#' Deprecated functions of plm
#' `dynformula`, `pht`, ``, and `pvcovHC` are
#' deprecated functions which could be removed from \pkg{plm} in a near future.
#' `dynformula` was used to construct a dynamic formula which was the
#' first argument of `pgmm`. `pgmm` uses now multi-part formulas.
#' `pht` estimates the Hausman-Taylor model, which can now be estimated
#' using the more general `plm` function.
#' `` is replaced by `pdata.frame`.
#' `pvcovHC` is replaced by `vcovHC`.
#' `detect_lin_dep` was renamed to `detect.lindep`.
#' @name plm-deprecated
#' @aliases detect_lin_dep
#' @param formula a formula,
#' @param x an object of class `"plm"`,
#' @param lag.form a list containing the lag structure of each variable in the
#' formula,
#' @param diff.form a vector (or a list) of logical values indicating whether
#' variables should be differenced,
#' @param log.form a vector (or a list) of logical values indicating whether
#' variables should be in logarithms.
#' @param data a `data.frame`,
#' @param \dots further arguments.
#' @param indexes a vector (of length one or two) indicating the (individual
#' and time) indexes (see Details);
#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
pvcovHC <- function(x, ...){
.Deprecated(new = "pvcovHC", msg = "'pvcovHC' is deprecated, use 'vcovHC' instead for same functionality",
old = "vcovHC")
# is deprecated since February 2017. Need to keep it in package
# for backward compatibility of users' code out there and packages, especially
# for package 'systemfit' (systemfit supports pdata.frame since 2017-03-09 but
# can be used there as well).
# While was a 'full function' once, it now uses
# pdata.frame() and re-works the properties of the "plm.dim" object
# original created by the 'full' function. The 'full'
# function is kept non-exported as plm.data_depr_orig due
# to reference and testing (see tests/
#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export <- function(x, indexes = NULL) {
.Deprecated(new = "pdata.frame", msg = "use of '' is discouraged, better use 'pdata.frame' instead",
old = "")
# the class "plm.dim" (which creates) deviates from class "pdata.frame":
# * always contains the indexes (in first two columns (id, time))
# * does not have fancy rownames
# * always coerces strings to factors
# * does not have index attribute
# * leaves in constant columns (albeit the 'full' implementation printed a msg about dropping those ...)
# -> call pdata.frame accordingly and adjust afterwards
orig_col_order <- colnames(x)
x <- pdata.frame(x, index = indexes,
drop.index = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = TRUE,
replace.non.finite = TRUE,
drop.NA.series = TRUE,
drop.const.series = FALSE)
# determine position and names of index vars in pdata.frame
pos_indexes <- pos.index(x)
names_indexes <- names(pos_indexes) # cannot take from arg 'indexes' as it could be only the index for id
# the class "plm.dim" does not have the index attribute -> remove
attr(x, "index") <- NULL
# remove class 'pdata.frame' to prevent any dispatching of special methods on object x
class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "pdata.frame")
# class "plm.dim" always has indexes in first two columns (id, time)
# while "pdata.frame" leaves the index variables at it's place (if not dropped at all with drop.index = T)
x <- x[ , c(names_indexes, setdiff(orig_col_order, names_indexes))]
# set class
class(x) <- c("plm.dim", "data.frame")
### pht
lev2var <- function(x, ...){
# takes a data.frame and returns a vector of variable names, the
# names of the vector being the names of the effect
is.fact <- sapply(x, is.factor)
if (sum(is.fact) > 0L){
not.fact <- names(x)[!is.fact]
names(not.fact) <- not.fact
x <- x[is.fact]
wl <- lapply(x,levels)
# nl is the number of levels for each factor
nl <- sapply(wl,length)
# nf is a vector of length equal to the total number of levels
# containing the name of the factor
nf <- rep(names(nl),nl)
result <- unlist(wl)
names(result) <- nf
result <- paste(names(result), result, sep = "")
names(nf) <- result
c(nf, not.fact)
z <- names(x)
names(z) <- z
#' Hausman--Taylor Estimator for Panel Data
#' The Hausman--Taylor estimator is an instrumental variable estimator without
#' external instruments (function deprecated).
#' `pht` estimates panels models using the Hausman--Taylor estimator,
#' Amemiya--MaCurdy estimator, or Breusch--Mizon--Schmidt estimator, depending
#' on the argument `model`. The model is specified as a two--part formula,
#' the second part containing the exogenous variables.
#' @aliases pht
#' @param formula a symbolic description for the model to be
#' estimated,
#' @param object,x an object of class `"plm"`,
#' @param data a `data.frame`,
#' @param subset see [lm()] for `"plm"`, a character or
#' numeric vector indicating a subset of the table of coefficient
#' to be printed for `"print.summary.plm"`,
#' @param na.action see [lm()],
#' @param model one of `"ht"` for Hausman--Taylor, `"am"`
#' for Amemiya--MaCurdy and `"bms"` for
#' Breusch--Mizon--Schmidt,
#' @param index the indexes,
#' @param digits digits,
#' @param width the maximum length of the lines in the print output,
#' @param \dots further arguments.
#' @return An object of class `c("pht", "plm", "panelmodel")`.
#' A `"pht"` object contains the same elements as `plm`
#' object, with a further argument called `varlist` which
#' describes the typology of the variables. It has `summary` and
#' `print.summary` methods.
#' @note The function `pht` is deprecated. Please use function `plm`
#' to estimate Taylor--Hausman models like this with a three-part
#' formula as shown in the example:\cr `plm(<formula>,
#' random.method = "ht", model = "random", inst.method =
#' "baltagi")`. The Amemiya--MaCurdy estimator and the
#' Breusch--Mizon--Schmidt estimator is computed likewise with
#' `plm`.
#' @export
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @references
#' \insertCite{AMEM:MACU:86}{plm}
#' \insertCite{BALT:13}{plm}
#' \insertCite{BREU:MIZO:SCHM:89}{plm}
#' \insertCite{HAUS:TAYL:81}{plm}
#' @keywords regression
#' @examples
#' ## replicates Baltagi (2005, 2013), table 7.4; Baltagi (2021), table 7.5
#' ## preferred way with plm()
#' data("Wages", package = "plm")
#' ht <- plm(lwage ~ wks + south + smsa + married + exp + I(exp ^ 2) +
#' bluecol + ind + union + sex + black + ed |
#' bluecol + south + smsa + ind + sex + black |
#' wks + married + union + exp + I(exp ^ 2),
#' data = Wages, index = 595,
#' random.method = "ht", model = "random", inst.method = "baltagi")
#' summary(ht)
#' am <- plm(lwage ~ wks + south + smsa + married + exp + I(exp ^ 2) +
#' bluecol + ind + union + sex + black + ed |
#' bluecol + south + smsa + ind + sex + black |
#' wks + married + union + exp + I(exp ^ 2),
#' data = Wages, index = 595,
#' random.method = "ht", model = "random", inst.method = "am")
#' summary(am)
#' ## deprecated way with pht() for HT
#' #ht <- pht(lwage ~ wks + south + smsa + married + exp + I(exp^2) +
#' # bluecol + ind + union + sex + black + ed |
#' # sex + black + bluecol + south + smsa + ind,
#' # data = Wages, model = "ht", index = 595)
#' #summary(ht)
#' # deprecated way with pht() for AM
#' #am <- pht(lwage ~ wks + south + smsa + married + exp + I(exp^2) +
#' # bluecol + ind + union + sex + black + ed |
#' # sex + black + bluecol + south + smsa + ind,
#' # data = Wages, model = "am", index = 595)
#' #summary(am)
pht <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action, model = c("ht", "am", "bms"), index = NULL, ...){
.Deprecated(old = "pht",
msg = paste0("uses of 'pht()' and 'plm(., model = \"ht\")' are discouraged, ",
"better use 'plm(., model = \"random\", random.method = \"ht\", ",
"inst.method = \"baltagi\"/\"am\"/\"bms\")' for Hausman-Taylor, ",
"Amemiya-MaCurdy, and Breusch-Mizon-Schmidt estimator"))
cl <- = TRUE)
mf <-
model <- match.arg(model)
# compute the model.frame using plm with model = NA
mf[[1L]] <-"plm")
mf$model <- NA
data <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
# estimate the within model without instrument and extract the fixed
# effects
formula <- Formula(formula)
if (length(formula)[2L] == 1L) stop("a list of exogenous variables should be provided")
mf$model = "within"
mf$formula <- formula(formula, rhs = 1)
within <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
fixef <- fixef(within)
id <- index(data, "id")
time <- index(data, "time")
pdim <- pdim(data)
balanced <- pdim$balanced
T <- pdim$nT$T
n <- pdim$nT$n
N <- pdim$nT$N
Ti <- pdim$Tint$Ti
# get the typology of the variables
X <- model.matrix(data, rhs = 1, model = "within", cstcovar.rm = "all")
W <- model.matrix(data, rhs = 2, model = "within", cstcovar.rm = "all")
exo.all <- colnames(W)
all.all <- colnames(X)
edo.all <- all.all[!(all.all %in% exo.all)]
all.cst <- attr(X, "constant")
exo.cst <- attr(W, "constant")
if("(Intercept)" %in% all.cst) all.cst <- setdiff(all.cst, "(Intercept)")
if("(Intercept)" %in% exo.cst) exo.cst <- setdiff(exo.cst, "(Intercept)")
exo.var <- exo.all[!(exo.all %in% exo.cst)]
edo.cst <- all.cst[!(all.cst %in% exo.cst)]
edo.var <- edo.all[!(edo.all %in% edo.cst)]
if (length(edo.cst) > length(exo.var)){
stop(" The number of endogenous time-invariant variables is greater
than the number of exogenous time varying variables\n")
X <- model.matrix(data, model = "pooling", rhs = 1, lhs = 1)
XV <- if(length(exo.var) > 0L) X[ , exo.var, drop = FALSE] else NULL
NV <- if(length(edo.var) > 0L) X[ , edo.var, drop = FALSE] else NULL
XC <- if(length(exo.cst) > 0L) X[ , exo.cst, drop = FALSE] else NULL
NC <- if(length(edo.cst) > 0L) X[ , edo.cst, drop = FALSE] else NULL
zo <- if(length(all.cst) != 0L) {
twosls.pht(fixef[as.character(id)], cbind(XC, NC), cbind(XC, XV), intercept = TRUE)
} else lm(fixef ~ 1)
sigma2 <- list()
sigma2$one <- 0
sigma2$idios <- deviance(within)/ (N - n)
sigma2$one <- deviance(zo) / n
sigma2$id <- (sigma2$one - sigma2$idios)/ T
theta <- 1 - sqrt(sigma2$idios / sigma2$one)
# for unbalanced data, the harmonic mean of the Ti's is used ; why ??
barT <- n / sum(1 / Ti)
sigma2$id <- (sigma2$one - sigma2$idios) / barT
theta <- 1 - sqrt(sigma2$idios / (sigma2$idios + Ti * sigma2$id))
theta <- theta[as.character(id)]
estec <- structure(list(sigma2 = sigma2, theta = theta),
class = "ercomp",
balanced = balanced,
effect = "individual")
y <- pmodel.response(data, model = "random", effect = "individual", theta = theta)
X <- model.matrix(data, model = "random", effect = "individual", theta = theta)
within.inst <- model.matrix(data, model = "within")
if (model == "ht"){
between.inst <- model.matrix(data, model = "Between",
rhs = 2)[ , exo.var, drop = FALSE]
W <- cbind(within.inst, XC, between.inst)
if (model == "am"){
Vx <- model.matrix(data, model = "pooling",
rhs = 2)[ , exo.var, drop = FALSE]
if (balanced){
# Plus rapide mais pas robuste au non cylindre
Vxstar <- Reduce("cbind",
matrix(Vx[ , x], ncol = T, byrow = TRUE)[rep(1:n, each = T), ]))
Xs <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(Vx)), function(x)
structure(Vx[, x], index = index(data), class = c("pseries", class(Vx[, x]))))
Vx2 <- Reduce("cbind", lapply(Xs, as.matrix))
Vxstar <- Vx2[rep(1:n, times = Ti), ]
Vxstar[] <- 0
W <- cbind(within.inst, XC, Vxstar)
if (model == "bms"){
between.inst <- model.matrix(data, model = "Between",
rhs = 2)[ , exo.var, drop = FALSE]
Vx <- within.inst
if (balanced){
# Plus rapide mais pas robuste au non cylindre
Vxstar <- Reduce("cbind",
matrix(Vx[ , x], ncol = T, byrow = TRUE)[rep(1:n, each = T), ]))
Xs <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(Vx)), function(x)
structure(Vx[, x], index = index(data), class = c("pseries", class(Vx[, x]))))
Vx2 <- Reduce("cbind", lapply(Xs, as.matrix))
Vxstar <- Vx2[rep(1:n, times = Ti), ]
Vxstar[] <- 0
W <- cbind(within.inst, XC, between.inst, Vxstar)
result <- twosls.pht(y, X, W)
K <- length(data)
ve <- lev2var(data)
varlist <- list(xv = unique(ve[exo.var]),
nv = unique(ve[edo.var]),
xc = unique(ve[exo.cst[exo.cst != "(Intercept)"]]),
nc = unique(ve[edo.cst])
varlist <- lapply(varlist, function(x){ names(x) <- NULL; x})
result <- list(coefficients = coef(result),
vcov = vcov(result),
residuals = resid(result),
df.residual = df.residual(result),
formula = formula,
model = data,
varlist = varlist,
ercomp = estec,
call = cl,
args = list(model = "ht", ht.method = model))
names(result$coefficients) <- colnames(result$vcov) <-
rownames(result$vcov) <- colnames(X)
class(result) <- c("pht", "plm", "panelmodel")
twosls.pht <- function(y, X, W, intercept = FALSE, lm.type = "lm"){
## this is a dedicated version of twosls() only for use in pht() as the
## pht() code requires the instrument matrix W always be amended with an
## intercept prior to regression, see marked line below. It was easier to
## have this separate dedicated twosls.pht() function than to adjust the
## rest of the pht() code.
## non-exported
# Return value can be controlled by argument lm.type. Often, a full lm model
# is needed for further processing but can select one of the fast but less
# rich objects produced by or (the latter does not contain, e.g.,
# fitted.values and is to be used very carefully (e.g., coefs not in input order)).
# As NA/NaN/(+/-)Inf-freeness needs to be guaranteed when functions call
# twosls(), so can use to calc. Xhat.
Xhat <-, W), X)$fitted.values ##### this line is different relative to twosls()
if(!is.matrix(Xhat)) {
# ensure Xhat is a matrix
Xhat <- matrix(Xhat, ncol = 1L)
colnames(Xhat) <- colnames(X)
if(intercept) {
model <- switch(lm.type,
"lm" = lm(y ~ Xhat),
"" =, Xhat), y),
"" =, Xhat), y))
yhat <- as.vector(crossprod(t(cbind(1, X)), coef(model)))
model <- switch(lm.type,
"lm" = lm(y ~ Xhat - 1),
"" =, y),
"" =, y))
yhat <- as.vector(crossprod(t(X), coef(model)))
model$residuals <- y - yhat
#' @rdname pht
#' @export
summary.pht <- function(object, ...){
object$fstatistic <- pwaldtest(object, test = "Chisq")
# construct the table of coefficients
std.err <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object)))
b <- coefficients(object)
z <- b/std.err
p <- 2*pnorm(abs(z), lower.tail = FALSE)
object$coefficients <- cbind("Estimate" = b,
"Std. Error" = std.err,
"z-value" = z,
"Pr(>|z|)" = p)
class(object) <- c("summary.pht", "pht", "plm", "panelmodel")
#' @rdname pht
#' @export
print.summary.pht <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
width = getOption("width"), subset = NULL, ...){
formula <- formula(x)
has.instruments <- (length(formula)[2L] >= 2L)
effect <- describe(x, "effect")
model <- describe(x, "model")
ht.method <- describe(x, "ht.method")
cat(paste(effect.plm.list[effect]," ", sep = ""))
cat(paste(model.plm.list[model]," Model", sep = ""), "\n")
cat(paste("(", ht.method.list[ht.method], ")", sep = ""), "\n")
# cat("\nTime-Varying Variables: ")
names.xv <- paste(x$varlist$xv, collapse=", ")
names.nv <- paste(x$varlist$nv, collapse=", ")
names.xc <- paste(x$varlist$xc, collapse=", ") <- paste(x$varlist$nc, collapse=", ")
cat(paste("\nT.V. exo : ", names.xv,"\n", sep = ""))
cat(paste("T.V. endo : ", names.nv,"\n", sep = ""))
# cat("Time-Invariant Variables: ")
cat(paste("T.I. exo : ", names.xc, "\n", sep= ""))
cat(paste("T.I. endo : ",, "\n", sep= ""))
pdim <- pdim(x)
save.digits <- unlist(options(digits = digits))
on.exit(options(digits = save.digits))
if (is.null(subset)) printCoefmat(coef(x), digits = digits)
else printCoefmat(coef(x)[subset, , drop = FALSE], digits = digits)
cat(paste("Total Sum of Squares: ", signif(tss(x), digits), "\n", sep = ""))
cat(paste("Residual Sum of Squares: ", signif(deviance(x),digits), "\n", sep = ""))
# cat(paste("Multiple R-Squared: ",signif(x$rsq,digits),"\n",sep=""))
fstat <- x$fstatistic
if (names(fstat$statistic) == "F"){
cat(paste("F-statistic: ",signif(fstat$statistic),
" on ",fstat$parameter["df1"]," and ",fstat$parameter["df2"],
" DF, p-value: ",format.pval(fstat$p.value,digits=digits),"\n",sep=""))
cat(paste("Chisq: ", signif(fstat$statistic),
" on ", fstat$parameter,
" DF, p-value: ", format.pval(fstat$p.value,digits=digits), "\n", sep=""))
## dynformula
create.list <- function(alist, K,, has.resp, endog, exo, default){
# if alist is NULL, create a list of 0
if (is.null(alist)) alist <- rep(list(default), K+has.resp)
# if alist is not a list, coerce it
if (!is.list(alist)) alist <- list(alist)
if (!is.null(names(alist))){
# case where (at least) some elements are named
nam <- names(alist) # vector of names of elements
oalist <- alist # copy of the alist provided
notnullname <- nam[nam != ""]
if (any (nam == "")){
# case where one element is unnamed, and therefore is the default
unnamed <- which(nam == "")
if (length(unnamed) > 1L) stop("Only one unnamed element is admitted")
default <- alist[[unnamed]]
# case where there are no unnamed elements, the default is 0
default <- default
alist <- rep(list(default), K+has.resp)
names(alist) <- c(endog, exo)
alist[notnullname] <- oalist[notnullname]
# case where there are no names, in this case the relevant length is
# whether 1 or K+1
if (length(alist) == 1L) alist <- rep(alist, c(K+has.resp))
else if (!length(alist) %in% c(K+has.resp)) stop("irrelevant length for alist")
names(alist) <- c(endog,exo)
write.lags <- function(name, lags, diff){
lags <- switch(length(lags),
"1" = c(0, lags),
"2" = sort(lags),
stop("lags should be of length 1 or 2\n")
lag.string <- ifelse(diff, "diff", "lag")
chlag <- c()
if (lags[2L] != 0L){
lags <- lags[1L]:lags[2L]
for (i in lags){
if (i == 0L){
if (diff) chlag <- c(chlag, paste("diff(",name,")")) else chlag <- c(chlag,name)
chlag <- c(chlag, paste(lag.string,"(",name,",",i,")",sep=""))
ret <- paste(chlag, collapse="+")
if (diff) chlag <- paste("diff(",name,")") else chlag <- name
ret <- chlag
#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
dynformula <- function(formula, lag.form = NULL, diff.form = NULL, log.form = NULL) {
.Deprecated(msg = "use of 'dynformula()' is deprecated, use a multi-part formula instead",
old = "dynformula")
# for backward compatibility, accept a list argument and coerce it
# to a vector
if (!is.null(diff.form) && !is.list(diff.form)) diff.form <- as.list(diff.form)
if (!is.null(log.form) && !is.list(log.form)) log.form <- as.list(log.form)
# exo / endog are the names of the variable
# has.resp TRUE if the formula has an intercept and a response
# K is the number of exogenous variables
exo <- attr(terms(formula), "term.labels") <- attr(terms(formula), "intercept") == 1
if(length(formula) == 3L){
endog <- deparse(formula[[2L]])
has.resp <- TRUE
endog <- NULL
has.resp <- FALSE
K <- length(exo)
# use the create.list function to create the lists with the relevant
# default values
lag.form <- create.list(lag.form, K,, has.resp, endog, exo, 0)
diff.form <- unlist(create.list(diff.form, K,, has.resp, endog, exo, FALSE))
log.form <- unlist(create.list(log.form, K,, has.resp, endog, exo, FALSE))
structure(formula, class = c("dynformula", "formula"), lag = lag.form,
diff = diff.form, log = log.form, var = c(endog,exo))
#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
formula.dynformula <- function(x, ...){
log.form <- attr(x, "log")
lag.form <- attr(x, "lag")
diff.form <- attr(x, "diff")
has.resp <- length(x) == 3L
exo <- attr(x, "var")
if (has.resp){
endog <- exo[1L]
exo <- exo[-1L]
} <- attr(terms(x), "intercept") == 1
chexo <- c()
if (has.resp){
if (log.form[1L]) endog <- paste("log(", endog, ")", sep = "")
if (diff.form[1L]) endog <- paste("diff(", endog, ")", sep = "")
if ( length(lag.form[[1L]]) == 1L && lag.form[[1L]] != 0L) lag.form[[1L]] <- c(1, lag.form[[1L]])
if (!(length(lag.form[[1L]]) == 1L && lag.form[[1L]] == 0L))
chexo <- c(chexo, write.lags(endog, lag.form[[1L]], diff.form[1L]))
for (i in exo){
lag.formi <- lag.form[[i]]
diff.formi <- diff.form[i]
if (log.form[[i]]) i <- paste("log(",i,")", sep = "")
chexo <- c(chexo, write.lags(i, lag.formi, diff.formi))
chexo <- paste(chexo, collapse = "+")
formod <- if(has.resp) { as.formula(paste(endog, "~", chexo, sep = "")) }
else { as.formula(paste("~", chexo, sep = "")) }
if (! formod <- update(formod, . ~ . -1)
#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
print.dynformula <- function(x, ...){
print(formula(x), ...)
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