_header,
include_fixed_header_css = FALSE, #Flag for if fixed header CSS
#should be generated with the table
fixed_header_param =
fixed_header_class_name = "pixie-fixed",
scroll_body_height = 300,
scroll_body_height_units = "px",
scroll_body_background_color = "white",
fixed_header_height = 20,
fixed_header_height_units = "px",
fixed_header_text_height = 10,
fixed_header_text_height_units = "px",
fixed_header_background_color = "white"
html_preserve = html_preserve,
print_method = pixiedust_print_method()),
class = "dust")
#' @rdname dust
#' @export
dust.grouped_df <- function(object, ungroup = TRUE, ...)
if (ungroup)
dust.default(, ...)
split_var <- attr(object, "var")
# dplyr 0.8.0 replaces the var attribute with groups attribute
if (is.null(split_var)){
split_var <- utils::head(names(attr(object, "groups")), -1)
object <-
object <- split(object, object[, as.character(split_var)])
dust.list(object, ...)
#' @rdname dust
#' @export
dust.list <- function(object, ...)
lapply(X = object,
FUN = dust,
class = "dust_list"
#* Utilities
component_table <- function(tbl, object)
#* Get the classes of each column in the data frame.
#* These will be needed later for the 'round' sprinkle.
if (missing(object)) object <- tbl
Classes <- data.frame(col_name = colnames(object),
col_class = vapply(X = object,
FUN = primaryClass,
FUN.VALUE = character(1)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#* Initialize the table with row index, column index, and value
tab <- gather_tbl(tbl)
#* Initialize default values of table attributes
tab <-
merge(x = tab,
y = cell_attributes_frame(nrow(tbl), ncol(tbl)),
by = c("row", "col"),
all.x = TRUE,
sort = FALSE)
#* Join with column classes
tab <- merge(x = tab,
y = Classes,
by = "col_name",
all.x = TRUE,
sort = FALSE)
gather_tbl <- function(tbl)
tbl_name <- names(tbl)
#* Assign the row indices
tbl[["row"]] <- seq_len(nrow(tbl))
tbl <- stats::reshape(data =,
direction = "long",
varying = list(names(tbl)[!names(tbl) %in% "row"]))
names(tbl)[names(tbl) %in% "time"] <- "col"
names(tbl)[3] <- "value"
tbl <- tbl[names(tbl)[!names(tbl) %in% "id"]]
tbl$col_name <- factor(tbl$col, labels = tbl_name)
tbl$col <- as.numeric(tbl$col_name)
tbl$col_name <- as.character(tbl$col_name)
tbl$value <- as.character(tbl$value)
cell_attributes_frame <- function(nrow, ncol)
frame <-
expand.grid(row = 1:nrow,
col = 1:ncol,
fn = NA,
round = "",
bold = FALSE,
italic = FALSE,
halign = "",
valign = "",
bg = "",
font_family = "",
font_color = "",
font_size = "",
font_size_units = "",
left_border = "",
right_border = "",
top_border = "",
bottom_border = "",
height = "",
height_units = "",
width = "",
width_units = "",
replace = NA,
rotate_degree = "",
sanitize = FALSE,
sanitize_args = "",
pad = "",
rowspan = 1L,
colspan = 1L,
na_string = NA,
frame[["html_row"]] <- frame[["row"]]
frame[["html_col"]] <- frame[["col"]]
frame[["merge_rowval"]] <- frame[["row"]]
frame[["merge_colval"]] <- frame[["col"]]
frame[["merge"]] <- FALSE
primaryClass <- function(x)
acceptedClasses <- c("integer", "double", "numeric",
"character", "factor", "logical")
class_vector <- class(x)
class_vector[class_vector %in% acceptedClasses][1]
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