
Defines functions formula.gamm4 split_formula_random_gamm4 collapse_ranked_predictors lhs eval_el2 eval_lhs eval_rhs count_terms_chosen to_character_rhs select_possible_terms_size count_terms_in_group_term count_terms_in_formula make_formula subset_formula_and_data formula_contains_additive_terms formula_contains_group_terms split_group_term split_additive_term split_interaction_term split_formula flatten_group_terms flatten_additive_terms flatten_interaction_terms flatten_individual_terms flatten_formula validate_response_formula make_function_regexp parse_additive_terms parse_group_terms extract_response remove_duplicates expand_formula extract_terms_response

## This function splits the given formula in response (left) and predictors
## (right).
## @param formula Formula object that specifies a model.
## @return a list containing the plain linear terms, interaction terms, group
##   terms, response and a boolean global intercept indicating whether the
##   intercept is included or not.
extract_terms_response <- function(formula) {
  tt <- terms(formula)
  terms_ <- attr(tt, "term.labels")
  ## when converting the terms_ to a list the first element is
  ## "list" itself, so we remove it
  allterms_ <- as.list(attr(tt, "variables")[-1])
  response <- attr(tt, "response")
  global_intercept <- attr(tt, "intercept") == 1
  offs_attr <- attr(tt, "offset")

  if (response) {
    response <- allterms_[response]
  } else {
    response <- NA

  if (length(offs_attr)) {
    offset_terms <- sapply(allterms_[offs_attr], deparse)
  } else {
    offset_terms <- NULL

  hier <- grepl("\\|", terms_)
  int <- grepl(":", terms_)
  group_terms <- terms_[hier]
  group_terms <- parse_group_terms(group_terms)
  interaction_terms <- terms_[int & !hier]
  individual_terms <- terms_[!hier & !int]
  additive_terms <- parse_additive_terms(individual_terms)
  individual_terms <- setdiff(individual_terms, additive_terms)

  response <- extract_response(response)

expand_formula <- function(formula, data) {
  return(formula(terms(formula, data = data)))

remove_duplicates <- function(formula) {
  terms <- extract_terms_response(formula)
  linear <- terms$individual_terms
  additive <- unlist(regmatches(
             perl = TRUE)
  additive <- trimws(unique(unlist(
    strsplit(paste0(additive, collapse = ","), ",")
  dups <- linear[!is.na(match(linear, additive))]
  if (length(dups) > 0) {
    update(formula, as.formula(paste0(
      ". ~ . - ",
      paste(dups, collapse = " - ")
  } else {

## At any point inside projpred, the response can be a single object or instead
## it can represent multiple outputs. In this function we recover the response/s
## as a character vector so we can index the dataframe.
## @param response The response as retrieved from the formula object.
## @return the response as a character vector.
extract_response <- function(response) {
  if (length(response) > 1) {
    stop("Object `response` must not have length greater than 1.")
  response_name_ch <- as.character(response[[1]])
  if ("cbind" %in% response_name_ch) {
    ## remove cbind
    response_name_ch <- response_name_ch[-which(response_name_ch == "cbind")]
  } else {
    response_name_ch <- as.character(response)

# Parse group terms
# @param group_terms Character vector of group terms, but as extracted by
#   labels(terms()), i.e., lacking the surrounding parentheses.
# @return Character vector of parsed group terms, but as extracted by
#   labels(terms()), i.e., lacking the surrounding parentheses.
parse_group_terms <- function(group_terms) {
  has_call <- sapply(strsplit(group_terms, "\\|"), function(grp_trm_split) {
    if (length(grp_trm_split) != 2) {
      stop("Unexpected number of `|` characters in group terms. Please ",
           "notify the package maintainer.")
    grepl("\\(", grp_trm_split[2])
  if (any(has_call)) {
    stop("Function calls on the right-hand side of a group-term `|` ",
         "character are not allowed.")

## Parse additive terms (smooth terms) from a list of individual terms. See
## `?init_refmodel` for allowed smooth terms.
## @param terms list of terms to parse
## @return a vector of smooth terms
parse_additive_terms <- function(terms) {
  excluded_terms <- c("te", "ti")
  smooth_terms <- c("s", "t2")
  excluded <- sapply(excluded_terms, function(et) {
    any(grepl(make_function_regexp(et), terms))
  if (any(excluded)) {
    stop("te() and ti() terms are not supported, please use t2() instead.")
  smooth <- unlist(lapply(smooth_terms, function(st) {
    grep(make_function_regexp(st), terms, value = TRUE)
  if (any(grepl("\\(.+,.*=.+\\)", smooth))) {
    stop("In s() and t2() terms, arguments other than predictors are not ",

make_function_regexp <- function(fname) {
  disallowed_prechars <- "[:alnum:]._"
  return(paste0("(^", fname, "|", "[^", disallowed_prechars, "]+", fname, ")",

## Because the formula can imply multiple or single response, in this function
## we make sure that a formula has a single response. Then, in the case of
## multiple responses we split the formula.
## @param formula A formula specifying a model.
## @return a formula or a list of formulas with a single response each.
validate_response_formula <- function(formula) {
  ## if multi-response model, split the formula to have
  ## one formula per model.
  ## only use this for mixed effects models, for glms or gams

  terms_ <- extract_terms_response(formula)
  response <- terms_$response

  if (length(response) > 1) {
    return(lapply(response, function(r) {
      update(formula, paste0(r, " ~ ."))
  } else {

## By combining different submodels we may arrive to a formula with repeated
## terms.
## This function gets rid of duplicated terms_.
## @param formula A formula specifying a model.
## @param duplicates if FALSE removes linear terms if their corresponding smooth
## is included. Default TRUE
## @return a formula without duplicated structure.
flatten_formula <- function(formula, duplicates = TRUE) {
  terms_ <- extract_terms_response(formula)
  group_terms <- terms_$group_terms
  interaction_terms <- terms_$interaction_terms
  individual_terms <- terms_$individual_terms
  additive_terms <- terms_$additive_terms

  if (length(individual_terms) > 0 ||
      length(interaction_terms) > 0 ||
      length(group_terms) > 0 ||
      length(additive_terms) > 0) {
    full <- update(
        c(". ~ ",
        collapse = " + "
    if (!duplicates)
  } else {

## Remove duplicated linear terms.
## @param terms A vector of linear terms as strings.
## @return a vector of unique linear individual terms.
flatten_individual_terms <- function(terms_) {
  if (length(terms_) == 0) {

## Remove duplicated linear interaction terms.
## @param terms A vector of linear interaction terms as strings.
## @return a vector of unique linear interaction terms.
flatten_interaction_terms <- function(terms_) {
  if (length(terms_) == 0) {
  ## TODO: do this right; a:b == b:a.

## Remove duplicated additive terms.
## @param terms A vector of additive terms as strings.
## @return a vector of unique linear interaction terms.
flatten_additive_terms <- function(terms_) {
  if (length(terms_) == 0) {

## Unifies group terms removing any duplicates.
## @param terms A vector of linear group terms as strings.
## @return a vector of unique group terms.
flatten_group_terms <- function(terms_) {
  if (length(terms_) == 0) {
  split_terms_ <- strsplit(terms_, "[ ]*\\|([^\\|]*\\||)[ ]*")
  group_names <- unique(unlist(lapply(split_terms_, function(t) t[2])))

  group_terms <- setNames(
    lapply(group_names, function(g) {
      lapply(split_terms_, function(t) if (t[2] == g) t[1] else NA)
  group_terms <- lapply(group_terms, function(g) unlist(g[!is.na(g)]))

  group_terms <- lapply(seq_along(group_terms), function(i) {
    g <- group_terms[[i]]
    g_name <- group_names[i]

    partial_form <- as.formula(paste0(". ~ ", paste(g, collapse = " + ")))
    t <- terms(partial_form)
    t.labels <- attr(terms(partial_form), "term.labels")

    if ("1" %in% g) {
      attr(t, "intercept") <- 1

    if (length(t.labels) < 1) {
      t.labels <- c("1")

    if (!attr(t, "intercept")) {
        "(0 + ", paste(t.labels, collapse = " + "), " | ", g_name, ")"
    } else {
        "(", paste(t.labels, collapse = " + "), " | ", g_name, ")"

## Simplify and split a formula by breaking it into all possible submodels.
## @param formula A formula for a valid model.
## @param return_group_terms If TRUE, return group terms as well. Default TRUE.
## @param data The reference model data.
## @return a vector of all the minimal valid terms that make up for submodels.
split_formula <- function(formula, return_group_terms = TRUE, data = NULL,
                          add_main_effects = TRUE) {
  terms_ <- extract_terms_response(formula)
  group_terms <- terms_$group_terms
  interaction_terms <- terms_$interaction_terms
  individual_terms <- terms_$individual_terms
  additive_terms <- terms_$additive_terms
  global_intercept <- terms_$global_intercept

  additive <- unlist(regmatches(
             perl = TRUE)
  additive <- trimws(unique(unlist(
    strsplit(paste0(additive, collapse = ","), ",")
  if (return_group_terms) {
    ## if there are group levels we should split that into basic components
    group_split <- unlist(lapply(group_terms, split_group_term,
                                 add_main_effects = add_main_effects))
    allterms_ <- c(
      unlist(lapply(additive_terms, split_additive_term, data)),
      unlist(lapply(interaction_terms, split_interaction_term,
                    add_main_effects = add_main_effects))
    group_replace <- regmatches(
      gregexpr("\\w+(?![^(]*\\))", group_split, perl = TRUE)
    groups_to_replace <- group_split[unlist(lapply(
      function(x) length(x) > 0
    to_replace <- group_split[!is.na(match(group_replace, additive))]
    not_replace <- setdiff(group_split, to_replace)

    replacement <- gsub(
      pattern = "(\\w+)(?![^(]*\\))", replacement = "s(\\1)",
      to_replace, perl = TRUE
    group_split <- c(not_replace, replacement)
    nodups <- unique(c(individual_terms, additive))
    allterms_ <- c(allterms_, group_split, nodups)
  } else {
    nodups <- unique(c(individual_terms, additive))
    allterms_ <- c(
      unlist(lapply(additive_terms, split_additive_term, data)),
      unlist(lapply(interaction_terms, split_interaction_term))

  ## exclude the intercept if there is no intercept in `formula`
  if (!global_intercept) {
    allterms_nobias <- unlist(lapply(allterms_, function(term) {
      paste0(term, " + 0")
  } else {
    return(c("1", unique(allterms_)))

## Plugs the main effects to the interaction terms to consider jointly for
## projection.
## @param term An interaction term as a string.
## @return a minimally valid submodel for the interaction term including
## the overall effects.
split_interaction_term <- function(term, add_main_effects = TRUE) {
  ## strong heredity by default
  terms_ <- unlist(strsplit(term, ":"))
  individual_joint <- paste(terms_, collapse = " + ")
  if (add_main_effects) {
    joint_term <- paste(c(individual_joint, term), collapse = " + ")
  } else {

## Plugs the main effects to the smooth additive term if `by` argument is
## provided.
## @param term An additive term as a string.
## @param data The reference model data.
## @return a minimally valid submodel for the additive term.
split_additive_term <- function(term, data) {
  out <- mgcv::interpret.gam(as.formula(paste("~", term)))
  if (out$smooth.spec[[1]]$by == "NA") {
  main <- out$smooth.spec[[1]]$by
  fac <- eval_rhs(as.formula(paste("~", main)), data = data)
  if (!is.factor(fac)) {
  joint_term <- paste(c(main, term), collapse = " + ")
  return(c(main, joint_term))

## Simplify a single group term by breaking it down in as many terms_
## as varying effects. It also explicitly adds or removes the varying intercept.
## @param term A group term as a string.
## @return a vector of all the minimally valid submodels for the group term
## including a single varying effect with and without varying intercept.
split_group_term <- function(term, add_main_effects = TRUE) {
  ## this expands whatever terms() did not expand
  term <- gsub(
    "\\)$", "",
      "^\\(", "",
  ## if ("\\-" %in% term) {
  ##   stop("Use of `-` is not supported, omit terms or use the ",
  ##        "method update on the formula, or write `0 +` to remove ",
  ##        "the intercept.")
  ## }

  chunks <- strsplit(term, "[ ]*\\|([^\\|]*\\||)[ ]*")[[1]]
  lhs <- as.formula(paste0("~", chunks[1]))
  tt <- extract_terms_response(lhs)
  terms_ <- c(tt$individual_terms, tt$interaction_terms)

  ## split possible interaction terms
  int_t <- grepl(":", terms_)
  int_v <- terms_[int_t]
  lin_v <- terms_[!int_t]

  ## don't add the intercept twice
  terms_ <- setdiff(terms_, "1")
  group <- chunks[2]

  group_intercept <- tt$global_intercept

  if (group_intercept) {
    group_terms <- list(paste0("(1 | ", group, ")"))
    if (add_main_effects) {
      group_terms <- c(
        lapply(lin_v, function(v) {
          paste0(v, " + ", "(", v, " | ", group, ")")
      group_terms <- c(
        lapply(int_v, function(v) {
            split_interaction_term(v, add_main_effects = add_main_effects),
            " + ",
            split_interaction_term(v, add_main_effects = add_main_effects),
            " | ",

      ## add v + ( 1 | group)
      group_terms <- c(
        lapply(lin_v, function(v) {
          paste0(v, " + ", "(1 | ", group, ")")
      group_terms <- c(
        lapply(int_v, function(v) {
            split_interaction_term(v, add_main_effects = add_main_effects),
            " + ",
            "(1 | ",
    } else {
      group_terms <- c(
        lapply(lin_v, function(v) {
          paste0("(", v, " | ", group, ")")
      group_terms <- c(
        lapply(int_v, function(v) {
            split_interaction_term(v, add_main_effects = add_main_effects),
            " | ",
  } else {
    group_terms <- lapply(lin_v, function(v) {
      paste0(v, " + ", "(0 + ", v, " | ", group, ")")
    group_terms <- c(group_terms, lapply(int_v, function(v) {
        split_interaction_term(v, add_main_effects = add_main_effects),
        " + ",
        "(0 + ",
        split_interaction_term(v, add_main_effects = add_main_effects),
        " | ",


## Checks whether a formula contains group terms or not.
## @param formula A formula for a valid model.
## @return TRUE if the formula contains group terms, FALSE otherwise.
formula_contains_group_terms <- function(formula) {
  group_terms <- extract_terms_response(formula)$group_terms
  return(length(group_terms) > 0)

## Checks whether a formula contains additive terms or not.
## @param formula A formula for a valid model.
## @return TRUE if the formula contains additive terms, FALSE otherwise.
formula_contains_additive_terms <- function(formula) {
  additive_terms <- extract_terms_response(formula)$additive_terms
  return(length(additive_terms) > 0)

## Utility to both subset the formula and update the data
## @param formula A formula for a valid model.
## @param terms_ A vector of terms to subset.
## @param data The original data frame for the full formula.
## @param y The response vector. Default NULL.
## @param split_formula If TRUE breaks the response down into single response
##   formulas. Default FALSE. It only works if `y` represents a multi-output
##   response.
## @param y_unqs Only relevant for augmented-data projection, in which case this
##   needs to be the vector of unique response values (for an ordinal response,
##   these need to be ordered correctly, see [extend_family()]'s argument
##   `augdat_y_unqs`).
## @return a list including the updated formula and data
subset_formula_and_data <- function(formula, terms_, data, y = NULL,
                                    split_formula = FALSE, y_unqs = NULL) {
  formula <- make_formula(terms_, formula = formula)
  response_name <- extract_terms_response(formula)$response

  if (is.null(y_unqs)) {
    response_cols <- paste0(".", response_name)

    if (NCOL(y) > 1) {
      response_cols <- paste0(response_cols, ".", seq_len(ncol(y)))
      if (!split_formula) {
        response_vector <- paste0(
          paste(response_cols, collapse = ", "),
        formula <- update(formula, paste0(response_vector, " ~ ."))
      } else {
        formula <- lapply(response_cols, function(response) {
          update(formula, paste0(response, " ~ ."))
    } else {
      formula <- update(formula, paste(response_cols, "~ ."))

    ## don't overwrite original y name
    data <- data.frame(.z = y, data)
    colnames(data)[seq_len(NCOL(y))] <- response_cols
  } else {
    # Create the augmented dataset:
    data <- do.call(rbind, lapply(y_unqs, function(y_unq) {
      data[[response_name]] <- y_unq
    data[[response_name]] <- factor(data[[response_name]], levels = y_unqs)

  return(nlist(formula, data))

## Subsets a formula by the given terms.
## @param terms_ A vector of terms to subset from the right hand side.
## @return A formula object with the collapsed terms.
make_formula <- function(terms_, formula = NULL) {
  if (length(terms_) == 0) {
    terms_ <- c("1")
  if (is.null(formula)) {
    return(as.formula(paste0(". ~ ", paste(terms_, collapse = " + "))))
  return(update(formula, paste0(". ~ ", paste(terms_, collapse = " + "))))

## Utility to count the number of terms in a given formula.
## @param formula The right hand side of a formula for a valid model
## either as a formula object or as a string.
## @return the number of terms in the formula.
count_terms_in_formula <- function(formula) {
  if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) {
    formula <- as.formula(paste0("~ ", formula))
  tt <- extract_terms_response(formula)
  ind_interaction_terms <- length(tt$individual_terms) +
    length(tt$interaction_terms) +
  group_terms <- sum(unlist(lapply(tt$group_terms, count_terms_in_group_term)))
  return(ind_interaction_terms + group_terms + tt$global_intercept)

## Utility to count the number of terms in a given group term.
## @param term A group term as a string.
## @return the number of terms in the group term.
count_terms_in_group_term <- function(term) {
  term <- gsub("[\\(\\)]", "", flatten_group_terms(term))

  chunks <- strsplit(term, "[ ]*\\|([^\\|]*\\||)[ ]*")[[1]]
  lhs <- as.formula(paste0("~", chunks[1]))
  tt <- extract_terms_response(lhs)
  terms_ <- c(tt$individual_terms, tt$interaction_terms)

  if ("0" %in% terms_) {
    terms_ <- setdiff(terms_, "0")
  } else if (!("1" %in% terms_)) {
    terms_ <- c(terms_, "1")


## Select next possible terms without surpassing a specific size
## @param chosen A list of currently chosen terms
## @param terms A list of all possible terms
## @param size Maximum allowed size
select_possible_terms_size <- function(chosen, terms, size) {
  if (size < 1) {
    stop("size must be at least 1")

  valid_sub_trm_combs <- lapply(terms, function(x) {
    ## if we are adding a linear term whose smooth is already
    ## included, we reject it
    terms <- extract_terms_response(make_formula(c(chosen)))
    terms_new <- extract_terms_response(make_formula(x))
    additive <- unlist(regmatches(
               perl = TRUE)
    linear <- terms_new$individual_terms
    dups <- setdiff(linear[!is.na(match(linear, additive))], chosen)

    size_crr <- count_terms_chosen(c(chosen, x)) - length(dups)
    if (size_crr == size) {
      if (length(dups) > 0) {
        tt <- terms(formula(paste("~", x, "-", paste(dups, collapse = "-"))))
        x <- setdiff(attr(tt, "term.labels"), chosen)
        if (grepl("\\|", x) && !grepl("[()]", x)) {
          x <- paste0("(", x, ")")
    } else {
  valid_sub_trm_combs <- unlist(
  if (length(chosen) > 0) {
    add_chosen <- paste0(" + ", paste(chosen, collapse = "+"))
    remove_chosen <- paste0(" - ",
                            paste(gsub("\\+", "-", chosen), collapse = "-"))
  } else {
    add_chosen <- ""
    remove_chosen <- ""
  valid_sub_trm_combs <- unique(unlist(lapply(valid_sub_trm_combs, function(x) {
      paste(x, add_chosen, remove_chosen)

## Cast a right hand side formula to a character vector.
## @param rhs a right hand side formula of the type . ~ x + z + ...
## @return a character vector containing only the right hand side.
to_character_rhs <- function(rhs) {
  chr <- as.character(rhs)

## Given a refmodel structure, count the number of terms included.
## @param list_of_terms Subset of terms from formula.
## @param duplicates if FALSE removes linear terms if their corresponding smooth
##   is included. Default TRUE
## @return number of terms (counting the intercept as a term)
count_terms_chosen <- function(list_of_terms, duplicates = TRUE) {
  if (length(list_of_terms) == 0) {
    list_of_terms <- "1"
  formula <- make_formula(list_of_terms)
    count_terms_in_formula(flatten_formula(formula, duplicates = duplicates))

## Helper function to evaluate right hand side formulas in a context
## Caution: This does not evaluate the right-hand side of a *full formula* such
## as `y ~ x`, but the right-hand side of a *right-hand side formula* such as
## `~ x`.
## @param formula Formula to evaluate.
## @param data Data with which to evaluate.
## @return output from the evaluation
eval_rhs <- function(formula, data) {
  stopifnot(length(formula) == 2)
  eval_el2(formula = formula, data = data)

# Helper function to evaluate the left-hand side of a `formula` in a specific
# environment `data`. This refers to full formulas such as `y ~ 1` or `y ~ x`
# (in R, there is no such thing like a "left-hand side formula").
# @param formula A `formula` whose left-hand side should be evaluated.
# @param data Passed to argument `envir` of eval().
# @return The output from eval().
eval_lhs <- function(formula, data) {
  stopifnot(length(formula) == 3)
  eval_el2(formula = formula, data = data)

# Helper function to evaluate the second element of a `formula` in a specific
# environment `data`.
# @param formula A `formula` whose second element should be evaluated.
# @param data Passed to argument `envir` of eval().
# @return The output from eval().
eval_el2 <- function(formula, data) {
  eval(formula[[2]], data, environment(formula))

## Extract left hand side of a formula as a formula itself by removing the right
## hand side.
## @param x Formula
## @return updated formula with an intercept in the right hand side.
lhs <- function(x) {
  x <- as.formula(x)
  if (length(x) == 3L) update(x, . ~ 1) else NULL

# Collapse "raw" predictor terms representing contrasts, dummy codings, or
# polynomial terms into their corresponding original terms from a model formula.
# @param path Vector of ranked "raw" predictor terms ("raw" means that these
#   terms may represent contrasts, dummy codings, or polynomial terms).
# @param formula The model formula (from which the ranking in `path` was
#   derived).
# @param data The model data (from which the ranking in `path` was derived).
# @return A character vector of collapsed predictor terms (i.e., all of these
#   returned predictor terms occur in `formula`).
collapse_ranked_predictors <- function(path, formula, data) {
  tt <- terms(formula)
  terms_ <- attr(tt, "term.labels")
  for (term in terms_) {
    # TODO: In the following model.matrix() call, allow user-specified contrasts
    # to be passed to argument `contrasts.arg`. The `contrasts.arg` default
    # (`NULL`) uses `options("contrasts")` internally, but it might be more
    # convenient to let users specify contrasts directly. At that occasion,
    # contrasts should also be tested thoroughly (not done until now).
    x <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~ 1 +", term)), data = data)
    if (length(attr(x, "contrasts")) == 0 &&
        !grepl("^poly[m]*\\(.+\\)$", term)) {
    x <- x[, colnames(x) != "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE]
    for (col_nm in colnames(x)) {
      path <- gsub(esc_chars(col_nm), term, path)
    path <- unique(path)

split_formula_random_gamm4 <- function(formula) {
  tt <- extract_terms_response(formula)
  if (length(tt$group_terms) == 0) {
    return(nlist(formula, random = NULL))
  parens_group_terms <- unlist(lapply(tt$group_terms, function(t) {
    paste0("(", t, ")")
  random <- as.formula(paste(
    paste(parens_group_terms, collapse = " + ")
  formula <- update(formula, make_formula(c(
    tt$individual_terms, tt$interaction_terms, tt$additive_terms,
  return(nlist(formula, random))

# utility to recover the full gam + random formula from a stan_gamm4 model
formula.gamm4 <- function(x, ...) {
  formula <- x$formula
  if (is.null(x$glmod)) {
  ref <- extract_terms_response(x$glmod$formula)$group_terms
  ref <- unlist(lapply(ref, function(t) {
    paste0("(", t, ")")
  ref <- paste(ref, collapse = " + ")
  updated <- update(formula, paste(". ~ . + ", ref))
  form <- flatten_formula(update(
      ". ~",
      paste(split_formula(updated), collapse = " + ")
  # TODO (GAMMs): Once rstanarm issue #253 has been resolved, we probably need
  # to include offset terms here (in the output of formula.gamm4()) as well.

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projpred documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:31 a.m.