
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  ?seq

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
seq(from = 2,
    to = 14,
    by = 3)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  install.packages("polymapR")

## ----echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
  data.frame(Marker=paste0("mymarker", c(1:3)),

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  ALL_dosages <- read.csv("tetraploid_dosages.csv",
#                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#                          row.names = 1) #first column contains rownames

## ----echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, error = FALSE-----------------------------
ALL_dosages <-

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALL_dosages <- as.matrix(ALL_dosages)


## ----message = FALSE, error = FALSE-------------------------------------------

## ----message = FALSE, error = FALSE-------------------------------------------

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  F1checked <- checkF1(dosage_matrix = ALL_dosages,parent1 = "P1",parent2 = "P2",
#                       F1 = colnames(ALL_dosages)[3:ncol(ALL_dosages)],
#                       polysomic = TRUE, disomic = FALSE, mixed = FALSE, ploidy = 4)
#  head(F1checked$checked_F1)

## ----echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
head(F1checked) #old version

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
PCA_progeny(dosage_matrix = ALL_dosages, 
            highlight = list(c("P1", "P2")), 
            colors = "red")

## ----fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5--------------------------------------------
mds <- marker_data_summary(dosage_matrix = ALL_dosages,
                           ploidy = 4,
                           pairing = "random",
                           parent1 = "P1",
                           parent2 = "P2",
                           progeny_incompat_cutoff = 0.05)

pq_before_convert <- parental_quantities(dosage_matrix = ALL_dosages, 
                                         las = 2)

## ----fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5--------------------------------------------
segregating_data <- convert_marker_dosages(dosage_matrix = ALL_dosages, ploidy = 4)
pq_after_convert <- parental_quantities(dosage_matrix = segregating_data)

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
screened_data <- screen_for_NA_values(dosage_matrix = segregating_data, 
                                      margin = 1, # margin 1 means markers
                                      cutoff =  0.10,
                                      print.removed = FALSE) 

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
screened_data2 <- screen_for_NA_values(dosage_matrix = screened_data, 
                                       cutoff = 0.1, 
                                       margin = 2, #margin = 2 means columns
                                       print.removed = FALSE)

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
screened_data3 <- screen_for_duplicate_individuals(dosage_matrix = screened_data2, 
                                                   cutoff = 0.95, 
                                                   plot_cor = TRUE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
screened_data4 <- screen_for_duplicate_markers(dosage_matrix = screened_data3)

## ----out.width = "450px", echo = FALSE, fig.align = "center"------------------

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  reliable.markers <- names(which(sapply(screened_data4$bin_list,length) >= 6))
#  reliable_data <- screened_data4$filtered_dosage_matrix[reliable.markers,]

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
filtered_data <- screened_data4$filtered_dosage_matrix 

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
pq_screened_data <- parental_quantities(dosage_matrix = filtered_data)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  SN_SN_P1 <- linkage(dosage_matrix = filtered_data,
#                      markertype1 = c(1,0),
#                      parent1 = "P1",
#                      parent2 = "P2",
#                      which_parent = 1,
#                      ploidy = 4,
#                      pairing = "random"
#  )

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
r_LOD_plot(linkage_df = SN_SN_P1, r_max = 0.5)

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
P1deviations <- SNSN_LOD_deviations(linkage_df = SN_SN_P1,
                                    ploidy = 4,
                                    N = ncol(filtered_data) - 2, #The F1 population size
                                    alpha = c(0.05,0.2),
                                    plot_expected = TRUE,

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SN_SN_P1.1 <- SN_SN_P1[SN_SN_P1$phase == "coupling",][-which(P1deviations > 0.2),]

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
P1_homologues <- cluster_SN_markers(linkage_df = SN_SN_P1, 
                                    LOD_sequence = seq(3, 10, 0.5), 
                                    LG_number = 5,
                                    ploidy = 4,
                                    parentname = "P1",
                                    plot_network = FALSE,
                                    plot_clust_size = FALSE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
P1_hom_LOD3.5 <- P1_homologues[["3.5"]]
t <- table(P1_hom_LOD3.5$cluster)
print(paste("Number of clusters:",length(t)))

P1_hom_LOD5 <- P1_homologues[["5"]]
t <- table(P1_hom_LOD5$cluster)
print(paste("Number of clusters:",length(t)))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LGHomDf_P1 <- define_LG_structure(cluster_list = P1_homologues, 
                                  LOD_chm = 3.5, 
                                  LOD_hom = 5, 
                                  LG_number = 5)


## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------

SN_SN_P1_coupl <- SN_SN_P1[SN_SN_P1$phase == "coupling",] # select only markerpairs in coupling

P1_homologues_1 <- cluster_SN_markers(linkage_df = SN_SN_P1_coupl, 
                                    LOD_sequence = c(3:12), 
                                    LG_number = 5,
                                    ploidy = 4,
                                    parentname = "P1",
                                    plot_network = FALSE,
                                    plot_clust_size = FALSE)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  SN_DN_P1 <- linkage(dosage_matrix = filtered_data,
#                      markertype1 = c(1,0),
#                      markertype2 = c(2,0),
#                      which_parent = 1,
#                      ploidy = 4,
#                      pairing = "random")

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
LGHomDf_P1_1 <- bridgeHomologues(cluster_stack = P1_homologues_1[["6"]], 
                               linkage_df = SN_DN_P1, 
                               LOD_threshold = 4, 
                               automatic_clustering = TRUE, 
                               LG_number = 5,
                               parentname = "P1")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
table(LGHomDf_P1_1$LG, LGHomDf_P1_1$homologue)

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  SN_SN_P2 <- linkage(dosage_matrix = filtered_data,
#                      markertype1 = c(1,0),
#                      parent1 = "P1",
#                      parent2 = "P2",
#                      which_parent = 2,
#                      ploidy = 4,
#                      pairing = "random"
#  )

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
SN_SN_P2_coupl <- SN_SN_P2[SN_SN_P2$phase == "coupling",] # get only markerpairs in coupling

P2_homologues <- cluster_SN_markers(linkage_df = SN_SN_P2_coupl, 
                                    LOD_sequence = c(3:12), 
                                    LG_number = 5,
                                    ploidy = 4,
                                    parentname = "P2",
                                    plot_network = FALSE,
                                    plot_clust_size = FALSE)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  SN_DN_P2 <- linkage(dosage_matrix = filtered_data,
#                      markertype1 = c(1,0),
#                      markertype2 = c(2,0),
#                      which_parent = 2,
#                      ploidy = 4,
#                      pairing = "random")

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
LGHomDf_P2 <- bridgeHomologues(cluster_stack = P2_homologues[["6"]], 
                               linkage_df = SN_DN_P2, 
                               LOD_threshold = 4, 
                               automatic_clustering = TRUE, 
                               LG_number = 5,
                               parentname = "P2")


## ----fig.width = 7, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
overviewSNlinks(linkage_df = SN_SN_P2,
                LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P2,
                LG = 3,
                LOD_threshold = 0)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LGHomDf_P2_1 <- merge_homologues(LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P2,
                                 ploidy = 4,
                                 LG = 3,
                                 mergeList = list(c(4,5)))

## ----fig.width = 7.5, fig.height = 6------------------------------------------
cluster_per_LG(LG = 3,
               linkage_df = SN_SN_P2[SN_SN_P2$phase == "coupling",], 
               LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P2, 
               LOD_sequence = c(3:10), # The first element is used for network layout
               modify_LG_hom_stack = FALSE, 
               network.layout = "stacked",
               nclust_out = 4,

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LGHomDf_P2_1 <- cluster_per_LG(LG = 3, 
                               linkage_df = SN_SN_P2[SN_SN_P2$phase == "coupling",], 
                               LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P2, 
                               LOD_sequence = 3, 
                               modify_LG_hom_stack = TRUE, 
                               network.layout = "n",
                               nclust_out = 4)

table(LGHomDf_P2_1$homologue, LGHomDf_P2_1$LG)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  data("TRI_dosages")
#  # Estimate the linkage in the diploid parent (assuming this has been done for the 4x parent already):
#  SN_SN_P2.tri <- linkage(dosage_matrix = TRI_dosages,
#                      markertype1 = c(1,0),
#                      parent1 = "P1",
#                      parent2 = "P2",
#                      which_parent = 2,
#                      ploidy = 4,
#                      ploidy2 = 2,
#                      pairing = "random"
#  )

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
P2_homologues.tri <- cluster_SN_markers(linkage_df = SN_SN_P2.tri, 
                                    LOD_sequence = seq(3, 10, 1), 
                                    LG_number = 3,
                                    ploidy = 2, #because P2 is diploid..
                                    parentname = "P2",
                                    plot_network = FALSE,
                                    plot_clust_size = FALSE) 

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LGHomDf_P2.tri <- phase_SN_diploid(linkage_df = SN_SN_P2.tri,
                                   cluster_list = P2_homologues.tri,
                                   LOD_chm = 4, #LOD at which chromosomes are identified
                                   LG_number = 3) #number of linkage groups

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  SN_SS_P1 <- linkage(dosage_matrix = filtered_data,
#                      markertype1 = c(1,0),
#                      markertype2 = c(1,1),
#                      which_parent = 1,
#                      ploidy = 4,
#                      pairing = "random")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
P1_SxS_Assigned <- assign_linkage_group(linkage_df = SN_SS_P1,
                                        LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P1,
                                        SN_colname = "marker_a",
                                        unassigned_marker_name = "marker_b",
                                        phase_considered = "coupling",
                                        LG_number = 5,
                                        LOD_threshold = 3,
                                        ploidy = 4)


## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  SN_SS_P2 <- linkage(dosage_matrix = filtered_data,
#                      markertype1 = c(1,0),
#                      markertype2 = c(1,1),
#                      which_parent = 2,
#                      ploidy = 4,
#                      pairing = "random")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
P2_SxS_Assigned <- assign_linkage_group(linkage_df = SN_SS_P2,
                                        LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P2_1,
                                        SN_colname = "marker_a",
                                        unassigned_marker_name = "marker_b",
                                        phase_considered = "coupling",
                                        LG_number = 5,
                                        LOD_threshold = 3,
                                        ploidy = 4)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LGHomDf_P2_2 <- consensus_LG_names(modify_LG = LGHomDf_P2_1, 
                                   template_SxS = P1_SxS_Assigned, 
                                   modify_SxS = P2_SxS_Assigned)

P2_SxS_Assigned <- assign_linkage_group(linkage_df = SN_SS_P2,
                                        LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P2_2,
                                        SN_colname = "marker_a",
                                        unassigned_marker_name = "marker_b",
                                        phase_considered = "coupling",
                                        LG_number = 5,
                                        LOD_threshold = 3,
                                        ploidy = 4)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
P1_DxN_Assigned <- assign_linkage_group(linkage_df = SN_DN_P1,
                                        LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P1,
                                        SN_colname = "marker_a",
                                        unassigned_marker_name = "marker_b",
                                        phase_considered = "coupling",
                                        LG_number = 5,
                                        LOD_threshold = 3,
                                        ploidy = 4)

P2_DxN_Assigned <- assign_linkage_group(linkage_df = SN_DN_P2,
                                        LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P2_2,
                                        SN_colname = "marker_a",
                                        unassigned_marker_name = "marker_b",
                                        phase_considered = "coupling",
                                        LG_number = 5,
                                        LOD_threshold = 3,
                                        ploidy = 4)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  marker_assignments_P1 <- homologue_lg_assignment(dosage_matrix = filtered_data,
#                                                   assigned_list = list(P1_SxS_Assigned,
#                                                                        P1_DxN_Assigned),
#                                                   assigned_markertypes = list(c(1,1), c(2,0)),
#                                                   LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P1,
#                                                   which_parent = 1,
#                                                   ploidy = 4,
#                                                   pairing = "random",
#                                                   convert_palindrome_markers = FALSE,
#                                                   LG_number = 5,
#                                                   LOD_threshold = 3,
#                                                   write_intermediate_files = FALSE
#  )

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  marker_assignments_P2 <- homologue_lg_assignment(dosage_matrix = filtered_data,
#                                                   assigned_list = list(P2_SxS_Assigned,
#                                                                        P2_DxN_Assigned),
#                                                   assigned_markertypes = list(c(1,1), c(2,0)),
#                                                   LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P2_2,
#                                                   which_parent = 2,
#                                                   ploidy = 4,
#                                                   pairing = "random",
#                                                   convert_palindrome_markers = TRUE,
#                                                   LG_number = 5,
#                                                   LOD_threshold = 3,
#                                                   write_intermediate_files = FALSE
#  )

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  marker_assignments <- check_marker_assignment(marker_assignments_P1,marker_assignments_P2)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  all_linkages_list_P1 <- finish_linkage_analysis(marker_assignment = marker_assignments$P1,
#                                                  dosage_matrix = filtered_data,
#                                                  which_parent = 1,
#                                                  convert_palindrome_markers = FALSE,
#                                                  ploidy = 4,
#                                                  pairing = "random",
#                                                  LG_number = 5)
#  all_linkages_list_P2 <- finish_linkage_analysis(marker_assignment = marker_assignments$P2,
#                                                  dosage_matrix = filtered_data,
#                                                  which_parent = 2,
#                                                  convert_palindrome_markers = TRUE, # convert 3.1 markers
#                                                  ploidy = 4,
#                                                  pairing = "random",
#                                                  LG_number = 5)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  str(all_linkages_list_P1)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  linkages <- list()
#  for(lg in names(all_linkages_list_P1)){
#    linkages[[lg]] <- rbind(all_linkages_list_P1[[lg]], all_linkages_list_P2[[lg]])
#  }
#  integrated.maplist <- MDSMap_from_list(linkages)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  complete_mapdata <- add_dup_markers(maplist = integrated.maplist,
#                                      bin_list = screened_data4$bin_list,
#                                      marker_assignments = marker_assignments)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  integrated.maplist_complete <- complete_mapdata$maplist
#  marker_assignments_complete <- complete_mapdata$marker_assignments

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  phased.maplist <- create_phased_maplist(maplist = integrated.maplist,
#                                          dosage_matrix.conv = filtered_data,
#                                          N_linkages = 5,
#                                          ploidy = 4,
#                                          marker_assignment.1 = marker_assignments$P1,
#                                          marker_assignment.2 = marker_assignments$P2)

## ----echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------

## ----echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
maplist_P1_LG1 <- maplist_P1_subset$LG1

## ----fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7--------------------------------------------
plot_map(maplist = integrated.maplist)

## ----fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6--------------------------------------------
plot_phased_maplist(phased.maplist = phased.maplist[1], #Can plot full list also, remove "[1]"
                    ploidy = 4,
                    cols = c("black","grey50","grey50"))

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  check_map(linkage_list = linkages[1], maplist = integrated.maplist[1])

## ----out.width = "500px", echo = FALSE, fig.align = "center"------------------

## ----out.width = "650px", echo = FALSE, fig.align = "center"------------------

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  P1.prefPairing <- test_prefpairing(dosage_matrix = ALL_dosages,
#                                     maplist = integrated.maplist,
#                                     LG_hom_stack = LGHomDf_P1_1,
#                                     min_cM = 1, #changed from default of 0.5 cM
#                                     ploidy = 4)
#  head(P1.prefPairing)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  mean(P1.prefPairing[P1.prefPairing$P_value.adj < 0.01 & P1.prefPairing$LG_a == 1,]$pref.p)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  lg1_markers <- unique(c(rownames(marker_assignments_P1[marker_assignments_P1[,"Assigned_LG"] == 1,]),
#                          rownames(marker_assignments_P2[marker_assignments_P2[,"Assigned_LG"] == 1,])))
#  all_linkages_list_P1_lg1 <- finish_linkage_analysis(marker_assignment = marker_assignments$P1[lg1_markers,],
#                                                      dosage_matrix = filtered_data[lg1_markers,],
#                                                      which_parent = 1,
#                                                      convert_palindrome_markers = FALSE,
#                                                      ploidy = 4,
#                                                      pairing = "preferential",
#                                                      prefPars = c(0.25,0), #just for example!
#                                                      LG_number = 1 #interested in just 1 chm.
#  )
#  all_linkages_list_P2_lg1 <- finish_linkage_analysis(marker_assignment = marker_assignments$P2[lg1_markers,],
#                                                      dosage_matrix = filtered_data[lg1_markers,],
#                                                      which_parent = 2,
#                                                      convert_palindrome_markers = FALSE,
#                                                      ploidy = 4,
#                                                      pairing = "preferential",
#                                                      prefPars = c(0,0.25), #Note that this is in reverse order now.
#                                                      LG_number = 1
#  )

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  write.TSNPM(phased.maplist = phased.maplist,ploidy=4)

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