
Defines functions element_unq reorder_ias reorder_ia all_ia_perms parse_wobs_ppd capt_mssgs_warns throw_err verb_out cat_cls rbind2list `%:::%` deparse_combine stop2 as_one_character eval2 do_call `%||%` nlist unlist_proj is_proj_list draws_subsample get_p_clust get_refdist get_standard_y validate_baseline validate_vsel_object_stats validate_num_folds is_wholenumber bootstrap auc ilinkfun_raw linkfun_raw log_sum_exp log_weighted_mean_exp weighted.sd nms_y_wobs_test nms_d_test .onAttach

Documented in do_call

.onAttach <- function(...) {
  ver <- utils::packageVersion("projpred")
  msg <- paste0("This is projpred version ", ver, ".")
  msg <- paste0(msg, " ", "NOTE: In projpred 2.7.0, the default search method ",
                "was set to \"forward\" (for all kinds of models).")

nms_d_test <- function() {
  c("type", "data", "offset", "weights", "y", "y_oscale")

nms_y_wobs_test <- function(wobs_nm = "wobs") {
  c("y", "y_oscale", wobs_nm)

weighted.sd <- function(x, w, na.rm = FALSE) {
  if (na.rm) {
    ind <- !is.na(w) & !is.na(x)
    n <- sum(ind)
  } else {
    n <- length(x)
    ind <- rep(TRUE, n)
  if (n %in% c(0, 1)) {
  w <- w / sum(w[ind])
  m <- sum(x[ind] * w[ind])
  sqrt(n / (n - 1) * sum(w[ind] * (x[ind] - m)^2))

log_weighted_mean_exp <- function(x, w) {
  log_sum_exp(x + log(w))

log_sum_exp <- function(x) {
  max_x <- max(x)
  max_x + log(sum(exp(x - max_x)))

linkfun_raw <- function(x, link_nm) {
  if (link_nm %in% c("logistic")) {
    link_nm <- "logit"
  } else if (link_nm %in% c("probit_approx")) {
    link_nm <- "probit"
  } else if (link_nm == "cloglog") {
    # The `"cloglog"` link is also supported by binomial(), but the following
    # should be numerically more stable:
  basic_link <- binomial(link = link_nm)$linkfun

ilinkfun_raw <- function(x, link_nm) {
  if (link_nm %in% c("logistic")) {
    link_nm <- "logit"
  } else if (link_nm %in% c("probit_approx")) {
    link_nm <- "probit"
  basic_ilink <- binomial(link = link_nm)$linkinv

auc <- function(x) {
  resp <- x[, 1]
  pred <- x[, 2]
  wcv <- x[, 3]

  # Make it explicit that `x` should not be used anymore (due to the possibility
  # of `NA`s, but also due to the re-ordering):

  ord <- order(pred, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = NA)
  n <- length(ord)

  resp <- resp[ord]
  pred <- pred[ord]
  wcv <- wcv[ord]

  w0 <- w1 <- wcv
  # CAUTION: The following check also ensures that `resp` does not have `NA`s:
  stopifnot(all(resp %in% c(0, 1)))
  w0[resp == 1] <- 0 # for calculating the false positive rate (fpr)
  w1[resp == 0] <- 0 # for calculating the true positive rate (tpr)
  cum_w0 <- cumsum(w0)
  cum_w1 <- cumsum(w1)

  ## ignore tied predicted probabilities, keeping only the rightmost one
  rightmost.prob <- c(diff(pred) != 0, TRUE)
  fpr <- c(0, cum_w0[rightmost.prob]) / cum_w0[n]
  tpr <- c(0, cum_w1[rightmost.prob]) / cum_w1[n]
  delta_fpr <- c(diff(fpr), 0)
  delta_tpr <- c(diff(tpr), 0)

  ## sum the area of the rectangles that fall completely below the ROC curve
  ## plus half the area of the rectangles that are cut in two by the curve
  return(sum(delta_fpr * tpr) + sum(delta_fpr * delta_tpr) / 2)

# Bootstrap an arbitrary quantity `fun` that takes the sample `x` as the first
# input. Other arguments of `fun` can be passed by `...`. Example:
# `boostrap(x, mean)`.
bootstrap <- function(x, fun = mean, B = 2000, seed = NA, ...) {
  if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
    rng_state_old <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  if (!is.na(seed)) {
    # Set seed, but ensure the old RNG state is restored on exit:
    if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
      on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", rng_state_old, envir = .GlobalEnv))

  seq_x <- seq_len(NROW(x))
  is_vector <- NCOL(x) == 1
  bsstat <- rep(NA, B)
  for (i in 1:B) {
    bsind <- sample(seq_x, replace = TRUE)
    bsstat[i] <- fun(if (is_vector) x[bsind] else x[bsind, , drop = FALSE], ...)

# From `?is.integer` (slightly modified):
is_wholenumber <- function(x) {
  abs(x - round(x)) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5

validate_num_folds <- function(k, n) {
  if (!is.numeric(k) || length(k) != 1 || !is_wholenumber(k)) {
    stop("Number of folds must be a single integer value.")
  if (k < 2) {
    stop("Number of folds must be at least 2.")
  if (k > n) {
    stop("Number of folds cannot exceed n.")

validate_vsel_object_stats <- function(object, stats, resp_oscale = TRUE) {
  if (!inherits(object, c("vsel"))) {
    stop("The object is not a variable selection object. Run variable ",
         "selection first")
  if (!object$refmodel$family$for_latent && !resp_oscale) {
    stop("`resp_oscale = FALSE` can only be used in case of the latent ",
  resp_oscale <- object$refmodel$family$for_latent && resp_oscale

  trad_stats <- c("elpd", "mlpd", "gmpd", "mse", "rmse", "acc", "pctcorr",
  trad_stats_binom_only <- c("acc", "pctcorr", "auc")
  augdat_stats <- c("elpd", "mlpd", "gmpd", "acc", "pctcorr")
  resp_oscale_stats_fac <- augdat_stats

  if (is.null(stats)) {
    stop("Statistic specified as NULL.")
  if (resp_oscale) {
    fam_ch <- object$refmodel$family$family_oscale
  } else {
    fam_ch <- object$refmodel$family$family
  for (stat in stats) {
    if (object$refmodel$family$for_augdat) {
      if (!stat %in% augdat_stats) {
        stop("Currently, the augmented-data projection may not be combined ",
             "with performance statistic `\"", stat, "\"`.")
    } else if (resp_oscale && !is.null(object$refmodel$family$cats)) {
      if (!stat %in% resp_oscale_stats_fac) {
        stop("Currently, the latent projection with `resp_oscale = TRUE` and ",
             "a non-`NULL` element `family$cats` may not be combined with ",
             "performance statistic `\"", stat, "\"`.")
    } else {
      if (!stat %in% trad_stats) {
        stop(sprintf("Statistic '%s' not recognized.", stat))
      if (stat %in% trad_stats_binom_only && fam_ch != "binomial") {
        stop("In case of (i) the traditional projection or (ii) the latent ",
             "projection with `resp_oscale = TRUE` and a `NULL` element ",
             "`family$cats`, the performance statistic `\"", stat, "\"` is ",
             "available only for the binomial family. This also explains why ",
             "performance statistic `\"", stat, "\"` is not available in case ",
             "of the latent projection with `resp_oscale = FALSE` (because a ",
             "latent Gaussian distribution is used there).")

validate_baseline <- function(refmodel, baseline, deltas) {
  if (!(baseline %in% c("ref", "best"))) {
    stop("Argument 'baseline' must be either 'ref' or 'best'.")
  if (baseline == "ref" && deltas == TRUE && inherits(refmodel, "datafit")) {
    # no reference model (or the results missing for some other reason),
    # so cannot compute differences (or ratios) vs. the reference model
    stop("Cannot use deltas = TRUE and baseline = 'ref' when there is no ",
         "reference model.")

# A function for retrieving `y` and the corresponding observation weights
# `weights` in their "standard" forms:
#   * If `NCOL(y) == 2`: `y` is the first column and `weights` the second.
#   * If `NCOL(y) == 1`: `weights` is basically unchanged (unless of length zero
#     in which case it is replaced by a vector of ones). For a binomial family,
#     if `is.factor(y)`, `y` is transformed into a zero-one vector (i.e., with
#     values in the set {0, 1}).
get_standard_y <- function(y, weights, fam) {
  if (NCOL(y) == 1) {
    if (length(weights) > 0) {
      weights <- unname(weights)
    } else {
      weights <- rep(1, length(y))
    if (fam$family == "binomial") {
      if (is.factor(y) && !fam$for_augdat) {
        if (nlevels(y) > 2) {
          stop("y cannot contain more than two classes if specified as factor.")
        y <- as.vector(y, mode = "integer") - 1L # zero-one vector
    } else {
      if (is.factor(y) && !fam$for_augdat && !fam$for_latent) {
        stop("y cannot be a factor for models other than the binomial model.")
  } else if (NCOL(y) == 2) {
    if (fam$family != "binomial") {
      stop("For non-binomial families, a two-column response is not allowed.")
    weights <- unname(y[, 1] + y[, 2])
    y <- unname(y[, 1])
  } else {
    stop("The response is not allowed to have more than two columns.")
  return(nlist(y, weights))

# Create the "reference distribution", i.e., reduce the number of posterior
# draws from the reference model by clustering, thinning, or subsampling them
# @param refmodel An object of class `refmodel`.
# @param nclusters The desired number of clusters of draws. If
#   `!is.null(nclusters)`, then clustering is used and `ndraws` is ignored.
# @param ndraws The desired number of draws. If `!is.null(nclusters)`, then
#   clustering is used and `ndraws` is ignored.
# @param thinning A single logical value indicating whether in the case where
#   `ndraws` is used, the reference model's draws should be thinned or
#   subsampled (without replacement).
# @return Let \eqn{y} denote the response (vector), \eqn{N} the number of
#   observations (for the traditional or the latent projection) or the number of
#   augmented observations (for augmented-data projection), and
#   \eqn{S_{\mathrm{prj}}}{S_prj} the number of projected draws (= either
#   `nclusters` or `ndraws`, depending on which one is used). Then the return
#   value is a list with elements:
#   * `mu`: An \eqn{N \times S_{\mathrm{prj}}}{N x S_prj} matrix of expected
#   values for \eqn{y} (probabilities for the response categories in case of the
#   augmented-data projection) for each draw/cluster.
#   * `var`: An \eqn{N \times S_{\mathrm{prj}}}{N x S_prj} matrix of predictive
#   variances for \eqn{y} for each draw/cluster which are needed for projecting
#   the dispersion parameter (the predictive variances are NA for those families
#   that do not have a dispersion parameter).
#   * `dis`: A vector of length \eqn{S_{\mathrm{prj}}}{S_prj} containing the
#   reference model's dispersion parameter value for each draw/cluster (NA for
#   those families that do not have a dispersion parameter).
#   * `wdraws_prj`: A vector of length \eqn{S_{\mathrm{prj}}}{S_prj} containing
#   the weights for the projected draws/clusters.
#   * `cl`: Cluster assignment for each posterior draw, that is, a vector that
#   has length equal to the number of posterior draws and each value is an
#   integer between 1 and \eqn{S_{\mathrm{prj}}}{S_prj}.
#   * `wdraws_orig`: A numeric vector of length equal to the number of
#   posterior draws, giving the weights of these draws. These weights should be
#   treated as not being normalized (i.e., they don't necessarily sum to `1`).
#   Currently, this element could be named `wdraws_ref` instead because
#   get_p_clust() is always applied to inputs that are specific to a `refmodel`
#   object (either the initial reference model or a K-fold-specific `refmodel`
#   object) (and get_refdist() is applied to inputs that are specific to a
#   `refmodel` object anyway). However, get_p_clust() intentionally seems to
#   have been kept as general as possible and `wdraws_orig` is more general than
#   `wdraws_ref`.
get_refdist <- function(refmodel, ndraws = NULL, nclusters = NULL,
                        thinning = TRUE,
                        throw_mssg_ndraws = getOption("projpred.mssg_ndraws",
                                                      TRUE)) {
  # Number of draws in the reference model:
  S <- NCOL(refmodel$mu)

  if (!is.null(nclusters)) {
    # use clustering (ignore ndraws argument)
    nclusters <- min(S, nclusters)
    if (nclusters == S) {
      # number of clusters equal to the number of draws, so return the draws
      return(get_refdist(refmodel, ndraws = nclusters,
                         throw_mssg_ndraws = FALSE))
    } else if (nclusters == 1) {
      # special case, only one cluster
      p_ref <- get_p_clust(family = refmodel$family, eta = refmodel$eta,
                           mu = refmodel$mu, mu_offs = refmodel$mu_offs,
                           dis = refmodel$dis, wobs = refmodel$wobs,
                           cl = rep(1, S))
    } else {
      # several clusters
      p_ref <- get_p_clust(family = refmodel$family, eta = refmodel$eta,
                           mu = refmodel$mu, mu_offs = refmodel$mu_offs,
                           dis = refmodel$dis, wobs = refmodel$wobs,
                           nclusters = nclusters)
  } else {
    if (length(unique(refmodel$wdraws_ref)) != 1) {
      stop("Currently, projpred requires the reference model's posterior ",
           "draws to have constant weights.")
    ndraws <- min(S, ndraws)
    if (ndraws <= 20 && throw_mssg_ndraws) {
      message("The number of draws to project is quite small (<= 20). In such ",
              "cases, it is usually better to use clustering.")
    if (thinning) {
      s_ind <- round(seq(from = 1, to = S, length.out = ndraws))
    } else {
      s_ind <- draws_subsample(S = S, ndraws = ndraws)
    cl <- rep(NA, S)
    cl[s_ind] <- 1:ndraws
    predvar <- do.call(cbind, lapply(s_ind, function(j) {
      refmodel$family$predvar(refmodel$mu_offs[, j, drop = FALSE],
                              refmodel$dis[j], refmodel$wdraws_ref[j])
    p_ref <- list(
      mu = refmodel$mu[, s_ind, drop = FALSE],
      mu_offs = refmodel$mu_offs[, s_ind, drop = FALSE],
      var = structure(predvar,
                      ndiscrete = attr(refmodel$mu, "ndiscrete"),
                      class = oldClass(refmodel$mu)),
      dis = refmodel$dis[s_ind],
      wdraws_prj = rep(1 / ndraws, ndraws),
      const_wdraws_prj = TRUE,
      nprjdraws = ndraws,
      cl = cl,
      wdraws_orig = rep(1, S),
      clust_used = FALSE


# Function for clustering the parameter draws:
get_p_clust <- function(family, eta, mu, mu_offs, dis, nclusters = 10,
                        wobs = rep(1, dim(mu)[1]),
                        wdraws = rep(1, dim(mu)[2]), cl = NULL) {
  # cluster the draws in the latent space if no clustering provided
  if (is.null(cl)) {
    # Note: A seed is not set here because this function is not exported and has
    # a calling stack at the beginning of which a seed is set.

    out <- kmeans(t(eta), nclusters, iter.max = 50)
    cl <- out$cluster # cluster indices for each draw
  } else if (typeof(cl) == "list") {
    # old clustering solution provided, so fetch the cluster indices
    if (is.null(cl$cluster)) {
      stop("argument cl must be a vector of cluster indices or a clustering ",
           "object returned by k-means.")
    cl <- cl$cluster

  # (Re)compute the cluster centers, because they may be different from the ones
  # returned by kmeans() if the draws have differing weights.
  # Number of clusters (assumes labeling "1, ..., nclusters"):
  nclusters <- max(cl, na.rm = TRUE)
  # Cluster centers:
  centers <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(mu)[1], ncol = nclusters)
  # The same centers, but taking offsets into account:
  centers_offs <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(mu_offs)[1], ncol = nclusters)
  # Cluster weights:
  wcluster <- rep(0, nclusters)
  # Dispersion parameter draws aggregated within each cluster:
  dis_agg <- rep(NA_real_, nclusters)
  # Predictive variances:
  predvar <- matrix(nrow = dim(mu)[1], ncol = nclusters)
  eps <- 1e-10
  for (j in 1:nclusters) {
    ind <- which(cl == j)
    # Compute normalized weights within the j-th cluster; `1 - eps` is for
    # numerical stability:
    ws <- wdraws[ind] / sum(wdraws[ind]) * (1 - eps)

    # Center of the j-th cluster:
    centers[, j] <- mu[, ind, drop = FALSE] %*% ws
    # The same centers, but taking offsets into account:
    centers_offs[, j] <- mu_offs[, ind, drop = FALSE] %*% ws
    # Unnormalized weight for the j-th cluster:
    wcluster[j] <- sum(wdraws[ind])
    # Aggregated dispersion parameter for the j-th cluster:
    dis_agg[j] <- crossprod(dis[ind], ws)
    # Predictive variance for the j-th cluster:
    predvar[, j] <- family$predvar(mu_offs[, ind, drop = FALSE], dis[ind], ws)
  wcluster <- wcluster / sum(wcluster)

  # combine the results
    mu = structure(unname(centers),
                   ndiscrete = attr(mu, "ndiscrete"),
                   class = oldClass(mu)),
    mu_offs = structure(unname(centers_offs),
                        ndiscrete = attr(mu_offs, "ndiscrete"),
                        class = oldClass(mu_offs)),
    var = structure(predvar,
                    ndiscrete = attr(mu, "ndiscrete"),
                    class = oldClass(mu)),
    dis = dis_agg,
    wdraws_prj = wcluster,
    const_wdraws_prj = length(unique(wcluster)) == 1,
    nprjdraws = nclusters,
    cl = cl,
    wdraws_orig = wdraws,
    clust_used = TRUE

draws_subsample <- function(S, ndraws) {
  # Note: A seed is not set here because this function is not exported and has a
  # calling stack at the beginning of which a seed is set.

  return(sample.int(S, size = ndraws))

is_proj_list <- function(proj) {
  # Better use a formal class `proj_list`, but for now, use this workaround:
  is.list(proj) && length(proj) && all(sapply(proj, inherits, "projection"))

unlist_proj <- function(p) {
  if (length(p) == 1) p[[1]] else p

## create a named list using object names
nlist <- function(...) {
  m <- match.call()
  dots <- list(...)
  no_names <- is.null(names(dots))
  has_name <- if (no_names) FALSE else nzchar(names(dots))
  if (all(has_name)) {
  nms <- as.character(m)[-1]
  if (no_names) {
    names(dots) <- nms
  } else {
    names(dots)[!has_name] <- nms[!has_name]

# The `%||%` special binary (infix) operator from brms (equivalent to the
# `%ORifNULL%` operator from rstanarm):
`%||%` <- function(x, y) {
  if (is.null(x)) x <- y

#' Execute a function call
#' Execute a function call similar to [do.call()], but without deparsing
#' function arguments.
#' @param what Either a function or a non-empty character string naming the
#'   function to be called.
#' @param args A `list` of arguments to the function call. The [`names`]
#'   attribute of `args` gives the argument names.
#' @param pkg Optional name of the package in which to search for the function
#'   if `what` is a character string.
#' @return The result of the (evaluated) function call.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
do_call <- function(what, args, pkg = NULL) {
  call <- ""
  if (length(args)) {
    if (!is.list(args)) {
      stop2("'args' must be a list.")
    fun_args <- names(args)
    if (is.null(fun_args)) {
      fun_args <- rep("", length(args))
    } else {
      nzc <- nzchar(fun_args)
      fun_args[nzc] <- paste0("`", fun_args[nzc], "` = ")
    names(args) <- paste0(".x", seq_along(args))
    call <- paste0(fun_args, names(args), collapse = ",")
  } else {
    args <- list()
  if (is.function(what)) {
    args$.fun <- what
    what <- ".fun"
  } else {
    what <- paste0("`", as_one_character(what), "`")
    if (!is.null(pkg)) {
      what <- paste0(as_one_character(pkg), "::", what)
  call <- paste0(what, "(", call, ")")
  eval2(call, envir = args, enclos = parent.frame())

# like 'eval' but parses characters before evaluation
eval2 <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame(), ...) {
  if (is.character(expr)) {
    expr <- parse(text = expr)
  eval(expr, envir, ...)

# coerce `x` to a single character string
as_one_character <- function(x, allow_na = FALSE) {
  s <- substitute(x)
  x <- as.character(x)
  if (length(x) != 1L || anyNA(x) && !allow_na) {
    s <- deparse_combine(s, max_char = 100L)
    stop2("Cannot coerce '", s, "' to a single character value.")

stop2 <- function(...) {
  stop(..., call. = FALSE)

# combine deparse lines into one string
deparse_combine <- function(x, max_char = NULL) {
  out <- paste0(deparse(x), collapse = "")
  if (isTRUE(max_char > 0)) {
    out <- substr(out, 1L, max_char)

# `R CMD check` throws a note when using <package>:::<function>() (for accessing
# <function> which is not exported by its <package>). Of course, usage of
# non-exported functions should be avoided, but sometimes there's no way around
# that. Thus, with the following helper operator, it is possible to redefine
# such functions here in projpred:
`%:::%` <- function(pkg, fun) {
  # Note: `utils::getFromNamespace(fun, pkg)` could probably be used, too (but
  # its documentation is unclear about the inheritance from parent
  # environments).
  get(fun, envir = asNamespace(pkg), inherits = FALSE)

# Helper function to combine separate `list`s into a single `list`:
rbind2list <- function(x) {
  is_augeval <- any(sapply(x, function(x_i) {
    is.list(x_i) &&
      identical(names(x_i), c("mu", "lppd")) &&
      inherits(x_i$mu, "augvec")
  if (is_augeval) {
    mu_arr <- abind::abind(
      lapply(x, function(x_i) {
      along = 1
      list(mu = augmat2augvec(arr2augmat(mu_arr))),
      rbind2list(lapply(x, "[", "lppd"))
  binded_list <- as.list(do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(x_i) {
    as.data.frame(x_i[setdiff(names(x_i), "oscale")])
  is_lateval_oscale <- any(sapply(x, function(x_i) {
    is.list(x_i) &&
      identical(names(x_i), c("mu", "lppd", "oscale"))
  if (is_lateval_oscale) {
    binded_list$oscale <- rbind2list(lapply(x, "[[", "oscale"))

cat_cls <- function(x) {
  cls <- paste0("`", class(x), "`")
  cat("Object of class", if (length(cls) > 1) "es" else "", " ",
      paste(cls, collapse = ", "), "\n\n", sep = "")

# Print out text via cat() if `verbose = TRUE`:
verb_out <- function(..., verbose = TRUE) {
  if (verbose) {
    cat(..., "\n", sep = "")

# Ensure that stderr() is used for throwing an error, even while sink()-ing or
# capture.output()-ing with `type = "message"`:
throw_err <- function(e) {
  sink(type = "message")

# A wrapper for capture.output() with `type = "message"`, but throwing error
# messages appropriately (i.e., only messages and warnings are captured).
# Note: This function should only be used to filter out messages or warnings
# (not to make downstream code dependent on catched messages or warnings), see
# <https://github.com/stan-dev/loo/issues/227#issuecomment-1663499985>.
capt_mssgs_warns <- function(expr) {
  if (getOption("warn") == 0) {
    warn_orig <- options(warn = 1)
  utils::capture.output(tryCatch(expr, error = throw_err), type = "message")

# Parse the argument containing the observation weights (`wobs` or `weights`)
# for the <family_object>$ppd() functions used by proj_predict():
parse_wobs_ppd <- function(wobs, n_obs) {
  if (length(wobs) == 0) {
    wobs <- rep(1, n_obs)
  } else if (length(wobs) == 1) {
    wobs <- rep(wobs, n_obs)
  } else if (length(wobs) != n_obs) {
    stop("Argument `wobs` needs to be of length 0, 1, or the number of ",
  if (!all(wobs == 1) && getOption("projpred.warn_wobs_ppd", TRUE)) {
    warning("Currently, proj_predict() ignores observation weights not equal ",
            "to `1`.")

# Constructs all possible permutations of a single interaction term `ia` (given
# as a single character string):
all_ia_perms <- function(ia, is_split = FALSE) {
  if (is_split) {
    ia_split <- ia
  } else {
    ia_split <- strsplit(ia, ":")[[1]]
  ia_perms_split <- gtools::permutations(n = length(ia_split),
                                         r = length(ia_split),
                                         v = ia_split, set = FALSE)
    apply(ia_perms_split, 1, paste, collapse = ":", simplify = FALSE)

# Reorders the main-effect terms involved in a single interaction term `ia`
# (given as a single character string) such that it matches a corresponding
# interaction term in a character vector `y` (e.g., `a:b` is considered to be
# the same as `b:a`):
reorder_ia <- function(ia, y) {
  ia_perms <- all_ia_perms(ia)
  ia_reordered <- intersect(ia_perms, y)
  if (length(ia_reordered) == 0) {
    ia_reordered <- NA_character_
  } else if (length(ia_reordered) > 1) {
    stop("Unexpected length of `ia_reordered`. Please notify the package ",

# For each interaction term in a character vector `x`, this function reorders
# the main-effect terms involved in it such that the reordered interaction term
# matches a corresponding interaction term in a character vector `y` (e.g.,
# `a:b` is considered to be the same as `b:a`):
reorder_ias <- function(x, y) {
  ia_idxs <- grep(":", x)
  ia_idxs <- ia_idxs[!x[ia_idxs] %in% y]
  for (ia_idx in ia_idxs) {
    x[ia_idx] <- reorder_ia(x[ia_idx], y)

# Retrieves an element (with name given in argument `nm`) that is duplicated
# across the elements of a `list`, typically a `list` of `submodl`s:
element_unq <- function(list_obj, nm) {
  if (getOption("projpred.additional_checks", FALSE)) {
    el_unq <- unique(unlist(lapply(list_obj, "[[", nm)))
    stopifnot(length(el_unq) == 1)
  } else {
    el_unq <- list_obj[[1]][[nm]]

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projpred documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:31 a.m.