setGeneric("", function(x, cat, poly.mod, dimensions=1, location=FALSE, loc.out=FALSE, ...) standardGeneric(""))
setMethod("", signature(x="numeric"), function(x, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, loc.out, ...) {
x <- as.matrix(x)
setMethod("", signature(x="data.frame"), function(x, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, loc.out, ...) {
x <- as.matrix(x)
setMethod("", signature(x=""), function(x, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, loc.out, ...) {
## Loop through all groups. In this scenario, a list of {} objects will be returned
if (x@groups>1) {
out <- vector("list", x@groups)
for (i in 1:x@groups) {
out[[i]] <-[[i]], x@cat[[i]], x@poly.mod[[i]], x@dimensions[i], x@location[[i]], loc.out, ...)
names(out) <- names(x@pars)
} else {
out <-, x@cat, x@poly.mod, x@dimensions, x@location, loc.out, ...)
setMethod("", signature(x="matrix"), function(x, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, loc.out, ...) {
if (dimensions<1) stop("You must specify at least one dimension")
colnames(x) <- NULL
rownames(x) <- NULL
## Number of items
ni <- nrow(x)
## If missing {cat}, assume that all items are dichotomous
if (missing(cat)) cat <- rep(2,ni)
## If missing {poly.mod}, assume that all items are dichotomous
if (missing(poly.mod)) poly.mod <- as.poly.mod(ni)
## Create a sorting vector for ordering the items after separating out the parameters
sort <- NULL
## Check to see if any dichotomous items were improperly specified as polytomous items
if ("grm" %in% poly.mod@model) { <- cat[poly.mod@items$grm]
if (length([])) {
if ("drm" %in% poly.mod@model) {
poly.mod@items$drm <- c(poly.mod@items$drm, poly.mod@items$grm[])
} else {
poly.mod@model <- c(poly.mod@model, "drm")
poly.mod@items$drm <- poly.mod@items$grm[]
poly.mod@items$drm <- poly.mod@items$drm[order(poly.mod@items$drm)]
poly.mod@items$grm <- poly.mod@items$grm[-poly.mod@items$grm[]]
if (length(poly.mod@items$grm)==0) {
poly.mod@model <- poly.mod@model[poly.mod@model!="grm"]
poly.mod@items$grm <- NULL
cat("One or more {grm} items was specified with 2 response categories.\n")
cat("These items were re-specified as dichotomous items\n")
if ("gpcm" %in% poly.mod@model) { <- cat[poly.mod@items$gpcm]
if (length([])) {
if ("drm" %in% poly.mod@model) {
poly.mod@items$drm <- c(poly.mod@items$drm, poly.mod@items$gpcm[])
} else {
poly.mod@model <- c(poly.mod@model, "drm")
poly.mod@items$drm <- poly.mod@items$gpcm[]
poly.mod@items$drm <- poly.mod@items$drm[order(poly.mod@items$drm)]
poly.mod@items$gpcm <- poly.mod@items$gpcm[-poly.mod@items$gpcm[]]
if (length(poly.mod@items$gpcm)==0) {
poly.mod@model <- poly.mod@model[poly.mod@model!="gpcm"]
poly.mod@items$gpcm <- NULL
cat("One or more {gpcm} items was specified with 2 response categories.\n")
cat("These items were re-specified as dichotomous items\n")
## Number of dichotomous items
ndi <- length(poly.mod@items$drm)
## Extract the dichotomous items
dichot <- as.matrix(x[poly.mod@items$drm,])
if (ndi==1) dichot <- t(dichot)
if (ndi>0) {
## Identify the dichotomous items for re-ordering all of the items later
sort <- c(sort,poly.mod@items$drm)
## Number of dichotomous parameters. This is used
## to determine the specific item response model
ncd <- length(dichot[1,![1,])])
## When there is only a difficulty parameter
if (ncd==1) {
da <- matrix(1,ndi,dimensions)
db <- as.matrix(dichot[,1])
dc <- matrix(0,ndi,1)
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "Rasch" else dmod <- "Multidimensional Rasch"
## When there are two parameters this could be a 1PL or 2PL model
} else if (ncd==dimensions+1) {
da <- as.matrix(dichot[,1:dimensions])
if (ndi==1) da <- t(da)
db <- as.matrix(dichot[,dimensions+1])
dc <- matrix(0,ndi,1)
if (length(da[da==da[1]])==ndi*dimensions) {
if (da[1]==1) {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "Rasch" else dmod <- "Multidimensional Rasch"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "1PL" else dmod <- "M1PL"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "2PL" else dmod <- "M2PL"
## When there are three parameters this could be a 1PL, 2PL, or 3PL model
} else if (ncd==dimensions+2) {
da <- as.matrix(dichot[,1:dimensions])
if (ndi==1) da <- t(da)
db <- as.matrix(dichot[,dimensions+1])
dc <- as.matrix(dichot[,dimensions+2])
if (length(da[da==da[1]])==ndi*dimensions) {
if (length(dc[dc==0])==ndi) {
if (da[1]==1) {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "Rasch" else dmod <- "Multidimensional Rasch"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "1PL" else dmod <- "M1PL"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "1PL with Guessing" else dmod <- "M1PL with Guessing"
} else {
if (length(dc[dc==0])==ndi) {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "2PL" else dmod <- "M2PL"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "3PL" else dmod <- "M3PL"
## If there are no dichotomous items set the following object equal to NULL
## This is necessary for compiling the outpur
} else {
dmod <- NULL
## Number of polytomous items
npi <- ni-ndi
## Extract the polytomous items
if (npi>0) {
## Vector identifying all of the item response models used
mod <- poly.mod@model
## List identifying the items associated with each model <- poly.mod@items
## Object to hold the separated item parameters
## for each polytomous model
ppars <- vector("list",length(mod[mod!="drm"]))
## Objects used to identify the maximum number of
## columns in each parameter matrix across models.
## This is necessary when combining the parameters
## over multiple models
max.a <- max.b <- max.c <- 0
## Initialize a vector identified the number of items
## associated with each polytomous model
pnum <- NULL
## Initialize a vector identifying the polytomous models
mods <- NULL
## Initialize a vector for the descriptive names of the polytomous models
pnames <- NULL
## Loop through all of the polytomous models
for (i in 1:length(mod)) {
## Skip any dichotomous items
if (mod[i]=="drm") next
## Items associated with the given model
pit <-[[i]]
## Number of items associated with the given model
np <- length(pit)
## Response categories associated with the given set of items
pcat <- cat[pit]
## Extract the item parameters for the given items
## associated with the given model
poly <- as.matrix(x[pit,])
## Transpose this matrix of parameters if there is only
## one item associated with the given model
if (np==1) poly <- t(poly)
## Total number of columns in the extracted matrix of parameters
nc <- ncol(poly)
## Maximum number of response categories across items for this given model
mc <- max(pcat)
## Separate the parameters for the nominal response model
if (mod[i]=="nrm") {
## Identify the NRM items for re-ordering all of the items later
sort <- c(sort,pit)
pa <-poly[,1:(mc*dimensions)]
pb <- poly[,(mc*dimensions+1):(mc*(dimensions+1))]
## If there is only one NRM item, transpose the parameter matrices
if (np==1) {
pa <- t(pa)
pb <- t(pb)
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Nominal Response Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Nominal Response Model"
## Separate the parameters for the multiple-choice model
} else if (mod[i]=="mcm") {
## Identify the MCM items for re-ordering all of the items later
sort <- c(sort,pit)
pa <- poly[,1:(mc*dimensions)]
pb <- poly[,(mc*dimensions+1):(mc*(dimensions+1))]
pc <- poly[,(mc*(dimensions+1)+1):(mc*(dimensions+1)+mc-1)]
## If there is only one MCM item, transpose the parameter matrices
if (np==1) {
pa <- t(pa)
pb <- t(pb)
pc <- t(pc)
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Multiple-Choice Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Multiple-Choice Model"
## Separate the parameters for the graded response model
} else if (mod[i]=="grm") {
## Identify the GRM items for re-ordering all of the items later
sort <- c(sort,pit)
pa <- as.matrix(poly[,1:dimensions])
if (np==1) pa <- t(pa)
if (location==FALSE) {
pb <- poly[,(dimensions+1):(dimensions+mc-1)]
if (np==1) pb <- t(pb)
} else {
pb <- matrix(poly[,dimensions+1],np,mc-1)-poly[,(dimensions+2):(dimensions+mc)]
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Graded Response Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Graded Response Model"
## Separate the parameters for the generalized partial credit model
} else if (mod[i]=="gpcm") {
## Identify the GPCM items for re-ordering all of the items later
sort <- c(sort,pit)
## Identify the number of parameters in the first row of the
## item parameter matrix. This information is used to distinguish
## between the PCM and GPCM
len.p <- length(poly[1,][![1,])])
if (location==FALSE) {
if (len.p==pcat[1]-1) {
pa <- matrix(1,np,dimensions)
pb <- poly[,1:(mc-1)]
if (np==1) pb <- t(pb)
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Partial Credit Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Partial Credit Model"
} else if (len.p==pcat[1]-1+dimensions) {
pa <- as.matrix(poly[,1:dimensions])
pb <- as.matrix(poly[,(dimensions+1):(dimensions+mc-1)])
## If there is only one GPCM item, transpose the parameter matrices
if (np==1) {
pa <- t(pa)
pb <- t(pb)
if (length(pa[pa==pa[1]])==np*dimensions) {
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Partial Credit Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Partial Credit Model"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Generalized Partial Credit Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Generalized Partial Credit Model"
} else {
if (len.p==pcat[1]) {
pa <- matrix(1,np,dimensions)
pb <- matrix(poly[,1],np,mc-1)-poly[,2:mc]
if (np==1) pb <- t(pb)
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Partial Credit Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Partial Credit Model"
} else if (len.p==pcat[1]+dimensions) {
pa <- as.matrix(poly[,1:dimensions])
if (np==1) pa <- t(pa)
pb <- matrix(poly[,dimensions+1],np,mc-1)-poly[,(dimensions+2):(dimensions+mc)]
if (length(pa[pa==pa[1]])==np*dimensions) {
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Partial Credit Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Partial Credit Model"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Generalized Partial Credit Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Generalized Partial Credit Model"
## Add NA values for the c parameters for all polytomous
## models with the exception of the MCM
if (mod[i]!="mcm") pc <- matrix(NA,np,1)
## For the GRM and GPCM, reformat the threshold/step parameters
## to include a location parameter (if specified using loc.out=TRUE)
if (mod[i]=="gpcm"|mod[i]=="grm") {
if (loc.out==TRUE) {
pbm <- apply(pb,1,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
pb <- cbind(pbm,pbm-pb)
## Update the max.a, max.b, and max.c columns (if necessary)
if (ncol(pa)>max.a) max.a <- ncol(pa)
if (ncol(pb)>max.b) max.b <- ncol(pb)
if (ncol(pc)>max.c) max.c <- ncol(pc)
## Compile the separated item parameters for the given model
ppars[[i]] <- list(a=pa,b=pb,c=pc)
## Update these objects for the given polytomous model
pnum <- c(pnum,np)
mods <- c(mods,pmod)
pnames <- c(pnames,paste("Poly.",mod[i],sep=""))
pa <- pb <- pc <- NULL
pmod <- mods
## Compile all of the item parameters from the polytomous
## models into parameter-specific matrices. Loop through
## all of the polytomous models
for(i in 1:length(mod)) {
if (mod[i]=="drm") next
## Create temporary objects with the separated item
## parameters for the given model
a <- ppars[[i]]$a
b <- ppars[[i]]$b
c <- ppars[[i]]$c
## Add columns of NAs to the right of the parameter blocks
## for the given model if necessary
tmp.a <- cbind(a,matrix(NA,nrow(a),max.a-ncol(a)))
tmp.b <- cbind(b,matrix(NA,nrow(b),max.b-ncol(b)))
tmp.c <- cbind(c,matrix(NA,nrow(c),max.c-ncol(c)))
## Stack the blocks (for each parameter) for each model
## on top of one another
pa <- rbind(pa,tmp.a)
pb <- rbind(pb,tmp.b)
pc <- rbind(pc,tmp.c)
## If there are no polytomous items set the following objects equal to NULL
## This is necessary for compiling the outpur
} else {
pmod <- NULL
ppars <- NULL
## If there are a combination of dichotomous and polytomous items
if (ndi>0) {
if (npi>0) {
## Combine the discrimination/slope parameters
da <- cbind(da,matrix(NA,ndi,ncol(pa)-ncol(da)))
colnames(da) <- colnames(pa) <- paste("a",1:ncol(da),sep="")
a <- rbind(da,pa)
## Combine the difficulty/threshold/step/category parameters
db <- cbind(db,matrix(NA,ndi,ncol(pb)-ncol(db)))
colnames(db) <- colnames(pb) <- paste("b",1:ncol(db),sep="")
b <- rbind(db,pb)
## Combine the lower asymptote parameters
dc <- cbind(dc,matrix(NA,length(dc),ncol(pc)-ncol(dc)))
colnames(dc) <- colnames(pc) <- paste("c",1:ncol(dc),sep="")
c <- rbind(dc,pc)
## If there are only dichotomous items
} else {
a <- da
b <- db
c <- dc
colnames(a) <- paste("a",1:ncol(da),sep="")
colnames(b) <- paste("b",1:ncol(db),sep="")
colnames(c) <- paste("c",1:ncol(dc),sep="")
## If there are only polytomous items
} else {
a <- pa
b <- pb
c <- pc
colnames(a) <- paste("a",1:ncol(pa),sep="")
colnames(b) <- paste("b",1:ncol(pb),sep="")
colnames(c) <- paste("c",1:ncol(pc),sep="")
## Sort the parameters according to their original order
a <- as.matrix(a[order(sort),])
b <- as.matrix(b[order(sort),])
c <- as.matrix(c[order(sort),])
## If there is only one item, transpose these matrices
if (ni==1) {
a <- t(a)
b <- t(b)
c <- t(c)
## Compile the numbers of items associated with the various
## models for use in the output
if (length(ppars)>1) {
n <- c(ni,ndi,npi,pnum)
names(n) <- c("Total","Dichot","Poly.all",pnames)
} else {
n <- c(ni,ndi,npi)
names(n) <- c("Total","Dichot","Poly")
sep <- new("", a=a, b=b, c=c, cat=cat, mod.lab=c(dmod,pmod), model=poly.mod@model, items=poly.mod@items, location=loc.out, n=n, dimensions=dimensions)
setMethod("", signature(x="list"), function(x, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, loc.out, ...) {
if (dimensions<1) stop("You must specify at least one dimension")
## Format the item parameters in each list element as a matrix
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
x[[i]] <- as.matrix(x[[i]])
## Total number of items
ni <- nrow(x[[1]])
## If missing {cat}, assume that all items are dichotomous
if (missing(cat)) cat <- rep(2,ni)
## If missing {poly.mod}, assume that all items are dichotomous
if (missing(poly.mod)) poly.mod <- as.poly.mod(ni)
## Create a sorting vector for ordering the items after separating out the parameters
sort <- NULL
## Check to see if any dichotomous items were improperly specified as polytomous items
if ("grm" %in% poly.mod@model) { <- cat[poly.mod@items$grm]
if (length([])) {
if ("drm" %in% poly.mod@model) {
poly.mod@items$drm <- c(poly.mod@items$drm, poly.mod@items$grm[])
} else {
poly.mod@model <- c(poly.mod@model, "drm")
poly.mod@items$drm <- poly.mod@items$grm[]
poly.mod@items$drm <- poly.mod@items$drm[order(poly.mod@items$drm)]
poly.mod@items$grm <- poly.mod@items$grm[-poly.mod@items$grm[]]
if (length(poly.mod@items$grm)==0) {
poly.mod@model <- poly.mod@model[poly.mod@model!="grm"]
poly.mod@items$grm <- NULL
cat("One or more {grm} items was specified with 2 response categories.\n")
cat("These items were re-specified as dichotomous items\n")
if ("gpcm" %in% poly.mod@model) { <- cat[poly.mod@items$gpcm]
if (length([])) {
if ("drm" %in% poly.mod@model) {
poly.mod@items$drm <- c(poly.mod@items$drm, poly.mod@items$gpcm[])
} else {
poly.mod@model <- c(poly.mod@model, "drm")
poly.mod@items$drm <- poly.mod@items$gpcm[]
poly.mod@items$drm <- poly.mod@items$drm[order(poly.mod@items$drm)]
poly.mod@items$gpcm <- poly.mod@items$gpcm[-poly.mod@items$gpcm[]]
if (length(poly.mod@items$gpcm)==0) {
poly.mod@model <- poly.mod@model[poly.mod@model!="gpcm"]
poly.mod@items$gpcm <- NULL
cat("One or more {gpcm} items was specified with 2 response categories.\n")
cat("These items were re-specified as dichotomous items\n")
## Number of dichotomous items
ndi <- length(poly.mod@items$drm)
if (ndi>0) {
## Identify the GPCM items for re-ordering all of the items later
sort <- c(sort,poly.mod@items$drm)
## Extract dichotomous items
tmp <- poly.mod@items$drm
## When there is only a difficulty parameter
if (length(x)==1) {
da <- matrix(1,ndi,dimensions)
db <- as.matrix(x[[1]][tmp,1])
dc <- matrix(0,ndi,1)
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "Rasch" else dmod <- "Multidimensional Rasch"
## When there are two parameters this could be a 1PL or 2PL model
} else if (length(x)==2) {
da <- as.matrix(x[[1]][tmp,1:dimensions])
if (ndi==1) da <- t(da)
db <- as.matrix(x[[2]][tmp,1])
dc <- matrix(0,ndi,1)
if (length(da[da==da[1]])==ndi*dimensions) {
if (da[1]==1) {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "Rasch" else dmod <- "Multidimensional Rasch"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "1PL" else dmod <- "M1PL"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "2PL" else dmod <- "M2PL"
## When there are three parameters this could be a 1PL, 2PL, or 3PL model
} else {
da <- as.matrix(x[[1]][tmp,1:dimensions])
if (ndi==1) da <- t(da)
db <- as.matrix(x[[2]][tmp,1])
dc <- as.matrix(x[[3]][tmp,1])
if (length(da[da==da[1]])==ndi*dimensions) {
if (length(dc[dc==0])==ndi) {
if (da[1]==1) {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "Rasch" else dmod <- "Multidimensional Rasch"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "1PL" else dmod <- "M1PL"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "1PL with Guessing" else dmod <- "M1PL with Guessing"
} else {
if (length(dc[dc==0])==ndi) {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "2PL" else dmod <- "M2PL"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) dmod <- "3PL" else dmod <- "M3PL"
## If there are no dichotomous items set the following object equal to NULL
## This is necessary for compiling the outpur
} else {
dmod <- NULL
## Number of polytomous items
npi <- ni-ndi
## Extract the polytomous items
if (npi>0) {
## Vector identifying all of the item response models used
mod <- poly.mod@model
## List identifying the items associated with each model <- poly.mod@items
## Object to hold the separated item parameters
## for each polytomous model
ppars <- vector("list",length(mod[mod!="drm"]))
## Objects used to identify the maximum number of
## columns in each parameter matrix across models.
## This is necessary when combining the parameters
## over multiple models
max.a <- max.b <- max.c <- 0
## Initialize a vector identified the number of items
## associated with each polytomous model
pnum <- NULL
## Initialize a vector identifying the polytomous models
mods <- NULL
## Initialize a vector for the descriptive names of the polytomous models
pnames <- NULL
## Loop through all of the polytomous models
for (i in 1:length(mod)) {
## Skip any dichotomous items
if (mod[i]=="drm") next
## Items associated with the given model
pit <-[[i]]
## Number of items associated with the given model
np <- length(pit)
## Separate the parameters for the nominal response model
if (mod[i]=="nrm") {
## Identify the NRM items for re-ordering all of the items later
sort <- c(sort,pit)
pa <- x[[1]][pit,]
pb <- x[[2]][pit,]
## If there is only one NRM item, transpose the parameter matrices
if (np==1) {
pa <- t(pa)
pb <- t(pb)
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Nominal Response Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Nominal Response Model"
## Separate the parameters for the multiple-choice model
} else if (mod[i]=="mcm") {
## Identify the MCM items for re-ordering all of the items later
sort <- c(sort,pit)
pa <- x[[1]][pit,]
pb <- x[[2]][pit,]
pc <- x[[3]][pit,]
## If there is only one MCM item, transpose the parameter matrices
if (np==1) {
pa <- t(pa)
pb <- t(pb)
pc <- t(pc)
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Multiple-Choice Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Multiple-Choice Model"
## Separate the parameters for the graded response model
} else if (mod[i]=="grm"){
## Identify the GRM items for re-ordering all of the items later
sort <- c(sort,pit)
pa <- as.matrix(x[[1]][pit,1:dimensions])
pb <- as.matrix(x[[2]][pit,])
## If there is only one GRM item, transpose the parameter matrices
if (np==1) {
pa <- t(pa)
pb <- t(pb)
if (location==TRUE) {
pb <- matrix(pb[,1],nrow(pb),ncol(pb)-1)-pb[,-1]
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Graded Response Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Graded Response Model"
## Separate the parameters for the generalized partial credit model
} else if (mod[i]=="gpcm") {
## Identify the GPCM items for re-ordering all of the items later
sort <- c(sort,pit)
if (length(x)==1) {
pa <- matrix(1,np,dimensions)
pb <- as.matrix(x[[1]][pit,])
if (np==1) pb <- t(pb)
if (location==TRUE) {
pb <- matrix(pb[,1],nrow(pb),ncol(pb)-1)-pb[,-1]
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Partial Credit Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Partial Credit Model"
} else {
pa <- as.matrix(x[[1]][pit,1:dimensions])
pb <- as.matrix(x[[2]][pit,])
## If there is only one GPCM item, transpose the parameter matrices
if (np==1) {
pa <- t(pa)
pb <- t(pb)
if (location==TRUE) {
pb <- matrix(pb[,1],nrow(pb),ncol(pb)-1)-pb[,-1]
if (length(pa[pa==pa[1]])==np*dimensions) {
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Partial Credit Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Partial Credit Model"
} else {
if (dimensions==1) pmod <- "Generalized Partial Credit Model" else pmod <- "Multidimensional Generalized Partial Credit Model"
## Add NA values for the c parameters for all polytomous
## models with the exception of the MCM
if (mod[i]!="mcm") pc <- matrix(NA,np,1)
## For the GRM and GPCM, reformat the threshold/step parameters
## to include a location parameter (if specified using loc.out=TRUE)
if (mod[i]=="gpcm"|mod[i]=="grm") {
if (loc.out==TRUE) {
pbm <- apply(pb,1,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
pb <- cbind(pbm,pbm-pb)
## Update the max.a, max.b, and max.c columns (if necessary)
if (ncol(pa)>max.a) max.a <- ncol(pa)
if (ncol(pb)>max.b) max.b <- ncol(pb)
if (ncol(pc)>max.c) max.c <- ncol(pc)
## Compile the separated item parameters for the given model
ppars[[i]] <- list(a=pa,b=pb,c=pc)
## Update these objects for the given polytomous model
pnum <- c(pnum,np)
mods <- c(mods,pmod)
pnames <- c(pnames,paste("Poly.",mod[i],sep=""))
pa <- pb <- pc <- NULL
pmod <- mods
## Compile all of the item parameters from the polytomous
## models into parameter-specific matrices. Loop through
## all of the polytomous models
for(i in 1:length(mod)) {
if (mod[i]=="drm") next
## Create temporary objects with the separated item
## parameters for the given model
a <- ppars[[i]]$a
b <- ppars[[i]]$b
c <- ppars[[i]]$c
## Add columns of NAs to the right of the parameter blocks
## for the given model if necessary
tmp.a <- cbind(a,matrix(NA,nrow(a),max.a-ncol(a)))
tmp.b <- cbind(b,matrix(NA,nrow(b),max.b-ncol(b)))
tmp.c <- cbind(c,matrix(NA,nrow(c),max.c-ncol(c)))
## Stack the blocks (for each parameter) for each model
## on top of one another
pa <- rbind(pa,tmp.a)
pb <- rbind(pb,tmp.b)
pc <- rbind(pc,tmp.c)
## If there are no polytomous items set the following objects equal to NULL
## This is necessary for compiling the output
} else {
pmod <- NULL
ppars <- NULL
## If there are a combination of dichotomous and polytomous items
if (ndi>0) {
if (npi>0) {
## Combine the discrimination/slope parameters
da <- cbind(da,matrix(NA,ndi,ncol(pa)-ncol(da)))
colnames(da) <- colnames(pa) <- paste("a",1:ncol(da),sep="")
a <- rbind(da,pa)
## Combine the difficulty/threshold/step/category parameters
db <- cbind(db,matrix(NA,ndi,ncol(pb)-ncol(db)))
colnames(db) <- colnames(pb) <- paste("b",1:ncol(db),sep="")
b <- rbind(db,pb)
## Combine the lower asymptote parameters
dc <- cbind(dc,matrix(NA,length(dc),ncol(pc)-ncol(dc)))
colnames(dc) <- colnames(pc) <- paste("c",1:ncol(dc),sep="")
c <- rbind(dc,pc)
## If there are only dichotomous items
} else {
a <- da
b <- db
c <- dc
colnames(a) <- paste("a",1:ncol(da),sep="")
colnames(b) <- paste("b",1:ncol(db),sep="")
colnames(c) <- paste("c",1:ncol(dc),sep="")
## If there are only polytomous items
} else {
a <- pa
b <- pb
c <- pc
colnames(a) <- paste("a",1:ncol(pa),sep="")
colnames(b) <- paste("b",1:ncol(pb),sep="")
colnames(c) <- paste("c",1:ncol(pc),sep="")
## Sort the parameters according to their original order
a <- as.matrix(a[order(sort),])
b <- as.matrix(b[order(sort),])
c <- as.matrix(c[order(sort),])
## If there is only one item, transpose these matrices
if (ni==1) {
a <- t(a)
b <- t(b)
c <- t(c)
## Compile the numbers of items associated with the various
## models for use in the output
if (length(ppars)>1) {
n <- c(ni,ndi,npi,pnum)
names(n) <- c("Total","Dichot","Poly.all",pnames)
} else {
n <- c(ni,ndi,npi)
names(n) <- c("Total","Dichot","Poly")
sep <- new("", a=a, b=b, c=c, cat=cat, mod.lab=c(dmod,pmod), model=poly.mod@model, items=poly.mod@items, location=loc.out, n=n, dimensions=dimensions)
}) <- function(x, common, grp.names) {
## Check to see if the objects in {x} are of class {} or class {}
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
if (![[i]]) & ![[i]])) stop(paste("list element",i,"is not an object of class {} or class {}"))
## Make sure {common} is a list and that all list elements are matrices
if (is.matrix(common) | common <- list(common)
for (i in 1:length(common)) {
if ([[i]])) common[[i]] <- as.matrix(common[[i]])
## Initialize objects that will store all of the components necessary
## to create an object
pars <- cat <- pm <- com <- list(NULL)
location <- dimensions <- NULL
## Number of objects (sets of parameters) to combine
n <- length(x)
## Loop through all the elements in {x}
for (i in 1:n) {
if ([[i]])) {
## When there are two or more groups in {x}
if (x[[i]]@groups>1) {
pars <- c(pars,x[[i]]@pars)
cat <- c(cat,x[[i]]@cat)
pm <- c(pm,x[[i]]@poly.mod)
## When there is only one group in {x}
} else {
pars[[length(pars)+1]] <- x[[i]]@pars
cat[[length(cat)+1]] <- x[[i]]@cat
pm[[length(pm)+1]] <- x[[i]]@poly.mod
location <- c(location,x[[i]]@location)
dimensions <- c(dimensions,x[[i]]@dimensions)
} else if ([[i]])) {
## Total number of items
ni <- x[[i]]@n[1]
## Combine the item parameters into a single matrix for the given group
if (length(x[[i]]@model)==1) {
if (x[[i]]@model=="drm"|x[[i]]@model=="mcm") { <- cbind(x[[i]]@a,x[[i]]@b,x[[i]]@c)
} else { <- cbind(x[[i]]@a,x[[i]]@b)
} else {
## Numbers of columns for each block of parameters
n.a <- ncol(x[[i]]@a)
n.b <- ncol(x[[i]]@b)
n.c <- ncol(x[[i]]@c)
## Initialize a matrix for all of the combined item parameters <- matrix(NA,ni,n.a+n.b+n.c)
## Insert the block of slope/discrimination parameters[,1:n.a] <- x[[i]]@a
## Loop through all of the models
for (j in 1:length(x[[i]]@model)) {
## Identify a given model
mod <- x[[i]]@model[j]
## Items associated with the given model
items <- x[[i]]@items[[j]]
## Insert the difficulty/threshold/step/category and lower asymptote parameters
if (mod=="nrm"|mod=="mcm") {[items,(n.a+1):(n.a+n.b)] <- x[[i]]@b[items,]
if (mod=="mcm")[items,(n.a+n.b+1):(n.a+n.b+n.c)] <- x[[i]]@c[items,]
} else {[items,(x[[i]]@dimensions+1):(x[[i]]@dimensions+n.b)] <- x[[i]]@b[items,]
if (mod=="drm")[items,x[[i]]@dimensions+2] <- x[[i]]@c[items,1]
## In situations where there are no c-parameters (e.g., when all items are modeled
## using the GRM, GPCM, or NRM), the above code will still insert a column
## of NAs via the . Eliminate this column.
tmp <-[,ncol(]
if (length(tmp[])==ni) <-[,-ncol(]
## Create the poly.mod object for the given set of parameters <- as.poly.mod(ni,x[[i]]@model,x[[i]]@items)
pars[[length(pars)+1]] <-
cat[[length(cat)+1]] <- x[[i]]@cat
pm[[length(pm)+1]] <-
location <- c(location,x[[i]]@location)
dimensions <- c(dimensions,x[[i]]@dimensions)
## Eliminate the NULL elements
if (is.null(pars[[1]])) pars <- pars[-1]
if (is.null(cat[[1]])) cat <- cat[-1]
if (is.null(pm[[1]])) pm <- pm[-1]
## Number of groups
ng <- length(pars)
## Identify the number of expected common item elements
nc <- ng-1
if (length(common)==nc) {
## A single matrix of common items
com <- common
} else {
## Initialize a list for the common item matrices
com <- list(NULL)
## Loop through the number of list elements in {x}
for (i in 1:n) {
if (i<n) {
if ([[i]])) {
## If there is more than one group (which necessitates
## that there will be one or more common item matrices
if (x[[i]]@groups>1) {
## Add the common item matices from the
## object to the full set of common item matrices
if (is.list(x[[i]]@common)) {
com <- c(com,x[[i]]@common)
} else {
com[[length(com)+1]] <- x[[i]]@common
## Add the common item matix from the {common}
## argument to the full set of common item matrices
com[[length(com)+1]] <- common[[i]]
## Check to see if the last element in {x} is an object
## (it may contain common item matrices)
} else {
if ([[i]])) {
if (x[[i]]@groups>1) {
## Add the common item matices from the
## object to the full set of common item matrices
if (is.list(x[[i]]@common)) {
com <- c(com,x[[i]]@common)
} else {
com[[length(com)+1]] <- x[[i]]@common
if (is.null(com[[1]])) com <- com[-1]
out <- new("",pars=pars,cat=cat,poly.mod=pm,common=com,location=location,groups=ng,dimensions=dimensions)
## Create group names if necessary
if (missing(grp.names)) {
grp.names <- paste("group",1:ng,sep="")
} else if (length(grp.names)!=ng) {
warning("The number of group names does not match the number of groups specified in {pars}")
grp.names <- paste("group",1:ng,sep="")
names(out@pars) <- names(out@cat) <- names(out@poly.mod) <- grp.names
if (ng==2) {
if (is.list(out@common)) out@common <- out@common[[1]]
colnames(out@common) <- c(grp.names[1],grp.names[2])
} else if (ng>2) {
## Initialize a vector for names of the common item matrices
cn <- NULL
for (i in 1:(ng-1)) {
colnames(out@common[[i]]) <- c(grp.names[i],grp.names[i+1])
cn <- c(cn, paste(grp.names[i],".",grp.names[i+1],sep=""))
names(out@common) <- cn
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