# Function to project the reference model onto a single submodel with predictor
# terms given in `predictor_terms`. Note that "single submodel" does not refer
# to a single fit (there are as many fits for this single submodel as there are
# projected draws). The case `is.null(search_control)` occurs in two situations:
# (i) when called from search_forward() with `...` as the intended control
# arguments and (ii) when called from perf_eval(). At the end, init_submodl() is
# called, so the output is of class `submodl`.
proj_to_submodl <- function(predictor_terms, p_ref, refmodel,
search_control = NULL, ...) {
y_unqs_aug <- refmodel$family$cats
if (refmodel$family$for_latent && !is.null(y_unqs_aug)) {
y_unqs_aug <- NULL
subset <- subset_formula_and_data(
formula = refmodel$formula, terms_ = unique(unlist(predictor_terms)),
data = refmodel$fetch_data(), y = p_ref$mu, y_unqs = y_unqs_aug
fml_divmin <- flatten_formula(subset$formula)
if (getOption("projpred.extra_verbose", FALSE)) {
rhs_chr <- as.character(fml_divmin)
if (length(rhs_chr) != 3) {
rhs_chr <- paste("<EXCEPTION: Unexpected length of the character-coerced",
"formula passed to the divergence minimizer.>")
verb_out(" Projecting onto ", utils::tail(rhs_chr, 1))
args_divmin <- list(formula = fml_divmin,
data = subset$data,
family = refmodel$family,
weights = refmodel$wobs,
projpred_var = p_ref$var,
projpred_ws_aug = p_ref$mu)
if (!is.null(search_control)) {
args_divmin <- c(args_divmin, search_control)
} else {
args_divmin <- c(args_divmin, list(...))
outdmin <-$div_minimizer, args_divmin)
outdmin = outdmin, p_ref = p_ref, refmodel = refmodel,
predictor_terms = predictor_terms, wobs = refmodel$wobs
# Function to prepare the performance evaluation. For each submodel size along
# the predictor ranking, it first fetches the init_submodl() output (of class
# `submodl`) and then calculates the submodel "summary" (precursor quantities)
# for the actual performance evaluation performed by summary.vsel() later.
perf_eval <- function(search_path,
nterms = c(0, seq_along(search_path$predictor_ranking)),
refmodel, refit_prj = FALSE, ndraws, nclusters,
reweighting_args = NULL, return_submodls = FALSE,
return_preds = FALSE, return_p_ref = FALSE,
refmodel_fulldata = refmodel,
indices_test, newdata_test = NULL,
offset_test = refmodel_fulldata$offset[indices_test],
wobs_test = refmodel_fulldata$wobs[indices_test],
y_test = refmodel_fulldata$y[indices_test],
y_oscale_test = refmodel_fulldata$y_oscale[indices_test],
...) {
if (!refit_prj) {
p_ref <- search_path$p_sel
# In this case, simply fetch the already computed projections, so don't
# project again.
fetch_submodl <- function(size_j, ...) {
# Re-use the submodel fits from the search:
outdmin = search_path$outdmins[[size_j + 1]],
p_ref = p_ref,
refmodel = refmodel,
predictor_terms = utils::head(search_path$predictor_ranking, size_j),
wobs = refmodel$wobs
} else {
# In this case, project again.
if (is.null(reweighting_args)) {
p_ref <- get_refdist(refmodel, ndraws = ndraws, nclusters = nclusters)
} else {
# Reweight the clusters (or thinned draws) according to the PSIS weights:
p_ref <- get_p_clust(
family = refmodel$family, eta = refmodel$eta, mu = refmodel$mu,
mu_offs = refmodel$mu_offs, dis = refmodel$dis,
wdraws = reweighting_args$wdraws_ref, cl = reweighting_args$cl_ref
fetch_submodl <- function(size_j, ...) {
predictor_terms = utils::head(search_path$predictor_ranking, size_j),
p_ref = p_ref, refmodel = refmodel, ...
out_by_size <- lapply(nterms, function(size_j) {
# Fetch the init_submodl() output (of class `submodl`) for the submodel at
# position `size_j + 1` of the predictor ranking:
submodl <- fetch_submodl(size_j, ...)
if (return_submodls) {
# Currently only called in project().
if (return_preds) {
# Currently only called in loo_varsel()'s `validate_search = FALSE` case.
mu_j <- refmodel$mu_fun(submodl$outdmin, obs = indices_test,
offset = refmodel$offset[indices_test])
lppd_j <- t(refmodel$family$ll_fun(
mu_j, submodl$dis, refmodel$y[indices_test], refmodel$wobs[indices_test]
out_j <- nlist(mu_j, lppd_j)
} else {
# Calculate precursor quantities for predictive performance statistic(s)
# of the submodel at position `size_j + 1` of the predictor ranking:
sub_summary <- weighted_summary_means(
y_wobs_test = data.frame(y = y_test, y_oscale = y_oscale_test,
wobs = wobs_test),
family = refmodel_fulldata$family,
wdraws = submodl$wdraws_prj,
mu = refmodel_fulldata$mu_fun(submodl$outdmin,
obs = indices_test,
newdata = newdata_test,
offset = offset_test),
dis = submodl$dis,
cl_ref = submodl$cl_ref,
wdraws_ref = submodl$wdraws_ref
out_j <- nlist(sub_summary)
return(c(out_j, list(ce = submodl[["ce"]])))
if (return_submodls) {
if (return_preds) {
out <- list(mu_by_size = lapply(out_by_size, "[[", "mu_j"),
lppd_by_size = lapply(out_by_size, "[[", "lppd_j"))
} else {
out <- list(sub_summaries = lapply(out_by_size, "[[", "sub_summary"))
out <- c(out, list(ce = sapply(out_by_size, "[[", "ce")),
p_ref[c("clust_used", "nprjdraws")])
if (return_p_ref) {
# Currently only called in loo_varsel()'s `validate_search = FALSE` case.
out <- c(out, nlist(p_ref))
# Process the output of the `div_minimizer` function (see init_refmodel()) to
# create an object of class `submodl`.
init_submodl <- function(outdmin, p_ref, refmodel, predictor_terms, wobs) {
p_ref$mu <- p_ref$mu_offs
if (!(all($var)) ||
refmodel$family$family %in% c("gaussian", "Student_t"))) {
stop("For family `", refmodel$family$family, "()`, init_submodl() might ",
"have to be adapted, depending on whether family$predvar() is ",
"invariant with respect to offsets (this would be OK and does not ",
"need an adaptation) or not (this would need an adaptation).")
if (refmodel$family$family == "Student_t") {
stop("For the `Student_t()` family, init_submodl() is not finished yet.")
### TODO (Student_t()): Check if this is needed (perhaps with some
### modifications) or if something completely different is needed (there
### used to be no special handling of the `Student_t()` family here at all):
# pobs <- pseudo_data(
# f = 0, y = p_ref$mu, family = refmodel$family, weights = wobs,
# offset = refmodel$offset
# )
# ### TODO (Student_t()): Add `dis` and perhaps other elements here?:
# p_ref <- list(mu = pobs$z, var = p_ref$var)
# ###
# if (!all(refmodel$offset == 0)) {
# p_ref$mu <- refmodel$family$linkinv(
# refmodel$family$linkfun(p_ref$mu) + refmodel$offset
# )
# }
# wobs <- pobs$wobs
mu <- refmodel$mu_fun(outdmin, offset = refmodel$offset)
dis <- refmodel$family$dis_fun(p_ref, nlist(mu), wobs)
ce <- weighted.mean(
nlist(weights = wobs),
nlist(mu, dis)),
nlist(dis, ce, wdraws_prj = p_ref$wdraws_prj,
const_wdraws_prj = p_ref$const_wdraws_prj, predictor_terms, outdmin,
cl_ref = p_ref$cl, wdraws_ref = p_ref$wdraws_orig,
clust_used = p_ref$clust_used, nprjdraws = p_ref$nprjdraws),
class = "submodl"
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