
Defines functions recodeAllopoly processDatasetAllo plotParamHeatmap plotSSAllo mergeAlleleAssignments catalanAlleles testAlGroups alleleCorrelations simAllopoly

Documented in alleleCorrelations catalanAlleles mergeAlleleAssignments plotParamHeatmap plotSSAllo processDatasetAllo recodeAllopoly simAllopoly testAlGroups

# "Resolving microsatellite genotype ambiguity in populations of
# allopolyploid and diploidized autopolyploid organisms using negative
# correlations between alleles"

# function to create simulated data
simAllopoly <- function(ploidy=c(2,2),
                         n.alleles=c(4,4), n.homoplasy=0,
                         n.null.alleles=rep(0, length(ploidy)),
                         freq=NULL, meiotic.error.rate=0,
                         nSam=100, locname="L1"){
    # number of different genomes in the allopolyploid (1 for autopolyploid)
    nGenomes <- length(ploidy)
    # no meiotic error if there is only one genome
    if(nGenomes==1 && meiotic.error.rate != 0)
      stop("No meiotic error possible if there is only one subgenome.")

    # make allele names if needed
              stop("'n.alleles' must be a vector of the same length as 'ploidy'.")
          if(nGenomes>6) stop("More than six subgenomes not supported at this time.")
          GenomeNames <- c('A','B','C','D','E','F')[1:nGenomes]
          alleles <- list()
          length(alleles) <- nGenomes
          for(i in 1:nGenomes){
              alleles[[i]] <- paste(GenomeNames[i], 1:n.alleles[i], sep="-")
          if(length(n.homoplasy)!=1) stop("Only one value allowed for n.homoplasy.")
          if(n.homoplasy>0){ # if there are more than 0 homoplasious alleles
              HAlleles <- paste('H', 1:n.homoplasy, sep="-")
              for(i in 1:nGenomes){ # put homoplasious alleles at end of vector
                  alleles[[i]][(n.alleles[i]-n.homoplasy+1):n.alleles[i]] <- HAlleles
          # if there are null alleles, put at beginning of vector
              stop("'n.null.alleles' must be a vector the same length as 'ploidy'.")
              stop("'n.null.alleles' values must be smaller than 'n.alleles' values.")
          for(i in 1:nGenomes){
                  alleles[[i]][1:n.null.alleles[i]] <- "N"
    } else {
        # if alleles are provided, get n.alleles to match
        n.alleles <- sapply(alleles, length)

    # randomly generate allele frequencies if needed
        freq <- list()
        length(freq) <- nGenomes
        for(i in 1:nGenomes){
            temp <- sample(100, n.alleles[i], replace=TRUE)
            freq[[i]] <- temp/sum(temp)

    # errors
    if(!is.list(alleles) || !is.list(freq))
        stop("alleles and freq must each be a list of vectors")
    if(!identical(sapply(freq, length), sapply(alleles, length)))
        stop("Need same number of values for alleles and frequencies.")
    if(nGenomes != length(alleles) || nGenomes != length(freq))
      stop("Number of genomes nees to match between ploidy, alleles, and freq")
    if(length(meiotic.error.rate)!=1 || meiotic.error.rate<0 ||
        stop("meiotic.error.rate should be a single value between 0 and 0.5.")
    if(meiotic.error.rate>0 && !all(ploidy %% 2 == 0))
        stop("Even (not odd) ploidy is required if simulating meiotic error.")

    # create genambig object to return at end
    gen <- new("genambig", samples=1:nSam, loci=locname)

    # fixing the sample function (Thanks, help file on "sample"!)
    resample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]
    # create genotypes
    for(s in 1:nSam){
        # determine if there was a meiotic error
        gameteploidy <- ploidy/2
                  prob=c(meiotic.error.rate, 1-meiotic.error.rate))){
            isolocusLost <- sample(nGenomes,1)
            isolocusGained <- resample((1:nGenomes)[-isolocusLost],1)
            gamete1ploidy <- gameteploidy
            gamete1ploidy[isolocusLost] <-  gamete1ploidy[isolocusLost]-1
            gamete1ploidy[isolocusGained] <- gamete1ploidy[isolocusGained]+1
        } else {
            gamete1ploidy <- gameteploidy
                  prob=c(meiotic.error.rate, 1-meiotic.error.rate))){
            isolocusLost <- sample(nGenomes,1)
            isolocusGained <- resample((1:nGenomes)[-isolocusLost],1)
            gamete2ploidy <- gameteploidy
            gamete2ploidy[isolocusLost] <-  gamete2ploidy[isolocusLost]-1
            gamete2ploidy[isolocusGained] <- gamete2ploidy[isolocusGained]+1
        } else {
            gamete2ploidy <- gameteploidy
        tempploidy <- gamete1ploidy + gamete2ploidy
        # get genotype
        thisgen <- unique(unlist(mapply(resample, alleles,
                                                       replace= TRUE,
                                      size = tempploidy, prob = freq,
        thisgen <- thisgen[thisgen!=0 & thisgen!="N"] # remove null alleles
            Genotype(gen,s,1) <- Missing(gen)
        } else {
            Genotype(gen,s,1) <- thisgen


# n.start is passed to the kmeans function
alleleCorrelations <- function(object, samples=Samples(object), locus=1,
                         alpha=0.05, n.subgen=2, n.start=50){
    # subset by samples if needed
    object <- object[samples,]
    # check missing data
    mymissing <- isMissing(object, loci=locus)
    if(all(mymissing)) stop("All data at locus are missing.")
    # only do one locus at a time
    if(length(locus) > 1) stop("More than one locus")
    # subset dataset object by this locus
    object <- object[!mymissing,locus]
    # perform class conversion if necessary
    if(is(object, "genambig")) object <- genambig.to.genbinary(object)
    # error if not the right class
    if(!is(object, "genbinary")) stop("genambig or genbinary object needed.")
    # set Absent to 0 and Present to 1
    Absent(object) <- as.integer(0)
    Present(object) <- as.integer(1)

    gentable <- Genotypes(object)  # get the 1/0 table of genotypes
    # remove alleles that aren't in dataset
    gentable <- gentable[,apply(gentable, 2,
                                function(x) !all(x==Absent(object))), drop = FALSE]
    gentable.out <- gentable # to be output
    # find any non-variable alleles (present in all genotypes)
    nonvar <- apply(gentable, 2, function(x) all(x==Present(object)))
    # are there too many non-variable alleles?
    mingen <- sum(nonvar)
    if(mingen > n.subgen){
        stop(paste("Locus",locus,": too many non-variable alleles"))
    nAl <- dim(gentable)[2]        # number of alleles
    # get allele names for output
    mysplit <- strsplit(dimnames(gentable)[[2]], split=".", fixed=TRUE)
    alleles <- sapply(mysplit, function(x) x[2])
    # set up matrix for clusters
    clustmat1 <- matrix(0, nrow=n.subgen, ncol=nAl,

    # if there are non-variable alleles, assign each to its own genome
    if(sum(nonvar) > 0){
        for(i in 1:sum(nonvar)){
            clustmat1[i,alleles[nonvar][i]] <- 1
        sigmatNeg <- sigmatPos <- oddsRatio <- NULL
        pValuesNeg <- pValuesPos <- mydist <- NULL
        mytotss <- mybss <- NA
        clustmethod <- "fixed alleles" # gets overwritten later if necessary
        gentable <- gentable[,!nonvar]
        nAl <- nAl - sum(nonvar) # adjust number of alleles to only variable ones.
        alleles <- alleles[!nonvar]

        # if each isolocus has a non-variable allele, but there are
        # variable alleles left, make them all homoplasious
            clustmat1[,alleles] <- 1
    if(sum(rowSums(clustmat1)==0)==1 ||
       sum(colSums(clustmat1) == 0) < sum(rowSums(clustmat1) == 0) ){
      # if everything else can be assigned to one genome, do that.
      # or, if there aren't enough alleles left for the number of isoloci, make all homoplasious.  
      clustmat1[rowSums(clustmat1)==0,colSums(clustmat1)==0] <- 1
      sigmatNeg <- sigmatPos <- oddsRatio <- NULL
      pValuesNeg <- pValuesPos <- mydist <- NULL
      mytotss <- mybss <- NA
      clustmethod <- "fixed alleles"
    if(sum(colSums(clustmat1) == 0) == sum(rowSums(clustmat1) == 0)){
      # if there are just enough alleles left for one allele per isolocus, do that
      blankAlleles <- which(colSums(clustmat1) == 0)
      blankIsoloci <- which(rowSums(clustmat1) == 0)
      for(i in 1:length(blankAlleles)){
        clustmat1[blankIsoloci[i], blankAlleles[i]] <- 1
      sigmatNeg <- sigmatPos <- oddsRatio <- NULL
      pValuesNeg <- pValuesPos <- mydist <- NULL
      mytotss <- mybss <- NA
      clustmethod <- "fixed alleles"
    if(all(colSums(clustmat1) > 0) && any(rowSums(clustmat1) == 0)){
      # all alleles have been assigned, but some isoloci still lack alleles.
      # expected in rare cases, i.e. if there is just one allele in whole pop.
      # add homoplasy.
      clustmat1[rowSums(clustmat1)==0,] <- 1
      sigmatNeg <- sigmatPos <- oddsRatio <- NULL
      pValuesNeg <- pValuesPos <- mydist <- NULL
      mytotss <- mybss <- NA
      clustmethod <- "fixed alleles"
    # make a second copy of assignment matrix for UPGMA
    clustmat2 <- clustmat1

    ### how the function will normally work (all alleles variable): ###

        clustmethod <- "K-means and UPGMA"

    # set up matrices for results of Fisher's exact test
    pValuesNeg <- matrix(NA, nrow=nAl, ncol=nAl) # significance of negative corr.
    pValuesPos <- matrix(NA, nrow=nAl, ncol=nAl) #significance of positive corr.
    oddsRatio <- matrix(NA, nrow=nAl, ncol=nAl) # (00*11)/(01*10)

    # loop to run Fisher's exact test on each pair of alleles
    for(a in 1:(nAl-1)){
        for(b in (a+1):nAl){
            X <- fisher.test(gentable[,a], gentable[,b], alternative="less",
            pValuesNeg[a,b] <- X$p.value; pValuesNeg[b,a] <- X$p.value
            Y <- fisher.test(gentable[,a], gentable[,b], alternative="greater",
            pValuesPos[a,b] <- Y$p.value; pValuesPos[b,a] <- Y$p.value
            oddsRatio[a,b] <- oddsRatio[b,a] <- X$estimate

    # Holm-Bonferroni correction to get p-value threshold
    # Negative correlations (for assigning alleles)
    pVect <- sort(pValuesNeg[lower.tri(pValuesNeg)]) # smallest to largest pvalues
    m <- length(pVect) # number of hypothesis tests
    kTest <- pVect > alpha/(m + 1 - (1:m))
    if(all(!kTest)){ # reject all hypotheses
        sigmatNeg <- matrix(TRUE, nrow=nAl, ncol=nAl)
    } else {
        k <- min((1:m)[kTest])
        maxP <- pVect[k-1] # maximum p value for significance
        if(k > 1){
            sigmatNeg <- pValuesNeg <= maxP
        } else {
            sigmatNeg <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=nAl, ncol=nAl)
    # Positive correlations (for issuing warnings)
    pVect <- sort(pValuesPos[lower.tri(pValuesPos)]) # smallest to largest pvalues
    kTest <- pVect > alpha/(m + 1 - (1:m))
    if(all(!kTest)){ # reject all hypotheses
        sigmatPos <- matrix(TRUE, nrow=nAl, ncol=nAl)
    } else {
        k <- min((1:m)[kTest])
        maxP <- pVect[k-1] # maximum p value for significance
        if(k > 1){
            sigmatPos <- pValuesPos <= maxP
        } else {
            sigmatPos <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=nAl, ncol=nAl)
        cat(paste("Warning: Significant positive correlations between alleles at locus", Loci(object), "; population structure or scoring error may bias results."), sep="\n")

    dimnames(sigmatNeg) <- list(alleles,alleles)
    dimnames(sigmatPos) <- list(alleles,alleles)
    dimnames(pValuesNeg) <- list(alleles, alleles)
    dimnames(pValuesPos) <- list(alleles, alleles)
    dimnames(oddsRatio) <- list(alleles, alleles)

    # replace NA with 0 in the p-value matrix
    mydist <- pValuesNeg
    mydist[is.na(mydist)] <- 0
    # adjust number of clusters if there were non-variable alleles
    n.subgen.adj = n.subgen - sum(rowSums(clustmat1)>0)
    # kmeans clustering of alleles based on pvalues
    kres <- kmeans(mydist, centers=n.subgen.adj, nstart=n.start)
    myclust1 <- kres$cluster
        mytotss <- kres$totss
        mybss <- kres$betweenss

    # UPGMA clustering
        myclust2 <- cutree(hclust(as.dist(mydist), method="average"),
                           k = n.subgen.adj)

    # put clusters into matrix
    for(i in (n.subgen - n.subgen.adj + 1):n.subgen){
        clustmat1[i,alleles[myclust1==(i - n.subgen + n.subgen.adj)]] <- 1
        clustmat2[i,alleles[myclust2==(i - n.subgen + n.subgen.adj)]] <- 1
    } } # end of if clause for if there aren't non-variable alleles

    return(list(locus=Loci(object), clustering.method=clustmethod,
        significant.neg=sigmatNeg, significant.pos=sigmatPos,
                p.values.neg=pValuesNeg, p.values.pos=pValuesPos,
                Kmeans.groups=clustmat1, UPGMA.groups=clustmat2,
                totss=mytotss, betweenss=mybss, gentable=gentable.out))

# function to test consistency of genotypes with allele groups
# will also make adjustment to the groups
# genobject is genambig or genbinary
# fisherResults is output of AlleleCorrelations
# SGploidy is the ploidy of each subgenome, e.g. 2 for an allotetraploid
# null.weight should be 0 if there are definitely null alleles, or 1 if
# there are definitely not.
# tolerance is the proportion of genotypes that can be allowed to be inconsistent
# with the allele assignments.
# swap indicates whether or not to use the swapping algorithm.
# R, rho, T0, and maxreps are parameters for simulated annealing.
testAlGroups <- function(object, fisherResults, SGploidy=2,
                          null.weight=0.5, tolerance=0.05,
                          swap = TRUE, R = 100, rho = 0.95, T0 = 1, maxreps = 100){
  # make sure genotype data is right class
  if(!is(object, "genambig") && !is(object, "genbinary"))
    stop("genambig or genbinary object needed.")
  object <- object[samples,]
  # locus
  L <- fisherResults$locus
  # remove missing data
  mymissing <- isMissing(object, loci=L)
  # number of individuals
  nind <- sum(!mymissing)
  # subset genotypes
  genobject <- object[!mymissing,L]
  # change class if necessary
  if(is(genobject, "genbinary")) genobject <- genbinary.to.genambig(genobject)
  # alleles
  alleles <- dimnames(fisherResults$Kmeans.groups)[[2]]
  # number of alleles
  numAlTotal <- length(alleles)
  # number of subgenomes
  n.subgen <- dim(fisherResults$Kmeans.groups)[1]
  # get the number of alleles in each genotype
  numAl <- sapply(Genotypes(genobject), length)
  # check to see that none have too many alleles
  if(!all(numAl <= n.subgen*SGploidy))
    stop(paste("One or more genotypes have more than",
               n.subgen*SGploidy, "alleles."))
  # check to see that alleles match in genobject and fisherResults
  if(!all(as.character(.unal1loc(genobject, samples=Samples(genobject),
                                 locus=L)) %in% alleles))
    stop("Alleles found in genobject that aren't in fisherResults.")
  # function to tally which genotypes are inconsistent with an assignment matrix
  tallyInconsistentGen <- function(G, samples=1:nind, currentInconsistent = rep(FALSE, nind)){
    tot <- 0
    for(s in samples){
      gen <- as.character(Genotype(genobject, s, L))
      subg <- G[, gen, drop = FALSE]
      if(any(rowSums(subg) == 0) || 
           any(rowSums(subg[,colSums(subg) == 1, drop = FALSE]) > SGploidy)){
        currentInconsistent[s] = TRUE
      } else {
        currentInconsistent[s] = FALSE
  ## Compare K-means and UPGMA results ##
  # Sort them so groups are the same
  Kmat <- fisherResults$Kmeans.groups
  Umat <- fisherResults$UPGMA.groups
  KsortV <- UsortV <- integer(length(alleles))
  Uswap <- Kswap <- integer(n.subgen) # index = new number, number=row in matrix
  for(i in 1:n.subgen){
    KfirstLeft <- match(0, KsortV) # first unassigned allele
    UfirstLeft <- match(0, UsortV)
    # match rows to new subgenomes
    Kswap[i] <- match(1, Kmat[,KfirstLeft])
    Uswap[i] <- match(1, Umat[,UfirstLeft])
    # assign alleles to new subgenomes
    KsortV[Kmat[Kswap[i],] == 1] <- i
    UsortV[Umat[Uswap[i],] == 1] <- i
  # were the results identical?
  if(identical(KsortV, UsortV)){
    G <- Kmat # use K-means assignments (same as UPGMA assignments)
  } else {
    # if K-means and UPGMA gave different results, see which is more consistent
    # with genotypes.
    Kok <- nind - sum(tallyInconsistentGen(Kmat)) # count consistent with K-means assignments
    Uok <- nind - sum(tallyInconsistentGen(Umat)) # count consistent with UPGMA assignments
    if(Uok > Kok){
      G <- Umat # UPGMA was better, use this matrix
    } else {
      G <- Kmat # Use K-means if it was better or if there was a tie.
  ## Check if alleles should be swapped to a different isolocus. ##
  # function to make a new G matrix at random, with one allele swapped
  randomNewG <- function(G){
    alToSwap <- alleles[sample(numAlTotal, 1)]
    thisSubgen <- which(G[,alToSwap] == 1)
    if(n.subgen == 2){
      newSubgen <- (1:2)[-thisSubgen]
    } else {
      newSubgen <- sample((1:n.subgen)[-thisSubgen], 1)
    Gnew <- G
    Gnew[thisSubgen,alToSwap] <- 0
    Gnew[newSubgen, alToSwap] <- 1
    return(list(alToSwap, Gnew))
  # number of possible G matrices (without homoplasy)
  nGpossible <- n.subgen ^ numAlTotal
  # function to get an index number for each possible G matrix (without homoplasy)
  indexG <- function(G){
    # set up multipliers for an integer where the base is n.subgen
    baseSetup <- n.subgen ^ (1:numAlTotal - 1)
    # get the digit for each allele
    digits <- apply(G, 2, function(x) which(x == 1) - 1)
    # get index
    if(is.list(digits)){ # if there was homoplasy
      index <- NA
    } else {
      index <- sum(baseSetup * digits) + 1
  # list of inconsistent individuals for every possible G matrix (without homoplasy)
  iiList <- list()
  length(iiList) <- nGpossible
  # for current assignments
  inconsInd <- tallyInconsistentGen(G) # which individuals are inconsistent with current assignments
  J <- mean(inconsInd) # current "cost" of this solution
  iG <- indexG(G) # index of this set of assignments
    iiList[[iG]] <- inconsInd # record these inconsistent individuals to the master list
  # only do swapping if desired by user, and only if assignments aren't already perfect
  if(swap &&  J > 0){ 
    # set up an index of which genotypes have which alleles, so we know which genotypes to check
    alleleIndex <- list()
    length(alleleIndex) <- numAlTotal
    names(alleleIndex) <- alleles
    for(a in alleles){
      alleleIndex[[a]] <- which(fisherResults$gentable[,paste(L, a, sep = ".")] == 1)
    # simulated annealing algorithm
    Ti <- T0 # temperature set up
    for(rep in 1:maxreps){
      done <- TRUE # to test convergence OR finding an answer that matches all genotypes
      for(r in 1:R){
        # pick the allele to swap
        temp <- randomNewG(G)
        Gnew <- temp[[2]]
        a <- temp[[1]]
        # find out which genotypes are inconsitent with this new set of assignments
        iGnew <- indexG(Gnew)
        if(is.na(iGnew) || is.null(iiList[[iGnew]])){ # if we have never looked at this set of assignments before
          inconsIndNew <- tallyInconsistentGen(Gnew, alleleIndex[[a]], inconsInd)
            iiList[[iGnew]] <- inconsIndNew
        } else { # if we already have looked at this set of assignments
          inconsIndNew <- iiList[[iGnew]]
        Jnew <- mean(inconsIndNew)
        if(Jnew <= J){ # keep if if we have found a better solution 
          G <- Gnew
          J <- Jnew
          inconsInd <- inconsIndNew
          #          cat(paste(iGnew, "better"), sep = "\n")
          done <- FALSE # swap happened; convergence did not occur in this rep
          if(J == 0){ # perfect solution found, stop now
            done <- TRUE
        } else { # if we have found a worse solution, randomly decide whether to keep it
          D <- Jnew - J
          if(sample(10000,1) <= 10000 * exp(-D/Ti)){ 
            G <- Gnew
            J <- Jnew
            inconsInd <- inconsIndNew
            #            cat(paste(iGnew, "worse"), sep = "\n")
            done <- FALSE
      Ti <- Ti * rho # lower the temperature
      if(done) break
  AlOcc <- colSums(fisherResults$gentable)/dim(fisherResults$gentable)[1]
  ## Check for homoplasy ##
  # set up internal function to check consistency for adding homoplasy
  makeA <- function(){
    A <- matrix(0, nrow=n.subgen, ncol=length(alleles),
    num.error <- 0 # number of genotypes with scoring or meiotic error
    for(s in Samples(genobject)){
      gen <- as.character(Genotype(genobject, s, L)) # the genotype
      # get 1/0 matrix for presence of these alleles in subgenomes
      subG <- G[,gen, drop=FALSE]
      # Start checking the genotype.
      # It is okay if no genome has more alleles than is possible AND
      # no genome has zero alleles.
      # Otherwise, figure out which alleles might need to be copied:
      if(!all(rowSums(subG[,colSums(subG) == 1, drop=FALSE])
              <= SGploidy)){
        # If one subgenome has more alleles than are possible
        donor <-
          (1:n.subgen)[rowSums(subG[,colSums(subG) == 1, drop=FALSE]) >
        # they might be copied to a subgenome(s) that has fewer than the
        # maximum.
        recipient <- (1:n.subgen)[rowSums(subG) < SGploidy]
          recipient <- (1:n.subgen)[rowSums(subG[,colSums(subG) == 1,
                                                 drop=FALSE]) < SGploidy]
        gendonor <- gen[colSums(subG[recipient,,drop=FALSE]==0)>0 &
        A[recipient,gendonor] <- A[recipient,gendonor] + 1
        num.error <- num.error + 1
      } else {
        # If one subgenome has no alleles
        if(!all(rowSums(subG) > 0) && null.weight > 0){
          recipient <- (1:n.subgen)[rowSums(subG)==0]
          A[recipient,gen] <- A[recipient,gen] + null.weight
          num.error <- num.error + 1
    } # end of Samples loop
    # calculate the proportion inconsistent with allele assignments
    prop.error <- num.error/nind
    # Make sure not to copy alleles to where they have already been
    # assigned (problem in hexaploids).
    A[G==1] <- 0
    # weight the A matrix by allele occurance
    # omitted; is only helpful for rare homoplasious alleles.
    #       A <- sweep(A, 2, AlOcc, "/")
    return(list(A, prop.error))
  } # end of makeA function
  # check consistency once before starting assingnment and re-checking loop
  temp <- makeA()
  A <- temp[[1]]
  prop.error <- temp[[2]]
  # loop to copy alleles to other genomes, then re-check
  numloops <- 0
  while(prop.error > tolerance && numloops < 1000){
    numloops <- numloops + 1 # precaution to keep it from getting stuck
    if(!all(A[,AlOcc != 1] == 0)){
      A <- A[,AlOcc != 1, drop = FALSE] # don't copy fixed alleles, unless that's the only way to resolve things
    # choose best allele to make homoplasious for this round
    tocopy <- which(A == max(A), arr.ind=TRUE)
    if(dim(tocopy)[1]==1){ # if one is clearly the best
      thisallele <- dimnames(A)[[2]][tocopy[,"col"]]
      thissubgen <- tocopy[,"row"]
    } else { # choose among several with the highest scores
      if(!is.null(fisherResults$p.values.neg)){ # use p values
        meanp <- numeric(dim(tocopy)[1])
        for(i in 1:dim(tocopy)[1]){
          # alleles already in this genome
          thisgenal <- alleles[G[tocopy[i,"row"],] == 1]
          # remove any fixed alleles
          thisgenal <- thisgenal[!thisgenal %in% alleles[AlOcc == 1]]
          # get mean p values between this allele and alleles already in genome
          thisal <- dimnames(A)[[2]][tocopy[i,"col"]]
          meanp <- mean(fisherResults$p.values.neg[thisgenal,thisal])
        bestp <- which(meanp == min(meanp))
        if(length(bestp) > 1){ # if there's a tie, choose at random
          bestp <- sample(bestp, size=1)
        thisallele <- dimnames(A)[[2]][tocopy[bestp,"col"]]
        thissubgen <- tocopy[bestp,"row"]
      } else { # pick at random if there are no p-values to check
        myrand <- sample(dim(tocopy)[1], size=1)
        thisallele <- dimnames(A)[[2]][tocopy[myrand,"col"]]
        thissubgen <- tocopy[myrand,"row"]
    G[thissubgen, thisallele] <- 1
    # check genotypes against new G matrix
    temp <- makeA()
    A <- temp[[1]]
    prop.error <- temp[[2]]
  } # end of while loop
  return(list(locus=L, SGploidy=SGploidy, assignments=G, 
              proportion.inconsistent.genotypes = prop.error))

# function to assign alleles to subgenomes based on the procedure of
# Catalan et al. 2006 (Genetics 172:1939-1953).
# If any genotypes have fewer alleles than n.subgen, there must be homoplasy,
# so exclude locus. (In their paper, <2 alleles for allotetraploid.)
# Any genotypes with as many alleles as n.subgen (2 for allotetraploid) must be
# homozygous at each isolocus, so these are used first to assign alleles to
# isoloci.
# Check that this assignment is consistent with the genotypes that have a
# number of alleles > n.subgen, or if there is homoplasy.
# This is not stated explicitly in paper, but genotypes with n.subgen*SGploidy
# alleles could be used to further resolve ambiguity if genotypes with
# n.subgen alleles are not sufficient.
catalanAlleles <- function(object, samples=Samples(object), locus=1,
                           n.subgen=2, SGploidy=2, verbose=FALSE){
    # subset object if needed
    object <- object[samples,]
    # check missing data
    mymissing <- isMissing(object, loci=locus)
    if(all(mymissing)) stop("All data at locus are missing.")
    # only do one locus at a time
    if(length(locus) > 1) stop("More than one locus")
    # subset dataset object by this locus
    object <- object[!mymissing,locus]
    # perform class conversion if necessary
    if(is(object, "genbinary")) object <- genbinary.to.genambig(object)
    # error if not the right class
    if(!is(object, "genambig")) stop("genambig or genbinary object needed.")
    # error if just one subgenome
    if(n.subgen<2) stop("Need at least two subgenomes.")

    # get the number of alleles in each genotype
    numAl <- sapply(Genotypes(object), length)
    # check to see that none have too many alleles
    if(!all(numAl <= n.subgen*SGploidy))
        stop(paste("One or more genotypes have more than",
                   n.subgen*SGploidy, "alleles."))

    # check to see if any genotypes have too few alleles, implying homoplasy
    if(!all(numAl >= n.subgen)){
        result <- list(locus=Loci(object), SGploidy=SGploidy,
    assignments="Homoplasy or null alleles: some genotypes have too few alleles")
    } else {
        # set up results matrix
        alleles <- .unal1loc(object, Samples(object), locus)
        G <- matrix(0, nrow=n.subgen, ncol=length(alleles),
                    dimnames=list(NULL, as.character(alleles)))
        # start with genotypes that have n.subgen alleles
        X <- Genotypes(object)[numAl==n.subgen,]
        if(length(X)==0){  # quit if there aren't any
            result <- list(locus=Loci(object), SGploidy=SGploidy,
                assignments="Unresolvable: no genotypes with n.subgen alleles.")
        } else {
            X <- unique(X) # get unique genotypes w/ n. subgen alleles
            # vector to rank genotypes by allele frequencies
            AlFreqInX <- sapply(alleles,
                                function(a) sum(sapply(X,
                                                       function(x) a %in% x)))
            names(AlFreqInX) <- as.character(alleles)
            Xrank <- sapply(X, function(x) sum(AlFreqInX[as.character(x)]))
            # sort genotypes, putting the most interconnected first
            X <- X[order(Xrank, decreasing=TRUE)]

            # use the first one
            gen <- as.character(X[[1]])
            for(i in 1:n.subgen){
                G[i,gen[i]] <- 1
            ToAssign <- alleles[colSums(G)==0] # alleles to assign
            Xa <- X[sapply(X, function(x) sum(ToAssign %in% x)==1)]

            # try using the rest of the genotypes with n.subgen alleles
                 gen <- as.character(Xa[[1]])
                    g <- G[,gen]
                    thissubgen <- rowSums(g)==0
                    thisallele <- gen[colSums(g)==0]
                    G[thissubgen,thisallele] <- 1
                    ToAssign <- alleles[colSums(G)==0] # alleles to assign
                    Xa <- X[sapply(X, function(x) sum(ToAssign %in% x)==1)]

            # if needed, use heterozygous genotypes to further resolve.
                # get genotypes that will be informative
                X <- Genotypes(object)[,1]
                X <- unique(X)
                     # one allele to assign, one subgenome has no alleles yet
                Xa <- X[sapply(X, function(x) (sum(ToAssign %in% x)==1 &&
                        sum(rowSums(G[,as.character(x)])==0)==1) ||
                     # OR, all subgenomes but one have max number of alleles
                        (sum(ToAssign %in% x) > 0 &&
                    # use the first genotype in the list to assign allele(s)
                    g <- G[,as.character(Xa[[1]])]
                    thissubgen <- rowSums(g) == min(rowSums(g))
                    thisallele <- dimnames(g)[[2]][colSums(g)==0]
                    G[thissubgen,thisallele] <- 1

                    # update list of unassigned alleles and useful genotypes
                    ToAssign <- alleles[colSums(G)==0]
                    Xa <- X[sapply(X, function(x) (sum(ToAssign %in% x)==1 &&
                        sum(rowSums(G[,as.character(x)])==0)==1) ||
                        (sum(ToAssign %in% x) > 0 &&

            # check results
                result <- list(locus=Loci(object), SGploidy=SGploidy,
                if(verbose) print(G)
            } else {
                # loop through each genotype to check consistency with results
                badgen <- list()
                bgIndex <- 1
                for(s in Samples(object)){
                    g <- G[,as.character(Genotype(object, s, locus))]
                    gr <- rowSums(g)
                    if(!all(gr > 0 & gr <= SGploidy)){
                        badgen[[bgIndex]] <- Genotype(object,s,locus)
                        bgIndex <- bgIndex+1
                    result <- list(locus=Loci(object), SGploidy=SGploidy,
                } else {
                        cat("Allele assignments:", sep="\n")
                        cat("Inconsistent genotypes:", sep="\n")
                    result <- list(locus=Loci(object), SGploidy=SGploidy,
                                   assignments="Homoplasy or null alleles")

    if(verbose) print(result)

# function to merge results from the same locus from multiple populations.
# x is a list of lists; each element of x is a result such as that
# produced by catalanAlleles or testAlGroups.
mergeAlleleAssignments <- function(x){
    loci <- sapply(x, function(z) z$locus)   # extract locus names
    SGp <- sapply(x, function(z) z$SGploidy) # extract ploidies
    lociU <- unique(loci)
    if(is.list(loci) || is.list(SGp) || !all(!is.na(lociU)) || !all(!is.na(SGp)))
        stop("Locus and SGploidy value required for each list element.")
    # set up results object
    results <- list()
    length(results) <- length(lociU)

    # function to help with merging
    onezero <- function(y,z){
        res <- y+z
        res[res==2] <- 1

    # loop through each locus
    for(L in 1:length(lociU)){
        locus <- lociU[L]
        thisSGp <- unique(SGp[loci==locus]) # get ploidy for this locus
        if(length(thisSGp)>1) stop("More than one SGploidy value per locus.")
        # get allele assignments
        A <- lapply(x[loci==locus], function(z) z$assignments)
        # throw out any that are not a matrix
        A <- A[sapply(A, function(z) is.matrix(z))]
            G <- "No assignment"
        } else {
        # merge assignment matrices, or just keep the first if there is only one
            # sort A so that matrices with the most alleles are used first
            A <- A[order(-sapply(A, function(x) dim(x)[2]),1:length(A))]
            # get unique alleles
            alleles <- unique(unlist(lapply(A, function(z) dimnames(z)[[2]])))
            # set up matrix
            G <- matrix(0, nrow=dim(A[[1]])[1], ncol=length(alleles),
                        dimnames=list(NULL, alleles))
            # fill in from first matrix
            G[,dimnames(A[[1]])[[2]]] <- A[[1]]
            A <- A[-1]
            # remaining matrices
            stuckcount <- 0
                    G <- "No assignment"
                stuckcount <- 0  # to prevent endless looping
                toremove <- integer(0)
                for(i in 1:length(A)){
                    a <- A[[i]]
                    assigned <- alleles[colSums(G)>0]
                    # find alleles present in current matrix that are already assigned
                    overlap <- assigned[assigned %in% dimnames(a)[[2]][colSums(a)>0]]
                    if(length(overlap)==0 || all(G[,overlap] == 1) || all(a[,overlap] == 1)){
                        stuckcount <- stuckcount+1
                    # try to match up rows
                    groups <- kmeans(rbind(G[,overlap,drop = FALSE],a[,overlap,drop = FALSE]),dim(G)[1])
                    # check if matching makes sense
                    if(!all(1:dim(G)[1] %in% groups$cluster[1:dim(G)[1]]) ||
                       groups$betweenss/groups$totss <= 0.5){
                      stuckcount <- stuckcount + 1
                      # combine matrices
                    G[groups$cluster[1:dim(G)[1]],dimnames(a)[[2]]] <-
                    toremove <- c(toremove,i) # done with this matrix
                # get rid of matrices that have already been used
                if(length(toremove)>0) A <- A[-toremove]
        results[[L]] <- list(locus=locus, SGploidy=thisSGp,

# function to plot results of K-means clustering, to get a sense of clustering quality.
# takes 2D array of results of AlleleCorrelations; locus x population
plotSSAllo <- function(AlCorrArray){
  loci <- dimnames(AlCorrArray)[[1]] # locus names
  pops <- dimnames(AlCorrArray)[[2]] # population names
  n.subgen <- dim(AlCorrArray[[1,1]]$Kmeans.groups)[1] # number of isoloci
  # get array of sums of squares ratios, to evaluate clustering qualities
  SSarray <- array(sapply(AlCorrArray, FUN = function(x) x$betweenss/x$totss), dim = dim(AlCorrArray),
                   dimnames = list(loci, pops))
  SSarray[is.na(SSarray)] <- 0
  # get array of index of evenness of distribution of alleles among isoloci
  Earray <- array(sapply(AlCorrArray, FUN = function(x){
    propAl <- rowMeans(x$Kmeans.groups) # proportion of alleles belonging to each isolocus
    return(1 - sum(propAl^2))
  }), dim = dim(AlCorrArray), dimnames = list(loci, pops))
  # identify loci with positive allele correlations
  posCor <- sapply(AlCorrArray, FUN = function(x) any(x$significant.pos, na.rm = TRUE))
  posCor <- array(posCor, dim = dim(AlCorrArray), dimnames = list(loci, pops))
  # colors for populations
  if(length(pops) == 1){  # black and white if one pop
    popCol = "black"
    bgCol = "white"
  } else {                # colors for multiple pops, with grey background for visibility
    bgCol = "lightgrey"
    if(length(pops) == 2){
      popCol = c("red", "blue")
    } else {
      popCol = rainbow(length(pops))
  # set background color
  oldBg = par()$bg
  par(bg = bgCol)
  # determine plot range
  maxE <- 1 - n.subgen * 1/n.subgen^2 # maximum evenness
  # maximum number of alleles
  maxNalleles <- max(sapply(AlCorrArray, FUN = function(x) dim(x$Kmeans.groups)[2]))
  # minimum evenness
  minE <- 1 - (n.subgen - 1) * 1/maxNalleles^2 - ((maxNalleles - n.subgen + 1)/maxNalleles)^2
  # sums of squares, minimum and maximum
  minSS <- 0
  maxSS <- 1
  # xlim and ylim
  if(length(pops) == 1){
    Xlim <- c(minSS, maxSS)
  } else { # leave room for legend if there are multiple pops
    Xlim <- c(minSS, maxSS + (maxSS - minSS)/4)
  Ylim <- c(minE, maxE)
  # set up plot
  plot(as.vector(SSarray), as.vector(Earray), col = bgCol, main = "K-means results",
       xlab = "Sums of squares between isoloci/total sums of squares",
       ylab = "Evenness of number of alleles among isoloci", xlim = Xlim, ylim = Ylim)
  # text to indicate good vs. bad
  text(minSS, minE, labels = "Low quality allele clustering", adj = 0)
  text(maxSS, maxE, labels = "High quality allele clustering", adj = 1)
  # plot all loci by population
  for(p in 1:length(pops)){
    text(SSarray[,p], Earray[,p], labels = loci, col = popCol[p], font = ifelse(posCor[,p], 3, 1))
  # add legend if there are multiple populations
  if(length(pops) > 1){
    legend(maxSS, 0.75 * (Ylim[2] - Ylim[1]) + Ylim[1], legend = pops,
           text.col = popCol, title = "Populations", title.col = "black")
  # restore background color
  par(bg = oldBg)
  # return the three arrays invisibly
  return(invisible(list(ssratio = SSarray, evenness = Earray, 
                        max.evenness = maxE, min.evenness = minE,
                        posCor = posCor)))
} # end plotSSAllo function

# for one population, plot the proportion of alleles that are homoplasious for
# each locus and parameter set.  Can also be used to plot missing data rate for
# each parameter set and locus.
plotParamHeatmap <- function(propMat, popname = "AllInd", col = grey.colors(12)[12:1],
                             main = ""){
  if(length(dim(propMat)) == 3){
    # index by population if not already done
    propMat <- propMat[,popname,]
  if(length(dim(propMat)) != 2){
    stop("propMat must have two dimensions.")
  nloc <- dim(propMat)[1]
  nparam <- dim(propMat)[2]
  image(1:nparam, 1:nloc, t(propMat), xlab = "Parameter sets", ylab = "Loci",
        main = paste(main,popname), axes = FALSE, col = col, zlim = c(0,1))
  axis(1, at = 1:nparam)
  axis(2, at = 1:nloc, labels = dimnames(propMat)[[1]])
  # highlight the best parameter set for each locus
  for(i in 1:nloc){
    text(which.min(propMat[i,]),i, "best")

# function to process an entire dataset and find optimal parameters 
# for testAlGroups
# plotsfile can be NULL
# usePops: should allele assignments be performed separately by PopInfo in the object?
processDatasetAllo <- function(object, samples = Samples(object), loci = Loci(object),
                               n.subgen = 2, SGploidy = 2, n.start = 50, alpha = 0.05,
                               parameters = data.frame(tolerance     = c(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
                                                       swap = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE),
                                                       null.weight   = c(0.5,  0.5,  0,    0)),
                               plotsfile = "alleleAssignmentPlots.pdf", usePops = FALSE, ...){
  if(!all(samples %in% Samples(object))){
    stop("Sample names in samples and object do not match.")
  if(!all(loci %in% Loci(object))){
    stop("Locus names in loci and object do not match.")
  if(!all(c("tolerance", "swap", "null.weight") %in% names(parameters))){
    stop("Parameters data frame needs column headers tolerance, swap, and null.weight.")
  object <- object[samples,]
  nparam <- dim(parameters)[1] # number of parameter sets
  # set up population groups
    popinfo <- PopInfo(object)
      stop("PopInfo needed in object if usePops = TRUE.")
    popnamesTemp <- PopNames(object)[popinfo]
    allpops <- unique(popnamesTemp)          # names of all populations
    popinfo <- match(popnamesTemp, allpops)  # numbers for inviduals, corresponding to those names
    npops <- length(allpops)                 # number of populations
  } else {
    popinfo <- rep(1, length(samples))
    allpops <- "AllInd"
    npops <- 1
  # set up arrays to contain results
  # results of alleleCorrelations; 2D array, locus x population
  CorrResults <- array(list(), dim = c(length(loci), npops), 
                       dimnames = list(loci, allpops))
  # results of testAlGroups; 3D array, locus x population x parameter set
  TAGresults <- array(list(), dim = c(length(loci), npops, nparam),
                     dimnames = list(loci, allpops, NULL))
  for(p in 1:npops){  # loop through populations
    thesesamples <- samples[popinfo == p] # samples in this population
    for(L in loci){  # loop through loci
      CorrResults[[L, p]] <- alleleCorrelations(object, samples = thesesamples, locus = L,
                                                alpha = alpha, n.subgen = n.subgen, n.start = n.start)
      for(pm in 1:nparam){
        TAGresults [[L, p, pm]] <- testAlGroups(object, CorrResults[[L, p]], SGploidy = SGploidy,
                                                samples = thesesamples, null.weight = parameters$null.weight[pm],
                                                tolerance = parameters$tolerance[pm], swap = parameters$swap[pm], ...)
      } # end of parameter set loop
    } # end of locus loop
  } # end of populations loop
  # get the proportion of alleles that are homoplasious for each locus, population, and parameter set
  propHomoplasious <- sapply(TAGresults, FUN = function(x){mean(colSums(x$assignments) > 1)})
  propHomoplasious <- array(propHomoplasious, dim = dim(TAGresults), dimnames = dimnames(TAGresults))
  # merge allele assignments across populations within parameter sets
    mergedAssignments <- array(list(), dim = c(length(loci), nparam),
                               dimnames = list(loci, NULL))
    for(L in loci){
      theseSamples <- samples[!isMissing(object, samples, L)]
      for(pm in 1:nparam){
        mergedAssignments[L,pm] <- mergeAlleleAssignments(TAGresults[L,,pm])
        # figure out proportion of genotypes inconsistent with the merged assignments
        totInconsistent <- 0
          for(s in theseSamples){
            gen <- as.character(Genotype(object, s, L))
            subg <- mergedAssignments[[L,pm]]$assignments[, gen, drop = FALSE]
            if(any(rowSums(subg) == 0) || 
               any(rowSums(subg[,colSums(subg) == 1, drop = FALSE]) > SGploidy)){
                 totInconsistent <- totInconsistent + 1
        } else {
          totInconsistent <- length(theseSamples)
        mergedAssignments[[L,pm]]$proportion.inconsistent.genotypes <- totInconsistent/length(theseSamples)
    # get the proportion of homoplasious alleles for each merged assignment set
    propHomoplMerged <- sapply(mergedAssignments, FUN = function(x){
        return(mean(colSums(x$assignments) > 1))
      } else {  # if merged assignments were unresolvable
    propHomoplMerged <- array(propHomoplMerged, dim = dim(mergedAssignments),
                              dimnames = dimnames(mergedAssignments))
  } else {
    mergedAssignments <- TAGresults[,1,]
    propHomoplMerged <- propHomoplasious[,1,]
  # find the best assignment set for each locus
  bestpm <- integer(length(loci)) # index of best parameter set for each locus
  names(bestpm) <- loci
  # matrix to hold missing data rate when data are recoded
  missRate <- matrix(1, nrow = length(loci), ncol = nparam, dimnames = list(loci, NULL))
  for(L in loci){
    theseAssign <- list() # contain all unique assignments
    theseAssignIndex <- integer(nparam) # for each parameter set, which unique assignment goes with it
    # find all unique assignments
    for(pm in 1:nparam){
      if(!is.matrix(mergedAssignments[[L,pm]]$assignments)) next # skip if unresolvable
      thisAssign <- data.frame(mergedAssignments[[L,pm]]$assignments)
      # sort the assignments
      thisAssign <- thisAssign[do.call(order, thisAssign),]
      # order the row names for consistency
      row.names(thisAssign) <- 1:dim(thisAssign)[1] 
      # check if it should be added to list of uniques assignments, and do so
      matchUn <- sapply(theseAssign, function(x) identical(x, thisAssign))
      if(length(theseAssign) == 0 || all(!matchUn)){
        theseAssign[[length(theseAssign) + 1]] <- thisAssign
        theseAssignIndex[pm] <- length(theseAssign)
      } else {
        theseAssignIndex[pm] <- which(matchUn)
    if(all(theseAssignIndex == 0)) next # skip whole locus if totally unresolvable across pops
    # test recoding the data using each parameter set
    for(a in 1:length(theseAssign)){
      # turn assignments back into matrix
      amat <- as.matrix(theseAssign[[a]])
      dimnames(amat)[[2]] <- gsub("X", "", dimnames(amat)[[2]])
      # recode genotypes
      r <- recodeAllopoly(object, list(list(locus = L, SGploidy = SGploidy,
                                            assignments = amat)),
                           allowAneuploidy = FALSE, loci = L)
      # proportion of genotypes present in the original that are missing now
      oldMissing <- sum(isMissing(object, loci = L))
      miss <- (sum(isMissing(r))/n.subgen - oldMissing)/(length(samples) - oldMissing)
      # add to matrix for all matching parameter sets
      missRate[L, which(theseAssignIndex == a)] <- miss
    # identify the best set using missing data rate and amount of homoplasy
    bestMiss <- which(missRate[L,] == min(missRate[L,], na.rm = TRUE))
    bestpm[L] <- bestMiss[which.min(propHomoplMerged[L, bestMiss])]
  } # end of locus loop for recoding and picking best parameter set
  # make a list of the best assignments
  bestpm[bestpm == 0] <- 1 # for non-resolvable loci
  bestAssign <- list()
  for(l in 1:length(loci)){
    bestAssign[[l]] <- mergedAssignments[[l, bestpm[l]]]
  ## plots: distribution of betweenss/totss, heatmaps
  pdf(plotsfile) # open connection to PDF file for making plots
  plotSS <- plotSSAllo(CorrResults) # make plot of sums-of-squares ratio vs. allele distribution evenness
  # heatmaps
  for(L in loci){
    for(p in allpops){
        heatmap(CorrResults[[L,p]]$heatmap.dist, main = paste(L, p, sep = ", "))
      } else {
        plot(NA, xlim = c(0,10), ylim = c(0,10), main = paste(L, p, sep = ", "))
        text(5,5, "Fisher's exact tests not performed.\nOne or more alleles are present in all individuals.")
  for(p in allpops){
    plotParamHeatmap(propHomoplasious[,p,], popname = p, main = "Proportion homoplasious loci:")
    plotParamHeatmap(propHomoplMerged, popname = "Merged across populations", main = "Proportion homoplasious loci:")
  plotParamHeatmap(missRate, popname = "All Individuals", main = "Missing data after recoding:")
  dev.off()      # close connection to PDF file
  return(list(AlCorrArray = CorrResults, TAGarray = TAGresults, plotSS = plotSS,
              propHomoplasious = propHomoplasious, mergedAssignments = mergedAssignments,
              propHomoplMerged = propHomoplMerged, missRate = missRate, bestAssign = bestAssign))
} # end of processDatasetAllo function

# function to rewrite genambig object using allele assignments
# object = genambig or genbinary object
# x = list of results (e.g. list of catalanAlleles outputs)
# allowAneuploidy = let individuals be aneuploid vs. inserting missing data
recodeAllopoly <- function(object, x, allowAneuploidy=TRUE,
                           samples=Samples(object), loci=Loci(object)){
    # data conversion and error checking
    if(is(object, "genbinary")) object <- genbinary.to.genambig(object)
    if(!is(object, "genambig"))
        stop("'genbinary' or 'genambig' object required.")
    object <- object[samples, loci]
    lociA <- sapply(x, function(z) z$locus)   # extract locus names
    SGp <- sapply(x, function(z) z$SGploidy) # extract ploidies
    if(is.list(lociA) || is.list(SGp) || !all(!is.na(lociA)) ||
        stop("Locus and SGploidy value required for each list element in x.")
    if(!all(lociA %in% loci)){
        warning(paste("Loci", paste(lociA[!lociA %in% loci], collapse=" "),
                      "found in 'x' but not 'loci'."))
        x <- x[lociA %in% loci]
            stop("No recoding possible because locus names do not match")
        lociA <- sapply(x, function(z) z$locus)   # extract locus names
        SGp <- sapply(x, function(z) z$SGploidy) # extract ploidies
    # merge assignments if any loci are represented more than once
        x <- mergeAlleleAssignments(x)
        lociA <- sapply(x, function(z) z$locus)   # extract locus names
        SGp <- sapply(x, function(z) z$SGploidy) # extract ploidies
    # finish getting info by locus set up.
    # lociA = loci to recode; SGp = ploidy of isoloci, by locus;
    # nSG = number of isoloci, by locus; A = allele assignments, by locus.
    names(SGp) <- lociA
    nSG <- sapply(x, function(z) ifelse(is.matrix(z$assignments),
                                        dim(z$assignments)[1], NA))
    names(nSG) <- lociA
    A <- lapply(x, function(z) z$assignments)
    names(A) <- lociA
    # get rid of loci with no assignments
    lociA <- lociA[!is.na(nSG)]
    SGp <- SGp[lociA]
    nSG <- nSG[lociA]
    A <- A[lociA]

    # set up new object
    # duplicate the loci that should be duplicated
    newloci <- paste(rep(lociA, times=nSG),unlist(lapply(nSG, function(y) 1:y)),
    extraloci <- loci[!loci %in% lociA]
    newloci <- c(newloci, extraloci)
    result <- new("genambig", samples, newloci)
    PopNames(result) <- PopNames(object)
    PopInfo(result) <- PopInfo(object)[samples]
    Description(result) <- Description(object)
    Missing(result) <- Missing(object)
    newploidies <- matrix(rep(SGp, times=nSG), nrow=length(samples),
                             ncol=sum(!newloci %in% extraloci),
    # transfer ploidy data for loci that aren't being recoded
    if(length(extraloci) > 0){
        if(is(object@Ploidies, "ploidymatrix")){
            newploidies <- cbind(newploidies,
                                 Ploidies(object, samples=samples,
        if(is(object@Ploidies, "ploidylocus")){
            newploidies <- cbind(newploidies,
                                 matrix(Ploidies(object, loci=extraloci),
                                        nrow=length(samples), ncol=length(extraloci),
        if(is(object@Ploidies, "ploidysample") || is(object@Ploidies, "ploidyone")){
            newploidies <- cbind(newploidies,
                                 matrix(Ploidies(object, loci=extraloci),
                                        nrow=length(samples), ncol=length(extraloci),
    Ploidies(result) <- newploidies

    # collapse ploidy if we don't need it as a matrix
    if(!allowAneuploidy && plCollapse(result@Ploidies, na.rm=FALSE, returnvalue=FALSE)){
      result <- reformatPloidies(result, output="collapse")

    # start assignments
    for(L in loci){
        # get positions of isoloci in new object
        Lindex <- which(sapply(strsplit(newloci, "_"), function(y) y[1]) == L)
        # copy over microsat repeat lengths
        Usatnts(result)[Lindex] <- Usatnts(object)[L]
        if(length(Lindex)==1){ # for loci with no assignments:
            Genotypes(result, loci=Lindex) <- Genotypes(object, loci=L)
            Ploidies(result)[,Lindex] <- Ploidies(object, Samples(object), L)
        } else {               # for loci with assignments:
            # test if this locus is numeric or integers, to convert back later
            xsamples <- samples[!isMissing(object, samples, L)]
            LisInt <- all(sapply(Genotypes(object, xsamples, L),
                                 is.integer, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
            LisNum <- all(sapply(Genotypes(object, xsamples, L),
                                 is.numeric, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
            # If there are any alleles that are unassigned, make them
            # fully homoplasious.
            AL <- A[[L]]
            allelesL <- as.character(.unal1loc(object, xsamples, L))
            allelesUA <- allelesL[!allelesL %in% dimnames(AL)[[2]]]
                toadd <- matrix(1, nrow=length(Lindex), ncol=length(allelesUA),
                                dimnames=list(NULL, allelesUA))
                AL <- cbind(AL, toadd)
        for(s in xsamples){
            thisgen <- as.character(Genotype(object, s, L))
            thisA <- AL[,thisgen, drop=FALSE]
            # too many alleles overall?
            if(length(thisgen) > nSG[L]*SGp[L]){
                next # just skip, or see if there is anything useful?

            SGcomplete <- rep(FALSE, nSG[L]) # mark where genotype is known
                                             # for certain
            # set up list to contain genotypes
            alBySG <- rep(list(character(0)), nSG[L])
            # give up on trying to assign?
            stumped <- FALSE
            # Allele assigment loop
           while(sum(!SGcomplete)>0 & !stumped){
                stumped <- TRUE
                # sub genomes that don't yet have definite genotypes:
                SGtoassign <- (1:nSG[L])[!SGcomplete]
            # see if any isoloci have max number of alleles w/o homoplasy.
            for(sg in SGtoassign){
                sgAl <- thisgen[thisA[sg,]==1 &    # Belong to this subgenome,
                                colSums(thisA)==1] # and non-homoplasious.
                    alBySG[[sg]] <- sgAl # assign these alleles to this isolocus
                    SGcomplete[sg] <- TRUE # mark as done
                    stumped <- FALSE
                    # Change thisA to reflect that this isolocus can't have
                    # any other alleles.
                    thisA[sg,-match(sgAl, thisgen)] <- 0
                } else {
                # Also check if there is only one allele that could be assigned
                    # to this isolocus.
                    sgAl <- thisgen[thisA[sg,]==1]
                    if(length(sgAl)==1 || # only one allele could be assigned,
                      # or there's no chance of homoplasy (tetrasomic or higher)
                         alBySG[[sg]] <- sgAl
                         SGcomplete[sg] <- TRUE
                         stumped <- FALSE

            # check if any have >SGp alleles, and whether we are allowing
            # aneuploidy; change ploidy values if necessary.
            nAl <- sapply(alBySG, length)
            if(!all(nAl <= SGp[L])){
                    newploidies <- nAl
                    while(sum(newploidies) < nSG[L]*SGp[L]){
                newploidies[newploidies==min(newploidies[newploidies!=0])] <-
                  newploidies[newploidies==min(newploidies[newploidies!=0])] + 1
                    Ploidies(result)[s,Lindex] <- newploidies
                } else {
                    next # leave as missing data if no aneuploidy allowed

            # convert alleles back to numbers if necessary
                alBySG <- lapply(alBySG, as.integer)
            } else {
                    alBySG <- lapply(alBySG, as.numeric)
            # convert zero-length genotypes to missing data
            alBySG[nAl==0] <- Missing(result)

            # add genotypes to genambig object
            Genotypes(result, samples=s,loci=Lindex) <- alBySG
        } # end of sample loop
        } # end of "else" clause for if allele assignments need to be done
    } # end of locus loop
} # end of function

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polysat documentation built on Aug. 23, 2022, 5:07 p.m.