Man pages for proportion
Inference on Single Binomial Proportion and Bayesian Computations

A-package-for-binomial-proportionProportion: Let x denote the number of successes in n...
ciAAllCI estimation of 6 adjusted methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
ciAAllxCI estimation of 6 adjusted methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
ciAASAdjusted ArcSine method of CI estimation
ciAASxAdjusted ArcSine method of CI estimation
ciAllCI estimation of 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T, Likelihood,...
ciAllxSpecific CI estimation of 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
ciALRAdjusted Likelihood method of CI estimation
ciALRxAdjustedLikelyhood Ratio method of CI estimation
ciALTAdjusted Logit-Wald method of CI estimation
ciALTxAdjusted Logit-Wald method of CI estimation
ciASArcSine method of CI estimation
ciASCAdjusted Score method of CI estimation
ciASCxAdjusted Score method of CI estimation
ciASxBase ArcSine method of CI estimation
ciATWAdjusted WALD-T method of CI estimation
ciATWxAdjustedWALD-T method of CI estimation
ciAWDAdjusted Wald method of CI estimation
ciAWDxAdjusted Wald method of CI estimation
ciBABayesian method of CI estimation with different or same...
ciBAxBayesian method of CI estimation with Beta prior distribution
ciCAllCI estimation of 5 continuity corrected methods (Wald,...
ciCAllxCI estimation of 5 continuity corrected methods (Wald,...
ciCASContinuity corrected ArcSine method of CI estimation
ciCASxContinuity corrected ArcSine method of CI estimation
ciCLTContinuity corrected Logit Wald method of CI estimation
ciCLTxContinuity corrected Logit-Wald method of CI estimation
ciCSCContinuity corrected Score method of CI estimation
ciCSCxContinuity corrected Score method of CI estimation
ciCTWContinuity corrected Wald-T method of CI estimation
ciCTWxContinuity corrected Wald-T method of CI estimation
ciCWDContinuity corrected Wald method of CI estimation
ciCWDxContinuity corrected Wald method of CI estimation
ciEXExact method of CI estimation
ciEXxExact method of CI estimation
ciLRLikelihood Ratio method of CI estimation
ciLRxLikelihood Ratio method of CI estimation
ciLTLogit Wald method of CI estimation
ciLTxLogit Wald method of CI estimation
ciSCScore method of CI estimation
ciSCxBase Score method of CI estimation
ciTWWald-T method of CI estimation
ciTWxWald-T method of CI estimation
ciWDWald method of CI estimation
ciWDxWald method of CI estimation
covpAAllCoverage Probability for 6 adjusted methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
covpAASCoverage Probability of Adjusted ArcSine method for given n
covpAllCoverage Probability using 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
covpALRCoverage Probability of Adjusted Likelihood method for given...
covpALTCoverage Probability of Adjusted Logit Wald method for given...
covpASCoverage Probability of ArcSine method
covpASCCoverage Probability of Adjusted Score method for given n
covpATWCoverage Probability of Adjusted Wald-T method for given n
covpAWDCoverage Probability of Adjusted Wald method for given n
covpBACoverage Probability of Bayesian method
covpCAllCoverage Probability for 5 continuity corrected methods...
covpCASCoverage Probability of Continuity corrected ArcSine method
covpCLTCoverage Probability of Continuity corrected Logit Wald...
covpCSCCoverage Probability of Continuity corrected Score method
covpCTWCoverage Probability of Continuity corrected Wald-T method
covpCWDCoverage Probability of Continuity corrected Wald method
covpEXCoverage Probability of Exact method
covpGENGeneral Coverage Probability given hypothetical "p" Coverage...
covpLRCoverage Probability of likelihood method
covpLTCoverage Probability of Logit Wald method
covpSCCoverage Probability of Score method
covpSIMCoverage Probability using simulation Coverage probability...
covpTWCoverage Probability of Wald-T method
covpWDCoverage Probability of Wald method
empericalBAThe empirical Bayesian approach for Beta-Binomial model
empericalBAxThe empirical Bayesian approach for Beta-Binomial model given...
errAAllCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria...
errAASCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errAllCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria...
errALRCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errALTCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errASCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errASCCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errATWCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errAWDCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errBACalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errCAllCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria...
errCASCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errCLTCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errCSCCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errCTWCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errCWDCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errEXCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errGENCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errLRCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errLTCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errSCCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errTWCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
errWDCalculates error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
hypotestBAF1Bayesain Hypothesis testing : Hypothesis 1: Theta = Theta0 Vs...
hypotestBAF1xBayesain Hypothesis testing given x: Hypothesis 1: Theta =...
hypotestBAF2Bayesain Hypothesis testing : Hypothesis 2: Theta = Theta0 Vs...
hypotestBAF2xBayesain Hypothesis testing given x: Hypothesis 2: Theta =...
hypotestBAF3Bayesain Hypothesis testing : Hypothesis 3: Theta = Theta0 Vs...
hypotestBAF3xBayesain Hypothesis testing given x: Hypothesis 3: Theta =...
hypotestBAF4Bayesain Hypothesis testing :Hypothesis 4: Theta <= Theta0 Vs...
hypotestBAF4xBayesain Hypothesis testing given x: Hypothesis 4: Theta <=...
hypotestBAF5Bayesain Hypothesis testing : Hypothesis 5: Theta >= Theta0...
hypotestBAF5xBayesain Hypothesis testing given x: Hypothesis 5: Theta >=...
hypotestBAF6Bayesain Hypothesis testing : Hypothesis 6: Theta < Theta1 Vs...
hypotestBAF6xBayesain Hypothesis testing given x: Hypothesis 6: Theta <...
lengthAAllExpected Length summary calculation using 6 adjusted methods...
lengthAASExpected length and sum of length of Adjusted ArcSine method
lengthAllExpected Length summary calculation using 6 base methods...
lengthALRPerforms expected length and sum of length of Adjusted...
lengthALTPerforms expected length and sum of length of Adjusted Logit...
lengthASExpected length and sum of length of ArcSine method
lengthASCPerforms expected length and sum of length of Adjusted Score...
lengthATWPerforms expected length and sum of length of Adjusted Wald-T...
lengthAWDPerforms expected length and sum of length of Adjusted Wald...
lengthBAExpected length and sum of length of Bayesian method
lengthCAllExpected Length summary calculation using 5 continuity...
lengthCASExpected Length summary of continuity corrected ArcSine...
lengthCLTExpected Length summary of continuity corrected Logit Wald...
lengthCSCExpected Length summary of continuity corrected Score method
lengthCTWExpected Length summary of continuity corrected Wald-T method
lengthCWDExpected Length summary of continuity corrected Wald method
lengthEXExpected length and sum of length of Exact method
lengthGENCalculates the sum of lengths for a specific LL and UL
lengthLRExpected length and sum of length of likelihood Ratio method
lengthLTExpected length and sum of length of Logit Wald method
lengthSCExpected length and sum of length of Score method
lengthSIMSum of length calculated using simulation method
lengthTWExpected length and sum of length of Wald-T method
lengthWDExpected length and sum of length of Wald method
pCOpBIAAllPerforms p-Confidence and p-Bias estimation of 6 adjusted...
pCOpBIAASp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for adjusted ArcSine...
pCOpBIAllCalculates p-confidence and p-bias for a given n and alpha...
pCOpBIALRp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for adjusted Likelihood...
pCOpBIALTp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for adjusted Logit-Wald...
pCOpBIASp-confidence and p-bias for ArcSine method given n and alpha...
pCOpBIASCp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for adjusted Score method
pCOpBIATWp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for adjusted Wald-T method
pCOpBIAWDp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for adjusted Wald method
pCOpBIBAp-confidence and p-bias for Bayesian method given n and alpha...
pCOpBICAllPerforms p-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for 5 continuity...
pCOpBICASp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for continuity corrected...
pCOpBICLTp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for continuity corrected...
pCOpBICSCp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for continuity corrected...
pCOpBICTWp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for continuity corrected...
pCOpBICWDp-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for continuity corrected...
pCOpBIEXp-confidence and p-bias for Exact method given n and alpha...
pCOpBIGENPerforms p-Confidence and p-Bias estimation only using n,...
pCOpBILRp-confidence and p-bias for Likelihood method given n and...
pCOpBILTp-confidence and p-bias for Logit Wald method given n and...
pCOpBISCp-confidence and p-bias for Score method given n and alpha...
pCOpBITWp-confidence and p-bias for T-Wald method given n and alpha...
pCOpBIWDp-confidence and p-bias for Wald method given n and alpha...
PlotciAAllPlots the CI estimation of 6 adjusted methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
PlotciAAllgPlots the CI estimation of 6 adjusted methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
PlotciAAllxPlots the CI estimation of 6 adjusted methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
PlotciAAllxgPlots the CI estimation of 6 adjusted methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
PlotciAASPlot of CI estimation of adjusted ArcSine
PlotciAllPlots the CI estimation of 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
PlotciAllgPlots the CI estimation of 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
PlotciAllxPlots the CI estimation of 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
PlotciAllxgPlots the CI estimation of 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
PlotciALRPlot of CI estimation of adjusted Likelihood Ratio
PlotciALTPlot of CI estimation of adjusted Logit Wald
PlotciASPlots the CI estimation of ArcSine method
PlotciASCPlot of CI estimation of adjusted Score
PlotciATWPlot of CI estimation of adjusted Wald-T
PlotciAWDPlot of CI estimation of adjusted Wald
PlotciBAPlots the CI estimation of Bayesian method
PlotciCAllPlots the CI estimation of 5 continuity corrected methods...
PlotciCAllgPlots the CI estimation of 5 continuity corrected methods...
PlotciCAllxPlots the CI estimation of 5 continuity corrected methods...
PlotciCAllxgPlots the CI estimation of 5 continuity corrected methods...
PlotciCASPlots the CI estimation of continuity corrected ArcSine...
PlotciCLTPlots the CI estimation of continuity corrected Logit Wald...
PlotciCSCPlots the CI estimation of continuity corrected Score method...
PlotciCTWPlots the CI estimation of continuity corrected Wald-T method...
PlotciCWDPlots the CI estimation of continuity corrected Wald method...
PlotciEXPlots the CI estimation of exact methods
PlotciEXxPlots the CI estimation of the exact method
PlotciLRPlots the CI estimation of Likelihood Ratio method
PlotciLTPlots the CI estimation of Logit Wald method
PlotciSCPlots the CI estimation of Score method
PlotciTWPlots the CI estimation of Wald-T method
PlotciWDPlots the CI estimation of Wald method
PlotcovpAAllPlots the Coverage Probability using 6 adjusted methods...
PlotcovpAASPlots the Coverage Probability using adjusted ArcSine method
PlotcovpAllGraphs of basic Coverage Probability 6 base methods (Wald,...
PlotcovpALRPlots the Coverage Probability using adjusted Likelihood...
PlotcovpALTPlots the Coverage Probability using adjusted Logistic Wald...
PlotcovpASPlots Coverage Probability for base ArcSine method
PlotcovpASCPlots the Coverage Probability using adjusted Score method
PlotcovpATWPlots the Coverage Probability using adjusted Wald-T method
PlotcovpAWDPlots the Coverage Probability using adjusted Wald method
PlotcovpBAGraphs of Coverage Probability of the Bayesian method
PlotcovpCAllGraphs of Coverage Probability for 5 continuity corrected...
PlotcovpCASGraphs of Coverage Probability for continuity corrected...
PlotcovpCLTGraphs of Coverage Probability for continuity corrected...
PlotcovpCSCGraphs of Coverage Probability for continuity corrected Score...
PlotcovpCTWGraphs of Coverage Probability for continuity corrected...
PlotcovpCWDGraphs of Coverage Probability for continuity corrected Wald...
PlotcovpEXGraphs of Coverage Probability - exact method
PlotcovpGENPlot of simulation based Coverage Probability with discrete...
PlotcovpLRPlots Coverage Probability for base Likelihood Ratio method
PlotcovpLTPlots Coverage Probability for base Logit Wald method
PlotcovpSCPlots Coverage Probability for base Score method
PlotcovpSIMPlots graph of simulation based Coverage Probability with...
PlotcovpTWPlots Coverage Probability for base Wald-T method
PlotcovpWDPlots Coverage Probability for base Wald method
PloterrAAllPlot of error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using 6...
PloterrAASPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrAllPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using 6...
PloterrALRPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrALTPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrASPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrASCPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrATWPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrAWDPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrBAPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrCAllPlots the calculated error, long term power and pass/fail...
PloterrCASPlots the error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
PloterrCLTPlots the error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
PloterrCSCPlots the error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
PloterrCTWPlots the error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
PloterrCWDPlots the error, long term power and pass/fail criteria for...
PloterrEXPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrLRPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrLTPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrSCPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrTWPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PloterrWDPlots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using...
PlotexplAAllPlots the Expected length using 6 adjusted methods (Wald,...
PlotexplAASPlots the Expected length using adjusted ArcSine method
PlotexplAllPlots the Expected length using 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
PlotexplALRPlots the Expected length using adjusted Likelihood Ratio...
PlotexplALTPlots the Expected length using adjusted Logit Wald method
PlotexplASPlots ArcSine method of expected length
PlotexplASCPlots the Expected length using adjusted Score method
PlotexplATWPlots the Expected length using adjusted Wald-T method
PlotexplAWDPlots the Expected length using adjusted Wald method
PlotexplBAPlot the Bayesian method of expected length calculation
PlotexplCAllPlots the Expected length using 5 continuity corrected...
PlotexplCASPlots the Expected length using continuity corrected ArcSine...
PlotexplCLTPlots the Expected length using continuity corrected Logit...
PlotexplCSCPlots the Expected length using continuity corrected Score...
PlotexplCTWPlots the Expected length using continuity corrected Wald-T...
PlotexplCWDPlots the Expected length using continuity corrected Wald...
PlotexplEXPlot for Exact method of expected length calculation
PlotexplGENPlot the expected length given hypothetical "p"
PlotexplLRPlots likelihood Ratio method of expected length
PlotexplLTPlots Logit Wald method of expected length
PlotexplSCPlots the expected length for Score method
PlotexplSIMPlots the expected length using calculated using simulation
PlotexplTWPlots Wald-T method of expected length
PlotexplWDPlots the expected length for Wald method
PlotlengthAAllPlots the length summary for 6 adjusted methods (Wald,...
PlotlengthAASPlots the summary length using adjusted ArcSine method
PlotlengthAllPlots the length summary for 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T,...
PlotlengthALRPlots the summary length using adjusted Likelihood Ratio...
PlotlengthALTPlots the summary length using adjusted Logit Wald method
PlotlengthASPlots ArcSine method of sum of length calculation
PlotlengthASCPlots the summary length using adjusted Score method
PlotlengthATWPlots the summary length using adjusted Wald-T method
PlotlengthAWDPlots the summary length using adjusted Wald method
PlotlengthBAPlot the Bayesian method of length summary
PlotlengthCAllPlots the sum of length for 5 continuity corrected methods...
PlotlengthCASPlots the sum of length using continuity corrected ArcSine...
PlotlengthCLTPlots the sum of length using continuity corrected Logit Wald...
PlotlengthCSCPlots the sum of length using continuity corrected Score...
PlotlengthCTWPlots the sum of length using continuity corrected Wald-T...
PlotlengthCWDPlots the sum of length using continuity corrected Wald...
PlotlengthEXPlots the length summary for exact method
PlotlengthGENPlots the sum of lengths for a specific LL and UL
PlotlengthLRPlots likelihood Ratio method of sum of length calculation
PlotlengthLTPlots Logit Wald method of sum of length calculation
PlotlengthSCPlots the length summary for Score method
PlotlengthSIMPlots the sum of length using calculated using simulation
PlotlengthTWPlots Wald-T method of sum of length calculation
PlotlengthWDPlots the length summary for Wald method
PlotpCOpBIAAllPlots p-confidence and p-bias for a given n and alpha level...
PlotpCOpBIAASPlots p-confidence and p-bias for adjusted ArcSine method
PlotpCOpBIAllPlots p-confidence and p-bias for a given n and alpha level...
PlotpCOpBIALRPlots p-confidence and p-bias for adjusted Likelihood Ratio...
PlotpCOpBIALTPlots p-confidence and p-bias for adjusted Logit Wald method
PlotpCOpBIASPlots p-confidence and p-bias for base ArcSine method
PlotpCOpBIASCPlots p-confidence and p-bias for adjusted Score method
PlotpCOpBIATWPlots p-confidence and p-bias for adjusted Wald-T method
PlotpCOpBIAWDPlots p-confidence and p-bias for adjusted Wald method
PlotpCOpBIBAPlots p-confidence and p-bias for Bayesian method given n and...
PlotpCOpBICAllPlots p-confidence and p-bias for a given n and alpha level...
PlotpCOpBICASPlots p-confidence and p-bias for continuity corrected...
PlotpCOpBICLTPlots p-confidence and p-bias for continuity corrected Logit...
PlotpCOpBICSCPlots p-confidence and p-bias for continuity corrected Score...
PlotpCOpBICTWPlots p-confidence and p-bias for continuity corrected Wald-T...
PlotpCOpBICWDPlots p-confidence and p-bias for continuity corrected Wald...
PlotpCOpBIEXPlots of p-confidence and p-bias of Exact method given n and...
PlotpCOpBIGENPlots p-Confidence and p-Bias estimation for general method
PlotpCOpBILRPlots p-confidence and p-bias for base Likelihood Ratio...
PlotpCOpBILTPlots p-confidence and p-bias for base Logit Wald method
PlotpCOpBISCPlots p-confidence and p-bias for base Score method
PlotpCOpBITWPlots p-confidence and p-bias for base Wald-T method
PlotpCOpBIWDPlots p-confidence and p-bias for base Wald method
probPOSBayesian posterior Probabilities
probPOSxBayesian posterior Probabilities
probPREThe Predicted probability - Bayesian approach
probPRExThe Predicted probability - Bayesian approach
proportion documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:54 p.m.