## Internal function to remove duplicate and complement rules:
delete_duplicates_complements <- function(
rules, data, removecomplements = TRUE, removeduplicates = TRUE,
return.dupl.compl = FALSE, sparse = FALSE, keep_rulevars = FALSE) {
## Generate rule variables:
rulevars <- if(sparse)
.get_rules_mat_sparse(data, rules) else
.get_rules_mat_dense(data, rules)
rules_to_process <- length(rules) > 0
if (rules_to_process) {
colnames(rulevars) <- names(rules) <- paste0("rule", 1:length(rules))
## Remove duplicate rules
if (removeduplicates && rules_to_process) {
# Remove rules with identical support
duplicates <- duplicated(rulevars, MARGIN = 2)
duplicates.removed <- rules[duplicates]
rulevars <- rulevars[, !duplicates, drop = FALSE]
rules <- rules[!duplicates]
} else
duplicates.removed <- NULL
## Remove complement rules
if (removecomplements && rules_to_process) {
if (sparse) {
is_all_binary <- all(rulevars@x %in% 0:1)
if (!is_all_binary) stop("method not implemented for non-binary rules")
# find columns which length of non-zero entries are equal to the number
# of rows. The latter are complements if the union of the row indices are
# equal to the number of rows
js <- rep(1:ncol(rulevars), diff(rulevars@p))
is <- rulevars@i + 1
n <- rulevars@Dim[1]
p <- rulevars@Dim[2]
Jfac <- factor(js, levels = 1:p)
row_indices <- split(is, Jfac)
lengths <- table(Jfac)
complements <- logical(p)
for(i in 1:(p - 1)) {
if (complements[i])
is_potential <- which(lengths[i] + lengths[(i + 1):p] == n) + i
is_potential <- is_potential[!complements[is_potential]]
if (length(is_potential) == 0)
union_len <- sapply(
mapply(union, x = row_indices[i],
y = row_indices[is_potential], SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
is_compl <- which(union_len == n)
if (length(is_compl) > 0) {
complements[is_potential[is_compl]] <- TRUE
} else { # sparse = FALSE
if (!is.logical(rulevars)) {
stop("method not implemented for non-binary rules")
# find columns will equal variance to reduce the number of comparisons
vars <- apply(rulevars, 2, var_bin)
vars_distinct <- lapply(
unique(vars), function(x) {
idx <- which(is_almost_eq(x, vars))
list(var = x, n = length(idx), idx = idx)
complements <- logical(ncol(rulevars))
for (va in vars_distinct) {
if(va$n < 2L)
idx <- va$idx
idx <- setdiff(idx, which(complements))
if(length(idx) < 2)
n_idx <- length(idx)
for(j in 1:(n_idx - 1)){
if (complements[idx[j]])
this_val <- rulevars[, idx[j]]
is_compl <-
rulevars[, idx[(j + 1):n_idx], drop = FALSE], 2,
function(x) all(x != this_val))) + j
if (length(is_compl) > 0)
complements[idx[is_compl]] <- TRUE
complements <- which(complements)
complements.removed <- rules[complements]
if (length(complements) > 0)
rules <- rules[-complements]
} else {
complements.removed <- NULL
rulevars = if (keep_rulevars && rules_to_process)
rulevars[, names(rules), drop = FALSE] else NULL
## Return results:
if (return.dupl.compl) {
rules = rules, rulevars = rulevars,
duplicates.removed = duplicates.removed,
complements.removed = complements.removed))
list(rules = rules, rulevars = rulevars)
# see
duplicated.dgCMatrix <- function (x, incomparables = NULL, MARGIN, ...) {
## incomparables = NULL added to match duplicated generic: function(x, incomparables, ...)
MARGIN <- as.integer(MARGIN)
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
J <- rep(1:p, diff(x@p))
I <- x@i + 1
X <- x@x
if (MARGIN == 1L) {
## check duplicated rows
names(X) <- J
RowLst <- split(X, I)
is_empty <- setdiff(1:n, I)
result <- duplicated.default(RowLst)
} else if (MARGIN == 2L) {
## check duplicated columns
names(X) <- I
ColLst <- split(X, J)
is_empty <- setdiff(1:p, J)
result <- duplicated.default(ColLst)
} else {
warning("invalid MARGIN; return NULL")
result <- NULL
out <- logical(if(MARGIN == 1L) n else p)
out[-is_empty] <- result
if(length(is_empty) > 1)
out[is_empty[-1]] <- TRUE
result <- out
# see
cbind_sparse_vec <- function (...) {
args <- list(...)
stopifnot(all(sapply(args, inherits, what = "dsparseVector")))
un_lengths <- unique(sapply(args,length))
stopifnot(length(un_lengths) == 1)
x = unlist(lapply(args, slot, "x")),
i = unlist(lapply(args, slot ,"i")),
p = c(0, cumsum(sapply(args, function(x) { length(x@x) } ))),
dims=c(un_lengths, length(args))))
## Internal function to get variance of binary variable / rule (faster than function sd):
var_bin <- function(x) {
p <- mean(x)
## Internal function to check for near equality:
is_almost_eq <- function(x, y, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(x), length(x) == 1L)
x_abs <- abs(x)
xy <- if (x_abs > tolerance) {abs(x - y) / x_abs} else {abs(x - y)}
xy <= tolerance
## Internal function for transforming tree into a set of rules:
# Taken and modified from package partykit, written by Achim Zeileis and
# Torsten Hothorn
# It has been changed to return all the rules at each node and not just the
# rules at the terminal nodes. This is done to get the rules as in:
# Friedman, J. H., & Popescu, B. E. (2008). Predictive learning via rule
# ensembles. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 916-954.
list.rules <- function (x, i = NULL, removecomplements = TRUE,
singleconditions = FALSE, ...) {
## singleconditions can take values FALSE (rules code only node membership);
## TRUE (rules code both node membership and all individual splits;
## "only" (rules code only individual splits)
if (is.null(i))
i <- partykit::nodeids(x, terminal = TRUE)
if (length(i) > 1) {
# ret <- sapply(i, list.rules, x = x)
# TODO: Benjamin Christoffersen changed this part. This can be done smarter
# than finding all and then removing duplicates. I guess the computational
# cost is low, though
if (isTRUE(singleconditions)) {
ret <- lapply(i, list.rules, x = x, simplify = FALSE)
ret <- c(ret, lapply(i, list.rules, x = x, simplify = FALSE,
singleconditions = TRUE))
} else if (singleconditions == "only") {
ret <- lapply(i, list.rules, x = x, simplify = FALSE,
singleconditions = TRUE)
} else {
ret <- lapply(i, list.rules, x = x, simplify = FALSE)
## Find the first rules. We will only keep one of these:
## TODO: If we apply non-negativity constraints,
## the rule that is kept should correlate positively
## with the outcome, if we apply negativity constraint,
## the rule that is kept should correlate negatively with
## the response.
## I.e., if 'lower.limits = 0' or 'upper.limits = 0' was used in calling pre()
## Easier solution may be to just not remove first rule here
## E.g., employ rm.firstrule argument (which is true by default)
if (removecomplements) {
first_rules <- unique(sapply(ret, "[[", 1))
first_rule_remove <- first_rules[2]
# Make list of final rules
ret <- unlist(ret)
ret <- ret[!duplicated(ret)]
if (removecomplements) {
ret <- ret[ret != first_rule_remove]
## of rules with only single conditions, retain one of each pair
if (isTRUE(singleconditions) && removecomplements) {
mcrs <- ret[grep(" & ", ret)] ## multi-condition rules
scrs <- ret[-grep(" & ", ret)] ## single-condition rules
## keep only odd numbered of those
ret <- c(mcrs, scrs[1:length(scrs) %% 2 == 1])
} else if (singleconditions == "only" && removecomplements) {
## keep only odd numbered rules
ret <- c(ret[1:length(ret) %% 2 == 1])
# TODO: this still leaves us with complements for non-terminal rules
# names(ret) <- if (is.character(i))
# i else names(x)[i]
return(ret) # Root node returns here
# Non-root nodes starts here
if (is.character(i) && !is.null(names(x)))
i <- which(names(x) %in% i)
#stopifnot(length(i) == 1 & is.numeric(i))
#stopifnot(i <= length(x) & i >= 1)
i <- as.integer(i)
# dat <- partykit::data_party(x, i)
# if (!is.null(x$fitted)) {
# findx <- which("(fitted)" == names(dat))[1]
# fit <- dat[, findx:ncol(dat), drop = FALSE]
# dat <- dat[, -(findx:ncol(dat)), drop = FALSE]
# if (ncol(dat) == 0)
# dat <- x$data
# }
# else {
# fit <- NULL
# dat <- x$data
# }
dat <- x$data
rule <- c()
recFun <- function(node) {
# if (partykit::id_node(node) == i) {
# return(NULL)
# }
if (node$id == i) {
# kid <- sapply(partykit::kids_node(node), partykit::id_node)
kid <- sapply(node$kids, function(x) x$id)
whichkid <- max(which(kid <= i))
#split <- partykit::split_node(node)
split <- node$split
# ivar <- partykit::varid_split(split)
ivar <- split$varid
svar <- names(dat)[ivar]
# index <- partykit::index_split(split)
index <- split$index
if (is.factor(dat[, svar])) {
# if (is.null(index))
# index <- ((1:nlevels(dat[, svar])) > partykit::breaks_split(split)) + 1
if (is.null(index))
index <- ((1:nlevels(dat[, svar])) > split$breaks) + 1
slevels <- levels(dat[, svar])[index == whichkid]
# factor levels not occurring in the node will be coded as NA
# and should be removed from rule description:
slevels <- slevels[!]
srule <- paste(svar, " %in% c(\"", paste(slevels,
collapse = "\", \"", sep = ""), "\")", sep = "")
} else {
if (is.null(index)) {
index <- 1:length(kid)
# breaks <- cbind(c(-Inf, partykit::breaks_split(split)), c(partykit::breaks_split(split),
# Inf))
breaks <- cbind(c(-Inf, split$breaks), c(split$breaks, Inf))
sbreak <- breaks[index == whichkid, ]
# right <- partykit::right_split(split)
right <- split$right
srule <- c()
if (is.finite(sbreak[1])) {
srule <- c(srule, paste(svar, ifelse(right, ">",
">="), sbreak[1]))
if (is.finite(sbreak[2])) {
srule <- c(srule, paste(svar, ifelse(right, "<=",
"<"), sbreak[2]))
srule <- paste(srule, collapse = " & ")
rule <<- c(rule, srule)
# node <- recFun(partykit::node_party(x))
node <- recFun(x$node)
# paste(rule, collapse = " & ")
if (isTRUE(singleconditions) || singleconditions == "only") {
## keep conditions separate
} else {
## combine conditions into single rule
sapply(seq_along(rule), function(r) paste(rule[1:r], collapse = " & "))
## Internal functions for gradient boosting
get_intercept_logistic <- function(y, ws = NULL) {
# # page 484 of:
# # Bühlmann, Peter, and Torsten Hothorn. "Boosting algorithms: Regularization,
# # prediction and model fitting." Statistical Science (2007): 477-505.
# # or check do the math an figure out that:
# n <- 1000
# y <- runif(n) > 1/(1 + exp(-1))
# w <- runif(n, 0, 2)
# matrix(rep(1, n), ncol = 1),
# y,
# family = binomial(),
# weights = w)$coefficients
# p <- weighted.mean(y, w)
# log(p / (1 - p))
p_bar <- if(is.null(ws)) mean(y) else weighted.mean(y, ws)
log(p_bar / (1 - p_bar))
## Internal functions for gradient boosting
get_y_learn_logistic <- function(eta, y) {
# See LogitBoost on page 351 of:
# Friedman, J., Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (2000). Additive logistic
# regression: a statistical view of boosting (with discussion and a rejoinder
# by the authors). The annals of statistics, 28(2), 337-407.
trunc_fac <- 12
eta <- pmin(pmax(eta, -trunc_fac), trunc_fac)
p <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
(y - p) / sqrt(p * (1 - p))
## Internal functions for gradient boosting
get_intercept_count <- function(y, ws = NULL) {
lambda_bar <- if(is.null(ws)) mean(y) else weighted.mean(y, ws)
## Internal functions for gradient boosting
get_y_learn_count <- function(eta, y) {
lambda <- exp(eta)
y - lambda
## Internal functions for gradient boosting
get_intercept_multinomial <- function(y, ws = NULL) {
p_bar <- if (is.null(ws)) colMeans(y) else apply(y, 2, mean, weights = ws)
log(p_bar / (1 - p_bar))
## Internal functions for gradient boosting
get_y_learn_multinomial <- function(eta, y) {
#eta <- cbind(-14:15, 14:-15)
#y <- cbind(rep(0:1, each = 15), rep(1:0, each = 15))
eta <- apply(eta, 2, function(eta, trunc_fac = 12) {
pmin(pmax(eta, -trunc_fac), trunc_fac)
p <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
(y - p) / sqrt(p * (1 - p))
.get_most_sparse_rule <- function(rules, data){
# we could do this faster by evaluating all the rules at once but we do not
# to reduce the memory usage
n <- nrow(data)
sapply(rules, function(r){
x <- eval(parse(text = r), data)
stop("non-rulle is passed")
if(sum(x) > n / 2)
return(paste0("!(", r, ")"))
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